This article raises the thought of Heidegger as an alternative to the modern conceptualizations of learning that consider it as mere acquisition or construction of truth
by knowledge or integration in truth through the Development of a higher level of
consciousness. With Heidegger is going to be able to talk about learning how to inhabit the truth and to be inhabited by it, which implies the acquisition, the construction, the
integration, but also "being-in-the-world" (Dasein) like a self before the other. This implies
a living idea of learning, because it is not a "representation" that is acquired or built, nor a
simple "presentation" of a unitary whole in what one integrates with learning, but
understands how living reality that is present and is represented Esenta, projecting itself
creatively and shared in the "Being-with" (Mitsein) with tendency to the full unconcealment of the essence of Being with what to inhabit in the fullness of its meaning.