Results for 'Y. Y. Xue'

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  1.  48
    Field-induced giant static dielectric constant in nano-particle aggregates at room temperature.F. Chen, J. Shulman, S. Tsui, Y. Y. Xue, W. Wen, P. Sheng & C. W. Chu - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (16):2393-2398.
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    The influence of executive capacity on selective attention and subsequent processing.Kirk R. Daffner, Elise C. Tarbi, Anna E. Haring, Tatyana Y. Zhuravleva, Xue Sun, Dorene M. Rentz & Phillip J. Holcomb - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.
  3.  14
    Examining the Prevalence and Risk Factors of School Bullying Perpetration Among Chinese Children and Adolescents.Jia Xue, Ran Hu, Lei Chai, Ziqiang Han & Ivan Y. Sun - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:720149.
    Background and ObjectivesSchool bullying threatens the health of children and adolescents, such as mental health disorders, social deviant behaviors, suicidal behaviors, and coping difficulties. The present study aims to address (1) prevalence rates of both traditional and cyber school bullying perpetration, and (2) the associations between self-control, parental involvement, experiencing conflicts with parents, experiencing interparental conflict, and risk behaviors, and school bullying perpetration among Chinese children and adolescents.MethodThis study used data from a national representative school bullying survey (n= 3,675) among (...)
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    The evolution of polarization inside ultrathin PbTiO3films: a theoretical study.Y. B. Xue, D. Chen, Y. J. Wang, Y. L. Tang, Y. L. Zhu & X. L. Ma - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (19):2067-2077.
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    Analysis of the status of informed consent in medical research involving human subjects in public hospitals in Shanghai.W. Jianping, L. Li, D. Xue, Z. Tang, X. Jia, R. Wu, Y. Xi, T. Wang & P. Zhou - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (7):415-419.
    Objectives The objectives of the study are to understand the current practice of informed consent in medical research in public hospitals in Shanghai, and to share our views with other countries, especially developing countries. Methods In the study, 145 consent forms (CFs) of the selected research projects in eight public hospitals with ethics committees in Shanghai were audited, and the principle investigators (PIs) of these research projects and 40 student subjects who had participated in clinical drug tests were surveyed by (...)
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    Survey on the function, structure and operation of hospital ethics committees in Shanghai.P. Zhou, D. Xue, T. Wang, Z. L. Tang, S. K. Zhang, J. P. Wang, P. P. Mao, Y. Q. Xi, R. Wu & R. Shi - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (8):512-516.
    Objective: The objectives of this study are to understand the current functions, structure and operation of hospital ethics committees (HECs) in Shanghai and to facilitate their improvement. Methods: (1) A questionnaire survey, (2) interviews with secretaries and (3) on-site document reviews of HECs in Shanghai were used in the study, which surveyed 33 hospitals. Results: In Shanghai, 57.56% of the surveyed hospitals established HECs from 1998 to 2005. Most HECs used bioethical review of research involving human subjects as well as (...)
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  7.  22
    Primary School Students’ Online Learning During Coronavirus Disease 2019: Factors Associated With Satisfaction, Perceived Effectiveness, and Preference.Xiaoxiang Zheng, Dexing Zhang, Elsa Ngar Sze Lau, Zijun Xu, Zihuang Zhang, Phoenix Kit Han Mo, Xue Yang, Eva Chui Wa Mak & Samuel Y. S. Wong - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Emergency online education has been adopted worldwide due to coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. Prior research regarding online learning predominantly focused on the perception of parents, teachers, and students in tertiary education, while younger children’s perspectives have rarely been examined. This study investigated how family, school, and individual factors would be associated with primary school students’ satisfaction, perceived effectiveness, and preference in online learning during COVID-19. A convenient sample of 781 Hong Kong students completed an anonymous online survey from June to (...)
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  8.  11
    Ke Xue Yu Zong Jiao de Dui Hua =.Melville Y. Stewart & Changchi Hao (eds.) - 2007 - Beijing da Xue Chu Ban She.
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    Zong jiao, zhe xue yu she hui wen hua.Joseph J. Y. Sung - 2013 - Taibei Shi: Wen shi zhe chu ban she. Edited by Youneng Wu.
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  10.  24
    Sommes-nous encore en train d’apprendre à devenir humains? Le problème de la continuité entre tradition et transmission.Anne Cheng - 2020 - Diogène n° 263-263 (3-4):7-20.
    « Apprendre » ( xue 學) se trouve être le tout premier mot des Entretiens associés à Confucius dont la compilation date d’il y a deux mille ans. Avons-nous depuis lors appris, voire commencé à devenir plus humains? L’histoire des temps modernes, jusqu’aux atrocités dont nous sommes témoins aujourd’hui, pointent vers une réponse négative. Serait-ce donc que l’enseignement confucéen avait raison de se concentrer sur le processus d’apprendre à faire de soi un être humain? Et avait-il quelque justification à placer (...)
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    Evaluating ethics consultation: randomised controlled trial is not the right tool.Y.-Y. Chen & Y.-C. Chen - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (8):594-597.
    Background: Although ethics consultation has been introduced to clinical practice for many years, the results of empirical studies to evaluate the effectiveness of ethics consultation are still controversial. The design of randomised controlled trials is considered the best research design to evaluate the effect of a clinical practice on the outcomes of interests. In order to understand the effects of ethics consultation, we conducted this search for studies with the design of randomised controlled trials to evaluate ethics consultation.Objective: To provide (...)
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  12.  92
    Hierarchical holographic modeling for conflict resolution.Y. Y. Haimes & A. Weiner - 1986 - Philosophy of Science 53 (2):200-222.
    A system as complex as man can be viewed from many sides, and the one or the other axis can be selected to form a theoretical image. Partial truths will emerge, and their mutual intermeshing will gradually raise truth to higher levels. … It has always proven prejudicial to attribute general validity to a partial truth. Yet, a partial truth could not have been reached without overstating its value. Thus the history of truth is intimately interconnected with the history of (...)
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  13. On the Impacts of Traditional Chinese Culture on Organ Donation.Y. Cai - 2013 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 38 (2):149-159.
    This article examines the impact of traditional Chinese culture on organ donation from the perspective of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism. In each of these cultural systems, it appears that there are some particular sayings or remarks that are often taken in modern Chinese society to be contrary to organ donation, especially cadaveric organ donation. However, this article argues that the central concerns of Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism are “great love,” “ren,” and “dao,” which can be reasonably interpreted to support organ (...)
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  14. ‘Ought’ implies ‘can’: a bridge form fact to norm? Part 1.Knut Erik Tranøy - 1972 - Ratio (Misc.) 14:116-130.
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  15.  56
    De Mensch en de Techniek.José Ortega Y. Gasset - 1939 - Synthese 4 (1):430-433.
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    The Revolt of the Masses.José Ortega Y. Gasset - 1932 - W. W. Norton & Company.
    "The Spanish original, 'La rebelión de las masas,' was published by 1930; this translation, authorized by Sr. Ortega y Gasset, remains anonymous at the translator's request." Contents: 1. The Coming of the Masses 2. The Rise of the Historical Level 3. The Height of the Times 4. The Increase of Life 5. A Statistical Fact 6. The Dissection of the Mass-Man Begins 7. Noble Life and Common Life, or Effort and Inertia 8. Why the Masses Intervene in Everything, and Why (...)
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  17. The Concept of Probability in Statistical Physics.Y. M. Guttmann - 2000 - Mind 109 (436):923-926.
    Foundational issues in statistical mechanics and the more general question of how probability is to be understood in the context of physical theories are both areas that have been neglected by philosophers of physics. This book fills an important gap in the literature by providing a most systematic study of how to interpret probabilistic assertions in the context of statistical mechanics. The book explores both subjectivist and objectivist accounts of probability, and takes full measure of work in the foundations of (...)
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  18. One Ethic for Three Faiths.Y. Tzvi Langermann - 2011 - In Monotheism and Ethics. Brill.
    Discussion of a short text on ethics, originally Greek, translated into Arabic and Hebrew, and adopted by some Christians, Muslims and Jews for guiding their lives.
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    Education for tragedy.Y. H. Krikorian - 1972 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 7 (4):250-261.
  20. The mind of Adi Shankara.Y. Keshava Menon - 1976 - Bombay: Jaico Pub. House.
    On the life and teachings of Śaṅkarācārya, exponent of Hindu Advaita Vedanta philosophy.
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  21.  53
    Attitude of the Church Toward Drama.Y. Watson - 1938 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 13 (2):226-239.
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    Homeric Grammar for Upper Forms of Schools. By F. E. Thompson. Rivingtons: 1890. 2 s. 6 d. Y. - 1890 - The Classical Review 4 (8):378-378.
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    Frequency of Home Numeracy Activities Is Differentially Related to Basic Number Processing and Calculation Skills in Kindergartners.Belde Mutaf Yıldız, Delphine Sasanguie, Bert De Smedt & Bert Reynvoet - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  24.  29
    Can Mindfulness-Based Training Improve Positive Emotion and Cognitive Ability in Chinese Non-clinical Population? A Pilot Study.Tingfei Zhu, Jiang Xue, Astrid Montuclard, Yuxing Jiang, Wenqi Weng & Shulin Chen - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  25.  43
    Probability expression for changeable and changeless uncertainties: an implicit test.Yun Wang, Xue-Lei Du, Li-Lin Rao & Shu Li - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  26.  30
    Research Progress on Monitoring and Separating Suspension Particles for Lubricating Oil.Ziping Wang, Xian Xue, He Yin, Zhengxuan Jiang & Yefei Li - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-9.
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  27.  15
    Kötü-Tanrı İtirazı.Aykut Alper Yılmaz - 2024 - Kader 22 (2):271-292.
    Muhtemelen her teist, Tanrı’nın iyi bir varlık olduğu konusunda hemfikirdir. Ancak kimilerine göre, Tanrı’nın iyi olduğu iddiası delilsiz bir varsayımdan ibarettir. Ne Tanrı’nın varlığına ilişkin argümanlar ne de başka gerekçeler, Tanrı varsa bile O’nun iyi olduğu sonucuna rasyonel bir yolla ulaşmak için yeterli değildir. Hatta bazı ateistlere göre, kötü bir tanrıya inanmak da iyi bir tanrıya inanmak kadar makuldür. Stephen Law, bu noktadan hareketle teizme karşı bir argüman geliştirir. İyi veya kötü tanrıya inanmak aynı oranda makulse, bunlardan birinin saçma olması (...)
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  28. Medical Tourism's Impact on Health Care Equity and Access in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Making the Case for Regulation.Y. Y. Brandon Chen & Colleen M. Flood - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (1):286-300.
    Travelling internationally to acquire medical treatments otherwise unavailable or inaccessible in one’s home country is not a novel concept. Conventionally, such medical travel largely entailed patients from developed countries or wealthy patients from the developing world seeking care in Western facilities like the Mayo Clinic in the U.S. and myriad private clinics along Harley Street in London, England. What is different about the topical phenomenon known as “medical tourism” is the growing trend of health services export in the opposite direction. (...)
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  29.  18
    The Prevalence of Insomnia Subtypes in Relation to Demographic Characteristics, Anxiety, Depression, Alcohol Consumption and Use of Hypnotics.Ingrid Bjorøy, Vilde Aanesland Jørgensen, Ståle Pallesen & Bjørn Bjorvatn - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  30. Responsibility for Justice, by Iris Marion Young. * Responsibility and Justice, by Matt Matravers.Y. Y. Wilson - 2013 - Mind 122 (485):324-330.
  31.  34
    Mary Caroline Holmes'un "Urfa'da Ermeni Yetimhanesi" Adlı Eserinde Urfa'daki İşgal Yılları Ve Ermen.Yıldız Deveci̇ Bozkuş - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 4):341-341.
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  32.  8
    Judging in the Dark: How Delivery Riders Form Fairness Perceptions Under Algorithmic Management.Yuan Xiang, Jing Du, Xue Ni Zheng, Li Rong Long & Huan Yan Xie - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-18.
    The application of algorithms in organizations is becoming more widespread. Previous research has aimed to enhance employees’ perceptions of algorithmic fairness by focusing on technical features. However, individuals often struggle to observe and comprehend these features, hindering their ability to form rational fairness judgments. Drawing upon fairness heuristic theory, this study explores how individuals perceive algorithmic fairness when technical features are invisible because of algorithmic opacity. Research conducted with food delivery riders in China suggests that, in the absence of transparent (...)
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  33.  52
    Acceptance and devaluation: Nahmanides' attitude towards science.Y. Tzvi Langermann - 1992 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 1 (2):223-245.
  34.  45
    Ethical evaluations of business activities and personal religiousness.Noel Y. M. Siu, John R. Dickinson & Betsy Y. Y. Lee - 2000 - Teaching Business Ethics 4 (3):239-256.
  35.  26
    Effect Mechanism of Error Management Climate on Innovation Behavior: An Investigation From Chinese Entrepreneurs.Yuting Chen, Jiangru Wei, Jing Zhang & Xue Li - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Errors are inevitable in an increasingly risky and dynamic entrepreneurial environment. The error management and the error climate perceived by the members are crucial to the subsequent innovation behaviors. Maintaining and improving the psychological capital of entrepreneurs under errors is not only the psychological activities of entrepreneurs themselves but also a critical management process in which an organization can influence the psychological factors and behaviors of entrepreneurs through error management climate. In the context of Chinese culture, this study explores the (...)
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  36.  7
    Suposições públicas de senso comum sobre matemática.Jasmine Y. Ma, Arundhati Velamur, Nurdan Turan, Ali R. Blake, Lauren Vogelstein, Molly L. Kelton & Wendy Barrales - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 31:326-335.
    Los discursos públicos que circulan sobre las matemáticas y su aprendizaje determinan el modo en que las familias y los alumnos dan sentido a sus experiencias escolares. En Estados Unidos, estos discursos pueden desempeñar un papel importante en el desarrollo de la política educativa pública debido al compromiso de los consejos escolares públicos de escuchar las voces de la comunidad, así como al reciente (aunque no nuevo) aumento de la organización de grupos de padres conservadores bien financiados que trabajan para (...)
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    Knowledge Supervised Text Classification with No Labeled Documents.Congle Zhang, Gui-Rong Xue & Yong Yu - 2008 - In Tu-Bao Ho & Zhi-Hua Zhou, PRICAI 2008: Trends in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 509--520.
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  38. Kongzi si xiang yan jiu wen ji.Mingxuan Kang & Shanxi Sheng Kongzi Xue Shu Yan Jiu Hui (eds.) - 1988 - Taiyuan: Shanxi sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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  39.  56
    Task modulation of brain responses in visual word recognition as studied using EEG/MEG and fMRI.Y. Chen, M. H. Davis, F. Pulvermüller & O. Hauk - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  40.  96
    Robust Exponential Stability of Switched Complex-Valued Neural Networks with Interval Parameter Uncertainties and Impulses.Xiaohui Xu, Huanbin Xue, Yiqiang Peng, Quan Xu & Jibin Yang - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-12.
    In this paper, dynamic behavior analysis has been discussed for a class of switched complex-valued neural networks with interval parameter uncertainties and impulse disturbance. Sufficient conditions for guaranteeing the existence, uniqueness, and global robust exponential stability of the equilibrium point have been obtained by using the homomorphism mapping theorem, the scalar Lyapunov function method, the average dwell time method, and M-matrix theory. Since there is no result concerning the stability problem of switched neural networks defined in complex number domain, the (...)
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  41.  7
    6 Şubat Depremi Sonrasında Manevi Danışmanlık Hizmetleri: Kırşehir Örneği.Suzan Yıldırım - 2024 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28 (2):547-560.
    Ülkemizde 6 Şubat 2023 tarihinde 11 il ve ilçelerini kapsayan büyük bir deprem yaşanmıştır. Bu depremde bütün kamu kurumları ve Sivil Toplum Kuruluşları (STK) bölgeye destek olmak için seferber olmuştur. Bazı kamu kurum ve kuruluşları enkaz kaldırma, yaralılara tıbbi müdahale, çadır temini, kurulması, iaşe ve ibate vb. ihtiyaçların karşılanması için görev yaparken, bazıları da yaşanan depremin travmatik etkilerini azaltmaya yönelik manevi destek hizmetleri yürütmüşlerdir. Bir kamu kurumu olan Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı’na (DİB) bağlı İl ve İlçe Müftülükleri personeli, merkez teşkilatı ve (...)
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  42.  76
    Linguistic complexity and information structure in Korean: Evidence from eye-tracking during reading☆.Y. Lee, H. Lee & P. Gordon - 2007 - Cognition 104 (3):495-534.
  43.  31
    The Book of Bodies and Distances of Habash al-H?s?b.Y. Tzvi Langermann - 1985 - Centaurus 28 (2):108-128.
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  44.  4
    Samuel Jonhson ve Mutluluğu Aramak: Habeşistan Prensi Rasselas Bir Hik'ye Üzerine Bir İnceleme.Tamer Yıldırım - 2024 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 26 (50):575-592.
    Habeşistan Prensi Rasselas Bir Hikâye, Dr. Samuel Johnson’ın (1709-1784) eserlerinin en popüler olanlarından biridir. Eserin ilk okuyucuları onu felsefî ve pratik açıdan önemli bir eser olarak görmüş ve bir roman olarak sınıflandırmanın zor olduğunu düşünmüştür. Johnson, eserini yaklaşık 250 yıl önce yazmasına rağmen bugün de okuyucuya hayatın, ölümün, evliliğin, öğrenmenin, eyleme karşı eylemsizliğin anlamını ve diğer birçok konuyu keşfettirmeye çalışmaktadır. Johnson, ahlak teorilerinden hareketle mutluluğu ele almamaktadır. Ahlakî failin kendisinden, insandan ve insanın yaşadığı hayat ve bunun koşullarından hareketle konuyu anlatmaktadır. (...)
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  45.  21
    Probing the Relationship Between Home Numeracy and Children's Mathematical Skills: A Systematic Review.Belde Mutaf-Yıldız, Delphine Sasanguie, Bert De Smedt & Bert Reynvoet - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Hegel Jena’da: Zamanın Diyalektiği.Yıldız Arif - 2019 - Felsefe Arkivi:null null.
    Hegel’in Jena döneminde zamanın diyalektiği sorununu yalnızca Tinin Fenomenolojisi’nin “Duyusal Kesinlik” bölümünde ele aldığına yönelik genel anlayış, geçtiğimiz yüzyılda orta Jena dönemi derslerine ait el yazmalarının yayımlanmasıyla yeni bir boyut kazanmıştır. 1804-1805 ile 1805-1806 yıllarına ait olan “Jena Sistem taslakları”nda Hegel’in doğanın zamanın üç boyutuna dair kapsamlı bir diyalektik geliştirdiği görülür. Bu çalışmada Christophe Bouton, söz konusu iki sistem taslağında doğanın soyut zamanına ait momentlerin ürettiği sonlu diyalektiğin Hegelci mantıksal ikili sonsuzluk teorisiyle nasıl aşıldığını inceler. Bouton’a göre orta Jena dönemi (...)
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  47.  9
    Fa zhe xue yu fa she hui xue lun cong.Yongliu Zheng & "Fa Zhe Xue Yu Fa She Hui Xue Lun Cong" Bian Ji Wei Yuan Hui (eds.) - 1998 - Beijing Shi: Zhongguo zheng fa da xue chu ban she.
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    A heuristic data reduction approach for associative classification rule hiding.Juggapong Natwichai, Xingzhi Sun & Xue Li - 2008 - In Tu-Bao Ho & Zhi-Hua Zhou, PRICAI 2008: Trends in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 140--151.
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    Female Management Representation and Corporate Financial Fraud: Do Local Gender Norms Play a Role?Yuehua Xu, Vishal K. Gupta, Shan Xue, Sandra Mortal & Honghui Chen - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-22.
    The debate over the benefits of female representation in top management is ongoing, with some arguing it enhances decision-making quality by bringing diverse perspectives, while others seeing it as symbolic or even detrimental. To make progress on the debate, this study takes an institutional perspective to develop a theoretical account examining the gender norms that constraining the effect of female representation in top management teams (TMTs) on corporate financial fraud. We offer two main insights: (a) female TMT representation is associated (...)
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  50. Hombre y cultura en el siglo XX.Marcel Griaule, Pedro Laín Entralgo & José Ortega Y. Gasset - 1957 - Ediciones Guadarrama.
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