Results for 'Xuejun Lu'

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  1.  9
    Tong jing ming dao, kang guo ji min: Li Gou si xiang yan jiu.Xuejun Lu - 2013 - Shanghai Shi: Fu dan da xue chu ban she.
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    Brain Activation of Elite Race Walkers in Action Observation, Motor Imagery, and Motor Execution Tasks: A Pilot Study.Qihan Zhang, Peng Zhang, Lu Song, Yu Yang, Sheng Yuan, Yixin Chen, Shinan Sun & Xuejun Bai - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  3.  30
    What Do Stakeholders Care About? Investigating Corporate Social and Environmental Disclosure in China.Yingjun Lu & Indra Abeysekera - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 144 (1):169-184.
    This study investigates the social and environmental disclosure practices of socially responsible Chinese listed firms as displayed in their annual reports and corporate social responsibility reports from the perspective of stakeholders. A stakeholder-driven, three-dimensional social and environmental disclosure index that integrates the quantity and two aspects of the quality of disclosure perceived by stakeholders is constructed to assess the social and environmental disclosures in firm annual reports and CSR reports. The study results indicate that stakeholders perceive different disclosure types and (...)
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    Wang Yangming's Theory of the Unity of Knowledge and Action Revisited: An Investigation from the Perspective of Moral Emotion.Yinghua Lu - 2019 - Philosophy East and West 69 (1):197-214.
    This article is an extension of my previous article, which describes pure knowing as the ability and criteria for making moral judgment.1 Due to apparent contradictions among Wang Yangming's statements, there are controversies over the evaluation and interpretation of Wang's idea of the relation between moral knowledge 2 and moral action. Generally, on the one hand, Wang admits that there are people who commit wrong actions even though they recognize that these actions are wrong. He claims not only that sages (...)
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    Universalism, Particularism, and Subjectivity—Dietrich von Hildebrand’s Concept of Eigenleben and Modern Moral Philosophy.Mathew Lu - 2013 - Quaestiones Disputatae 3 (2):181-190.
    Modern philosophers tends to regard morality as intrinsically universalist, embracing universal norms that apply formally to each moral agent qua moral agent, independent of particularities such as familial relationships or membership in a specific community. At the same time, however, most of us think (and certainly act as if) those particularist properties play a significant and legitimate role in our moral lives. Accordingly, determining the proper relationship of these two spheres of the moral life is of great importance, but a (...)
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    Unpacking the Linkage Between Green Volunteering and Ethical Leadership Behavior in Managers.Jintao Lu, Shiyu Yan, Chidiebere Ogbonnaya, Tomasz Gorny, Malin Song & Chunyan Wang - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-16.
    Green volunteering has gained significant attention in recent years, with research focusing on pro-environmental behaviors and the preservation of natural ecosystems. While much has been written about its societal benefits, such as community engagement, social responsibility, and sustainable development, there is less research into its impact on the professional growth of volunteers. As a result, we know surprisingly little about how participants can harness the skills they develop through green volunteering to enhance their performance in the workplace. Using self-determination theory, (...)
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    Understanding the Unsettled Evidence of the Effectiveness of Selective Education in the Value-Added Approach.Binwei Lu - 2023 - British Journal of Educational Studies 71 (2):213-231.
    This study compares the estimated grammar school effect in different regression models, and explains why previous evidence of the effetiveness of grammar school is mixed. Like most studies of school effectiveness evaluation, previous research on grammar school effect usually applies regression to control for confounding between-school factors and determines whether attending grammar schools is associated with an academic benefit. While this value-added approach is very feasible and widely adopted, there is usually substantial variation in the evidence produced when statistical choices (...)
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  8.  25
    Visualizing Commognitive Responsibility Shift in Collaborative Problem-Solving During Computer-Supported One-to-One Math Tutoring.Jijian Lu, Pan Tuo, Ruisi Feng, Max Stephens, Mohan Zhang & Zhonghua Shen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The aim of this study is to use a commognitive responsibility framework to visualize responsibility shift in collaborative problem solving during computer-supported one-to-one tutoring. Commognitive responsibility shift means that individuals’ cognitive responsibility shift can be reflected by the discourse in communication. For our sample, we chose a 15-year-old Chinese boy and his mathematics teacher with 6 years of teaching experience, both of whom have experienced computer-supported learning and teaching mathematics, respectively. We collected four tutoring videos online, and a 45-min interview (...)
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    Why a Simple Second-Price Auction Induces Efficient Endogenous Entry.Jingfeng Lu - 2009 - Theory and Decision 66 (2):181-198.
    This article further studies ex ante efficient auctions in the setting of Stegeman (1996 Participation costs and efficient auctions, Journal of Economic Theory 71, 228–259.), where there exist entry costs for bidders who know their valuations. An alternative method is established to address efficient auctions. This method illustrates the intuition why the ex ante efficient allocation is Bayesian implementable through the Stegeman (1996) auction (a second-price auction with a reserve price equal to seller’s valuation and no entry fee). More importantly, (...)
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    Wei Jin si xiang.Xun Lu, Zhaozu Rong & Yongtong Tang (eds.) - 1995 - Taibei Shi: Li ren shu ju.
  11.  11
    Wei wu shi guan xin shi yu xia Zhong xi jia zhi guan bi jiao.Shuangxi Lu - 2016 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
    本书主要内容是试图在完全遵从经典作家本意基础上,通过深入挖掘,创新,发展唯物史观中的原理,力图找到一种对广大人民群众而言最喜闻乐见而又最能贯彻经典作家本来意图的理论诠释,同时对长期附加在马克思主义原理 上的种种似是而非的错误观念进行拨乱反正,正本清源.并在此基础上对老百姓最为关心的社会领域中的各种社会现象,社会问题加以合情合理解释.重点是运用创新发展了的唯物史观理论对中西方在各个社会领域中的价值观加 以对比分析,揭示其中的产生根源,使广大读者特别是广大青年学生正确理解中西方的种种差异,深入理解中西方文化产生的自然环境,人文背景,社会根源以及各自的优缺点,正确对待老祖宗留给我们的文化遗产,杜绝各种历 史虚无主义思潮的干扰,避免陷入种种厚西薄中的错误观念.
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  12.  8
    Wang Yangming mei xue si xiang yan jiu.Yongsheng Lu - 2016 - Beijing Shi: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she.
    王陽明的美學思想體現了當下存有的明覺良知即為境界,它包含着圓融了道德與審美的三種境界形態——仁境、誠境和樂境,三者各具特色而又相互交融,並以樂境為至高追求。本書拓展了王陽明美學思想研究的維度,闡述王陽 明所處的人文世界,考察儒學(道統、功夫論等)流變中的陽明心學,並關注二者的相互影響,試圖對陽明美學有更為深刻和全面的理解。 陸永勝,男,出生於1978年,河南南陽人,哲學博士。貴州省高校社科基地貴陽學院陽明學與地方文化研究中心辦公室主任、副教授。兼任貴州省陽明學學會副秘書長,貴陽市哲學學會副秘書長,貴州省儒學會會員,貴州省 美學學會會員,貴陽王陽明研究會會員。從事中國哲學、文藝美學等方面的研究。.
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  13. Xing fa gou cheng yao jian wen ti yan xi.Binghan Lü - 2014 - Taibei Shi: Han lu tu shu chu ban you xian gong si.
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    "Xinji" qie "an chang": Luo Rufang de zhe xue jian gou yu si xiang jian xing.Bo Lu - 2017 - Hangzhou Shi: Zhejiang da xue chu ban she.
    本书作者试以多元, 整全的视角, 完成对江右思想家罗汝芳生平及思想的系统厘清.内容涵盖罗汝芳交游经历, 思想传承, 哲学创见等多方面的研究, 又附录其年谱补正, 轶文辑考等.同时借罗汝芳之个案研究的展开, 立足工夫论进路, 探讨王学流弊得以漫衍的成因和影响, 相关探讨不仅涉及对阳明心学内部'法病'的发掘, 更涉及对其'人病'发生及演进的研究.
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    Xiangshanxiansheng quan ji.Jiuyuan Lu - 1560 - Nanjing: Feng huang chu ban she.
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    Xian Qin ru jia jia ting lun li ji qi dang dai jia zhi =.Hongping Lü - 2015 - Beijing Shi: Ren min chu ban she.
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  17. (1 other version)Xian Qin xue shu gai lun.Simian Lü - 1985 - Shanghai: Xin hua shu dian Shanghai fa xing suo fa xing.
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  18. Xi tong lun fa xue xin si wei.Yufeng Lu - 2022 - Beijing: Shang wu yin shu guan.
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    Xin, xue, zheng: Ming dai Qian zhong Wang xue si xiang yan jiu.Yongsheng Lu - 2016 - Beijing Shi: Zhonghua shu ju.
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    Xunzi yu Lanling wen hua yan jiu.Yongfeng Lu - 2013 - Jinan Shi: Shandong ren min chu ban she. Edited by Fuhai Wang.
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    Xinjiapo zheng zhi ji he xue.Yuanli Lü - 2020 - Xinjiapo: Ba fang wen hua chuang zuo shi.
    On analysis of Singapore local politics and the "Singapore Dream.
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  22.  6
    Yangming xue shi ren she qun: li shi, si xiang yu shi jian = Yangmingxue shiren shequn.Miaofen Lü - 2017 - Beijing: Beijing shi fan da xue chu ban she.
    本书以社会文化史的研究取径,研究有明一代最重要的学术运动——阳明学之兴衰。除了循时序描述阳明学派的建构、发展和地方讲会历史外,本书探讨的内容还包括:学者个人思想内涵、论辩议题、学派内部差异、学者个人乃 至群体的行动及其政治意涵、明代教育与科举制度及其衍生之士人群体在整体社会结构上的变化等相关社会现象。所涵盖的向度从个人内心世界延展到政治社会层面,是一部试图将阳明学置放于明代文化脉络中进行研讨的著述。 .
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  23.  7
    Yu yan wei du de yi shi xing tai fen xi =.Yongxin Lu - 2013 - Beijing Shi: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she.
    意識形態是一個重要的但又頗具爭議的概念。此概念自從被特拉西作為“觀念學”創立以來,已經經歷了諸多的意義變更,並呈現出無限泛化的趨勢。在某種程度上也可以說,對意識形態的研究,成了對意識形態文本的研究,成 了對這一概念不斷延展的歷史的研究,這些都說明了意識形態概念的複雜性。意識形態概念的複雜性主要體現為此概念在定義、定性上的困難,以及它所涉學科和問題的複雜性。.
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    Zhongguo jin dai mei xue si xiang shi.Shanqing Lu - 1991 - Shanghai: Xin hua shu dian Shanghai fa xing suo jing xiao.
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    Zong jiao: jing shen huan xiang di xin yang xi tong.Hong Lu - 1990 - Tianjin: Xin hua shu dian Tianjin fa xing suo fa xing. Edited by Shenghua Huang & Jinsheng Zhou.
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  26.  39
    Visual Grouping in Accordance With Utterance Planning Facilitates Speech Production.Liming Zhao, Kevin B. Paterson & Xuejun Bai - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:334401.
    Research on language production has focused on the process of utterance planning and involved studying the synchronization between visual gaze and the production of sentences that refer to objects in the immediate visual environment. However, it remains unclear how the visual grouping of these objects might influence this process. To shed light on this issue, the present research examined the effects of the visual grouping of objects in a visual display on utterance planning in two experiments. Participants produced utterances of (...)
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  27.  30
    I won’t speak our language with you: English privilege, English-speaking foreigner stereotype, and language ostracism in Taiwan.Václav Linkov & Wei-Lun Lu - 2017 - Human Affairs 27 (1):22-29.
    The present study addresses language ostracism in intercultural communication, a phenomenon when someone speaks a language but some members of this language community don’t speak to him in this language. This phenomenon is illustrated by language behaviour towards visually distinct bilingual minorities in Taiwan. Visually distinct minorities in Taiwan reported that they had been spoken to in English by small children or people who did not believe and accept that they really understood Mandarin when they spoke it. They might be (...)
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  28.  20
    Age-Related Differences in Affective Norms for Chinese Words (AANC).Pingping Liu, Qin Lu, Zhen Zhang, Jie Tang & Buxin Han - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:585666.
    Information on age-related differences in affective meanings of words is widely used by researchers to study emotions, word recognition, attention, memory, and text-based sentiment analysis. To date, no Chinese affective norms for older adults are available although Chinese as a spoken language has the largest population in the world. This article presents the first large-scale age-related affective norms for 2,061 four-character Chinese words (AANC). Each word in this database has rating values in the four dimensions, namely, valence, arousal, dominance, and (...)
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  29.  24
    Kinetic isotope effects and ‘metabolic switching’ in cytochrome P450‐catalyzed reactions.Gerald T. Miwa & Anthony Y. H. Lu - 1987 - Bioessays 7 (5):215-219.
    The mechanistic significance of a kinetic isotope effect on a cytochrome P‐450catalyzed reaction depends, fundamentally, on the nature of the interaction of the substrate with the active site of the enzyme as well as on the nature of the chemistry of the reaction catalyzed. Consequently, kinetic isotope effects can be used to extract information on the topology of the enzyme and the mechanism of substrate oxidation. Kinetic isotope effect studies are sometimes accompanied by ‘metabolic switching’ or a change in metabolic (...)
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  30. İman.Fehmi Cumalıoğlu - 1968 - [İstanbul,: Yaylacık Matbaası.
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  31. Lu Xun pi pan Kong Meng zhi dao de yan lun zhe lu.Xun Lu - 1974
    Quotations from Lu Xun's criticism of Confucianism.
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  32. Bawākīr al-falsafah qabla Ṭālīs, aw, Min al-mīthūlūjiyā ilá al-falsafah ʻinda al-Yūnān.Ḥusām Muḥyī al-Dīn Ālūsī - 1981 - Bayrūt: al-Muʼassasah al-ʻArabīyah.
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  33.  11
    Lu Xun pi Kong fan ru wen ji.Xun Lu - 1974
    Lun Xun's collected anti-Confucianist writings.
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  34. Lu Xun pi Kong za wen xuan du xu ji.Xun Lu - 1974
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  35.  9
    Vocal Expression and Artistic Nuance: Analyzing Lyric Tenor Arias in mozart's Opera Idomeneo.XueJun Cai - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (3):204-215.
    As one of Mozart's classic works, the tenor aria of the opera “Idomeneo” has unique artistic characteristics and singing form, which profoundly expresses the character's inner emotions. In order to be able to explore the singing characteristics and artistic features of the tenor in the aria, this paper firstly analyzes the creative background and plot of the opera “Idomeneo”. Secondly, it analyzes the singing characteristics of the opera and discusses the characteristics of tenors in different versions. Finally, it discusses the (...)
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  36.  15
    Kamusal alanda başörtülüler: Fatma Karabıyık Barbarosoğlu ile söyleşi.Fatma Karabıyık Barbarosoğlu - 2000 - Harbiye, İstanbul: İz Yayıncılık. Edited by Nazife Şişman.
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  37.  20
    Peer Effects on Real-Time Search Behavior in Experimental Stock Markets.Xuejun Jin, Xue Zhou, Xiaolan Yang & Yiyang Lin - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    It is a well-documented phenomenon that individuals stop searching earlier than predicted by the optimal, risk-neutral stopping rule, leading to inefficient searches. Individuals' search behaviors during making investment decisions in financial markets can be easily affected by their peers. In this study, we designed a search game in a simplified experimental stock market in which subjects were required to search for the best sell prices for their stocks. By randomly assigning subjects into pairs and presenting them with real-time information on (...)
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  38.  18
    Lü Mingde xian sheng wen ji.Weiqi Lü - 1783 - Zhengzhou Shi: Zhongzhou gu ji chu ban she.
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  39. Lu Xun fan dui zun Kong fu gu yan lun xuan ji.Xun Lu - 1974
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  40.  7
    Lu Xun tan ren sheng.Xun Lu - 1998 - Beijing: Zhongguo qing nian chu ban she. Edited by Xuhui Zhu.
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  41. Lu Xun pi Kong fan Ru za wen zhu xi.Xun Lu (ed.) - 1978 - [s.n.,:
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  42. Lu Xun pi Kong za wen xuan du.Xun Lu - 1974
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  43. Lu Xun pi pan Kong Meng zhi dao shou gao xuan bian.Xun Lu - 1975
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  44. Lu Xun pi Kong yu pi zun Kong yan lun xuan ji.Xun Lu - 1974
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  45. Heige'er fa lü si xiang yan jiu.Shilun Lü - 1988 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo jing xiao.
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  46.  32
    Stimulating the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Decreases the Asset Bubble: A tDCS Study.Xuejun Jin, Cheng Chen, Xue Zhou & Xiaolan Yang - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:436402.
    Many studies have discussed the neural basis of asset bubbles. They found that the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) played an important role in bubble formation, but whether a causal relationship exists and the mechanism of the effect of the DLPFC on bubbles remains unsettled. Using transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), we modulated the activity of the DLPFC and investigated the causal relationship between the DLPFC and the asset bubble in the classical learning-to-forecast experiment. 126 subjects were randomly divided into three (...)
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  47.  15
    Influence of discrimination perception on career exploration of higher vocational students: Chain mediating effect test.Xuejun Liu, Xianjun Sun & Qin Hao - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Explore the influence mechanism of discrimination perception on higher vocational Students’ career exploration, it provides empirical evidence for promoting vocational college Students’ career exploration and career development. Using the questionnaire survey method, 893 higher vocational students from four higher vocational colleges in Jiangsu Province were investigated by using the Discrimination Perception Scale, the Core Self-Evaluation Scale, the Chinese version of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire, the Chinese version of the Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire and the Career Exploration Scale. The data were (...)
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  48. A Critical Response to Pauline Kleingeld’s “Critical Notice” on Kant, Race, and Racism.Huaping Lu-Adler - forthcoming - Critical Philosophy of Race.
    In this critical response, I clarify my critique of the commonly held assumption that racism contradicts Kant’s pure moral philosophy. I explain why Kant’s belated criticisms of some practices of slavery should not be interpreted as a rejection of colonial slavery as an institution. I end with a reflection on the relation between Kant’s philosophy and anti-racism.
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  49. Si bian lu ji yao.Shiyi Lu - 1877 - [Yangzhou shi]: Yangzhou gu ji shu dian fa xing. Edited by Boxing Zhang.
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  50. The Case Against Axiomatization.D. Lu - manuscript
    This paper provides a philosophical proof for the case against axiomatization.
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