Results for 'Wrg Hillier'

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  1. Introduction to operations research.Frederick S. Hillier - 1967 - San Francisco,: Holden-Day. Edited by Gerald J. Lieberman.
    For over four decades, "Introduction to Operations Research" by Frederick Hillier has been the classic text on operations research. While building on the classic strengths of the text, the author continues to find new ways to make the text current and relevant to students. One way is by incorporating a wealth of state-of-the-art, user-friendly software and more coverage of business applications than ever before. The hallmark features of this edition include clear and comprehensive coverage of fundamentals, an extensive set (...)
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    Analyticity and language engineering in Carnap's Logical syntax.Sam Hillier - 2010 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 6 (2):25-46.
  3. Exploring informal practitioner theory in adult basic education.Yvonne Hillier - 1999 - In Joanna Swann & John Pratt, Improving education: realist approaches to method and research. New York: Cassell. pp. 146--155.
  4.  62
    (1 other version)What values? Whose values?Jean Hillier - 1999 - Philosophy and Geography 2 (2):179 – 199.
    Land use planning decisions are recognised as being value judgements, yet the questions of what values and whose values are rarely addressed. Values may be absolute or relative, intrinsic or extrinsic, passionately emotional or coolly reasoned, and 'measured' in a multitude of ways: by rarity, economics, social or aesthetic interpretations. Using examples of land use planning in Western Australia, I examine some of the complex values brought into play. I conclude that we need to explore, rather than reject, the plurality (...)
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    When Is a Dingo Not a Dingo?Jean Hillier - 2024 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 18 (4):542-569.
    In 2019 the Western Australian government recategorised the dingo ( Canis dingo) as a wild dog ( Canis familiaris) whose status is legally declared to be a pest. Despite its iconic native status, Canis dingo has been rendered non-existent and liable to be disposed of by inhumane means. Dumped in a legal black hole via a signifying regime of signs, dingoes are confronted with the fact of their own non-existence. Regarding the dingo as a dingoing, a multiplicity and a process, (...)
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    Teaching Practical Logic: A Unifying Approach.Sam Hillier - 2014 - Teaching Philosophy 37 (1):19-36.
    I share my experiences teaching Practical Logic with a focus on good reasoning as eliminating alternative conclusions. This unites the various topics traditionally taught in such courses in a way that I have found to be extremely effective.
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  7. Does a State’s Right to Control Borders Justify Harming Refugees?Bradley Hillier-Smith - forthcoming - Moral Philosophy and Politics.
    Certain states in the Global North have responded to refugees seeking safety on their territories through harmful practices of border violence, detention, encampment and containment that serve to prevent and deter refugee arrivals. These practices are ostensibly justified through an appeal to a right to control borders. This paper therefore assesses whether these harmful practices can indeed be morally justified by a state’s right to control borders. It analyses whether Christopher Heath Wellman’s account of a state’s right to freedom of (...)
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  8. Doing and Allowing Harm to Refugees.Bradley Hillier-Smith - 2020 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 18 (3).
    Most theorists working on moral obligations to refugees conceive of western states as innocent bystanders with duties to aid refugees if they can do so at little cost to themselves. This paper challenges this dominant theoretical framing of global displacement by highlighting for the first time certain practices of western states in response to refugee flows such as border violence, detention, encampment and containment which may make us question whether states who engage in such practices are indeed innocent. This paper (...)
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    Book reviews. [REVIEW]M. Hillier - 1974 - British Journal of Aesthetics 14 (1):406-407.
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    The Determinants of Regulatory Compliance: An Analysis of Insider Trading Disclosures in Italy.Emanuele Bajo, Marco Bigelli, David Hillier & Barbara Petracci - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (3):331-343.
    This paper investigates the determinants of regulatory compliance in corporate organizations. Exploiting a unique enforcement and reporting framework for insider trading in Italy, we present three main findings. First, board governance, such as chief executive–chairman duality and the proportion of non-executive directors, does not increase the propensity of firms to comply with regulation. Second, family firms and firms with a high degree of separation of ownership from control are most likely to comply with regulation. Third, corporate ethos is more important (...)
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  11.  17
    Cahiers du cinéma, the 1950s: neo-realism, Hollywood, new wave.Jim Hillier (ed.) - 1985 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Cahiers du Cinema is the most prestigious and influential film journal ever published. An anthology devoted entirely to its writings, in English translation, is long overdue. The selections in this volume are drawn from the colorful first decade of Cahiers, 1951-1959, when a group of young iconoclasts racked the world of film criticism with their provocative views an international cinema--American, Italian, and French in particular. They challenged long-established Anglo-Saxon attitudes by championing American popular movies, addressing genres such as the Western (...)
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  12.  58
    Deleuzian Dragons: Thinking Chinese Strategic Spatial Planning with Gilles Deleuze.Kang Cao & Jean Hillier - 2013 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 7 (3):390-405.
    As symbols of adaptability and transformation, together with qualities of vigilance and intelligence, we argue the relevance of dragons for spatial planning in China. We develop a metaphorical concept – the green dragon – for grasping the condition of contemporary Chinese societies and for facilitating the development of theories and practices of spatial planning which are able to face the challenges of rapid change. We ask Chinese scholars and spatial planners to liberate Deleuzian potential for strategic spatial planning in a (...)
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  13.  30
    At the Genesis of a Research Idea: Defending and Defining a Duty Prior to Ethics Review.Martyn Denscombe, Gavin Dingwall & Tim Hillier - 2008 - Research Ethics 4 (2):73-75.
    This article challenges the assumption inherent in many ethics codes that duties only arise when the project is sufficiently advanced that a formal research proposal can be put before an ethics committee for approval. Certain social science methodologies do not lend themselves to a simple demarcation between the preparation and the implementation of the research. It is therefore imperative that consideration is given to researchers' ethical duties prior to formal review. The problem of demarcation and of defining a duty are (...)
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    Mechanism of secondary crystallization of polymethylene.M. Gordon & I. H. Hillier - 1965 - Philosophical Magazine 11 (109):31-41.
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    Mathematics in Science-Carnap versus Quine.Sam Hillier - 2009 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 26 (4):409 - 420.
  16. Direct and structural injustice against refugees.Bradley Hillier-Smith - 2023 - Journal of Social Philosophy 54 (2):262-284.
    Journal of Social Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  17. Ibn rushd.H. Chad Hillier - 2004 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  18.  36
    Visible Colleges: Structure and Randomness in the Place of Discovery.Bill Hillier & Alan Penn - 1991 - Science in Context 4 (1):23-50.
    The ArgumentVisible colleges, in contrast to the “invisible colleges” familiar to historians of science, are the collective places of science, the places where the “creation of phenomena” and theoretical speculation proceed side by side. To understand their spatial form, we must understand first how buildings can structure space to both conserve and generate social forms, depending on how they relate structure in space to randomness. Randomness is shown to play a crucial role in morphogenetic models of many kinds, especially in (...)
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    Women and Population Control in China: Issues of Sexuality, Power and Control.Sheila Hillier - 1988 - Feminist Review 29 (1):101-113.
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    The Egalitarian Case for Open Borders: Moral Arbitrariness.Bradley Hillier-Smith - forthcoming - Moral Philosophy and Politics.
    This paper argues that recent debates on egalitarian objections to immigration restrictions overlook a crucial, powerful normative principle that underpins objections to inequalities: any inequalities between morally equal persons – whether in goods, resources, welfare but also in powers, statuses, rights, and freedoms – that arise from morally arbitrary factors are pro tanto unjust. This principle of moral arbitrariness is fundamental to both luck and relational egalitarianism yet is often missing from debates that apply such theories to migration ethics. The (...)
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  21. "African Animals in Renaissance Literature and Art": Joan Barclay Lloyd. [REVIEW]Mary Hillier - 1974 - British Journal of Aesthetics 14 (1):87.
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  22. "The Japanese Garden": Teiji Ito. [REVIEW]Mary Hillier - 1973 - British Journal of Aesthetics 13 (3):310.
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  23.  38
    Interactions of the heavy nuclei of the cosmic radiation.P. H. Fowler, R. R. Hillier & C. J. Waddington - 1957 - Philosophical Magazine 2 (15):293-304.
  24.  3
    The Moral Harms of Homelessness.Bradley Hillier-Smith - 2025 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 29 (3).
    It is well-established that those facing homelessness suffer severe harms and deprivations. Homeless persons are among the worst-off people in any given society. And yet homelessness is a relatively undertheorized issue in ethics and social and political philosophy, and it remains an enduring feature of many affluent, liberal democratic societies. This paper aims to provide an account of the underacknowledged moral harms of homelessness that can ground and motivate adequate durable solutions and public policy reform to alleviate homelessness. The paper (...)
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    Spatial analysis and cultural information: the need for theory as well as method in space syntax analysis.Bill Hillier - 2014 - In Silvia Polla, Undine Lieberwirth & Eleftheria Paliou, Spatial Analysis and Social Spaces: Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Interpretation of Prehistoric and Historic Built Environments. De Gruyter. pp. 19-48.
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  26.  92
    Accounting Window Dressing and Template Regulation: A Case Study of the Australian Credit Union Industry.David Hillier, Allan Hodgson, Peta Stevenson-Clarke & Suntharee Lhaopadchan - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 83 (3):579-593.
    This article documents the response of cooperative institutions that were required to adhere to new capital adequacy regulations traditionally geared for profit-maximising organisations. Using data from the Australian credit union industry, we demonstrate that the cooperative philosophy and internal corporate governance structure of cooperatives will lead management to increase capital adequacy ratios through the application of accounting window dressing techniques. This is opposite to the intended purpose of template regulation aimed at efficiently increasing operating margins and lowering risk. Our results (...)
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  27.  19
    Muhammad Iqbal: Essays on the Reconstruction of Modern Muslim Thought.Chad Hillier & Basit Koshul (eds.) - 2015 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Bringing together a diverse number of prominent and emerging scholars, from backgrounds in political science, philosophy and religious studies, this book offers novel examinations of the philosophical ideas that laid at the heart of Iqbal's own.
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    (1 other version)Paradise proclaimed? Towards a theoretical understanding of representations of nature in land use planning decision‐making.Jean Hillier - 1998 - Philosophy and Geography 1 (1):77 – 91.
    Land use planning, based in either traditional liberalist philosophy or the emerging pragmatist philosophy formalizes an anthropocentric, reductionist division within itself: between nature (land) and society (use), ignoring the socially constructed character of both terms. Representations of nature become political issues mediated through the planning system, with the various actants and their networks attempting to exert power over others in order to influence the outcome. Based on a theoretical understanding of, by deconstructing the different representations of nature/the environment and identifying (...)
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  29.  56
    Continuous passive movement does not influence motor maps in healthy adults.Michelle N. McDonnell, Susan L. Hillier, George M. Opie, Matthew Nowosilskyj, Miranda Haberfield & Gabrielle Todd - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  30.  19
    Towns within Towns: From Incompossibility to Inclusive Disjunction in Urban Spatial Planning.Jonathan Metzger & Jean Hillier - 2021 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 15 (1):40-64.
    We contemplate Deleuze and Guattari's discussion of in/compossibility through engagement with practices of spatial planning and development at the urban fringe in Australia. In such sites of ecosystem transformation, the presence of wildlife, such as mosquitoes, is often deemed incompossible with felicitous human habitation. We suggest that regarding worlds like those of mosquitoes and humans as divergent, rather than incompossible, opens up opportunities for inclusive disjunctive syntheses which affirm the disjoined terms without excluding one from the other. Relating inclusive disjunction (...)
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    The Art of Hokusai in Book Illustration.C. J. Shankel & Jack Hillier - 1983 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 103 (3):646.
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    Cahiers du cinéma: 1960-1968--new wave, new cinema, reevaluating Hollywood.Jim Hillier (ed.) - 1986 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Shares articles and interviews from the influential French film magazine about the New Wave, American cinema and the future of film making.
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    Liquid Spaces of Engagement: Entering the Waves with Antony Gormley and Olafur Eliasson.Jean Hillier - 2012 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 6 (1):132-148.
    Antony Gormley's Another Place and Olafur Eliasson's Your watercolour machine exemplify passages and combinations of smooth and striated space as beings of sensation on planes of technical and aesthetic composition. They are frames which striate the smoothness of light, water, molten iron, etc., using scientific planes of reference. Smooth and striated mix as boundaries between visitors’ bodies and installation become permeable. Optic becomes tactile, becomes haptic, generative engagement. Both artists experiment with the interface between striated and smooth to encourage visitors (...)
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    Muhammad Iqbal: essays on the reconstruction of modern Muslim thought.H. C. Hillier & Basit Bilal Koshul (eds.) - 2015 - Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press.
    There are few moments in human history where the forces of religion, culture and politics converge to produce some of the most significant philosophical ideas in the world. India in the early 20thcentury was one of these moments, where we saw the rise of activist-thinkers like Nehru, Jinnah and Gandhi; individuals who not only liberated human lives but their minds as well. One of most influential members of the group was the poet-philosopher Muhammad Iqbal. Commonly known as the "spiritual father (...)
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    Showing Space, or: Can there be Sciences of the Non-Discursive?Bill Hillier - 2011 - In David Wagner, Wolfram Pichler, Elisabeth Nemeth & Richard Heinrich, Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society - N.S. 17. De Gruyter. pp. 249-274.
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    The Patience to Prevent that Murmur.Russell M. Hillier - 2007 - Renascence 59 (4):247-273.
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  37. Al-Ghazālī’s Argument for the Eternity of the World in Tahāfut al-falāsifa (Discussion One, Proofs 1 and 2a) and the Problem of Divine Immutability and Timelessness. [REVIEW]Harold Chad Hillier - 2005 - Journal of Islamic Philosophy 1 (1):62-84.
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    Review of Carnap, Tarski, and Quine at Harvard - Greg Frost-Arnold, Carnap, Tarski, and Quine at Harvard. Chicago: Open Court (2013), 207 pp., $49.95 (paper). [REVIEW]Sam Hillier - 2014 - Philosophy of Science 81 (3):476-480.
  39.  20
    Book reviews. [REVIEW]Mary Hillier - 1972 - British Journal of Aesthetics 12 (4):406-407.
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    Book reviews. [REVIEW]Mary Hillier - 1973 - British Journal of Aesthetics 13 (3):406-407.
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  41. Philosophy and Geography Ii: The Production of Public Space.Edward S. Casey, Ian Chaston, Edward Dimendberg, Matthew Gorton, John Gulick, Jean Hillier, Ted Kilian, Hugh Mason, Mario Pascalev, Neil Smith, John Stevenson, Mary Ann Tétreault, Luke Wallin & John White (eds.) - 1997 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Philosophers and geographers have converged on the topic of public space, fascinated and in many ways alarmed by fundamental changes in the way post-industrial societies produce space for public use, and in the way citizens of these same societies perceive and constitute themselves as a public. This volume advances this inquiry, making extensive use of political and social theory, while drawing intimate connections between political principles, social processes, and the commonplaces of our everyday environments.
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    New American World: A Documentary History of North America to 1612David B. Quinn Alison M. Quinn Susan Hillier.George Kish - 1980 - Isis 71 (2):346-347.
  43.  16
    Book Reviews: 1781- 1981 by Bevis Hillier, London: Quartet Books, 1981, pp 9 +.Roger S. Mason - 1983 - Theory, Culture and Society 1 (3):188-189.
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    Milton's Messiah: The Son of God in the Works of John Milton. By Russell M. Hillier. Pp. xii, 253, Oxford University Press, 2011, £66.00/$110.00. [REVIEW]Jan Marten Ivo Klaver - 2013 - Heythrop Journal 54 (6):1060-1061.
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    Readings in Post‐compulsory Education: Research in the Learning and Skills Sector ‐ Edited by Yvonne Hillier and Anne Thompson.Chris Heywood - 2008 - British Journal of Educational Studies 56 (4):494-496.
  46.  15
    Complementary notions.Désirée Park - 1972 - The Hague,: M. Nijhoff.
    This volume grew out of work on Berkeley which was presented in a dissertation several years ago. Though now much revised and greatly expanded. particularly in respect of the theory of concepts, a good part of the present text rests on this earlier foundation. I therefore gladly take this opportunity to express my appreciation to my teachers both at Indiana University and at McGill, and especially to Professor Newton Stallknecht who directed my dissertation. For permission to quote from the Berkeley (...)
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    Transcendent love: Dostoevsky and the search for a global ethic.Leonard G. Friesen - 2016 - Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
    In Transcendent Love: Dostoevsky and the Search for a Global Ethic, Leonard G. Friesen ranges widely across Dostoevsky's stories, novels, journalism, notebooks, and correspondence to demonstrate how Dostoevsky engaged with ethical issues in his times and how those same issues continue to be relevant to today's ethical debates. Friesen contends that the Russian ethical voice, in particular Dostoevsky's voice, deserves careful consideration in an increasingly global discussion of moral philosophy and the ethical life. Friesen challenges the view that contemporary liberalism (...)
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    Revealing Environmental and Place Wholes.David Seamon - 2004 - Environmental Philosophy 1 (1):13-33.
    This article examines the conception of the everyday city as presented in the work of architect Christopher Alexander and architectural theorist Bill Hillier. Both thinkers suggest that, in the past, lively urban places arose unself-consciously through the routine daily behaviors of many individual users coming together in supportive space and place. In different ways, both thinkers ask whether, today, a similar sort of vital urban district can be made to happen self-consciouslythrough explicit understanding transformed into design and policy principles. (...)
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