Results for 'Woodland resources'

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  1.  33
    Use of woodland resources within and across villages in a Zimbabwean communal area.Alois Mandondo - 2001 - Agriculture and Human Values 18 (2):177-194.
    A topical issue in natural resource management is that of scale, in particular, the organizational entry-point to community-based systems of natural resource management. This study investigated access to woodland resources from the perspective of the relevance of units (traditional villages) enjoying policy attention and the nature of boundaries of resource management units as espoused in academic debates. The relevance of the boundaries was investigated from the perspective of flow of resources across boundaries of the recommended units, and (...)
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    People, values, and woodlands: A field report ofemergent themes in interdisciplinary research in Zimbabwe. [REVIEW]Allison Goebel, Bruce Campbell, Billy Mukamuri & Michele Veeman - 2000 - Agriculture and Human Values 17 (4):385-396.
    The Value of Trees project, funded bythe International Development Research Council ofCanada (IDRC), supported the joint efforts of theUniversity of Alberta and the University of Zimbabweto investigate the economic costs and benefitsassociated with trees and forests in the small holderfarming sector in Zimbabwe. The Value of Trees project provided funding for graduate students andfaculty from the two participating universities tocarry out studies in the disciplines of forestry,agricultural economics, and sociology in order toprovide policy recommendations regarding the role ofwoodlands in sustainable (...)
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    Monetary valuation of livelihoods for understanding the composition and complexity of rural households.Delali B. K. Dovie, E. T. F. Witkowski & Charlie M. Shackleton - 2005 - Agriculture and Human Values 22 (1):87-103.
    There is, at present, little precise understanding of the relative contributions of the various income streams used by impoverished rural households in southern Africa. The impact of household profiles on overall income also is not well understood. There is, therefore, little consideration of these factors in national economic accounting. This paper is an attempt to reduce this gap in knowledge by reflecting on the relative contribution of agro-pastoralism, secondary woodland resources, and formal and informal cash income streams to (...)
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  4. Right to Roam or Licence to Trespass?J. C. Lester - 2011 - In Jan Lester, Arguments for Liberty: A Libertarian Miscellany. Buckingham: The University of Buckingham Press. pp. 77-82.
    Under no circumstances should the absurd "right to roam‟ be incorporated into the legislation of this country. In reality, it is clearly a mere licence to trespass. Armed with the appropriate economic and philosophical arguments, we should eventually be able to offer an effective counter-attack with a movement for the "right to own‟ privately every last one of the state-controlled commons, heaths, hills, mountains, downs, woodlands, rivers, beaches, and footpaths. As a result, there will be no imposition on legitimate landowners (...)
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    The Landscape of Fear as a Safety Eco-Field: Experimental Evidence.Almo Farina & Philip James - 2023 - Biosemiotics 16 (1):61-84.
    In a development of the ecosemiotic vivo-scape concept, a ‘safety eco-field’ is proposed as a model of a species response to the safety of its environment. The safety eco-field is based on the ecosemiotic approach which considers environmental safety as a resource sought and chosen by individuals to counter predatory pressure. To test the relative safety of different locations within a landscape, 66 bird feeders (BF) were deployed in a regular 15 × 15 m grid in a rural area, surrounded (...)
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  6.  26
    Tunguska, or the End of Nature: A Philosophical Dialogue.Michael Hampe - 2015 - University of Chicago Press.
    On June 30, 1908, a mysterious explosion erupted in the skies over a vast woodland area of Siberia. Known as the Tunguska Event, it has been a source of wild conjecture over the past century, attributed to causes ranging from meteors to a small black hole to antimatter. In this imaginative book, Michael Hampe sets four fictional men based on real-life scholars—a physicist, a philosopher, a biologist, and a mathematician —adrift on the open ocean, in a dense fog, to (...)
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    Participatory Planting and Management of Indigenous Trees: Lessons from Chivi District, Zimbabwe. [REVIEW]Karin Gerhardt & Nontokozo Nemarundwe - 2006 - Agriculture and Human Values 23 (2):231-243.
    This paper reports on action research that evaluated local perceptions and knowledge of indigenous tree planting and management in the Romwe catchment, Chivi District, southern Zimbabwe. The species tested were the overexploited Afzelia quanzensis, important for timber and carvings of sculptures and utensils; Sclerocarya birrea, the marula tree used for wood, bark, and fruit; and Brachystegia glaucescens, the dominant miombo tree species, used for firewood, fiber, and fodder. Participants volunteered to plant and manage the test seeds, while a research team (...)
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  8. Recent ACT Claims.Donnellan V. Woodland - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    The core endodermal gene network of vertebrates: combining developmental precision with evolutionary flexibility.Hugh R. Woodland & Aaron M. Zorn - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (8):757-765.
    Embryonic development combines paradoxical properties: it has great precision, it is usually conducted at breakneck speed and it is flexible on relatively short evolutionary time scales, particularly at early stages. While these features appear mutually exclusive, we consider how they may be reconciled by the properties of key early regulatory networks. We illustrate these ideas with the network that controls development of endoderm progenitors. We argue that this network enables precision because of its intrinsic stability, self propagation and dependence on (...)
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  10.  13
    Kierkegaard: Resources and Results.Alastair Mckinnon & Kierkegaard: Resources and Results Conference - 1982 - Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press.
    Papers presented at the Kierkegaard: Resources and Results Conference, held at McGill University, June 6-8, 1980.
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  11.  30
    An Investigation of the Relationships Among Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Participation and Ethical Judgment and Decision Making.Anne L. Christensen & Angela Woodland - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 147 (3):529-543.
    The Pathways Commission calls on accounting educators to develop students’ skills in ethical judgment and decision making, but there is uncertainty about how best to accomplish this task. We test if participation in Volunteer Income Tax Assistance programs is positively associated with students’ ethical judgment and decision making. Using a questionnaire administered to students participating in VITA and students not participating in VITA at seven universities, we form multiple measures of students’ ethical judgment and students’ ethical decision making. Regression analyses (...)
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  12.  14
    erG A.Brief Guide Resource-Sensitivity-A. - 2003 - In R. Oehrle & J. Kruijff, resource sensitivity, binding, and anaphora. kluwer.
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  13. The Survival Lottery.John Harris Allocation of Scarce Resources & Quality of Life - 2001 - In John Harris, Bioethics. Oxford University Press.
  14. Economic and Biophysical Perspectives.Natural Resource Scarsity - 1991 - In Robert Costanza, Ecological Economics: The Science and Management of Sustainability. Columbia University Press. pp. 992.
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  15. Fair Allocation of Scarce Medical Resources in the Time of Covid-19.Ezekiel J. Emanuel, Govind Persad, Ross Upshur, Beatriz Thome, Michael Parker, Aaron Glickman, Cathy Zhang & Connor Boyle - 2020 - New England Journal of Medicine 45:10.1056/NEJMsb2005114.
    Four ethical values — maximizing benefits, treating equally, promoting and rewarding instrumental value, and giving priority to the worst off — yield six specific recommendations for allocating medical resources in the Covid-19 pandemic: maximize benefits; prioritize health workers; do not allocate on a first-come, first-served basis; be responsive to evidence; recognize research participation; and apply the same principles to all Covid-19 and non–Covid-19 patients.
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  16. Ancient Philosophical Resources For Understanding and Dealing With Anger.Gregory Sadler - 2023 - Philosophical Practice 18 (3):3182-3192.
    Ancient philosophical schools developed and discussed perspectives and practices on the emotion of anger useful in contemporary philosophical practice with clients, groups, and organizations. This paper argues the case for incorporating these insights from four main philosophical schools (Platonist, Aristotelian, Epicurean, and Stoic) sets out eight practices drawn from these schools, and discusses how these insights can be used by philosophical practitioners with clients.
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  17. Against ‘permanent sovereignty’ over natural resources.Chris Armstrong - 2015 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 14 (2):129-151.
    The doctrine of permanent sovereignty over natural resources is a hugely consequential one in the contemporary world, appearing to grant nation-states both jurisdiction-type rights and rights of ownership over the resources to be found in their territories. But the normative justification for that doctrine is far from clear. This article elucidates the best arguments that might be made for permanent sovereignty, including claims from national improvement of or attachment to resources, as well as functionalist claims linking resource (...)
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  18.  15
    The Selectivity and Suitability of Online Learning Resources as Predictor of the Effects of Self-Efficacy on Teacher Satisfaction During the COVID-19 Lockdown.Yonghai Zhu, Yingying Xu, Xinyu Wang, Shiyu Yan & Li Zhao - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Online learning resources play an important role in teaching and learning in the process of online learning. Teachers will be satisfied with selectable and suitable online learning resources, which can promote their self-efficacy to facilitate online teaching and learning. This study proposed a model to examine the effects of the selectivity of online learning resources and the suitability of online learning resources on teachers’ online teaching satisfaction, and the mediating role of technology self-efficacy and online teaching (...)
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  19. Functional Constitutivism’s Misunderstood Resources: A Limited Defense of Smith’s Constitutivism.Kathryn Lindeman - 2019 - Ethics 130 (1):79-91.
    In recent work, Michael Smith argues that particular desires are constitutive of ideal agency and draws on his dispositional account of reasons to establish the normative significance of those desires. In a sustained critique, Michael Bukowski objects that Smith’s recent arguments that particular desires are constitutive of ideal agency rely on indefensible premises and his dispositional account of reasons is unable to establish the normative significance of such desires. On the contrary, I argue not only that Smith has the (...) to respond to these objections but also that the form of Smith’s constitutivist explanation has unappreciated explanatory strengths. (shrink)
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  20.  18
    The Effects of Spiritual Leadership in Family Firms: A Conservation of Resources Perspective.William Tabor, Kristen Madison, Laura E. Marler & Franz W. Kellermanns - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 163 (4):729-743.
    Drawing from conservation of resources theory, we theorize that spiritual leadership serves as both a resource to enhance employees’ organizational commitment and a passageway to mitigate the negative effects of work–family conflict. Using primary triadic data from leaders, family employees, and nonfamily employees in 77 family firms, results support our theorizing that organizational commitment is enhanced by spiritual leadership but is decreased by work–family conflict. Contrary to theory, however, spiritual leadership exacerbated the negative effects of work–family conflict. Further analysis (...)
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  21. Should patients with self–inflicted illness receive lower priority in access to healthcare resources.K. Sharkey & L. Gillam - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (11):661-665.
    The distribution of scarce healthcare resources is an increasingly important issue due to factors such as expensive ‘high tech’ medicine, longer life expectancies and the rising prevalence of chronic illness. Furthermore, in the current healthcare context lifestyle-related factors such as high blood pressure, tobacco use and obesity are believed to contribute significantly to the global burden of disease. As such, this paper focuses on an ongoing debate in the academic literature regarding the role of responsibility for illness in healthcare (...)
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  22.  50
    Gesturing Saves Cognitive Resources When Talking About Nonpresent Objects.Raedy Ping & Susan Goldin-Meadow - 2010 - Cognitive Science 34 (4):602-619.
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  23.  70
    Allocating scarce life-saving resources: the proper role of age.Govind Persad & Steven Joffe - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):836-838.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has forced clinicians, policy-makers and the public to wrestle with stark choices about who should receive potentially life-saving interventions such as ventilators, ICU beds and dialysis machines if demand overwhelms capacity. Many allocation schemes face the question of whether to consider age. We offer two underdiscussed arguments for prioritising younger patients in allocation policies, which are grounded in prudence and fairness rather than purely in maximising benefits: prioritising one’s younger self for lifesaving treatments is prudent from an (...)
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  24.  67
    Decision-Making Processes in the Workplace: How Exhaustion, Lack of Resources and Job Demands Impair Them and Affect Performance.Andrea Ceschi, Evangelia Demerouti, Riccardo Sartori & Joshua Weller - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:238124.
    The present study aims to connect more the I/O and the decision-making psychological domains, by showing how some common components across jobs interfere with decision-making and affecting performance. Two distinct constructs that can contribute to positive workplace performance have been considered: decision-making competency (DMCy) and decision environment management (DEM). Both factors are presumed to involve self-regulatory mechanisms connected to decision processes by influencing performance in relation to work environment conditions. In the framework of the job demands-resources (JD-R) model, the (...)
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  25.  74
    Kant goes fishing: Kant and the right to property in environmental resources.Angela Breitenbach - 2005 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 36 (3):488-512.
    We can observe a connection between some serious environmental problems caused by the overexploitation of environmental resources and the particular conceptions of property rights that are claimed to hold with regard to these resources. In this paper, I investigate whether Kant’s conception of property rights might constitute a basis for justifying property regimes that would overcome some of these environmental problems. Kant’s argument for the right to property, put forward in his Doctrine of right, is complex. In Section (...)
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  26.  44
    Reproductive Rights without Resources or Recourse.Kimberly Mutcherson - 2017 - Hastings Center Report 47 (s3):S12-S18.
    The U.S. Supreme Court declared procreation to be a fundamental right in the early twentieth century in a case involving Oklahoma's Habitual Criminal Sterilization Act, an act that permitted unconsented sterilization of individuals convicted of certain crimes. The right that the Court articulated in that case is a negative right: it requires that the government not place unjustified roadblocks in the way of people seeking to procreate, but it does not require the government to take positive steps to help people (...)
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  27. Property Rights, Future Generations and the Destruction and Degradation of Natural Resources.Dan Dennis - 2015 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 2 (1):107-139.
    The paper argues that members of future generations have an entitlement to natural resources equal to ours. Therefore, if a currently living individual destroys or degrades natural resources then he must pay compensation to members of future generations. This compensation takes the form of “primary goods” which will be valued by members of future generations as equally useful for promoting the good life as the natural resources they have been deprived of. As a result of this policy, (...)
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  28.  90
    Equitable Access to Human Biological Resources in Developing Countries: Benefit Sharing Without Undue Inducement.Roger Scarlin Chennells - 2015 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    The main question explored by the book is: How can cross-border access to human genetic resources, such as blood or DNA samples, be governed in such a way as to achieve equity for vulnerable populations in developing countries? The book situates the field of genomic and genetic research within global health and research frameworks, describing the concerns that have been raised about the potential unfairness in exchanges during recent decades. Access to and sharing in the benefits of human biological (...)
  29. Reasoning with limited resources and assigning probabilities to arithmetical statements.Haim Gaifman - 2004 - Synthese 140 (1-2):97 - 119.
    There are three sections in this paper. The first is a philosophical discussion of the general problem of reasoning under limited deductive capacity. The second sketches a rigorous way of assigning probabilities to statements in pure arithmetic; motivated by the preceding discussion, it can nonetheless be read separately. The third is a philosophical discussion that highlights the shifting contextual character of subjective probabilities and beliefs.
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  30.  21
    Stressors and Resources for Healthcare Professionals During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Lesson Learned From Italy.Serena Barello, Lorenzo Palamenghi & Guendalina Graffigna - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  31.  18
    Removing the Commons: A Lockean Left-Libertarian Approach to the Just Use and Appropriation of Natural Resources.Eric Roark - 2013 - Lexington Books.
    Removing the Commons defends a Lockean Left-Libertarian account of the moral conditions in which people may remove, either via use or appropriation, natural resources from the commons. I conclude that self-owning agents may remove natural resources from the commons just so long as they leave others the competitive value of their removal in a way that best affords others an equal opportunity for welfare.
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  32.  77
    Triage and justice in an unjust pandemic: ethical allocation of scarce medical resources in the setting of racial and socioeconomic disparities.Benjamin Tolchin, Sarah C. Hull & Katherine Kraschel - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (3):200-202.
    Shortages of life-saving medical resources caused by COVID-19 have prompted hospitals, healthcare systems, and governmentsto develop crisis standards of care, including 'triage protocols' to potentially ration medical supplies during the public health emergency. At the same time, the pandemic has highlighted and exacerbated racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic health disparities that together constitute a form of structural racism. These disparities pose a critical ethical challenge in developing fair triage systems that will maximize lives saved without perpetuating systemic inequities. Here we (...)
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  33.  18
    Design and Implementation of Multilayer GIS Framework in Natural Resources Management: Red Sea Area.Thowiba E. Ahmed, K. M. Kheiralla, Fatima Rayan Awad Ahmed, Rashid A. Saeed & Hesham Alhumyani - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-10.
    This study aims to create an integrated geographical information system database of natural resources represented by mining activities in the Red Sea area in Sudan. GIS is a vital tool to help the decision-makers in managing and classifying these resources in terms of quantity and quality within the concept of sustainable development. The paper extracts some models of investment map indicators. In addition to that, it conducts a study and research aimed at developing a mineral resources management (...)
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  34. Equality of resources and equality of welfare: A forced marriage?T. M. Scanlon - 1986 - Ethics 97 (1):111-118.
  35.  90
    Who do we treat first when resources are scarce?Tom Walker - 2010 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 27 (2):200-211.
    In a health service with limited resources we must make decisions about who to treat first. In this paper I develop a version of the restoration argument according to which those whose need for resources is a consequence of their voluntary choices should receive lower priority when it comes to health care. I then consider three possible problems for this argument based on those that have been raised against other theories of this type: that we don't know in (...)
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  36.  48
    Competing Principles for Allocating Health Care Resources.Drew Carter, Jason Gordon & Amber M. Watt - 2016 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 41 (5):558-583.
    We clarify options for conceptualizing equity, or what we refer to as justice, in resource allocation. We do this by systematically differentiating, expounding, and then illustrating eight different substantive principles of justice. In doing this, we compare different meanings that can be attributed to “need” and “the capacity to benefit”. Our comparison is sharpened by two analytical tools. First, quantification helps to clarify the divergent consequences of allocations commended by competing principles. Second, a diagrammatic approach developed by economists Culyer and (...)
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  37.  37
    RoboDoc: Semiotic resources for achieving face-to-screenface formation with a telepresence robot.Brian L. Due - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (238):253-278.
    Face-to-face interaction is a primordial site for human activity and intersubjectivity. Empirical studies have shown how people reflexively exhibit a face orientation and work to establish a formation in which everyone is facing each other in local participation frameworks. The Face has also been described by, e.g., Levinas as the basis for a first ethical philosophy. Humans have established these Face-formations when interacting since time immemorial, but what happens when one of the participants is present through a telepresence robot? Based (...)
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  38. The shared ethical framework to allocate scarce medical resources: a lesson from COVID-19.Ezekiel J. Emanuel & Govind Persad - 2023 - The Lancet 401 (10391):1892–1902.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has helped to clarify the fair and equitable allocation of scarce medical resources, both within and among countries. The ethical allocation of such resources entails a three-step process: (1) elucidating the fundamental ethical values for allocation, (2) using these values to delineate priority tiers for scarce resources, and (3) implementing the prioritisation to faithfully realise the fundamental values. Myriad reports and assessments have elucidated five core substantive values for ethical allocation: maximising benefits and minimising (...)
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  39.  46
    Age Matters but it should not be Used to Discriminate Against the Elderly in Allocating Scarce Resources in the Context of COVID-19.Leniza de Castro-Hamoy & Leonardo D. de Castro - 2020 - Asian Bioethics Review 12 (3):331-340.
    A patient’s age serves as a very useful guide to physicians in deciding what disease manifestations to anticipate, what treatment to offer for certain conditions, and how to prepare for possible emergencies. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, determining treatment options on the basis of a patient’s chronological age can easily give rise to unjustified discrimination. This is of particular significance in situations where the allocation of scarce critical care resources could have a direct impact on who will (...)
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  40. The distribution of life-saving medical resources: Equality, life expectancy, and choice behind the veil.Mark S. Stein - 2002 - Social Philosophy and Policy 19 (2):212-245.
    In this essay, I survey egalitarian and utilitarian approaches to the distribution of scarce life-saving medical resources. In my view, the major criterion for the distribution of scarce life-saving medical resources should be life expectancy: we should distribute life so as to maximize life-years. In Section II, I discuss the life-year maximization approach and situate it within utilitarian theory.
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    Ethical dilemmas in prioritizing patients for scarce radiotherapy resources.Cyprien Shyirambere, Vincent K. Cubaka, Scott A. Triedman, Lawrence N. Shulman, Katherine Van Loon, Nicaise Nsabimana, Jean Bosco Bigirimana, Grace Umutesi, Cam Nguyen, Espérance Mutoniwase, Anita Ho & Rebecca J. DeBoer - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-11.
    BackgroundRadiotherapy is an essential component of cancer treatment, yet many countries do not have adequate capacity to serve all patients who would benefit from it. Allocation systems are needed to guide patient prioritization for radiotherapy in resource-limited contexts. These systems should be informed by allocation principles deemed relevant to stakeholders. This study explores the ethical dilemmas and views of decision-makers engaged in real-world prioritization of scarce radiotherapy resources at a cancer center in Rwanda in order to identify relevant principles.MethodsSemi-structured (...)
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  42. Harold Coward and Donald E. Larsen, Ethical Issues in the Allocation of Health Care Resources Reviewed by.Janet L. Storch - 1983 - Philosophy in Review 3 (4):207-208.
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  43. Moral principles for allocating scarce medical resources in an influenza pandemic.Marcel Verweij - 2009 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 6 (2):159--169.
    One of the societal problems in a new influenza pandemic will be how to use the scarce medical resources that are available for prevention and treatment, and what medical, epidemiological and ethical justifications can be given for the choices that have to be made. Many things may become scarce: personal protective equipment, antiviral drugs, hospital beds, mechanical ventilation, vaccination, etc. In this paper I discuss two general ethical principles for priority setting (utility and equity) and explain how these principles (...)
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    Practice Research and Learning Resources.Line Lerche Mørck - 2000 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 2 (1):61-84.
    In this article I describe Practice Research (PR) as a collective, contextualized project. First I will introduce 'PR as practice' by presenting the construction of 'Learning Resources in the community of Wild Learning' constructed among others by 'Wild Learning' and my self. Then I will discuss 'Practice research in theory and methodology' comprising three main features: First the relation between theory and practice is characterized as a joint venture. Second I stress that doing PR means not only having a (...)
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    A Few Good Companies: Rethinking Firms’ Responsibilities Toward Common Pool Resources.Patricia Gabaldon & Stefan Gröschl - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 132 (3):579-588.
    While a significant body of literature has highlighted the moral obligations of companies regarding the sustainable use of common pool resources, business activities that contribute to the sustenance of common pool resources remain embryonic. Studies in this area have largely focused on environmental stimuli rather than on the complex motivational structures that drive or hinder businesses’ contributions to common pool resources. We explore the different motives and behaviors of businesses and their contributions to common pool resources, (...)
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    Health care as a right, fairness and medical resources.Matti Hayry & Heta Hayry - 1990 - Bioethics 4 (1):1–21.
    There is a growing feeling in many Western countries that every human being has a right to health, or a right to health care. This feeling is reflected in a declaration of the World Health Organization (WHO) from 1976, which states: The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition. Our intention in the following is to use the WHO (...)
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  47.  22
    Providing Sexual Companionship for Resources: Development, Validation, and Personality Correlates of the Acceptance of Sugar Relationships in Young Women and Men Scale.Béla Birkás, Norbert Meskó, András N. Zsidó, Dóra Ipolyi & András Láng - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Landscape as a Semiotic Interface between Organisms and Resources.Almo Farina - 2008 - Biosemiotics 1 (1):75-83.
    Despite an impressive number of investigations and indirect evidence, the mechanisms that link patterns and processes across the landscape remain a debated point. A new definition of landscape as a semiotic interface between resources and organisms opens up a new perspective to a better understanding of such mechanisms. If the landscape is considered a source of signals converted by animal cognition into signs, it follows that spatial configurations, extension, shape and contagion are not only landscape patterns but categories of (...)
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  49.  17
    Philosophical and geopolitical resources for ethical justification of the national and state revival of the suppressed nations in Central Europe.Miloslav Bednář - 2022 - Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) 12 (3-4):166-172.
    This reflection examines the context of philosophical-ethical research and its preceding and continuing particular geopolitical framework in the central zone of Central Europe in the case of the national and state revival of the Czech nation. It focuses on the work and endeavour of František Palacký and its interpretive development by Thomas Garrigue Masaryk, which resulted in the foundation of the Czechoslovak Republic. In this context, it finally outlines the significance of the dramatic Central European affairs since the turn of (...)
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    Better learning through history: using archival resources to teach healthcare ethics to science students.Julia R. S. Bursten & Matthew Strandmark - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (3):1-14.
    While the use of archives is common as a research methodology in the history and philosophy of science, training in archival methods is more often encountered as part of graduate-level training than in the undergraduate curriculum. Because many HPS instructors are likely to have encountered archival methods during their own research training, they are uniquely positioned to make effective pedagogical use of archives in classes comprised of undergraduate science students. Further, because doing this may require changing the way HPS instructors (...)
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