Results for 'Wolfram Zitscher'

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    „1984“ – Veränderte soziale Randbedingungen der Rechtspflege.Wolfram Zitscher - 1986 - Communications 12 (3):119-140.
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  2. Antrittsvorlesungen Philosophische Fakultät ; von Wolfram Hogrebe... [Et Al.].Wolfram Hogrebe - 1997
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  3. On Wolfram Hogrebe’s Philosophical Approach.Wolfram Hogrebe & Adam Knowles - 2010 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 31 (2):201-218.
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    Life's Solution: Inevitable Humans in a Lonely Universe.Wolfram Hinzen - 2003 - Cambridge University Press.
    Life's Solution builds a persuasive case for the predictability of evolutionary outcomes. The case rests on a remarkable compilation of examples of convergent evolution, in which two or more lineages have independently evolved similar structures and functions. The examples range from the aerodynamics of hovering moths and hummingbirds to the use of silk by spiders and some insects to capture prey. Going against the grain of Darwinian orthodoxy, this book is a must read for anyone grappling with the meaning of (...)
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    Rethinking the role of language in autism.Wolfram Hinzen - 2022 - Evolutionary Linguistic Theory 4 (1):129-151.
    Linguists have long sought to draw support from developmental disorders like Williams Syndrome (WS) and Specific Language Impairment (SLI) for linguistic theories and the modularity of language in particular. Linguistic diversity in the autism spectrum (ASD) has received comparatively little attention from linguists. Here I argue, against recent claims to the contrary, that language patterns in ASD do not support the modularity of language any more than WS or SLI are by now acknowledged to do. Rather, conceptualizing the linguistic diversity (...)
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  6. Szenische Metaphysik. Éric Weil und Rémi Brague.Wolfram Hogrebe - 2020 - In Christoph Böhr & Rémi Brague (eds.), Metaphysik: von einem unabweislichen Bedürfnis der menschlichen Vernunft: Rémi Brague zu Ehren. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer VS.
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  7. Locke and 'Natural Kinds'.Sybil Wolfram - 1994 - Locke Studies 25.
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    Medieval Studies in America’ und ‘American Medievalism.Herwig Wolfram - 1977 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 11 (1):396-408.
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    Anti-realist semantics.Wolfram Hinzen - 2000 - Erkenntnis 52 (3):281-311.
    I argue that the implementation of theDummettian program of an ``anti-realist'' semanticsrequires quite different conceptions of the technicalmeaning-theoretic terms used than those presupposed byDummett. Starting from obvious incoherences in anattempt to conceive truth conditions as assertibilityconditions, I argue that for anti-realist purposesnon-epistemic semantic notions are more usefully kept apart from epistemic ones rather than beingreduced to them. Embedding an anti-realist theory ofmeaning in Martin-Löf's Intuitionistic Type Theory(ITT) takes care, however, of many notorious problemsthat have arisen in trying to specify suitableintuitionistic (...)
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  10. On the metaphysics of linguistics.Wolfram Hinzen & Juan Uriagereka - 2006 - Erkenntnis 65 (1):71-96.
    Mind–body dualism has rarely been an issue in the generative study of mind; Chomsky himself has long claimed it to be incoherent and unformulable. We first present and defend this negative argument but then suggest that the generative enterprise may license a rather novel and internalist view of the mind and its place in nature, different from all of, (i) the commonly assumed functionalist metaphysics of generative linguistics, (ii) physicalism, and (iii) Chomsky’s negative stance. Our argument departs from the empirical (...)
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    The Philosophy of Universal Grammar.Wolfram Hinzen & Michelle Sheehan - 2015 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This interdisciplinary book considers the relationship between language and thought from a philosophical perspective, drawing both on the philosophical study of language and the purely formal study of grammar, and arguing that the two should align. The claim is that grammar provides homo sapiens with the ability to think in certain grammatical ways and that this in turn explains the vast cognitive powers of human beings. Evidence is considered from biology, the evolution of language, language disorders, and linguistic phenomena.
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    Belief and meaning: Essays at the interface.Wolfram Hinzen & Hans Rott (eds.) - 2002 - Deutsche Bibliothek der Wissenschaften.
    Theories of belief and meaning have long occupied philosophers. Typically, there is a correlation between the meaning of a sentence that is uttered and the content of the attitude that the speaker thereby conveys. This is also why a sentence can be used to specify content in an attribution of the attitude to the speaker. From the perspective of a theory of semantic content, there is a level of description where mental states and sentences can be said to share a (...)
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    Ligaturen.Wolfram Hogrebe - 2022 - Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann.
    In this, his latest book, Wolfram Hogrebe continues to unfold his project of an informal epistemology with an analysis of ties ("ligatures") to be found below the level of theoretically discussed norms, laws, and institutional regulations and nevertheless indispensable for a humane coexistence. Risks associated with such often hidden constellations of knowledge are also discussed. Master thinkers such as Schelling, Hegel, Heidegger, but also more marginal figures such as Felix Hausdorff alias Paul Mongré or artists such as Beuys are (...)
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    Szenische Metaphysik.Wolfram Hogrebe - 2019 - Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann.
    The question of 20th century philosophy was: how are we humans situated in our world? In forms of consciousness, as Husserl insistently analyzed, in language games, as Wittgenstein thought, or in a prior understanding of being, as Heidegger recommended? Wolfram Hogrebe summarizes these answers in what he calls scenic existence. This is grounded in certainties in which we experience ourselves sensitively 'tinted'. In this respect, forms of consciousness, language games and understanding of being are only built up from an (...)
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    Mind Design and Minimal Syntax.Wolfram Hinzen - 2006 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This book introduces generative grammar as an area of study and asks what it tells us about the human mind. Wolfram Hinzen lays the foundation for the unification of modern generative linguistics with the philosophies of mind and language. He introduces Chomsky's program of a 'minimalist' syntax as a novel explanatory vision of the human mind. He explains how the Minimalist Program originated in work in cognitive science, biology, linguistics, and philosophy, and examines its implications for work in these (...)
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    A new argument for linguistic determinants of human thought.Wolfram Hinzen, Txuss Martin & Martina Wiltschko - 2024 - Linguistics and Philosophy 47 (6):1027-1043.
    We argue that the commonly accepted existence of grammatical concepts such as Person (in the grammatical sense) or Tense poses an unrecognized challenge to the idea that human thought is independent of language. The argument is that such concepts identify aspects of linguistic expressions that also systematically define the contents and identity of the thoughts expressed in language. Since grammatical concepts are not known to have non-grammatical analogues, the thoughts in question do not appear to be non-linguistic in nature. We (...)
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    Zeugnis und Zeugenschaft: Perspektiven aus der Vormoderne.Wolfram Drews & Heike Schlie (eds.) - 2011 - München: Wilhelm Fink.
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    Metaphysische Einflüsterungen.Wolfram Hogrebe - 2017 - Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann.
    Es gehort zu den Aufgaben unserer Gegenwart, das Format einer neuen Metaphysik zu entwickeln. In diesem Buch wird der Versuch unternommen, aus exemplarischen philosophischen Fragestellungen Klarungsstrategien zu entfalten, die allesamt anigmatische Grenzzonen erkunden, aus denen niemand herauszufinden vermag. Abwesenheiten in kreativen Prozessen, die Geburt der Intentionalitat, der switch vom ungeheuren Objekt zum ungeheuren Subjekt, die Entbindung von Kreativitat aus unscharfen semantischen Verhaltnissen, die Bedeutung von Bildung in Prozessen eines konzilianten Geltenlassens, Formen als Augen der Dinge und schliealich Kosmologie als Poetik: (...)
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  19. Die Magie des Löwen in der Antike.Wolfram Martini - 2014 - In Peter Janich, Reinhard Brandt & Arbogast Schmitt (eds.), Der Mensch und seine Tiere: Mensch-Tier-Verhältnisse im Spiegel der Wissenschaften. Stuttgart: in Kommission bei Franz Steiner.
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    Magie und Mantik bei Hans Hartlieb.Wolfram Schmitt - 1966 - (Wien): Notring der Wissenschaftlichen Verbände Österreichs.
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    Prädikation und Genesis: Metaphysik als Fundamentalheuristik im Ausgang von Schellings "Die Weltalter".Wolfram Hogrebe - 1989 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Dynamic field theory of movement preparation.Wolfram Erlhagen & Gregor Schöner - 2002 - Psychological Review 109 (3):545-572.
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    Staatsinitiative, Bürgerschaftsengagementl, Kirchenerneuerung: Immanuel Hermann Fichtes Ethik als sozialphilosophische Grundlegung einer Gesellschaftsreform.Wolfram Schmitz - 2014 - Göttingen: V&R Unipress.
    Short description: Wie kann der Boden für eine kulturmenschliche Potenzialentfaltung politisch und gesellschaftlich fruchtbar gemacht werden?; Promotional text: Immanuel Hermann Fichtes ›System der Ethik‹ ist vor dem Hintergrund einer innenpolitischen Erstarrung als Folge der Revolution von 1848 und des in Deutschland sich nahezu gleichzeitig ereignenden wirtschaftlichen ›Take-off‹ des beginnenden Industriezeitalters verfasst. In direktem Bezug auf diese Umbruchssituation bietet Fichtes Konzeption, die Wolfram Schmitz in seiner Studie erstmals umfassend untersucht, Leitlinien für eine weitgreifende Reform von Staat und Gesellschaft.; Biographical note: (...)
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    (1 other version)Subsystems of set theory and second order number theory.Wolfram Pohlers - 1998 - In Samuel R. Buss (ed.), Handbook of proof theory. New York: Elsevier. pp. 137--209.
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    An essay on names and truth.Wolfram Hinzen - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This pioneering book lays new foundations for the study of reference and truth.
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    The grammar of truth.Wolfram Hinzen & Martina Wiltschko - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 66 (3):299-331.
    Much philosophical attention has been devoted to the truth predicates of natural language and their logic. However, lexical truth predicates are neither necessary nor sufficient for a truth-attribution to occur, which warrants closer attention to the grammar of truth attribution. A unified analysis of five constructions is offered here, in two of which the lexical truth predicate occurs (It's true that John left and That John left is true), while in the three remaining, it does not (John left; It seems (...)
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    Internalism about truth.Wolfram Hinzen - 2006 - Mind and Society 5 (2):139-166.
    Internalism is an explanatory strategy that makes the internal structure and constitution of the organism a basis for the investigation of its external function and the ways in which it is embedded in an environment. It is opposed to an externalist explanatory strategy, which takes its departure from observations about external function and mind-environment interactions, and infers and rationalizes internal organismic structure from that. This paper addresses the origins of truth, a basic ingredient in the human conceptual scheme. I suggest (...)
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    Das Zwischenreich =.Wolfram Hogrebe - 2020 - Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann.
    Wolfram Hogrebe beschäftigt sich in diesem Buch mit dem sogenannten Zwischenreich - einem alten philosophischen Gedanken, wonach das Philosophieren es mit einer Art von Zwischenraum zu tun hat, der die Ordnungen der Begriffe und der Vorstellungen in eine bemerkenswerte Schwebe bringt. Das Zwischen ist da gleichsam ein Medium, das die Gedanken und Sprachen trägt und so in zuweilen unbekannte Gebiete führt, in denen sich das Denken verändert. Hogrebe zeigt, wie sehr dieses Zwischen, das sich auch in Naturerfahrungen aufzuschliessen vermag, (...)
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  29. Das Gold der Menia. Ein Beispiel transkulturellen Wissentransfers.Wolfram Brandes - 2005 - Millennium 2:175-226.
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  30. External and internal aspects in the semantics of names.Wolfram Hinzen - 2006 - In Tomáš Marvan (ed.), What determines content?: the internalism/externalism dispute. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
  31. Grenzen einer rationalistischen Kritik von Ethikbegründung.Wolfram Hinzen - 1995 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 6 (2):188.
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  32. Musik über Musik: Zur Selbstreflexion in der europäischen Kunstmusik seit dem späten 18. Jahrhundert. Einige grundlegende Gedanken und Beispiele.Wolfram Steinbeck - 2011 - In Wolfram Steinbeck & Rüdiger Schumacher (eds.), Selbstreflexion in der Musik/Wissenschaft: Referate des Kölner Symposions 2007: im Gedenken an Rüdiger Schumacher. Kassel: Gustav Bosse Verlag.
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  33. Locke's Trifling-Instructive Distinction--A Reply.Sybil Wolfram - 1994 - Locke Studies 25.
  34. Screening.C. E. Wolfram - 1996 - In Roy G. Spece, David S. Shimm & Allen E. Buchanan (eds.), Conflicts of interest in clinical practice and research. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 137--57.
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    The foe, radical evil: Political theology in Immanuel Kant and Carl Schmitt.Wolfram Malte Fues - 2010 - Philosophical Forum 41 (1-2):181-204.
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    21 Undecidability and Intractability in Theoretical Physics.Stephen Wolfram - 2008 - Emergence: Contemporary Readings in Philosophy and Science.
    This chapter explores some fundamental consequences of the correspondence between physical process and computations. Most physical questions may be answerable only through irreducible amounts of computation. Those that concern idealized limits of infinite time, volume, or numerical precision can require arbitrarily long computations, and so be considered formally undecidable. The behavior of a physical system may always be calculated by simulating explicitly each step in its evolution. Much of theoretical physics has, however, been concerned with devising shorter methods of calculation (...)
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  37. Autonomy and radical evil: a Kantian challenge to constitutivism.Wolfram Gobsch - 2019 - Philosophical Explorations 22 (2):194-207.
    Properly understood, Kant’s moral philosophy is incompatible with constitutivism. According to the constitutivist, being subject to the moral law cannot be a matter of free choice, and failure to c...
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  38. Guilt and sin in traditional China.Wolfram Eberhard - 1967 - Berkeley,: University of California Press.
  39. The Biblical understanding of reconciliation.Wolfram Kistner - 1996 - In H. Russel Botman & Robin M. Petersen (eds.), To remember and to heal: theological and psychological reflections on truth and reconciliation. Johannesburg: Thorold's Africana Books [distributor]. pp. 79--95.
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  40. Pure proof theory aims, methods and results.Wolfram Pohlers - 1996 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 2 (2):159-188.
    Apologies. The purpose of the following talk is to give an overview of the present state of aims, methods and results in Pure Proof Theory. Shortage of time forces me to concentrate on my very personal views. This entails that I will emphasize the work which I know best, i.e., work that has been done in the triangle Stanford, Munich and Münster. I am of course well aware that there are as important results coming from outside this triangle and I (...)
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    Theologische Musikästhetik.Wolfram Adolph - 2015 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 57 (4).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie Jahrgang: 57 Heft: 4 Seiten: 501-520.
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  42. Timons Gang in die Unterwelt:: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der antiken Literaturparodie.Wolfram Ax - 1991 - Hermes 119 (2):177-193.
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    Zum de voctf-kapitel der römischen grammatik. Eine antwort auf Dirk M. Schenkeveld und Wilfried Stroh.Wolfram Ax - 2002 - In Pierre Swiggers & Alfons Wouters (eds.), Grammatical Theory and Philosophy of Language in Antiquity. Peeters. pp. 19--121.
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    Die unerinnerte Gegenwart des Schönen: Hegels Kunstphilosophie, Platons Kritik der Kunst und die Theorie des Unbewussten.Wolfram Bergande - 2014 - In Jure Zovko, Günter Kruck & Andreas Arndt (eds.), Gebrochene Schönheit: Hegels Ästhetik - Kontexte Und Rezeptionen. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 61-78.
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  45. Fifty Years of Prosopography: The Later Roman Empire, Byzantium and Beyond.Brandes Wolfram - 2003
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  46. Zarathustras Poetik des Reinen.Wolfram Groddeck - 2001 - In Norbert Haas, Rainer Nägele, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger & Gerhard Herrgott (eds.), Kontamination. Eggingen: Edition Isele.
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  47. Unsightly Sights to See. On the transformation of old industrial sites.Wolfram Höfer & Vera Vicenzotti - 2012 - Topos: European Landscape Magazine 78:56.
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    Synthese a priori bei Wittgenstein.Wolfram Hinzen - 2004 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 58 (1):1 - 28.
    In einer vereinzelten Anmerkung in den Bemerkungen über die Grundlagen der Mathematik scheint Wittgenstein die Existenz synthetischer Urteile a priori anzunehmen und damit ein entscheidendes Element der rationalistisch-transzendentalen Tradition. Ich argumentiere für eine Weise, in der sich diese Bemerkung in den größeren Zusammenhang von Wittgensteins Nachdenken über Mathematik einbettet, sowie für den kohärenten erkenntnistheoretischen Sinn, den sie unabhängig davon hat. Tatsächlich weist dieser weit über den Bereich bloß mathematischer Urteile hinaus. Beginnend mit einem empirisch-syntaktischen Begriff von Urteil, argumentiere ich, dass (...)
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  49. The Emergence of Complex.Wolfram Hinzen - 2012 - In David McFarland, Keith Stenning & Maggie McGonigle (eds.), The Complex Mind: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 243.
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    Philosophenwege.Wolfram Hoepfner - 2018 - Konstanz: UVK Verlagsgesellschaft mbH.
    Über die Methoden der Lehre und die Lehrstätten der Philosophen der spätklassischen Zeit kursieren abenteuerliche Vorstellungen. Trotz einseitiger Quellenlage lassen sich die Wege von Sokrates in Athen, Platons Reisen nach Syrakus und Aristoteles Aufenthalte in Makedonien aber erstaunlich genau nachvollziehen. Philosophen nutzten für ihre Lehre bestimmte schattige Rundwege, um sich bei gleichmässiger Bewegung mit einem oder zwei Schülern auf einen dialogos zu konzentrieren. Schon für die Historiker der sp̈aten Antike wie Diogenes Laertius war dieses Verhalten zum Rätsel geworden. Das Phänomen (...)
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