Results for 'Wojciech Babicki'

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  1. Prawo jako rozkaz suwerena.Wojciech Babicki - 1988 - Studia Filozoficzne 270 (5).
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    Wspomnienie - Wojciech Robaczyński.Wojciech Robaczyński - 2011 - Etyka 44:121-123.
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  3. Le droit comme ordre du souverain dans la doctrine de J. Austin.W. Babicki - 1988 - Studia Filozoficzne 270:73-83.
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    Cartographies of Culture: Memory, Space, Representation.Wojciech Kalaga & Marzena Kubisz (eds.) - 2010 - Peter Lang.
    Nowadays the issues of space and place pertain more than ever to the ongoing discussion about personal/regional/national identities. The worlds of private archives of memory often exist independently of political and administrative divisions, while dominant ideologies are often capable of re-defining national archives of memory through selective representation of the past. The way we remember our past and our heritage inscribes the space we live in: the places we remember and the places we wish to forget, the monuments we pull (...)
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    Odpowiedzialność za nieistniejących?Wojciech Lewandowski - 2010 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 58 (2):61-80.
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    Transfiguration of the Risk Society.Wojciech Melnik - 2020 - Postmodern Openings 11 (1Sup2):85-92.
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    Jaką jesteśmy „historią”? Etyczne rozwinięcie tezy o historyczności człowieka.Wojciech Torzewski - 2013 - Filo-Sofija 13 (20).
    Wojciech Torzewski What Kind of ‘History’ are We? – the Historicity of Human from Ethical PerspectiveThis article presents the ethical aspect of the concept of narrative identity, especially in relation to the concept of Charles Taylor. The author makes also attemption to reconstruct the two main objections that can be drawn at this concept. Namely, firstly, the complaint relativization of the ethical and, secondly, the complaint absolutizing ethical perspective. Both objections to the concept of narrative identity shall be regarded (...)
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    Almost structurally complete infinitary consequence operations extending S4.3.Wojciech Dzik & Piotr Wojtylak - 2015 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 23 (4):640-661.
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    Mitigating the Necessity of the Past in the Second Half of the Twelfth Century: Future-Dependent Predestination.Wojciech Wciórka - 2019 - Vivarium 58 (1-2):29-64.
    Early twelfth-century logicians invoked past-tensed statements with future-oriented contents to undermine the assumption that every proposition ‘about the past’ is determinate. In the second half of the century, the notion of future-dependence was used to restrict the scope of necessity per accidens. At some point, this idea began to be applied in theology to solve puzzles surrounding predestination, prescience, prophecy, and faith. In the mid-1160s, Magister Udo quotes some thinkers who insisted that the principle of the necessity of the past (...)
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    Joe Brainard’s I Remember, Fragmentary Life Writing and the Resistance to Narrative and Identity.Wojciech Drąg - 2019 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 9 (9):223-236.
    Paul Ricoeur declares that “being-entangled in stories” is an inherent property of the human condition. He introduces the notion of narrative identity—a form of identity constructed on the basis of a self-constructed life-narrative, which becomes a source of meaning and self-understanding. This article wishes to present chosen instances of life writing whose subjects resist yielding a life-story and reject the notions of narrative and identity. In line with Adam Phillips’s remarks regarding Roland Barthes by Roland Barthes (1975), such works—which I (...)
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  11. Filozofia a skończoność myślenia.Wojciech Paprocki - 1994 - Principia.
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  12. Teoria wiedzy Fryderyka Nietzschego.Wojciech Patyna - 1988 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 33.
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    O możliwym znaczeniu nihilizmu dla religii.Wojciech Torzewski - 2004 - Filo-Sofija 4 (1(4)):117-128.
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  14. Monizm, aspekty i relatywizacja predykatów.Wojciech Wciórka - 2011 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 78.
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    Pomiędzy czystym prawem a ideą polityczną: pojęcie konstytucji w doktrynach Hansa Kelsena i Johna Rawlsa = Between the pure law and the political idea: the concept of the constitution in the doctrines of Hans Kelsen and John Rawls.Wojciech Włoch - 2018 - Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika.
    Przemiany społeczno-ekonomiczne, kryzysy polityczne, zmiany w kulturze, nauce i technice mogą postawić prawnika oraz „zwykłego” obywatela nie tylko przed koniecznością odpowiedzi na pytanie, „co jest zgodne z konstytucją?”, ale również przed kwestią, „czym jest sama konstytucja?”.Prezentowana monografia poświęcona jest dwóm teoriom konstytucji, których analiza pozwala uwydatnić dwa aspekty jej pojęcia. Konstytucja bowiem z jednej strony stanowi tzw. prawo wyższe, a z drugiej realizuje określoną ideę polityczną. Rozważania zawarte w niniejszej książce rozpoczynają od analizy odpowiedzi Immanuela Kanta na pytanie, w jaki (...)
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    Giving Desert its Due: Social Justice and Legal Theory.Wojciech Sadurski - 1985 - D. Reidel Publishing Company.
    During the last half of the twentieth century, legal philosophy (or legal theory or jurisprudence) has grown significantly. It is no longer the domain of a few isolated scholars in law and philosophy. Hundreds of scholars from diverse fields attend international meetings on the subject. In some universities, large lecture courses of five hundred students or more study it. The primary aim of the Law and Philosophy Library is to present some of the best original work on legal philosophy from (...)
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  17. Pleasure. New Research on Fragment B67 of Heraclitus of Ephesus.Wojciech Wrotkowski - 2023 - Warsaw: IFiS PAN Publishers.
    There is much to indicate that the German scholars began a real, global revolution. I have become convinced that, apart from a very few exceptions, everyone in the last century, including world-renowned academics, put their trust in them. How is this possible? I am far from repeating the words: credo, quia absurdum, but it turns out that, up to the present, Diels’ and Kranz’s proposal has never been verified by anyone. This is clearly reflected as well in LSJ. It seems, (...)
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    Zagadnienie naoczności aktów poznawczych.Wojciech Chudy - 1981 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 29 (1):165-232.
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    Completeness Results for Lambek Syntactic Calculus.Wojciech Buszkowski - 1986 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 32 (1-5):13-28.
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    Warsaw Wild Captive Pisula Stryjek rats - Establishing a breeding colony of Norway Rat in captivity.Wojciech Pisula & Rafał Stryjek - 2008 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 39 (2):67-70.
    Warsaw Wild Captive Pisula Stryjek rats - Establishing a breeding colony of Norway Rat in captivity It is believed that the history of laboratory rat dates back to 1820-ies, which is about 300 generations. This relatively short evolutionary distance, drastically different environment and selective breeding could have caused differences in behaviour between the laboratory rat and his wild counterpart - Norway rat. The vast majority of research concerning differences between wild and laboratory rats was conducted over 30 years ago. The (...)
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    Are Descriptions Really Descriptive? An Experimental Study on Misdescription and Reference.Wojciech Rostworowski & Natalia Pietrulewicz - 2019 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 10 (3):609-630.
    This paper presents an experimental study on definite descriptions. According to the classical views, a definite description, i.e., a phrase of the form “the F”, has – roughly speaking - purely descriptive semantics, that is, it designates the object which uniquely (opt. uniquely in a context) satisfies the description. However, as several philosophers including Keith Donnellan have argued, there are uses of definite descriptions on which these expressions do not seem to designate objects which satisfy the descriptions. Namely, a description (...)
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    Is Spinoza’s Ethics Heteronomous in the Kantian Sense of the Term.Wojciech Kozyra - 2018 - Kantian Journal 37 (4):35-66.
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  23. Categorial Grammar.Wojciech Buszkowski, Witold Marciszewski & Johan van Benthem - 1991 - Studia Logica 50 (1):171-172.
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  24. Mathematical linguistics and proof theory.Wojciech Buszkowski - 1997 - In J. F. A. K. Van Benthem, Johan van Benthem & Alice G. B. Ter Meulen, Handbook of Logic and Language. Elsevier. pp. 683--736.
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  25. Gernota Boehmego oscylacje niezdecydowane: pomiędzy Kantowskimi antropologiami – fizyczna i pragmatyczną.Wojciech Chyła - 2004 - Sztuka I Filozofia (Art and Philosophy) 24.
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  26. The Superstring Theory and Lee Smolin's Troubles with Physics.Wojciech P. Grygiel - 2010 - Filozofia Nauki 18 (3):141.
  27. Poglądy Fryderyka Nietzschego na muzykę sceniczną.Wojciech Jaracz - 2011 - Ruch Filozoficzny 68 (2).
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  28. Metanarracja mobilizacji. Ponowoczesność jako bezruch?Wojciech Klimczyk - 2013 - Diametros 37:51-68.
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  29. Multi-temporal Counting Structures. Indexed Natural Numbers in Light of Cognitive Arithmetic.Wojciech Krysztofiak - 2010 - Filozofia Nauki 18 (4):23.
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    Wprowadzenie do nauk Gurdżijewa: "człowiek nie szuka wiedzy o sobie, ale wyjścia z siebie".Wojciech K. Kulczyk - 2004 - Łódź: Wydawn. "Ravi".
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    Neopragmatism and the Question of Interdisciplinarity: The Case of Stanley Fish.Wojciech Małecki - 2009 - Human Affairs 19 (1):96-104.
    Neopragmatism and the Question of Interdisciplinarity: The Case of Stanley Fish The aim of the paper is to criticize Stanley Fish's views on interdisciplinarity (particularly as far as his account of interdisciplinarity in literary studies is concerned). The first part of the article consists of: (a) a summary of his critique of the so-called religion of interdisciplinarity; (b) a description of Fish's theory of disciplinarity that underlies this critique. In the second part of the article, I provide a criticism of (...)
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  32. What Do Thermonuclear Bombs Have To Do with Intercultural Hermeutics?, Or on the Superiority of Dickens over Heidegger.Wojciech Malecki - 2012 - Filozofia 67 (6):450-459.
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    Niecnota uregulowana.Wojciech Pawlik - 1994 - Etyka 27:171-174.
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    Response to spatial and nonspatial change in wild (WWCPS) and Wistar rats.Wojciech Pisula, Klaudia Modlińska & Rafał Stryjek - 2012 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 43 (2):124-131.
    Response to spatial and nonspatial change in wild and Wistar rats The purpose of the experiment was to investigate the effects of domestication on exploration in rats. The comparison was made between wild Warsaw-Wild-Captive-Pisula-Stryjek rats and Wistar laboratory rats. The study used a purpose-built maze divided into zones connected with a corridor. Objects were placed in two out of four zones. Their location and shape were subject to experimental manipulation. Transporter used to move rats to the maze provided the opportunity (...)
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    Antystrofa dialektyki: teoria retoryczna Bartłomieja Keckermanna = The counterpart of Dialectic: the rhetorical theory of Bartholomew Keckermann.Wojciech Ryczek - 2016 - Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika.
    Głównym celem książki jest rekonstrukcja teorii retorycznej, wyłożonej przez Bartłomieja Keckermanna (1572–1609), profesora filozofii w Gdańskim Gimnazjum Akademickim, w obszernym traktacie pod tytułem System retoryki (Systema rhetoricae, Hanau 1608). Opierając się na przejrzystej metodzie, u której podstaw leżała zasada podziału dychotomicznego, wywiedziona wprost z pism logicznych Arystotelesa (Organonu), Keckermann przeprowadził systematyzację sztuki przemawiania. Dzięki twórczemu wykorzystaniu koncepcji Stagiryty, Cycerona i Kwintyliana, a także współczesnych sobie teoretyków wymowy, głównie Rudolfa Agricoli, Erazma z Rotterdamu, Filipa Melanchtona i Piotra Ramusa, stworzył on summę (...)
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  36. Świadomość historyczna - źródło hermeneutyki w myśli Wilhelma Diltheya.Wojciech Torzewski - 2002 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 42 (2):145-158.
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    Safe Space of Ideology.Wojciech Bartłomiej Zieliński - 2014 - Philosophy Study 4 (7).
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    Modal Consequence Relations Extending $mathbf{S4.3}$: An Application of Projective Unification.Wojciech Dzik & Piotr Wojtylak - 2016 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 57 (4):523-549.
    We characterize all finitary consequence relations over S4.3, both syntactically, by exhibiting so-called passive rules that extend the given logic, and semantically, by providing suitable strongly adequate classes of algebras. This is achieved by applying an earlier result stating that a modal logic L extending S4 has projective unification if and only if L contains S4.3. In particular, we show that these consequence relations enjoy the strong finite model property, and are finitely based. In this way, we extend the known (...)
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  39. On the 50th Anniversary of Chopin Death (translation).Wojciech Żeleński, Brian Harlan & Małgorzata A. Szyszkowska - 2000 - In Maja Trochimczyk, After Chopin: Essays in Polish Music. Pendragon Press.
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  40. From Mourning to Melancholy: Toward a Phenomenology of the Modern Human Condition.Wojciech Balus - 1998 - Analecta Husserliana 52:411-418.
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    Nowe rozdania w metaetyce.Wojciech Bober - 2015 - Etyka 50:153-156.
    Recenzja: Mark van Roojen, Metaethics: A Contemporary Introduction, New York and London, Routledge, 2015.
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    O naoczności poznania metafizykalnego.Wojciech Chudy - 1983 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 31 (1):5-40.
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    Unifiability and Structural Completeness in Relation Algebras and in Products of Modal Logic S5.Wojciech Dzik & Beniamin Wróbel - 2015 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 44 (1/2):1-14.
    Unifiability of terms (and formulas) and structural completeness in the variety of relation algebras RA and in the products of modal logic S5 is investigated. Nonunifiable terms (formulas) which are satisfiable in varieties (in logics) are exhibited. Consequently, RA and products of S5 as well as representable diagonal-free n-dimensional cylindric algebras, RDfn, are almost structurally complete but not structurally complete. In case of S5n a basis for admissible rules and the form of all passive rules are provided.
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    Confiance, bonne foi, fidélité: la notion de fides dans la vie des sociétés médiévales (VIe-XVe siècles).Wojciech Fałkowski & Yves Sassier (eds.) - 2018 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    With the meaning of trust, good faith and respect for promises made, protection, or assistance, fides in the non-exclusively religious sense of the word comes from the demand for ethical perfection: as such, it is omnipresent in human relations and in the dynamic of societies in the Middle Ages.
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    Inconsistencies in Himma's Intellectual Property Theory.Wojciech Gamrot - 2023 - Analiza I Egzystencja 63:109-132.
    Teoria własności intelektualnej Kennetha E. Himmy ma na celu uzasadnienie prawa naturalnego do intelektualnej "zawartości" dzieł sztuki i wynalazków. Uważa się przy tym dość powszechnie, że ową zawartość stanowią obiekty abstrakcyjne. Himma proponuje modyfikację znanego argumentu Johna Locke'a z uwzględnieniem koncepcji wartości. Utrzymuje, że nawet jeśli obiekty abstrakcyjne istnieją przed ich rzekomym "stworzeniem", to ich "konsumpcja" nie jest możliwa, dopóki wynalazca lub artysta nie wykona określonej pracy. Praca ta ma jego zdaniem być niezbędna dla zapewnienia dostępu do tychże obiektów. Himma (...)
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  46. Ile etyki w etyce biznesu?Wojciech Gasparski - 2012 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 82 (2):167-180.
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  47. In the prison of freedom: human action and its praxiological explanation.Wojciech W. Gasparski - 1997 - In Sirkku Hellsten, Marjaana Kopperi & Olli Loukola, Taking the Liberal Challenge Seriously: Essays on Contemporary Liberalism at the Turn of the 21st Century. Ashgate. pp. 289.
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  48. Masoni: ruch demokratyczny czy spiskowy?Wojciech Giełżyński - 1983 - Colloquia Communia 11 (6):93-118.
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    The polish way of reform.Wojciech Hubner - 1989 - World Futures 26 (2):109-122.
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    Mimesis in Kierkegaard’s “Does a Human Being Have the Right to Let Himself Be Put to Death for the Truth?” Remarks on the Formation of the Self.Wojciech Kaftanski - 2011 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 1 (1):195-220.
    This essay discusses the role of mimesis in bringing about the images of the crucified Christ, the self, and the martyr as overlooked parts of Kierkegaard!s pseudonymous texts. With respect to mimesis I focus on imitation, representation and resemblance.3 With regard to Kierkegaard!s “Does a Human Being Have the Right to Let Himself Be Put to Death for the Truth?” I argue that its author H.H. introduces the mimetic concept of self and its textual process of formation. I claim that (...)
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