Results for 'William Kelleher'

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  1.  7
    Book Reviews : Nature, the Exotic, and the Science of French Colonialism, by Michael A. Osborne. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1994, xvi + 216 pp. $35.00. [REVIEW]William Kelleher Storey - 1995 - Science, Technology and Human Values 20 (4):508-510.
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    Review of 'colonial technology: Science and the transfer of innovation to australia' by Jan Todd. [REVIEW]William Kelleher Storey - 1998 - Social Epistemology 12 (2):135 – 141.
    (1998). Review of ’colonial technology: Science and the transfer of innovation to Australia’ by Jan Todd. Social Epistemology: Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 135-141.
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    Respect and Empathy in the Social Scicnce Writings of Michael Polanyi.William Kelleher - 2008 - Tradition and Discovery 35 (1):8-32.
    This essay first explains Polanyi’s theory of the evolutionary genesis of humanity’s distinctive calling to strive to be rational. It shows how Polanyi envisioned human rationality as necessarily entailing a natural respect for other people. Finally, the essay shows how Polanyi shapes a method for a critical social seience, which is consistent with his understanding of human rationality.
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    The God Delusion.William J. Kelleher - 2006 - Tradition and Discovery 33 (3):64-65.
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  5. Reflections on the 2018 Nobel Memorial Prize Awarded to William Nordhaus.J. Paul Kelleher - 2019 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 12 (1):93-107.
    This paper discusses some ethically relevant aspects of William Nordhaus’s contribution to climate change policy evaluation. Nordhaus's approach can shed light on one—but only one—dimension of the climate change problem. His boldest claims notwithstanding, there is nothing particularly "optimal" about the temperature increases associated with his most famous modeling choices.
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    Robert F. Williams and Militant Civil Rights.Tommy J. Curry & Max Kelleher - 2015 - Radical Philosophy Review 18 (1):45-68.
    Robert F. Williams, despite being a central historical figure and noted theorist of the Black radical tradition, is ignored as a subject of philosophical relevance and political theory. His challenges to the racist segregationist regime of the South influenced generations of thinkers and revolutionaries. However he is erased from the annals of thought for his use of armed resistance. This paper aims to introduce his life and work to philosophy as material for study and situate his program of pre-emptive self-defense (...)
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    Science and Power in Colonial Mauritius. William Kelleher Storey.Richard Drayton - 2000 - Isis 91 (1):170-171.
  8. Mindmelding, Chapter 2: An alternative framework.William Hirstein - 2012 - In Mindmelding: Consciousness, Neuroscience, and the Mind's Privacy. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter presents the following hypothesis: There is a perfectly sensible conception of the mind, consciousness, the self, what we mean by ‘I,’ how we perceive and know, and how we remember and decide, all of which cohere amongst one another as well as with what we know about the brain, according to which it is possible for one person to experience directly the conscious states of another person. Not only can one person be directly aware of the conscious states (...)
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    Précis of On evidence in philosophy.William G. Lycan - 2022 - Metaphilosophy 53 (5):569-572.
    On Evidence in Philosophy sketches an epistemology of philosophy itself, a method for philosophical inquiry. Part 1 defends a version of Moore's method of “common sense,” in which humble, boring everyday facts like “I have hands” and “I had breakfast earlier today” trump the a priori philosophical premises of arguments for various eliminative idealisms and skepticisms. Part 2 exhibits the deeper poverty of philosophical method, arguing that philosophy cannot prove or even refute any interesting thesis. But Part 3 defends intuitions (...)
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    Essays, comments, and reviews.William James - 1987 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    This generous omnium-gatherum brings together all the writings William James published that have not appeared in previous volumes of this definitive edition of ...
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    Au-delà de la cooccurrence binaire… Poly-cooccurrences et trames de cooccurrence.William Martinez - 2012 - Corpus 11.
    Récurrente sous différentes formes dans le domaine de la lexicométrie, l’analyse cooccurrentielle vise à dévoiler les attractions lexicales qui opèrent dans un texte en restituant un état intermédiaire entre la séquence textuelle et l’inventaire lexical, état qui doit combiner l’explicitation syntagmatique de l’une avec la hiérarchisation statistique de l’autre. Pour dépasser les résultats des méthodes de cooccurrence classiques et identifier des systèmes cooccurrentiels plus complexes à l’oeuvre dans le texte, il s’avère nécessaire de substituer à l’approche analytique des associations lexicales (...)
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    Plato the Teacher: The Crisis of the Republic.William H. F. Altman - 2012 - Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books.
    The pedagogical technique of the playful Plato, especially his ability to create living discourses that directly address the student, is the subject of Plato the Teacher. “The crisis of the Republic” refers to the decisive moment in his central dialogue when philosopher-readers realize that Plato’s is challenging them to choose justice by going back down into the dangerous Cave of political life for the sake of the greater Good, as both Socrates and Cicero did.
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    Bad Faith in Film Spectatorship.William Pamerleau - 2020 - Film-Philosophy 24 (2):122-139.
    This article seeks to develop an under-appreciated aspect of spectator activity: the way in which viewers make use of film to enter or sustain a project of bad faith. Based on Jean-Paul Sartre's account of bad faith in Being and Nothingness (1943), the article explains the aspects of bad faith that are pertinent to viewer activity, then explores the way viewers can make use of filmic depictions to facilitate self-denial. For example, spectators may emphasize the fact that persons are depicted (...)
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    The Fragility of Things: Self-Organizing Processes, Neoliberal Fantasies, and Democratic Activism.William E. Connolly - 2013 - Duke University Press.
    In _The Fragility of Things_, eminent theorist William E. Connolly focuses on several self-organizing ecologies that help to constitute our world. These interacting geological, biological, and climate systems, some of which harbor creative capacities, are depreciated by that brand of neoliberalism that confines self-organization to economic markets and equates the latter with impersonal rationality. Neoliberal practice thus fails to address the fragilities it exacerbates. Engaging a diverse range of thinkers, from Friedrich Hayek, Michel Foucault, Hesiod, and Immanuel Kant to (...)
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  15. The Retreat to Commitment.William W. Bartley - 1966 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 17 (2):153-155.
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  16. Does the Cosmological Argument Depend on the Ontological?William F. Vallicella - 2000 - Faith and Philosophy 17 (4):441-458.
    Does the cosmological argument (CA) depend on the ontological (OA)? That depends. If the OA is an argument “from mere concepts,” then no; if the OA is an argument from possibility, then yes. That is my main thesis. Along the way, I explore a number of subsidiary themes, among them, the nature of proof in metaphysics, and what Kant calls the “mystery of absolute necessity.”.
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    Rights of Animals, Perceptions of Science, and Political Activism: Profile of American Animal Rights Activists.William M. Lunch & Wesley V. Jamison - 1992 - Science, Technology and Human Values 17 (4):438-458.
    This article reports original research examining characteristics of the active followers of the American animal rights movement. Typical respondents were Caucasian, highly educated urban professional women approximately thirty years old with a median income of $33,000. Most activists think of themselves as Democrats or as Independents, and have moderate to liberal political views. They were often suspicious of science and made no distinctions between basic and applied science, or public versus private animal-based research. The research suggests that animal rights activism (...)
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    The Cerebral Code: Thinking a Thought in the Mosaics of the Mind.William H. Calvin - 1996 - MIT Press.
    In "The Cerebral Code," he has solidly embedded his ideas in experimental neurophysiology and neuropharmacology, deriving from his decades in the laboratory.
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    Future truth and freedom.William Hasker - 2021 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 90 (2):109-119.
    It is debated among open theists whether propositions about the contingent future should be regarded as straightforwardly true or false, as all false without exception, or as lacking truth-values. This article discusses some recent work on this topic and proposes a solution different than the one I have previously endorsed.
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    Attitudes toward the Newly Dead.William May - 1973 - The Hastings Center Studies 1 (1):3.
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    Metaphysics of Consciousness.William Seager - 1991 - London ;: Routledge.
    _Metaphysics of Consciousness_ opens with a development of the physicalist outlook that denies the need for any explanation of the mental. This "inexplicability" is demonstrated not to be sufficient as refutation of physicalism. However, the inescapable particularity of modes of consciousness appears to overpower this minimal physicalism. This book proposes that such an inference requires either a wholly new conception of how consciousness is physical or a deep and disturbing new kind of physical inexplicability.
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    In Defense of Plato's Intermediates.William Henry Furness Altman - 2020 - Plato Journal 20:151-166.
    Once we realize that the indivisible and infinitely repeatable One of the arithmetic lesson in Republic7 is generated by διάνοια at Parmenides 143a6-9, it becomes possible to revisit the Divided Line’s Second Part and see that Aristotle’s error was not to claim that Plato placed Intermediates between the Ideas and sensible things but to restrict that class to the mathematical objects Socrates used to explain it. All of the One-Over-Many Forms of Republic10 that Aristotle, following Plato, attacked with the Third (...)
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  23. Suffering, Soul-Making, and Salvation.William Hasker - 1988 - International Philosophical Quarterly 28 (1):3-19.
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  24. Exploring Unseen Worlds; William James and the Philosophy of Mysticism.G. William Barnard - 1998 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 19 (1):113-117.
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    Evidence for Consciousness.William P. Banks - 1995 - Consciousness and Cognition 4 (2):270-272.
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    Mythistory and other essays.William Hardy McNeill - 1986 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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    Die Verborgene Theologie der Säkularität.William J. Hoye - 2018 - Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Vernunft und Glaube, Wissenschaft und Religion stehen keineswegs in einem Gegensatz. Trotz der abweisenden Haltung, die Säkularität gegenüber der Religion an den Tag legt, sind fundamentale Überzeugungen des säkularen Bewusstseins unverkennbar theologischer Natur, viele haben gar eine spezifisch christliche Prägung: Begriffe wie Verantwortung, Gewissens- und Wissenschaftsfreiheit, Toleranz und Volkssouveränität, Menschenwürde und Wirklichkeit beispielsweise tragen eine religiöse Signatur. Wenn uns auch heute oft verborgen, so steht doch die aufgeklärte Vernunft auf einem theologischen Fundament, das diese trägt. Genauere begriffsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen belegen das. (...)
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    Making sense of “the inevitable”.William G. Hoy - 2020 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 41 (2):115-117.
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    Latin Dē.William Short - 2013 - Classical Antiquity 32 (2):378-405.
    Latin dē, both in its prepositional and preverbal form, is characterized by multiple, varied, and seemingly unrelated senses. Unlike proposition-based lexicographical and historical linguistic accounts, an image-schematic definition systematically explains the range of its literal, physical senses and of its figurative, abstract senses, as well as the relations between them. Defining dē in terms of an image-schematic “scenario” portraying two entities connected by a directional trajectory in fact accommodates the co-existence of even antonymous senses within this word's semantic structure and (...)
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    The Anglo-Saxon New Negro: Sutton E. Griggs’s Anglo-Saxonism and the Quest for Cultural Paternity in Imperium in Imperio.William Tamplin - 2020 - Utopian Studies 31 (1):97-117.
    Sutton Elbert Griggs wrote the first major African-American political novel, Imperium in Imperio. Imperium is a utopian novel and the first novel to represent the New Negro, a figure that Alain Locke popularized a quarter of a century later. Griggs used the term New Negro to refer to a generation of educated black Americans born after emancipation, a multiplicity of voices that demanded equality at the turn of the twentieth century. The 1890s are often described as the nadir of race (...)
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    (1 other version)Concrete Critical Theory: Althusser’s Marxism.William S. Lewis - 2021 - Leiden, Netherlands: Brill.
    Taking an analytic and historical approach, this work develops and defends Althusserian critical theory. This theory, it is argued, produces knowledge of how a particular class of people, in a particular time, in a particular place, is dominated, oppressed, or exploited. Moreover, without relying on a general notion of human emancipation, concrete critical theory can suggest political means for the alleviation of these conditions. Because it puts Althusser’s ideas in dialogue with contemporary social science and philosophy, the book as a (...)
  32.  13
    The Life and Growth of Language.William Dwight Whitney - 2016 - Palala Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  33. Ideas of representation.William G. Lycan - 1989 - In David Weissbord (ed.), Mind, Value and Culture: Essays in Honor of E. M. Adams. Ridgeview.
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    Defining" science" in a multicultural world: Implications for science education.William W. Cobern & Cathleen C. Loving - 2001 - Science Education 85 (1):50-67.
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  35. Wise woman versus manic man : Diotima and Alcibiades in Plato's Symposium.William O. Stephens - 2011 - In Adrianne McEvoy (ed.), Sex, Love, and Friendship: Studies of the Society for the Philosophy of Sex and Love, 1993-2003. New York, NY: Rodopi.
    This paper argues that Plato recognized that Socrates’ rational, reflective love, learned from the wise Diotima, is the only means of achieving secure, self-sufficient happiness and so the only way to avoid tragedy in human life.
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  36. Irrational Man.William Barrett - 1962 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 17 (1):96-96.
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  37.  47
    Is there a sabbath for thought?: between religion and philosophy.William Desmond - 2005 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Seeking to renew an ancient companionship between the philosophical andthe religious, this book’s meditative chapters dwell on certain elementalexperiences or happenings that keep the soul alive to the enigma of the divine.William Desmond engages the philosophical work of Pascal, Kant, Hegel,Nietzsche, Shestov, and Soloviev, among others, and pursues with a philosophicalmindfulness what is most intimate in us, yet most universal: sleep, poverty,imagination, courage and witness, reverence, hatred and love, peace and war.Being religious has to do with that intimate universal, (...)
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  38. Decomposing and localizing vision: An exemplar for cognitive neuroscience.William P. Bechtel - 2001 - In William P. Bechtel, Pete Mandik, Jennifer Mundale & Robert S. Stufflebeam (eds.), Philosophy and the Neurosciences: A Reader. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 225--249.
  39. A companion to cognitive science.William Bechtel & George Graham - 1996 - In Dennis M. Patterson (ed.), A Companion to Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory. Blackwell.
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  40. Separated spouses and equal partners : Cicero, Ovid, and marriage at a distance.William O. Stephens - 2011 - In Adrianne McEvoy (ed.), Sex, Love, and Friendship: Studies of the Society for the Philosophy of Sex and Love, 1993-2003. New York, NY: Rodopi.
    These comments on Sabine Grebe, "The Transformation of the Husband/Wife Relationship during Exile: Letters from Cicero and Ovid" raise questions about the similarities and dissimilarities of marriage and friendship examined in the marriages of Cicero and Ovid.
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    The culture of Renaissance humanism.William James Bouwsma - 1959 - Washington,: American Historical Association.
  42.  25
    Hare’s Archangel, Human Fallibility, and Utilitarian Justification(?) of Deception.William Paul Kabasenche & Thomas May - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (5):17-19.
    The target article by Christopher Meyers concerning justification of deception for clinical ethicists is both well-reasoned and plausible. Clearly grounded in utilitarian considerations, its...
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    The Practice of Justice: A Theory of Lawyers' Ethics.William H. Simon - 1998 - Harvard University Press.
    Citing the Lincoln Savings and Loan scandal, the Leo Frank murder trial, and other cases, author William Simon takes a fresh look at the ethics of lawyering.
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  44. Can A Coherentist Be An Externalist?William A. Roche - 2006 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 6 (2):269-280.
    It is standard practice, when distinguishing between the foundationalist and the coherentist, to construe the coherentist as an internalist. The coherentist, the construal goes, says that justification is solely a matter of coherence, and that coherence, in turn, is solely a matter of internal relations between beliefs. The coherentist, so construed, is an internalist (in the sense I have in mind) in that the coherentist, so construed, says that whether a belief is justified hinges solely on what the subject is (...)
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    12 RusselPs Structuralism and the Absolute Description of the World.William Demopoulos - 2003 - In Nicholas Griffin (ed.), The Cambridge companion to Bertrand Russell. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 392.
  46. Let's dump hypothetico-deductivism for the right reasons.William W. Rozeboom - 1982 - Philosophy of Science 49 (4):637-647.
  47.  16
    The Guardians on Trial: The Reading Order of Plato's Dialogues From Euthyphro to Phaedo.William H. F. Altman - 2016 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    In this book, William H. F. Altman argues that it is not order of composition but reading order that makes Euthyphro, Apology of Socrates, Crito, and Phaedo “late dialogues,” and shows why Plato’s decision to interpolate the notoriously “late” Sophist and Statesman between Euthyphro and Apology deserves more respect from interpreters.
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  48. Can a stoic love?William O. Stephens - 2011 - In Adrianne McEvoy (ed.), Sex, Love, and Friendship: Studies of the Society for the Philosophy of Sex and Love, 1993-2003. New York, NY: Rodopi.
  49. The Hume-Edwards Objection to the Cosmological Argument.William F. Vallicella - 1997 - Journal of Philosophical Research 22:423-443.
    One sort of cosmological argument for the existence of God starts from the fact that the universe exists and argues to a transcendent cause of this fact. According to the Hume-Edwards objection to this sort of cosmological argument, if every member of the universe is caused by a preceding member, then the universe has an intemal causal explanation in such a way as to obviate the need for a transcendent cause. The Hume-Edwards objection has recently come under attack by atheists (...)
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  50.  72
    Many Windows: Reflections on Robert Ulanowicz’s Search for Meaning in Science.William Grassie - 2012 - Axiomathes 22 (2):195-205.
    This paper is an extended discussion of Robert Ulanowicz’s critique of mechanistic and reductionistic metaphysics of science. He proposes “process ecology” as an alternative. In this paper I discuss four sets of question coming out of Ulanowicz’s proposal. First, I argue that universality remains one of the hallmarks of the scientific enterprise even with his new process metaphysics. I then discuss the Second Law of Thermodynamics in the interpretation of the history of the universe. I question Ulanowicz’s use of the (...)
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