Results for 'Willard McCarty'

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  1. Modeling, Ontology, and Wild Thought: Toward an Anthropology of the Artificially Intelligent.Willard McCarty - 2020 - In Geoffrey E. R. Lloyd & Aparecida Vilaça, Science in the forest, science in the past. Chicago: HAU Books.
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    Cognition, perception et mondiation.Philippe Descola - 2011 - Cahiers Philosophiques 127 (4):97-104.
    Dans le dernier numéro de 2010 de l’ Interdisciplinary Science Reviews intitulé « Histoire et nature humaine », Brad Inwood et Willard McCarty, rédacteurs en chef, ont invité le professeur G.E.R Lloyd, à écrire un article sur le débat entre universalistes et relativistes, reprenant les thèses de son récent livre Cognitive Variations (Oxford University Press, 2007). À cet article répondent des spécialistes de diverses disciplines. Nous publions ici la réponse de deux anthropologues : Philippe Descola et Eduardo Viveiros (...)
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    (1 other version)McCarty’s Law and How to Break It.Mark Mccarty - 1995 - In Paul Hockings, Principles of Visual Anthropology. De Gruyter. pp. 69-76.
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    What are the limits of mathematical explanation? Interview with Charles McCarty by Piotr Urbańczyk.David Charles McCarty & Piotr Urbańczyk - 2016 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 60:119-137.
    An interview with Charles McCarty by Piotr Urbańczyk concerning mathematical explanation.
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  5. Word and Object.Willard Van Orman Quine, Patricia Smith Churchland & Dagfinn Føllesdal - 1960 - Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press.
    Willard Van Orman Quine begins this influential work by declaring, "Language is asocial art.
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  6. Ontological Relativity and Other Essays.Willard Van Orman Quine - 1969 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    This volume consists of the first of the John Dewey Lectures delivered under the auspices of Columbia University's Philosophy Department as well as other essays by the author. Intended to clarify the meaning of the philosophical doctrines propounded by Professor Quine in 'Word and Objects', the essays included herein both support and expand those doctrines.
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  7. Kantian moral motivation and the feeling of respect.Richard R. McCarty - 1993 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 31 (3):421-435.
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    Realizability and recursive set theory.Charles McCarty - 1986 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 32:153-183.
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    Willard Von Orman Quine: Logique Elementaire.Willard Van Orman Quine - 2006 - Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin.
    La Logique elementaire est a la fois une introduction a la logique et une introduction a la pensee de Quine, son but ayant ete de condenser le sujet de la logique traditionnelle en le traitant par les moyens de la logique contemporaine, afin de rendre plus intelligibles les constructions logiques de base et les raisonnements impliques dans le langage usuel. Le lecteur trouvera ici tous les elements necessaires a la comprehension du symbolisme logique, mais aussi et surtout le role de (...)
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  10. (4 other versions)Two Dogmas of Empiricism.Willard V. O. Quine - 1951 - Philosophical Review 60 (1):20–43.
    Modern empiricism has been conditioned in large part by two dogmas. One is a belief in some fundamental cleavage between truths which are analytic, or grounded in meanings independently of matters of fact, and truth which are synthetic, or grounded in fact. The other dogma is reductionism: the belief that each meaningful statement is equivalent to some logical construct upon terms which refer to immediate experience. Both dogmas, I shall argue, are ill founded. One effect of abandoning them is, as (...)
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  11. Maxims in Kant's practical philosophy.Richard R. McCarty - 2006 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44 (1):65-83.
    : A standard interpretation of Kantian "maxims" sees them as expressing reasons for action, implying that we cannot act without a maxim. But recent challenges to this interpretation claim that Kant viewed acting on maxims as optional. Kant's understanding of maxims derives from Christian Wolff, who regarded maxims as major premises of the practical syllogism. This supports the standard interpretation. Yet Kant also viewed commitments to maxims as essential for virtue and character development, which supports challenges to the standard interpretation, (...)
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  12.  51
    Polymorphism and apartness.David Charles McCarty - 1991 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 32 (4):513-532.
  13.  38
    Satisfiability is False Intuitionistically: A Question from Dana Scott.Charles McCarty - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (4):803-813.
    Satisfiability or Sat\ is the metatheoretic statementEvery formally intuitionistically consistent set of first-order sentences has a model.The models in question are the Tarskian relational structures familiar from standard first-order model theory, but here treated within intuitionistic metamathematics. We prove that both IZF, intuitionistic Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory, and HAS, second-order Heyting arithmetic, prove Sat\ to be false outright. Following the lead of Carter :75–95, 2008), we then generalize this result to some provably intermediate first-order logics, including the Rose logic. These metatheorems (...)
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    Reflections on the Foundations of Mathematics: Essays in Honor of Solomon Feferman. edited by Wilfred Sieg, Richard Sommer, and Carolyn Talcott, Lecture Notes in Logic, vol. 15. A. K. Peters, Ltd., Natick, MA, 2002, viii + 440 pp.David Charles McCarty - 2005 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 11 (2):239-241.
  15. On Mental Entities.Willard V. Quine - 1976 - In Willard Van Orman Quine, The ways of paradox, and other essays. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  16. Out of Isolation: Philosophy, Hermeneutics, Multiculturalism.Luise Prior McCarty - forthcoming - Philosophy of Education.
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  17. Word and Object.Willard Van Orman Quine - 1960 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 17 (2):278-279.
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  18. From a Logical Point of View.Willard Van Orman Quine - 1953 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Several of these essays have been printed whole in journals; others are in varying degrees new. Two main themes run through them. One is the problem of meaning, particularly as involved in the notion of an analytic statement. The other is the notion of ontological, commitment, particularly as involved in the problem of universals.
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  19. False Negatives of the Categorical Imperative.Richard McCarty - 2015 - Mind 124 (493):177-200.
    The categorical imperative can be construed as a universalization test for moral permissibility. False negatives of the categorical imperative would be maxims failing this test, despite the permissibility of their actions; maxims like: ‘I’ll withdraw all my savings on April 15th’. Examples of purported false negatives familiar from the literature can be grouped into three general categories, and dispatched by applying category-specific methods for proper formulation of their maxims, or for proper testing. Methods for reformulating failing maxims, such as the (...)
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  20. Being in a Position to Know is the Norm of Assertion.Christopher Willard-Kyle - 2020 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 101 (2):328-352.
    This paper defends a new norm of assertion: Assert that p only if you are in a position to know that p. We test the norm by judging its performance in explaining three phenomena that appear jointly inexplicable at first: Moorean paradoxes, lottery propositions, and selfless assertions. The norm succeeds by tethering unassertability to unknowability while untethering belief from assertion. The PtK‐norm foregrounds the public nature of assertion as a practice that can be other‐regarding, allowing asserters to act in the (...)
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    Kant's theory of action.Richard McCarty - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
  22. (1 other version)Philosophy of logic.Willard Van Orman Quine - 1986 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Edited by Simon Blackburn & Keith Simmons.
  23.  29
    Reconstructing a Logic from Tractatus: Wittgenstein’s Variables and Formulae.Charles McCarty & David Fisher - 2016 - In Sorin Costreie, Early Analytic Philosophy – New Perspectives on the Tradition. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    It is and has been widely assumed, e.g., in Hintikka and Hintikka, that the logical theory available from Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus affords a foundation for the conventional logic represented in standard formulations of classical propositional, first-order predicate, and perhaps higher-order formal systems. The present article is a detailed attempt at a mathematical demonstration, or as much demonstration as the sources will allow, that this assumption is false by contemporary lights and according to a preferred account of argument validity. When Wittgenstein’s (...)
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  24. Cognitive biases explain religious belief, paranormal belief, and belief in life’s purpose.Aiyana K. Willard & Ara Norenzayan - 2013 - Cognition 129 (2):379-391.
  25. Quantifiers and propositional attitudes.Willard van Orman Quine - 1955 - Journal of Philosophy 53 (5):177-187.
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    Diagnosis and Therapy in The Anticipatory Corpse: A Second Opinion.Brett McCarty - 2016 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 41 (6):621-641.
    In The Anticipatory Corpse, Jeffrey Bishop claims that modern medicine has lost formal and final causality as the dead body has become epistemologically normative, and that a singular focus on efficient and material causality has thoroughly distorted modern medical practice. Bishop implies that the renewal of medicine will require its housing in alternate social spaces. This essay critiques both Bishop’s diagnosis and therapy by arguing, first, that alternate social imaginaries, though perhaps marginalized, are already present within the practice of medicine. (...)
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  27. Dallas Willard, Knowing Christ Today: Why We Can Trust Spiritual Knowledge.Dallas Willard - 2009
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  28. Do great minds really think alike?Christopher Willard-Kyle - 2017 - Synthese 194 (3).
    Recently, a number of epistemologists (notably Feldman [2007], [2009] and White [2005], [2013]) have argued for the rational uniqueness thesis, the principle that any set of evidence permits only one rationally acceptable attitude toward a given proposition. In contrast, this paper argues for extreme rational permissivism, the view that two agents with the same evidence may sometimes arrive at contradictory beliefs rationally. This paper identifies different versions of uniqueness and permissivism that vary in strength and range, argues that evidential peers (...)
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  29. The web of belief.Willard Van Orman Quine & J. S. Ullian - 1970 - New York,: Random House. Edited by J. S. Ullian.
    A compact, coherent introduction to the study of rational belief, this text provides points of entry to such areas of philosophy as theory of knowledge, methodology of science, and philosophy of language. The book is accessible to all undergraduates and presupposes no philosophical training.
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  30. The ways of paradox, and other essays.Willard Van Orman Quine (ed.) - 1976 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    A respected Harvard logician and philosopher gathers together twenty-nine writings dealing with the foundations of mathematics, Rudolf Carnap, lin-guistics, ...
  31. (1 other version)Pursuit of truth.Willard Van Orman Quine - 1992 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    " This is a key book for understanding the effort that a major philosopher has made a large part of his life's work: to naturalize epistemology in the twentieth ...
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  32. Mind and verbal dispositions.Willard V. Quine - 1975 - In Mind and Language. Oxford University Press.
  33. The Right to Lie: Kantian Ethics and the Inquiring Murderer.Richard McCarty - 2012 - American Philosophical Quarterly 49 (4):331-344.
    Few challenges facing Kantian ethics are more famous and formidable than the so-called "case of the inquiring murderer." It appears in some form today in most introductory ethics texts, but it is not a new objection. Even Kant himself was compelled to respond to it, though by most accounts his response was embarrassingly unpersuasive. A more satisfactory reply can be offered to this old objection, however. It will be shown here that Kantian ethics permits lying to inquirers asking wrong questions, (...)
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  34. Kant's Incorporation Requirement: Freedom and Character in the Empirical World.Richard Mccarty - 2008 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 38 (3):425-451.
    In Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason Kant wrote that ‘freedom of the power of choice has the characteristic, entirely peculiar to it, that it cannot be determined to action through any incentive except insofar as the human being has incorporated it into his maxim.’ This is an obscure statement, in both meaning and provenance. Yet almost all recent interpreters of Kant's practical philosophy find it crucial for understanding his theories of freedom and motivation, since it seems to indicate (...)
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  35. (2 other versions)Methods of logic.Willard Van Orman Quine - 1962 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
  36. Two Dogmas in Retrospect.Willard van Orman Quine - 1991 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 21 (3):265 - 274.
    In retrospecting "Two Dogmas" I find myself overshooting by twenty years. I think back to college days, 61 years agao. I majored in mathematics and was doing my honors reading in mathematical logic, a subject that had not yet penetrated the Oberlin curriculum. My new love, in the platonic sense, was Whitehead and Russell's Principia Mathematica.
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    Medicine as Just War? The Legacy of James Childress in Christian Ethics.Brett McCarty - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (2):57-74.
    What do medicine and war have to do with each other? This question is explored through the writings of James Childress, whose early contributions to just war theory illuminate his work in bioethics. By considering the conceptual influences of just war theory on Childress’s bioethics, the contributions and limits of his approach can be set in relief through normative engagement with certain areas of medicine. In particular, Childress’s just-war-inspired bioethics befits the practice of surgery; but oncology, as a medical analogue (...)
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    Intuitionism in Mathematics.D. C. McCarty - 2005 - In Stewart Shapiro, Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter presents and illustrates fundamental principles of the intuitionistic mathematics devised by L.E.J. Brouwer and then describes in largely nontechnical terms metamathematical results that shed light on the logical character of that mathematics. The fundamental principles, such as Uniformity and Brouwer’s Theorem, are drawn from the intuitionistic studies of logic and topology. The metamathematical results include Gödel’s negative and modal translations and Kleene’s realizability interpretation. The chapter closes with an assessment of anti-realism as a philosophy of intuitionism.
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  39. Surprising Suspensions: The Epistemic Value of Being Ignorant.Christopher Willard-Kyle - 2021 - Dissertation, Rutgers University - New Brunswick
    Knowledge is good, ignorance is bad. So it seems, anyway. But in this dissertation, I argue that some ignorance is epistemically valuable. Sometimes, we should suspend judgment even though by believing we would achieve knowledge. In this apology for ignorance (ignorance, that is, of a certain kind), I defend the following four theses: 1) Sometimes, we should continue inquiry in ignorance, even though we are in a position to know the answer, in order to achieve more than mere knowledge (e.g. (...)
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  40. Carnap and logical truth.Willard van Orman Quine - 1954 - Synthese 12 (4):350--74.
    Kant's question 'How are synthetic judgments a priori possible?' pre- cipitated the Critique of Pure Reason. Question and answer notwith- standing, Mill and others persisted in doubting that such judgments were possible at all. At length some of Kant's own clearest purported.
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  41. Quiddities: an intermittently philosophical dictionary.Willard Van Orman Quine - 1987 - Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
    Quine's areas of interest are panoramic, as this lively book amply demonstrates.
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  42. (5 other versions)On what there is.Willard Van Orman Quine - 1948 - Review of Metaphysics 2 (5):21-38.
    Suppose now that two philosophers, McX and I, differ over ontology. Suppose McX maintains there is something which I maintain there is not. McX can, quite consistently with his own point of view, describe our difference of opinion by saying that I refuse to recognize certain entities. I should protest of course that he is wrong in his formulation of our disagreement, for I maintain that there are no entities, of the kind which he alleges, for me to recognize; but (...)
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    On the failure of mathematics' philosophy: Review of P. Maddy, Realism in Mathematics; and C. Chihara, Constructibility and Mathematical Existence.David Charles McCarty - 1993 - Synthese 96 (2):255-291.
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    The Time of My Life: An Autobiography.Willard Van Orman Quine - 2000 - Bradford.
    "Some Pow'r did us the giftie grant/ To see oursels as others can't." With that play on Burns' famous line as a preface, Willard Van Orman Quine sets out to spin the yarn of his life so far. And it is a gift indeed to see one of the world's most famous philosophers as no one else has seen him before. To catch an intimate glimpse of his seminal and controversial theories of philosophy, logic, and language as they evolved, (...)
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    Constructive validity is nonarithmetic.Charles McCarty - 1988 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 53 (4):1036-1041.
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    Skolem's paradox and constructivism.Charles McCarty & Neil Tennant - 1987 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 16 (2):165 - 202.
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    Completeness and incompleteness for intuitionistic logic.Charles Mccarty - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (4):1315-1327.
    We call a logic regular for a semantics when the satisfaction predicate for at least one of its nontheorems is closed under double negation. Such intuitionistic theories as second-order Heyting arithmetic HAS and the intuitionistic set theory IZF prove completeness for no regular logics, no matter how simple or complicated. Any extensions of those theories proving completeness for regular logics are classical, i.e., they derive the tertium non datur. When an intuitionistic metatheory features anticlassical principles or recognizes that a logic (...)
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    (1 other version)Argumentation and the Social Grounds of Knowledge.Charles Arthur Willard - 1982 - University Alabama Press.
    "As a distinctive philosophy, religious humanism emphasizes man's place in an unfathomed universe, reason as an instrument for discovering the truth, free inquiry as a condition for discerning meaning and purpose, and happiness as a fundamental value. "Man's uniqueness emerges partly from homo sapiens' capacity to employ symbols effectively. For this reason, Willard's provocative book is not a celebration of controversy but a sophisticated study exploring the grounds of man's knowledge. Drawing upon phenomenologists such as Alfred Schultz, psychologists such (...)
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  49. (1 other version)From stimulus to science.Willard Van Orman Quine - 1992 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    For the faithful there is much to ponder. In this short book, based on lectures delivered in Spain in 1990, Quine begins by locating his work historically.
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    Problems and Riddles: Hilbert and the Du Bois-Reymonds.D. C. McCarty - 2005 - Synthese 147 (1):63 - 79.
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