Results for 'Will Religious aspects.'

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  1.  7
    The Religious Aspect of Confucianism During The Ly-Tran Dynasties, Vietnam.Nhu Nguyen & Quyet Nguyen - 2024 - Griot 24 (2):234-246.
    This article explores the religious dimensions of Confucianism during the Ly-Tran dynasties (1009-1400 AD) in Vietnam, a period marked by significant sociopolitical and cultural transitions. Initially introduced as a moral and ethical philosophy from China, Confucianism underwent a complex process of localization, blending with indigenous Vietnamese beliefs and practices as well as Buddhism and Taoism. Through historical records, literary works, and ritual practices documented in “The Complete Annals of Đại Việt” and other classical texts, this study delves into how (...)
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    The Globalization of Ethics: Religious and Secular Perspectives.William M. Sullivan & Will Kymlicka (eds.) - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Sullivan and Kymlicka seek to provide an alternative to post-9/11 pessimism about the ability of serious ethical dialogue to resolve disagreements and conflict across national, religious, and cultural differences. It begins by acknowledging the gravity of the problem: on our tightly interconnected planet, entire populations look for moral guidance to a variety of religious and cultural traditions, and these often stiffen, rather than soften, opposing moral perceptions. How, then, to set minimal standards for the treatment of persons while (...)
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  3. The cultural evolution of prosocial religions.Ara Norenzayan, Azim F. Shariff, Will M. Gervais, Aiyana K. Willard, Rita A. McNamara, Edward Slingerland & Joseph Henrich - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39:e1.
    We develop a cultural evolutionary theory of the origins of prosocial religions and apply it to resolve two puzzles in human psychology and cultural history: (1) the rise of large-scale cooperation among strangers and, simultaneously, (2) the spread of prosocial religions in the last 10–12 millennia. We argue that these two developments were importantly linked and mutually energizing. We explain how a package of culturally evolved religious beliefs and practices characterized by increasingly potent, moralizing, supernatural agents, credible displays of (...)
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    Double Religious Belonging: Aspects and Questions.Catherine Cornille - 2003 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (1):43.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 23 (2003) 43-49 [Access article in PDF] Double Religious Belonging:Aspects and Questions Catherine Cornille College of Holy Cross at Worcester, Massachusetts The idea of double or multiple religious belonging seems to have become an integral feature of the religious culture of our times. It is no longer surprising to hear people refer to themselves as partly or fully Christian and Buddhist, and the hybridizing (...)
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  5. (1 other version)The Will: A Dual Aspect Theory.Brian O'shaughnessy, Andrew Woodfield, J. Foster & G. F. Macdonald - 1982 - Religious Studies 18 (3):379-397.
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    The Religious Background of Seventeenth-Century Philosophy.Richard H. Popkin - 1987 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 25 (1):35-50.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Religious Background of Seventeenth-Century Philosophy RICHARD H. POPKIN IT IS AN EXCEEDINGLY GREAT PLEASURE tO participate in the twenty-fifth anniversary issue of the Journal of the Historyof Philosophy.The editor, Professor Makkreel, offered me the opportunity to discuss the rationale for my present research, which I hope has some relevance for future research in the history of philosophy. At a symposium at the American Philosophical Association meeting in (...)
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    It is God’s will: Exploiting religious beliefs as a means of human trafficking.Erin C. Heil - 2017 - Critical Research on Religion 5 (1):48-61.
    Human traffickers use various methods to maintain and control their victims, including physical, economic, and psychological restraints. Specifically focusing on the psychological aspect of control, this paper seeks to address the role of religion and how it can be exploited as a tool of coercion. Employing case study methodology, this paper will focus on examples of Islam, House of Judah, and Scientology, and how belief systems facilitated victim coercion. The purpose is threefold: to establish religion as a tool of (...)
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  8. Neuroscientific Explanations of Religious Experience are Not free from Cultural Aspects.Anne L. C. Runehov - 2008 - Ars Disputandi:141-156.
    We cannot disregard that the neuroscientific research on religious phenomena such as religious experiences and rituals for example, has increased significantly the last years. Neuroscientists claim that neuroscience contributes considerably in the process of understanding religious experiences, because neuroscience is able to measure brain activity during religious experiences by way of brain‐imaging technologies. No doubt, those results of neuroscientific research on religious experiences are an important supplement to the understanding of some types of religious (...)
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  9. Free Will, Agency, and Selfhood in Indian Philosophy.Matthew R. Dasti & Edwin F. Bryant (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    Led by Buddhists and the yoga traditions of Hinduism and Jainism, Indian thinkers have long engaged in a rigorous analysis and reconceptualization of our common notion of self. Less understood is the way in which such theories of self intersect with issues involving agency and free will; yet such intersections are profoundly important, as all major schools of Indian thought recognize that moral goodness and religious fulfillment depend on the proper understanding of personal agency. Moreover, their individual conceptions (...)
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    Free will explained: how science and philosophy converge to create a beautiful illusion.Dan Barker - 2018 - New York: Sterling. Edited by Michael Shermer.
    Do we have free will? And if we don't, why do we think we do? Scientists and philosophers have been battling with this issue for years. In this book, a former Christian minister who is now an internationally recognized authority on atheism addresses these questions."--Page 2 of cover.
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  11. Ethical Naturalism and Religious Belief in 'The Moral Philosopher and the Moral Life.'.Michael R. Slater - 2007 - William James Studies 2.
    In this paper I offer a re-reading of "The Moral Philosopher and the Moral Life," William James's most well known work on ethics. I show that while James defends a naturalistic account of the basis of morality in the essay, he also makes a practical argument for religious faith, one that closely connects the piece to such works as "The Will to Believe" and The Varieties of Religious Experience. After discussing some of the strengths and weaknesses of (...)
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  12. Why Free Will is Real.Christian List - 2019 - Cambridge, MA, USA: Harvard University Press.
    Philosophers have argued about the nature and the very existence of free will for centuries. Today, many scientists and scientifically minded commentators are skeptical that it exists, especially when it is understood to require the ability to choose between alternative possibilities. If the laws of physics govern everything that happens, they argue, then how can our choices be free? Believers in free will must be misled by habit, sentiment, or religious doctrine. Why Free Will Is Real (...)
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    Free will, neuroethics, psychology and theology.Geran F. Dodson - 2017 - Wilmington, Delaware, United States: Vernon Press.
    The topic of human free will has received more attention in the past several years due to the important discoveries of neuroscience but no consensus of opinion is evident in related disciplines. The traditional approach to understanding free will in philosophy employs conceptual analysis to determine whether humans have freedom of choice. Theology affirms that every person has free choice although God is somehow behind all human decisions. Evolutionary psychology points to human behavior as the product of biological (...)
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    Akıl irade hürriyet: son dönem Osmanlı dinî düşüncesinde irade meselesi.Rıdvan Özdinç - 2013 - İstanbul: Dergâh Yayınları.
    Will; religious aspects; Islam; Turkey; philosophy; history; 20th century.
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    The 'will to believe' in science and religion.William J. Gavin - 1984 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (3):139 - 148.
    “The Will to Believe” defines the religious question as forced, living and momentous, but even in this article James asserts that more objective factors are involved. The competing religious hypotheses must both be equally coherent and correspond to experimental data to an equal degree. Otherwise the option is not a live one. “If I say to you ‘Be a theosophist or be a Mohammedan’, it is probably a dead option, because for you neither hypothesis is likely to (...)
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    Will the circle be unbroken?: reflections on death, rebirth, and hunger for a faith.Studs Terkel - 2001 - New York: W.W. Norton.
    Machine generated contents note: Part I -- Doctors -- Dr. Joseph Messer -- Dr. Sharon Sandell -- ER -- Dr. John Barrett -- Marc and Noreen Levison, a paramedic and a nurse -- Lloyd (Pete) Haywood, a former gangbanger -- Claire Hellstern, a nurse -- Ed Reardon, a paramedic -- Law and Order -- Robert Soreghan, a homicide detective -- Delbert Lee Tibbs, a former death-row inmate -- War -- Dr. Frank Raila -- Haskell Wexler, a cinematographer -- Tammy Snider, (...)
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    When Religious Language Blocks Discussion About Health Care Decision Making.George Khushf - 2019 - HEC Forum 31 (2):151-166.
    There is a curious asymmetry in cases where the use of religious language involves a breakdown in communication and leads to a seemingly intractable dispute. Why does the use of religious language in such cases almost always arise on the side of patients and their families, rather than on the side of clinicians or others who work in healthcare settings? I suggest that the intractable disputes arise when patients and their families use religious language to frame their (...)
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    Problems and Religious Coping methods of Hearing Impaired Students.Eyyüp Kayaci - 2023 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 9 (1):731-761.
    The study was carried out in order to reveal the problems of hearing-impaired students, who have an important place in our society and the reli-gious coping methods they use to cope with their problems. In the first part of the study, the problems of the hearing impaired students and their religious coping methods were examined. In the second part, the findings obtained as a result of the interviews were interpreted under two headings as the participants' problems and religious (...)
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  19. Religious Experience, Voluntarist Reasons, and the Transformative Experience Puzzle.Rebecca Chan - 2016 - Res Philosophica 93 (1):269-287.
    Transformative experiences are epistemically and personally transformative: prior to having the experience, agents cannot predict the value of the experience and cannot anticipate how it will change their core values and preferences. Paul (2014, 2015) argues that these experiences pose a puzzle for standard decision-making procedures because values cannot be assigned to outcomes involving transformative experience. Responding philosophers are quick to point out that decision procedures are built to handle uncertainty, including the uncertainty generated by transformative experience. My paper (...)
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  20. Unamuno and James on Religious Faith.Alberto Oya - 2020 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 39 (1):85-104.
    The aim of this paper is to argue against the received view among Unamuno scholars that Miguel de Unamuno was defending a sort of pragmatic argument for religious faith and that his notion of religious faith as “querer creer” (“wanting to believe”) is to be identified with William James’s “the will to believe”. As I will show in this paper, one of the aspects that makes Unamuno’s reasoning philosophically relevant is his ability to formulate a non-pragmatist (...)
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    Physician Assisted Suicide: A Variety of Religious Perspectives.Mark F. Carr (ed.) - 2008 - Wheatmark.
    The "California Compassionate Choices Act," AB 374, is inching its way into the voter's booth. Are you ready to vote for or against physician-assisted suicide? California is not the only state facing this issue, and as a responsible citizen you will not be able to escape taking a position on this important social and personal moral question. This collection of essays was gleaned from the Jack W. Provonsha Lecture Series on physician-assisted suicide. Representing a variety of religious perspectives, (...)
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    Deradicalising religious education: Teacher, curriculum and multiculturalism.Irham Irham, Sansan Ziaul Haq & Yudril Basith - 2020 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 15 (1):39-54.
    This articles discusses deradicalization attempts in religious educational settings. It closely examines the roots of religious radicalism and offers the deradicalisation models in religious educational institutions. The discussion contributes to the current scholarship on the role of religious education in deradicalization programs and how create an Islamic educational institution that corfims and applies principles of multiculturalism. The paper particularly addresses the roles of teacher, the curriculum aspect of learning, and the translation of multiculturalism into Islamic education. (...)
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    Religious and philosophical system "Ise monogatari zui".S. V. Kapranov - 2001 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 18:39-50.
    Richard Browring called "Isi monogatari" one of the most important and at the same time one of the most mysterious texts of Japanese culture. Created at the beginning of the tenth century, at a turning point, at the dawn of the early and mature phases of Hayan's days, this work was one of the first written in classical Japanese, one of the first works of the genre of monogatari, the first work of the genre Uta-monogatari, and others like that. He (...)
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  24. Religious disagreement: internal and external. [REVIEW]Dennis Potter - 2013 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 74 (1):21-31.
    Philosophers of religion have taken the assumption for granted that the various religious traditions of the world have incompatible beliefs. In this paper, I will argue that this assumption is more problematic than has been generally recognized. To make this argument, I will discuss the implications of internal religious disagreement, an aspect of this issue that has been too often ignored in the contemporary debate. I will also briefly examine some implications of my argument for (...)
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    What's with free will?: ethics and religion after neuroscience.Philip Clayton, James W. Walters & John Martin Fischer (eds.) - 2020 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books, an imprint of Wipf and Stock Publishers.
    Are humans free, or are we determined by our genes and the world around us? The question of freedom is not only one of philosophy’s greatest conundrums, but also one of the most fundamental questions of human existence. It’s particularly pressing in societies like ours, where our core institutions of law, ethics, and religion are built around the belief in individual freedom. Can one still affirm human freedom in an age of science? And if free will doesn’t exist, does (...)
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    Hobbes's Theory of Will: Ideological Reasons and Historical Circumstances.Jürgen Overhoff - 2000 - Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In Hobbes's Theory of the Will, Jurgen Overhoff reveals the religious, ethical, and political consequences of Thomas Hobbes's doctrine of volition. The author gracefully describes how Hobbes's thought was governed by assumptions based firmly in Galilean natural philosophy and orthodox Protestant theology. Overhoff also demonstrates how his subject used materialist eschatology and an absolutist political theory to resolve the social and ethical predicaments that coincided with these assumptions. Finally, Overhoff provides a chronological study of the numerous philosophical, theological, (...)
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  27.  11
    Between Muslims: religious difference in Iraqi Kurdistan.J. Andrew Bush - 2020 - Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
    This book asks what it means to be Muslim, yet not pious, in Iraqi Kurdistan. Though Islam is often represented in terms of either daily devotion, such as prayer and fasting, or abandonment of faith, there are many who turn away from tradition without departing from Islam. J. Andrew Bush offers us a new way to understand religious difference in Islam, one that invites questions about divine texts and rejects easy answers about political or sectarian identities. Exploring the lives (...)
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    Religion and the “Religious”: Cormac McCarthy and John Dewey.Robert Metcalf - 2017 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 31 (1):135-154.
    ABSTRACT This article brings Cormac McCarthy's novels into discussion with Dewey's thinking, particularly with an eye to the distinction, made famous from A Common Faith, between religion and “the religious.” In this work Dewey argues for emancipating what is genuinely religious from all that is adventitious to it—above all, anything wedded to ideas of the supernatural—so that “the religious aspect of experience will be free to develop freely on its own account.” He concludes by highlighting the (...)
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  29. Is God an Aspect?Su Dechao - 2012 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 7 (2):284-303.
    Neither logical deduction nor empirical induction is capable of mediating the dispute between religious disciples and non-disciples. The case is particularly acute when it comes to the divine Reality (God). Within Wittgenstein’s theoretical framework, some scholars start from the perspective of language games, contending that this dispute is meaningless and should be abandoned, while others are not satisfied with such a settlement and extend Wittgenstein’s aspect theory to religious issues, arguing that God is an aspect. The extension includes (...)
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    The Faith of Biology and the Biology of Faith: Order, Meaning, and Free Will in Modern Medical Science.Robert Pollack - 2000 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Are there parallels between the "moment of insight" in science and the emergence of the "unknowable" in religious faith? Where does scientific insight come from? Award-winning biologist Robert Pollack argues that an alliance between religious faith and science is not necessarily an argument in favor of irrationality: the two can inform each other's visions of the world. Pollack begins by reflecting on the large questions of meaning and purpose--and the difficulty of finding either in the orderly world described (...)
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    Hearing Religious Music. The Subject-Object Relationship of the Listener and the Piece of Music in a Consumption Era.Oane Reitsma - 2020 - Perichoresis 18 (3):63-75.
    In a concert hall, the attitude of the audience focusses on the formalistic aspects of music. In religious rituals, music is a means of leading the hearer to a spiritual experience. What happens when music, meant originally for a liturgical purpose, is played in a concert setting? Gadamer shows, with his conception of Verwandlung ins Gebilde, that an art work is never static, but carries a depth in itself, which is connected to an artistic ingenuity throughout centuries. In this (...)
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  32. African Metaphysics and Religious Ethics.Motsamai Molefe - 2018 - Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 7 (3):19 - 37.
    Scholars of African moral thought reject the possibility of an African religious ethics by invoking at least three major reasons. The first objection to ‘ethical supernaturalism’ argues that it is part of those aspects of African culture that are ‘anachronistic’ insofar as they are superstitious rather than rational; as such, they should be jettisoned. The second objection points out that ethical supernaturalism is incompatible with the utilitarian approach to religion that typically characterises some African peoples’ orientation to it. The (...)
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  33.  10
    Religious Zionism and the Six Day War: From Realism to Messianism.Avi Schwartz Sagi & Dov Schwartz - 2018 - Routledge.
    The book offers a new insight into the political, social, and religious conduct of religious-Zionism, whose consequences are evident in Israeli society today. Before the Six-Day War, religious-Zionism had limited its concern to the protection of specific religious interests, with its representatives having little share in the determination of Israel's national agenda. Fifty years after it, religious-Zionism has turned into one of Israeli society's dominant elements. The presence of this group in all aspects of Israel's (...)
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  34. The Religious Dimension of Skepticism.Rico Gutschmidt - 2021 - International Philosophical Quarterly 61 (1):77-99.
    Philosophical skepticism, according to numerous influential accounts of it, is bound up with our failure or inability to adopt an “absolute” standpoint. Similarly, many religions speak of an “absolute” that also is beyond human reach. With this similarity in mind, I will develop what I take to be a religious dimension of skepticism. First, I will discuss the connection that Stanley Cavell draws between his reading of skepticism and the notions of God and original sin. I (...) then refer to William James’s description of the religious experience of conversion and apply it to the transformative aspect of skepticism. Finally, I will argue with respect to mysticism and negative theology that the transformative experiences one can find in both skepticism and religion can be interpreted as yielding an experiential understanding of the finitude of the human condition. (shrink)
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    Ethical Aspects of Spiritual Medicine. The Case of Intercessory Prayer Therapy.Mihaela Frunza - 2007 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 6 (17):101-115.
    The main purpose of this article is to explore, from an ethical perspective, one particular branch of what is today called “spiritual medicine”: namely, prayer therapy. Several landmark studies in the literature will be thoroughly examined, respectively the classical study of Byrd (1988), the replica of Harris et al. (1999), and the controversial study of Leibovici (2001). Beginning with these studies and the related controversies surrounding them, the religious features and ethical consequences of prayer therapy are investigated. The (...)
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    William James in Focus: Willing to Believe by William J. Gavin, and: William James and the Art of Popular Statement by Paul Stob.Michael R. Slater - 2015 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 51 (2):271-275.
    William Gavin’s William James in Focus: Willing to Believe is a brief and creative introduction to James’s philosophy aimed at students and non-specialists. As the subtitle of the book suggests, Gavin uses James’s will to believe doctrine as the organizing theme for his interpretation of James’s philosophy. One might initially think that this implies reading the latter in the light of James’s views on religion, but Gavin downplays the religious aspects of James’s will to believe doctrine and (...)
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    Religious Experience As An Argument For The Existence Of God: The Case of Experience of Sense And Pure Consciousness Claims.Hakan Hemşinli - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (3):1633-1655.
    The efforts to prove God's existence in the history of thought have been one of the fundamental problems of philosophy and theology, and even the most important one. The evidences put furword to prove the existence of God constitute the center of philosophy of religion’s problems not only philosophy of religion, but also the disciplines such as theology-kalam and Islamic philosophy are also seriously concerned. When we look at the history of philosophy, it is clear that almost all philosophers are (...)
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  38.  20
    Aśvattha and śamī. The Evolution of the Meanings of an Arboreal Couple in Indian Religious History.Igor Spanò - 2023 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 28:e85074.
    In this article I will explore some mythological and ritual aspects related to a pair of trees, the aśvattha and the śamī. In India, since the time of the Vedic culture, these two trees have often been the protagonists of myths and rituals in which they are conceived of as a couple. In various contemporary religious contexts, one finds dendrolatric practices (vanaspatipūjā), which sometimes result in the celebration of actual tree marriages (vr̥kṣa vivāha), whereby trees grow by intertwining (...)
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    Sacred Texts and Historical Context: How Interpretations Shape Religious Practices and Beliefs.Lena Bauer - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (3):344-359.
    People have believed in the spiritual aspect of existence from the beginning of time. Many human cultures have left historical traces of their belief systems, such as knowledge of good and evil, sun worship, and the holy. Spirituality can be experienced in several sites, including Stonehenge, the Bamiyan Buddhas, the Almudena Cathedral in Madrid, Uluru in Alice Springs, the Bahá'í Gardens of Haifa, Fujiyama, Japan's holy mountain, the Kaaba in Saudi Arabia, and the Golden Temple in Amritsar. These websites might (...)
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    Swedenborg’s Religious Rationalism.Hasse Hämäläinen - 2021 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 10 (2):91-114.
    This article argues that contrary to a received interpretation, Emanuel Swedenborg’s doctrine of correspondences, according to which each empirical reality has a corresponding spiritual reality, is closer to Spinozistic monism than Neoplatonic idealism. According to the former, there is only one substance: God, which we can cognize through its spir­itual and material aspects. According to the latter, the material world consists of substances that receive their form through participation in the ideas of the spiri­tual world. The article will show (...)
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    Some aspects of Christian mystical rhetoric, philosophy, and poetry.Ryan J. Stark - 2008 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 41 (3):pp. 260-277.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Some Aspects of Christian Mystical Rhetoric, Philosophy, and PoetryRyan J. StarkThis is an article about poets and poetic philosophers who make spirited arguments. My purpose in particular is to clarify the nature of mystical rhetoric, which needs to be distinguished from secular rhetoric (i.e., “secular” as nonspiritual). As ways of existing in language, they are ontologically incommensurable, and we should treat them as such. Mystical rhetoric is that into (...)
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    Values and religious experience: for an intercultural dialogue according to Viktor E. Frankl’s perspective.Carlo Macale - 2022 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 26 (62):95-110.
    The contemporary society is characterised by a strong presence of different religious expressions, both traditional and new, community-based and individual. Therefore, we speak of a post-secular age in which there is a continuous exchange between beliefs and non-beliefs in everyday life. In this sense, the religious question takes on an increasingly intercultural connotation in the continuous biographical exchanges among people who give different existential meanings according to their own conscience. It is precisely the dimension of meaning, determined by (...)
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    Aspects of Community in Descartes’ Meditationes de Prima Philosophia: With Reference to the First and Second Set of Objections and Replies.Gary J. Percesepe - 1987 - Philosophy Research Archives 13:557-586.
    There is a certain ambiguity in Descartes’ Meditations, as there is any great sphere of endeavor. How, after all, does one bridge the gap between the autobiographical “I” of the Discourse and the Meditations, and the world of learned scholarship; the “guardians of tradition”, both religious and temporal? How does one mediate the way in which one is received by the tradition which has so eloquently been put out of play in the pursuit of one’s personal project? In short, (...)
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    How religious experience ‘works’: Jamesian pragmatism and its warrants.Daniel N. Robinson - 2003 - Review of Metaphysics 56 (4):357-372.
    The Varieties of Religious Experience is not a theological treatise but an inquiry into a ubiquitous feature of the human condition and thus of human nature itself. Its author makes this clear at the outset, claiming competence as a psychologist and promising no more, therefore, than an examination of those “religious propensities of man” which James takes to be “at least as interesting as any other of the facts pertaining to his mental constitution.” The “at least” is clearly (...)
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    Opportunity of Authentic Communication in Religious Education: A Theoretical Proposal on the Axis of the Martin Buber.Ali ÖNCÜ & Osman TAŞKIN - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (2):645-664.
    Religious education is a communication process between teacher and student. Martin Buber is one of the philosophers who attach importance to the communication and relationship that should be established between teachers and students in education. In Buber's dialogue philosophy, it is underlined that a reciprocal relationship should be established between teacher and student. Our study from this point aims to draw attention to the efforts of a sound communication opportunity between teacher and student in religious education in the (...)
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    Jehova's Witnesses in Post-Communist Romania: The Relationship Between the Religious Minority and the State (1989-2010).Corneliu Pintilescu & Andrada Fatu-Tutoveanu - 2011 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 10 (30):102-126.
    This study aims at chronicling current aspects and transformations in the relationship between the Jehovah's Witnesses religious minority and the Romanian state (1989-2010), focusing on this religious group's changing official status. Considering both previous contributions and debates on the relations between state and religion, and the distinction between the concepts of denomination versus sect, the present work analyzes the key issues of the long-lasting conflict between the state and this particular religious minority, as well as the factors (...)
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  47. Empirizm Merceğinden Dini İnanç: Braithwaite Eleştirisi/ Religious Belief Through the Lens of Empiricism: The Criticism of Braithwaite.Büşra Nur Tutuk - 2022 - Religion and Philosophical Research 5 (1):54-73.
    What do religious statements tell us? The epistemology of statements to which believers dedicate their lives is of critical importance. Richard Bevan Braithwaite (1900-1990), who considers the statements of religion from a non-cognitive but conative perspective, thinks that even if the religious statements cannot be verified, they can be empirically meaningful. This meaning is analogical, drawing policy of life like in moral judgments. According to Braithwaite, these statements have no truth value as in science; the stories told in (...)
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    Anthropological Aspects of Modern Protestant Preaching.A. S. Zhalovaga - 2002 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 22:31-45.
    In the context of changing paradigms of human thinking, secularization of social consciousness, scientific and technological and information revolution, social and environmental cataclysms, Christian preaching seeks to answer the "challenge of time", seeking and offering man such spiritual foundations of life that will help him to "find himself" in the changing in the modern world.
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    Religious education in high school: political decision and ways of implementation.T. Hazyr-Ogly - 2005 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 36:126-129.
    The issue of the Ministry of Education's introduction into the school curriculum of the Ethics of Faith course is very complex, acute and has many contradictions. We will try to address only some aspects of this problem. The call of the President of Ukraine to teach "Ethics of Faith" in secondary schools faces two major problems.
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    Conceptual, Historical and Practical Aspects of Apostasy and Freedom of Belief.Faruk Sancar & Rıza Korkmazgöz - 2023 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 27 (2):404-421.
    The rapid change in the world after the Enlightenment not only brought about revolutionary scientific and technological innovations, but also opened the door to important transformations in the context of thought. Especially with the wind created by the French Revolution, some concepts such as equality, fraternity, and justice, which were already in circulation before, came to the fore even more. One of the concepts that was magnified in this process was freedom. The concept manifested itself in philosophy as an understanding (...)
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