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John Foster [62]James J. S. Foster [20]John Bellamy Foster [19]Jonathan Foster [14]
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  1. The Immaterial Self: A Defence of the Cartesian Dualist Conception of the Mind.John Foster - 1991 - Routledge.
    Dualism argues that the mind is more than just the brain. It holds that there exists two very different realms, one mental and the other physical. Both are fundamental and one cannot be reduced to the other - there are minds and there is a physical world. This book examines and defends the most famous dualist account of the mind, the cartesian, which attributes the immaterial contents of the mind to an immaterial self. John Foster's new book exposes the inadequacies (...)
  2. Normative Inference Tickets.Jen Foster & Jonathan Ichikawa - 2023 - Episteme:1-27.
    We argue that stereotypes associated with concepts like he-said–she-said, conspiracy theory, sexual harassment, and those expressed by paradigmatic slurs provide “normative inference tickets”: conceptual permissions to automatic, largely unreflective normative conclusions. These “mental shortcuts” are underwritten by associated stereotypes. Because stereotypes admit of exceptions, normative inference tickets are highly flexible and productive, but also liable to create serious epistemic and moral harms. Epistemically, many are unreliable, yielding false beliefs which resist counterexample; morally, many perpetuate bigotry and oppression. Still, some normative (...)
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  3. The Case for Idealism.John Foster - 1982 - Boston: Routledge.
    Originally published in 1982, the aim of this book is a controversial one - to refute, by the most rigorous philosophical methods, physical realism and to develop and defend in its place a version of phenomenalism. Physical realism here refers to the thesis that the physical world is an ingredient of ultimate reality, where ultimate reality is the totality of those entities and facts which are not logically sustained by anything else. Thus, in arguing against physical realism, the author sets (...)
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  4. The Nature of Perception.John Foster - 2001 - Philosophical Quarterly 51 (205):552-555.
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  5. Meaning and truth theory.John Foster - 2010 - In Darragh Byrne & Max Kölbel, Arguing about language. New York: Routledge.
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  6. Busting the Ghost of Neutral Counterparts.Jen Foster - 2023 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 10 (42):1187-1242.
    Slurs have been standardly assumed to bear a very direct, very distinctive semantic relationship to what philosophers have called “neutral counterpart” terms. I argue that this is mistaken: the general relationship between paradigmatic slurs and their “neutral counterparts” should be assumed to be the same one that obtains between ‘chick flick’ and ‘romantic comedy’, as well a huge number of other more prosaic pairs of derogatory and “less derogatory” expressions. The most plausible general relationship between these latter expressions — and (...)
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    (1 other version)The Case for Idealism.Harold Kincaid & John Foster - 1984 - Philosophical Review 93 (3):465.
  8. A world for us: the case for phenomenalistic idealism.John Foster - 2008 - Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press.
    A World for Us aims to refute physical realism and establish in its place a form of idealism. Physical realism, in the sense in which John Foster understands it, takes the physical world to be something whose existence is both logically independent of the human mind and metaphysically fundamental. Foster identifies a number of problems for this realist view, but his main objection is that it does not accord the world the requisite empirical immanence. The form of idealism that he (...)
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  9. The Nature of Perception.John Foster - 2000 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press on Demand.
    John Foster presents a penetrating investigation into the question: what is it to perceive a physical object? Is perceptual contact with a physical object, he asks, something fundamental, or does it break down into further factors? If the latter, what are these factors, and how do they combine to secure the contact? For most of the book, Foster addressed these questions in the framework of a realist view of the physical world. But the arguments which thereby unfold - arguments which (...)
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  10. (1 other version)The Will: A Dual Aspect Theory.Brian O'shaughnessy, Andrew Woodfield, J. Foster & G. F. Macdonald - 1982 - Religious Studies 18 (3):379-397.
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  11. Induction, explanation, and natural necessity.John Foster - 1983 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 83:87-101.
    I want to examine a possible solution to the problem of induction-one which, as far as I know, has not been discussed elsewhere. The solution makes crucial use of the notion of objective natural necessity. For the purposes of this discussion, I shall assume that this notion is coherent. I am aware that this assumption is controversial, but I do not have space to examine the issue here.
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  12. Defining Moral Realism.Jennifer Foster & Mark Schroeder - 2023 - In Paul Bloomfield & David Copp, Oxford Handbook of Moral Realism. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 3-17.
    Wherever philosophers disagree, one of the things at issue is likely to be what they disagree about, itself. In addition to asking whether moral realism is true, and which forms of moral realism are more likely to be true than others, we can also ask what it would mean for some form of moral realism to be true. The usual aspiration of such inquiry is to find definitions that all can agree on, so that we can use terms in a (...)
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    VI*—Induction, Explanation and Natural Necessity.John Foster - 1982 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 83 (1):87-102.
    John Foster; VI*—Induction, Explanation and Natural Necessity, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 83, Issue 1, 1 June 1983, Pages 87–102, https://d.
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    On Economic Inequality.Peter Vallentyne, Amartya Sen & James E. Foster - 1999 - Philosophical Review 108 (1):85.
    This is a reprint of Amartya Sen’s 1973 book on the measurement of inequality, plus an updated bibliography and index, and an annex by James Foster and Sen that summarizes and comments on the main developments since 1973. The book is superbly written and focuses on verbal discussion of the plausibility and significance of the conditions, theorems, and measures.
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  15. In S Elf - defence.John Foster - 1979 - In A. J. Ayer & Graham Macdonald, Perception and identity: essays presented to A. J. Ayer, with his replies. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. pp. 161-185.
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  16. Divine Lawmaker.John Foster - 2004 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    John Foster presents a clear and powerful discussion of a range of topics relating to our understanding of the universe: induction, laws of nature, and the existence of God. He begins by developing a solution to the problem of induction - a solution whose key idea is that the regularities in the workings of nature that have held in our experience hitherto are to be explained by appeal to the controlling influence of laws, as forms of natural necessity. His second (...)
  17.  95
    Psychophysical causal relations.John A. Foster - 1968 - American Philosophical Quarterly 5 (1):64-70.
  18. Regularities, Laws of Nature, and the Existence of God.John Foster - 2001 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 101 (1):145-161.
    The regularities in nature, simply by being regularities, call for explanation. There are only two ways in which we could, with any plausibility, try to explain them. One way would be to suppose that they are imposed on the world by God. The other would be to suppose that they reflect the presence of laws of nature, conceived of as forms of natural necessity. But the only way of making sense of the notion of a law of nature, thus conceived, (...)
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  19. Matter and Sense: A Critique of Contemporary Materialism.Howard Robinson & John Foster - 1983 - Religious Studies 19 (2):249-255.
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  20. Metabolism, energy, and entropy in Marx's critique of political economy: Beyond the Podolinsky myth.Paul Burkett & John Bellamy Foster - 2006 - Theory and Society 35 (1):109-156.
  21.  38
    The role of nutrition in children's neurocognitive development, from pregnancy through childhood.Anett Nyaradi, Jianghong Li, Siobhan Hickling, Jonathan Foster & Wendy H. Oddy - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    Essays on Berkeley.John Foster & Howard Robinson - 1989 - Noûs 23 (2):263-265.
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    The decoupling of "explicit" and "implicit" processing in neuropsychological disorders: Insights into the neural basis of consciousness?Deborah Faulkner & Jonathan K. Foster - 2002 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 8.
    A key element of the distinction between explicit and implicit cognitive functioning is the presence or absence of conscious awareness. In this review, we consider the proposal that neuropsychological disorders can best be considered in terms of a decoupling between preserved implicit or unconscious processing and impaired explicit or conscious processing. Evidence for dissociations between implicit and explicit processes in blindsight, amnesia, object agnosia, prosopagnosia, hemi-neglect, and aphasia is examined. The implications of these findings for a) our understanding of a (...)
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  24. (1 other version)Ayer.John Foster - 1986 - Mind 95 (379):387-389.
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    Kant’s Machiavellian Moment.Jay Foster - 2015 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1:238-260.
    At least two recent collections of essays – Postmodernism and the Enlightenment and What’s Left of Enlightenment?: A Postmodern Question – have responded to postmodern critiques of Enlightenment by arguing that Enlightenment philosophes themselves embraced a number of post-modern themes. This essay situates Kant’s essay Was ist Aufklärung in the context of this recent literature about the appropriate characterization of modernity and the Enlightenment. Adopting an internalist reading of Kant’s Aufklärung essay, this paper observes that Kant is surprisingly ambivalent about (...)
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  26. (1 other version)The Succinct Case for Idealism.John Foster - 1993 - In Howard Robinson, Objections to Physicalism. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 293-313.
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    (1 other version)A brief defense of the cartesian view.John Foster - 2001 - In Kevin Corcoran, Soul, body, and survival: essays on the metaphysics of human persons. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
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    Algorithmic Abduction: Robots for Alien Reading.Jacob G. Foster & James A. Evans - 2024 - Critical Inquiry 50 (3):375-401.
    How should we incorporate algorithms into humanistic scholarship? The typical approach is to clone what humans have done but faster, extrapolating expert insights to landfills of source material. But creative scholars do not clone tradition; instead, they produce readings that challenge closely held understandings. We theorize and then illustrate how to construct bad robots trained to surprise and provoke. These robots aren’t the most human but rather the most alien—not tame but dangerous. We explore the relationship between the reproduction of (...)
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    Children of an Earth to Come: Speculative Fiction, Geophilosophy and Climate Change Education Research.David Rousell, Amy Cutter-Mackenzie & Jasmyne Foster - 2017 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 53 (6):654-669.
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  30. Essays on Berkeley: a tercentennial celebration.John Foster & Howard Robinson (eds.) - 1985 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Marking the tercentenary of Berkeley's birth, this collection of previously unpublished essays covers such Berkeleian topics as: imagination, experience, and possibility; the argument against material substance; the physical world; idealism; science; the self; action and inaction; beauty; and the general good. Among the contributors are: Christopher Peacocke, Ernest Sosa, Margaret Wilson, C.C.W. Taylor, and J.O. Urmson.
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  31. External Capabilities.James E. Foster & Christopher Handy - 2008 - In Kaushik Basu & Ravi Kanbur, Arguments for a Better World: Essays in Honor of Amartya Sen: Volume I: Ethics, Welfare, and Measurement and Volume Ii: Society, Institutions, and Development. Oxford University Press.
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    Moral education the CHARACTERplus Way®.Jon C. Marshall, Sarah D. Caldwell & Jeanne Foster - 2011 - Journal of Moral Education 40 (1):51-72.
    Traditional approaches to character education have been viewed by many educators as an attempt to establish self control within students to habituate them to prescribed behaviour and as nothing more than a ‘bits‐and‐pieces’ approach to moral education. While this is accurate for many character education programmes, integrated multi‐dimensional character education embraces both moral education and character formation. Students learn to identify and process social conventions within the core values of the school and community and have opportunities to learn practical reasoning (...)
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    Memory: A Very Short Introduction.Jonathan K. Foster - 2008 - Oxford University Press.
    This Very Short Introduction brings together the latest research in neuroscience and psychology - weaving in case-studies, anecdotes, literature, and philosophy - to explore and explain the science of memory - how it works, and why we can't live without it.
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    The Problem Of Perception.John Foster - 2004 - The Harvard Review of Philosophy 12 (1):4-18.
    What is it for someone to perceive a physical item? I want to pursue this question in the framework of physical realism—the framework of the assumption that the physical world is something whose existence is logically independent of the human mind and metaphysically fundamental. The choice of this common-sense framework might seem hardly worth mentioning. But, as will emerge, I have a special reason for doing so.
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    In Defense of History; Marxism and the Postmodern Agenda.Ellen Meiksins Wood & John Bellamy Foster - 2006 - Aakar Books.
    A Hard-Hitting Critique... Brings Together Fine Essays That Speak Directly To The Underlying Assumptions Of Postmodernism And Offer A Stunning Critique Of Its Usefulness In Both Understanding And Critiquing The Current Historical Epoch. Contemporary Sociology.
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  36. The dialectics of nature and Marxist ecology.John Bellamy Foster - 2008 - In Bertell Ollman & Tony Smith, Dialectics for the new century. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    “Patching up Virtue”.James J. S. Foster - 2013 - Journal of Religious Ethics 41 (4):688-709.
    Herdt's Putting On Virtue has two chief aims. The first is to champion the virtue tradition against Christian moral quietism and modern deontological ethics. The second is to facilitate reconciliation between Augustinian and Emersonian virtue. To accomplish these tasks Herdt constructs a counter-narrative to Schneewind's Invention of Autonomy, in which Luther's resignation and Kant's innovation are tragic consequences of “hyper-Augustinianism”—a competitive conception of divine and human agency, which leads to excessive suspicion of acquired virtue. This review argues that Putting On (...)
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  38. Essays on Berkeley. A Tercentennial Celebration.John Foster & Howard Robinson - 1987 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 41 (4):696-700.
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    A. J. Ayer.Anthony L. Brueckner & John Foster - 1989 - Philosophical Review 98 (1):97.
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    AN INVITATION TO DIALOGUE: Clarifying the Position of Feminist Gender Theory in Relation to Sexual Difference Theory.Johanna Foster - 1999 - Gender and Society 13 (4):431-456.
    The central argument of this article is twofold. First, contemporary feminist gender theory, particularly as it has been used by feminist sociologists in recent years, has been misinterpreted by sexual difference theory in ways that may prevent scholars from fully appreciating current feminist work in the social sciences. Second, gender theory and sexual difference theory rely on different conceptualizations of fundamental concepts in feminist theory, including notions of “gender,”“sexuality,” and “symbolic.” An analysis of three key texts that critique the turn (...)
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  41. Berkeley on the physical world.John Foster - 1985 - In John Foster & Howard Robinson, Essays on Berkeley: a tercentennial celebration. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Catullus, 55. 9–12.Jonathan Foster - 1971 - Classical Quarterly 21 (1):186-187.
    Catullus has been looking everywhere for his friend Camerius. In Pompey's arcade he has accosted all the girls who were hanging about there, but they have calmly disavowed knowledge of his friend's whereabouts. At line 9 Catullus breaks into flagitatio, the beginning of which is desperately corrupt: attempts to emend avelte have been made, but it seems more realistic to assume that avelte is the result of some corruption of quas vultu at the beginning of line 8, and that it (...)
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    In Defence of Phenomenalistic Idealism.John Foster - 1994 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 54 (3):509 - 529.
  44.  57
    Representational projects and interacting forms of knowledge.Juliet L. H. Foster - 2003 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 33 (3):231–244.
    This paper focuses on the concept of the reified and consensual universes in the theory of social representations, and the relationship between them. Having examined the different ways in which Moscovici discusses this concept, and the different ways in which these discussions have been interpreted, I will suggest that many of the criticisms levelled at this facet of social representations theory appear somewhat misplaced. However, it does seem that some aspects of the concept of the consensual and the reified universes (...)
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    The “locality assumption”: Lessons from history and neuroscience?Jonathan K. Foster - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (3):518-519.
    This commentary seeks to place Farah's (1994) arguments in the historical context of ideas about mind-brain relationships. It further seeks to draw a conceptual parallel between the issues considered by Farah in her target article and questions which have concerned neuroscientists since the nineteenth century regarding the functional organization of the brain. Specific reference is made to the relationship between use of the concept of in cognitive neuropsychology and use of the concept of in neuroscience.
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    The Devil is in the Details: Sexual Harassment e-Training Design Choices and Perceived Messenger Integrity.Shannon L. Rawski, Emilija Djurdjevic, Andrew T. Soderberg & Joshua R. Foster - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 195 (4):879-898.
    While training design choices seem amoral, they interact to determine training (in)effectiveness, potentially harming/benefiting trainees and organizations. These moral implications intensify when training is administered at scale (e.g., e-training) and focuses on social issues like sexual harassment (hereafter, SH). In fact, research on SH training shows it can elicit trainees’ gender-based biases against content messengers. We suggest that one such bias, resulting from messenger gender-occupation incongruence and influencing training effectiveness, is lowered perceptions of the messenger’s integrity. We also investigate whether (...)
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    Sexuality behind bars in the female central penitentiary of Santiago, Chile: Unlocking the gendered binary.Francisca Alejandra Castro Madariaga, Belén Estefanía Gómez Garcés, Alicia Carrasco Parra & Jennifer Foster - 2017 - Nursing Inquiry 24 (1):e12183.
    We explore what it means to promote healthy sexuality for incarcerated women. We report upon the experiences of ten inmates in the Female Central Penitentiary of Santiago, Chile, regarding their sexuality within prison. We used a qualitative, descriptive research approach. Individual and semistructured interviews were conducted with women from different sections of the prison over a 2‐month period. Participants highlighted the site for conjugal visits, the Venusterio, as a place of privacy and sexual expression between couples from outside prison. Motivated (...)
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    Das velhas às novas formas de irracionalismo.John Bellamy Foster - forthcoming - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas.
    Nesta entrevista, realizada em 10 de fevereiro de 2023, John Bellamy Foster fala com Daniel Tutt sobre o trabalho de István Mészáros e Paul Baran, as tendências irracionalistas contemporâneas no pensamento ecológico de esquerda, a intensificação das lutas de classes globais e a relevância contínua de A Destruição da Razão (1952), de Georg Lukács, recentemente reeditado com uma introdução de Enzo Traverso pela Verso em 2021. A entrevista está sendo disponibilizada antes de uma próxima edição especial da Historical Materialism, da (...)
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    Dark Matters: Pessimism and the Problem of Suffering.James Foster - 2023 - Philosophical Review 132 (3):508-511.
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    The Return of the Dialectics of Nature.John Bellamy Foster - 2012 - Historical Materialism:1-26.
    The resurrection of the classical Marxian ecological critique in the context of the current planetary emergency has led to the return of the concept of the dialectics of nature, associated with the work of Frederick Engels in particular. In the century following the deaths of Charles Darwin and Karl Marx, the dialectics-of-nature conception played a formative role in the development of the modern ecological critique within science, notably in Britain, and helped inspire the contemporary environmentalist movement. Nevertheless, all of this (...)
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