Results for 'What's wrong with porn'

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  1.  23
    What's Wrong with Porn?Mimi Marinucci - 2010 - In Dave Monroe, Porn: Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 130–139.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Pleasure as Power Feminist Porn Discussion Notes.
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    What’s Wrong with Argumentum ad Baculum? Reasons, Threats, and Logical Norms.Robert H. Kimball - 2006 - Argumentation 20 (1):89-100.
    A dialogue-based analysis of informal fallacies does not provide a fully adequate explanation of our intuitions about what is wrong with ad baculum and of when it is admissible and when it is not. The dialogue-based analysis explains well why mild, benign threats can be legitimate in some situations, such as cooperative bargaining and negotiation, but does not satisfactorily account for what is objectionable about more malicious uses of threats to coerce and to intimidate. I propose an alternative (...)
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  3. What's wrong with the aristotelian theory of sensible qualities?T. S. - 1997 - Phronesis 42 (3):263-282.
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    What’s Wrong with Egoism?Joseph S. Spoerl - 1993 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 67:107-117.
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    What’s Wrong with Rights?Nigel Biggar - 2020 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    What's Wrong with Rights? argues that contemporary rights-talk obscures the importance civic virtue, military effectiveness and the democratic law legitimacy. It draws upon legal and moral philosophy, moral theology, and court judgments. It spans discussions from medieval Christendom to contemporary debates about justified killing.
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    What's Wrong with Walden Two?P. A. Tabensky - 2009 - South African Journal of Philosophy 28 (1):1-12.
    Despite being eminently forgettable from the literary point of view, B. F. Skinner’s novel, Walden Two , provides us with an excellent opportunity, not so much to show what is wrong with mainstream accounts of free will, as Robert Kane thinks, but rather to explore another key and importantly neglected condition for genuine agency; namely, that properly lived human lives are those that are and must continue to be vulnerable to unforseable reversals, as Aldous Huxley speculates in (...)
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  7. What's Wrong with Microphysicalism?Andreas Hüttemann - 2003 - New York: Routledge.
    'Microphysicalism', the view that whole objects behave the way they do in virtue of the behaviour of their constituent parts, is an influential contemporary view with a long philosophical and scientific heritage. In _What's Wrong With Microphysicalism?_ Andreas Hüttemann offers a fresh challenge to this view. Hüttemann agrees with the microphysicalists that we can explain compound systems by explaining their parts, but claims that this does not entail a fundamentalism that gives hegemony to the micro-level. At (...)
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    What's wrong with postmodernism: critical theory and the ends of philosophy.Christopher Norris - 1990 - Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
    In What's Wrong with Postmodernism Norris critiques the "postmodern-pragmatist malaise" of Baudrillard, Fish, Rorty, and Lyotard. In contrast he finds a continuing critical impulse--an "enlightened or emancipatory interest"--in thinkers like Derrida, de Man, Bhaskar, and Habermas. Offering a provocative reassessment of Derrida's influence on modern thinking, Norris attempts to sever the tie between deconstruction and American literary critics who, he argues, favor endless, playful, polysemic interpretation at the expense of systematic argument. As he explores leftist attempts to (...)
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  9. What’s Wrong with Sin: Sin in Individual and Social Perspective from Schleiermacher to Theologies of Liberation.[author unknown] - 2009
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  10. What’s Wrong With Fat?[author unknown] - 2013
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  11. What's Wrong with Religion?Karl B. Justus - 1946
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    What's Wrong with Morality?: A Social-Psychological Perspective.Charles Daniel Batson - 2015 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    Most works on moral psychology direct our attention to the positive role morality plays for us as individuals, as a society, even as a species. In What's Wrong with Morality?, C. Daniel Batson takes a different approach: he looks at morality as a problem. The problem is not that it is wrong to be moral, but that our morality often fails to produce these intended results. Why? Some experts believe the answer lies in lack of character. (...)
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  13. What's wrong with cloning?".Richard Dawkins - 2013 - In Jeffrey Foss, Science and the World: Philosophical Approaches. Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
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    What's wrong with Paul Moser's intuitionistic foundationalism.Kevin Possin & Mark Timmons - 1989 - Philosophical Studies 56 (2):199 - 208.
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    What’s Wrong with a Kantian Foundation of Human Rights? A Reply to the Independence Thesis.Luigi Caranti - 2021 - In Camilla Serck-Hanssen & Beatrix Himmelmann, The Court of Reason: Proceedings of the 13th International Kant Congress. De Gruyter. pp. 1403-1412.
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  16. What’s Wrong With Science? Towards a People’s Rational Science of Delight and Compassion, Second Edition.Nicholas Maxwell - 2009 - London: Pentire Press.
    What ought to be the aims of science? How can science best serve humanity? What would an ideal science be like, a science that is sensitively and humanely responsive to the needs, problems and aspirations of people? How ought the institutional enterprise of science to be related to the rest of society? What ought to be the relationship between science and art, thought and feeling, reason and desire, mind and heart? Should the social sciences model themselves on the natural sciences: (...)
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  17.  56
    What’s Wrong with Guaranteeing a Free College Education?Stephen M. Krason - 2017 - Catholic Social Science Review 22:395-398.
    This was one of SCSS President, Stephen M. Krason’s “Neither Left nor Right, but Catholic” columns that appear monthly at his blog site and in and The Wanderer. This column discusses the problems of guaranteeing free higher education at state universities and colleges that was especially promoted by Senator Bernie Sanders in his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2016, and which is likely to continue as a political issue in the years ahead.
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  18. What’s Wrong with Occasionalism?Katherin A. Rogers - 2001 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 75 (3):345-369.
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    What’s Wrong with a World State? Kant’s Conception of State Sovereignty and His Proposal for a Voluntary Federation.Margit Ruffing, Guido A. De Almeida, Ricardo R. Terra & Valerio Rohden - 2008 - In Margit Ruffing, Guido A. De Almeida, Ricardo R. Terra & Valerio Rohden, Law and Peace in Kant's Philosophy/Recht und Frieden in der Philosophie Kants: Proceedings of the 10th International Kant Congress/Akten des X. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Walter de Gruyter.
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    What’s wrong with artificial additives?David M. Kaplan - 2013 - The Philosophers' Magazine 61 (61):87-93.
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    What's wrong with impossible objects?Kenneth J. Perszyk - 1989 - Philosophical Papers 18 (3):241-251.
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    What's Wrong With Genetically Modified Food?David M. Kaplan - 2005 - Journal of Philosophical Research 30 (9999):69-80.
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  23. What's wrong with cloning?".Richard Dawkins - 2013 - In Jeffrey Foss, Science and the World: Philosophical Approaches. Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
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  24. What’s Wrong with this Criticism.N. David Mermin - 2005 - Foundations of Physics 35 (12):2073-2077.
    One of the endearing traits of Asher Peres is that when somebody publishes something he knows to be wrong, he does not bother to refute it, even if the paper criticizes his own work. Life is too brief for such frivolity. As a small 70th birthday present I would like to answer one such recent attack. It’s not much of a present, since Asher will not read my paper. Why should he? He already knows this criticism is nonsense. But (...)
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  25.  30
    What’s wrong with Charles Taylor’s moral pluralism.Didier Zúñiga - 2015 - Ithaque 17:21-43.
    In political philosophy one often encounters claims on behalf of pluralism, yet there is anything but a consensus over the meaning of this fundamental concept. It is true that there is no single pluralist tradition; rather, there are different pluralist traditions within different domains of practical reason. No one would object, however, to the notion that Isaiah Berlin’s “value pluralism” is a genuine form of meta-ethical pluralism. Charles Taylor is another philosopher who is often called a pluralist, but I shall (...)
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    What's Wrong with Stereotyping?Erin Beeghly - 2025 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    What's Wrong with Stereotyping? offers a refreshing and accessibly written philosophical take on the ethics of stereotyping. Stereotyping is woven into every aspect of human experience: conversation, psychology, algorithmic systems, and culture. It relates to generalization and induction, core aspects of rationality. But when and why it is morally wrong to stereotype? This book tackles this deep and enduring puzzle. To solve it, philosopher Erin Beeghly delves into the relationship between stereotyping and another phenomenon, discrimination. Not (...)
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    What's Wrong With Undermatching?Michael Tiboris - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 48 (4):646-664.
    ‘Undermatched’ is the name education researchers have given to the surprisingly large number of students who attend post-secondary institutions which are less selective than their academic credentials would permit, or who simply fail to even apply for college when they are qualified to do so. At first, this might seem like an obviously bad trend, especially as rates of undermatching are much higher among students from low-income backgrounds. This article argues, however, that individual cases of undermatching are sometimes morally acceptable (...)
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    What’s wrong with subjective rights?Nigel Biggar - 2019 - History of European Ideas 45 (3):399-409.
    In the last twenty years a critique of the idea of a right as the property of an individual subject has been articulated by some influential Anglican theologians – Joan Lockwood O’Donovan, Oliver O’Donovan and John Milbank. Their objections are considerably based on an argument about intellectual history. Broadly pursuing an intellectual trajectory first set by Leo Strauss and C. B. Macpherson, these theologians think that the very concept of a ‘subjective right’ is tied, certainly historically but perhaps also logically, (...)
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  29. What's Wrong with Roland? Utilitarianism and the Dark Tower.Greg Littman - 2016 - In Jacob M. Held, Stephen King and Philosophy. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
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  30. What's Wrong with Anazac? [Book Review].Robert Lewis - 2010 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 45 (3):58.
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    What’s Wrong With Methodism?Noah M. Lemos - 1998 - Metaphilosophy 29 (1&2):79-94.
    I distinguish between two theses, DPJ and DGP. DPJ asserts that one’s justification for accepting particular epistemic propositions positively depends on one’s being justified in believing general epistemic principles. DGP claims that one’s justification in believing general epistemic propositions positively depends on one’s being justified in believing particular epistemic propositions. I claim that methodism accepts DPJ and rejects DGP and particularism accepts DGP and rejects DPJ. I argue that we should reject DGP and methodism roughly because these views imply that (...)
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  32.  18
    What’s wrong with aspiring to find out what has really happened in academic feminism’s recent past?: Response to Clare Hemmings’ ‘Telling feminist stories’.Rachel Torr - 2007 - Feminist Theory 8 (1):59-67.
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    Commentary: What's wrong with ghostwriting?Carl Elliott & Amy Snow Landa - 2010 - Bioethics 24 (6):284-286.
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    What's Wrong with New Labour Politics?Jane Franklin - 2000 - Feminist Review 66 (1):138-142.
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  35. What’s Wrong with (Narrow) Evolutionary Psychology.Letitia Meynell - 2020 - In Kristen Intemann & Sharon Crasnow, The Routledge Handbook of Feminist Philosophy of Science. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 303-15.
    In this chapter, Meynell offers an overview of a specific scientific research program known as evolutionary psychology. She begins by defining two senses of this moniker in order to clearly circumscribe that which has been the target of most critique—feminist and otherwise. She reviews the key commitments of this problematic research program and rehearses common criticisms before illustrating them with a case study. The chapter concludes with some reflections on the rhetorical positioning of this research program and a (...)
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    What’s Wrong with Toleration? The Zhuangzian Respect as an Alternative.Yong Huang - 2023 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 50 (1):28-43.
    Toleration has been almost universally regarded as an indispensable virtue one ought to have when encountering people of races, religions, languages, cultures, genders, and sexual orientations different from one’s own. This is unfortunate, however, because toleration includes objection as one of its necessary components: to tolerate an object means to have objection to it though without interfering with it. However, it is wrong to think we have, and it is wrong for us to have, objection to people (...)
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  37. (1 other version)What's wrong with liberalism?: a radical critique of liberal political philosophy.Maureen Ramsay - 1997 - London: Leicester University Press.
    Providing a critique of the concepts central to liberal political philosophy, this book analyzes both the major strands of 17th- and 18th-century thought and contemporary developments and modifications of classical liberalism. In each chapter, concepts and theories central to the liberal tradition are viewed from a variety of perspectives - Marxist, socialist, anarchist, communitarian and radical feminist. The contemporary relevance of these concepts is explored, with particular relevance to social issues, including the protection of minorities, the provision of welfare (...)
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  38. What’s Wrong With Modernity?Tibor Machan - 2004 - Free Inquiry 24.
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    What's wrong with imperialism?Christopher W. Morris - 2006 - Social Philosophy and Policy 23 (1):153-166.
    Imperialism is thought to be wrong by virtually everyone today. The consensus may be correct. However, there may be a few good things to be said for empire. More importantly for political philosophy, empires are not harder to justify or legitimate than states, or so I argue. The bad press that empires receive seems due to a methodological suspect comparison of nasty empires to nice states. When nice empires are considered they do not fare much worse than (nice) states. (...)
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  40. What's wrong with the problem of unconceived alternatives?Ioannis Votsis - unknown
    Kyle Stanford (2006) argues that the most serious and powerful challenge to scientific realism has been neglected. The problem of unconceived alternatives (PUA), as he calls it, holds that throughout history scientists have failed to conceive alternative theories roughly equally wellconfirmed (by the available evidence) to the theories of the day and, crucially, that such alternatives eventually were conceived and adopted by some section of the scientific community. PUA is a version of the argument from the underdetermination of theories by (...)
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    5. What’s Wrong with Active Citizenship? A Comparison of Physical Education in Ancient Greece and Ancient China.Daniel A. Bell - 2006 - In Beyond Liberal Democracy: Political Thinking for an East Asian Context. Princeton University Press. pp. 121-151.
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  42. II—What’s Wrong with Paternalism: Autonomy, Belief, and Action.David Enoch - 2016 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 116 (1):21-48.
    Several influential characterizations of paternalism or its distinctive wrongness emphasize a belief or judgement that it typically involves—namely, 10 the judgement that the paternalized is likely to act irrationally, or some such. But it's not clear what about such a belief can be morally objectionable if it has the right epistemic credentials (if it is true, say, and is best supported by the evidence). In this paper, I elaborate on this point, placing it in the context of the relevant epistemological (...)
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    What's wrong with the mental health movement.Kenneth Edward Renner - 1975 - Chicago: Nelson-Hall.
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    What’s Wrong with Talking About the Scientific Revolution? Applying Lessons from History of Science to Applied Fields of Science Studies.Lindy A. Orthia - 2016 - Minerva 54 (3):353-373.
    Since the mid-twentieth century, the ‘Scientific Revolution’ has arguably occupied centre stage in most Westerners’, and many non-Westerners’, conceptions of science history. Yet among history of science specialists that position has been profoundly contested. Most radically, historians Andrew Cunningham and Perry Williams in 1993 proposed to demolish the prevailing ‘big picture’ which posited that the Scientific Revolution marked the origin of modern science. They proposed a new big picture in which science is seen as a distinctly modern, western phenomenon rather (...)
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  45. What’s Wrong with Torture?Philip E. Devine - 2009 - International Philosophical Quarterly 49 (3):317-332.
    Many of us want to say that there is an absolute—or at least a virtually absolute—prohibition on torturing people. But we live in a world in which firm moral restraints of all sorts are hard to defend. Neither contemporary conventional morality, nor any of the available moral theories, provides adequate support for the deliverances of the “wisdom of repugnance” in this area. Nor do they support casuistry capable of distinguishing torture from (sometimes legitimate) forms of rough treatment. I here make (...)
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    What's Wrong with Philosophers?Denis Dutton - 1993 - Philosophy and Literature 17 (1):185-192.
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  47. What's wrong with contextualism?John Greco - 2008 - Philosophical Quarterly 58 (232):416-436.
    This paper addresses two worries that might be raised about contextualism in epistemology and that carry over to its moral analogues: that contextualism robs epistemology (and moral theory) of a proper subject-matter, and that contextualism robs knowledge claims (and moral claims) of their objectivity. Two theses are defended: (1) that these worries are appropriately directed at interestdependent theories in general rather than at contextualism in particular, and (2) that the two worries are over-stated in any case. Finally, the paper offers (...)
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  48.  5
    What's wrong with the law?M. I. Jegede - 1993 - Lagos: Nigerian Institute of Advanced Legal Studies.
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    What'S Wrong with Inequality.Frank Cunningham - unknown
    when the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives published an ambitious report, The Rich and the Rest of Us by Armine Yalnizyan, reactions from the political right quickly followed. This was, of course, to be expected. Her research describes galloping disparities of income among Canadians from 1976, where after-tax median income of the top 10% of families was 31 times higher than that of the bottom 10%, to 2004 when it was 82 times higher. An even more dramatic case could be (...)
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    What's wrong with the united nations and how to fix it - Thomas G. Weiss.Barbara Crossette - 2009 - Ethics and International Affairs 23 (3):303-305.
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