Results for 'Western sinology'

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  1. Enlightenment, Hermeneutics as Politics: A Critique of Western Sinology's Representation of Chinese Modernity.Wei Zhang - 1995 - Dissertation, University of Minnesota
    The dissertation project is a study of the rhetoric of "enlightenment" and the philosophy of modernity. It addresses two seemingly unrelated questions: "what is enlightenment?" and "what is May Fourth?" The investigation of these two questions is located in the contexts of Kant-Foucault-Habermas's dialogue on "what is enlightenment?" and Western sinology's re-presentation of Chinese modernity. One of the objectives of the present study is to critique modern sinology's re-presentation of Chinese modernity, which has reduced the latter into (...)
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    “Sinologism”: Rethinking the Legitimacy of Sinology as Knowledge.Ning Zhou - 2018 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 49 (1):7-12.
    Editors’ AbstractThis article starts with a question on the nature and function of Sinological studies and casts doubts on the legitimacy of Sinology as a pure and objective branch of learning. After briefly reviewing the rise of Sinology as a branch of knowledge, it conducts a critical analysis of its major premises and orientations. Subjecting them to a scrutiny in terms of postmodern and postcolonial theories of knowledge production, it draws the conclusion that Sinology differs from Oriental (...)
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    Sinologism in Language Philosophy: A Critique of the Controversy over Chinese Language.Ming Dong Gu - 2014 - Philosophy East and West 64 (3):692-717.
    Sinologism is basically a cultural unconscious in China-West studies predicated on an inner logic that operates beyond our conscious awareness but controls the ways of observing China and producing China scholarship. Its logic has exerted a profound impact on studies of Chinese language and writing. Since medieval times the difference between Chinese and Western languages has been viewed as a conceptual divide that separates Chinese and Western traditions. It has motivated scholars to generate a considerable array of ideas, (...)
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    Sinologism: An Alternative to Orientalism and Postcolonialism.Steven Burik - 2015 - Philosophy East and West 65 (3):997-999.
    At the end of the book, Gu defines Sinologism as an undeclared but tacitly administered institutionalization of the ways of observing China from the perspective of Western epistemology that refuses, or is reluctant, to view China on its own terms, and of doing scholarship on Chinese materials and producing knowledge on Chinese civilization in terms of Western methodology that tends to disregard the real conditions of China and reduce the complexity of Chinese civilization into simplistic patterns of development (...)
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    The Problem of Authorship and the Project of Chinese Philosophy: Zhuang Zhou and the Zhuangzi between Sinology and Philosophy in the Western Academy.Tao Jiang - 2016 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 15 (1):35-55.
    This essay looks into a particular aspect of Sinological challenge to the modern project of Chinese philosophy within the Western academy through the lens of authorship, using the Zhuangzi 莊子 as a case study. It explores philosophical implications for texts whose authorship is in doubt and develops a new heuristic model of authorship and textuality, so that a more robust intellectual space for the philosophical discourse on Chinese classics can be carved out from the dominant historicist Sinological discourse. It (...)
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    “Sinologism,” or Anxiety of the Thinking Subject.Yunlong Zhou - 2018 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 49 (1):13-19.
    Editors’ AbstractThis article first examines how Said’s theory of Orientalism and postcolonialism traveled to China and what problems the “traveling theory” aroused in the field of China studies. It then views the rise of Sinologism as a response to the anxieties of cultural consciousness experienced by many Chinese intellectuals both at home and abroad, caught in the confrontation between Chinese and Western academic discourses. It also examines what contributions the theory of Sinologism has made to the urgent need for (...)
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    Modern Ukrainian Philosophical Sinology at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: Classic and Innovative Ways to the Origins.Heorhii Vdovychenko - 2023 - Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Philosophy 2 (9):5-12.
    B a c k g r o u n d. According to the genre characteristics, the article is a form of publicizing analytical conclusions from the experience of research in the field of the philosophical Chinese studies at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine from 1991 to the present day. The material for understanding was supplied from the environment of scientific professional activity of prominent figures of Ukrainian philosophical Sinology from the H. Skovoroda Institute of Philosophy of the (...)
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  8. Studying Wang Yangming: History of a Sinological Field.George L. Israel - 2022 - Kindle Direct Publishing.
    Wang Yangming (1472-1529) and his School of Mind dominated the intellectual world of sixteenth-century Ming China (1368-1644), and his Confucian philosophy has since remained an essential component of East Asian philosophical discourse. Yet, the volume of publications on him in the Western-language literature has consistently paled in comparison to the volume of scholarship on classical Chinese philosophy, modern Chinese philosophy, Buddhism, and Daoism. Studying Wang Yangming: History of a Sinological Field explains the history of writing in the West about (...)
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  9. The Western Image of Chinese Religion From Leibniz To De Groot.R. J. Zwi Werblowsky - 1986 - Diogenes 34 (133):113-121.
    It is not the purpose of this short essay to try the impossible and give an adequate historical survey of the Western image (or rather images) of China. There is, moreover, a vast literature on the subject to which both sinologists and historians of European culture have contributed. The following paragraphs will restrict themselves to two poles in this history: the perception and reception of China in the 17th century (with Leibniz as the most significant and impressive representative of (...)
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    Eclipse of reading: On the “philosophical turn” in American sinology.Eske Møllgaard - 2005 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 4 (2):321-340.
  11.  14
    Chinese Annals in the Western Observatory: An Outline of Western Studies of Chinese Unearthed Documents. By Edward l. Shaughnessy.Thes Staack - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 142 (1).
    Chinese Annals in the Western Observatory: An Outline of Western Studies of Chinese Unearthed Documents. By Edward l. Shaughnessy. Library of Sinology, vol. 4. Boston: De Gruyter Mouton, 2019. Pp. xx + 485. $69 ; open access: doi/10.1515/9781501516948/html?lang=en.
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    Interpreting Chinese philosophy: a new methodology.Jana S. Rošker - 2021 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Understanding Chinese philosophy requires knowledge of the referential framework prevailing in Chinese intellectual traditions. But Chinese philosophical texts are frequently approached through the lens of Western paradigms. Analysing the most common misconceptions surrounding Western Sinology, Jana Rošker alerts us to unseen dangers and introduces us to a new more effective way of reading Chinese philosophy. Acknowledging that different cultures produce different reference points, Rošker explains what happens we use rational analysis, a major feature of the European intellectual (...)
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  13.  16
    Searching for the Way : Theory of Knowledge in Premodern and Modern China.Jana Rošker - 2008 - Columbia University Press.
    The search for knowledge has been the driving force behind mankind's existence since the dawn of civilization, and different cultures have developed their own theories of knowledge. _Searching for the Way: Theory of Knowledge in Premodern and Modern China_ deals with the analyses and interpretations of modern Chinese philosophical discourses, especially those concerning theories of knowledge. The author looks at how contemporary Chinese philosophy is awakening from a long slumber and substantiates the hypothesis that this new awakening is fully prepared (...)
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    Claves para comprender la actualización de la tradición filosófica china.Gabriel Terol Rojo - 2021 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 38 (2):217-229.
    From the certainty that the identity of Chinese philosophy seems to need a revision that together with innovative multidisciplinary methodologies predicts heterogeneous but conclusive results, this text expects to review the Chinese analysis of these notoriously paradigmatic changes. On the one hand more general, it appeals to the Chinese particularity and on the other, it is based on three purposes: 1. To achieve the updated analysis from the most current western sinology; 2. To delimit the differential foundations of (...)
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    In the Shadows of the Dao: Laozi, the Sage, and the Daodejing by Thomas Michael.Robin R. Wang - 2018 - Philosophy East and West 68 (2):654-656.
    The Daodejing is a fascinating text that has captivated scholarly minds and the popular imagination for centuries. Is it a manual for self-cultivation and government, a work of philosophy providing a metaphysical account of reality, or a treatise for deep mystical insight? Is it perhaps an ethical masterpiece intended for the ruling class, with concrete strategic suggestions aimed at remedying the moral and political turmoil surrounding Warring States China? Or is it a way of life characterized by simplicity, calmness, and (...)
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    The true face of Mount lu: On the significance of perspectives and paradigms1.Zhang Longxi - 2010 - History and Theory 49 (1):58-70.
    From a hermeneutic point of view, understanding is always conditioned by one's own horizon and perspective. as the great poet Su Shi remarks, we do not know the “true face of Mount Lu” because what we see constantly changes as we move high or low, far off or up close. But the point of the “hermeneutic circle” is not to legitimize the circularity or subjectivity of one's understanding, but to make us conscious of the challenge. How do we understand China, (...)
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  17. The "Manifesto" of New-Confucianism and the Revival of Virtue Ethics.Yu Jiyuan & Lei Yongqiang - 2008 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 3 (3):317 - 334.
    In 1958, a group of New-Confucians issued "A Manifesto for a Re-Appraisal of Sinology and Reconstruction of Chinese Culture." Equally in 1958, the British philosopher Elizabeth Anscombe published her classical paper "Modern Moral Philosophy." These two papers have the same target — modern Western morality — and the solutions they proposed respectively. Yet Anscombe's paper did not mention Confucianism, and the "Manifesto" ignored Aristotelian tradition of virtue. Furthermore, from 1960s to 1990s, the revival movement of Confucianism and the (...)
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  18. 卫礼贤与“道”——《中国哲学导论》中“道”的一词多译之探究 [Richard Wilhelm and "Dao": The Five Translations of "Dao" in Chinese Philosophy: An Introduction].David Bartosch & Bei Peng - 2022 - Guowai Shehui Kexue 国外社会科学 Social Sciences Abroad 354 (6):180-188.
    本文通过对德国著名汉学家、翻译家卫礼贤的最后一部哲学论著《中国哲学导 论》(1929)的翻译和研究,整理归纳了卫礼贤对中国哲学的核心词“道”的五种不同译法, 深入剖析了他如何用“一词多译”的方法,对中国哲学史上不同文本、不同哲学家、不同时代 及不同思想维度中的“道”进行诠释。同时,本文以术语学(Terminologie)为研究方法,聚焦 于卫礼贤用来翻译“道”的几个德语哲学术语,并对这些词汇进行溯源。以此为切入点, 本文 分析了卫礼贤作为对中国哲学与德国哲学均有深刻理解的汉学家,有意识地从跨文化比较哲学 的角度出发,将“道”转换为德国哲学中与之相匹配的哲学概念,并将其介绍给德国思想界的 路径。重新审视卫礼贤对“道”的“一词多译”,在加强当今中外文化互鉴和中文著作外译方面 具有积极且重要的作用。[This contribution is based on the translation and study of the book Chinesische Philosophie: Eine Einführung (Chinese Philosophy: An Introduction, 1929). It is the last philosophy-related work by the famous German sinologist and translator Richard Wilhelm. The article provides a compilation, summary, and in-depth analysis concerning Wilhelm's handling of the translation of "Dao", the "Urwort" (Heidegger) of Chinese philosophy. The study provides insight into how Wilhelm has used a poly-perspective method to (...)
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    The Core Values of Chinese Civilization.Lai Chen - 2017 - Singapore: Imprint: Springer.
    Drawing on the core values of western civilization, the author refines the counterparts in Chinese civilization, summarized as four core principles: duty before freedom, obedience before rights, community before individual, and harmony before conflict. Focusing on guoxue or Sinology as the basis of his approach, the author provides detailed explanations of traditional Chinese values. Recent scholars have addressed the concept of guoxue since the modern age, sorting through it and piecing it together, which has produced an extremely abundant (...)
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  20. The “manifesto” of new-confucianism and the revival of virtue ethics.Jiyuan Yu - 2008 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 3 (3):317-334.
    In 1958, a group of New-Confucians issued “A Manifesto for a Re-Appraisal of Sinology and Reconstruction of Chinese Culture.” Equally in 1958, the British philosopher Elizabeth Anscombe published her classical paper “Modern Moral Philosophy.” These two papers have the same target — modern Western morality — and the solutions they proposed respectively. Yet Anscombe’s paper did not mention Confucianism, and the “Manifesto” ignored Aristotelian tradition of virtue. Furthermore, from 1960s to 1990s, the revival movement of Confucianism and the (...)
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    The Confucian Mix: A Supplement to Weber’s The Religion of China.Jack Barbalet - 2016 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 276 (2):171-192.
    China has always served Western thinkers as a lens through which to project convenient contrasts and exemplars for their self-aggrandizement and self-realization. Weber’s treatment in The Religion of China is no exception. Weber’s purpose in this text is to demonstrate the exclusive provision in Europe of the conditions for the development of modern or industrial capitalism. To achieve this purpose Weber presents a distorted vision of both Confucianism and Daoism, even against the limited sinological material at his disposal. The (...)
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    Traditional Chinese Thought: Philosophy or Religion?Jana S. Rosker - 2009 - Asian Philosophy 19 (3):225-237.
    Contemporary theoretical streams in sinology and modern Chinese philosophy have devoted increasing attention to investigating and comparing the substantial and methodological assumptions of the so-called 'Eastern' and 'Western' traditions. In spite of the complexity of these problems, the most important methodological condition for arriving at some reasonably valid conclusions will undoubtedly be satisfied if we consciously endeavor to preserve the characteristic structural blocks and observe the specific categorical laws of the cultural contexts being discussed. Whenever sinologists speak of (...)
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  23. Is "chinese philosophy" a proper name? A response to Rein Raud.Carine Defoort - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (4):625-660.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Is "Chinese Philosophy" a Proper Name?A Response to Rein RaudCarine DefoortIn the preface to his Outline of the History of Chinese Philosophy, Hu Shi wrote: "Today, the two main branches of philosophy meet and influence each other. Whether or not in fifty years or one hundred a sort of world philosophy will finally arise cannot yet be ascertained."1 Although uncertain, Hu was still hopeful, since he believed that the (...)
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    Having a Word with Angus Graham: At Twenty-Five Years Into His Immortality.Carine Defoort & Roger T. Ames (eds.) - 2018 - Albany, NY: Suny Series in Chinese Philoso.
    Critical reflections on the work of Angus Charles Graham, renowned Western scholar of Chinese philosophy and sinology.
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    In Praise of Blandness: Proceeding From Chinese Thought and Aesthetics.Paula M. Varsano (ed.) - 2007 - Zone Books.
    Already translated into six languages, Francois Jullien's In Praise of Blandness has become a classic. Appearing for the first time in English, this groundbreaking work of philosophy, anthropology, aesthetics, and sinology is certain to stir readers to think and experience what may at first seem impossible: the richness of a bland sound, a bland meaning, a bland painting, a bland poem. In presenting the value of blandness through as many concrete examples and original texts as possible, Jullien allows the (...)
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    The Manifesto of 1958: a discourse on Confucian Rationalism.Alice Simionato - 2019 - Rivista di Estetica 72:125-138.
    With the rapid proliferation of New Confucian studies since the mid 1980s, it has become an unquestioned dogma that one particular event at the beginning of 1958 marks a watershed in the movement’s development. This event is the publication of the Manifesto that Mou Zongsan 牟宗三, Tang Junyi 唐君毅, Xu Fuguan 徐復觀, and Zhang Junmai 张君劢 co-signed and published almost simultaneously in the two journals Minzhu pinglun 民評論 (Democratic Tribune) and Zaisheng 再生(National Renaissance) with the title 为中国文化敬告世界人士宣言─我们对中国学术研究及中国文化与世界文前途之共同认识 (Wei Zhongguo wenhua (...)
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    Philosophy and History, Customs and Ethics.Hui-Chieh Loy - 2023 - Philosophy East and West 73 (2):420-428.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and History, Customs and EthicsHui-Chieh Loy (bio)Origins of Moral-Political Philosophy in Early China: Contestation of Humaneness, Justice, and Personal Freedom. By Tao Jiang. New York: Oxford University Press, 2021.Tao Jiang's Origins of Moral-Political Philosophy in Early China is a serious tour de force of a study. In many ways, I am reminded of Angus Graham's Disputers of the Tao and Benjamin Schwartz' The World of Thought in Ancient (...)
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  28. Turkology: a Preliminary Report.Louis Bazin & James H. Labadie - 1958 - Diogenes 6 (24):94-127.
    The development in modern times of the scientific study of the languages and civilizations called “oriental” (actually those outside western and central Europe) has of necessity been followed by a division of research into disciplines essentially delimited by linguistic boundaries. Thus experts of classical Arabic and of spoken Arab dialects, whether they study these idioms for their own sake, for their spoken or written literature, or even, making use of Arabic texts, to elaborate the history of the peoples of (...)
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    The (Silk) Road Less Travelled: East Asian Studies and National Identity Formation in Modern Turkey.Ceren Ergenç - 2017 - Diogenes 64 (3-4):51-72.
    Diogenes, Ahead of Print. Regional studies in Turkey have long focused on Europe and the Middle East, with which Turkey has traditionally been associated. East Asian studies seem to remain out of the spotlight. This study claims firstly that different phases of Asian studies scholarship in Turkey have all been geared towards confirmation and validation of the process of Turkish national identity formation. Secondly, this process also reflects the Western-centrism of Turkish academic knowledge production. This paper presents a periodization (...)
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    Confucianism: An Introduction.Ronnie Littlejohn - 2010 - I.B. Tauris.
    "China has 'arrived,' and Ronnie Littlejohn helps us know this antique culture better. In his entirely accessible introduction, Littlejohn has done the academy the timely service of resourcing the best contemporary research in sinology to tell the compelling story of a living Confucianism as it has meandered through the dynasties to flow down to our present time." -- Roger T. Ames, Professor of Philosophy, University of Hawai’i "Although basically intended as an introductory text for undergraduates, this book is equally (...)
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    In praise of blandness: proceeding from Chinese thought and aesthetics.François Jullien - 2004 - New York: Zone Books.
    Already translated into six languages, Francois Jullien's In Praise of Blandness hasbecome a classic. Appearing for the first time in English, this groundbreaking work of philosophy,anthropology, aesthetics, and sinology is certain to stir readers to think and experience what mayat first seem impossible: the richness of a bland sound, a bland meaning, a bland painting, a blandpoem. In presenting the value of blandness through as many concrete examples and original texts aspossible, Jullien allows the undifferentiated foundation of all things (...)
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    On Variations of the Classical Chinese Literary Genre terminchinesescript (Fu) in Literary History.Peina Zhuang & Jie Zhang - 2022 - Cultura 19 (2):131-145.
    In "On Variations of the Classical Chinese Literary Genre terminchinesescript in Literary History," the authors analyze the representation of the classical Chinese literary genre Fu, or namely, rhapsode, in Chinese literary histories compiled in English. A unique classical literary genre, Fu commonly appears in classical Chinese literature as well as in aesthetics and philosophy, thus constituting an important part in Chinese literature in all periods from ancient to contemporary. However, Fu falls outside the quartered-division of modern western stylistics, so (...)
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    Moral Dilemmas in Chinese Philosophy: A Case Study of the Lienü Zhuan.César Guarde-Paz - 2016 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 15 (1):81-101.
    From classical antiquity to contemporary times, challenging situations of dilemmatic or paradoxical nature continue to fascinate both scholars and the casual reader. Although Western literature provides a fruitful source of philosophical discussion on the circumstances under which a morally competent agent faces incompatible moral requirements, Sinology has rarely accepted the idea of moral dilemmas in Chinese philosophy in general and Confucianism in particular. The present paper explores moral and morally motivated dilemmas in Liu Xiang’s 劉向 Lienü Zhuan 列女傳 (...)
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    The social origins of thought: Durkheim, Mauss, and the category project.Johannes F. M. Schick, Mario Schmidt & Martin Zillinger (eds.) - 2022 - New York: Berghahn.
    By studying how different societies understand categories such as time and causality, the Durkheimians decentered Western epistemology. With contributions from philosophy, sociology, anthropology, media studies, and sinology, this volume illustrates the interdisciplinarity and intellectual rigor of the "category project" which did not only stir controversies among contemporary scholars but paved the way for other theories exploring how the thoughts of individuals are prefigured by society and vice versa.
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    Reply to Discussion of Origins of Moral-Political Philosophy in Early China: Contestation of Humaneness, Justice, and Personal Freedom.Tao Jiang - 2023 - Philosophy East and West 73 (2):475-485.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reply to Discussion of Origins of Moral-Political Philosophy in Early China:Contestation of Humaneness, Justice, and Personal FreedomTao Jiang (bio)I am grateful to all six commentators for their careful reading of and thoughtful engagements with my book, especially to Sungmoon Kim for spearheading this group effort. In the book, Origins of Moral-Political Philosophy in Early China: Contestation of Humaneness, Justice, and Personal Freedom, I try to tell a new story (...)
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    Theories of the Heart-mind and Human Nature in the Context of Globalization of Confucianism Today.Peimin Ni - 2021 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 20 (1):25-47.
    About 60 years ago, Tang Junyi 唐君毅, Mou Zongsan 牟宗三, Xu Fuguan 徐復觀, and Zhang Junmai 張君勱 published “A Manifesto for a Reappraisal of Sinology and Reconstruction of Chinese Culture.” In the Manifesto, these major representatives of contemporary New Confucianism tried to rectify Westerners’ biases and reestablish Chinese people’s cultural confidence by upholding the Confucian learning of the heart-mind as the core of Chinese culture. Following the same approach, some prominent scholars today continue the effort of bringing Confucianism to (...)
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    François Jullien y Roger Ames: Sobre la "sinología comparativa" y la propuesta de un nuevo lenguaje para el estudio de China.Mahaut de Barros Barreto Cristiano - 2022 - Aisthesis 71 (71):67-78.
    Roger Ames and François Jullien are eminent scholars writing on ancient Chinese thought, yet they have followed quite different paths in their academic research. In this paper I will argue that, although their styles, theories and motivations are sometimes dramatically different, both authors share an interest in combining philosophy and sinology in an effort to unveil the existence of a radical contrast between China and the West. I will explain that language is at the center of the affirmation of (...)
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    Writing and Authority in Early China (review).Lothar Falkenhausevonn - 2001 - Philosophy East and West 51 (1):127-135.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Writing and Authority in Early ChinaLothar von FalkenhausenWriting and Authority in Early China. By Mark Edward Lewis. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1999. Pp. vii + 544. Hardcover $92.50. Paper $31.95.Writing and Authority in Early China is a forceful and sparklingly original work in which Mark Edward Lewis explores the role of writing and texts in the transformation of political authority during the Warring States, Qin, (...)
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    Physiognomy in Ming China: Fortune and the Body by Xing Wang (review).Wenbin Wang - 2023 - Philosophy East and West 73 (4):1-8.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Physiognomy in Ming China: Fortune and the Body by Xing WangWenbin Wang (bio)Physiognomy in Ming China: Fortune and the Body. By Xing Wang. Leiden: Brill, 2020. Pp. x+ 325. Hardcover €114.00, ISBN 978-90-04-42954-3.Physiognomy (xiangshu 相術) as a technique of fortune-telling via the observation of the body has a long history in China and is still a living tradition. As a part of the traditional Chinese technological repertoire of (...)
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    Lao-tzu and the Tao-te-ching (review). [REVIEW]Jonathan R. Herman - 2000 - Philosophy East and West 50 (4):625-627.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Lao-tzu and the Tao-te-chingJonathan R. HermanLao-tzu and the Tao-te-ching. Edited by Livia Kohn and Michael LaFargue. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1998. Pp. xii + 330.Modern scholarship on the Tao Te Ching has tended to focus on questions of authorship and the intended meaning of the text, often working from both the unquestioned assumption that matters of origination are of primary historical importance and the quasi-theological (...)
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    Phenomenological Dimensions of Body in the Zhuangzi.Kevin J. Turner - 2024 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 23 (4):609-626.
    This article argues that a phenomenological notion of “lived body” emerges in the Zhuangzi’s 莊子 critique of the Confucian body of ritual and morality. It also argues that a philosophical account of body cannot be reduced to a Sinological account. This article draws on the phenomenological distinction between “object body” and “lived body,” especially the “three ontological dimensions” of Jean-Paul Sartre to argue that the Zhuangzi criticizes the Confucian body of ritual and morality as being a “body-for-others” and that it (...)
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    Writing and Authority in Early China (review). [REVIEW]Lothar von Falkenhausen - 2001 - Philosophy East and West 51 (1):127-135.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Writing and Authority in Early ChinaLothar von FalkenhausenWriting and Authority in Early China. By Mark Edward Lewis. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1999. Pp. vii + 544. Hardcover $92.50. Paper $31.95.Writing and Authority in Early China is a forceful and sparklingly original work in which Mark Edward Lewis explores the role of writing and texts in the transformation of political authority during the Warring States, Qin, (...)
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    Authorial Authority in Ancient China. [REVIEW]Martin Svensson - 2000 - Philosophy East and West 50 (4):614 - 619.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Authorial Authority in Ancient ChinaMartin SvenssonWriting and Authority in Early China. By Mark Edward Lewis. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1999. SUNY Series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture. Pp. vii + 544. Paper.The appearance of Mark Edward Lewis' second book, Writing and Authority in Early China, is a long-awaited event in the sinological world. Divided into eight chapters and with the main text running 365 pages, this (...)
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    Who is Afraid of François Jullien? Some Thoughts on the Political and Philosophical Implications of an “Untimely” Thinking.Kai Marchal - 2023 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 6 (1):235-244.
    In my essay, I critically discuss the work of the French philosopher and sinologist François Jullien. First, I reconstruct the social and political context from which Jullien’s thinking emerged in the late 1970 s and 1980 s. Second, I analyze a number of philosophical and sinological premises underlying his interpretation of Chinese and European thought. By comparing his interpretation of traditional Chinese thought with other approaches, it is possible to get a better understanding of Jullien’s creative appropriation of the other. (...)
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    Reading the Zhongyong 中庸 in Times of Cultural Upheaval.Wolfgang Schwabe - 2023 - Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy 6 (1):161-170.
    The appearance of a modern, self-confident China has started to raise concern in the West. Policies are being re-evaluated, “China competence” is the buzz word of the hour. But these reactions cannot conceal the fact that the West is utterly unprepared to come intellectually to terms with this new reality. Philosophers with sinological knowledge tend to measure China by standards developed in the West and judge it accordingly.This approach to China has been extensively criticized by Hermes Spiegel. (See Hermes Spiegel, (...)
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    Renewable energy: Renewed thinking.Western Michigan - 2005 - Inquiry: Western Michigan University 1:1-2005.
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  47. With the swamis in America.Western Disciple[From Old Catalog] (ed.) - 1938 - Mayavati: Almora, Himalayas, Advaita ashrama.
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  48. Western Misunderstandings / Chantal Maillard ; Ownerless Emotions in Rasa-Aesthetics.Arindam Chakrabarti & On the Western Reception of Indian Aesthetics - 2010 - In Ken'ichi Sasaki, Asian Aesthetics. Singapore: National Univeristy of Singapore Press.
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    Copyright Acknowledgments.Western Civilisation - 2011 - In Sandra Harding, The postcolonial science and technology studies reader. Durham: Duke University Press. pp. 459.
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    More Praise for Idleness.Paul Western - 2000 - Philosophy Now 29:26-27.
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