Results for 'Wendy Parkins'

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  1.  21
    Protesting like a Girl: Embodiment, Dissent and Feminist Agency.Wendy Parkins - 2000 - Feminist Theory 1 (1):59-78.
    This article examines feminist agency in the light of Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenological account of the body subject. Stressing the importance of embodiment to feminist agency (without reifying an essential female body), I argue that bodies inhabit specific social, historical and discursive contexts which shape our corporeal experience and our opportunities for political contestation. Beginning with the assertion that we cannot think of agency without the body, I examine a historical instance of feminist agency in which women’s bodies were central to the (...)
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    This body which is not mine: The notion of the habit body, prostitution and (dis)embodiment.Maddy Coy - 2009 - Feminist Theory 10 (1):61-75.
    This paper explores women's accounts of prostitution in terms of the lived experience of the body, drawing on life story narratives and arts images created by women in the sex industry. These narratives show that women's experiences of prostitution constitute a spectrum of (dis)embodiment that is inflected, not determined, by settings and contexts. Theoretical approaches to embodiment were sought that acknowledged tensions between violation and a sense of empowerment. Therefore, the ontology of selling sex, and associated experiences such as violence, (...)
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  3. Data models, representation and adequacy-for-purpose.Alisa Bokulich & Wendy Parker - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (1):1-26.
    We critically engage two traditional views of scientific data and outline a novel philosophical view that we call the pragmatic-representational view of data. On the PR view, data are representations that are the product of a process of inquiry, and they should be evaluated in terms of their adequacy or fitness for particular purposes. Some important implications of the PR view for data assessment, related to misrepresentation, context-sensitivity, and complementary use, are highlighted. The PR view provides insight into the common (...)
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    After the DNR: Surrogates Who Persist in Requesting Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.Ellen M. Robinson, Wendy Cadge, Angelika A. Zollfrank, M. Cornelia Cremens & Andrew M. Courtwright - 2017 - Hastings Center Report 47 (1):10-19.
    Some health care organizations allow physicians to withhold cardiopulmonary resuscitation from a patient, despite patient or surrogate requests that it be provided, when they believe it will be more harmful than beneficial. Such cases usually involve patients with terminal diagnoses whose medical teams argue that aggressive treatments are medically inappropriate or likely to be harmful. Although there is state-to-state variability and a considerable judicial gray area about the conditions and mechanisms for refusals to perform CPR, medical teams typically follow a (...)
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  5. Vulnerability in Research Ethics: a Way Forward.Margaret Meek Lange, Wendy Rogers & Susan Dodds - 2013 - Bioethics 27 (6):333-340.
    Several foundational documents of bioethics mention the special obligation researchers have to vulnerable research participants. However, the treatment of vulnerability offered by these documents often relies on enumeration of vulnerable groups rather than an analysis of the features that make such groups vulnerable. Recent attempts in the scholarly literature to lend philosophical weight to the concept of vulnerability are offered by Luna and Hurst. Luna suggests that vulnerability is irreducibly contextual and that Institutional Review Boards (Research Ethics Committees) can only (...)
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  6. Issues in the theoretical foundations of climate science.Joel Katzav & Wendy S. Parker - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 63:141-149.
    The theoretical foundations of climate science have received little attention from philosophers thus far, despite a number of outstanding issues. We provide a brief, non-technical overview of several of these issues – related to theorizing about climates, climate change, internal variability and more – and attempt to make preliminary progress in addressing some of them. In doing so, we hope to open a new thread of discussion in the emerging area of philosophy of climate science, focused on theoretical foundations.
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    (1 other version)An Archeology of Corruption in Medicine.Miles Little, Wendy Lipworth & Ian Kerridge - 2018 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 27 (3):525-535.
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    Addressing Deficits and Injustices: The Potential Epistemic Contributions of Patients to Research.Katrina Hutchison, Wendy Rogers & Vikki A. Entwistle - 2017 - Health Care Analysis 25 (4):386-403.
    Patient or public involvement in health research is increasingly expected as a matter of policy. In theory, PPI can contribute both to the epistemic aims intrinsic to research, and to extrinsically valued features of research such as social inclusion and transparency. In practice, the aims of PPI have not always been clear, although there has been a tendency to encourage the involvement of so-called ordinary people who are regarded as representative of an assumed patient perspective. In this paper we focus (...)
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  9. Extended Computation: Wide Computationalism in Reverse.Paul Smart, Wendy Hall & Michael Boniface - 2021 - Proceedings of the 13th ACM Web Science Conference (Companion Volume).
    Arguments for extended cognition and the extended mind are typically directed at human-centred forms of cognitive extension—forms of cognitive extension in which the cognitive/mental states/processes of a given human individual are subject to a form of extended or wide realization. The same is true of debates and discussions pertaining to the possibility of Web-extended minds and Internet-based forms of cognitive extension. In this case, the focus of attention concerns the extent to which the informational and technological elements of the online (...)
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    Conflicts of conscience in the neonatal intensive care unit: Perspectives of Alberta.Natalie J. Ford & Wendy Austin - 2018 - Nursing Ethics 25 (8):992-1003.
    Background: Limited knowledge of the experiences of conflicts of conscience found in nursing literature. Objectives: To explore the individual experiences of a conflict of conscience for neonatal nurses in Alberta. Research design: Interpretive description was selected to help situate the findings in a meaningful clinical context. Participants and research context: Five interviews with neonatal nurses working in Neonatal Intensive Care Units throughout Alberta. Ethical consideration: Ethics approval from the Health Research Ethics Board at the University of Alberta. Findings: Three common (...)
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  11. In the Wake of the Alton Bill.Maureen McNeil, Sarah Franklin, Wendy Fyfe, Tess Randles & Deborah Steinberg - 1991 - In Sarah Franklin, Celia Lury & Jackie Stacey (eds.), Off-centre: feminism and cultural studies. New York, NY, USA: HarperCollins Academic.
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  12.  21
    Dreams, Illusion, and Other Realities.Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty - 1986 - University of Chicago Press.
    This richly suggestive book challenges many of our fundamental assumptions about ourselves and our world."—Mark C. Taylor, New York Times Book Review "Dazzling analysis. . .
  13.  30
    The Ethics Liaison Program: building a moral community.Sarah R. Bates, Wendy J. McHugh, Alexander R. Carbo, Stephen F. O'Neill & Lachlan Forrow - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (9):595-600.
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    Values‐based medicine and modest foundationalism.Miles Little, Wendy Lipworth, Jill Gordon, Pippa Markham & Ian Kerridge - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (5):1020-1026.
  15.  25
    Responding to Value Pluralism in Hybrid Organizations.Erin I. Castellas, Wendy Stubbs & Véronique Ambrosini - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (3):635-650.
    In this paper, we derive a four-stage process model of how hybrid organizations respond to specific challenges that arise under conditions of value pluralism and institutional complexity. Engaging in exploratory qualitative research of six Australian hybrid organizations, we identify institutional and organizational responses to pluralism, particularly as organizations strive to uphold multiple value commitments, such as social, environmental and/or financial outcomes. We find that by employing a process of separating, negotiating, aggregating, and subjectively assessing the value that is created, our (...)
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    Strategies of emotion management: not just on, but off the job.Clare Hammonds & Wendy Cadge - 2014 - Nursing Inquiry 21 (2):162-170.
    Intensive care nurses, like professionals in other intense occupations characterized by high degrees of uncertainty, manage the emotions that result from their work both on and off the job. We focus on the job strategies – calling‐in, sharing their experiences with others and engaging in a range of activities oriented to emotional recovery – that 37 intensive care nurses use to manage their emotions off the job. These strategies show how the social organization and division of labor in intensive care (...)
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    The Neurophysiological Processing of Music in Children: A Systematic Review With Narrative Synthesis and Considerations for Clinical Practice in Music Therapy.Janeen Bower, Wendy L. Magee, Cathy Catroppa & Felicity Anne Baker - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Introduction: Evidence supporting the use of music interventions to maximize arousal and awareness in adults presenting with a disorder of consciousness continues to grow. However, the brain of a child is not simply a small adult brain, and therefore adult theories are not directly translatable to the pediatric population. The present study aims to synthesize brain imaging data about the neural processing of music in children aged 0-18 years, to form a theoretical basis for music interventions with children presenting with (...)
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  18. Relationships among cognition, emotion, and motivation: implications for intervention and neuroplasticity in psychopathology.Laura D. Crocker, Wendy Heller, Stacie L. Warren, Aminda J. O'Hare, Zachary P. Infantolino & Gregory A. Miller - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    Women have substantial advantage in STEM faculty hiring, except when competing against more-accomplished men.Stephen J. Ceci & Wendy M. Williams - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  20.  57
    The Right to Health: Why It Should Apply to Immigrants.Patricia Illingworth & Wendy E. Parmet - 2015 - Public Health Ethics 8 (2):148-161.
    Although the right to health is universal, many nations that honor it fail to do so in the case of non-citizen immigrants. In this essay, we argue that the reasons typically given for not extending the right to health to immigrants are without merit and that there are good reasons for nations to protect, respect and fulfill the health right of all immigrants. Contrary to the standard view, we argue that health can be understood as a global public good. Two (...)
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  21.  37
    International practices in the provision of teratology information: a survey of international teratogen information programmes and comparisons with the North American model.Rebecca L. Hancock, Wendy J. Ungar, Adrienne Einarson & Gideon Koren - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (5):957-963.
  22.  29
    Hinduism: New Essays in the History of Religions.Wendy Doniger O'Flaherty & Bardwell L. Smith - 1978 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 98 (3):325.
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    The Case of the Stallion's Wife: Indra and Vṛṣaṇaśva in the Ṛg Veda and the BrāhmaṇasThe Case of the Stallion's Wife: Indra and Vrsanasva in the Rg Veda and the Brahmanas.Wendy O'Flaherty - 1985 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 105 (3):485.
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    Collegiate Models of Teaching for Critical Thinking.Wendy Oxman-Michelli & Mark Weinstein - 1988 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 1 (3):4-5.
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    Critical Thinking and the Work of Stephen Toulmin.Wendy Oxman-Michelli & Mark Weinstein - 1988 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 2 (4):11-15.
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    Critical Thinking as Creativity.Wendy Oxman-Michelli - 1992 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 9 (3):1-1.
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    School “Work” and Academic Tasks.Wendy Oxman-Michelli - 1989 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 3 (4):5-5.
  28.  80
    Democracy in What State?Giorgio Agamben, Alain Badiou, Daniel Bensaïd, Wendy Brown, Jean-Luc Nancy, Jacques Rancière, Kristin Ross & Slavoj Zizek - 2011 - Columbia University Press.
    "Is it meaningful to call oneself a democrat? And if so, how do you interpret the word?" -/- In responding to this question, eight iconoclastic thinkers prove the rich potential of democracy, along with its critical weaknesses, and reconceive the practice to accommodate new political and cultural realities. Giorgio Agamben traces the tense history of constitutions and their coexistence with various governments. Alain Badiou contrasts current democratic practice with democratic communism. Daniel Bensaid ponders the institutionalization of democracy, while Wendy (...)
  29. How Uncertainty Interacts with Ethical Values in Climate Change Research.Casey Helgeson, Wendy Parker & Nancy Tuana - forthcoming - In Linda Mearns, Chris Forest, Hayley Fowler, Robert Lempert & Robert Wilby (eds.), Uncertainty in Climate Change Research: An Integrated Approach. Springer.
    Like all human activities, scientific research is infused with values. Scientific discovery can, for example, be valued as an end in itself. The phrase ethical values is an umbrella term for much of what people care about aside from knowledge for its own sake. Ethical values encompass reasons for caring about the harms caused by climate impacts or the injustice of how those harms are distributed. The closer that research gets to informing real-world actions, the more the design of that (...)
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  30. Catharine Macaulay on the Paradox of Paternal Authority in Hobbesian Politics.Wendy Gunther-Canada - 2006 - Hypatia 21 (2):150-173.
    Catharine Macaulay's first political pamphlet, “Loose remarks on certain positions to be found in Mr. Hobbes's philosophical rudiments of government and society with a short sketch for a democratical form of government in a letter to Signor Paoli,” published in London in 1769, has received no significant scholarly attention in over two hundred years. It is of primary interest because of the light it sheds on Macaulay's critique of patriarchal politics, which helps to establish a new line of thinking about (...)
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    Ethics & Evidence in Medical Debates: The Case of Recombinant Activated Factor VII.Narcyz Ghinea, Wendy Lipworth, Ian Kerridge, Miles Little & Richard O. Day - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (2):38-45.
    While ethics and evidence‐based medicine are often viewed as separate domains of inquiry and practice, what we know influences what we can ethically justify doing, and what we see as our moral obligations shapes the way we interpret evidence. The boundaries between the moral and epistemic spheres become particularly blurred when the health of people is at stake and even more so when no “officially” recommended medical intervention is available to help a patient in need. The treatment of major hemorrhages (...)
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    Research with bereaved families.Magi Sque, Wendy Walker & Tracy Long-Sutehall - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (8):946-955.
    Theoretical debates about the nature of grief and bereavement draw attention to the sensitivity of carrying out research with bereaved people, the possible threats that this may pose and the ethical considerations required to ameliorate potentially damaging outcomes. The authors of this article present a framework for ethical decision-making that has been successfully developed in the context of research with bereaved families. The discussion focuses on application and evaluation of the framework during research with family members who were approached about (...)
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    Crisis, Crisis, Crisis, or Sovereignty and Networks.Wendy Hui Kyong Chun - 2011 - Theory, Culture and Society 28 (6):91-112.
    This article addresses the seemingly paradoxical proliferation of coded systems designed to guarantee our safety and crises that endanger us. These two phenomena, it argues, are not opposites but rather complements; crises are not accidental to a culture focused on safety, they are its raison d'être. Mapping out the temporality of networks, it argues that crises are new media's critical difference: its exception and its norm. Although crises promise to disrupt memory – to disturb the usual programmability of our machines (...)
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    Black Atlas: Geography and Flow in Nineteenth-Century African American Literature by Judith Madera.Wendy Whelan-Stewart - 2016 - Intertexts 20 (2):155-157.
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    Where are you organizationally situated? Views from here.Becky Barton & Wendy Cadge - 2016 - Critical Research on Religion 4 (3):279-285.
    We reflect personally and historically on some of the institutions that have nurtured and shaped conversations at the intersections of sociology and religious studies, particularly professional associations. Our argument is simple. The ways different scholars understand the relationship between the sociology of religion and religious studies have a lot to do with the institutions that nurtured us and through which we engage in the conversation. We push back on simple black and white distinctions that paint their approaches in oppositions: more (...)
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    Blame attributions and mitigated confessions: The discursive construction of guilty admissions in celebrity TV confessionals.Ruth Parry & Wendy Archer - 2019 - Discourse and Communication 13 (6):591-611.
    Drawing on insights from conversation analysis, discursive psychology and social psychology, this article describes some interactional features of two celebrity TV confessionals and the resources used by the TV interviewers and celebrity guests to attribute, accept or deny responsibility for their transgressions. The analytic interest lies in how confessions are locally and interactionally managed, that is, how ‘doing confessing’ is achieved in the television interview context. We show how the host’s opening turn constrains the celebrity guest’s contribution and secures overt (...)
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    Declarations, accusations and judgement: examining conflict of interest discourses as performative speech-acts.Christopher Mayes, Wendy Lipworth & Ian Kerridge - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (3):455-462.
    Concerns over conflicts of interest in academic research and medical practice continue to provoke a great deal of discussion. What is most obvious in this discourse is that when COIs are declared, or perceived to exist in others, there is a focus on both the descriptive question of whether there is a COI and, subsequently, the normative question of whether it is good, bad or neutral. We contend, however, that in addition to the descriptive and normative, COI declarations and accusations (...)
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  38. You're not alone : discovering the power of sharing life narratives as academic women.Michelle Barker, Ann Webster-Wright, Deanne Gannaway & Wendy Green - 2018 - In Alison L. Black & Susanne Garvis (eds.), Women activating agency in academia: metaphors, manifestos and memoir. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    “That’s the Way We’ve Always Done It”: A Social Practice Analysis of Farm Animal Welfare in Alberta.Emilie M. Bassi, Ellen Goddard & John R. Parkins - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (2):335-354.
    Although beef and dairy production in Alberta, Canada, enjoys strong public support, there are enduring public concerns, including farm animal welfare. Evolving codes of practice and animal care councils prescribe changes and improvements to many areas of farm management, and may be seen by farmers as an appropriate response to public animal welfare concerns. However, codes of practice do not address every animal welfare concern, and new concerns can arise over time. Drawing on social practice theory and in-depth field research (...)
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    Introduction to Assessing climate models: knowledge, values and policy.Joel Katzav & Wendy S. Parker - 2015 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 5 (2):141-148.
  41.  28
    Possessors and Possessed: Museums, Archaeology, and the Visualization of History in the Late Ottoman Empire.Gary Beckman & Wendy M. K. Shaw - 2004 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 124 (1):203.
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    Growing Up with Parents Who Have Learning Difficulties.Timothy A. Booth & Wendy Booth - 1998 - Routledge.
    _Growing up with Parents who have Learning Difficulties_ uses a life-story approach to present new evidence about how children from such families manage the transition to adulthood, and about the longer-term outcomes of such an upbringing. It offers a view of parental competence as a social attribute rather than an individual skill, assessing the implications for institutional policies and practices. The authors address the notion of children having to parent their disabled parents and argue for a shift in emphasis from (...)
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    Ethical Health Care.Patricia Illingworth & Wendy E. Parmet - 2006 - Routledge.
    Offering a format that is significantly different than that offered by other books, Ethical Health Care beings by asking what is meant by health and how it is achieved. The book then proceeds to explore with care and context the nature of the relationship between patients and clinicians, health care providers and the societies in which they inhabit, and finally the relationship between the health care enterprise and the international community. By emphasizing the ethical issues that arise in the broad (...)
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  44. Essentially quantified? Towards a more feminist modeling strategy.Wendy Sigle-Rushton - 2014 - In Mary Evans, Clare Hemmings, Marsha Henry, Hazel Johnstone, Sumi Madhok, Ania Plomien & Sadie Wearing (eds.), The SAGE handbook of feminist theory. Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE reference.
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    Accounting for Justice: Citizen Public Debt Audits and the Case of Puerto Rico.Wendy Wiedenhoft Murphy - 2022 - Studies in Social Justice 16 (1):182-199.
    A Citizen Public Debt Audit is an emancipatory praxis that can mobilize citizens to make legible public debt that has been accrued in their name. Ideally, it should hold creditors accountable for debt that is determined to be odious. This study examines the public debt crisis in Puerto Rico to illustrate the historically unjust circumstances under which public debt was accumulated on the island in the context of US federal taxation and economic policies. It explains how citizens are mobilizing via (...)
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    Hips, Knees, and Hernia Mesh: When Does Gender Matter in Surgery?Katrina Hutchison & Wendy Rogers - 2017 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 10 (1):148-174.
    This paper draws attention to gendered dimensions of surgical device failure, focusing on two case studies—hernia repair mesh for pelvic organ prolapse, and metal-on-metal hip implants. We explore possible reasons for higher rates of harms to women, including systematic biases in health research and device regulation. Given that these factors are readily identifiable, we look to feminist scholarship to understand what might maintain them, including the role of cultural factors within surgery, such as gendered communication patterns and sexism. We then (...)
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    The Authors Reply.Paul S. Appelbaum, Wendy Chung, Abby J. Fyer, Robert L. Klitzman, Josue Martinez, Erik Parens, W. Nicholson Price & Cameron Waldman - 2015 - Hastings Center Report 45 (1):4-4.
    Reply to a commentary by Felicitas Holzer and Ignacio Mastroleoon “Models of Consent to Return of Incidental Findings in Genomic Research.”.
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    Developing a measure of patient access to primary care: the access response index (AROS).Glyn Elwyn, Wendy Jones, Melody Rhydderch & Peter Edwards - 2003 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 9 (1):33-37.
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    Mothering and Ambivalence.Brid Featherstone & Wendy Hollway (eds.) - 1997 - Routledge.
    Children's rights, lone motherhood and the breakdown of families are all issues at the forefront of current social debate in the West, with little agreement on what constitutes good parenting, or how the needs of both mother and child are best met. The feminist contribution to this debate is particularly important in keeping in view the diverse identities of all those who provide mothering. The psychoanalytic contribution is often undervalued and misunderstood. _Mothering and Ambivalence_ brings together authors from therapeutic, academic (...)
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    The Sound of Little Hummingbird Wings: A Wittgensteinian Investigation of Forms of Life as Forms of Power.Wendy Lee-Lampshire - 1999 - Feminist Studies 25 (2):409.
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