Results for 'Wendy Lustbader'

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  1.  12
    Changing the Subject: Psychology, Social Regulation, and Subjectivity.Julian Henriques, Wendy Hollway, Cathy Urwin, Couze Venn & Valerie Walkerdine - 1998 - Routledge.
    _Changing the Subject_ is a classic critique of traditional psychology in which the foundations of critical and feminist psychology are laid down. Pioneering and foundational, it is still _the _groundbreaking text crucial to furthering the new psychology in both teaching and research. Now reissued with a new foreword describing the changes which have taken place over the last few years, _Changing the Subject _will continue to have a significant impact on thinking about psychology and social theory.
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  2. (1 other version)Keywords and Concepts in Evolutionary Developmental Biology.Brian K. Hall & Wendy M. Olson - 2004 - Journal of the History of Biology 37 (2):406-408.
  3. How Uncertainty Interacts with Ethical Values in Climate Change Research.Casey Helgeson, Wendy Parker & Nancy Tuana - forthcoming - In Linda Mearns, Chris Forest, Hayley Fowler, Robert Lempert & Robert Wilby, Uncertainty in Climate Change Research: An Integrated Approach. Springer.
    Like all human activities, scientific research is infused with values. Scientific discovery can, for example, be valued as an end in itself. The phrase ethical values is an umbrella term for much of what people care about aside from knowledge for its own sake. Ethical values encompass reasons for caring about the harms caused by climate impacts or the injustice of how those harms are distributed. The closer that research gets to informing real-world actions, the more the design of that (...)
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    Strategies of emotion management: not just on, but off the job.Clare Hammonds & Wendy Cadge - 2014 - Nursing Inquiry 21 (2):162-170.
    Intensive care nurses, like professionals in other intense occupations characterized by high degrees of uncertainty, manage the emotions that result from their work both on and off the job. We focus on the job strategies – calling‐in, sharing their experiences with others and engaging in a range of activities oriented to emotional recovery – that 37 intensive care nurses use to manage their emotions off the job. These strategies show how the social organization and division of labor in intensive care (...)
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    Therapeutic misunderstandings in modern research.Sarah Heynemann, Wendy Lipworth, Sue-Anne McLachlan, Jennifer Philip, Tom John & Ian Kerridge - 2024 - Bioethics 38 (2):138-152.
    Clinical trials play a crucial role in generating evidence about healthcare interventions and improving outcomes for current and future patients. For individual trial participants, however, there are inevitably trade‐offs involved in clinical trial participation, given that trials have traditionally been designed to benefit future patient populations rather than to offer personalised care. Failure to understand the distinction between research and clinical care and the likelihood of benefit from participation in clinical trials has been termed the ‘therapeutic misconception’. The evolution of (...)
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    Cognitive and emotional facets of test anxiety in African American school children.Rona Carter, Sandra Williams & Wendy K. Silverman - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (3):539-551.
  7. Beveridge, Fiona, 209, 299, 313 Brooks-Gordon, Belinda, 195 Buss, Doris, 91 Conaghan, Joanne, 177.Peter Goodrich, Emilie Hafner-Burton, Adrian Howe, Rosemary Hunter, Sally J. Kenney, Wendy Larcombe, Patricia Leighton, Ulrike Liebert, Jill Lovecy & Rachel Roth - 2002 - Feminist Legal Studies 10 (331).
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    Books in Review.Wendy Gunther-Canada - 1993 - Political Theory 21 (3):541-543.
  9.  59
    Development and validation of an instrument to assess secondary school students' perceptions of assessment tasks.Jeffrey P. Dorman & Wendy M. Knightley - 2006 - Educational Studies 32 (1):47-58.
    Research aimed at developing and validating an instrument to assess secondary school students? perceptions of assessment tasks was conducted. Following a review of literature, a five?scale instrument of 40 items was trialled with a sample of 658 science students in 11 English secondary schools. Based on internal consistency reliability data and exploratory factor analysis, refinement decisions resulted in a five?scale instrument called the Perceptions of assessment tasks inventory (PATI). The scales of the PATI are Congruence with planned learning, Authenticity, Student (...)
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    International practices in the provision of teratology information: a survey of international teratogen information programmes and comparisons with the North American model.Rebecca L. Hancock, Wendy J. Ungar, Adrienne Einarson & Gideon Koren - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (5):957-963.
  11.  66
    School “Work” and Academic Tasks.Wendy Oxman-Michelli - 1989 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 3 (4):5-5.
  12. II—Wendy S. Parker: Confirmation and adequacy-for-Purpose in Climate Modelling.Wendy S. Parker - 2009 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 83 (1):233-249.
    Lloyd (2009) contends that climate models are confirmed by various instances of fit between their output and observational data. The present paper argues that what these instances of fit might confirm are not climate models themselves, but rather hypotheses about the adequacy of climate models for particular purposes. This required shift in thinking—from confirming climate models to confirming their adequacy-for-purpose—may sound trivial, but it is shown to complicate the evaluation of climate models considerably, both in principle and in practice.
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    A Miller’s Tale. [REVIEW]David Oldroyd, Phil Dowe, Adrian Mackenzie, Alison Bashford, Geoffrey C. Bowker, Alan Chalmers, I. J. Crozier, John Dargavel, Wendy Riemens & Andrew Dowling - 1997 - Metascience 6 (1):105-184.
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    Novelty Seeking and Mental Health in Chinese University Students Before, During, and After the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown: A Longitudinal Study.Wendy Wen Li, Huizhen Yu, Dan J. Miller, Fang Yang & Christopher Rouen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    COVID-19 has created significant concern surrounding the impact of pandemic lockdown on mental health. While the pandemic lockdown can be distressing, times of crisis can also provide people with the opportunity to think divergently and explore different activities. Novelty seeking, where individuals explore novel and unfamiliarly stimuli and environments, may enhance the creativity of individuals to solve problems in a way that allows them to adjust their emotional responses to stressful situations. This study employs a longitudinal design to investigate changes (...)
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    (1 other version)Institute for Critical Thinking.Wendy Oxman - 1988 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 2 (1):2-2.
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    Getting clearer on overdiagnosis.Wendy A. Rogers & Yishai Mintzker - 2016 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 22 (4):580-587.
    Overdiagnosis refers to diagnosis that does not benefit patients because the diagnosed condition is not a harmful disease in those individuals. Overdiagnosis has been identified as a problem in cancer screening, diseases such as chronic kidney disease and diabetes, and a range of mental illnesses including depression and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In this paper, we describe overdiagnosis, investigate reasons why it occurs, and propose two different types. Misclassification overdiagnosis arises because the diagnostic threshold for the disease in question has (...)
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  17. Model Evaluation: An Adequacy-for-Purpose View.Wendy S. Parker - 2020 - Philosophy of Science 87 (3):457-477.
    According to an adequacy-for-purpose view, models should be assessed with respect to their adequacy or fitness for particular purposes. Such a view has been advocated by scientists and philosophers...
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    States of Injury: Power and Freedom in Late Modernity.Wendy Brown - 1995 - Princeton University Press.
    Whether in characterizing Catharine MacKinnon's theory of gender as itself pornographic or in identifying liberalism as unable to make good on its promises, Wendy Brown pursues a central question: how does a sense of woundedness become the basis for a sense of identity? Brown argues that efforts to outlaw hate speech and pornography powerfully legitimize the state: such apparently well-intentioned attempts harm victims further by portraying them as so helpless as to be in continuing need of governmental protection. "Whether (...)
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  19. Governmentality: a conversation with Wendy Brown, Partha Chatterjee and Nikolas Rose.Partha Chatterjee Wendy Brown, Martina Tazzioli Nikolas Rose & William Walters - 2023 - In William Walters & Martina Tazzioli, Handbook on governmentality. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
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  20. When Climate Models Agree: The Significance of Robust Model Predictions.Wendy S. Parker - 2011 - Philosophy of Science 78 (4):579-600.
    This article identifies conditions under which robust predictive modeling results have special epistemic significance---related to truth, confidence, and security---and considers whether those conditions hold in the context of present-day climate modeling. The findings are disappointing. When today’s climate models agree that an interesting hypothesis about future climate change is true, it cannot be inferred---via the arguments considered here anyway---that the hypothesis is likely to be true or that scientists’ confidence in the hypothesis should be significantly increased or that a claim (...)
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  21. Philosophy Paper: Can Outsourcing Effectively Replace Librarian Selection?Wendy Ikemoto - forthcoming - Philosophy.
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    Warum die Bioethik ein Konzept von Vulnerabilität benötigt.Wendy Rogers, Catriona Mackenzie & Susan Dodds - 2021 - In Nikola Biller-Andorno, Settimio Monteverde, Tanja Krones & Tobias Eichinger, Medizinethik. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 189-219.
    Wendy Rogers ist Professorin für klinische Ethik und Catriona Mackenzie ist Professorin für Philosophie. Beide lehren an der Macquarie University in Sydney, Australien. Susan Dodds ist Professorin für Philosophie an der La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australien. Alle drei befassen sich seit Jahren intensiv mit feministischer Theorie, angewandter und biomedizinischer Ethik sowie mit Moralphilosophie.
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    Wendy’s book collection reveals all.Wendy M. Grossman - 2006 - The Philosophers' Magazine 35:96-96.
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    Strategies for Natural Language Processing.Wendy G. Lehnert & Martin Ringle (eds.) - 1982 - Lawrence Erlbaum.
    First published in 1982. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  25. Managing Social-Business Tensions: A Review and Research Agenda for Social Enterprise.Wendy K. Smith, Michael Gonin & Marya L. Besharov - 2013 - Business Ethics Quarterly 23 (3):407-442.
    ABSTRACT:In a world filled with poverty, environmental degradation, and moral injustice, social enterprises offer a ray of hope. These organizations seek to achieve social missions through business ventures. Yet social missions and business ventures are associated with divergent goals, values, norms, and identities. Attending to them simultaneously creates tensions, competing demands, and ethical dilemmas. Effectively understanding social enterprises therefore depends on insight into the nature and management of these tensions. While existing research recognizes tensions between social missions and business ventures, (...)
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    A new look at habits and the habit-goal interface.Wendy Wood & David T. Neal - 2007 - Psychological Review 114 (4):843-863.
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  27. Understanding pluralism in climate modeling.Wendy Parker - 2006 - Foundations of Science 11 (4):349-368.
    To study Earth’s climate, scientists now use a variety of computer simulation models. These models disagree in some of their assumptions about the climate system, yet they are used together as complementary resources for investigating future climatic change. This paper examines and defends this use of incompatible models. I argue that climate model pluralism results both from uncertainty concerning how to best represent the climate system and from difficulties faced in evaluating the relative merits of complex models. I describe how (...)
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  28. Speaking for Others: The Ethics of Informal Political Representation.Wendy Salkin - 2024 - Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
    A political philosopher dissects the duties and dilemmas of the unelected spokesperson, from Martin Luther King, Jr., to Greta Thunberg. -/- Political representation is typically assumed to be the purview of formal institutions and elected officials. But many of the people who represent us are not senators or city councilors—think of Martin Luther King, Jr., or Malala Yousafzai or even a neighbor who speaks up at a school board meeting. Informal political representatives are in fact ubiquitous, often powerful, and some (...)
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    Left Legalism/Left Critique.Wendy Brown & Janet Halley - 2002 - Duke University Press.
    DIVA reader aimed at revitalizing left legal and political critique./div.
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  30.  44
    (1 other version)The Liberal Self: John Stuart Mill's Moral and Political Philosophy.Wendy Donner - 1991 - Cornell University Press.
    Wendy Donner contends here that recent commentators on John Stuart Mill's thought have focused on his notions of right and obligation and have not paid as much attention to his notion of the good. Mill, she maintains, rejects the quantitative hedonism of Bentham's philosophy in favor of an expanded qualitative version. In this book she provides an account of his complex views of the good and the ways in which these views unify his moral and political thought.
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    Feminism, Law, and Neoliberalism: An Interview and Discussion with Wendy Brown.Katie Cruz & Wendy Brown - 2016 - Feminist Legal Studies 24 (1):69-89.
    On the 24th June 2015, Feminist Legal Studies and the London School of Economics Law Department hosted an afternoon event with Professor Wendy Brown, Class of 1936 First Professor of Political Science, University of California. Professor Brown kindly agreed to discuss her scholarship on feminist theory, and its relationship to both the law and neoliberalism. The event included an interview by Dr Katie Cruz and a Q&A session, which are presented here in an edited version of the transcript. Sumi (...)
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  32. Left Legalism/Left Critique.Wendy Brown & Janet Halley - 2004 - Science and Society 68 (2):252-255.
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    Moral Distress and the Contemporary Plight of Health Professionals.Wendy Austin - 2012 - HEC Forum 24 (1):27-38.
    Once a term used primarily by moral philosophers, “moral distress” is increasingly used by health professionals to name experiences of frustration and failure in fulfilling moral obligations inherent to their fiduciary relationship with the public. Although such challenges have always been present, as has discord regarding the right thing to do in particular situations, there is a radical change in the degree and intensity of moral distress being expressed. Has the plight of professionals in healthcare practice changed? “Plight” encompasses not (...)
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    Eco Nihilism: The Philosophicalcb.Wendy Lynne Lee - 2017 - Lexington Books.
    Eco-Nihilism: The Philosophical Geopolitics of the Climate Change Apocalypse argues that there are no versions of conquest capital compatible with the fact of a finite planet, and that the pursuit of growth is destined to not only exhaust our planetary resources, but generate profound social injustice and geopolitical violence in its pursuit.
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    A Critical Perspective on KRL.Wendy Lehnert & Yorick Wilks - 1979 - Cognitive Science 3 (1):1-28.
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    Politics Out of History.Wendy Brown - 2001 - Princeton University Press.
    Wendy Brown's work commands widespread attention and respect, and there has been considerable interest as to how it would develop after "States of Injury." This book will not disappoint.
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  37. Why bioethics needs a concept of vulnerability.Wendy Rogers, Catriona Mackenzie & Susan Dodds - 2012 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 5 (2):11-38.
    Concern for human vulnerability seems to be at the heart of bioethical inquiry, but the concept of vulnerability is under-theorized in the bioethical literature. The aim of this article is to show why bioethics needs an adequately theorized and nuanced conception of vulnerability. We first review approaches to vulnerability in research ethics and public health ethics, and show that the bioethical literature associates vulnerability with risk of harm and exploitation, and limited capacity for autonomy. We identify some of the challenges (...)
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  38. Predicting weather and climate: Uncertainty, ensembles and probability.Wendy S. Parker - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 41 (3):263-272.
    Simulation-based weather and climate prediction now involves the use of methods that reflect a deep concern with uncertainty. These methods, known as ensemble prediction methods, produce multiple simulations for predictive periods of interest, using different initial conditions, parameter values and/or model structures. This paper provides a non-technical overview of current ensemble methods and considers how the results of studies employing these methods should be interpreted, paying special attention to probabilistic interpretations. A key conclusion is that, while complicated inductive arguments might (...)
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  39.  20
    Mill.Wendy Donner, Richard Fumerton & Richard A. Fumerton - 2009 - Wiley-Blackwell. Edited by Richard A. Fumerton & Steven M. Nadler.
    _John Stuart Mill_ investigates the central elements of the 19th century philosopher’s most profound and influential works, from _On Liberty_ to _Utilitarianism_ and _The Subjection of Women_. Through close analysis of his primary works, it reveals the very heart of the thinker’s ideas, and examines them in the context of utilitarianism, liberalism and the British empiricism prevalent in Mill’s day. • Presents an analysis of the full range of Mill’s primary writings, getting to the core of the philosopher’s ideas. • (...)
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    Unable to answer the call of our patients: mental health nurses’ experience of moral distress.Wendy Austin, Vangie Bergum & Lisa Goldberg - 2003 - Nursing Inquiry 10 (3):177-183.
    Unable to answer the call of our patients: mental health nurses’ experience of moral distress When health practitioners’ moral choices and actions are thwarted by constraints, they may respond with feelings of moral distress. In a Canadian hermeneutic phenomenological study, physicians, nurses, psychologists and non‐professional aides were asked to identify care situations that they found morally distressing, and to elaborate on how moral concerns regarding the care of patients were raised and resolved. In this paper, we describe the experience of (...)
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    Emotions as pragmatic and epistemic actions.Wendy Wilutzky - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  42.  39
    Vulnerability and Bioethics.Wendy Rogers - 2013 - In Catriona Mackenzie, Wendy Rogers & Susan Dodds, Vulnerability: New Essays in Ethics and Feminist Philosophy. New York: Oup Usa. pp. 60.
  43. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Asia.Wendy Chapple & Jeremy Moon - 2005 - Business and Society 44 (4):415-441.
    This article addresses four hypotheses: (a) that corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Asia is not homogeneous but varies among countries, (b) that the variation is explained by stages of development, (c) that globalization enhances the adoption of CSR in Asia, and (d) that national business systems structure the profile of multinational corporations’ CSR. These hypotheses are investigated through analysis of Web site reporting of 50 companies in seven Asian countries: India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, South Korea, Singapore, and Thailand. The (...)
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    Meta-Analysis of Menstrual Cycle Effects on Women’s Mate Preferences.Wendy Wood, Laura Kressel, Priyanka D. Joshi & Brian Louie - 2014 - Emotion Review 6 (3):229-249.
    In evolutionary psychology predictions, women’s mate preferences shift between fertile and nonfertile times of the month to reflect ancestral fitness benefits. Our meta-analytic test involving 58 independent reports (13 unpublished, 45 published) was largely nonsupportive. Specifically, fertile women did not especially desire sex in short-term relationships with men purported to be of high genetic quality (i.e., high testosterone, masculinity, dominance, symmetry). The few significant preference shifts appeared to be research artifacts. The effects declined over time in published work, were limited (...)
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    The enduring ephemeral, or the future is a memory.Wendy Hui Kyong Chun - 2008 - Critical Inquiry 35 (1):148-171.
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  46. Computer Simulation, Measurement, and Data Assimilation.Wendy S. Parker - 2017 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 68 (1):273-304.
    This article explores some of the roles of computer simulation in measurement. A model-based view of measurement is adopted and three types of measurement—direct, derived, and complex—are distinguished. It is argued that while computer simulations on their own are not measurement processes, in principle they can be embedded in direct, derived, and complex measurement practices in such a way that simulation results constitute measurement outcomes. Atmospheric data assimilation is then considered as a case study. This practice, which involves combining information (...)
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    “I’m No Athlete [but] I Can Make This Thing Dance!”—Men’s Pleasures in Technology.Wendy Faulkner & Tine Kleif - 2003 - Science, Technology and Human Values 28 (2):296-325.
    The pleasures experienced by boys and men who work and play closely with technology have important implications for both gender and technology. This article presents empirical evidence on the topic from two studies: one of hobbyist “robot builders” who build machines for the U.K. television program Robot Wars, the other of professional software developers working in a large U.S. corporation. In spite of the obvious differences between these two groups, they experience strikingly similar pleasures—in creating technologies, in their skills and (...)
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    Plot Units and Narrative Summarization.Wendy G. Lehnert - 1981 - Cognitive Science 5 (4):293-331.
    In order to summarize a story, it is necessary to access a high level analysis of the story that highlights its central concepts. A technique of memory representation based on plot units appears to provide a rich foundation for such an analysis. Plot units are conceptual structures that overlap with each other when a narrative is cohesive. When overlapping intersections between plot units are interpreted as arcs in a graph of plot units, the resulting graph encodes the plot of the (...)
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    Impasse-Driven problem solving: The multidimensional nature of feeling stuck.Wendy Ross & Selene Arfini - 2024 - Cognition 246 (C):105746.
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  50. Villains, Victims and Bystanders in Financial Crime.Wendy Bonython & Bruce Arnold - 2016 - In Jean-Loup Richet, David Weisstub & Michel Dion, Financial Crimes: Psychological, Technological, and Ethical Issues. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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