Results for 'Wei-Chu Chie'

972 found
  1.  59
    A novel method for evaluation of improved survival trend for common cancer: early detection or improvement of medical care.Wei-Chu Chie, Yi-Hsin Chang & Hsiu-Hsi Chen - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (1):79-85.
  2.  36
    Psychometric validation of the Taiwan Chinese version of the 25‐Item National Eye Institute Visual Functioning Questionnaire.Jen-Chieh Lin & Wei-Chu Chie - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (5):1024-1024.
  3. Hu chu yü tou chêng.Chü-Hsien Wei - 1952
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  4.  29
    Stability, Multistability, and Complexity Analysis in a Dynamic Duopoly Game with Exponential Demand Function.Hui Li, Wei Zhou & Tong Chu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-16.
    In this paper, a discrete-time dynamic duopoly model, with nonlinear demand and cost functions, is established. The properties of existence and local stability of equilibrium points have been verified and analyzed. The stability conditions are also given with the help of the Jury criterion. With changing of the values of parameters, the system shows some new and interesting phenomena in terms to stability and multistability, such as V-shaped stable structures and different shape basins of attraction of coexisting attractors. The eye-shaped (...)
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  5.  34
    How does moral identity promote employee voice behavior? The roles of work engagement and leader secure-base support.Na-Ting Liu, Shu-Chen Chen & Wei-Chu Lee - 2022 - Ethics and Behavior 32 (5):449-467.
    ABSTRACT This study seeks exploration of how employees’ moral identity is related to voice behavior in the current organizational dynamics. By integrating the self-consistency theory with a situational strength perspective, a moderated mediation model was constructed to examine connections among moral identity, leader secure-base support, work engagement, and voice behavior. Surveys were collected at 2 time points, 1 month apart, from 206 full-time employees in various organizations and industries in Taiwan. Supporting results indicated that employees’ moral identity was positively related (...)
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  6. The governing principles of ancient China: based on 360 passages excerpted from the original compilation of Qunshu Zhiyao.Zheng Wei, Suiliang Chu & Shinan Yu (eds.) - 2012 - Taipei: The World Book Co..
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  7.  91
    A Binary Superior Tracking Artificial Bee Colony with Dynamic Cauchy Mutation for Feature Selection.Xianghua Chu, Shuxiang Li, Wei da GaoZhao, Jianshuang Cui & Linya Huang - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-13.
    This paper aims to propose an improved learning algorithm for feature selection, termed as binary superior tracking artificial bee colony with dynamic Cauchy mutation. To enhance exploitation capacity, a binary learning strategy is proposed to enable each bee to learn from the superior individuals in each dimension. A dynamic Cauchy mutation is introduced to diversify the population distribution. Ten datasets from UCI repository are adopted as test problems, and the average results of cross-validation of BSTABC-DCM are compared with other seven (...)
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  8.  25
    Editorial: The effect of fitness on cognitive function and development in adolescents and old adults from lifespan neuroscience perspective.Guo-Xin Ni, Gao-Xia Wei, Xiang-Ping Chu & Anke Ninjia Karabanov - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:1033828.
    This research topic (RT) focused on the impact of fitness on cognitive function and development in adolescents and elderly adults from the standpoint of lifespan neuroscience. Adolescent brain development is characterized by multimodal integration of brain anatomical features and function, according to accumulating evidence. The elderly, on the other hand, suffer from age-related cognitive deterioration. Fitness may be a major factor influencing brain growth and cognitive performance throughout these two critical times for neurological development. It is a multidimensional notion that (...)
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  9.  51
    Analysis on the Philosophical Basis of the Integration of National Elements in Modern Music Composition.Huiling Wei, Wei Wei, Benkang Xie, Yannan Zhu, Xingzhi Guan, Guojian Chu & Yang Shen - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (2):409-427.
    The essence of Marxist philosophy is a philosophical criticism of society, and its development is driven by its philosophical criticism of social phenomena. Examining and criticizing music from a philosophical perspective can provide us with a brand new theoretical framework for music philosophy, exploring and applying new philosophical theories to analyze the fusion of ethnic elements in modern music composition, thereby expanding the philosophical field of music. This paper first introduces the concept and development of Marx's philosophy and philosophical view (...)
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  10.  32
    A Comparative Study of the Philosophy of Chinese and Western Music History From the Perspective of Art Philosophy.Wei Wei, Mingxiao Liu, Yannan Zhu, Benkang Xie, Yang Shen & Guojian Chu - 2023 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 15 (2):374-391.
    Art and philosophy are the two major elements of the human world. The existence of art and philosophy can expand the spiritual world of human beings to a greater extent and enrich their spiritual life, thus supporting the construction of the material world. And music, as an aural art, has also been given a philosophical meaning in the evolution of history because of its birth and development. Therefore, when studying music, one should first study the history of music. The philosophy (...)
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  11.  31
    The unusually highTcin rare-earth-doped single crystalline CaFe2As2.Fengyan Wei, Bing Lv, Liangzi Deng, James K. Meen, Yu-Yi Xue & Ching-Wu Chu - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (22):2562-2570.
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  12. Ju Chia Ch Uan T Ung Ti Hsien Tai Chuan Hua Tu Wei-Ming Hsin Ju Hsüeh Lun Chu Chi Yao.Wei-Ming Tu & Hua Yüeh - 1992
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  13. Ma-kʻo-ssŭ chu i chê hsüeh wei wu chu i.Ming Chu - 1956
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  14. (1 other version)Chou Chʻin chu tzŭ kai lun.Wei-chʻang Kao - 1930 - 19 i.: E..
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  15. Pʻi pʻan shih yung chu i chê Tu-wei.Chih-Hsien Chu - 1956
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  16.  8
    Duo wei shi ye zhong de sheng huo jiao yu =.Zhaohui Chu - 2011 - Hefei Shi: Anhui jiao yu chu ban she.
  17. Chü tʻi chên li lun.Wei-Kuang Shu - 1958
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  18. Kindai Nihon no shisōkatachi: Nihon no chie to satori.Chūji Kaibe - 1983 - Kyōto: Kōyō Shobō.
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  19. Ku li ti, pʻien mien ti kʻan wên tʻi wei shih mo shih tsʻo wu ti?ChüN-Chih Ma - 1956
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  20.  14
    Wo wei shen me qu Faguo shang zhe xue ke?Shiying Chu - 2019 - Taibei Shi: Da tian chu ban you xian gong si.
    自己思考過後找到的答案,往往跟自己有關。 這個屬於自己的答案,當然比別人給的更特別,更好。__褚士瑩 褚士瑩師事法國哲學老師奧斯卡‧柏尼菲,從這一位「非典型」老師身上經歷了前所未有的思考練習與震撼教育。 世界上這麼多東西可以學,為什麼一定要學哲學?而且值得學的老師那麼多,為什麼偏偏是奧斯卡? 褚士瑩形容奧斯卡是「搶走禮物的聖誕老人」,甚至因為幫忙安排諮商行程,竟然收到律師函,成為被告上法庭…… 但是褚士瑩卻在學習哲學思考的過程中,變成一個被「挑戰」問題時超開心,被「質疑」問題時興奮無比的人。 問,為什麼人生不能想做什麼就做什麼? 問,為什麼學思考,就等於學做人? 問,為什麼被挑戰、被質疑,反而會高興? 問,為什麼謹慎小心不好? 問,為什麼有錢人不會成為物質的奴隸? 問,為什麼我不能幫爸媽安排他們的人生? 問,為什麼要學習「享受」問題,而不是「解決」問題? 人生階段百百問,但是如果我們開始動腦思考,其實就已經踏入改變自己的第一步。 《我為什麼去法國上哲學課?》實踐篇最大的特點在於,本書將強調如何使用思考的技巧,幫助我們每一天的生活。而最好的方法就是從觀察開始,任何生活裡的小事,都可以去問「為什麼會這樣?」「為什麼會有這個現象?」 不論是跟人一句短短的對話,還是我們聽到的一句話,都可以觀察自己的反應與情緒。 如此一來「每一件事情都可以想,世界上沒有任何一件不可以想的事情,從此以後我沒有任何一個時刻是無聊的,因為就算聽到很無聊的話,也可以觀察這個人為什麼會說這麼無聊的話?他真的相信說的這些話嗎?如果他不相信 ,為什麼他覺得他要說呢?」 本書也等於透過實例舉證,讓讀者像是親臨「哲學諮商」的實境,在每一個生活上會產生的問題,如人與人之間的溝通、對未來的徬徨與抉擇、金錢的價值觀,最重要的是釐清複雜的人際關係,學習相處與成長。當我們將問題透 過「哲學思考」來一層一層推理,最終我們都回到最原始的關鍵上,那就是:「我是一個 什麼樣的人?」「我認識我自己嗎?」「我了解自己嗎?」「我愛自己嗎?」 本書特色 工作無法趁心如意,對未來茫然不知方向,到底該轉職?還是繼續忍耐熬? 你其實想大吼:人生難道不能想做什麼就做什麼嗎? 越想完美經營人脈,越抓不到重點,你有沒有想過自己對「人際關係」很貪心? 好了,現在下決心脫離舒適圈,好像自由高飛了, 但你也許在「更保守的國外」原地踏步繞圈圈…… 以上問號絕對不是「跟著感覺走」就能夠得到答案,也不是別人的答案,可以先偷來用。 你如何找到屬於自己的路? 哲學思考實踐→尋找適合自己的思考方法 ★用第三者的角度來看自己。 ★學習享受問題,而不是解決問題。 ★善用「刪去法」知道自己不要什麼。 ★「跟著感覺走」不是真思考。 ★人生充滿未知,請不要過度準備。 ★把每一個意外,都當成一個禮物。 ★不斷練習,養成有紀律的思考習慣。.
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  21.  9
    Wo wei shen me qu Faguo shang zhe xue ke?: bai tuo si kao tong wen ceng, chai chuan zi wo de cheng shi zhi lü.Shiying Chu - 2017 - Taibei Shi: Da tian chu ban you xian gong si.
    ★2017年好書大家讀「年度最佳少年兒童讀物獎」 ★第73梯次好書大家讀入選圖書 (國小高年級~國中適讀) 經歷思考的強烈颱風,心甘情願把自己打掉重練…… 法國哲學圈的頭痛人物──奧斯卡‧柏尼菲 出版暢銷全世界的哲學童書繪本,一個難搞的老頑童 自家設立「哲學踐行學院」,褚士瑩成為入門弟子的挑戰衝擊…… 人氣俠客律師 呂秋遠 專文推薦 「思考不需要是天賦!只要透過學習,任何人都可以變得會思考。 面對人生、工作的瓶頸,變成一個不害怕思考、不害怕問題的人。」__褚士瑩 褚士瑩寫作超過20年,每年演講場次逼近上百場,NGO國際經驗15年以上, 有一天發現再也無法繼續工作下去了…… 為了突破瓶頸,他跟著法國老師奧斯卡‧柏尼菲上哲學課。 結果上課第一天完完全全被打回原形! 沒有任何課程規劃,沒有特定主題,從早上到午夜,一切要自主思考。 你沉默,你答非所問,你模稜兩可,就會被老師追問得「體無完膚」…… 為什麼要誠實表達自己?為什麼要犀利面對自我? 知道一點點,究竟是知道還是不知道?說不知道會很丟臉嗎? 愛你一點點,到底是愛還是不愛?說不愛會很傷人嗎? 離開同溫層的第一步?是學會說真話? 這一趟魔鬼訓練的震撼,一切從頭拆解! 褚士瑩突然想起在幼稚園的舞台上,群體中那個傲慢的自己; 從咀嚼說出的每一個字,驚覺過去引以為豪的禮貌用語是思考敵人; 從身體展現的每一個動作,挖掘隱藏的自我,承認無知是獲得知識的開始; 雖然比想像還要困難好幾倍,割裂慣性思維千萬次, 但思考沒有「無痛分娩」,是可以找到幾條清晰路徑, 塑造自己,延伸自己,最後大喊:我要帶著哲學活下去!重新啟程!.
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  22.  3
    Fang fa xue: ke xue fa xian de li lun ji chu = Fangfaxue: kexue faxian de lilun jichu.Cheng Wei - 2008 - Hefei Shi: Anhui da xue chu ban she.
    本书对方法论研究中的一些基本范畴、结构、功能和原理, 做出了科学的界定和阐发, 并在此基础上建立了方法学的理论体系.
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  23. Chü pien yü chʻuan tʻung.Cheng-tʻung Wei - 1978
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  24. Kuo fu yüan hsüeh ssŭ hsiang fa wei.Tʻieh-chün Chang - 1965
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  25. Li shih wei wu lun pʻi pʻan.Yen-fêng Chu - 1953
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  26. Tsao chʻi ho hou chʻi Wei-ken-shih-tʻan ti pi chiao yen chiu.Chi-chün Hu - 1974
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  27.  9
    Dang dai ji chu fa xue li lun: Lin Wenxiong jiao shou zhu shou lun wen ji.Wenxiong Lin & Lin Wenxiong Jiao Shou Zhu Shou Lun Wen Ji Bian Ji Wei Yuan Hui (eds.) - 2001 - Taibei Shi: Xue lin wen hua shi ye you xian gong si.
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  28. Wei Jin qing tan zhuan bian zhi yan jiu: zi Wei chu zhi Wei Jin zhi ji.Fanxing Zhang - 1983
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  29. Chūgoku no chie.Kōjirō Yoshikawa - 1953
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  30. Chūgoku no chie.Kenkō Yoshida (ed.) - 1965
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  31. Wei hsin chu i ti jên shih lun kên yüan ho chieh chi kên yüan.Shu Hsia - 1956
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  32.  13
    Zai chu shi yu ru shi zhi jian: Liang Shuming xian sheng dui fo xue de li jie yu ding wei.Qingyu Li - 2015 - Taibei Shi: Taiwan xue sheng shu ju.
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  33.  11
    Wei Jin feng du: Zhongguo ren sheng ming shen mei yi shi xing tai chu bu jian gou.Shengli Li - 2018 - Beijing Shi: Ren min chu ban she.
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  34. Yi wei xuan jing di ru xue lun li da shi: Yang Xiong si xiang chu tan.Kaiguo Huang - 1989 - Chengdu: Sichuan sheng xin hua shu dian jing xiao.
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  35.  15
    Zhongguo chuan tong wei ren chu shi fang fa.Kang Bao - 1991 - [Changsha shi]: Hunan sheng xin hua shu dian jing xiao. Edited by Yong An & Yan Zhi.
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  36. Wei wu pien chêng fa ti chu yao fan chʻou.Chʻang-shu Chʻên - 1957
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  37. Wei Jin chu shi si xiang zhi yan jiu.Zhongdao Cai - 2007 - Taibei Shi: Wen jin chu ban she.
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  38.  9
    Chu wei zhi si:: Ming ru Yan Jun de min jian hua si xiang yu shi jian.Xiaoying Ma - 2007 - Yinchuan Shi: Ningxia ren min chu ban she. Edited by Xiaoying Ma.
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  39.  6
    Rang si xiang tu chu chong wei: dang dai jun shi zhuan xing zhong de xin lu ji yao = Rang sixiang tuchu chongwei.Tianyou Ren - 2012 - Beijing Shi: Guo fang da xue chu ban she.
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  40. Pien chêng wei wu chu i tzŭ hsüeh tʻi kang.Chung-pʻing Chʻên - 1956
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  41. Pien chêng wei wu chu i shih shih mo.Pin Chʻiao - 1955
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  42. Lun chan tou wei wu chu i ti i i.Vladimir Ilʹich Lenin - 1974
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  43. Pien cêng wei wu chu i po lun.Chia-sên Chang - 1967
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  44. Chung-kuo wei wu chu i ssŭ hsiang chien shih.Tai-Nien Chang - 1957 - Chung-Kuo Ch'ing Nien Ch'u Pan Shê.
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  45. Pien chêng wei wu chu i ti chi pên chih shih. Chʻün-shêng - 1956
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  46. Lun bian zheng si wei di xing cheng he ta di fan chou ti xi: Yalishiduode "Xing er shang xue" yi shu chu tan.Shunji Huang - 1983 - [Peking]: Xin hua shu dian Beijing fa xing suo fa xing. Edited by Jiongzhong Liu & Aristotle.
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  47. Pien chêng wei wu chu i yü tzŭ jan kʻo hsüeh.Kʻo-tʻing Lo - 1957
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  48. Pien chêng wei wu chu i chiang hua.Kuang Ho - 1957
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  49. Pien chêng wei wu chu i ming tzʻŭ chieh shih.ên-an Huang - 1957
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  50. Pien cheng wei wu chu i ti jen shih lun.Ming Li - 1957
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