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Walter E. Wright [8]Walter Wright [5]Walter Ernest Wright [1]Walter Francis Wright [1]
  1.  56
    Historical Analogies, Slippery Slopes, and the Question of Euthanasia.Walter Wright - 2000 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 28 (2):176-186.
    Is the Nazi euthanasia program a useful analogy for contemporary discussions of euthanasia? This paper explores the logic of slippery slope arguments with the Nazi analogy as a test case.
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  2.  23
    The Science of Knowing: J. G. Fichte's 1804 Lectures on the Wissenschaftslehre.J. G. Fichte & Walter E. Wright (eds.) - 2005 - State University of New York Press.
    The first English translation of Fichte’s second set of 1804 lectures on the Wissenschaftslehre.
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    Between Tradition and Revolution: The Hegelian Transformation of Political Philosophy.Walter Wright (ed.) - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    The studies in this 1996 volume consider Hegel's mature views on ethics and politics and relate them to the classical tradition of Western political thought. Manfred Tiedel brings to the analysis of Hegel's views a high level of scholarship and a thorough knowledge of earlier thinkers. Concentrating on the Philosophy of Right, he reveals connections which clarify Hegel's understanding of his relationship with his predecessors and of the transformation of political philosophy which Hegel wanted to effect. In doing so, he (...)
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  4.  49
    Existentialism, idealism, and Fichte's concept of coherence.Walter E. Wright - 1975 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 13 (1):37-42.
  5. Fichte and Philosophical Method in Fichte and Contemporary Philosophy.Walter E. Wright - 1988 - Philosophical Forum 19 (2-3):65-73.
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  6. Fichte and Philosophical Method.Walter E. Wright - 1987 - Philosophical Forum 19 (2):65.
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  7. Nicholas Rescher, A System of Pragmatic Idealism Volume I: Human Knowledge in Idealistic Perspective Reviewed by.Walter E. Wright - 1992 - Philosophy in Review 12 (4):291-293.
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  8. Stuart DB Picken, Essentials of Shinto: An Analytical Guide to Principal Teachings Reviewed by.Walter E. Wright - 1995 - Philosophy in Review 15 (4):275-276.
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  9.  87
    The Shadow of Spinoza In Fichte’s WL 1804.Walter Wright - 2003 - Idealistic Studies 33 (2-3):161-174.
    Spinoza exerted a strong pull on many of the German idealists. This paper explores the evidence of Spinoza's influence on Fichte in the latter's 1804 lectures on his Wissenschaftslehre (the second series). Fichte explicitly mentions Spinoza's names only three times, and each of these references is critical of Spinoza. However, there are other important resonances connecting the thinking of these two philosophers, each of whom faced charges of atheism. These include the priority each grants to practical reason, the accounts each (...)
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  10.  91
    The Science of Knowledge In Its General Outline (1810).Walter E. Wright - 1976 - Idealistic Studies 6 (2):106-117.
    A translation of the main text for only published version J. G. Fichte's later WL. (Hitzig: Berlin 1810). It excludes Fichte's Preface.
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  11.  30
    Boundaries in Mind. [REVIEW]Walter Wright - 1985 - Idealistic Studies 15 (2):169-170.
    Because idealism takes mind to be a fundamental reality, one would expect idealistically oriented philosophers to be especially alert to how mind actually occurs. However, like philosophers generally, most idealists study consciousness exclusively from the standpoint of focused and structured states of mind, using such cases as paradigmatic. Whether we examine Plato, Berkeley, Kant, Fichte, Husserl, or any other philosopher with idealistic tendencies, their accounts of mind take concepts like knowing, self, identity, and intentionality to be central. As a result, (...)
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  12.  33
    Johann Gottlieb Fichte. [REVIEW]Walter E. Wright - 1985 - Idealistic Studies 15 (1):68-71.
  13.  30
    The Philosophy of German Idealism. [REVIEW]Walter Wright - 1990 - Idealistic Studies 20 (2):173-174.
    The range of excellent English versions of important materials in German idealism continues to increase. The present book is Volume 23 of Behler’s German Library series. Although the focus of the series is literature, several volumes are devoted to major philosophical figures and schools. Thus, the editor would have us view this volume as a companion to those on Kant and Hegel. As might be expected, editorial selections in a series of this kind are difficult and controversial. The earlier Kant (...)
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