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Walter Omar Kohan [42]Walter Kohan [27]Walter O. Kohan [12]
  1. Paulo Freire and Philosophy for Children: A Critical Dialogue.Walter Omar Kohan - 2018 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 37 (6):615-629.
    This paper is an attempt to connect the Brazilian Paulo Freire’s well known educational thinking with the “philosophy for children” movement. It considers the relationship between the creator of philosophy for children, Matthew Lipman and Freire through different attempts to establish a relationship between these two educators. The paper shows that the relationship between them is not as close as many supporters of P4C have claimed, especially in Latin America. It also considers the context of Educational Policies in our time (...)
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    Philosophy and childhood: critical perspectives and affirmative practices.Walter Omar Kohan - 2014 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Some biographical remarks and philosophical questions within philosophy for children -- Celebrating thirty years of philosophy for children -- Good-bye to Matthew Lipman (and Ann Margaret Sharp) -- The politics of formation : a critique of philosophy for children -- Philosophy at public schools of Brasilia, DF -- (Some) reasons for doing philosophy with children -- Philosophizing with children at a philosophy camp -- Does philosophy fit in Caxias? A Latin American project -- Philosophy as spiritual and political exercise in (...)
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    Childhood, education, and philosophy: new ideas for an old relationship.Walter Omar Kohan - 2015 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book explores the idea of a childlike education and offers critical tools to question traditional forms of education, and alternative ways to understand and practice the relationship between education and childhood. Engaging with the work of Michel Foucault, Jacques Rancière, Giorgio Agamben and Simón Rodríguez, it contributes to the development of a philosophical framework for the pedagogical idea at the core of the book, that of a childlike education.Divided into two parts, the book introduces innovative ideas through philosophical argument (...)
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    Thinking, Childhood, and Time: Contemporary Perspectives on the Politics of Education.Walter Omar Kohan & Barbara Weber (eds.) - 2020 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book is an interdisciplinary exploration of the notion of childhood and its place in philosophical education. Childhood is not seen as a developmental state that needs to be overcome, but rather an existential state that constitutes a significant part of being human as well as the (forgotten) dimension of the world itself.
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  5. Philosophy as Spiritual and Political Exercise in an Adult Literacy Course.Walter Kohan & Jason Wozniak - 2009 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 19 (4):17-23.
    The present narrative describes and problematizes one year of Educational and philosophical work with illiterate adults in contexts of urban poverty in the Public School Joaquim da Silva Peçanha, city of Duque de Caxias, suburbs of the State of Rio de Janeiro during 2008. The project, “Em Caxias a Filosofia En-caixa?!”, consists of a teacher education program in which public school teachers study and practice the art of composing philosophical experiences with their students, and the realization of actual experiences of (...)
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  6. Finding Treasures: Is the Community of Philosophical Inquiry a Methodology?Walter Omar Kohan & Magda Costa Carvalho - 2019 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 38 (3):275-289.
    In the world of Philosophy for Children, the word “method” is found frequently in its literature and in its practitioner’s handbooks. This paper focuses on the idea of community of philosophical inquiry as P4C’s methodological framework for educational purposes, and evaluates that framework and those purposes in light of the question, what does it mean to bring children and philosophy together, and what methodological framework, if any, is appropriate to that project? Our broader aim is to highlight a problem with (...)
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  7. Matthew Lipman: testimonies and homages.David Kennedy & Walter Kohan - 2010 - Childhood and Philosophy 6 (12):167-210.
    We lead off this issue of Childhood and Philosophy with a collection of testimonies, homages, and brief memoirs offered from around the world in response to the death of the founder of Philosophy for Children, Matthew Lipman on December 26, 2010, at the age of 87. To characterize Lipman as “founder” is completely accurate, but barely evokes the role he played in conceiving, giving birth to, and nurturing this curriculum cum pedagogy that became a movement, and which has taken root (...)
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  8. Philosophy for Children in China:: A Late Preliminary Anti-Report.David Kennedy & Walter Kohan - 2002 - Analytic Teaching and Philosophical Praxis 22 (1):37-49.
    At the very least, even though Chinese schools do not look very different from those in the West, China offers an opportunity for Philosophy for Children to question its basis, its methodology, its aims. It seems to be expressing a different cultural voice, and to be disposed to the kind of dialogue we are more used to claiming than practicing. Both Kunming and Shanghai provide, in their own ways, formidable contexts: the deep, strong and disciplined educators of Railway Station School (...)
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    On the risks of approaching a philosophical movement outside philosophy.Walter Omar Kohan & David Kennedy - 2017 - Childhood and Philosophy 13 (28).
    Biesta states at the beginning of his intervention that he will speak “as an educationalist” outside not only of “philosophical work with children” but “outside of philosophy”. What are the implications of these assumptions in terms of “what is philosophy?” and “what is education?” Can we really speak about “philosophical work with children” outside philosophy? What are the consequences of taking this position? From this initial questioning, in this response some other questions are offered to Biesta’s presentation: is philosophical work (...)
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  10.  44
    (1 other version)reinventando a prática alfabetizadora de paulo freire. uma experiência de alfabetização filosófica em Pau dos Ferros, RN.Walter Omar Kohan, Ana Corina Salas, Ana Maria Monte Coelho Frota, Carlineide Almeida, José Ricardo Santiago Jr, Karyne Dias Coutinho, Marcio Nicodemos, Maria Reilta Dantas Cirino, Meirilene Dos Santos Araújo Barbosa, Óscar Pulido Cortés, Priscila Liz Belmont & Robson Roberto Martins Lins - 2022 - Childhood and Philosophy 18.
    O presente texto narra uma experiência de formação de alfabetizadores de jovens e adultos: uma alfabetização filosófica de 40 horas com 300 alfabetizadores em julho de 2022, como primeira etapa do Programa “Supera RN” em Pau dos Ferros, dentro da Política de Superação do Analfabetismo do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (RN). O texto tematiza em que sentido a experiência de Alfabetização filosófica se inspira e ao mesmo tempo se diferencia do curso de Alfabetização oferecido por Paulo Freire em (...)
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  11. School and the future of schole: A preliminary dialogue.Walter Omar Kohan & David Knowles Kennedy - 2014 - Childhood and Philosophy 10 (19):199-216.
    This conversation offers a discussion of the meaning, sense and social function of school, both as an institution and as a time-space for the practice of schole . It also discusses the different types of Greek time : Schole is, as aion or childhood, a further emergence, a radicalization of school as an experimental zone of subjectivity and of collectivity. Schole is, as aion or childhood, a further emergence, a radicalization of school as an experimental zone of subjectivity and of (...)
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    Some ethical implications of practicing philosophy with children and adults.David Kennedy & Walter Omar Kohan - 2021 - Childhood and Philosophy 17:01-16.
    This paper acts as an introduction to a dossier centered on the ethical implications of Practicing Philosophy with Children and Adults. It identifies ethical themes in the P4C movement over three generations of theorists and practitioners, and argues that, historically and materially, the transition to a “new” hermeneutics of childhood that has occurred within the P4C movement may be said to have emerged as a response to the ever-increasing pressure of neoliberalism and a weaponized capitalism to construct public policies in (...)
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    Informaciones.Walter O. Kohan - 1992 - Méthexis 5 (1):59.
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    Inf'ncia, Filosofia e Pólis.Walter Omar Kohan - 2016 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 24:335-344.
    Exagerando uma certa tensão existente entre Sócrates e Platão em Diálogos como Apologia de Sócrates, Górgias e A República, este artigo busca pensar uma oposição mais profunda entre duas políticas da educação da infância em nome da filosofia: como conhecimento verdadeiro do bom e do belo (Platão), a filosofia aspira à conversão da infância; como forma de vida questionadora (Sócrates), ela abre um espaço de interrogação para escutar a infância. No artigo, mostramos como o programa Filosofia para Crianças, de Matthew (...)
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    Un Simposio Sobre El Filebo de Platon.Walter O. Kohan - 1994 - Méthexis 7 (1):133-137.
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    E. E. Benítez, Forms in Plato's Philebus, Assen/Maastricht (Van Goreum, IX + 159 páginas).Walter O. Kohan - 1993 - Méthexis 6 (1):213-217.
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    Margherita Isnardi Parente, L’eredità di Platone nell’Accademia antica, Milano 1989 (Guerini e Associati, 94 páginas).Walter O. Kohan - 1991 - Méthexis 4 (1):145-148.
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    Imagens da inf'ncia para (re) pensar o currículo.Walter Omar Kohan - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 1.
    Este texto explora una inversión entre las relaciones usualmente afirmadas entre infancia y currículo. En vez de preocuparse por buscar fundamentar o presentar un currículo para educar a la infancia, busca imágenes infantiles para educar el currículo. Encuentra dos: una en las invenciones narrativas del poeta Mato-grossense Manoel de Barros; otra, en la filosofía de la historia y de la infancia de Giorgio Agamben. Se trata, como el título lo sugiere, de un ejercicio menor cuyo sentido principal es contribuir a (...)
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    A Escola e o Futuro da Skholé.David Kennedy & Walter Omar Kohan - 2014 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 22:154-162.
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    A conversation with children about children ….Walter Omar Kohan - 2018 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 5 (2).
    In this paper, I present an experience of philosophical dialogue with small children in a public school in Bari, Italy in the context of the Philosophia Ludens for Children project. I present the experience, including the transcripts of six conversations with several groups of children, and then draw some inferences concerning the importance of the relationship between Universities and schools; the philosophical strength of both children’s commitment and philosophical ideas and their positive understanding of childhood.
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    Patricio Peñalver Gómez, Márgenes de Platón, Murcia, 1986 (Publicaciones Universidad de Murcia, 294 p.).Walter O. Kohan - 1990 - Méthexis 3 (2):33-34.
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    (2 other versions)Philosophy, Childhood, and Subjectivity.Rosana Aparecida, Fernandes de Oliveira & Walter Omar Kohan - 2001 - Questions: Philosophy for Young People 1:4-6.
    Functions and objectives serve as an incentive for children living in Brazil to question their role as a child in society.
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    Um olhar sobre o ensino de filosofia.Altair Alberto Fávero, Jaime José Rauber & Walter Omar Kohan (eds.) - 2002 - Ijuí, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil: Editora Unijuí.
    É preciso refletir sobre a formação do professor de Filosofia. É necessário olhar a própria prática dos cursos, o perfil dos alunos que os estão freqüentando, a inserção desses estudantes nas escolas, o tipo de Filosofia que nelas está sendo trabalhada, a receptividade que a Filosofia está tendo, os livros didáticos de Filosofia e o seu uso.
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  24. (1 other version)Boas Vindas Dos Editores.David Kennedy & Walter Kohan - 2005 - Childhood and Philosophy 1 (2):303-308.
    Childhood & philosophy é uma revista que está esperando por nascer pelo menos desde que Sócrates ocupou um lugar singular na pólis do século v a. C. e fundou uma disciplina. A concepção dessa revista se sustenta, muito mais tarde, no providencial encontro histórico entre a educação da infância e a filosofia. esse encontro, por sua vez, teve que esperar pelas proféticas declarações de Rousseau no Emílio, enviadas qual um manuscrito posto numa garrafa à revolução iminente e também pelo lento (...)
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  25.  33
    On Knives, Infantia, and the Inhuman: A Lyotardian Reading of Incendies.David Kennedy & Walter Omar Kohan - 2016 - Childhood and Philosophy 12 (23).
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    (1 other version)Apresentação.Walter Omar Kohan - 2018 - Childhood and Philosophy 14 (31):539-544.
    Neste dossiê nós apresentamos dez textos que, desde diferentes perspectivas, pensam a infância. Oito deles foram selecionados entre as comunicações apresentadas no IX Colóquio de Filosofia e Educação, cuja reflexão traz “Filosofia e educação em errância: inventar escola, infâncias do pensar”, ocorrido na Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro entre os dias 1 e 5 de outubro de 2018. Desses textos, dois procedem do fluxo normal da revista. Independentemente de sua procedência, quer dizer, de sua postura e da disciplina (...)
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    (Brazil) Éticas de la infancia.Walter Omar Kohan - 2009 - In Eva Marsal, Takara Dobashi & Barbara Weber, Children Philosophize Worldwide: Theoretical and Practical Concepts. Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang GmbH. pp. 211.
  28. Chapter black blood matters : moving human and nonhuman bodies from 'question & answer' to a 'pedagogy of questioning'.Walter Kohan, Rose-Anne Reynolds & Karin Murris (eds.) - 2023
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  29. Chapter black blood matters : moving human and nonhuman bodies from 'question & answer' to a 'pedagogy of questioning'.Walter Kohan, Rose-Anne Reynolds & Karin Murris - 2023 - In Karin Murris & Vivienne Bozalek, In conversation with Karen Barad: doings of agential realism. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Ensino de filosofia: perspectivas.Walter Omar Kohan (ed.) - 2002 - Belo Horizonte: Autêntica.
    O sentido principal deste livro é provocar uma experiência de leitura em pessoas interessadas no ensino de filosofia. TAlvez seja mais justo dizer que o que se almeja é propiciar experiências de leitura filosófica sobre tal ensino. ISso significa provocar experiências que transformem a relação que temos com o ensino de filosofia, que incomodem o que há de verdade adormecida quando pensamos sobre o ensino de filosofia, e de modo mais direto, quando ensinamos filosofia. ESte livro procura discutir o tipo (...)
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  31. Editor´s welcome.Walter Kohan & David Kennedy - 2015 - Childhood and Philosophy 11 (22):191-202.
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    Gert Biesta and philosophical work with children.Walter Omar Kohan & David Kennedy - 2017 - Childhood and Philosophy 13 (28).
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    Is it Possible to Think?Walter Kohan - 2004 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 17 (3):47-50.
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  34. La fuerza inspiradora de la ignorancia en un encuentro con la infancia.Walter Omar Kohan - 2007 - Episteme 27 (1):59-81.
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    Manifiesto por una escuela filosófica popular.Walter Omar Kohan - 2020 - Los Polvorines, Prov. de Buenos Aires, Argentina: Ediciones UNGS, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento. Edited by Maximiliano Durán.
  36.  4
    O Núcleo de Estudos de Filosofias e Inf'ncias (NEFI): um percurso para pensarmos o campo do ensino de filosofia no Brasil.Walter Omar Kohan, Daniel Gaivota Contage & Carlineide Justina da Silva Almeida - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-26.
    Resumo: O presente texto apresenta o Núcleo de Estudos de Filosofias e Infâncias com seus vinte anos de ensino, pesquisa e extensão dedicados ao ensino de filosofia e uma educação filosófica. O texto tematiza a especificidade e a história do grupo, colocando ênfase em algumas dimensões de sua atuação presente: a) Os colóquios internacionais de filosofia e educação; b) a NEFI edições; c) o Mestrado Profissional em educação filosófica com infâncias; d) os projetos de extensão; e) o periódico childhood & (...)
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    Plato and Socrates: From an Educator of Childhood to a Childlike Educator?Walter Omar Kohan - 2013 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 32 (3):313-325.
    This paper deals with two forms of education—Platonic and Socratic. The former educates childhood to transform it into what it ought to be. The latter does not form childhood, but makes education childlike. To unfold the philosophical and pedagogical dimensions of this opposition, the first part of the paper highlights the way in which philosophy is presented indirectly in some of Plato’s dialogues, beginning with a characterisation that Socrates makes of himself in the dialogue Phaedrus. The second part details Plato’s (...)
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    Paulo Freire, mais do que nunca: uma biografia filosófica.Walter Omar Kohan - 2019 - Belo Horizonte, MG: Vestígio.
    Paulo Freire está hoje no meio de uma acirrada disputa ideológica. Mas este não é um livro sobre a ideologia ou a política partidária de Paulo Freire. Aqui não se entende por política o que se faz dentro da lógica do sistema democrático representativo, mas sim, num sentido mais amplo, o modo como se exerce o poder nas relações estabelecidas com outros e outras numa trama social e, mais especificamente, os modos de exercer o poder ao ensinar e aprender. Paulo (...)
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  39. Philosophy of childhood from a Latin American perspective.Walter Kohan - 2017 - In Saeed Naji & Rosnani Hashim, History, Theory and Practices of Philosophy for Children: International Perspectives. New York: Routledge.
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    Time, Thinking, and the Experience of Philosophy in School.Walter Omar Kohan - 2016 - Philosophy of Education 72:429-436.
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    Uma experiência de filosofar.Walter Omar Kohan - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 2.
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    Filosofías del buen vivir, del mal vivir y otros ensayos.Gregorio Valera-Villegas, Gladys Madriz & Walter Omar Kohan (eds.) - 2012 - Caracas: Ediciones del Solar.
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    L. Paquet - M. Roussel- Y. Lafrance, Les Présocratiques: Bibliographie analytique (1879-1980). I. Des Milésiens à Héraclite, Montréal- Paris 1988 (BeIlarmin - Les BeIles Lettres, 610 páginas). [REVIEW]Walter O. Kohan - 1992 - Méthexis 5 (2):160-163.
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    P. Aguirre de Cárcer, Fernando, Educación y Comunicación en Platón. Una contribución al debate actual en torno a la esceuela de Tubinga-Milán, Barcelona 1996 (PPU, 353 págs.). [REVIEW]Walter O. Kohan - 1998 - Méthexis 11 (1):156-160.
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    Philosophical Inquiry with Children: The Development of an Inquiring Society in Australia Gilbert Burgh and Simone Thornton, eds. Routledge, 2019, Pp. 297. [REVIEW]Walter Omar Kohan - 2021 - Educational Theory 71 (2):297-305.
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    T. M. S. Baxter, The Cratylus. Plato’s Critique of Naming, Leiden - New York - Köln 1992 (E. J. Brill, ix + 203 páginas). [REVIEW]Walter O. Kohan - 1994 - Méthexis 7 (1):144-146.
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