Results for 'Vikki Fraser'

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  1.  34
    What's the moral of the GM food story?Vikki Fraser - 2001 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 14 (2):147-159.
    This paper is an attempt to examine issues and problemsraised by agricultural biotechnology by drawing on the richnessof contemporary ideas in ethical theory and thereby contribute tothe project of establishing new approaches to these problems. Thefundamental argument is that many of the negative aspects ofagricultural biotechnology are generated at the level of theunderlying conceptual frameworks that shape the technology''sinternal modes of organization, rather than the unintendedeffects of the application of an inherently benevolent set oftechniques. If ``food ethics'''' is to address (...)
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    Narrative as Ethics of Inclusion?Vikki Fraser - 1999 - Professional Ethics, a Multidisciplinary Journal 7 (3-4):85-95.
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    Special Section: Transnational Public Sphere: The Potential of an `Unfolding Constellation': Imagining Fraser's Transnational Public Sphere.Vikki Bell - 2007 - Theory, Culture and Society 24 (4):1-5.
  4. Treating Patients as Persons: A Capabilities Approach to Support Delivery of Person-Centered Care.Vikki A. Entwistle & Ian S. Watt - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (8):29-39.
    Health services internationally struggle to ensure health care is “person-centered” (or similar). In part, this is because there are many interpretations of “person-centered care” (and near synonyms), some of which seem unrealistic for some patients or situations and obscure the intrinsic value of patients’ experiences of health care delivery. The general concern behind calls for person-centered care is an ethical one: Patients should be “treated as persons.” We made novel use of insights from the capabilities approach to characterize person-centered care (...)
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    Eraser vs. Fraser.David Fraser - 1990 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1990 (84):185-192.
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    Feminist imagination: genealogies in feminist theory.Vikki Bell - 1999 - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
    Reading feminist theory as a complex imaginative achievement, Feminist Imagination considers feminist commitment through the interrogation of its philosophical, political and affective connections with the past, and especially with the `race' trials of the twentieth century. The book looks at: the 'directionlessness' of contemporary feminist thought; the question of essentialism and embodiment; the racial tensions in the work of Simone de Beauvoir; the totalitarian character in Hannah Arendt; the 'mimetic Jew' and the concept of mimesis in the work of Judith (...)
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    Why Health and Social Care Support for People with Long-Term Conditions Should be Oriented Towards Enabling Them to Live Well.Vikki A. Entwistle, Alan Cribb & John Owens - 2018 - Health Care Analysis 26 (1):48-65.
    There are various reasons why efforts to promote “support for self-management” have rarely delivered the kinds of sustainable improvements in healthcare experiences, health and wellbeing that policy leaders internationally have hoped for. This paper explains how the basis of failure is in some respects built into the ideas that underpin many of these efforts. When support for self-management is narrowly oriented towards educating and motivating patients to adopt the behaviours recommended for disease control, it implicitly reflects and perpetuates limited and (...)
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    Premium Advocate.Vikki Kratz - 1996 - Business Ethics: The Magazine of Corporate Responsibility 10 (3):43-43.
  9.  13
    "My pen and my soul have ever gone together": Thomas Paine and the American Revolution.Vikki J. Vickers - 2006 - New York: Routledge.
    It is the study of how Thomas Paine's religious beliefs shaped his political ideology and influenced his political activism.
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  10. Unruly Practices : Power, Discourse, and Gender in Contemporary Social Theory.Nancy Fraser - 1989 - University of Minnesota Press..
    Unruly Practices brings together a series of widely discussed essays in feminism and social theory. Read together, they constitute a sustained critical encounter with leading European and American approaches to social theory. In addition, Nancy Fraser develops a new and original socialist-feminist critical theory that overcomes many of the limitations of current alternatives. First, in a series of critical essays, she deploys philosophical and literary techniques to assess the work of Michael Foucault, the French deconstructionists, Richard Rorty, and Jürgen (...)
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    Fortunes of feminism: from state-managed capitalism to neoliberal crisis.Nancy Fraser - 2013 - Brooklyn, NY: Verso Books.
    Nancy Fraser’s powerful new book documents the “movements of feminism” and the shifts in the feminist imaginary since the 1970s. Fraser follows the history of feminism from the ferment of the New Left, during which “Second Wave” feminism emerged as a struggle for women’s liberation alongside other social movements, to its emersion in identity politics following the decline of its initial utopian energies. Alongside this detailed history, Fraser recognizes the need for a reinvigorated feminist radicalism to respond (...)
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  12. Scales of Justice: Reimagining Political Space in a Globalizing World.Nancy Fraser - 2009 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Until recently, struggles for justice proceeded against the background of a taken-for-granted frame: the bounded territorial state. With that "Westphalian" picture of political space assumed by default, the scope of justice was rarely subject to open dispute. Today, however, human-rights activists and international feminists join critics of structural adjustment and the World Trade Organization in challenging the view that justice can only be a domestic relation among fellow citizens. Targeting injustices that cut across borders, they are making the scale of (...)
  13.  40
    Using the Hands to Represent Objects in Space: Gesture as a Substrate for Signed Language Acquisition.Vikki Janke & Chloë R. Marshall - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Using contextual data to widen access to higher education.Vikki Boliver, Stephen Gorard & Nadia Siddiqui - 2021 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 25 (1):7-13.
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  15. Tackling disrespect.Vikki Entwistle, Alan Cribb & Polly Mitchell - forthcoming - Journal of Health Services Research and Policy.
    Disrespect in health care often persists despite firm commitments to respectful service provision. This conceptual paper highlights how the ways in which respect and disrespect are characterised can have practical implications for how well disrespect can be tackled. We stress the need to focus explicitly on disrespect (not only respect) and propose that disrespect can usefully be understood as a failure to relate to people as equals. This characterisation is consonant with some accounts of respect but sometimes obscured by a (...)
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    Was stimmt nicht mit der Demokratie? - Eine Debatte mit Klaus Dörre, Nancy Fraser, Stephan Lessenich und Hartmut Rosa.Klaus Dörre, Nancy Fraser, Stephan Lessenich & Hartmut Rosa (eds.) - 2019 - Berlin: Suhrkamp.
    Angesichts der gegenwärtigen ökonomischen, ökologischen und sozialen Krisen zeichnet sich ab, dass die Wachstumsdynamik moderner Gesellschaften nicht mehr stabilisierend wirkt, sondern selbst zum Krisentreiber geworden ist. In diesem Band diskutieren die Philosophin Nancy Fraser und die Soziologen Klaus Dörre, Stephan Lessenich und Hartmut Rosa, was dies für die Gegenwart und die Zukunft der Demokratie bedeutet und welche Konzeptionen und Wege hin zu einer demokratischen Transformation vorstellbar sind. Aus ihrer demokratietheoretischen Perspektive intervenieren Viviana Asara, Banu Bargu, Ingolfur Blühdorn, Robin Celikates, (...)
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  17. Abnormal justice.Nancy Fraser - 2008 - Critical Inquiry 34 (3):393-422.
  18.  26
    The phone, the father and other becomings: On households (and theories) that no longer hold.Vikki Bell - 2001 - Cultural Values 5 (3):383-402.
    Modes of engagement. The reader may engage with this article in several different modes. It could be approached in straightforward, if quirky, sociological mode as an exploration of the idea that the literature on post‐divorce arrangements and step‐families, and especially literature, that attends to children's contact with their non‐resident fathers, can be re‐read in order to consider the issue of contact via communication technologies, a form of parent‐child contact not captured in the ways that ‘contact’ is measured in present studies. (...)
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    (1 other version)Alternatives.Vikki Kratz - 1995 - Business Ethics 9 (4):43-43.
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    On Speech, Race and Melancholia.Vikki Bell - 1999 - Theory, Culture and Society 16 (2):163-174.
    In this interview, Judith Butler speaks about her most recent work, especially Excitable Speech (Routledge, 1997), in terms of how it represents a continuation of certain themes and how it represents moves into new terrains of debate. In particular, she addresses both possible critiques of her work, expecially around the issue of the possibility of political visions and the attention to speech when theorizing subjectification, and responds to questions around certain related themes such as: just what is the possibility of (...)
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  21. (1 other version)Justice interruptus: critical reflections on the "postsocialist" condition.Nancy Fraser - 1997 - New York: Routledge.
    What does it mean to think critically about politics at a time when inequality is increasing worldwide, when struggles for the recognition of difference are eclipsing struggles for social equality, and when we lack any credible vision of an alternative to the present order? Philosopher Nancy Fraser claims that the key is to overcome the false oppositions of "postsocialist" commonsense. Refuting the view that we must choose between "the politics of recognition" and the "politics of redistribution," Fraser argues (...)
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  22. Redistribution or recognition?: a political-philosophical exchange.Nancy Fraser (ed.) - 2003 - New York: Verso.
    This volume stages a debate between two philosophers, one North American, the other German, who hold different views of the relation of redistribution to ...
  23. Performativity and Belonging.Vikki Bell - 1999 - Theory, Culture and Society 16 (2):1-10.
    This short piece introduces the Special Issue, giving both a general sense of the terms `belonging' and `performativity', and discussing key related concepts that unite the articles of the issue: difference and their differences; the politics of visuality; embodiment; and the idea of routes. The predominant themes as they appear in the different articles are discussed under these headings.
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    The Violence and the Appeal of Raciologies.Vikki Bell - 2002 - Theory, Culture and Society 19 (4):245-254.
  25.  11
    The art of post-dictatorship: ethics and aesthetics in transitional Argentina.Vikki Bell - 2014 - New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Bell argues that the dialogue that emanate from the aesthetic realm cannot be understood through a solely art-historical approach; instead, they must be understood as part of a collective endeavour. In this sense, the 'art' of post-dictatorship is not something that belongs to art or the artists themselves, but is about how the subjectivities and imaginations of new generations engage with questions of response, ethics and justice; and, in so doing, re-align themselves in relation to the past and to the (...)
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  26.  22
    Documenting Dictatorship: Writing and Resistance in Chile's Vicaría de la Solidaridad.Vikki Bell - 2021 - Theory, Culture and Society 38 (1):53-78.
    In Documentality (2013), Maurizio Ferraris argues that documents are at the heart of social institutions. Taking this notion as a cue, this piece considers a key organisation in the resistance to state violence and Pinochet's dictatorship in Chile, the Vicaría de la Solidaridad, and focuses on the remarkable document where the desperate stories of people detained, disappeared and murdered following the coup in 1973 were recorded. This process of registration adopted an overtly rational, administrative response akin to the ‘bio-political’ modes (...)
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    (1 other version)Retailing Rage.Vikki Kratz - 1996 - Business Ethics 10 (4):22-23.
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  28. The Ethics of Metaphor.Rachel Elizabeth Fraser - 2018 - Ethics 128 (4):728-755.
    Increasingly, metaphors are the target of political critique: Jewish groups condemn Holocaust imagery; mental health organizations, the metaphorical exploitation of psychosis; and feminists, “rape metaphors.” I develop a novel model for making sense of such critiques of metaphor.
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    An Interview with Elizabeth Grosz: ‘The Incorporeal’.Vikki Bell - 2017 - Theory, Culture and Society 34 (7-8):237-243.
    In this interview with Vikki Bell, Elizabeth Grosz explains some of the key concepts and arguments in her book The Incorporeal (2017), including how this book sits with her earlier interventions, the appeal of Simondon’s concept of the pre-individual, Ruyer and the notion of directionality, and why reading the Stoics helps us understand current Deleuzian-inspired debates on immanent ethics.
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  30. How to talk back: hate speech, misinformation, and the limits of salience.Rachel Fraser - 2023 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 22 (3):315-335.
    Hate speech and misinformation are rife. How to respond? Counterspeech proposals say: with more and better speech. This paper considers the treatment of counterspeech in Maxime Lepoutre’s Democratic Speech In Divided Times. Lepoutre provides a nuanced defence of counterspeech. Some counterspeech, he grants, is flawed. But, he says: counterspeech can be debugged. Once we understand why counterspeech fails – when fail it does – we can engineer more effective counterspeech strategies. Lepoutre argues that the failures of counterspeech can be theorised (...)
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  31. Chapter One Reframing Justice in a Globalising World Nancy Fraser.Nancy Fraser - 2007 - In Julie Connolly, Michael Leach & Lucas Walsh, Recognition in politics: theory, policy and practice. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 16.
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    New Scenes of Vulnerability, Agency and Plurality.Vikki Bell - 2010 - Theory, Culture and Society 27 (1):130-152.
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    On Fernando’s Photograph.Vikki Bell - 2010 - Theory, Culture and Society 27 (4):69-89.
    This article concerns the striking photograph of a young man, Fernando Brodsky, taken shortly after he was kidnapped in Argentina in 1979. Brodsky was detained in the notorious Escuela de la Armada (ESMA) in Buenos Aires, and remains disappeared. The negative of the photograph was smuggled out of ESMA and the image became part of a bundle of photographic evidence submitted by families of the disappeared during the trials of the military after the return to democracy in 1983. This article (...)
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    Declining Performativity.Vikki Bell - 2012 - Theory, Culture and Society 29 (2):107-123.
    This article explores what might happen to the concept of performativity within arguments that are understood as ‘topological’. It argues that we might ‘decline’ performativity, which is to say, elaborate the concerns that are expressed in the concept, but inclining it more boldly towards the complexities of a world whose elements are always in process of constitution, of reiterative enfolding. Taking a cue from Isabelle Stengers’ recent work in which she posits the notion of ecologies of practice, on the one (...)
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  35. On the Genealogy of Universals: The Metaphysical Origins of Analytic Philosophy.Fraser MacBride - 2018 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    The concepts of particular and universal have grown so familiar that their significance has become difficult to discern, like coins that have been passed back and forth too many times, worn smooth so their values can no longer be read. On the Genealogy of Universals seeks to overcome our sense of over-familiarity with these concepts by providing a case study of their evolution during the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century, a study that shows how the history of these (...)
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  36.  74
    The Essential Mozi: Ethical, Political, and Dialectical Writings.Chris Fraser & Mo Zi - 2020 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    The Mòzǐ is among the founding texts of the Chinese philosophical tradition, presenting China's earliest ethical, political, and logical theories. The collected works introduce concepts, assumptions, and issues that had a profound, lasting influence throughout the classical and early imperial eras. Mòzǐ and his followers developed the world's first ethical theory, and presented China's first account of the origin of political authority from a state of nature. They were prominent social activists whose moral and political reform movement sought to improve (...)
  37. The development of renormalization group methods for particle physics: Formal analogies between classical statistical mechanics and quantum field theory.Doreen Fraser - 2020 - Synthese 197 (7):3027-3063.
    Analogies between classical statistical mechanics and quantum field theory played a pivotal role in the development of renormalization group methods for application in the two theories. This paper focuses on the analogies that informed the application of RG methods in QFT by Kenneth Wilson and collaborators in the early 1970's. The central task that is accomplished is the identification and analysis of the analogical mappings employed. The conclusion is that the analogies in this case study are formal analogies, and not (...)
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  38.  75
    The Ferryman : Forget the deeps and row!Chris Fraser - 2019 - In Karyn Lai & Wai Wai Chiu, Skill and Mastery Philosophical Stories from the Zhuangzi. London: Rowman and Littlefield International.
    What interferes with learning and performing skills well? The Zhuāngzǐ story of the ferryman who steers a sampan through treacherous deeps with preternatural skill highlights one crucial factor: anxiety. Managing or eliminating anxiety is a pivotal step in acquiring and performing skills and, the discursive context of the story suggests, in living a flourishing life. To fare well, in life as in boat-handling, we must learn to forget the deeps and row.
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  39. Contradictions of Capital and Care.Nancy Fraser - 2016 - New Left Review 100:99-117.
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  40. Narrative testimony.Rachel Fraser - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 178 (12):4025-4052.
    Epistemologists of testimony have focused almost exclusively on the epistemic dynamics of simple testimony. We do sometimes testify by ways of simple, single sentence assertions. But much of our testimony is narratively structured. I argue that narrative testimony gives rise to a form of epistemic dependence that is far richer and more far reaching than the epistemic dependence characteristic of simple testimony.
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  41. Toward a realist view of quantum field theory.James D. Fraser - 2020 - In Juha Saatsi & Steven French, Scientific Realism and the Quantum. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  42.  24
    On ethics and feminism: Reflecting on Levinas’ ethics of non-(in)difference.Vikki Bell - 2001 - Feminist Theory 2 (2):159-171.
    In this article I argue that, if one is persuaded by the arguments of Emmanuel Levinas, the pursuit of something called ‘ethical feminism’ is rendered difficult, for, according to Levinas, there is a hiatus between ethics and politics in so far as politics does not flow from ethics. Indeed, politics obliges one to engage in the non-ethical, so that the ethical cannot be understood as a basis for feminist politics. I contend that one can argue that it is in the (...)
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    Correspondence.A. Campbell Fraser - 1902 - Mind 11 (1):435-436.
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    Two Hellenistic Inscriptions from Delphi.Peter M. Fraser - 1954 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 78 (1):49-67.
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    Renormalization and the Formulation of Scientific Realism.James Duncan Fraser - 2018 - Philosophy of Science 85 (5):1164-1175.
    Providing a precise statement of their position has long been a central challenge facing the scientific realist. This paper draws some morals about how realism ought to be formulated from the renormalization group framework in high energy physics.
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  46. Why Lewis Would Have Rejected Grounding.Fraser MacBride & Frederique Janssen-Lauret - 2022 - In Helen Beebee & A. R. J. Fisher, Perspectives on the Philosophy of David K. Lewis. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 66-91.
    We argue that Lewis would have rejected recent appeals to the notions of ‘metaphysical dependency’, ‘grounding’ and ‘ontological priority’, because he would have held that they’re not needed and they’re not intelligible. We argue our case by drawing upon Lewis’s views on supervenience, the metaphysics of singletons and the dubiousness of Kripke’s essentialism.
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    The Philosophy of the Mòzĭ: The First Consequentialists.Chris Fraser - 2016 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Mohism was an ancient Chinese philosophical movement founded in the fifth century B.C.E. by the charismatic artisan Mozi, or "Master Mo." The Mohists advanced a consequentialist ethics that anticipated Western utilitarianism by more than two thousand years and developed fascinating logical, epistemological, and political theories that set the terms of philosophical debate in China for generations. They were the earliest thinkers to outline a just war doctrine and to explain the origin of government from a state of nature. Their epistemology (...)
  48.  37
    Redistribution Or Recognition: A Philosophical Exchange.Nancy Fraser & Axel Honneth - 2003
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    Ethical Objectivity.J. L. Fraser - 1950 - Philosophy 25 (95):331 - 336.
    The present state of ethical theory and practice is disquieting. Objectivism, in all its varieties, is unconvincing, and subjectivism, hedonic or emotive, is intellectually incredible and socially intolerable. No one is ethically content—except the dogmatist and the sceptic, who act willy nilly with the exponents of “might-cum-persuasion makes right.” Can we find a happier middle region between these inhospitable poles? Perhaps the very limitations of human valuation will provide the ground that ethics requires. Let us begin by considering the conditions (...)
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  50. Relations.Fraser MacBride - 2016 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    In this paper I provide a state of the art survey and assessment of the contemporary debate about relations. After (1) distinguishing different varieties of relations, symmetric from non-symmetric, internal from external relations etc. and relations from their set-theoretic models or sequences, I proceed (2) to consider Bradley’s regress and whether relations can be eliminated altogether. Next I turn (3) to the question whether relations can be reduced, bringing to bear considerations from the philosophy of physics as well as metaphysics. (...)
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