Results for 'Victor Kvarnhall'

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  1.  26
    Utilizing Critical Realism in Empirical Gender Research: The Case of Boys and the Reproduction of Male Dominance within Popular Music Life.Victor Kvarnhall - 2017 - Journal of Critical Realism 16 (1):26-42.
    ABSTRACTPopular music life is permeated by a quantitative form of male dominance, and has been for several decades. Based on a recent study this article engages with the reproduction of said male dominance by attempting to understand boys’ approaches to popular music and musicians. In particular, by making use of an interdisciplinary explanatory feminist theory the article seeks to show that interacting mechanisms at different levels make the adoption of a so-called ‘identificatory’ approach attainable for boys. The potential effect of (...)
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  2. Why visual attention and awareness are different.Victor A. F. Lamme - 2003 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 7 (1):12-18.
  3. Aristotle on consciousness.Victor Caston - 2002 - Mind 111 (444):751-815.
    Aristotle's discussion of perceiving that we perceive has points of contact with two contemporary debates about consciousness: the first over whether consciousness is an intrinsic feature of mental states or a higher-order thought or perception; the second concerning the qualitative nature of experience. In both cases, Aristotle's views cut down the middle of an apparent dichotomy, in a way that does justice to each set of intuitions, while avoiding their attendant difficulties. With regard to the first issue?the primary focus of (...)
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    Predicting ethical values and training needs in ethics.Victor J. Callan - 1992 - Journal of Business Ethics 11 (10):761 - 769.
    Two hundred and twenty-six state employees completed a structured questionnaire that investigated their ethical values and training needs. Top management were more likely to have attitudes against cronyism and giving advantage to others. Individuals higher in the organizational hierarchy, and female employees were more likely to believe that discriminatory practices were an ethical concern. In addition, employees with a larger number of clients outside of the organization were more supportive of the need to maintain strict confidentiality in business dealings. Employees'' (...)
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  5. Aristotle and the problem of intentionality.Victor Caston - 1998 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 58 (2):249-298.
    Aristotle not only formulates the problem of intentionality explicitly, he makes a solution to it a requirement for any adequate theory of mind. His own solution, however, is not to be found in his theory of sensation, as Brentano and others have thought. In fact, it is precisely because Aristotle regards this theory as inadequate that he goes on to argue for a distinct new ability he calls "phantasia." The theory of content he develops on this basis (unlike Brentano's) is (...)
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  6. One equation to rule them all: a philosophical analysis of the Price equation.Victor J. Luque - 2017 - Biology and Philosophy 32 (1):97-125.
    This paper provides a philosophical analysis of the Price equation and its role in evolutionary theory. Traditional models in population genetics postulate simplifying assumptions in order to make the models mathematically tractable. On the contrary, the Price equation implies a very specific way of theorizing, starting with assumptions that we think are true and then deriving from them the mathematical rules of the system. I argue that the Price equation is a generalization-sketch, whose main purpose is to provide a unifying (...)
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    Wittgenstein's inversion of gödel's theorem.Victor Rodych - 1999 - Erkenntnis 51 (2-3):173-206.
  8. Misunderstanding gödel: New arguments about Wittgenstein and new remarks by Wittgenstein.Victor Rodych - 2003 - Dialectica 57 (3):279–313.
    The long‐standing issue of Wittgenstein's controversial remarks on Gödel's Theorem has recently heated up in a number of different and interesting directions [, , ]. In their , Juliet Floyd and Hilary Putnam purport to argue that Wittgenstein's‘notorious’ “Contains a philosophical claim of great interest,” namely, “if one assumed. that →P is provable in Russell's system one should… give up the “translation” of P by the English sentence ‘P is not provable’,” because if ωP is provable in PM, PM is (...)
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    Past Killings and Proportionality in War.Victor Tadros - 2018 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 46 (1):9-35.
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    In defence of critical thinking as a subject: If McPeck is wrong he is wrong.Victor Quinn - 1994 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 28 (1):101–111.
    This paper attempts three things. It invites you to engage critically with me in the adjudication of a particular controversy. It attempts to argue for and exemplify important procedures which distinguish good and bad thinking in a critical mode. And it argues the case for the separate teaching of critical thinking (henceforth CT).
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  11.  54
    (1 other version)Professor Goodman's concept of an individual.Victor Lowe - 1953 - Philosophical Review 62 (1):117-126.
  12.  66
    Resource Wars.Victor Tadros - 2014 - Law and Philosophy 33 (3):361-389.
    One of the most interesting questions raised in Cecile Fabre’s Cosmopolitan War concerns war for the sake of resources. Fabre argues that it is sometimes permissible to go to war for the sake of resources that the poor are entitled to. I agree with this, but I think it is true only in very restricted circumstances. I consider a number of arguments in favour of resource wars, showing many of them to fail. The most promising argument, I suggest, is that (...)
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  13. The Old Testament World.Martin Noth & Victor I. Gruhn - 1966
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  14. Responses.Victor Tadros - 2013 - Law and Philosophy 32 (2-3):241-325.
    This essay is a response to the excellent contributions to the double special issue of Law and Philosophy on my book The Ends of Harm. I further defend the Duty View of punishment outlined in the book, responding to criticisms of that view. I also challenge the plausibility of retributivist accounts offered in response to the challenges to that view developed in The Ends of Harm.
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    The ‘absolute existence’ of phlogiston: the losing party's point of view.Victor D. Boantza & Ofer Gal - 2011 - British Journal for the History of Science 44 (3):317-342.
    Long after its alleged demise, phlogiston was still presented, discussed and defended by leading chemists. Even some of the leading proponents of the new chemistry admitted its ‘absolute existence’. We demonstrate that what was defended under the title ‘phlogiston’ was no longer a particular hypothesis about combustion and respiration. Rather, it was a set of ontological and epistemological assumptions and the empirical practices associated with them. Lavoisier's gravimetric reduction, in the eyes of the phlogistians, annihilated the autonomy of chemistry together (...)
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    What is Sufism?Victor Danner & Martin Lings - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (4):608.
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  17.  41
    Criminalization: In and Out.Victor Tadros - 2020 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 14 (3):365-380.
    In this paper I explore Antony Duff’s claim that there are categorical constraints on the scope of the criminal law that are set by its internal standards. I argue against his view that such constraints are categorical, and I suggest that his account of the nature of the criminal law is partial, and narrows the focus of our enquiry into the scope of the criminal law too much. However, I suggest that the project is an important contribution to our understanding (...)
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  18.  45
    The persistence of the right of return.Victor Tadros - 2017 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 16 (4):375-399.
    This article defends the right that Palestinians have to return to the territory governed by Israel. However, it does not defend the duty on Israel to permit return. Whether there is such a duty depends on whether the economic, social and security costs override that right. In order to defend the right of return, it is shown both that the current generation of Palestinians retain a significant interest in return, and that insofar as their interests are diminished, their rights are (...)
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    Philosophy and Politics, I.Victor Gourevitch - 1968 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (1):58 - 84.
    On the face of it, On Tyranny is a straightforward commentary on Xenophon's dialogue Hiero or Tyrannicus. As such it is a very model of thoroughness and learning. It amply repays careful study, and it goes a long way toward explaining Strauss's influence in training a generation of scholars. The dialogue proper takes up just under 20 pages. Its analysis runs to 90-odd pages, followed by another 30 pages of tightly packed notes that are largely devoted to parallels between the (...)
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  20.  37
    Place Spirituality.Victor Counted & Hetty Zock - 2019 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 41 (1):12-25.
    The expression of attachment to the divine in certain places among different groups has been documented by anthropologists and sociologists for decades. However, the psychological processes by which this happens are not yet fully understood. This article focuses on the concept of ‘place spirituality’ as a psychological mechanism, which allows the religious believer or non-believer to achieve an organised attachment strategy, involving the interplay of place and spiritual attachment. First, place spirituality is considered as an experience that satisfies the attachment (...)
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  21.  25
    Synchronicity, Science and Soul-Making: Understanding Jungian Synchronicity Through Physics, Buddhism, and Philosophy.Victor Mansfield - 1995 - Open Court Publishing.
    The pioneering analysis of synchronicity was given by Jung, yet despite the concept's momentous significance in Jung's work, and despite the widespread dissemination of the term 'synchronicity' even within pop culture, synchronicity is often badly misconstrued and remains "perhaps the least understood of Jung's theories". Synchronicity, Science, and Soul-Making has already been hailed as the most important analysis of synchronicity since Jung himself.
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    Responses to Wrongs and Crimes.Victor Tadros - 2019 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 13 (3):455-478.
    This is a response to the four essays on Wrongs and Crimes.
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  23. Independent neural definitions of visual awareness and attention.Victor A. F. Lamme - 2005 - In Athanassios Raftopoulos, Cognitive Penetrabiity of Perception: Attention, Strategies and Bottom-Up Constraints. New York: Nova Science. pp. 171-191.
  24.  97
    Axiomatizations of hyperbolic geometry: A comparison based on language and quantifier type complexity.Victor Pambuccian - 2002 - Synthese 133 (3):331 - 341.
    Hyperbolic geometry can be axiomatized using the notions of order andcongruence (as in Euclidean geometry) or using the notion of incidencealone (as in projective geometry). Although the incidence-based axiomatizationmay be considered simpler because it uses the single binary point-linerelation of incidence as a primitive notion, we show that it issyntactically more complex. The incidence-based formulation requires some axioms of the quantifier-type forallexistsforall, while the axiom system based on congruence and order can beformulated using only forallexists-axioms.
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    Categorical analysis, metaphysics, and C. I. Lewis.Victor Lowe - 1958 - Journal of Philosophy 55 (20):862-871.
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    Moving Mountains: Variations on a Theme by Shelly Kagan.Victor Tadros - 2017 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 11 (2):393-405.
    My response to Shelly Kagan’s book, The Geometry of Desert, is to raise both general and more specific issues. I criticise Kagan’s way of setting up his project. I will suggest many factors other than desert better explain Kagan’s cases. I then examine more particular aspects of the project. I investigate Kagan’s discussion of what he calls the V-shaped skyline. According to Kagan, the V-shaped skyline represents the idea that it is more important that the very vicious and the very (...)
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  27.  36
    The Phlogistic Role of Heat in the Chemical Revolution and the Origins of Kirwan's ‘Ingenious Modifications… Into the Theory of Phlogiston’1.Victor Boantza - 2008 - Annals of Science 65 (3):309-338.
    Summary Contrary to common belief, Lavoisier's greatest phlogistic rival was not Joseph Priestley but Richard Kirwan, a fact that was firmly recognized by both the Lavoisians as well as Priestley himself. During the 1780s, which saw the unprecedented rise of the chemistry of air(s), Kirwan's ‘ingenious modifications…into the theory of phlogiston’, in Mme. Lavoisier's words, became the most dominant alternative to the revisionist pneumatic interpretations of the French. A genealogical contextualization of Kirwan's phlogistic contributions, the circumstances of their emergence and (...)
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  28.  21
    The glocalizations of Eastern Orthodox Christianity.Victor Roudometof - 2013 - European Journal of Social Theory 16 (2):226-245.
    This article introduces the notion of multiple glocalizations as a means of analysing Christianity’s historical record and argues that multiple glocalizations are constitutive of the intertwining between religion and historical globalization. It proposes that four concrete forms of glocalization can be observed: vernacularization, indigenization, nationalization and transnationalization. Each of these offers different combinations of universal religiosity and local particularism. The salience of this interpretation is demonstrated through a cursory analysis of the historical record of Christianity’s fragmentation. It is argued that (...)
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  29.  26
    (1 other version)Richard Lynch, S.J. (1610–1676) on Being and Essens.Victor M. Salas - 2024 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 98 (1):25-48.
    This article examines Richard Lynch’s metaphysics and finds that he ultimately resolves his account of being in terms of essens—that which denotes the essential structure that a being (ens) has apart from existence. For Lynch, unlike many of his Jesuit contemporaries, existence is accidental to being. Yet, even if essens is distinct from existence, it is not altogether lacking being, but is accorded a certain kind of “essential being,” which is identified with the possible. Lynch thus seems to re-appropriate an (...)
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  30. The contingent law: A tale of Maxwell's demon.Victor Gijsbers - manuscript
    In my master's thesis for physics and philosophy, I take a long and hard look at the debates surrounding Maxwell's Demon and the status of the second law of thermodynamics. I try to clarify the use of Maxwell's thought experiment in understanding the second law; to prove that the second law is contingent, given only classical mechanics and time asymmetry; to argue that the law only holds because of facts about the kinds of particles that exist in our universe; to (...)
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  31. Rousseau's Pure State of Nature.Victor Gourevitch - 1988 - Interpretation 16 (1):23-59.
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    Answers.Victor Tadros - 2015 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 9 (1):73-102.
    I am extremely grateful to Daniel Farrell, Hamish Stewart, Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen and Suzanne Uniacke for their careful, imaginative and probing responses to The Ends of Harm: The Moral Foundations of Criminal Law in this special issue of Criminal Law and Philosophy. It is especially gratifying that philosophers of this calibre, not all of whom have worked directly on the philosophy of punishment and the philosophy of criminal law, have engaged with Ends in this way.One of my ambitions in writing Ends (...)
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  33. Rousseau on the Arts and Sciences.Victor Gourevitch - 1972 - Journal of Philosophy 69 (20):737.
  34. Popper versus Wittgenstein on Truth, Necessity, and Scientific Hypotheses.Victor Rodych - 2003 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 34 (2):323-336.
    Most philosophers of science maintain Confirmationism's central tenet, namely, that scientific theories are probabilistically confirmed by experimental successes. Against this dominant conception of experimental science, Popper's well-known, anti-inductivistic Falsificationism has stood, virtually alone, since 1934. Indeed, it is Popper who tells us that it was he who killed Logical Positivism. It is also pretty well-known that Popper blames Wittgenstein for much that is wrong with Logical Positivism, just as he despises Wittgenstein and Wittgensteinian philosophers for abdicating philosophy's true mission. What (...)
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  35. Concepts and reality in quantum mechanics.Victor F. Lenzen - 1949 - Philosophy of Science 16 (4):279-286.
    A physical theory is a construction of thought which is founded on experience so as to constitute knowledge of the natural world. Propositions in physics are constituted of concepts which express the properties and processes of the physical world. For purposes of record and communication concepts are designated by the terms of a language, such as mathematical symbols, and philosophical discussion may be based on linguistic forms. In this essay, however, the element of discussion will be the concept as a (...)
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    Contractualism and absolutism.Victor Mardellat - 2020 - Journal of Value Inquiry 55 (4):745-764.
  37. Acuerdos y normas. Los códigos en la ética empresarial.Víctor Martín - forthcoming - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary.
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  38. Dos perspectivas sobre la relación entre moralidad y ciencia.Víctor Manuel Longa Martínez - 2007 - Ludus Vitalis 15 (27):221-224.
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    Introduction to Mathematics of Satisfiability.Victor W. Marek - 2009 - Taylor & Francis.
    From electronic design problems to resolution proofs to SAT solvers, this book focuses on the satisfiabilityof theories that consist of propositional logic ...
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    Pedro Hurtado de Mendoza.Victor Salas - 2024 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 98 (3):293-317.
    The present essay considers the doctrine of the analogia entis that the late Baroque Scholastic thinker Pedro Hurtado de Mendoza develops. Central to Hurtado’s account is the notion of transcendence that he appropriates from Francisco Suárez’s transcendental explication of being. Being’s immanent containment within its own differences marked an important feature of Suárez’s own teaching, but his was a teaching with which Hurtado was left fundamentally unsatisfied. For Hurtado, being’s immanent transcendence makes it at once identical with itself but also, (...)
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  41. The Role of Commitments in Socially Appropriate Robotics.Víctor Fernandez Castro, Amandine Mayima, Kathleen Belhassein & Aurelie Clodic - 2024 - In Jacqueline Bellon & Bruno Gransche, Technology Socialisation? Social Appropriateness and Artificial Systems. Metzler.
    Philosophy and psychology have dedicated an important amount of attention to the role that commitments may play in the establishment, motivation and unfolding of joint action. In this paper, we explore how commitments may also be a fundamental element in human-robot joint actions and in the design of socially appropriate robots. After introducing the notion of joint action, we discuss its potential importance for the perception of sociality in robots through two different but complementary philosophical analyses of commitments. Those two (...)
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  42.  24
    Headphones or Speakers? An Exploratory Study of Their Effects on Spontaneous Body Movement to Rhythmic Music.Agata Zelechowska, Victor E. Gonzalez-Sanchez, Bruno Laeng & Alexander Refsum Jensenius - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Life and teachings of Ādi Śaṅkarācārya.P. George Victor - 2002 - New Delhi: D.K. Printworld.
    Dr. George Victor Studies Comprehensively Sankaracarya S Teachings On Vedanta His Views On Scripture, Perception And Inference As Pramanas Or Standards Of Knowledges; His Explanations Of The Relation Between Brahman And Atman, Brahman And Äsvara, Maya And The World; And His Concepts Of Jnana Marga, Karma Marga And Moksa.
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  44.  24
    An Interpretation of Whitehead's Metaphysics.Victor Lowe - 1961 - Philosophical Review 70 (1):114.
  45.  37
    A resurgence of "vicious intellectualism".Victor Lowe - 1951 - Journal of Philosophy 48 (14):435-447.
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  46.  20
    In Defense of Individualistic Empiricism.Victor Lowe - 1952 - Journal of Philosophy 49 (4):111-112.
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  47.  21
    Montague's Vision of Philosophy.Great Visions of Philosophy.Victor Lowe - 1953 - Review of Metaphysics 6 (3):397 - 424.
    In 1933, as fourth Carus Lecturer, he expounded the view that the things of value in the history of philosophy are not the reasonings of the philosophers, but their imaginative visions of the universe and man's place in it; and he urged the philosophers of today to give the earth to the scientists, hand over the quest for certainty, and deliberately, "with right good will," undertake to explore the wide ocean of possibility. The present elaboration of those lectures into an (...)
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  48.  39
    Whitehead and the Modern World.Whitehead's Theory of Experience.Process and Unreality: A Criticism of Method in Whitehead's Philosophy.Victor Lowe, Charles Hartshorne, A. H. Johnson, Ewing P. Shahan & Harry K. Wells - 1952 - Philosophical Quarterly 2 (6):82-84.
  49. William James' Pluralistic Metaphysics of Experience.Victor Lowe - 1942 - In In Commemoration Of William James: 1842-1942. Columbia University Press.
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    Whitehead's Philosophy of Time.Victor Lowe - 1949 - Philosophical Review 58 (2):171.
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