Results for 'Vanessa Köneke'

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  1.  47
    Vanessa Lemm (editora). Michel Foucault: neoliberalismo y biopolítica.Vanessa Lemm - 2011 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 67:303-305.
  2.  71
    Nietzsche's animal philosophy: culture, politics, and the animality of the human being.Vanessa Lemm - 2009 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    The animal in Nietzsche's philosophy -- Culture and civilization -- Politics and promise -- Culture and economy -- Giving and forgiving -- Animality, creativity, and historicity -- Animality, language, and truth -- Biopolitics and the question of animal life.
  3. The ratcheting-up effect.Vanessa Carbonell - 2012 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 93 (2):228-254.
    I argue for the existence of a ‘ratcheting-up effect’: the behavior of moral saints serves to increase the level of moral obligation the rest of us face. What we are morally obligated to do is constrained by what it would be reasonable for us to believe we are morally obligated to do. Moral saints provide us with a special kind of evidence that bears on what we can reasonably believe about our obligations. They do this by modeling the level of (...)
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  4. De dicto desires and morality as fetish.Vanessa Carbonell - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 163 (2):459-477.
    Abstract It would be puzzling if the morally best agents were not so good after all. Yet one prominent account of the morally best agents ascribes to them the exact motivational defect that has famously been called a “fetish.” The supposed defect is a desire to do the right thing, where this is read de dicto . If the morally best agents really are driven by this de dicto desire, and if this de dicto desire is really a fetish, then (...)
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    The many laws in the periodic table.Vanessa A. Seifert - forthcoming - Philosophy of Science.
    There are many- not just one- periodic laws in chemistry. These laws correspond to non-accidental regularity relations about physical and chemical properties of (sets of) chemical elements. I support this by showing how these regularity relations can be understood from the perspective of a philosophical analysis of laws. Specifically, I show that these relations instantiate standard features associated with laws; they can be spelled out in terms of two standard accounts of laws; and, they can coherently figure in debates about (...)
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    Homo Natura: Nietzsche, Philosophical Anthropology and Biopolitics.Vanessa Lemm - 2020 - Edinburgh University Press.
    Nietzsche coins the enigmatic term homo natura to capture his understanding of the human being as a creature of nature and tasks philosophy with the renaturalisation of humanity. Following Foucault's critique of the human sciences, Vanessa Lemm discusses the reception of Nietzsche's naturalism in philosophical anthropology, psychoanalysis and gender studies. She offers an original reading of homo natura that brings back the ancient Greek idea of nature and sexuality as creative chaos and of the philosophical life as outspoken and (...)
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  7. Beyond serving a purpose: additional ethical focuses for public policy agents.Vanessa Scholes - 2010 - In Jonathan Boston, Andrew Bradstock & David Eng (eds.), Ethics and public policy: contemporary issues. Victoria University Press.
    From the point of view of a theorist in ethics, the interest in public policy usually centres on the policy outcomes. But this point of view does not take much account of the roles and practices through which public policies are enacted. What additional ethical focuses for the policy agent might these entail? I outline four features of policy making, centred on the agent's performance of their role in the process, that raise ethical issues. These features are: the nature of (...)
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    Surrogacy and the construction of the maternal-foetal relationship: The feminist dilemma examined.Vanessa E. Munro - 2001 - Res Publica 7 (1):13-37.
    The feminist movement remains fundamentally divided over the issue of surrogacy. Within the confines of this article it is argued that the inadequacy of positions on both sides of the debate rests upon their common tendency to deal with the ethical consequences of surrogacy for isolated agents, without sufficient concern for the broader social implications for all pregnant women in society. In order to clarify the issues involved, feminist theorists must consider the implications of surrogacy in a broader social spectrum. (...)
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  9. Carne: Quiasmo cuerpo-mundo.Vanessa Itzigueri Larios Robles - 2005 - A Parte Rei 42:4.
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    The Child Affective Facial Expression (CAFE) set: validity and reliability from untrained adults.Vanessa LoBue & Cat Thrasher - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:127200.
    Emotional development is one of the largest and most productive areas of psychological research. For decades, researchers have been fascinated by how humans respond to, detect, and interpret emotional facial expressions. Much of the research in this area has relied on controlled stimulus sets of adults posing various facial expressions. Here we introduce a new stimulus set of emotional facial expressions into the domain of research on emotional development—The Child Affective Facial Expression set (CAFE). The CAFE set features photographs of (...)
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    Parent‐Child Communication Problems and the Perceived Inadequacies of Chinese Only Children.Vanessa L. Fong - 2007 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 35 (1):85-127.
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  12. What moral saints look like.Vanessa Carbonell - 2009 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 39 (3):pp. 371-398.
    Susan Wolf famously claimed that the life of the moral saint is unattractive from the “point of view of individual perfection.” I argue, however, that the unattractive moral saints in Wolf’s account are self-defeating on two levels, are motivated in the wrong way, and are called into question by real-life counter-examples. By appealing to a real-life case study, I argue that the best life from the moral point of view is not necessarily unattractive from the individual point of view.
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    The Physiological Sublime: Burke's Critique of Reason.Vanessa Lyndal Ryan - 2001 - Journal of the History of Ideas 62 (2):265-279.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 62.2 (2001) 265-279 [Access article in PDF] The Physiological Sublime: Burke's Critique of Reason Vanessa L. Ryan The eighteenth-century discussion of the sublime is primarily concerned not with works of art but with how a particular experience of being moved impacts the self. The discussion of the sublime most fully explores the question of how we make sense of our experience: "Why (...)
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  14.  52
    The Experiment Factory: Standardizing Behavioral Experiments.Vanessa V. Sochat, Ian W. Eisenberg, A. Zeynep Enkavi, Jamie Li, Patrick G. Bissett & Russell A. Poldrack - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  15.  77
    Moral distress interventions: An integrative literature review.Vanessa K. Amos & Elizabeth Epstein - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (3):582-607.
    Moral distress has been well reviewed in the literature with established deleterious side effects for all healthcare professionals, including nurses, physicians, and others. Yet, little is known about the quality and effectiveness of interventions directed to address moral distress. The aim of this integrative review is to analyze published intervention studies to determine their efficacy and applicability across hospital settings. Of the initial 1373 articles discovered in October 2020, 18 were appraised as relevant, with 1 study added by hand search (...)
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  16.  38
    Amygdala, pulvinar, and inferior parietal cortex contribute to early processing of faces without awareness.Vanessa Troiani & Robert T. Schultz - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  17. Social Constraints On Moral Address.Vanessa Carbonell - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 98 (1):167-189.
    The moral community is a social community, and as such it is vulnerable to social problems and pathologies. In this essay I identify a particular way in which participation in the moral community can be constrained by social factors. I argue that features of the social world—including power imbalances, oppression, intergroup conflict, communication barriers, and stereotyping—can make it nearly impossible for some members of the moral community to hold others responsible for wrongdoing. Specifically, social circumstances prevent some marginalized people from (...)
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  18.  10
    New materialism, environmentalism and more-than-human life.Vanessa Lemm & Miguel Vatter - unknown
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    Immunology Gone Wild: Researchers bridge the divide between ecology and immunology.Vanessa Schipani - 2016 - BioScience 66 (2):100–106.
    Ecologists and immunologists have long approached scientific inquiry in fundamentally different ways. Immunologists thrive on drilling down into molecular minutiae, but ecologists strive to uncover broad associations between organisms and their environment. One field's signal has also been the other's noise—ecology explores uncontrolled variation, whereas immunology seeks to reduce it at all costs. -/- “When I was in graduate school 10 years ago and I tried to get immunologists to help me, they thought I was crazy,” says Amy Pedersen, a (...)
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    The role of appraisal in dysphoric affect reactivity to positive laboratory films and daily life events in depression.Vanessa Panaite, Alana Whittington & Alexandra Cowden Hindash - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (6):1362-1373.
    ABSTRACTHedonic deficits are linked to protracted dysphoric affect in depression, a disorder characterised by emotion context insensitivity. Recent findings from daily life studies contradict the ECI view. This study longitudinally investigated DA across laboratory and daily life contexts and the conditions associated with discrepancies in DA reactivity. Thirty-three healthy controls and 41 adults with major depressive disorder provided responses to neutral and positive films viewed in the laboratory and daily events recorded over the course of three days using ecological momentary (...)
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  21.  66
    Trust increases euthanasia acceptance: a multilevel analysis using the European Values Study.Vanessa Köneke - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):86.
    This study tests how various kinds of trust impact attitudes toward euthanasia among the general public. The indication that trust might have an impact on euthanasia attitudes is based on the slippery slope argument, which asserts that allowing euthanasia might lead to abuses and involuntary deaths. Adopting this argument usually leads to less positive attitudes towards euthanasia. Tying in with this, it is assumed here that greater trust diminishes such slippery slope fears, and thereby increases euthanasia acceptance.
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    Presentación: Aspectos de la teoría estética de Theodor W. Adorno.Vanessa Vidal - forthcoming - Thémata Revista de Filosofía.
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    The Emergence of Veterinary Oaths: Social, Historical, and Ethical Considerations.Vanessa Carli Bones - 2012 - Journal of Animal Ethics 2 (1):20-42.
    Veterinary oaths are public declarations sworn by veterinarians, usually when they enter the profession. As such, they may reflect professional and social concerns. Analysis of contemporary veterinary oaths may therefore reveal their ethical foundations. The objective of this article is to contextualize the ethical content of contemporary oaths, in terms of the origin and development of veterinary medicine and wider societal changes such as the intensification of farming and the rise of animal welfare. This informs a comparison of oaths from (...)
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  24.  38
    Actionable postcolonial theory in education.Vanessa Andreotti - 2011 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book illustrates how postcolonial theory can be put to work in education. It offers an accessible and handy overview and comparison of postcolonial theory and other theoretical debates related to critiques of Western ethnocentrism and hegemony. It also offers examples that illustrate how a discursive strand of postcolonial theory has been applied successfully in the contexts of educational research/critique and in pioneering pedagogical projects. This book supports educators and researchers in education to engage with postcolonial theoretical frameworks and their (...)
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  25. Is Nietzsche a Perfectionist? Rawls, Cavell, and the Politics of Culture in Nietzsche's "Schopenhauer as Educator".Vanessa Lemm - 2007 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 34 (1):5-27.
  26. Abusing Vulnerability? Contemporary Law and Policy Responses to Sex Work in the UK.Vanessa E. Munro & Jane Scoular - 2012 - Feminist Legal Studies 20 (3):189-206.
    There has been an exponential rise in use of the term vulnerability across a number of political and policy arenas, including child protection, sexual offences, poverty, development, care for the elderly, patient autonomy, globalisation, war, public health and ecology. Yet despite its increasing deployment, the exact meaning and parameters of this concept remain somewhat elusive. In this article, we explore the interaction of two very different strategies—one in which vulnerability is relied upon by those seeking improved social justice as a (...)
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  27.  22
    Blood, race and indigenous peoples in twentieth century extreme physiology.Vanessa Heggie - 2019 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 41 (2):26.
    In the first half of the twentieth century the attention of American and European researchers was drawn to the area of ‘extreme physiology’, partly because of expeditions to the north and south poles, and to high altitude, but also by global conflicts which were fought for the first time with aircraft, and involved conflict in non-temperate zones, deserts, and at the freezing Eastern front. In an attempt to help white Euro-Americans survive in extreme environments, physiologists, anthropologists, and explorers studied indigenous (...)
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  28.  28
    Feminist Judgments Projects at the Intersection.Vanessa E. Munro - 2020 - Feminist Legal Studies 29 (2):251-261.
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  29. And He Ate Jim Crow: Racist Ideology as False Consciousness.Vanessa Wills - 2021 - In Michael Cholbi, Brandon Hogan, Alex Madva & Benjamin S. Yost (eds.), The Movement for Black Lives: Philosophical Perspectives. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, Usa. pp. 35-58.
    Why do racist oppression and capitalist exploitation often seem so inescapable and intractable? To describe and explain adequately the persistence of racist ideology, to specify its role in the maintenance of racial capitalism, and to imagine the conditions of its abolition, we must understand racist ideology as a form of false consciousness. False consciousness gets things “right” at the level of appearance, but it mistakes that appearance for a “deep” or essential truth. This chapter articulates a novel, positive account of (...)
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    Enlightenment Orpheus: The Power of Music in Other Worlds.Vanessa Agnew - 2008 - Oup Usa.
    The Enlightenment saw a critical engagement with the ancient idea that music carries certain powers - it heals and pacifies, civilizes and educates. Yet this interest in musical utility seems to conflict with larger notions of aesthetic autonomy that emerged at the same time. In Enlightenment Orpheus, Vanessa Agnew examines this apparent conflict, and provocatively questions the notion of an aesthetic-philosophical break between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
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    Huellas, vejez y migración: producción de identidades.Vanessa de los Santos Anaya & M. Concepción Arroyo Rueda - 2023 - Logos Revista de Filosofía 140 (140):159-179.
    El presente documento tiene como propósito central analizar los discursos deotredad en la experiencia migratoria hacia Estados Unidos en personas mayoresretornadas a Durango. En un intento por vincular las metáforas queaparecen en el pensamiento del autor, se discuten las anécdotas de 18 participantes mayores de 60 años que trabajaron o vivieron en Estados Unidos, y quienes fueron seleccionados por medio de una muestra intencional. Dentro de los principales resultados se advierten tramas lingüísticas que aparecen en lascomunicaciones orales, donde se manifiestan (...)
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    The Canterbury Tales, by Geofrey Chaucer, from the Perspective of Bakhtinian Carnival: The Wife of Bath and the Subversion of Female Gender through the Profanation of Biblical Discourse.Vanessa Rodrigues Barcelos & João Batista Costa Gonçalves - 2024 - Bakhtiniana 19 (4):e63636p.
    RESUMO O objetivo do artigo é proceder a uma análise da personagem Alison, esposa de Bath, na obra Os contos de Canterbury, de Geofrey Chaucer. Para isso, com base em Bakhtin (2010, 2018), em particular a partir da perspectiva da carnavalização, somada à teoria da performatividade de gênero de Butler (1988, 2017), pretendemos mostrar como a referida personagem subverte, carnavalizadamente, certos textos bíblicos referentes ao papel da mulher no matrimônio. Dessa forma, nesse estudo, para efeito de análise, tomamos da obra (...)
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    Acceptabilité sociale et place de la population lors de la construction du barrage de Belo Monte.Vanessa Boanada & Leturcq - 2016 - Éthique Publique 18 (1).
    Depuis un peu plus de cinq ans, il existe dans le nord du Brésil des tensions sociales autour de la construction d’un projet de développement. La construction du barrage hydroélectrique de Belo Monte est un parfait exemple, à la fois pour illustrer la relation confuse entre le pouvoir public et les entreprises privées, durant la réalisation d’un ouvrage d’infrastructures et pour étudier comment cette relation influence l’« acceptabilité sociale » du projet. Pour Belo Monte, le gouvernement a mis en place (...)
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  34. Deleuze and the Minor Modes of Life.Vanessa Brito - 2009 - Filozofski Vestnik 30 (2):7 - +.
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    Humans adaptively resolve the explore-exploit dilemma under cognitive constraints: Evidence from a multi-armed bandit task.Vanessa M. Brown, Michael N. Hallquist, Michael J. Frank & Alexandre Y. Dombrovski - 2022 - Cognition 229 (C):105233.
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    Insights from Political Theory in the Implementation of Global Business Ethics.Vanessa Hill & Conrad C. Daly - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:55-56.
    This paper suggests that research and theory regarding the development of global codes of conduct would be informed by political theory. Charles Taylor’s (1992) essay Politics of Recognition acknowledges that successful relationships among nations results from mutual respect and esteem among different cultures for each other. The same may be the case for the successful development of universal code of ethics for Multinational Enterprises.
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    Ethical Leadership for Machiavellians in Business.Vanessa Lam - unknown
    Despite some progress in instilling ethics into business practice, businesses continue to make decisions that result in incredible harms to people and the environment around the world. Academics, the public, and the media have often singled out business leaders as unethical and responsible for the vast harms that their companies have done. As a result, some have looked to ethical business leadership as one avenue of approach to making businesses act more ethically. This thesis explores two leadership styles. The first (...)
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  38. Georg Lukás : Essayismus, Dialektik und Materialismus.Vanessa Vidal Mayor - 2019 - In Jessica Nitsche & Nadine Werner (eds.), Entwendungen: Walter Benjamin und seine Quellen. Paderborn: Brill Fink.
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    On Power and Domination.Vanessa E. Munro - 2003 - European Journal of Political Theory 2 (1):79-99.
    Within feminist commentary, there has been increasing disillusionment with the radical feminist thesis commonly associated with the work of Catharine MacKinnon. Set against the backdrop of this disillusionment, this article traces the development of an emerging genre of contemporary feminist critique, which has been heavily influenced by the writings of French genealogist Michel Foucault. The work of Foucault, despite focusing upon issues of power and sexuality that have long since been central to the radical feminist project, appears to offer a (...)
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  40. Un nuevo gato, un perro o un bebé van a llegar a casa:¿ qué hago para que salga bien?Vanessa Carballés Pérez & María Luisa Palmero Colado - 2011 - In Ivano Dionigi & Guido Barbujani (eds.), Animalia. Milano: Biblioteca universale Rizzoli. pp. 60-64.
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  41. Distributed expertise and authenticity in the development of design expertise.Vanessa Svihla, Anthony Petrosino & Kenneth Diller - 2007 - Cognition 17:18.
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  42. Narrative, Foucault and feminism: implications for therapeutic practice.Vanessa Swan - 1999 - In Ian Parker (ed.), Deconstructing psychotherapy. Thousand Oaks, [Calif.]: Sage Publications. pp. 103--114.
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    Wenn Ethik zum Programm wird: Eine risikoethische Analyse moralischer Dilemmata des autonomen Fahrens.Vanessa Schäffner - 2020 - Zeitschrift Für Ethik Und Moralphilosophie 3 (1):27-49.
    Wie sollen sich autonome Fahrzeuge verhalten, wenn ein Unfall nicht mehr abwendbar ist? Die Komplexität spezifischer moralischer Dilemmata, die in diesem Kontext auftreten können, lässt bewährte ethische Denktraditionen an ihre Grenzen stoßen. Dieser Aufsatz versteht sich als Versuch, neue Lösungsperspektiven mithilfe einer risikoethischen Sichtweise auf die Problematik zu eröffnen und auf diese Weise deren Relevanz für die Programmierung von ethischen Unfallalgorithmen aufzuzeigen. Im Zentrum steht dabei die Frage, welche Implikationen sich aus einer Auffassung von Dilemma-Situationen als risikoethische Verteilungsprobleme im Hinblick (...)
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    From Trailing Behind to Shaping the Curve: Researching Rare and Impactful Events for Societal Benefit.Vanessa C. Hasse - 2025 - Business and Society 64 (2):211-217.
    Many of today’s most disruptive challenges are the result of rare yet highly impactful events. Their characteristics are largely at odds with prevailing management research paradigms, thus stymieing efforts toward societally relevant guidance. New approaches are needed to ensure sustainable businesses and societies.
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  45. 15 Sigmund Freud.Vanessa Pupavac - 2009 - In Jenny Edkins & Nick Vaughan-Williams (eds.), Critical theorists and international relations. New York, N.Y.: Routledge. pp. 171.
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    Três abordagens sobre a tecnologia e sua relação com o religioso e o sagrado.Vanessa Delazeri Mocellin - 2024 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 29 (1).
    O problema abordado é o das relações entre o tecnológico e o sagrado no contexto dos discursos filosóficos, historiográficos e sociológicos sobre a técnica e a tecnologia. A ciência e tecnologia normalmente são pensadas e caracterizadas em oposição às crenças religiosas, aos mitos e à mística. Nesse sentido, são consideradas como ápice da racionalidade, do método e da eficiência em oposição à fé. Entretanto, como veremos neste artigo, esse modo de pensar a tecnologia e a ciência é apenas um dos (...)
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  47. Who are the Stakeholders Now? An Empirical Examination of the Mitchell, Agle, and Wood Theory of Stakeholder Salience.Vanessa Magness - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 83 (2):177-192.
    Two environmental accidents in the mining industry provide the context for this study of the Mitchell, Agle, and Wood (1997, The Academy of Management Review 22, 853–886) analysis of stakeholder salience. I examine the reactions of two stakeholder groups: shareholder response is examined in terms of changing share returns and risk; management response through change in disclosure. I find the two decision-makers reacted at different times. Management responded to the first accident, though not the second. Shareholders responded to the second (...)
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  48. The Implied Painter.Vanessa Brassey - 2019 - Debates in Aesthetics 14 (1):15-29.
    In this paper, I discuss Jenefer Robinson’s personalist account of pictorial expression. [1] According to personalism, a picture possesses the expressive properties we attribute to it because we take it that someone expresses E in the work. Robinson’s particular strategy exploits the concept of an implied persona who ‘unifies’ and ‘specifies’ what is expressed. [2] Dominic Lopes challenges this view by attacking what he takes to be a flawed assumption motivating the personalist account: the priority of figure expression. [3] Once (...)
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    1.7 What we can learn from Plants about the Creation of Values.Vanessa Lemm - 2015 - Nietzsche Studien 44 (1).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Nietzsche-Studien Jahrgang: 44 Heft: 1 Seiten: 78-87.
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    Resemblances of identity: Ludwig Wittgenstein and contemporary feminist legal theory.Vanessa E. Munro - 2006 - Res Publica 12 (2):137-162.
    In a context in which there is manifest multiplicity in women’s daily lives, feminists have struggled to identify what it uniquely means to be a woman, without falling prey to charges of essentialism. Conscious, however, of the role which collective gender identity plays in providing coherence and motivation to feminist activity, a number of theorists have sought to find a way to retain group cohesion in the face of internal diversity. In this article, the merits and demerits of pre-existing attempts (...)
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