Results for 'Valentina Carrera'

927 found
  1. "I am feeling tension in my whole body": An experimental phenomenological study of empathy for pain.David Martínez-Pernía, Ignacio Cea, Alejandro Troncoso, Kevin Blanco, Jorge Calderón, Constanza Baquedano, Claudio Araya-Veliz, Ana Useros, David Huepe, Valentina Carrera, Victoria Mack-Silva & Mayte Vergara - 2023 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Introduction: Traditionally, empathy has been studied from two main perspectives: the theory-theory approach and the simulation theory approach. These theories claim that social emotions are fundamentally constituted by mind states in the brain. In contrast, classical phenomenology and recent research based on enactive theories consider empathy as the basic process of contacting others’ emotional experiences through direct bodily perception and sensation. Objective: This study aims to enrich knowledge of the empathic experience of pain by using an experimental phenomenological method. Method: (...)
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    Freud, Marcuse, Fromm, Reich, Proust, Wilde, Ortega y Gasset, Nietzsche, Beckett y otros-- vrs. Carrera: selección de sus mejores series de columnas de "El gráfico".Mario Alberto Carrera - 1981 - Guatemala: Editorial RIN.
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    Entre lo imaginario y lo real. Teorética y reflexividad para una antropología de lo imaginario.Juan Carrera - 2017 - Cinta de Moebio 59:143-156.
    Resumen: Este artículo pretende un acercamiento teórico-epistemológico y crítico-reflexivo a las bases que sustentan lo imaginario como una dimensión fundamental de lo social y, en consecuencia, de los estudios de lo social. En un primer momento trata de una definición socio-antropológica de lo imaginario a través de la experiencia simbólica y determinada por la conducta social. En segundo lugar, se identifica lo imaginario como un sistema arquetípico morfo-semántico, constituyendo un modelo transmutable culturalmente. Posteriormente, se establece una dimensión particular para una (...)
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    Argentina: The Reproduction of Capital Accumulation through Political Crisis.Juan Iñigo Carrera - 2006 - Historical Materialism 14 (1):185-219.
  5. ""Jacopo Corbinelli" political" editor to the French court: The case of'Princeps' in Guicciardini's' Ricordi'.Valentina Lepri & Maria Elena Severini - 2006 - Rinascimento 46:497-555.
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  6. Johann Wechel, Giovan Battista Ciotti e le ultime edizioni di Bruno.Valentina Lepri - 2007 - Rinascimento 47:367-388.
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  7. La rappresentazione figurativa tra arte e antropologia cognitiva.Valentina Lusini - 1999 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 20:299-322.
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  8. Análisis del discurso y sociopragmática histórica en un debate legal en la Cartagena de Indias del siglo XVIII. Intensificación y atenuación como recursos argumentales: Discourse analysis and historical sociopragmatics in a legal debate in Cartagena de Indias of the eighteenth century. Intensification and mitigation as argumentative resources.Micaela Carrera De La Red - 2013 - Pragmática Sociocultural 1 (1):11-45.
    Resumen Este trabajo consiste en un análisis histórico de textos que proceden de un expediente archivístico de Cartagena de Indias entre 1715 y 1717. Los autos son textos administrativos que poseen diversas funciones en las relaciones institucionales entre metrópoli y colonias, tal como la de “emitir opinión”. En la tipología textual indiana, esta función se denomina consulta o parecer, y se caracteriza por el uso de un predicado de tipo doxástico. Para el análisis hemos adoptado las perspectivas teóricas del análisis (...)
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    L'œuvre de David l'Invincible et la transmission de la pensée grecque dans la tradition arménienne et syriaque.Valentina Calzolari & Jonathan Barnes (eds.) - 2009 - Boston: Brill.
    v. 1. Commentaria in Aristotelem Armeniaca-Davidis Opera.
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    Omar Khadr, Hannah Arendt, and the Racialization of Rights’ Discourse.Valentina Capurri - 2016 - Studies in Social Justice 10 (1):147-166.
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    Like Father Like Son?Anthony Carreras - 2010-09-24 - In Fritz Allhoff, Lon S. Nease & Michael W. Austin, Fatherhood ‐ Philosophy for Everyone. Wiley‐Blackwell. pp. 171–179.
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  12. Tra immanenza e trascendenza: la teleologia della natura di Hans Jonas.Valentina Chizzola - 2009 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 38 (1):159-187.
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    Athos Dionysiou 180 + Paris, Suppl. Grec 495: un nuovo manoscritto di Teodosio Principe.Valentina Cuomo - 2006 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 98 (1):23-34.
    Nel 1885 Spyridon Lambros pubblicava, nel I volume del Supplementum Aristotelicum, gli Excerpta Constantini de natura animalium, una silloge di carattere zoologico in due libri (tanti ce ne sono giunti dei quattro presunti) attribuita all'imperatore Costantino VII Porfirogenito.
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    The Poetics of Latin Didactic: Lucretius, Vergil, Ovid, Manilius (review).Valentina Denardis - 2007 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 100 (2):173-174.
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    Amartya Sen’s Earlier Conception of Economic Agents through the Origins and Development of his Capability Approach.Valentina Erasmo - 2022 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 15 (1).
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    Art in the Age of Visual Culture and the Image.Valentina Flak - 2006 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2.
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  17. Epistemic Injustice’ and the ‘Right to not be Poor’: bringing Recognition into the Debate.Valentina Gentile - 2013 - Global Policy 4 (4):425-27.
    Poverty and inequality are not the sole sources of (global) injustices. And the latter are not only a matter of fair distribution. Identity and cultural asymmetries, often articulated along political and economic lines, relocate and reshape the struggle against subordination to include new areas of contestation, such as gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality, culture, religion and nationality.
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    Republican intergovernmentalism as a realistic utopia.Valentina Gentile - 2022 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 25 (4):585-595.
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    La regla quarta del Mètode i la Geometria.Josep Pla I. Carrera - 1999 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía:145-154.
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  20. " Tam Marti, quam mercurio". Note on early spreading of records of Guicciardini in England.Valentina Lepri & Maria Elena Severini - 2009 - Rinascimento 49:419-457.
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  21. Interpretando esperienze associative in chiave educativa.Valentina Mazzoni - 2007 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 21:119-140.
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    Platonismo e religioni orientali.Valentina Nesi - 2017 - [Rome]: Stamen. Edited by Luciano Albanese.
    A study on the complex relationship between Platonism and the East, and on the Neoplatonic interpretations of some eastern cults in the Roman world, including Isis, Magna Mater, Mithras, and Sol Invictus.
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    Commentary: Top-down and bottom-up modulation of pain-induced oscillations.Valentina Nicolardi & Elia Valentini - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Creare I Sensi Della Terra: Il Respiro Naturale Della Comunità di Indagine.Valentina Roversi, Alessandra Cavallo & Daniel Barenco Mello Contage - 2022 - Childhood and Philosophy 18:01-23.
    The earth is the archetypal image of the origin of humanity, but throughout the history of Western culture it has given way to other, more heavenly allegories. Enlightenment as a paradigm of knowledge consolidated itself in Western philosophical thought in a very convincing way as a production of meanings. Through this rereading of the first Greek metaphysics, thought gradually distanced itself from its materiality, from its humanity, from the possibility of admiring the concrete world, getting closer and closer to the (...)
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    Children's acceptance of underinformative sentences: The case of some as a determiner.Valentina Sala, Laura Macchi, Marco D'Addario & Maria Bagassi - 2009 - Thinking and Reasoning 15 (2):211-235.
    In recent literature there is unanimous agreement about children's pragmatic competence in drawing scalar implicatures about some , if the task is made easy enough. However, children accept infelicitous some sentences more often than adults do. In general their acceptance is assumed to be synonymous with a logical interpretation of some as a quantifier. But in our view an overlap with some as a determiner in under-informative sentences cannot be ruled out, given the ambiguity of the experimental instructions and the (...)
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    Lo spazio interiore.Valentina Valentini - 2016 - Rivista di Estetica 63:13-18.
    L’articolo qui riproposto e apparso originariamente nel 1988 anticipa alcune questioni fondamentali trattate nel presente numero, in riferimento alla collaborazione tra il video-artista Paolo Rosa e il suo gruppo Studio Azzurro e il regista teatrale Giorgio Barberio Corsetti. L’articolo sottolinea come l’incontro tra video-arte e teatro, tra arti tecnologiche e arti performative, rinnovi uno dei tratti caratteristici della pratica artistica moderna, dalla letteratura alle arti visive e performative: lo statuto del soggetto, in cui è in gioco l’interazione tra l’interno e (...)
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  27. Iosif Dit︠s︡gen.Valentina Vasilʹevna Volkova - 1961
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  28. What Makes Delusions Pathological?Valentina Petrolini - 2017 - Philosophical Psychology 30 (4):1-22.
    Bortolotti argues that we cannot distinguish delusions from other irrational beliefs in virtue of their epistemic features alone. Although her arguments are convincing, her analysis leaves an important question unanswered: What makes delusions pathological? In this paper I set out to answer this question by arguing that the pathological character of delusions arises from an executive dysfunction in a subject’s ability to detect relevance in the environment. I further suggest that this dysfunction derives from an underlying emotional imbalance—one that leads (...)
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    Historia de la filosofía española.Carreras Y. Artau - 1939 - Madrid,: Real academia de ciencias exactas, físicas y naturales. Edited by Joaquín Carreras Y. Artau & Adolfo Bonilla Y. San Martín.
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    (1 other version)Alfred Tarski i la teoria de conjunts.I. Carrera Josep Pla - 1989 - Theoria 4 (2):343-417.
    The work on set theory made by A. Tarski in the years 1924-1950 is very interesting, but little know.We develope partial questions in set theory in the moment that A. Tarski intervenes and his contributionsand also influences.The principals aims in this development are:1. The axiom of choice [A.C.] and his equivalents;2. the general continuum hypothesis [G.C.H.] and the A.C.;3. the dual trichotomy principle;4. the inaccessible cardinals and his relation with the A.C. and the G.C.H.;5. the notion of finite set and (...)
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  31. Psicología y publicidad.F. Carrera Vidal - 1987 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 8:134-142.
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    ¿ Razón y fe?Baldomero López Carrera - 2012 - Estudios Filosóficos 61 (177):381-387.
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    Does the psychophysical method affect the time error?Valentina Fanton - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (6):559-562.
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    Maillard, Chantal. La ira: Para una deconstrucción de los mitos patriarcales indoeuropeos.Aurora García Carreras - forthcoming - Thémata Revista de Filosofía.
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  35. The impact of labels on visual categorisation: A neural network model.Valentina Gliozzi, Julien Mayor, Jon-Fan Hu & Kim Plunkett - 2008 - In B. C. Love, K. McRae & V. M. Sloutsky, Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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  36. Faktura: ocherk.Valentina Nikolaevna Kholopova - 1979 - Moskva: Muzyka.
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  37. Navigating Noise: A Stratified Model for Scholarly Digital Editions of Arabic Manuscripts in Hebrew Script.Valentina B. Lanza - 2025 - Corpus 26 (26).
    This article investigates the role of Scholarly Digital Editions in advancing textual scholarship, with a focus on Judeo-Arabic, a unique linguistic variety using Hebrew script to represent Arabic. It proposes a stratified model for Scholarly Digital Editions to handle Judeo-Arabic’s orthographic complexities, including transcription, script conversion, normalization, and metadata integration. The study highlights the critical role of managing noise in textual editing, particularly during data acquisition, where any distortion or omission of orthographic elements can compromise scholarly integrity. A case study (...)
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    Knowledge Shaping: Student Note-taking Practices in Early Modernity.Valentina Lepri (ed.) - 2023 - De Gruyter.
    How can we portray the history of Renaissance knowledge production through the eyes of the students? Their university notebooks contained a variety of works, fragments of them, sentences, or simple words. To date, studies on these materials have only concentrated on a few individual works within the collections, neglecting the strategy by which texts and textual fragments were selected and the logic through which the notebooks were organized. The eight chapters that make up this volume explore students' note-taking practices behind (...)
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    (1 other version)Lessons From The Dancing Ground to the Studio: Implications of Pueblo Indian Dance for Modern Dance.Valentina Litvinoff - 1970 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 28 (3):397-408.
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    Éternité et développement : la question du temps logique chez LeśniewskiEternity and Development: The Question of Leśniewski’s Logical Time.Valentina Luporini - 2019 - Philosophia Scientiae.
    Le problème du temps tourmente et nourrit la philosophie depuis sa naissance. Dans ce cadre, une lecture métaphysique des textes de S. Leśniewski permet de développer un point de vue original sur certaines propriétés fondamentales du temps logique. En particulier, après une analyse minutieuse des œuvres philosophiques de jeunesse, et notamment de l’article « La vérité est-elle éternelle ou éternelle et sempiternelle? », nous montrons que le temps logique est, chez Leśniewski, inévitablement double : les propositions, dont la vérité doit (...)
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  41. O prirode sofistiki.Valentina Gagikovna Osipova - 1964 - Erevan,: Izd-vo Akademii nauk Armi︠a︡nskoĭ SSR.
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    Emanuele Severino: la critica razionalistica del senso comune e della fede.Valentina Pelliccia - 2009 - Roma: Leonardo da Vinci.
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  43. Winfried loffler: Einfuhrung in die religionsphilosophie.Valentina Perin - 2007 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 60 (4):361.
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  44. Lucretius in the Italian Renaissance.Valentina Prosperi - 2007 - In Stuart Gillespie & Philip R. Hardie, The Cambridge companion to Lucretius. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 214.
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    Visual scanning behavior is related to recognition performance for own- and other-age faces.Valentina Proietti, Viola Macchi Cassia, Francesca Dell’Amore, Stefania Conte & Emanuela Bricolo - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Los cuatro elementos del arte: nuevo análisis del fenómeno artístico, analíticas y actualismos.José Salguero Carrera - 1997 - Córdoba: Publicaciones Obra Social y Cultural CajaSur.
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  47. E-learning usability: A learner-adapted approach based on the evaluation of leaner's preferences.Valentina Terzieva, Yuri Pavlov & Rumen Andreev - 2007 - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal 40 (1):77-94.
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  48. Contextual and Individual Dimensions of Taxpayer Decision Making.Valentina L. Zamora, Gil B. Manzon & Jeffrey Cohen - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 126 (4):631-647.
    We examine whether a taxpayer’s decision to choose a taxpayer-favorable characterization of income is associated with contextual and individual dimensions of that decision. Using a 2 × 2 factorial experimental design, we manipulate the prevailing social norm on whether there is a general belief that a specific form of income should be characterized as a capital gain or as ordinary income, and the group affiliation on whether the individual is making a tax characterization decision as a sole proprietor or as (...)
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  49. Relaciones familiares y su incidencia en el desarrollo de valores morales en niños ecuatorianos.Xiomara Carrera-Herrera, Miury Placencia Tapia & Paulo Vélez-León - 2019 - Analysis. Claves de Pensamiento Contemporáneo 24:65-75.
    Las relaciones familiares tienen una cualidad única que no se producen en otros entornos y cada familia vive diferentes prácticas que la hacen ser irrepetible; esto permite un aprender–aprender como padres e hijos, además estás relaciones tienen correspondencia con el desarrollo de los valores que se manifiesta en familia y que finalmente son transmitidos en la sociedad. La investigación se realizó a nivel nacional a 1200 niños y niñas en edades comprendidas entre 8 a 11 años, pudiendo observar con más (...)
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    Yelena Baraz, A Written Republic. Cicero’s Philosophical Politics.Valentina Arena - 2016 - Klio 98 (1):354-356.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Klio Jahrgang: 98 Heft: 1 Seiten: 354-356.
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