Results for 'Valentin Ade'

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  1.  36
    Mindset-Oriented Negotiation Training (MONT): Teaching More Than Skills and Knowledge.Valentin Ade, Carolin Schuster, Fieke Harinck & Roman Trötschel - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:361147.
    In this conceptual paper, we propose that both skill set development and mindset development would be desirable dimensions of negotiation training. The second dimension has received little attention thus far, but negotiation mindsets, i.e., the psychological orientations by which people approach negotiations, are likely to have a considerable influence on the outcome of negotiations. Referring to empirical and conceptual mindset studies from outside the negotiation field, we argue that developing mindsets can leverage the effectiveness of skills and knowledge, increase learning (...)
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    Sensation and Perception in the History of Experimental Psychology.Harlow W. Ades - 1943 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 4 (1):104-106.
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    Developmental changes within the core of artifact concepts.Adee Matan & Susan Carey - 2001 - Cognition 78 (1):1-26.
  4.  8
    Adès chez Bergson: reliques inconnues d'une amitié.Albert Adès - 1949 - Paris,: [S.N.].
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    Children's attitude problems: Bootstrapping verb meaning from syntax and pragmatics.Valentine Hacquard & Jeffrey Lidz - 2019 - Mind and Language 34 (1):73-96.
    How do children learn the meanings of propositional attitude verbs? We argue that children use information contained in both syntactic distribution and pragmatic function to zero in on the appropriate meanings. Specifically, we identify a potentially universal link between semantic subclasses of attitude verbs, their syntactic distribution and the kinds of indirect speech acts they can be used to perform. As a result, children can use the syntax as evidence about the meaning, which in turn constrains the kinds of pragmatic (...)
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    Media-reported corporate governance transgressions in broad-based black economic empowerment deals in the South African mining sector.Adèle Thomas - 2014 - African Journal of Business Ethics 8 (2).
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    Catamania: the dissonance of female pleasure and dissent.Adèle Olivia Gladwell - 1995 - Monroe, Or.: Distributors to the US book trade, Subterranean Company.
    A radical, compelling study of the female voice.,Multi-contextual theorist Gladwell puts forward,her analysis of the polemic of feminist rhetorical,discourse as it presents a fresh and vital,approach to an anatomy of female subjectivity,through precise listening and the audacity to,speak aloud.
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    Relations between innate endowments, cognitive development, domain specificity, and a taxonomy-creator.Adee Matan & Sidney Strauss - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (4):584-584.
    Atran proposes that humans have a unique, innate, domain-specific tendency to create taxonomies of biological kinds. We show that: (1) in ontogenesis, children develop a notion Atran claims to be innate; (2) what Atran claims is unique to biological kinds may be found in artifact kinds; and (3) although Atran proposes a domain-specific mental construct for biological rank, it can be explained in domain- general terms.
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  9. Di balik sertifikasi Hak atas tanah dalam perspektif pluralisme hukum.Ade Saptomo - unknown
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  10. On the order of words.Anthony E. Ades & Mark J. Steedman - 1982 - Linguistics and Philosophy 4 (4):517 - 558.
    There is no doubt that the model presented here is incomplete. Many important categories, particularly negation and the adverbials, have been entirely ignored, and the treatment of Tense and the affixes is certainly inadequate. It also remains to be seen how the many constructions that have been ignored here are to be accommodated within the framework that has been outlined. However, the fact that a standard categorial lexicon, plus the four rule schemata, seems to come close to exhaustively specifying the (...)
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  11. Right and Duty to Emergency Care Under the Provision of Indonesian Health Act 36/2009.Ade Firmansyah Sugiharto - 2010 - Asian Bioethics Review 2 (3):195-201.
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    The Sacred.Wernmei Yong Ade - 2012 - Philosophy Today 56 (2):221-231.
  13. On the event relativity of modal auxiliaries.Valentine Hacquard - 2010 - Natural Language Semantics 18 (1):79-114.
    Crosslinguistically, the same modal words can be used to express a wide range of interpretations. This crosslinguistic trend supports a Kratzerian analysis, where each modal has a core lexical entry and where the difference between an epistemic and a root interpretation is contextually determined. A long-standing problem for such a unified account is the equally robust crosslinguistic correlation between a modal’s interpretation and its syntactic behavior: epistemics scope high (in particular higher than tense and aspect) and roots low, a fact (...)
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    Realizability for Peano arithmetic with winning conditions in HON games.Valentin Blot - 2017 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 168 (2):254-277.
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  15. Refutation systems in modal logic.Valentin Goranko - 1994 - Studia Logica 53 (2):299 - 324.
    Complete deductive systems are constructed for the non-valid (refutable) formulae and sequents of some propositional modal logics. Thus, complete syntactic characterizations in the sense of Lukasiewicz are established for these logics and, in particular, purely syntactic decision procedures for them are obtained. The paper also contains some historical remarks and a general discussion on refutation systems.
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  16. Nārī-vaibhava.Adeśakumārī Jaina (ed.) - 1992 - Akalūja, Ji. Solāpūra: Sonāja Āṇi Kampanī.
    Contributed articles on the role and position of women in society according to Jainism.
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    Attitudes of management students towards workplace ethics: A comparative study between South Africa and Cyprus.Adèle Thomas, Maria Krambia- Kapardis & Anastasios Zopiatis - 2014 - African Journal of Business Ethics 3 (1):1.
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  18. Orientación Astronómica de algunos Monumentos Arqueológicos del Ecuador.Valentín Yurevich, Eduardo Almeida Reyes, Luis Espín & Gustavo Guayasamín - forthcoming - Manuscrito. Quito.
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    INTRODUCTION: Introduction to the Special Issue “Frege's Philosophy of Mathematics and Language”.Valentin Sorin Costreie - 2013 - History and Philosophy of Logic 34 (3):195-195.
    This special issue is a result of The Bucharest Colloquium in Analytic Philosophy dedicated to Frege's philosophy of mathematics and language. It was held at the Research Center for Logic, H...
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  20. Transbiopolitical trend of the COVID-19 pandemic: from political globalization to policy of global evolution.Valentin Cheshko & Oleh Kuz - 2021 - Politicus 3:122-130.
    Topicality of the research topic. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is an increase in the instability of the structure of ecosocial systems. Technological innovations have led to a sharp deterioration in natural social ecodynamics. The aim of the research is the conceptual modeling of the proliferation of biopolitics from the social sphere to the field of international relations with the subsequent transformation into a systemic factor of the global evolutionary process. Research methods and results. The model is (...)
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    « Everywhere » and « here ».Valentin Shehtman - 1999 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 9 (2-3):369-379.
    ABSTRACT The paper studies propositional logics in a bimodal language, in which the first modality is interpreted as the local truth, and the second as the universal truth. The logic S4UC is introduced, which is finitely axiomatizable, has the f.m.p. and is determined by every connected separable metric space.
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  22. Divre Yaʻaḳov: pirḳe maḥshavah.Yaʻaḳov ʻAdes - 2013 - [Israel]: [Yaʻaḳov ʻAdes].
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  23. Marcel Duchamp and the Paradox of Modernity.Dawn Ades - 1996 - In Ades Dawn, Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 90: 1995 Lectures and Memoirs. pp. 129-145.
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    Surrealism and its Legacies in Latin America.Dawn Adès - 2011 - In Adès Dawn, Proceedings of the British Academy Volume 167, 2009 Lectures. pp. 393.
    This chapter presents the text of a lecture on the legacies of surrealism in Latin America given at the 2009 British Academy Lecture Series. This text discusses the tensions between surrealist internationalism and local cultural nationalisms, the contested relationship between surrealism and Magic Realism, and the enduring surrealist fascination with Pre-Columbian art and architecture. It analyzes the works of Mexican artists Frida Kahlo and Gunther Gerzso and works of contemporary Brazilian artist Cildo Meireles. It contents that art from Latin America (...)
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    ‘How Well He's Read, To Reason Against Reading’: Language, Eros and Education in Shakespeare's Love's Labour's Lost.Valentin Gerlier - 2019 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 53 (3):589-604.
  26.  14
    De la сôtе est de l'Adriatique à Rome ou quand l'image accompagne la relique. Reflexions autour de la mosaïque de la chapelle de San Venanzio au baptistère du Latran.Valentine Giesser - 2014 - Convivium 1 (1):116-125.
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  27. On the interaction of aspect and modal auxiliaries.Valentine Hacquard - 2009 - Linguistics and Philosophy 32 (3):279-315.
    This paper discusses the interaction of aspect and modality, and focuses on the puzzling implicative effect that arises when perfective aspect appears on certain modals: perfective somehow seems to force the proposition expressed by the complement of the modal to hold in the actual world, and not merely in some possible world. I show that this puzzling behavior, originally discussed in Bhatt (1999, Covert modality in non-finite contexts) for the ability modal, extends to all modal auxiliaries with a circumstantial modal (...)
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  28. Comparing semantics of logics for multi-agent systems.Valentin Goranko & Wojciech Jamroga - 2004 - Synthese 139 (2):241 - 280.
    We draw parallels between several closely related logics that combine — in different proportions — elements of game theory, computation tree logics, and epistemic logics to reason about agents and their abilities. These are: the coalition game logics CL and ECL introduced by Pauly 2000, the alternating-time temporal logic ATL developed by Alur, Henzinger and Kupferman between 1997 and 2002, and the alternating-time temporal epistemic logic ATEL by van der Hoek and Wooldridge (2002). In particular, we establish some subsumption and (...)
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  29.  50
    Early dissociation between neural signatures of endogenous spatial attention and perceptual awareness during visual masking.Valentin Wyart, Stanislas Dehaene & Catherine Tallon-Baudry - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.
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    Response activation and activation–transmission in response-based backward crosstalk: Analyses and simulations with an extended diffusion model.Valentin Koob, Rolf Ulrich & Markus Janczyk - 2023 - Psychological Review 130 (1):102-136.
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  31. The Basic Algebra of Game Equivalences.Valentin Goranko - 2003 - Studia Logica 75 (2):221-238.
    We give a complete axiomatization of the identities of the basic game algebra valid with respect to the abstract game board semantics. We also show that the additional conditions of termination and determinacy of game boards do not introduce new valid identities.En route we introduce a simple translation of game terms into plain modal logic and thus translate, while preserving validity both ways, game identities into modal formulae.The completeness proof is based on reduction of game terms to a certain ‘minimal (...)
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  32. Two forms of responsibility: Reassessing Young on structural injustice.Valentin Beck - 2023 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 26 (6):918-941.
    In this article, I critically reassess Iris Marion Young's late works, which centre on the distinction between liability and social connection responsibility. I concur with Young's diagnosis that structural injustices call for a new conception of responsibility, but I reject several core assumptions that underpin her distinction between two models and argue for a different way of conceptualising responsibility to address structural injustices. I show that Young's categorical separation of guilt and responsibility is not supported by the writings of Hannah (...)
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  33.  27
    On the Order of Words.Anthony E. Ades - 1980 - Linguistics and Philosophy 4:517.
  34.  55
    Logics for propositional determinacy and independence.Valentin Goranko & Antti Kuusisto - 2018 - Review of Symbolic Logic 11 (3):470-506.
    This paper investigates formal logics for reasoning about determinacy and independence. Propositional Dependence Logic D and Propositional Independence Logic I are recently developed logical systems, based on team semantics, that provide a framework for such reasoning tasks. We introduce two new logics L_D and L_I, based on Kripke semantics, and propose them as alternatives for D and I, respectively. We analyse the relative expressive powers of these four logics and discuss the way these systems relate to natural language. We argue (...)
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    Not Between Models, But Above.Rachel Levit Ades - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 16 (1):36-38.
    Julia Knopes’s (2025) article aims to explain how models of disability apply in the lives and experiences of people with lived mental health conditions who serve as peer support providers. However,...
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    A expressão da modularidade.César Ades - 2009 - Scientiae Studia 7 (2):283-308.
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    Negotiating bioethics: the governance of UNESCO's Bioethics Programme.Adèle Langlois - 2013 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    The sequencing of the entire human genome has opened up unprecedented possibilities for healthcare, but also ethical and social dilemmas about how these can be achieved, particularly in developing countries. UNESCO's Bioethics Programme was established to address such issues in 1993. Since then, it has adopted three declarations on human genetics and bioethics (1997, 2003 and 2005), set up numerous training programmes around the world and debated the need for an international convention on human reproductive cloning. Negotiating Bioethics presents Langlois' (...)
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    Conferencia Episcopal y confer.Valentín Ramallo - 1976 - Salmanticensis 23 (2):489-504.
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  39. Reconciliación en las fuentes franciscanas.Valentín Redondo - 1986 - Verdad y Vida 44 (174):201-222.
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    How Chomsky Uses Cartesian Nativism.Valentine Reynaud - 2018 - Methodos 18.
    L’article se propose d’explorer l’usage que Chomsky fait de la référence à la philosophie de Descartes. À partir des années 1950, le linguiste et philosophe Noam Chomsky remet l’innéisme sur le devant de la scène en défendant l’existence d’une faculté innée de langage. Comme l’indique sans équivoque le titre de son ouvrage paru en 1966, La linguistique cartésienne, Chomsky inscrit sa pensée dans la tradition cartésienne. Mais ce que Chomsky entend par « faculté innée » est-il vraiment similaire à ce (...)
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    Modal counterparts of Medvedev logic of finite problems are not finitely axiomatizable.Valentin Shehtman - 1990 - Studia Logica 49 (3):365 - 385.
    We consider modal logics whose intermediate fragments lie between the logic of infinite problems [20] and the Medvedev logic of finite problems [15]. There is continuum of such logics [19]. We prove that none of them is finitely axiomatizable. The proof is based on methods from [12] and makes use of some graph-theoretic constructions (operations on coverings, and colourings).
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    What is Kant’s Transcendental Reflection?Valentin Balanovskiy - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:17-27.
    The concept of ‘transcendental reflection’ has been under-studied despite its crucial significance for Kant’s philosophical system. Kant’s transcendental reflection is an instrument inherent in our consciousness. Without this instrument, one would be unable to distinguish between representations/ fantasies and the reality; to have self-consciousness; to identify the functions of the human soul; to distinguish between the effects of the senses, the understanding, and reason within these functions, including identifying the a priori forms of the senses, the understanding, and reason; and (...)
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  43.  24
    Salience in Second Language Acquisition: Physical Form, Learner Attention, and Instructional Focus.Myrna C. Cintrón-Valentín & Nick C. Ellis - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  44.  49
    Frege on Identity. The Transition from Begriffsschrift to Über Sinn und Bedeutung.Valentin Sorin Costreie - 2012 - Logos and Episteme 3 (2):297-308.
    The goal of the paper is to offer an explanation why Frege has changed his Begriffsschrift account of identity to the one presented in Über Sinn und Bedeutung.The main claim of the paper is that in order to better understand Frege’s motivation for the introduction of his distinction between sense and reference, which marks his change of views, one should place this change in its original setting, namely the broader framework of Frege’s fundamental preoccupations with the foundations of arithmetic and (...)
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  45.  14
    Evaluation of a Smartphone Application on the Reduction of Attentional Bias Toward Alcohol Among Students†.Valentin Flaudias, Oulmann Zerhouni, Nadia Chakroun-Baggioni, Ingrid De Chazeron, Pierre-Michel Llorca & Georges Brousse - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ContextThe recent development of “serious games” has produced encouraging results in maintaining adherence to health-related interventions. In alcohol research, several studies have shown that computerized training on attentional bias decreases alcohol consumption bias among students. However, these highly controlled experimental situations, do not allow for direct large-scale dissemination. Our objective is to evaluate an attentional bias remediation program using a gamified smartphone training procedure.MethodsFifty students from Clermont-Ferrand University were invited to participate in the study. After a cognitive assessment in the (...)
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  46.  9
    Le Christ chez Marthe et Marie.Valentine Langlais - 2022 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 154 (3):297-327.
    Les œuvres représentant l’histoire du Christ chez Marthe et Marie, épisode tiré de l’Évangile de Luc, se multiplient dans l’art des Pays-Bas à partir du milieu du XVIe siècle sous l’impulsion du conflit théologique à propos de la justification et du salut des hommes, qui oppose alors catholiques et réformés. Dès la fin du XVIe siècle et au cours du XVIIe siècle, deux voies iconographiques se distinguent l’une de l’autre. L’une tend à refléter une interprétation protestante de l’épisode de Luc, (...)
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    La evolucion de la historia. Obra premiada bajo el título Por qué se rehace la historia en el certámen que el Consejo de instruccion pública abrió en 1886.Valentín Letelier - 1900 - Santiago de Chile,: A. P. Garin; [etc., etc.,].
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    Etudes philoniennes.Valentin Nikiprowetzky - 1996 - Paris: Cerf.
  49.  10
    Le commentaire de l'écriture chez Philon d'Alexandrie: son caractère et sa portée, observations philologiques.Valentin Nikiprowetzky - 1977 - Leiden: Brill.
  50.  21
    Faciliter la consultation de textes scientifiques : Nouvelles pratiques éditoriales..Valentine Roux & Philippe Blasco - 2004 - Hermes 39:151.
    Le programme logiciste, préconisé par J.-C. Gardin, propose de restituer l'architecture de nos constructions scientifiques sous forme de schématisations. Ces schématisations sont des arborescences òu sont énoncées les principales composantes de nos constructions, à savoir les bases de faits, les conclusions et les propositions intermédiaires reliant les premières aux secondes. Lorsqu'elles sont jouées sur multimédia et mises en scène sur 4 écrans selon le format SCD , elles permettent d'envisager de nouvelles pratiques éditoriales qui sont une réponse puissante à la (...)
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