Results for 'Valdemar Ammundsen'

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  1. Søren Kierkegaards ungdom.Ove Valdemar Ammundsen - 1912 - København,: Universitetsbogtrykkeriet (J.H. Schultz a/s).
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  2. Charles Renouvier.Valdemar Hansen - 1962 - København,: O. A. Reitzel.
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    Un grand livre sur William James.Valdemar Hansen - 1938 - Theoria 4 (2):176-180.
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    ANGELINO, Carlo, SALVANESCHI, Enrica, dir., Synkrisis - Textes et études d'histoire et de philosophie du langage religieuxANGELINO, Carlo, SALVANESCHI, Enrica, dir., Synkrisis - Textes et études d'histoire et de philosophie du langage religieux.Valdemar Cadó - 1983 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 39 (3):366-367.
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    BERNARD DE CLAIRVAUX, Opere di San Bernardo, VI/2, 211-548BERNARD DE CLAIRVAUX, Opere di San Bernardo, VI/2, 211-548.Valdemar Cadó - 1990 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 46 (1):115-116.
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    FACCO, Maria Luisa, Étienne Gilson: storia e metafisicaFACCO, Maria Luisa, Étienne Gilson: storia e metafisica.Valdemar Cadó - 1994 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 50 (2):452-454.
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    L'esprit dans la philosophie de René Le Senne.Valdemar Cadó - 1992 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 48 (3):343-350.
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    MILANO, Andrea, PAVAN, Antonio, dir., Persona e personalismiMILANO, Andrea, PAVAN, Antonio, dir., Persona e personalismi.Valdemar Cadó - 1990 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 46 (2):273-276.
  9. Frihedsmænd i nyere fransk filosofi.Valdemar Hansen - 1940 - København,: C. A. Reitzel.
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  10. Franske tænkere fra vor tid.Valdemar Hansen - 1960 - København,: C. A. Reitzel.
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    Gennembrudsmænd i nyere fransk filosofi.Valdemar Hansen - 1952 - København,: C. A. Reitzel.
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  12. K. Kroman.Valdemar Hansen - 1955 - [København]: Skandinavisk bogforlag. Edited by Kristian Frederik Vilheim Kroman.
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    BEDJAOUI, Mohamed, CAMARA, Helder, GARAUDY, Roger, KI-ZERBO, Joseph, MORIN, Lucien, PECCEI, Aurelio, SUYIN, Han, Éduquer au dialogue des civilisationsBEDJAOUI, Mohamed, CAMARA, Helder, GARAUDY, Roger, KI-ZERBO, Joseph, MORIN, Lucien, PECCEI, Aurelio, SUYIN, Han, Éduquer au dialogue des civilisations.Valdemar Cadó - 1984 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 40 (1):128-131.
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    PAYOT, Roger, L'intuition ontologique et l'introduction à la métaphysiquePAYOT, Roger, L'intuition ontologique et l'introduction à la métaphysique.Valdemar Cadó - 1988 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 44 (3):412-413.
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    YARCE, Jorge, éd., Filosofia de la communicaciónYARCE, Jorge, éd., Filosofia de la communicación.Valdemar Cadó - 1989 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 45 (3):461-463.
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    Den unge Brøchner.Svend Valdemar Rasmussen - 1966 - København,: Gyldendal.
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    Studier over William Hamiltons filosofi.Svend Valdemar Rasmussen - 1921 - København,: C. A. Reitzel.
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  18. Erlebnis und Wissen.Hans Valdemar Ruin - 1921 - Helsingfors,: Söderström.
    Die Zeit vor Hume.--David Hume.--David Hartley.--Thomas Reid.--James Mill.--William Hamilton.--John Stuart Mill.--Alexander Bain.--Herbert Spencer.--Zusammenfassung.--Erweiternde Parallelen.--Philosophischer Ausblick.
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    GAUTHIER, Yvon, dir., Le dialogue humaniste. Mélanges en l'honneur de Venant CauchyGAUTHIER, Yvon, dir., Le dialogue humaniste. Mélanges en l'honneur de Venant Cauchy. [REVIEW]Valdemar Cadó - 1994 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 50 (2):454-455.
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    Ekspertise og prognose – forord.Ludvig Goldschmidt Pedersen & Valdemar Nielsen Pold - forthcoming - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie:7-14.
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  21. Quando eu era professor..Valdemar de Oliveira - 1973 - Recife,:
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    COLL I D'ALEMANY, Josep M., Filosofia de la relación interpersonal, 2 tomesCOLL I D'ALEMANY, Josep M., Filosofia de la relación interpersonal, 2 tomes. [REVIEW]Valdemar Cadó - 1993 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 49 (3):575-578.
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    Editorial: Occupational Neuroscience: Nervous System's Health at the Workplace.Sergio Garbarino, Nicola Magnavita, Franca Barbic, Erik Valdemar Stålberg & Paola Lanteri - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
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    Risk Factors for Sexual Offending in Self-Referred Men With Pedophilic Disorder: A Swedish Case-Control Study.Felix Wittström, Niklas Långström, Valdemar Landgren & Christoffer Rahm - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    BackgroundThe risk of child sexual abuse among non-forensic, non-correctional patients with Pedophilic Disorder is largely unknown.MethodsWe recruited a consecutive sample of 55 help-seeking, non-correctional adult men diagnosed with DSM-5 PD at a university-affiliated sexual medicine outpatient unit in Sweden. PD participants were compared with 57 age-matched, non-clinical control men on four literature-based dynamic risk domains and self-rated child sexual abuse risk.ResultsPD participants scored higher than controls on all tested domains ; expectedly so for pedophilic attraction : [1.91–2.89]), but also for (...)
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    “The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar”: Undead Bodies and Medical Technology.Sarah O’Dell - 2020 - Journal of Medical Humanities 41 (2):229-242.
    This paper examines the relationship between medical technology and liminal states of “undeath” as presented in “The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar” and the real-life case of Jahi McMath, who was maintained on life support for over four years following a diagnosis of brain death. Through this juxtaposition, “Valdemar” comes to function as a modern fable, an uneasy herald of medical technology’s potential to create liminal states between life and death. The ability to transgress these boundaries (...)
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    Mesmerization with the Lights On: Poe’s “The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar”.Robert Tindol - 2021 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 11:353-368.
    Edgar Allan Poe’s eerie short story “The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar” is a particularly noteworthy example of the sublime, a psychological state in which one is overwhelmed by the magnitude of that which is perceived by the mind. Valdemar exemplifies the sublime in that his death has somehow been suspended in time because he was under hypnosis as part of a medical experiment at the moment of his passing. However, the story also draws particular attention (...)
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  27.  10
    Frihed og kong Valdemar! – Politisk middelalderisme i Levin Christian Sanders Niels Ebbesen af Nörreriis (1797) og Malthe Conrad Bruuns ”Niels Ebbesen. Tyrandræberen” (1797). [REVIEW]Berit Kjærulff - 2019 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 79:149-165.
    In the 1790s, the Danish publicity abounded with debate about freedom, republican ideas, and the Danish monarchy. This debate did not express itself as much in critique of the Crown as in terms of discursive attempts to reconcile republican ideas with the Danish absolute monarchy. In this article, it is argued that contemporary literature was an important instrument for carrying out such considerations. The article examines the use of the Danish medieval freedom fighter Niels Ebbesen to discuss the conditions of (...)
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    På slagmarken med prins Otto – Kønsballade hos B.S. Ingemann i 1835.Lone Kølle Martinsen - 2019 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 79:97-115.
    In his historical novel from 1835, Prince Otto of Denmark and his Time, the poet Bernhard Severin Ingemann (1789-1862) established the unknown, yet historical character, Prince Otto of Denmark (1310-1346) as the hero of the novel. This choice has puzzled critics ever since, due to the fact that Prince Otto seems less a potential king than his brother Valdemar IV (1320-1372) who actually became a king of Denmark. Georg Brandes (1842-1927) claimed that Otto mirrored Ingemann’s persona as weak and (...)
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  29. ‘Yes:—no:—I have been sleeping—and now—now—I am dead’: undeath, the body and medicine.Megan Stern - 2008 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 39 (3):347-354.
    In this paper I propose that, since the mid-eighteenth century medical science has simultaneously generated and disavowed ‘undead’ bodies, suspended between life and death. Through close analysis of three examples of ‘undeath’ taken from different moments in medical history, I consider what these bodies can tell us about medicine, its history, cultural meaning, scientific status and its role in shaping ideas of embodiment, identity and death. My first example is Edgar Allan Poe’s story ‘The facts in the case of M. (...)
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