Results for 'V. A. Belokrylova'

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  1.  5
    Dmitriĭ Ivanovich Shirokanov: k 85-letii︠u︡ so dni︠a︡ rozhdenii︠a︡.V. A. Belokrylova - 2014 - Minsk: Belaruskai︠a︡ navuka. Edited by V. F. Komarova, S. A. Mi︠a︡kchilo & A. S. Chervinskiĭ.
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  2. Amerika v filosofii istorii Gegeli︠a︡ i problema "novoĭ ontologii" Ameriki.V. A. Anishin - 1983 - In Artur Vladimirovich Sagadeev, N. S. Kirabaev & V. A. Anishin, Iz istorii filosofii osvobodivshikhsi︠a︡ stran: sbornik nauchnykh trudov. Moskva: Universitet druzhby narodov.
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    Teorii︠a︡ poznanii︠a︡ v chetyrekh tomakh.V. A. Lektorskiĭ & T. I. Oĭzerman (eds.) - 1991 - Moskva: "Myslʹ".
    t. 1. Domarksistskai︠a︡ teorii︠a︡ poznanii︠a︡ --t. 2. Sot︠s︡ialʹno-kulturnai︠a︡ priroda poznanii︠a︡.
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  4. Alekseĭ Stepanovich Khomi︠a︡kov, zhizneopisanie v dokumentakh, v rassuzhdenii︠a︡kh i razyskanii︠a︡kh.V. A. Koshelev - 2000 - Moskva: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie.
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  5. Vvedenie v metodologii︠u︡ nauchnogo poznanii︠a︡.V. A. Shtoff - 1972
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  6. Ėkstrapoli︠a︡t︠s︡ii︠a︡ v nauchnom poznanii: spet︠s︡ifika i problema pravilʹnosti.V. A. Andrusenko - 1986 - Irkutsk: Izd-vo Irkutskogo universiteta. Edited by D. V. Pivovarov & A. S. Alekseev.
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    Poznanie v dei︠a︡telʹnosti i obshchenii: ot teorii i praktiki k ėksperimentu.V. A. Barabanshchikov, V. N. Nosulenko & E. S. Samoĭlenko (eds.) - 2011 - Moskva: Institut psikhologii RAN.
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    Chelovek v mire znanii︠a︡: k 80-letii︠u︡ Vladislava Aleksandrovicha Lektorskogo.V. A. Lektorskiĭ, N. S. Avtonomova & B. I. Pruzhinin (eds.) - 2012 - Moskva: ROSSPĖN.
    Издание предназначено для студентов и преподавателей гуманитарных образовательных учреждений, специалистов и практиков в различных областях науки.
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    Konstruktivizm v teorii poznanii︠a︡.V. A. Lektorskiĭ, E. O. Trufanova & I. P. Farman (eds.) - 2008 - Moskva: If Ran.
    Книга предназначена для студентов, преподавателей и научных сотрудников высших учебных заведений, занимающихся вопросами философии.
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  10. Alekseĭ Stepanovich Khomi︠a︡kov v vospominanii︠a︡kh sovremennikov.V. A. Kosheleva (ed.) - 2004 - Tula: Peresvet.
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  11. Gnoseologii︠a︡ v sisteme filosofskogo mirovozzrenii︠a︡.V. A. Lektorskiĭ (ed.) - 1983 - Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka".
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    Poznanie v strukture obshchenii︠a︡.V. A. Barabanshchikov & E. S. Samoĭlenko (eds.) - 2008 - Moskva: In-t psikhologii RAN.
  13. Dialektika prevrashchenii︠a︡ truda v pervui︠u︡ zhizennui︠u︡ potrebnostʹ.V. A. Buslinskiĭ (ed.) - 1987 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka.
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  14. Metodologii︠a︡ issledovanii︠a︡ iskusstva v zapadnoĭ ėstetike.V. A. Volobuev - 1999 - Krasnodar: Krasnodarskiĭ gos. universitet kulʹtury i iskusstv.
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  15. Prervannyĭ polet: istorii︠a︡ "universitetskoĭ" filosofii i logiki v Rossii.V. A. Bazhanov - 1995 - Moskva: Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta.
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    Illi︠u︡zii︠a︡ znachenii︠a︡: problema sledovanii︠a︡ pravilu v analiticheskoĭ filosofii.V. A. Ladov - 2008 - Tomsk: Tomskiĭ gos. universitet.
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    Problemy i diskussii v filosofii Rossii vtoroĭ poloviny XX volume: sovremennyĭ vzgli︠a︡d.V. A. Lektorskiĭ - 2014 - Moskva: ROSSPĖN (Rossiĭskai︠a︡ politicheskai︠a︡ ėnt︠s︡iklopedii︠a︡).
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    Problema soznanii︠a︡ v mezhdist︠s︡iplinarnoĭ perspektive.V. A. Lektorskiĭ (ed.) - 2014 - Moskva: Kanon+.
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    The Common Root of Philosophy and Theology in Lectures on Dialectics of F.D.E. Schleiermacher.A. V. Belyaeva - 2019 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 23 (4):476-487.
    Schleiermacher is a philosopher and theologist, widely known in Protestant society, whose philosophy, after the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, has only just begun to be rediscovered in Russia nowadays. One of the central works of Schleiermacher is the lecture on dialectics, which he read at the University of Berlin. In these lectures on dialectics Schleiermacher presents his system of philosophy. He tries to unite the world of action and the world of science, revealing their common root, and (...)
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    Dialectics of ideology and war in the era of the emergence and establishment of world religions.A. V. Lubinec - 1998 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 7:111-114.
    Already at the early stages of the development of human civilization, a set of various ideas emerged and developed, representing the most important elements of the identified military-political versions of ideology as one of the theoretical forms of social consciousness. Qualitatively a new stage in the development of ideology and its interrelations with various wars should be considered the era of the emergence and establishment of world religions. Although each of them did not carry in itself any militant principles, but, (...)
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    Opyt i chuvstvennoe v kulʹture sovremennosti: filosofsko-antropologicheskie aspekty.V. A. Podoroga (ed.) - 2004 - Moskva: In-t filosofii RAN.
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    Propagation Properties of Bound Electromagnetic Field: Classical and Quantum Viewpoints.A. L. Kholmetskii, O. V. Missevitch, T. Yarman & R. Smirnov-Rueda - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (11):1686-1722.
    The present work is motivated by recent experiments aimed to measure the propagation velocity of bound electromagnetic field that reveal no retardation in the absence of EM radiation. We show how these findings can be incorporated into the mathematical structure of special relativity theory that allows us to reconsider some selected problems of classical and quantum electrodynamics. In particular, we come to the conclusion that the total four-momentum for a classical system “particles plus fields” ought to be a present state (...)
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  23. Metafizika landshafta: kommunikativnye strategii v filosofskoĭ kulʹture XIX-XX vv.V. A. Podoroga - 1993 - Moskva: Nauka. Edited by A. A. Guseĭnov.
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  24. Razum protiv cheloveka: (filosofii︠a︡ vyzhivanii︠a︡ v ėpokhu postmodernizma).V. A. Kutyrev - 1999 - Moskva: Izd-vo "CheRo".
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  25. Khristian Volʹf i filosofii︠a︡ v Rossii.V. A. Zhuchkov (ed.) - 2001 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo Russkiĭ khristianskogo gumanitarnogo instituta.
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    Trudy po nematematike: V pi︠a︡ti knigakh.V. A. Uspenskiĭ - 2012 - Moskva: Obʺedinennoe gumanitarnoe izdatelʹstvo fond "Matematicheskie ėti︠u︡dy". Edited by A. N. Kolmogorov.
    -- Kniga 4. Filologii︠a︡ s prilozheniem "Semioticheskikh poslaniĭ̆" A.N. Kolmogorova.
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    How We Studied Philosophy.A. M. Piatigorskii & V. N. Sadovskii - 1994 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 32 (4):66-88.
    This text consists of two parts. The first part is an interview given by Aleksandr Moiseevich Piatigorskii to Vadim Nikolaevich Sadovskii. Both are graduates of the Department of Philosophy at Moscow State University in the first postwar years. Meeting in London in 1992, they decided to discuss how they studied philosophy at that time. As time was short, for all practical purposes only Piatigorskii's reflections were recorded on tape. Hence, on the suggestion of the editorial board, a second part, containing (...)
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    Poetry Forum: Approaching the" Inaccessible" Poem.A. V. Christie & Richard Gibboney - 2003 - Education and Culture 19 (1):5.
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    Schiller: A Letter on Aesthetic Education to a Later Age.V. A. Howard - 1986 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 20 (4):8.
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  30. Laura A. Michaelis.V. A. N. jAN - 1993 - Journal of Semantics 10 (3):191.
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    Hermenéutica: interpretaciones desde Nietzsche, Heidegger, Gadamer y Ricoeur.Mauricio Navia A. & Agustín Rodríguez V. (eds.) - 2008 - Mérida, Venezuela: Universidad de Los Andes, Consejo de Publicaciones.
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    Vremi︠a︡ chtenii︠a︡.V. A. Podoroga - 2021 - Moskva: Izdatel'stvo Kanon-pli︠u︡s.
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    Mozg--kulʹtura--sot︠s︡ium: kantianskai︠a︡ programma v kognitivnykh issledovanii︠a︡kh.V. A. Bazhanov - 2019 - Moskva: Kanon+.
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  34. vol. 1. Logica.A. Cura di V. Michele Abrusci E. Ettore Casari - 1986 - In V. M. Abrusci, Ettore Casari & Evandro Agazzi, Atti del Congresso logica e filosofia della scienza, oggi: San Gimignano, 7-11 dicembre 1983: organizzato dalla Società italiana di logica e filosofia delle scienze, (SILFS). Bologna: CLUEB.
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    Effect of coherency strain fields on the flow stress of a copper-3·12% cobalt alloy.V. A. Phillips - 1965 - Philosophical Magazine 11 (112):775-797.
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    Intelligentsia in national history: on the 100th anniversary of the “philosophical steamship”: Part III: Intelligentsia - apophatic perspective: what not to do.V. V. Ilyin, E. A. Biryukova, O. P. Sapegina, E. C. Shaura & T. V. Shafigullina - 2022 - Liberal Arts in Russia 11 (6):403-419.
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    The Location of the Farnbāg Fire, the Most Ancient of the Zoroastrian FiresThe Location of the Farnbag Fire, the Most Ancient of the Zoroastrian Fires.A. V. Williams Jackson - 1921 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 41:81.
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    Undecidability of the General Problems of Completeness, Decidability and Equivalence for Propositional Calculi.A. V. Kuznecov & E. Mendelson - 1972 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 37 (4):756-757.
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    Kontrfakticheskie issledovanii︠a︡ v istoricheskom poznanii: genezis, metodologii︠a︡.V. A. Nekhamkin - 2006 - Moskva: MAKS Press.
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    N.A. Vasilʹev i ego voobrazhaemai︠a︡ logika ; Voskreshenie odnoĭ zabytoĭ idei.V. A. Bazhanov - 2009 - Moskva: Kanon+.
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    Idei︠a︡ universiteta i topos mysli: materialy konferent︠s︡ii, posvi︠a︡shchennoĭ 25-letii︠u︡ kafedry filosofii gumanitarnykh fakulʹtetov SamGU.V. A. Konev, Vitaliĭ Lekht︠s︡ier & I︠U︡. A. Razinov (eds.) - 2005 - Samara: Samarskiĭ gos. universitet.
  42. Zelenoe dvizhenie i grazhdanskoe obshchestvo: narushenie ėkologicheskikh prav grazhdan Rossii.A. V. I︠A︡blokov (ed.) - 2004 - Moskva: Tovarishchestvo nauchnykh izdaniĭ KMK.
  43.  13
    Avestan Etymologies.-I.A. V. Williams Jackson - 1891 - American Journal of Philology 12 (1):67.
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    Asadi's neupersisches Worterbuch 'Lughat-i Furs,'.A. V. Williams Jackson & Paul Horn - 1898 - American Journal of Philology 19 (1):98.
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  45. Atomisticheskie kont︠s︡ept︠s︡ii v sovremennom estestvoznanii: metodologicheskiĭ analiz.V. A. Chudinov & L. Ia Stanis - 1986 - Moskva: Nauka. Edited by L. I︠A︡ Stanis.
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    N.N. Moiseev and V.S. Stepin : Two Prophets in Their Own Country.V. A. Lektorsky - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (4):58-62.
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    Katastrofy i ustoĭchivoe razvitie v uslovii︠a︡kh globalizat︠s︡ii.V. A. Puchkov - 2013 - Moskva: FGBU VNII GOChS (FT︠S︡). Edited by V. A. Akimov & I︠U︡. I. Sokolov.
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    On methods of translation of philosophical doctrines in history of indian philosophy.A. V. Paribok & R. V. Pskhu - 2017 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 21 (4):524-533.
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    Nanoindentation properties and the microstructure of grain boundary precipitate-free zones in an AlCuSiGe alloy.V. Radmilovic, C. Taylor, Z. Lee, A. Tolley, D. Mitlin & U. Dahmen - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (26):3905-3919.
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    The relation of time estimation to certain physiological changes.V. G. Schaefer & A. R. Gilliland - 1938 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 23 (5):545.
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