Results for 'Uygar Aydemir'

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  1.  21
    New Practicies of Reading, Writing, Cognizing and Thinking in the Era of Internet.Uygar Aydemir - 2018 - Metafizika 1 (3):5-23.
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  2. Kant's Justified Dismissal of Artistic Sublimity.Uygar Abaci - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 66 (3):237 - 251.
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    Kant's Revolutionary Theory of Modality.Uygar Abaci - 2019 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Uygar Abaci presents a comprehensive study of Immanuel Kant's theory of modality - of the notions of possibility, actuality, and necessity. Abaci argues that Kant redefined these notions as ways in which our representations of objects are related to our cognitive faculty and thus as irreducibly subjective, relational, and conceptual.
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  4. Kuramsallığın İade-i İtibarı:Yeniden tutkulu düşünmek.Uygar Abacı & Uygar Abaci - 2004 - Felsefe Tartismalari 33:101-108.
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    Kant’s Modal Metaphysics by Nicholas F. Stang.Uygar Abaci - 2017 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 55 (1):169-170.
    Nick Stang offers an extremely meticulous and original study of Immanuel Kant’s theory of modality. It is the first book dedicated solely to Kantian modality in the Anglophone Kant literature, crowning the recent surge of articles on the subject, while also setting up a fertile ground for further discussion. The book’s appeal is not limited to Kant readers. Considering its historical focus and scope, Stang’s book is unusually rigorous, analytically argued, and well informed by twentieth-century modal metaphysics and logic, making (...)
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    Leibniz and Kant on Existence and the Syntheticity of Existential Statements.Uygar Abaci - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing, Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 297-308.
  7. A reaction to the Früchtl/Bal debate.Murat Aydemir - 2008 - Krisis 9 (2):37-40.
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  8. Foucaults pijn.Murat Aydemir - 2004 - Krisis 1:54-64.
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    Identiteits politiek 3.0.Murat Aydemir - 2019 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 59 (1):6-13.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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  10. Ti la lam ta lam, talim.Murat Aydemir - 2007 - Krisis 8 (4).
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    Noumenal Freedom and Kant’s Modal Antinomy.Uygar Abaci - 2022 - Kantian Review 27 (2):175-194.
    Kant states in §76 of the third Critique that the divine intuitive intellect would not represent modal distinctions. Kohl and Stang claim that this statement entails that noumena lack modal properties, which, in turn, conflicts with Kant’s attribution of contingency to human noumenal wills. They both propose resolutions to this conflict based on conjectures regarding how God might non-modally represent what our discursive intellects represent as modally determined. I argue that these proposals fail; the viable resolution consists in recognizing that (...)
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  12. The Coextensiveness Thesis and Kant's Modal Agnosticism in the ‘Postulates’.Uygar Abaci - 2013 - European Journal of Philosophy 24 (1):129-158.
    In the Critique of Pure Reason, following his elucidation of the ‘postulates’ of possibility, actuality, and necessity, Kant makes a series of puzzling remarks. He seems to deny the somewhat metaphysically intuitive contention that the extension of possibility is greater than that of actuality, which, in turn, is greater than that of necessity. Further, he states that the actual adds nothing to the possible. This leads to the view, fairly common in the literature, that Kant holds that all modal categories, (...)
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    Kant, The Actualist Principle, and The Fate of the Only Possible Proof.Uygar Abaci - 2017 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 55 (2):261-291.
    one important product of kant's pre-critical metaphysics is the proof of God's existence that he presented in The Only Possible Argument of 1763.1 Kant's proof moves from what I will call here the 'actualist principle', every real possibility must be grounded in actuality, to the conclusion that there exists a unique necessary being, i.e. an ens realissimum, which grounds all real possibility. The pre-critical proof deserves interest in its own right, for not only does it have an intriguing logical structure, (...)
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  14. Kant's Only Possible Argument and Chignell's Real Harmony.Uygar Abaci - 2014 - Kantian Review 19 (1):1-25.
    Andrew Chignell recently proposed an original reconstruction of Kant's ‘Only Possible Argument’ for the existence of God. Chignell claims that what motivates the ‘Grounding Premise’ of Kant's proof, ‘real possibility must be grounded in actuality’, is the requirement that the predicates of a really possible thing must be ‘really harmonious’, i.e. compatible in an extra-logical or metaphysical sense. I take issue with Chignell's reconstruction. First, the pre-Critical Kant does not present ‘real harmony’ as a general condition of real possibility. Second, (...)
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  15. Kant on the ontological proof.Uygar Abaci - 2023 - In Ina Goy, Kant on Proofs for God's Existence. Boston: De Gruyter.
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    The Greatest Aporia in the Parmenides(133b-134e) and the Reciprocity of Pros Relations.Uygar Abaci - 2021 - Dialogue 60 (1):169-192.
    RÉSUMÉLes tentatives existantes dans la littérature de réfuter l'argument de la plus grande difficulté dans leParménideont surtout entrepris de nier le parallélisme entre les relations de typeprosentre les Formes et celles entre les particuliers. Par contre, ces tentatives sont insatisfaisantes, parce que l'argument peut mener à sa conclusion selon laquelle on ne peut connaître les Formes sans s'appuyer sur ce parallélisme. Je soutiens qu'une stratégie plus efficace consiste à nier la prémisse plus essentielle selon laquelle la relation objet-connaissance est une (...)
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  17. Qualitative differences between conscious and nonconscious processing? On inverse priming induced by masked arrows.Rolf Verleger, Piotr Jaskowski, Aytaç Aydemir, Rob H. J. van der Lubbe & Margriet Groen - 2004 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 133 (4):494-515.
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    How Do Grice and Strawson End Up in a Rabbit Hole?Yunus Aydemir - 2024 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 14 (14:3):661-676.
    Since Kant’s usage of analytic and synthetic to divide propositions into two categories, there have been many different philosophers who have used the same distinction over time. However, this does not necessarily mean that every philosopher who uses this distinction for their philosophical purposes actually favors it. The most important of all is unquestionably Willard Van Orman Quine. He defines the existence of the distinction as an unempirical dogma of empiricists or a metaphysical article of faith. To him such a (...)
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  19. Kant's Theses on Existence.Uygar Abaci - 2008 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 16 (3):559 – 593.
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    Ethical leadership and employee behaviours: an empirical study of mediating factors.Muhammet Sait Dinc & Muzaffer Aydemir - 2014 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 9 (3):293.
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  21. Artistic Sublime Revisited: Reply to Robert Clewis.Uygar Abaci - 2010 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 68 (2):170-173.
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    Kant’s Amodalism about Noumena and Freedom.Uygar Abaci - 2021 - In Camilla Serck-Hanssen & Beatrix Himmelmann, The Court of Reason: Proceedings of the 13th International Kant Congress. De Gruyter. pp. 413-422.
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    Kant's Elliptical Path.Uygar Abaci - 2014 - Philosophical Quarterly 64 (255):316-318.
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    A Sociological Approach to the Phenomenon of Forced-Mass Migration: The Case of Syrian Asylum Seekers in Turkey.Mehmet Cem ŞAHİN & Salih AYDEMİR - 2018 - Dini Araştırmalar 21 (53 (15-06-2018)):121-148.
    Migration is a process that brings about numerous problems regardless if it is forced and mass or voluntarily and individual. It is not simply a move from one place to another, but it starts in the mind of immigrant and continues with the move to a new place. It alters the social and cultural sets and relocates the immigrant into a peculiar web of connection. It is a process that requires adaptation, change and transformation about the issues from health to (...)
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    Longing to a fetal patient.Tutku Ozdogan, Ebru Senol, Sukru Aydemir, Tuba Yildiz & Fatih Varol - 2014 - Clinical Ethics 9 (1):57-58.
    There are limitations of obstetric estimation of neonatal outcome in extremely premature newborns. Predicting outcomes, survival, and morbidity are often uncertain, such as in cases of extreme prematurity, certain fetal anomalies, intrauterine growth restriction, and intrauterine infection. Informed consent, truth telling, the maternal–fetal conflict, decision making, and the fetus as a patient are the most important issues of obstetric and neonatal ethics. Because the boundary between utility and futility is not clear, the best interest of the mother, the fetus, and (...)
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    Din Eğitiminin Sosyal Medya Kullanımına Etkisi. Süleyman Gümrükçüoğlu. Ankara: Nobel Bilimsel Eserler Yayınları, 2020, 145 sayfa. [REVIEW]Merve Aydemir - 2021 - Atebe 5:153-156.
    Teknoloji, bireyleri ve toplumları etkileyen önemli bir unsurdur. Buna bağlı olarak gelişen sosyal medyanın bugün hayatımızda kapsadığı alan yadsınamaz bir gerçeklik teşkil etmektedir. Bu alan her yeni kuşakla birlikte daha da büyüyerek etkilerini göstermektedir. Bu dijital ortam; öğrenmelerin, taklit etmelerin, rol model almaların ve hedeflerin kaynağı hâline gelmiştir. Sosyal medyanın yoğun kullanımı her alanda olduğu gibi bireylerdeki inanç, tutum ve dini değerlerin şekillenmesinde de önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Bu bağlamda, özellikle son dönemde din ile sosyal medya konularına odaklanan çalışmaların arttığı (...)
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    Owen Ware, Kant on Freedom Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023 Pp. 64 ISBN 9781009074551 (pbk) £17.00. [REVIEW]Uygar Abaci - 2024 - Kantian Review 29 (2):337-341.
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    Robot task planning and explanation in open and uncertain worlds.Marc Hanheide, Moritz Göbelbecker, Graham S. Horn, Andrzej Pronobis, Kristoffer Sjöö, Alper Aydemir, Patric Jensfelt, Charles Gretton, Richard Dearden, Miroslav Janicek, Hendrik Zender, Geert-Jan Kruijff, Nick Hawes & Jeremy L. Wyatt - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence 247 (C):119-150.
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    Kant's Revolutionary Theory of Modality by Uygar Abaci.Ralf M. Bader - 2021 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 59 (2):334-335.
    Uygar Abaci's Kant's Revolutionary Theory of Modality starts with a helpful and illuminating historical contextualization of Kant's theory of modality. It sets out the ontotheological debates that form the backdrop of Kant's pre-Critical modal theorizing. Abaci covers the proofs of the existence of God by Anselm and Descartes, as well as Leibniz and Wolff. The first two start from the idea of God as the ens perfectissimum and then try to establish the existence of God by arguing that existence (...)
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    What is cultural analysis? And what is the role of philosophy? An answer to Mural Aydemir.Josef Früchtl - 2008 - Krisis 9 (3):70-72.
  31. Kant and the ‘Monstrous’ Ground of Possibility: A Reply to Abaci and Yong.Andrew Chignell - 2014 - Kantian Review 19 (1):53-69.
    I reply to recent criticisms by Uygar Abaci and Peter Yong, among others, of my reading of Kant's pre-Critical of God's existence, and of its fate in the Critical period. Along the way I discuss some implications of this debate for our understanding of Kant's modal metaphysics and modal epistemology generally.
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    Fransız Şarkiyat Kurumu Inalco’nun Kuruluş, Gelişim ve Faaliyet Alanlarının Tespiti.Hakan Temi̇r & İsmail Meti̇n - 2023 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 27 (3):786-808.
    Dil, düşüncelerin ifade edilmesini, bilgi aktarımını ve sosyal etkileşimi sağlayan temel bir olgudur. Dil eğitimi ise kültürler arası iletişimi kolaylaştıran ve dünya genelinde etkili iletişim kurma becerisi kazandıran bir faaliyettir. Birden fazla dil bilmek, farklı kültürlere ve bakış açılarına açık olmayı sağlar. Yaşadığı dünya düzeni içerisinde çağın gerisinde kalmak istemeyen, uygar ve etkileşimli bir toplum olma niyetini taşıyan Fransa hükümet yetkilileri dil eğitimi konusunda ciddi adımlar atmıştır. 1795 yılında Doğu dilleri üzerine uzmanlaş Inalco’yu kurarak başta Osmanlı olmak üzere İslâm (...)
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    Kant on Proofs for God's Existence.Ina Goy (ed.) - 2023 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    The essay collection "Kant on Proofs for God's Existence" provides a highly needed, comprehensive analysis of the radical turns of Kant's views on proofs for God's existence.— In the "Theory of Heavens" (1755), Kant intends to harmonize the Newtonian laws of motion with a physico-theological argument for the existence of God. But only a few years later, in the "Ground of Proof" essay (1763), Kant defends an ontological ('possibility' or 'modal') argument on the basis of its logical exactitude while he (...)
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    Negative congruency effects: A test of the inhibition account.Andrea Kiesel, Michael P. Berner & Wilfried Kunde - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (1):1-21.
    Masked priming experiments occasionally revealed surprising effects: Participants responded slower for congruent compared to incongruent primes. This negative congruency effect was ascribed to inhibition of prime-induced activation [Eimer, M., & Schlaghecken, F. . Response faciliation and inhibition in subliminal priming. Biological Psychology, 64, 7–26.] that sets in if the prime activation is sufficiently strong. The current study tests this assumption by implementing manipulations designed to vary the amount of prime-induced activation in three experiments. In Experiments 1 and 3, NCEs were (...)
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