Results for 'Urh Groselj'

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  1.  21
    In ethics a model is important: interview with Professor Edmund D. Pellegrino.Urh Groselj - 2023 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 44 (5):533-538.
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    Značaj mladih protagonistov v Plavtovem Hišnem strahu in Trinovčevem.Nada Grošelj - 2019 - Clotho 1 (1):55-73.
    Pogost motiv v rimski paliati so medgeneracijski konflikti. Medtem ko očetje največkrat poudarjajo konvencionalno moralo in kažejo varčnost, že kar skoporitost, se sinovi v njihovi odsotnosti radi predajajo razvratu: zapravljajo denar, popivajo in se spuščajo v razmerja s heterami, ponavadi ob pomoči kakega nabritega domačega sužnja. Ker vlada v komediji saturnalijski narobe svet, na koncu »zmagajo« sinovi in sužnji, ki so tudi glavni junaki teh komedij. Tu in tam pa Plavt sinovom položi na jezik besede, ki odstopajo od njihovega siceršnjega (...)
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    Blues z rimskega zidu.W. H. Auden & Nada Grošelj - 2020 - Clotho 2 (1):105.
    Nad barjem je veter in moker je zrak, uši imam v tuniki, v nosu prehlad. Z neba štropotajo nalivi dežja, vojak sem na zidu, ne vem sploh, zakaj. Po sivem kaménju se plazi megla, dekle imam v Tungriji, jaz pa spim sam.
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    Breaking the Cycle. Preference-Based Aggregation for Cyclic Argumentation Frameworks.Michael A. Müller, Blaž Istenič Urh, Teodor-Ştefan Zotescu & Ulle Endriss - 2024 - In Chris Reed, Matthias Thimm & Tjitze Rienstra, Proceedings of COMMA 2024. pp. 157-168.
    We consider scenarios where a group of agents wish to simplify a given abstract argumentation framework—specifying a set of arguments and the attacks between them—by eliminating cycles in the attack-relation on the basis of their preferences over arguments. They do so by first aggregating their individual preferences into a collective preference order and then removing any attacks involved in a cycle that go against that order. Our analysis integrates insights from formal argumentation and social choice theory. We obtain sweeping impossibility (...)
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  5.  13
    Katja Pavlič Škerjanc septuagenaria.David Movrin, Kozma Ahačič, Katarina Batagelj, Goran Dekleva, Nada Grošelj, Nina Gruden, Nataša Homar, Andreja Inkret, Iva Jevtić, Miklavž Komelj, Vanja Kovač Petersson, Lucija Krošelj Košec, Maja Lihtenvalner, Boštjan Narat, Niko Okorn, Gregor Pobežin, Primož Ponikvar, Simona Sašek, Brane Senegačnik, Mladen Uhlik, Nadja Vidmar Rukavina, Sonja Weiss, Janja Žmavc & Aleš Novak - 2023 - Clotho 5 (1):185-275.
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  6.  18
    Sleep and Safety Improve Physicians’ Psychological Functioning at Work During Covid-19 Epidemic.Nina Zupancic, Valentin Bucik, Alojz Ihan & Leja Dolenc-Groselj - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    PurposeThe COVID-19 pandemic caused a massive healthcare crisis. To investigate what makes healthcare system resilient and physicians better at coping during a crisis situation, our study investigated the role risk exposure, such as working at COVID-19 entry points, sleep, and perceived work safety played in reducing negative psychological functioning at work, as well as their effects on adverse and potentially fatal incidences of compromised safety and medical errors.MethodsOur study included a representative sample of 1,189 physicians, from all 12 Slovenian regions (...)
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  7.  13
    Excursion to Greece in 1958 with the Classicists from the University of Ljubljana.Ksenija Rozman - 2022 - Clotho 4 (2):351-355.
    The first excursion to Greece for classicists after World War II – and likely the first one since the university was established in 1919 – was devised by Professor Milan Grošelj for his classical seminar in 1958. Those were the years when every effort was made to eliminate classical gymnasia in Slovenia, and they were eventually abolished in 1958. However, we, the students of those days, still considered ourselves fortunate. Our professors were professionally sound; they took their calling seriously and (...)
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    Juchari tucupachaequa: Espiritualidad p’urhépecha.José Francisco Martínez Gracián - 2024 - Odeere 9 (3):69-80.
    Este texto trae un intento de explicar un poco la complejidad de la Espiritualidad P’urhépecha y la distinción frente a las corrientes de pensamiento de la filosofía occidental que muestra una idea de espiritualidad a partir de la oposición entre materia y espíritu. La idea central es explicar que la Espiritualidad P’urhépecha está más allá que un concepto y que el hombre p’urhé encuentra raíces profundas para vivir una relación armónica de reciprocidad y gratitud para con la natura, para con (...)
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