Results for 'Unity of the self'

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  1. The Unity of the Self.Stephen L. White - 1991 - Cambridge: MIT Press.
    In these essays Stephen White examines the forms of psychological integration that give rise to self-knowable and self-conscious individuals who are responsible, concerned for the future, and capable of moral commitment. The essays cover a wide range of basic issues in philosophy of mind, metaphysics, moral psychology, and political philosophy, providing a coherent, sophisticated, and forcefully argued view of the nature of the self. Beginning with mental content and ending with Rawls and utilitarianism, each essay argues a (...)
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  2. The Unity of the Self.James A. Pait - 1951 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 32 (1):31.
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    The Unity of the Self.R. A. Sharpe - 1992 - Philosophical Books 33 (4):237-239.
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    Unities of the Self: From Kant to Locke.Udo Thiel - 2015 - Kant Yearbook 7 (1).
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    The Unity of the Self[REVIEW]Brian P. McLaughlin - 1997 - Journal of Philosophy 94 (12):638-644.
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    A unity of the self or a multiplicity of locations? How the graphesthesia task sheds light on the role of spatial perspectives in bodily self-consciousness.Gabriel Arnold, Charles Spence & Malika Auvray - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 56:100-114.
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    The Unity of the Self[REVIEW]Joel Kupperman - 1993 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 53 (2):484-487.
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    The Unity of the Self.J. T. Ismael - 2016 - In Jenann Ismael, How Physics Makes Us Free. , US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Three types of unity that self-governing systems possess are discussed. The first is the synthetic unity attained when information drawn from incommensurate sources is mapped into a common frame of reference. The second is the unity of voice—or “univocity”—attained when a set of separate, potentially conflicting informational streams is united into a single collective voice. The third is the dynamical unity achieved when the parts of a system operate under the command of a single voice. (...)
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    The Unity of the Self[REVIEW]Michael J. Costa - 1992 - Review of Metaphysics 46 (2):428-429.
    This book consists of eleven essays together with an introduction and preface. The essays are grouped into five parts: "Content," "Qualia," "Identity and Consciousness," "Rationality and Responsibility," and "Moral Theory." Six of the essays have been published previously, all but two of these within the past five years.
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    (1 other version)Ethics, Emotion and the Unity of the Self.Oliver Letwin - 1987 - Croom Helm.
    This Routledge Revival reissues Oliver Letwina (TM)s philosophical treatise: Ethics, Emotion and the Unity of the Self, first published in 1987, which concerns ...
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    Ethics, Emotion and the Unity of the Self.Paul Gilbert - 1988 - Philosophical Books 29 (3):158-159.
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  12. Ethics, Emotion and the Unity of the Self.Oliver Letwin - 1989 - Philosophy 64 (250):569-571.
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    The Rational Unity of the Self.Graham Hubbs - 2008 - Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh
    The topic of my dissertation is selfhood. I aim to explain what a self is such that it can sometimes succeed and other times fail at thinking and acting autonomously. I open by considering a failure of autonomy to which I return throughout the dissertation. The failure is that of self-deception. I show that in common cases of self-deception the self-deceived individual fails, due to a motive on his part, to be able to explain the cause (...)
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  14. The unity of the senses and self-consciousness.David W. Hamlyn - 1996 - In D. W. Hamlyn, Understanding Perception: The Concept and its Conditions. Avebury Press.
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    George Herbert Mead and the Unity of the Self.Mitchell Aboulafia - 2016 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 8 (1).
    After more than seventy-five years of scholarship on Mead’s notion of the self, commentators still debate the meaning of the term. There are those who argue that it should be understood primarily as a socially constructed “me,” while others claim that the self is a combination of the spontaneous “I” and the “me.” In addition, there are those who emphasize facets of the self that do not fit neatly into either of these two camps. Support for various (...)
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    Mirror Neurons and the Formal Unity of the Self.Gregory7 De Vleeschouwer - 2009 - Philosophical Frontiers: A Journal of Emerging Thought 4 (1).
    The aim of the article is to show how mirror neurons, a recent discovery in neurology, might play a vital role in the creation of unity in our lives. This unity is a formal one. But since we all share the illusion that there is more to personal identity than only a formal unity, and that deep in ourselves the inner essence of our true self lies hidden, this same mechanism should also be able to shed (...)
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  17. Berkeley on the Unity of the Self.S. C. Brown - 1971 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures 5:64-87.
    That the legacy of Berkeley's philosophy has been a largely sceptical one is perhaps rather surprising. For he himself took it as one of his objectives to undermine scepticism. He roundly denied that there were ‘any principles more opposite to Scepticism than those we have laid down’ . Yet Hume was to write of Berkeley that ‘most of the writings of that very ingenious author form the best lessons of scepticism, Bayle not excepted’. And it has become something of a (...)
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  18. Kant's theory of time and the unity of the self.Doug Mann - 1996 - South African Journal of Philosophy 15 (2):51-59.
  19. On Being Wholeheartedly Ambivalent: Indecisive Will, Unity of the Self, and Integration by Narration. [REVIEW]Thomas Schramme - 2014 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 17 (1):27-40.
    In this paper, I want to discuss the relation between ambivalence and the unity of the self. I will raise the question whether a person can be both ambivalent about his own will and nevertheless be wholehearted. Since Harry Frankfurt’s theory is my main point of reference, I briefly introduce his account of the will and the reasons for his opposition towards ambivalence in the first section. In the second section, I analyse different interpretations of ambivalence. In the (...)
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  20. (1 other version)The Unity of the Manifest and Scientific Image by Self-Representation.Keith Lehrer - 2012 - Humana.Mente - Journal of Philosophical Studies 21.
    Sellars (1963) distinguished in Empiricism and Philosophy of Mind between ordinary discourse, which expressed his “manifest image”, and scientific discourse, which articulated his “scientific image” of man-in-the-world in a way that is both central and problematic to the rest of his philosophy. Our contention is that the problematic feature of the distinction results from Sellars theory of inner episodes as theoretical entities. On the other hand, as Sellars attempted to account for our noninferential knowledge of such states, particularly in correspondence (...)
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    The unity and indivisibility of the self.Eddy M. Zemach - 1970 - International Philosophical Quarterly 10 (4):542-555.
  22. A Fragmented Unity: A Narrative Answer to the Problem of the Unity of the Self in Hume.Lorenzo Greco - 2022 - In Dan O'Brien, Hume on the Self and Personal Identity. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 201-22.
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    Hallden on the unity of the mind and the self.Ingmar Persson - 1993 - Theoria 59 (1-3):113-123.
  24. Self-Knowledge and the Unity of the Empirical Self in Kant.Alvaro Löpez Ferndndez - 2008 - In Valerio Hrsg v. Rohden, Ricardo Terra & Guido Almeida, Recht und Frieden in der Philosophie Kants. de Gruyter. pp. 197.
  25. Oliver Letwin, Ethics, Emotion and the Unity of the Self[REVIEW]Jan Zwicky - 1988 - Philosophy in Review 8:405-409.
  26. Kant’s View of the Self In the First Critique. Maria - 2002 - Idealistic Studies 32 (3):191-202.
    In Kant’s Transcendental Idealism, Henry Allison argues that Kant’s theoretical treatment of the self presents both an incoherent “official view” and a coherent “alternative view.” In this paper, I argue that Kant’s genuine position on the self can be reconstructed as a coherent unity by examining the flaws in Allison’s analysis. It is shown that Allison’s objections to Kant’s official view are based on unwarranted metaphysical assumptions and unjustified conceptual identifications. Allison’s own dual-aspect view of the transcendental (...)
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    Ethics, Emotion and the Unity of the Self By Oliver Letwin London: Croom Helm, 1988, x + 132 pp., £22.50. [REVIEW]Ardon Lyon - 1989 - Philosophy 64 (250):569-.
  28. The Identity of the Self over Time is Normative.David L. Thompson - manuscript
    The temporal unity of the self cannot be accounted for by the continuity of causal, factual, or contiguous relations between independently definable mental events, as proposed by Locke and Parfit. The identity of the self over time is normative: it depends on the institutional context of social rules external to the self that determine the relationship between past commitments and current responsibilities. (2005).
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    The Unity of the Mind.D. H. M. Brooks - 1994 - New York, N.Y.: St Martin's Press.
    How can we distinguish one mind from another? How are we to determine what unifies the mind? Given radical mental disunity, these questions need to be answered.
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  30. Ontogeny of the narrative self and unity of consciousness.T. Vierkant, B. Jovanovic, S. Maasen & W. Prinz - 2000 - Consciousness and Cognition 9 (2):S75 - S75.
  31. XV-Unity of Consciousness and the Self.David M. Rosenthal - 2003 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 103 (1):325-352.
    The so-called unity of consciousness consists in the compelling sense we have that all our conscious mental states belong to a single conscious subject. Elsewhere I have argued that a mental state's being conscious is a matter of our being conscious of that state by having a higher-order thought (HOT) about it. Contrary to what is sometimes argued, this HOT model affords a natural explanation of our sense that our conscious states all belong to a single conscious subject. HOTs (...)
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  32. The Unity of the Soul in Plato's Republic.Eric Brown - 2012 - In Rachel Barney, Tad Brennan & Charles Brittain, Plato and the Divided Self. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 53-73.
    This essay argues that Plato in the Republic needs an account of why and how the three distinct parts of the soul are parts of one soul, and it draws on the Phaedrus and Gorgias to develop an account of compositional unity that fits what is said in the Republic.
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    The Unity of the Vices.Jonathan Jacobs & John Zeis - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (4):641-653.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE UNITY OF THE VICES JONATHAN JACOBS Oolgate University, Hamilton, New York JOHN ZEIS Oanisius Ooilege, Buffalo, New York W:E SOMETIMES describe someone 1rus "just plain,, ' ' • • 0 " ' ' • • mean, or Just plam d1shonesit, orr JUSt pJam unw." Or we say" thaJt wrus ·a just plain ·stupid thing rto do.," G~a:liizing from tlhese and lik!e descriiptions, we can ask, are there (...)
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    Unity Of Consciousness And The Self.David M. Rosenthal - 2003 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 103 (3):325-352.
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    Unity of heaven and humanity: Mediating role of the relational-interdependent self in the relationship between Confucian values and holistic thinking.Zhen-Dong Wang, Yi-Meng Wang, Huan Guo & Qian Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    As the primary value system in Chinese culture for almost 2,000 years, Confucianism has profoundly influenced the mindset of Chinese people. Cultural psychology studies have highlighted that individuals with different cultural backgrounds vary in their preferences for certain personality traits, such as self-construal, and their metacognitive characteristics, such as thinking modes. Compared with Western cultures, Chinese culture shows a preference for the interdependent self and holistic thinking. To investigate the relationship between the relational-interdependent self, holistic thinking, and (...)
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    Self-Knowledge and the Unity of the Empirical Self in Kant.Margit Ruffing, Guido A. De Almeida, Ricardo R. Terra & Valerio Rohden - 2008 - In Margit Ruffing, Guido A. De Almeida, Ricardo R. Terra & Valerio Rohden, Law and Peace in Kant's Philosophy/Recht und Frieden in der Philosophie Kants: Proceedings of the 10th International Kant Congress/Akten des X. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Walter de Gruyter.
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  37. (1 other version)Unity and Fragmentation of the Self in Leibowitz's Idea of Faith and their Repercussions: A Critical Perspective.Ronny Miron - 2013 - In Avi Sagi & Dov Schwartz, On Faith. Academic Studies Press.
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  38. The Nature and Identity of the Self.Barry F. Dainton - 1989 - Dissertation, University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
    Available from UMI in association with The British Library. Requires signed TDF. ;We are mental beings whose identity is absolute, intrinsic and real. This conception of the self, which, it is argued, corresponds to our deeper beliefs about, and attitudes towards, ourselves and others, is a consequence of taking the experienced unity and continuity of consciousness as the key to self-identity. Some of the difficulties often taken as fatal to this "subjectivist" view of the self, considerations (...)
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  39. The Unity of Reason in Kant and Fichte.Steven Hoeltzel - 2014 - In Halla Kim & Steven Hoeltzel, Kant, Fichte, and the Legacy of Transcendental Idealism. Lanham: Lexington Books. pp. 129-52.
    Proceeding along lines laid out in Kant’s Critiques, this essay gradually homes in on one way of understanding what the ultimate unity of pure reason might consist in. On this model, (i) pure reason, as such, is the power to originate and instate pure organizing forms—including, originally and preeminently, a self-legislated ultimate aim of complete (unmitigated, absolute) rational ordering—but (ii) this originally undifferentiated commitment to the untrammeled implementation of self-originated ordering forms is contingently confronted and qualified by (...)
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    Kant's Conception of the Self: Applying the Dual-Aspect Reading of the Phenomena/Noumena Distinction to the Self.Theodore Di Maria - 1999 - Dissertation, Marquette University
    In his critical philosophy, Kant considers the 'subject' to be the source and ground of the a priori conditions of experience, but says exasperatingly little to elucidate this crucial notion. Kant's express view in the first Critique is that the self, like other objects of experience, can be considered either through the conditions of experience as a phenomenon, or as it is independently of these conditions as a noumenon. According to this view, the 'subject' that serves as the ground (...)
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    Models of the self: Editors' introduction.Shaun Gallagher & Jonathan Shear - 1997 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 4 (5-6):5-6.
    There is a long history of inquiry about human nature and the nature of the self. It stretches from the ancient tradition of Socratic self-knowledge in the context of ethical life to contemporary discussions of brain function in cognitive science. At the beginning of the modern era, Descartes was led to the conclusion that self-knowledge provided the single Archimedean point for all knowledge. His thesis that self is a single, simple, continuing, and unproblematically accessible mental substance (...)
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    The Philosophy of the Self in Muhammad Iqbal.İlyas Altuner - 2022 - Entelekya Logico-Metaphysical Review 6 (2):39-47.
    Muhammad Iqbal sees each person as the “self” with an independent identity, and God as the “Absolute Self”. The human experience of the self is a constantly changing experience. This change develops around a center and eventually forms an organic unity. The independence of the self does not mean that it is closed to other-selves. It is wrong to see the essence of the self as an unchanging substance or to conceive it as an (...)
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    The Unity of the Common Law: Studies in Hegelian Jurisprudence.Alan Brudner - 1995 - University of California Press.
    Countering the influential view of Critical Legal Studies that law is an incoherent mixture of conflicting political ideologies, this book forges a new paradigm for understanding the common law as being unified and systematic. Alan Brudner applies Hegel's legal and moral philosophy to fashion a comprehensive synthesis of the common law of property, contract, tort, and crime. At a time when there is a strong tendency among scholars to view the common law as essentially fragmentary, inconsistent, and contradictory, Brudner suggests (...)
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  44. Unity of Consciousness and the Problem of Self.Dan Zahavi - 2011 - In Shaun Gallagher, The Oxford handbook of the self. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 316-338.
    This article argues in defence of the minimal self and discusses the phenomenological objection to the Buddhist no-self view. It considers the distinction made by Miri Albahari between two forms of the sense of body ownership: personal ownership and perspectival ownership. It suggests that there is an important contrast between this Buddhist conception and the phenomenological conception of nonegological consciousness as found by Edmund Husserl and Jean-Paul Sartre.
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    Idem, Ipse, and Loss of the Self.Gerrit Glas - 2003 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 10 (4):347-352.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 10.4 (2003) 347-352 [Access article in PDF] Idem, Ipse, and Loss of the Self Gerrit Glas The case histories of Dr. Wells and the comments on them require first of all more conceptual clarity. In this article I will first introduce, with Paul Ricoeur, a distinction between idem identity and ipse identity. Then, I will discuss the merits and pitfalls of applying narrative theory (...)
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    A Psycho-Phenomenal Account of the Self.Jane Loo - 2017 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 24 (3-4):127-148.
    Psychological continuity theories have been the dominant theories of personal identity over time, and the phenomenal approach has largely been neglected because of the bridge problem. I propose a hybrid account of the persistence of the self that draws on both psychological and phenomenal influences while avoiding the problems that both theories face in their 'pure' form. Such a hybrid theory retains the benefits of a phenomenal account of intra-streamal unity, and provides a better account of inter-streamal (...) with the use of a psychological-continuity theory. (shrink)
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    Facing the Lively Unity of Difference: Heidegger’s Thoughts on Nietzsche’s Philosophy of Eternal Return and the Self-Overcoming Power of Thinking.SangWon Lee - 2022 - Human Studies 45 (2):223-241.
    This article examines Heidegger’s thoughts on Nietzsche’s philosophy of eternal return and the self-overcoming power of thinking. Scholarly commentators argue that Heidegger’s interpretation of Nietzsche reduces the open possibilities of thinking about temporality, becoming and difference into a rigid metaphysical framework of being as a whole. However, a close reading of Heidegger’s thoughts on the eternal recurrence shows that his interpretive attempt to disclose the metaphysical ground of Nietzsche’s thinking reveals a deeper, dynamic dimension of Nietzsche’s recurrent efforts of (...)
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  48. Conceptions of the Self in Wittgenstein, Hume, and Buddhism.Glyn Richards - 1978 - The Monist 61 (1):42-55.
    The purpose of this paper is to present an analysis of the conceptions of the self to be found in Wittgenstein, Hume and Buddhism and to draw comparisons between them. I aim to show that Wittgenstein’s arguments against the Cartesian model of the self find some parallels in the Pudgalavādin controversy within Buddhism, and that Hume’s rejection of the notion of the self as an abiding entity and his claim that the self is simply a bundle (...)
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  49. Experiential Unity without a Self: The Case of Synchronic Synthesis.Monima Chadha & Shaun Nichols - 2021 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 99 (4):631-647.
    The manifest fact of experiential unity—namely, that a single experience often seems to be composed of multiple features and multiple objects—was lodged as a key objection to the Buddhist no-self view by Nyāya philosophers in the classical Indian tradition. We revisit the Nyāya-Buddhist debate on this issue. The early Nyāya experiential unity arguments depend on diachronic unification of experiences in memory, but later Nyāya philosophers explicitly widened the scope to incorporate new unity arguments that invoke synchronic (...)
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    Habits and the Diachronic Structure of the Self.Michael G. Butler & Shaun Gallagher - 2018 - In Andrea Altobrando, Takuya Niikawa & Richard Stone, The Realizations of the Self. Cham: Palgrave MacMillan. pp. 47-63.
    In this chapter, we explore the role of habit in giving shape to conscious experience and importantly to our pre-reflective awareness of ourselves which includes the sense of mineness that accompanies our conscious experience. For the most part, discussions in philosophy of mind and phenomenology concerning pre-reflective self-awareness are focused on determining the relationship between phenomenal consciousness and selfhood. For this reason perhaps, the existence of pre-reflective self-awareness is usually appealed to as evidence for a form of selfhood (...)
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