Results for 'Understanding'

943 found
  1.  9
    Josep Call and Michael Tomasello.Understand Seeing - 2005 - In Naomi Eilan, Christoph Hoerl, Teresa McCormack & Johannes Roessler, Joint Attention: Communication and Other Minds: Issues in Philosophy and Psychology. Oxford, GB: Oxford: Clarendon Press. pp. 45.
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  2. Critical Discussion.How Cognitive Tools Shape Our Understanding - 1998 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 12:49.
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  3. Understanding Vedic Texts Through the Lens of Eco–Spiritualism.Akanksha Prajapati & Rajakishore Nath - 2024 - Obnovljeni Život 79 (3):281-294.
    Eco–spiritualism is not a new idea; in fact, it has a long history in the Vedic tradition. ‘Vasudhaiva Kuṭumbakam’ in the mantra of Mahā–Upaniṣad of the Sāmaveda tradition presents us with a thought–provoking message, namely, that every being or entity on this earth is one family [अयं बन्धुरयं नेति गणना लघुचेतसाम् ।उदारचरितानां तु वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम् ॥७१॥]. In the Vedic civilization the realm of ethical thinking was extensive. The Vedic science of ecology addresses eco–spiritualism from the perspective of the cosmological and (...)
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    Hatred: Understanding Our Most Dangerous Emotion.Berit Brogaard - 2020 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Hatred: Understanding Our Most Dangerous Emotion The first in-depth philosophical analysis of personal hate and group hate, Hate: Understanding Our Most Dangerous Emotion explores how personal hatred can foster domestic violence and emotional abuse, how hate-proneness is a main contributor to the aggressive tendencies of borderlines, narcissists and psychopaths, how seemingly ordinary people embark on some of history's worst hate crimes, and how cohesive groups, subjected to spontaneous forces of group polarization, can develop extremist viewpoints of the sort (...)
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  5.  24
    Understanding and veritism.Duncan Pritchard - forthcoming - Philosophical Studies:1-13.
    My interest is in an apparent tension between two epistemological theses. The first is veritism, which is roughly the claim that truth is the fundamental epistemic good. The second is the idea that understanding is the proper goal of inquiry. The two theses seem to be in tension because the former seems to imply that the proper goal of inquiry should be truth rather than understanding. And yet there is a strong prima facie case to be made for (...)
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  6. Understanding autonomy relationally: Toward a reconfiguration of bioethical principles.Anne Donchin - 2001 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 26 (4):365 – 386.
    Principle-based formulations of bioethical theory have recently come under increasing scrutiny, particularly insofar as they give prominence to personal autonomy. This essay critiques the dominant conceptualization of autonomy and urges an alternative formulation freed from the individualistic assumptions that pervade the prevailing framework. Drawing on feminist perspectives, I discuss the need for a vision of patient autonomy that joins relational experiences to individuality and acknowledges the influence of patterns of power and authority on the exercise of patient agency. Deficiencies in (...)
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  7. Understanding, formal verification, and the philosophy of mathematics.Jeremy Avigad - 2010 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 27:161-197.
    The philosophy of mathematics has long been concerned with deter- mining the means that are appropriate for justifying claims of mathemat- ical knowledge, and the metaphysical considerations that render them so. But, as of late, many philosophers have called attention to the fact that a much broader range of normative judgments arise in ordinary math- ematical practice; for example, questions can be interesting, theorems important, proofs explanatory, concepts powerful, and so on. The as- sociated values are often loosely classied as (...)
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  8. Understanding the Interaction Between Philosophy and Science in Contemporary Times—An Interview with Professor JIANG Yi.Yi Jiang & Lv Xue - 2024 - Journal of Human Cognition 8 (1):39-58.
    The relationship between philosophy and science in contemporary times is closer than ever. From the methodology perspective, scientific and philosophical research has a clear sequential relationship. It is highlighted in the following aspects: 1. the methodology of scientific research, including theoretical assumptions and data modeling, parallels with apparent similarities in conceptual analysis and logical deduction in philosophy;2. consistency of analytical argumentation methods in scientific research and philosophical research;3. naturalism is currently a research approach that both scientific and philosophical research adopt. (...)
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  9. The Epistemology of Understanding. A contextualist approach.Marcus Bachmann - 2020 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 34 (1):75-98.
    This paper aims to provide a unifying approach to the analysis of understanding coherencies and understanding subject matters by highlighting the contextualist nature of understanding. Inspired by the relevant alternatives contextualism about knowledge, I will argue that understanding inherently has context-sensitive features and that a theory of understanding that highlights those features can incorporate our intuitions towards understanding as well as consolidate the different accounts of how to analyse understanding. In developing a contextualist (...)
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  10. Understanding “Meaning of life” in Terms of Reasons for Action.Tatjana Višak - 2017 - Journal of Value Inquiry 51 (3):507-530.
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  11. Understanding Living Systems.Raymond Noble & Denis Noble - 2023 - Cambridge University Press.
    Life is definitively purposive and creative. Organisms use genes in controlling their destiny. This book presents a paradigm shift in understanding living systems. The genome is not a code, blueprint or set of instructions. It is a tool orchestrated by the system. This book shows that gene-centrism misrepresents what genes are and how they are used by living systems. It demonstrates how organisms make choices, influencing their behaviour, their development and evolution, and act as agents of natural selection. It (...)
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  12.  6
    Understanding with Toy Surrogate Models in Machine Learning.Andrés Páez - 2024 - Minds and Machines 34 (4):1-26.
    In the natural and social sciences, it is common to use toy models—extremely simple and highly idealized representations—to understand complex phenomena. Some of the simple surrogate models used to understand opaque machine learning (ML) models, such as rule lists and sparse decision trees, bear some resemblance to scientific toy models. They allow non-experts to understand how an opaque ML model works globally via a much simpler model that highlights the most relevant features of the input space and their effect on (...)
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  13.  68
    Understanding Human Goods.Timothy Chappell - 2007 - In Patrick Riordan, Values in Public Life. Lit Verlag. pp. 77-96.
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  14. Understanding the Interaction Between Philosophy and Science in Contemporary Times—An Interview with Professor JIANG Yi.Yi Jiang & Lv Xue - 2024 - Journal of Human Cognition 8 (1):39-58.
    The relationship between philosophy and science in contemporary times is closer than ever. From the methodology perspective, scientific and philosophical research has a clear sequential relationship. It is highlighted in the following aspects: 1. the methodology of scientific research, including theoretical assumptions and data modeling, parallels with apparent similarities in conceptual analysis and logical deduction in philosophy;2. consistency of analytical argumentation methods in scientific research and philosophical research;3. naturalism is currently a research approach that both scientific and philosophical research adopt. (...)
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  15. Weber y Habermas o los umbrales de la modernidad progresista: constitución, interpretación y comprensión.Interpretation Constitution & Understand Fernando J. Vergara Henríquez - 2011 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 16 (52):81-104.
    Este artículo presenta a Weber y Habermas como los umbrales o polos de una modernidad que tiene al progreso como horizonte teórico-práctico. El diagnóstico weberiano sobre la modernidad y su proceso de desencantamiento del mundo y la injustificada reducción de la actividad racional a una actividad utilitario-estratégica desprovista de su carácter veritativo y de su orientación valórica, Habermas la utiliza para justificar su propuesta teórico-crítica respecto a la modernidad y la "paradoja de la racionalización", distinguiendo "sistema" y "mundo vital". Aquí (...)
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  16.  79
    Understanding Pharmaceutical Research Manipulation in the Context of Accounting Manipulation.Abigail Brown - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (3):611-619.
    Good decision-making requires reliable information. In medicine, relevant information comes from clinical trials and other forms of scientific research. In business, one source is in corporate annual financial statements. As for-profit, publicly traded companies whose business is discovering, manufacturing, and marketing drugs, pharmaceutical companies sit at the nexus of these two fields. Determining the safety and efficacy of a pharmaceutical product and determining the profitability of a complex enterprise are similarly difficult tasks: each is fraught with deeply ambiguous information that (...)
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  17.  61
    Narrative Understanding.Alexander Prescott-Couch - forthcoming - European Journal of Philosophy.
    Much work in history, anthropology, sociology, and political science has a narrative form — the events described are emplotted into stories. A number of recent critics of narrative have argued that the story form is a poor vehicle for social scientific explanation, as it often misleads us about the causal structure of the social world. Defenders of narrative typically claim that such criticisms miss the point of narrative. Even if narrative is not the best means for providing us with causal (...)
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    Understanding Neural Oscillations in the Human Brain: From Movement to Consciousness and Vice Versa.Ana Maria Cebolla & Guy Cheron - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  19. The Object of Moral Understanding.Samuel Dishaw - 2024 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 11.
    In the recent literatures in which moral understanding has played a starring role, it is assumed that moral understanding is a species of explanatory understanding. That is, it is assumed that instances of moral understanding are of the form ‘S understands why p,’ where p is some explicitly moral proposition, paradigmatically about an action being morally right or wrong. This paper highlights some shortcomings of this explanatory picture of moral understanding and articulates a different, complementary (...)
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  20.  17
    Corinna Delkeskamp-Hayes.Still Understand One Another - 2002 - In Kazumasa Hoshino, H. Tristram Engelhardt & Lisa M. Rasmussen, Bioethics and moral content: national traditions of health care morality: papers dedicated in tribute to Kazumasa Hoshino. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 191.
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  21. Tara Attempt to Understand Svatah & Pramanyavada in Advaita Vedanta - 1991 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 19:229-248.
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  22.  31
    Understanding the Relationship Between Grit and Foreign Language Performance Among Middle School Students: The Roles of Foreign Language Enjoyment and Classroom Environment.Hongjun Wei, Kaixuan Gao & Wenchao Wang - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  23.  22
    Understanding, knowledge, injustice and the right to know.Eric Bayruns García - 2025 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 4 (1):1-10.
    Watson’s monograph, The Right to Know: Epistemic Rights and Why We Need Them, clearly, succinctly and deftly introduces the notion of the right to know or epistemic rights to the epistemology literature. She does this partly by connecting the conclusions and theoretical motives of the moral and legal rights literature to the epistemology literature. In part, motivated by this book’s great value, I present two objections to some of the book’s central claims. The first objection is that there is tension (...)
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  24.  20
    Understanding and how-possibly explanations: Why can’t they be friends?Philippe Verreault-Julien & Till Grüne-Yanoff - 2025 - Philosophical Studies 182 (1):355-368.
    In the current debate on the relation between how-possibly explanations (HPEs) and understanding, two seemingly irreconcilable positions have emerged, which either deny or assert HPEs’ contribution to understanding. We argue, in contrast, that there is substantial room for reconciliation between these positions. First, we show that a shared assumption is unfounded: HPEs can be interpreted as being correct explanations. Second, we argue that what we call the standard account is actually compatible with the claim that HPEs may improve (...)
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  25.  25
    Understanding mental causation.Andrea White - 2024 - York: White Rose University Press.
    Understanding Mental Causation proposes a new, non-relational theory of mental causation. Andrea White believes that contemporary philosophy of mind labours under a misapprehension of what mental causation is supposed to be. This volume explains where the leading theories go astray, and how the new theory proposed solves critical problems for philosophers of mind and action. Ordinary experience suggests that what we do with our bodies causally depends, somehow, on what is going on in our minds. However, the problem of (...)
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  26. Understanding and Testimony.Allan Hazlett - 2025 - In Jennifer Lackey & Aidan McGlynn, Oxford Handbook of Social Epistemology. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    Can understanding be transmitted by testimony, in the same sense that propositional knowledge can be transmitted by testimony? Some contemporary philosophers – call them testimonial understanding pessimists – say No, and others – call them testimonial understanding optimists – say Yes. In this chapter I will articulate testimonial understanding pessimism (§1) and consider some arguments for it (§2).
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    Understanding Conditionals in the East: A Replication Study of Politzer et al. With Easterners.Hiroko Nakamura, Jing Shao, Jean Baratgin, David E. Over, Tatsuji Takahashi & Hiroshi Yama - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  28.  16
    Understanding Scientific Normativity as Social Convention.Shonkholen Mate & Vikram Singh Sirola - 2025 - Global Philosophy 35 (10).
    Scientific normativity, one of the contentious issues in the philosophy of science, warrants thorough exploration to situate the epistemic role of the norms governing methodological choices in science. This paper endeavors to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of it by using Lewis' account of convention. The attempt is to develop a social conventional framework for scientific normativity. It is an epistemological framework that recognizes scientific norms governing methodological choices as social conventions. These social conventions are arrived at by appealing (...)
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  29.  33
    Understanding Musical Understanding: The Philosophy, Psychology and Sociology of the Musical Experience (review).David Baker - 2010 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 18 (2):204-208.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Understanding Musical Understanding: The Philosophy, Psychology and Sociology of the Musical ExperienceDavid BakerHarold E. Fiske, Understanding Musical Understanding: The Philosophy, Psychology and Sociology of the Musical Experience. (Lewiston, New York: Edwin Mellen Press, 2008).Building on several earlier publications on music and the mind (1990, 1993, 1996, 2004), Harold Fiske offers Understanding Musical Understanding. This is a well-referenced piece that outlines the thinking (...)
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  30.  52
    Participants' understanding of the process of psychological research: Informed consent.Janet L. Brody, John P. Cluck & Alfredo S. Aragon - 1997 - Ethics and Behavior 7 (4):285 – 298.
    Sixty-five undergraduates participating in a wide range of psychological research experiments were interviewed in depth about their research experiences and their views on the process of informed consent. Overall, 32% of research experiences were characterized positively and 41 % were characterized negatively. One major theme of the negative experiences was that experiments were perceived as too invasive, suggesting incomplete explication of negative aspects of research during the informed consent process. Informed consent experiences were viewed positively 80% of the time. However, (...)
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  31.  19
    Understanding Quotation.Elke Brendel, Jörg Meibauer & Markus Steinbach (eds.) - 2011 - De Gruyter Mouton.
    Studies on the nature of quotation have become a topic of growing interest among linguists and philosophers of language. What is the function and logical status of quotations? How can an analysis of quotation help to develop a general theory of the semantics-pragmatics interface? This volume is a collection of original papers by leading researchers in the field on such issues and related linguistic and philosophical aspects of quotations.
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    Understanding the Emergence of Population Behavior in Individual-Based Models.Michael Weisberg - 2014 - Philosophy of Science 81 (5):785-797.
    Proponents of individual-based modeling in ecology claim that their models explain the emergence of population-level behavior. This article argues that individual-based models have not, as yet, provided such explanations. Instead, individual-based models can and do demonstrate and explain the emergence of population-level behaviors from individual behaviors and interactions.
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  33.  57
    Understanding intentions from actions: Direct perception, inference, and the roles of mirror and mentalizing systems.Caroline Catmur - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 36:426-433.
  34.  54
    Understanding quantum phenomena and quantum theories.Armond Duwell - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 72:278-291.
  35.  10
    Understanding and how-possibly explanations: Why can’t they be friends?Philippe Verreault-Julien & Till Grüne-Yanoff - 2025 - Philosophical Studies 182 (1):355-368.
    In the current debate on the relation between how-possibly explanations (HPEs) and understanding, two seemingly irreconcilable positions have emerged, which either deny or assert HPEs’ contribution to understanding. We argue, in contrast, that there is substantial room for reconciliation between these positions. First, we show that a shared assumption is unfounded: HPEs can be interpreted as being correct explanations. Second, we argue that what we call the standard account is actually compatible with the claim that HPEs may improve (...)
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  36.  10
    When Understanding Fails: How Diverging Norms in Medicine and Research Led to Informed Consent Failures During the Pandemic.Daniel Pinto - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    During the COVID-19 pandemic, there were many vaccine trials which had significant purposes which participants needed to understand to validly consent. For example, participants needed to understand that the purpose of dose-escalation vaccine trials was to give incremental doses of vaccine until participants became ill. Likewise, participants needed to understand that if they received placebos, they could no later take a genuine vaccine to preserve the integrity of the trials. Yet, these intuitive judgements about what participants need to understand to (...)
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  37.  30
    Understanding Kantian Understanding.Angela Breitenbach - 2018 - In Violetta L. Waibel, Margit Ruffing & David Wagner, Natur und Freiheit: Akten des XII. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. De Gruyter. pp. 1175-1182.
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  38.  7
    Understanding loss: an existential framework.Allan Køster - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    This article presents an existential framework for understanding loss and grief. Since not all experiences of loss lead to grief, I begin by exploring what constitutes grievable losses. The dominant approach in grief research has been to understand grief in terms of bereavement. In light of emerging discourses on living and non-death losses, this approach no longer seems tenable, and the contemporary debate requires an account of grievability that extends beyond bereavement. In response to this challenge, I propose a (...)
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  39.  11
    Understanding delusions to improve our mutual interactions: A précis of "Why Delusions Matter".Lisa Bortolotti - 2024 - Philosophy and the Mind Sciences 5.
    Why Delusions Matter is a reflection on the importance of the study of delusions for better understanding and reshaping our mutual interactions. The study of delusions has transformed the philosophy of mind and psychology in the last thirty years, helping redefine the relationship between rationality and intentionality. It has still a lot to offer to emerging areas at the intersection of ethics and epistemology. These are areas where the focus of the investigation of beliefs is moving from a painstaking (...)
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  40.  44
    Understanding representation.Jen Webb - 2009 - London: SAGE.
    Drawing together the ideas, practices, and techniques associated with the subject, this book puts them in historical context and demonstrates their relevance to ...
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  41.  29
    Understanding the civil war: Causes of violent conflict and the social construction of indigenous identity in Guatemala.L. Aylward - 2007 - Dialogue: Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia. 5 (1):45-64.
  42.  14
    Understanding the power of Max-SAT resolution through UP-resilience.Mohamed Sami Cherif, Djamal Habet & André Abramé - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 289 (C):103397.
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  43.  9
    Understanding moral distress in home-care nursing: An interview study.Julia Petersen, Ulrike Rösler, Gabriele Meyer & Christiane Luderer - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (8):1568-1585.
    Background Moral distress is a far-reaching problem for nurses in different settings as it threatens their health. Aim This study examined which situations lead to moral distress in home-care nursing, how and with which consequences home-care nurses experience moral distress, and how they cope with morally stressful situations and the resulting moral distress. Research design A qualitative interview study with reflexive thematic analysis was used. Participants and research context We conducted semi-structured interviews with 20 home-care nurses in Germany. Ethical considerations (...)
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  44.  5
    Shared Understanding Before Semantic Agreement: Gadamer on the Hidden Ground of Linguistic Community.Carolyn Culbertson - 2024 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 56 (1):57-69.
    Hans-Georg Gadamer argues that language is the medium of all understanding and thus that it is the medium through which we can reach understanding with one another. Yet many today are sceptical of this claim and worry that Gadamerian hermeneutics ignores at its own peril the limits of the particular discourses that people utilize to reach understanding with one another. I argue here that this criticism rests on the assumption that, for Gadamer, it is the semantic features (...)
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  45.  42
    Motivations, Understanding, and Voluntariness in International Randomized Trials.Joan Atkinson Nancy E. Kass, Suzanne Maman - 2005 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 27 (6):1.
  46.  4
    Understanding Organ Stewardship.Eli Shupe - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (6):30-37.
    I present a bipartite model of organ stewardship that places it at the intersection of resource stewardship and gift stewardship. Though both forms of stewardship are grounded in relationships of trust, they are importantly distinct, as are the duties they confer. This bipartite model of organ stewardship functions as a beneficial instrument for understanding and resolving conflicts among transplant stakeholders. As proof of concept, I apply the bipartite model of organ stewardship to a controversial case of conditional organ donation, (...)
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  47.  6
    Understanding ministerial accountability in the New Pentecostal Prophetic churches.Sello E. Letswalo & Marilyn Naidoo - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):7.
    Within churches, congregational health and well-being require not only efficient church leadership, but also prudent church management. Good leadership structures influence governance and ministry tasks, and the awareness of accountability is a vital concept within organisations. It shapes the entire managerial progression influencing values, objectives and practices. This article reports on a study to establish the understanding of ministerial accountability in the New Prophetic Pentecostal churches. Findings reveal a unique understanding of leaders’ personal accountability, communal and cultural ministry (...)
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  48.  49
    In defense of historical understanding.Raziel Abelson - 1966 - World Futures 4 (3):91-95.
  49. Reflections on the spanish understanding of the word race, in the light of the 500th anniversary of the discovery of America.Jl Abellan - 1993 - Filosoficky Casopis 41 (2):277-288.
  50.  43
    Editorial: Understanding Selfies.Nicola Bruno, Katarzyna Pisanski, Agnieszka Sorokowska & Piotr Sorokowski - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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