Results for 'Ulrich Busch'

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  1.  39
    The Challenges of Algorithm-Based HR Decision-Making for Personal Integrity.Ulrich Leicht-Deobald, Thorsten Busch, Christoph Schank, Antoinette Weibel, Simon Schafheitle, Isabelle Wildhaber & Gabriel Kasper - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (2):377-392.
    Organizations increasingly rely on algorithm-based HR decision-making to monitor their employees. This trend is reinforced by the technology industry claiming that its decision-making tools are efficient and objective, downplaying their potential biases. In our manuscript, we identify an important challenge arising from the efficiency-driven logic of algorithm-based HR decision-making, namely that it may shift the delicate balance between employees’ personal integrity and compliance more in the direction of compliance. We suggest that critical data literacy, ethical awareness, the use of participatory (...)
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    Capabilities in, capabilities out: overcoming digital divides by promoting corporate citizenship and fair ICT. [REVIEW]Thorsten Busch - 2011 - Ethics and Information Technology 13 (4):339-353.
    This conceptual article discusses strategies of corporations in the information and communication technologies (ICT) sector and their role in the conflict over access to knowledge in the digital environment. Its main hypothesis is that ICT corporations are very capable actors when it comes to bridging digital divides in both developed and developing countries—maybe even the most capable actors. Therefore, it is argued that ICT corporations could use their capabilities to help citizens gain sustainable access to knowledge in order to enable (...)
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  3. Hans-Christoph Schmidt am Busch, Ludwig Siep, Hans-Ulrich Thamer, Norbert Waszek, Hegelianizm und Saint-Simonismus, mentis.Marek N. Jakubowski - 2010 - Ruch Filozoficzny 67 (1).
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    Review of Hegelianismus und Saint-Simonismus, edited by Hans‐Christoph Schmidt am Busch, Ludwig Siep, Hans‐Ulrich Thamer and Norbert Waszek. [REVIEW]Heikki Ikäheimo - 2010 - European Journal of Philosophy 18 (1):148 - 158.
  5. The cost of modularity.Ulrich Krohs - 2009 - In Ulrich Krohs & Peter Kroes (eds.), Functions in Biological and Artificial Worlds: Comparative Philosophical Perspectives. MIT Press.
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    Knowledge or unawareness?Ulrich Beck - 2005 - In Nico Stehr & Reiner Grundmann (eds.), Knowledge: critical concepts. New York: Routledge. pp. 4--340.
  7. Anders wahrnehmen : religiöse Kosmologie und Transparenz der Natur : eine Wahrnehmungslehre der Natur als Schöpfung.Ulrich Beuttler - 2018 - In Walter Sparn, Joar Haga, Sascha Salatowsky, Wilhelm Schmidt-Biggemann & Wolfgang Schoberth (eds.), Das Projekt der Aufklärung: philosophisch-theologische Debatten von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zur Gegenwart: Walter Sparn zum 75. Geburtstag. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
  8. Chinese Mathematics in the Thirteenth Century: The "Shu-shu Chiu-chang" of Ch'in chiu-shao.Ulrich Libbrecht, Shigeru Nakayama, Nathan Sivin, Manfred Porkert & Sang-Woon Jeon - 1979 - Philosophy East and West 29 (2):221-236.
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  9. (2 other versions)Generic features of evolution and its continuity: A transdisciplinary perspective.Ulrich Witt - 2003 - Theoria 18 (3):273-288.
    Because of the intellectual attraction of the neo-Darwinian theory of evolution, its conccpts are often borrowed to conceptualized evolutionary change also in non-biological domains. However, a heuristic strategy like that is problematic. An attempt is therefore made to identify generic features of evolution which transcend domain-specific characteristics. Epistemological, conccptual, and methodological implications are discussed, and the ontological question is raised how non-biological evolutionary theories can be accommodated within the Darwinian world view of modern sciences.
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    Aufgeklärte Religion und Ihre Probleme: Schleiermacher - Troeltsch - Tillich.Ulrich Barth, Christian Danz, Wilhelm Gräb & Friedrich Wilhelm Graf (eds.) - 2013 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    'Religion' und 'Aufklärung' markieren zwei spannungsvolle Stichworte in den kontroversen Debatten um das Projekt der Moderne. Sie betreffen die Religion und ihr Verhältnis zur humanen Vernunft überhaupt. Die gegenwärtigen, zum Teil höchst kontrovers geführten Auseinandersetzungen um Religion, deren vermeintliche Wiederkehr, ihren Gestaltwandel sowie ihre Rolle in der modernen Gesellschaft gewinnen freilich erst dann an Tiefenschärfe, wenn man sie in ihre mit der europäischen Aufklärung beginnende moderne Problemgeschichte einträgt. Es zeichnet das Werk Friedrich Schleiermachers, Ernst Troeltschs sowie Paul Tillichs aus, diesen (...)
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  11. Die Ode in der poetischen Theorie und in der musikalischen Praxis.Ulrich Leisinger - 1999 - In Anselm Gerhard (ed.), Musik und Ästhetik im Berlin Moses Mendelssohns. Tübingen: de Gruyter.
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  12. Współczesne klasyfikacje humanizmu.Ulrich Schrade - 1988 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 33.
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  13. Counterpart Theory and the Actuality Operator.Ulrich Meyer - 2013 - Mind 122 (485):27-42.
    Fara and Williamson (Mind, 2005) argue that counterpart theory is unable to account for modal claims that use an actuality operator. This paper argues otherwise. Rather than provide a different counterpart translation of the actuality operator itself, the solution presented here starts out with a quantified modal logic in which the actuality operator is redundant, and then translates the sentences of this logic into claims of counterpart theory.
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    Food-pics: an image database for experimental research on eating and appetite.Jens Blechert, Adrian Meule, Niko A. Busch & Kathrin Ohla - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  15. The Gospel of Peace: A Scriptural Message for Today's World.Ulrich Mauser - 1992
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  16. Experimente mit Embryonen.Ulrich Steinvorth - 1995 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 2:406-432.
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  17. Market Economy and Human Rights About the Civilizing Order of Things.Peter Ulrich - 2019 - Archiv Fuer Rechts Und Sozialphilosphie 104 (4):508-522.
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    Místo filosofie v díle Hanse Urse von Balthasara K 110. Výročí Jeho Narození.Tomáš Ulrich - 2015 - Studia Philosophica 62 (1):125-133.
    Článek připomíná 110. výročí narození švýcarského katolického teologa a filosofa (metafyzika) Hanse Urse von Balthasara (1905 Luzern–1988 Basilej). Po studiích germanistiky ve Vídni, Berlíně a Curychu pokračoval ve studiu filosofie a teologie u jezuitů (E. Przywara, H. de Lubac). Před nadějnou akademickou dráhou dal přednost pastorační službě u studentů. V Basileji navázal úzké kontakty s K. Rahnerem a K. Barthem. S lékařkou a mystičkou Adriennou von Speyr založil sekulární institut Johannesgemeinschaft (1944) a nakladatelství, ve kterém vydával její díla. Roku 1950 (...)
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    Flexible query answering using distance-based fuzzy relations.Ulrich Bodenhofer, Josef Küng & Susanne Saminger - 2006 - In Harrie de Swart, Ewa Orlowska, Gunther Smith & Marc Roubens (eds.), Theory and Applications of Relational Structures as Knowledge Instruments II: International Workshops of COST Action 274, TARSKI, 2002-2005, Selected Revised Papers. Springer. pp. 207--228.
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    Language and History in Adorno's Notes to Literature.Ulrich Plass - 2006 - Routledge.
    Language and History in Theodor W. Adorno's Notes to Literature explores Adorno’s essays on literature as an independent contribution to his aesthetics with an emphasis on his theory and practice of literary interpretation. Essential to Adorno’s essays is his unorthodox treatment of language and history and his elaboration of the links between the two. One of Adorno’s major but often-neglected claims is that truth is relative to its historical medium, language. Adorno persistently and creatively tries to narrow the gulf between (...)
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  21. Hypothetical vignettes in empirical bioethics research.Connie M. Ulrich & Sarah J. Ratcliffe - 2007 - Advances in Bioethics 11:161-181.
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    Leiblichkeit. Geschichte und Aktualität eines Begriffs.Emmanuel Alloa, Thomas Bedorf, Tobias Nikolaus Klass & Christian Grüny (eds.) - 2012 - Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck / UTB.
    Der Körper hat Konjunktur. Als ausgestellter, verfüg- und verführbarer begegnet er uns täglichim Übermaß. Es war nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis im Spiel der sich in den Wissenschafteneinander ablösenden turns auch ein corporeal (oder body) turn ausgerufen würde. Dabeibleibt im genannten turn der Gegenstand der Untersuchung nicht selten reduziert auf das, wasman im deutschen Sprachgebrauch »Körper« nennt: ein physisches Substrat, das wie ein Dingunter Dingen beschreibbar ist. Gegen diese Verkürzung stellt der Begri des »Leibes«,spätestens seit Edmund Husserl, eine präzise (...)
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  23. Rationalität: Trennlinie oder Verbindungsglied zwischen Religion und Mathematik?Ulrich Kropač - 2012 - Theologie Und Philosophie 87 (4).
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    Ontologie als Grundlage der Wissenschaften?Ulrich G. Leinsle - 1988 - Salzburger Jahrbuch für Philosophie 35:7-19.
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    A Plea for Naturalism in Ethics.Ulrich Steinvorth - 1983 - der 16. Weltkongress Für Philosophie 2:1274-1281.
    The paper reformulates empirical naturalism by 4 theses, points out a Popperian trend to its resuscitation, argues for its central thesis by rejecting formal objections that the good cannot be defined by any, any descriptive, or any empirical, concept, and material objections that the good is something different from happiness, esp, that it is justice, and conjectures about a motive for rejecting naturalism.
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  26. Harald Delius' Analyse des Selbstbewusstseins.Ulrich Steinvorth - 1985 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 10 (3):41.
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    Einführung in die allgemeine Semantik.Ulrich Stiehl - 1970 - München,: Francke.
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    Answer to a question raised by Harrop.Dolph Ulrich - 1982 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 11 (3/4):140-141.
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    Times in Tense Logic.Ulrich Meyer - 2009 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 50 (2):201--19.
    This paper explains how to obtain quantification over times in a tense logic in which all temporal distinctions are ultimately spelled out in terms of the two simple tense operators “it was the case that” and “it will be the case that.” The account of times defended here is similar to what is known as “linguistic ersatzism” about possible worlds, but there are noteworthy differences between these two cases. For example, while linguistic ersatzism would support actualism, the view of times (...)
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  30.  6
    Das Geheimnis des Fetischismus: Grundmotive d. Marxschen Erkenntniskritik.Ulrich Erckenbrecht - 1976 - Köln: Europäische Verlagsanstalt.
  31.  13
    A Companion to the Catholic Enlightenment in Europe.Ulrich L. Lehner & Michael O'Neill Printy (eds.) - 2010 - Brill.
    This book present the first comprehensive overview of the Catholic Enlightenment in Europe by a group of leading international scholars.
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    Sustaining Sustainability in Organizations.Deborah E. de Lange, Timo Busch & Javier Delgado-Ceballos - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 110 (2):151-156.
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    Gouvernementalität der Gegenwart: Studien zur Ökonomisierung des Sozialen.Ulrich Bröckling, Susanne Krasmann, Thomas Lemke & Michel Foucault (eds.) - 2000 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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  34. (1 other version)die deutsche Philosophie der Gegenwart.Ulrich Hommes & Maurice Blondel - 1961 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 69:255-281.
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    Philosophical universes: images, notions, frames of reference for consciousness, experience, thinking, understanding, existence, etc.Ulrich Verster - 1993 - Oxford, England: Academic Publications. ref=asap_bc?ie=UTF8.
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  36. Sparta und Persien in der Pentekontaetie.Ulrich Kahrstedt - 1921 - Hermes 56 (3):320-325.
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    Natural frequencies improve Bayesian reasoning in simple and complex inference tasks.Ulrich Hoffrage, Stefan Krauss, Laura Martignon & Gerd Gigerenzer - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  38.  70
    The World According to Quantum Mechanics (Or the 18 Errors of Henry P. Stapp).Ulrich Mohrhoff - 2002 - Foundations of Physics 32 (2):217-254.
    Several errors in Stapp's interpretation of quantum mechanics and its application to mental causation (Henry P. Stapp, “Quantum theory and the role of mind in nature,” Foundations of Physics 31, 1465–1499 (2001)) are pointed out. An interpretation of (standard) quantum mechanics that avoids these errors is presented.
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  39. Dummett on the Time-Continuum.Ulrich Meyer - 2005 - Philosophy 80 (311):135 - 140.
    Michael Dummett claims that the classical model of time as a continuum of instants has to be rejected. In his view, “it allows as possibilities what reason rules out, and leaves it to the contingent laws of physics to rule out what a good model of physical reality would not even be able to describe.” This paper argues otherwise.
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    Elucidating ethics in practice: focus on accountability.George Ulrich - 2011 - In Wenzel Geissler & Catherine Molyneux (eds.), Evidence, ethos and experiment: the anthropology and history of medical research in Africa. New York: Berghahn Books. pp. 145.
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    Developing Individuality in the Human Brain: A Tribute to Michael I. Posner.Ulrich Mayr, Edward Awh & Steven W. Keele (eds.) - 2005 - American Psychological Association.
    "This collection of chapters illustrates how Posner's examination of elementary processes has moved the field toward a fundamental level of understanding about human cognition. This basic understanding will greatly affect how we deal with cognitive development problems that derive either from deficiency of experience or from genetic differences."--Jacket.
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  42.  22
    15 Truth as perfect beliefl On the Peircean conception of truth1.Ulrich Metschl - 2007 - In Dirk Greimann & Geo Siegwart (eds.), Truth and Speech Acts: Studies in the Philosophy of Language. London: Routledge. pp. 5--321.
  43. L'Angelico e la scultura.Ulrich Middeldorf - 1955 - Rinascimento 6:179-194.
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    Self-Fulfillment of Social Science Theories: Cooling the Fire.Carsten Bergenholtz & Jacob Busch - 2016 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 46 (1):24-43.
    Self-fulfillment of theories is argued to be a threat to social science in at least two ways. First, a realist might worry that self-fulfillment constitutes a threat to the idea that social science is a proper science consistent with a realist approach that develops true and successful statements about the world. Second, one might argue that the potential self-fulfilling nature of social science theories potentially undermines the ethical integrity of social scientists. We argue that if one accepts that social science (...)
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    Computers and the nature of farm management.Ulrich Nitsch - 1990 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 3 (3):67-75.
    The introduction of computer-based information systems to be used by farmers, as in many other fields, is preceded mostly by great expectations. Some persons even tend to think that eventually the computer might take over farm management. This article tries to make an assessment of the validity of such expectations. Based upon a study among Swedish farmers, it examines the nature of farmers' decision-making. The latter is based upon an adaptive rationality, as opposed to the normative models of formal rationality (...)
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    How to extend the dialogical approach to provability logic.Ulrich Nortmann - 2001 - Synthese 127 (1-2):95 - 103.
    The core ideas of the dialogicalapproach to modal propositional logic are explainedby means of an elementary example. Subsequently,ways of extending this approach to the system G ofso-called provability logic are checked, therebyraising the question whether the dialogician is inneed of shaping his Nichtverzögerungsregel(non-delay-rule), in order to get it sufficiently precise,in different ways for different modal systems.
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  47. Too Much Time Has Been Spent on the Time Devoted to Homework : Motivation Is the Key Constant in Homework Research.Ulrich Trautwein, Oliver Ludtke, Benjamin Nagengast & Barbara Flunger - 2015 - In Frédéric Guay (ed.), Self-concept, motivation, and identity underpinning success with research and practice. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
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    Wahrnehmung, Erkenntnis, Vermittlung: musikwissenschaftliche Brückenschläge: Festschrift für Wolfgang Auhagen.Wolfgang Auhagen, Veronika Busch, Kathrin Schlemmer & Clemens Wöllner (eds.) - 2013 - Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag.
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  49. 7. Die Aktualität der Hegeischen Kritik der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft.Hans-Christoph Schmidt am Busch - 2002 - In Hans-Christoph Schmidt am Busch (ed.), Hegels Begriff der Arbeit. Peeters Press. pp. 96-127.
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  50. Is science first-order?Ulrich Meyer - 2002 - Analysis 62 (4):305-308.
    It is a popular view amongst some philosophers, most notably those with Quinean views about ontological commitment, that scientific theories are first-orderizable; that we can regiment all such theories in an extensional first-order language. I argue that this view is false, and that any acceptable account of science needs to take some modal notion as primitive.
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