Results for 'Udo Schèuklenk'

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  1. Udo Bermbach.Udo Bermbach - 2004 - In Gisela Riescher (ed.), Politische Theorie der Gegenwart in Einzeldarstellungen. Von Adorno bis Young. Alfred Kröner Verlag. pp. 343--53.
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  2. Self-consciousness and personal identity.Udo Thiel - 2006 - In The Cambridge History of Eighteenth-Century Philosophy, Volume 1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  3. International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects CIOMS.Udo Schuklenk - 1994 - Bioethics 8 (2):189-189.
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  4. The early modern subject: self-consciousness and personal identity from Descartes to Hume.Udo Thiel - 2011 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Explores the understanding of self-consciousness and personal identity - two fundamendtal features of human subjectivity - as it developed in early modern philosophy. Udo Thiel presents a critical evaluation of these features as they were conceived in the sevententh and eighteenth centuries. He explains the arguments of thinkers such as Descartes, Locke, Leibniz, Wolff, and Hume, as well as their early critics, followers, and other philosophical contemporaries, and situates them within their historical contexts. Interest in the issues of self-consciousness and (...)
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    Why medical professionals have no moral claim to conscientious objection accommodation in liberal democracies.Udo Schuklenk & Ricardo Smalling - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (4):234-240.
    We describe a number of conscientious objection cases in a liberal Western democracy. These cases strongly suggest that the typical conscientious objector does not object to unreasonable, controversial professional services—involving torture, for instance—but to the provision of professional services that are both uncontroversially legal and that patients are entitled to receive. We analyse the conflict between these patients' access rights and the conscientious objection accommodation demanded by monopoly providers of such healthcare services. It is implausible that professionals who voluntarily join (...)
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    Creating ‘Local Publics’: Responsibility and Involvement in Decision-Making on Technologies with Local Impacts.Udo Pesch, Nicole M. A. Huijts, Gunter Bombaerts, Neelke Doorn & Agnieszka Hunka - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (4):2215-2234.
    This paper makes a conceptual inquiry into the notion of ‘publics’, and forwards an understanding of this notion that allows more responsible forms of decision-making with regards to technologies that have localized impacts, such as wind parks, hydrogen stations or flood barriers. The outcome of this inquiry is that the acceptability of a decision is to be assessed by a plurality of ‘publics’, including that of a local community. Even though a plurality of ‘publics’ might create competing normative demands, its (...)
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  7. Ausgewählte Schriften: Herausgegeben von Gideon Stiening Und Udo Rothmichael Hißmann – Materialismus Und Aufklärung.Gideon Stiening & Udo Roth - 2013 - Akademie Verlag.
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    Het eenvoudige leven volgens Søren Kierkegaard.Udo Gerhardus Martin Doedens - 1999 - [Baarn]: Ten Have.
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  9. Materia, forma substantialis, transmutatio. Frühe Bemerkungen Alberts des Grossen zur Naturphilosophie und Alchemie.Udo Reinhold Jeck - 1994 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 5:205-240.
    Der Verf. beschreibt die Einstellung Alberts zur Alchemie und die verschiedenen Phasen seiner Auseinandersetzung mit dieser ars. Alberts naturwissenschaftliche Schriften haben prozessualen Charakter. Er rezipiert alchemische Literatur seit der Mitte der 40er Jahre und sucht nach einem philosophischen Fundament zur Sicherung der neuen Wissenschaft. Grundlage ist für ihn die aristotelische Naturphilosophie. Nachdem er im Frühwerk De quattuor coaequaevis das Problem der Materie generell diskutiert und die über Augustin rezipierten platonischen Positionen zugunsten einer aristotelisch gestützten Theorie verworfen hatte, wird seit dem (...)
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  10. Religion and materialist metaphysics : some aspects of the debate about the resurrection of the body in eighteenth-century Britain.Udo Thiel - 2012 - In Ruth Savage (ed.), Philosophy and religion in Enlightenment Britain: new case studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  11.  25
    Medical assistance in dying: Squabbles over the meaning of ‘irremediable’.Udo Schuklenk - 2021 - Bioethics 36 (1):1-2.
    Bioethics, Volume 36, Issue 1, Page 1-2, January 2022.
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    Engineers and Active Responsibility.Udo Pesch - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (4):925-939.
    Knowing that technologies are inherently value-laden and systemically interwoven with society, the question is how individual engineers can take up the challenge of accepting the responsibility for their work? This paper will argue that engineers have no institutional structure at the level of society that allows them to recognize, reflect upon, and actively integrate the value-laden character of their designs. Instead, engineers have to tap on the different institutional realms of market, science, and state, making their work a ‘hybrid’ activity (...)
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    Erziehung und Bildung: Analysen ihrer Theorie und Wirklichkeit.Udo Müllges & Jürgen J. Justin - 1996 - New York: Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften. Edited by Jürgen J. Justin.
    Dieser Band stellt Abhandlungen von Udo Müllges (1926-1985), Universitätsprofessor an der RWTH Aachen, vor, die in ihrer Gesamtheit ein pädagogisches Programm spiegeln, das auf der geisteswissenschaftlichen Tradition fußt und sich dieser verpflichtet weiß. Der Bogen ist von der konstitutiv-kritischen Frage nach dem Wissenschaftscharakter der Pädagogik bis hin zu aktuellen schulpolitischen Problemen gespannt. In ihrer Gesamtheit bieten die Beiträge einen Einblick in das breite Feld pädagogischer Forschung und eröffnen die Möglichkeit zur produktiven Auseinandersetzung mit den von Udo Müllges erarbeiteten Konzepten zur (...)
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    Das Wagnis der Freiheit: der Freiheitsbegriff im philosophischen Werk von Hans Jonas aus theologischer Perspektive.Udo Lenzig - 2006 - Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
    Dr. Udo Lenzig ist Schulreferent im Kirchenkreis Julich.
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    The International Association of Bioethics Failed Its Rosa Parks Moment.Udo Schuklenk - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (4):32-34.
    In a commentary published in Bioethics I defended Qatar as the location of the 2024 World Congress of Bioethics (Schuklenk 2023). I have since, reluctantly, changed my views on this.This brief resp...
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    Affordable Access to Essential Medication in Developing Countries: Conflicts Between Ethical and Economic Imperatives1.Udo Schüklenk - 2002 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 27 (2):179-195.
    Recent economic and political advances in developing countries on the African continent and South East Asia are threatened by the rising death and morbidity rates of HIV/AIDS. In the first part of this paper we explain the reasons for the absence of affordable access to essential AIDS medication. In the second part we take a closer look at some of the pivotal frameworks relevant for this situation and undertake an ethical analysis of these frameworks. In the third part we discuss (...)
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  17. The trinity and human personal identity.Udo Thiel - 2000 - In Michael Alexander Stewart (ed.), English philosophy in the age of Locke. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 217--243.
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    What healthcare professionals owe us: why their duty to treat during a pandemic is contingent on personal protective equipment (PPE).Udo Schuklenk - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (7):432-435.
    Healthcare professionals’ capacity to protect themselves, while caring for infected patients during an infectious disease pandemic, depends on their ability to practise universal precautions. In turn, universal precautions rely on the availability of personal protective equipment (PPE). During the SARS-CoV2 outbreak many healthcare workers across the globe have been reluctant to provide patient care because crucial PPE components are in short supply. The lack of such equipment during the pandemic was not a result of careful resource allocation decisions in the (...)
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  19.  32
    An Emotional Deliberation Approach to Risk.Udo Pesch & Sabine Roeser - 2016 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 41 (2):274-297.
    Emotions are often met with suspicion in political debates about risky technologies, because they are seen as contrary to rational decision making. However, recent emotion research rejects such a dichotomous view of reason and emotion, by seeing emotions as an important source of moral insight. Moral emotions such as compassion and feelings of responsibility and justice can play an important role in judging ethical aspects of technological risks, such as justice, fairness, and autonomy. This article discusses how this idea can (...)
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  20. Fictions and frictions: Promises, transaction costs and the innovation of network technologies.Udo Pesch & Georgy Ishmaev - 2019 - Social Studies of Science 49 (2):264-277.
    New network technologies are framed as eliminating ‘transaction costs’, a notion first developed in economic theory that now drives the design of market systems. However, the actual promise of the elimination of transaction costs seems unfeasible, because of a cyclical pattern in which network technologies that make that promise create processes of institutionalization that create new forms transaction costs. Nonetheless, the promises legitimize the exemption of innovations of network technologies from critical scrutiny.
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    Heraclitus armeniacus.Udo Reinhold Jeck - 2019 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 22 (1):1-50.
    It is a great loss to philosophy that Heraclitus’s writing was lost in antiquity, for the surviving fragments rarely contain more than one sentence. Often, they are succinct but concise statements that contain little text. So, when one succeeds in augmenting important fragments with a few words or illuminating their context, there is progress in Heraclitus research. Sometimes, however, this requires recourse to lineages outside the Greek-Latin tradition. An example of this is provided by fragment 123, which has played an (...)
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    Proclus armeniacus.Udo Reinhold Jeck - 2020 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 23 (1):141-202.
    Zusammenfassung a. Angeregt von den Hinweisen aus dem armenischen Kloster in St. Lazzaro, bemerkten einige, auf die kaukasischen Hochkulturen spezialisierte europäische Orientalisten, die Rezeption der proklischen Philosophie in Armenien. 1874, nach fast fünfzig Jahren Forschungsarbeit, standen folgende Ergebnisse fest: I. Im 9. Jahrhundert übersetzte der Georgier Petrizi die Στοιχείωσις θεολογική ins Georgische und fügte Kommentare hinzu. Diese Vorlage nutzte der Armenier Simeon für eine erste armenische Übersetzung des proklischen Opusculums. Später, in der Frühen Neuzeit, erkannte dann ein anderer armenischer Gelehrter, (...)
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  23. Philosophie der Kunst und Theorie des Schönen bei Pseudo-Dionysios Areopagites.Udo Reinhold Jeck - 1996 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 7:1-38.
    In den pseudo-dionysischen Schriften bleibt die konkrete Kunsterfahrung ihres syrischen Autors schwer faßbar, doch zeigt sich ein spezifisches Kunstinteresse. An zahlreichen Stellen wird die anagogische Funktion des schönen Kirchenraums, der schönen Liturgie, Musik und Sprache thematisiert. Es zeigt sich, daß Dionysios' philosophische Terminologie nach ästhetischen Gesichtspunkten konstruiert ist.
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    Kleine Geschichte der Kunsttheorie.Udo Kultermann - 1987 - Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
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    Prō·ĕxĭst·ĕnce; the place of man in the circle of reality.Udo Middelmann - 1974 - Downers Grove, Ill.,: InterVarsity Press.
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    Public support for industrial R&D efforts: The perspective of the organisation for economic co-operation and development (OECD).Udo Pretschker - 1998 - Science and Engineering Ethics 4 (3):363-374.
    This paper was presented at the Engineering Foundation Conference on “Ethics for Science and Engineering Based International Industries”, Durham, NC, USA, 14–17 September 1997. An earlier version of this paper appeared in OECD’s STI Review No. 21, 1998, OECD. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development is an international organization founded in 1961 to stimulate economic progress and world trade. Information at [email protected].
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    Voices of Disbelief.Udo Schuklenk & Russell Blackford (eds.) - 2009 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    50 Voices of Disbelief: Why We Are Atheists presents acollection of original essays drawn from an international group ofprominent voices in the fields of academia, science, literature,media and politics who offer carefully considered statements of whythey are atheists. Features a truly international cast of contributors, rangingfrom public intellectuals such as Peter Singer, Susan Blackmore,and A.C. Grayling, novelists, such as Joe Haldeman, and heavyweightphilosophers of religion, including Graham Oppy and MichaelTooley Contributions range from rigorous philosophical arguments tohighly personal, even whimsical, accounts (...)
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  28. Patient Access to Expenmental Drugs and AlDS Clinical Tnal Designs: Ethical lssues.Udo Scluiklenk & Carlton Hogan - forthcoming - Bioethics: An Anthology.
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    Die politische Theorie Leonard Nelsons: eine Fallstudie zum Verhältnis von philosophisch-politischer Theorie und konkret-politischer Praxis.Udo Vorholt - 1998 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    Der Gottinger Philosoph, Politiker und Padagoge Leonard Nelson (1882-1927) entwickelte eine umfassende integrale Theorie, die sich von der philosophischen Grundlegung uber eine Gesellschaftsanalyse bis zu einer politischen Programmatik hin erstreckte.Mit diesem Werk liegt eine erste umfassende, auf neuen Quellen basierende kritische Gesamtdarstellung der politischen Theorie Nelsons vor. Neben der Darstellung der Biographie Nelsons entwickelt der Autor dessen neukantianische Philosophie. In der Gesellschaftstheorie wird die Auseinandersetzung mit Liberalismus, Sozialismus und Kommunismus deutlich.Die Monographie basiert auf ausfuhrlichen Quellenstudien und bezieht eine kritische analysierende (...)
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    Public Health, Public Health Ethics Principlism, and Good Governance During the Covid-19 Pandemic.Udo Schüklenk - 2023 - Social Philosophy and Policy 40 (2):306-328.
    The COVID-19 pandemic brought about at least two normative challenges on unprecedented scale for liberal democracies. One concerned prioritization decisions when health care resources were constrained. The other, which arguably led to lasting damage to social cohesion and citizens’ trust in government and government public health institutions, concerned policies introduced with the aim of reducing the spread of SARS-CoV2, some of which turned out to be mistaken. I discuss in this essay a few examples of misguided, liberty-limiting public health policies (...)
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    Rawls and Bentham reconciled.Udo Ebert - 1988 - Theory and Decision 24 (3):215-223.
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    Professionalism eliminates religion as a proper tool for doctors rendering advice to patients.Udo Schuklenk - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (11):713-713.
    Religious considerations and language do not typically belong in the professional advice rendered by a doctor to a patient. Among the rationales mounted by Greenblum and Hubbard in support of that conclusion is that religious considerations and language are incompatible with the role of doctors as public officials.1 Much as I agree with their conclusion, I take issue with this particular aspect of their analysis. It seems based on a mischaracterisation of what societal role doctors fulfil, qua doctors. What obliges (...)
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  33. Between Wolff and Kant: Merian's theory of apperception.Udo Thiel - 1996 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 34 (2):213-232.
    Between Wolff and Kant: Merian's Theory of Apperception UDO THIEL IT IS WELL KNOWN that the nodon of apperception or self-consciousness is central to Kant's theoretical philosophy. Kant introduces the notion in one of the crucial parts of the Critique of Pure Reason, the Transcendental Deduction of the Categories, and assigns it an important role in his critique of traditional metaphysics of the soul in the Transcendental Dialectic.' It is also well known that Kant did not invent the term "apperception." (...)
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    Religion at Work in Bioethics and Biopolicy: Christian Bioethicists, Secular Language, Suspicious Orthodoxy.Russell Blackford & Udo Schüklenk - 2021 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 46 (2):169-187.
    The proper role, if any, for religion-based arguments is a live and sometimes heated issue within the field of bioethics. The issue attracts heat primarily because bioethical analyses influence the outcomes of controversial court cases and help shape legislation in sensitive biopolicy areas. A problem for religious bioethicists who seek to influence biopolicy is that there is now widespread academic and public acceptance, at least within liberal democracies, that the state should not base its policies on any particular religion’s metaphysical (...)
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    An Attributional Analysis of Moral Emotions: Naïve Scientists and Everyday Judges.Udo Rudolph & Nadine Tscharaktschiew - 2014 - Emotion Review 6 (4):344-352.
    This article provides an analysis of moral emotions from an attributional point of view, guided by the metaphors of man as a naïve scientist (Heider, 1958) and as a moral judge (Weiner, 2006). The theoretical analysis focuses on three concepts: (a) The distinction between the actor and the observer, (b) the functional quality of moral emotions, and (c) the perceived controllability of the causes of events. Moral emotions are identified (admiration, anger, awe, contempt, disgust, elevation, embarrassment, envy, gratitude, guilt, indignation, (...)
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    A meta‐analytic review of help giving and aggression from an attributional perspective: Contributions to a general theory of motivation.Udo Rudolph, Scott Roesch, Tobias Greitemeyer & Bernard Weiner - 2004 - Cognition and Emotion 18 (6):815-848.
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    Accommodating Conscientious Objection in Medicine—Private Ideological Convictions Must Not Trump Professional Obligations.Udo Schuklenk - 2016 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 27 (3):227-232.
    The opinion of the American Medical Association (AMA) Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs (CEJA) on the accommodation of conscientious objectors among medical doctors aims to balance fairly patients’ rights of access to care and accommodating doctors’ deeply held personal beliefs. Like similar documents, it fails. Patients will not find it persuasive, and neither should they. The lines drawn aim at a reasonable compromise between positions that are not amenable to compromise. They are also largely arbitrary. This article explains why (...)
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    Geist – Gehirn – Mythos.Udo Reinhold Jeck - 2022 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 25 (1):1-77.
    Greek mythology developed ideas about the mythical birth of Athena from the head of Zeus in enigmatic allusions. Hephaestus performed the obstetrics. This cryptic mythologem, an imaginative structure of strange shape, contains a message from archaic Greece of unfathomable depth and furthermore has an extensive history of influence. After introductory remarks, the first part (A) of this paper contains a collection of the most important written sources that convey basic elements of the birth myth of Athena. Its allegorical interpretation was (...)
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    Sourcebook in Bioethics: A Documentary History edited by Albert R. Jonsen, Robert M. Veatch and LeRoy Walters.Udo Schuklenk - 1999 - Bioethics 13:454-455.
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    Anthropologische Medizin und Sozialmedizin im Werk Viktor von Weizsäckers.Udo Benzenhöfer (ed.) - 1994 - New York: Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften.
    Viktor von Weizsäcker (1886-1957) wird oft als einer der Begründer der psychosomatischen Medizin im deutschsprachigen Raum angeführt. Doch ist mit dieser Zuschreibung sein Versuch einer grundlegenden Reform der Medizin nur unzureichend charakterisiert. Im Zentrum des vorliegenden Bandes stehen daher Studien zu seiner anthropologischen Medizin und Sozialmedizin, die nicht nur «psycho-somatisch» ausgerichtet, sondern auch erkenntnis- und gesellschaftskritisch gefaßt waren. Dabei wird sowohl die Aktualität der Gedanken von Weizsäckers als auch ihr Zeitbezug und ihre Zeitbedingtheit, gerade in den Jahren zwischen 1933 und (...)
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  41. Cortical population dynamics and psychophysics.Udo A. Ernst & Christian W. Eurich - 2002 - In Michael A. Arbib (ed.), The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks, Second Edition. MIT Press. pp. 294--300.
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  42. Practical and theoretical problems in the emergence of responsible governance in Africa.Udo Etuk - 2003 - In Josephat Obi Oguejiofor (ed.), Philosophy, democracy, and responsible governance in Africa. Enugu, Nigeria: Delta Publications. pp. 1--121.
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    Wahrnehmung – Experiment – Erinnerung. Erfahrung und Topik in Prosaromanen der Frühen Neuzeit.Udo Friedrich - 2012 - Das Mittelalter 17 (2):75-94.
    This essay inquires into the semantics of the term “experience” in a selection of prose novels from the early modern period. Against the background of a complex history of discourses about experience, ultimately leading to a fully articulated concept of “empiricism” and “experiment”, the author traces the term’s usages in Hartlieb’s ‘Alexander’, in the novel ‘Fortunatus’ as well as in Wickram’s ‘Of Good and Bad Neighbours’. Furthermore, he elaborates those cultural topoi of experience that are based principally on an understanding (...)
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    Jugendszenen als Unterwelten der Kultur? Anmerkungen zu einem aktuellen Problem der Massen- und Kulturindustriekritik.Udo Göttlich - 2007 - In Peter V. Zima & Rainer Winter (eds.), Kritische Theorie Heute. Transcript Verlag. pp. 303-320.
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    Der spätantike Philosoph: die Lebenswelten der paganen Gelehrten und ihre hagiographische Ausgestaltung in den Philosophenviten von Porphyrios bis Damaskios.Udo Hartmann - 2018 - Bonn: Dr. Rudolf Habelt.
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    Aristoteles contra Augustinum.Udo Reinhold Jeck - 1994 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing.
    In der sog. »aristotelischen Zeitaporie« (Physik IV) äußert sich Aristoteles zum Verhältnis von Zeit und Seele. Dieser Text gehört zu den umstrittensten Abschnitten seines Zeittraktates. Zur Interpretation rekonstruiert die vorgelegte Untersuchung die Entwicklungslinien der Analysen zur Zeitaporie von der Spätantike über die arabische Philosophie bis zur Frühphase der lateinischen Aristoteleskommentierung im 13. Jahrhundert. Der erste Abschnitt zeigt, wie die antike Physik-Kommentatoren diesen Text erklärten. Im Zentrum steht dabei die Auslegung des Alexander von Aphrodisias. Den der Spätantike diskutierten die Araber. Ein (...)
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  47. Der Unsinn, dass Materie denken könne": Aristotelische Motive in Schellings später Philosophie des Gehirns (Quellen - Interpretationen - Kontexte).Udo Reinhold Jeck - 2018 - In Burkhard Mojsisch, Tengiz Iremadze & Udo Reinhold Jeck (eds.), Veritas et subtilitas: truth and subtlety in the history of philosophy: essays in memory of Burkhard Mojsisch (1944-2015). Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
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  48. Der Grund als causa essentialis.Udo Kern - 2018 - In Christine Büchner (ed.), Verschieden im Einssein: eine interdisziplinare Untersuchung zu Meister Eckharts Verstandnis von Wirklichkeit. Bristol, CT: Peeters.
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    Der Gang der Vernunft bei Meister Eckhart.Udo Kern - 2012 - Berlin: Lit.
    "Der Vernunft kommt bei Eckhart fundamentalste Bedeutung zu. Sie bricht - so der Thüringer Meister - in den Grund. Ermöglicht wird sie durch das vernünftige Erkennen, das intelligere des Einen. In der Gottesgeburt wird der Mensch qualifiziert zu univokem Erkennen. Als Sohn Gottes wird der Mensch vernünftig zu weitem unbegrenztem Wissen geführt. Der Logos, das Wort ist substantiale und hermeneutische Grundlage vernünftigen Verstehens. Auch das Vergehen, die Sünde wird produktiv in dieses aufgenommen. Der Vernünftige ist der Demütige, Gelassene und Freie. (...)
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    New insights into the mechanism for clearance of apoptotic cells.Udo K. Messmer & Josef Pfeilschifter - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (10):878-881.
    Apoptosis is a physiological mechanism for the removal of unwanted or damaged cells. Apoptotic cells are rarely seen in living tissues, however, because of their rapid and efficient removal by phagocytosis. Phagocytotic cells such as macrophages or dendritic cells recognize apoptotic cells by specific changes of cell surface markers, which usually are not present on normal cells. One such event is the exposure of phosphatidylserine, which moves from the plasma membrane inner leaflet to the outer leaflet in preapoptotic cells. An (...)
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