Results for 'Tzu-chʻi Yeh'

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  1. (1 other version)Tsʻao mu tzu.Tzu-chʻi Yeh - 1975
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  2. Chou Chʻin ming chia san tzŭ chiao chʻüan.Chʻi-Hsiang Wang - 1957 - I Wen Yin Shu Kuan. Edited by Wen Yin & Long Gongsun.
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  3. Kʻung-tzŭ chuan.Chʻi-yün Chang - 1954
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    (1 other version)A Descriptive Review of Hsün-Tzu's Thought.Liang Ch'I.-Hsiung - 1974 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 6 (1):4-60.
    The sources of "knowledge," for Hsün-tzu, came from the realities in objective existence. He took the impressions of these objectively existent realities as his basis of knowledge.
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  5. Kʻung-tzŭ hsüeh shuo yü hsien tai wên hua.Chʻi-yün Chang - 1958
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    (1 other version)The Question of the Authenticity of Kuo Hsiang's Preface to the Chuang Tzu.Wang Li-ch'I. - 1979 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 10 (4):22-30.
    The thirty-three sections of the Chuang Tzu annotated by Kuo Hsiang of the Chin dynasty were published during the period of the Northern Sung dynasty. Meanwhile, a preface allegedly by Kuo Hsiang was also printed in the book. The preface is as follows:Chuang Tzu was a man who had good knowledge of the origins of things in the universe and avoided no fantastic ideas. His remarks are hard to understand yet pertinent to phenomena. Any remark which is hard to understand (...)
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  7. Yü chʻing nien pʻeng yu men tʻan Kʻung-tzu ssu hsiang.Ta-chʻi Chʻen - 1979
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  8. Kʻung-tzŭ hsüeh shuo.Ta-chʻi Chʻên - 1964
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  9. (1 other version)Kung-sun Lung yü Kung-sun Lung-tzŭ.Chʻi-min Ho - 1967
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  10. Kuei-ku tzu chʻi men ta fa.Ying-lüeh Chʻen - 1978
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    主体论: 新时代新体制呼喚的新人学.Tzu-I. Feng, Ch eng-shu Sun & Tung Wang - 1994 - Beijing: Beijing da xue chu ban she. Edited by Chengshu Sun & Dong Wang.
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  12. Hsien tai tzu chʻan chieh chi ti shih yng chu i che hsüeh.Yüan-hui Chʻen - 1973
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  13. San min chu i yü Chou i chê hsüeh ssŭ hsiang.Chʻih-tzŭ Chao - 1967
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    Mo-tzŭ chi chieh.Chʻun-I. Chang - 1971 - Edited by Di Mo.
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  15. Shen-tzu chiao chu chi chʻi hsüeh shuo yen chiu.Han-chʻang Hsu - 1976 - Tʻai-pei: Chia hsin shui ni kung ssu wen hua chi chin hui.
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  16. Shê chiao yü li i.Tzŭ-Ying ChʻêN - 1962
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  17. Mêng-tzŭ chiang i.Chao-Hsiung ChʻêNg - 1960
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  18. Kʻung-tzŭ yü Yeh-su.ChʻêNg-Hsiao Na - 1967
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  19. Chu tzu tʻung i.Chung-fan Chʻen - 1977
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  20. (1 other version)Pei-hsi tzŭ i.Chʻun Chʻên - 1895 - Hung Tao Shu Yüan Ts'ang Pan. Edited by Chün Wang.
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  21. Pien chêng wei wu chu i tzŭ hsüeh tʻi kang.Chung-pʻing Chʻên - 1956
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    Chung-kuo shihyu kung-yeh fa-chan shih. Volume I: Ku-tai te shih-yu yu t'ien-jan-ch'i. . Shen Li-sheng.N. Sivin - 1982 - Isis 73 (1):135-135.
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    Ai ssu-ch'I: The Apostle of chinese communism.Ignatius J. H. Ts'ao - 1972 - Studies in East European Thought 12 (1):2-36.
    Ai Ssu-ch'i is a little known but very important figure in the introduction of Marxism-Leninism into China. This first article provides a brief biography of Ai Ssu-ch'i as well as a detailed account of his activities as teacher, author and propagandist. Among his other services to the cause of Marxism-Leninism in China, one has to stress Ai Ssu-ch'i's systematic opposition to Yeh Ch'ing and to the non-Communist interpretation of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Three Principles of the People. (cf.SST 10 (1970), 138–166.).
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    Neo-Confucian Terms Explained (The Pei-hsi tzu-i) by Ch'en Ch'un. 1159-1223.Rodney L. Taylor, Wingtsit Chan & Ch'en Ch'un - 1988 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 108 (3):509.
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    Between Individuality and Universality: An Explication of Chuang-Tzu’s Theses of Chien-Tu and Ch’i-Wu.Wing-Han Hara - 1993 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 20 (1):87-99.
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  26. Yu chʻing chi hui chu i ho Kʻung-tzu ssu hsiang.Yün-ko Ching (ed.) - 1974
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    Sasangkwa hyŏnsil: Pak Ch'i-u chŏnchip.Ch'I.-U. Pak - 2010 - Inch'ŏn Kwangyŏksi: Inha Taehakkyo Ch'ulp'anbu. Edited by Tae-sŏk Yun & Mi-ran Yun.
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    Chuang Tzu (or Zhuangzi).Cosma Shalizi - unknown
    "Chuang Tzu" means "Master Chuang". If we are to believe traditional accounts (like those in the Records of the Historian , by Ssu-ma Ch'ian), he lived in the fourth century BC, contemporary with Plato and Aristotle. He was from a place called Meng, probably in the state of Sung, where he was "an official in the lacquer garden"; nobody knows what that means. Chuang Chou is also recorded as being a member of the Chi-Hsia academy maintained by the larger and (...)
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  29. Nihon to Chūgoku ni okeru Dyūi kyōikugaku no juyō kōzō ni kansuru kenkyū.Ch°I. Wang & Fuji Zerokkusu Kobayashi Setsutaråo Kinen Kikin - 1993 - Tōkyō: Fuji Zerokkusu Kobayashi Setsutarō Kinen Kikin..
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  30. Fa chia jen wu chi chʻi chu tso chien chieh.Li Chʻi - 1976
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    Tongyang sasang ŭi ihae.Chʻi-wan Kim - 2007 - Pusan-si: Pusan Taehakkyo Chʻulpʻanbu.
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    (1 other version)Engels Affirmed the Identity of Thought and Being.Ai Ssu-ch'I. - 1971 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 3 (2):83-104.
    Old societies had the following superstition: Certain persons had demons attached to them, and things that they had used were considered "unclean." These things then became forbidden objects; if one came into contact with them, then one's body, too, would be polluted by the demonic influence.
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  33. Zhe xue da quan.Chʻi Fan - 1956
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  34. Wei wu shih kuan pʻi pʻan. Mao, Chʻi-hsün & [From Old Catalog] - 1942 - Edited by Chia-sên Chang.
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  35. Tʻan fa lü yü tao te.Chʻi-Yang Shih - 1977
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  36. Onŭl ŭi chonggyo, idaero choŭnʼga.Chʻi-jo Hwang - 1990 - Sŏul Tʻŭkpyŏlsi: Samhan Chʻulpʻan.
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  37. Zhongguo zhe xue shi hua.Chʻi-chün Chang - 1964 - Edited by I. Wu.
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    My Autobiographical Account at Thirty.Liang Ch'I.-ch'ao - 1977 - Chinese Studies in History 10 (3):4-34.
  39. History of Chinese political thought during the early Tsin period.Chʻi-chʻao Lian - 1930 - London,: K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & co.. Edited by Li-tʻing Chʻên.
  40. Lun li hsüeh.Chʻi Fan - 1956
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  41. Shao nien ssu hsiang man tʻan.Chʻang Yüan & Ta Yeh (eds.) - 1978
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  42. Chung-kuo che hsüeh shih lüeh.Chʻi-Chih Chang - 1974
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  43. (1 other version)Wei Chin ssŭ hsiang yü tʻang fêng.Chʻi-min Ho - 1967 - Tʻai-pei : Tʻai-wan hsüeh sheng shu chü,:
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    T'oegye: saram toen tori rŭl palk'inŭn sam ŭl salla.Ch'I.-ŏk Yi & Ki-hyŏn Kim (eds.) - 2015 - Kyŏnggi-do P'aju-si: 21-segi Puksŭ.
    언제까지 답 없는 삶을 살 것인가! 인류의 위대한 스승에게 묻고, 대한민국 대표 지성이 답하다! ◎ 출판사 서평 위대한 스승, 퇴계에게 묻고 싶은 삶에 대한 질문과 답 29 누구나 인생을 살다 보면 삶에 대한 본질적인 질문들을 품게 된다. 이러한 고민들을 인류의 위대한 스승 퇴계에게 묻는다면, 그는 우리에게 어떤 대답을 해줄 수 있을까? 『인생교과서 퇴계』(21세기북스 펴냄)는 퇴계에게 묻고 싶은 29개의 질문을 통해 그의 삶과 철학을 살펴보고, 현대를 살아가는 우리에게 필요한 퇴계의 정신이 무엇인지 알아보고자 한다. ‘퇴계’ 하면 고지식한 유학자, 건조하기 짝이 없는 이기심성론의 (...)
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  45. Chung-kuo chê hsüeh shih hua.Chʻi-chün Chang - 1965 - Edited by I. Wu.
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  46. Lun li ku li.Chʻi Liu - 1966
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    Neo-Confucian Terms Explained: (The Peizhsi tzu-i) Ch'en Ch'un, 1159-1223.Wing-Tsit Chan - 1986 - New York: Columbia University Press. Edited by Wing-Tsit Chan.
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    Ssial Ham Sŏk-hŏn p'yŏngjŏn: hyŏngmyŏng ŭl kkumkkun nangmanjuŭija.Ch'I.-sŏk Yi - 2015 - Sŏul-si: Sidae ŭi Ch'ang.
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  49. Pei-Hsi's "Tzu-I" and the Rise of Tokugawa Philosophical Lexicography.John Allen Tucker - 1990 - Dissertation, Columbia University
    This study traces the impact of Ch'en Pei-hsi's Hsing-li tzu-i on the rise of philosophical lexicography in Tokugawa Japan . It suggests that the appearance of copies of the 1553 Korean edition of Pei-hsi's Tzu-i, brought to Japan in the wake of Toyotomi Hideyoshi's invasion of Korea , crucially influenced both understandings of and reactions to Neo-Confucianism in Tokugawa Japan. Pei-hsi's Tzu-i, the study relates, served as the literary template for several early Tokugawa works, including Fujiwara Seika's Kana seiri , (...)
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  50. A life of Confucius.Chʻi-yün Chang - 1954 - Taipei,: China Culture Pub. Foundation.
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