Results for 'Tuncel Kutlu'

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  1. Marx in the Anthropocene. [REVIEW]Kutlu Tuncel - 2024 - Arete Political Philosophy Journal 4 (2):100-108.
    Saito’s Marx in the Anthropocene presents interesting arguments and views that propose to unite Marxism and degrowth. The importance of the book comes from the fact that it intends to respond to the ecological crisis and the Anthropocene. To this end, Saito utilizes Meszaros’s interpretation of Marx according to which Marx bases his critique of political economy on the theory of metabolism. What follows from this is nature has absolute limits and capitalism produces the ecological crisis in which the metabolism (...)
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    Value in Marx: A Reading of the Grundrisse.Tuncel Kutlu - 2024 - Felsefe Arkivi 61:64-72.
    Marx’s concept of value has been subject to significant criticism. Robinson argues that the concept is awkward and obscure, as it is meant to explain the prices of commodities and thus must be a kind of price, but it is not. Consequently, Robinson holds that the concept of value makes no sense. Furthermore, according to Harvey, Marx in the _Grundrisse _confuses value with price. It seems to me that both Robinson’s criticism and Harvey’s exegesis are based on serious misunderstandings. In (...)
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    Sublimation and drives in sports: a psychoanalytic perspective.Yunus Tuncel - 2024 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 18 (1):41-50.
    In continuation with my on-going research and presentations on sport as a field of channeling and externalizing cruelty and violence, as a field of transfiguration of drives, in this paper I will examine instincts, drives and sublimation in Freud and post-Freudian psychoanalytic literature within the context of sports. Freud was influenced by Nietzsche on his drive theory; however, in Freud it assumes a specific meaning and finds its place within the context of his overall psychoanalytic work, especially in relation to (...)
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    Crime and Punishment.Yunus Tuncel - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 36:153-158.
    In this paper, I will approach the problem of normalization within the context of crime and punishment in Nietzsche and Foucault. In modern theory and law, a linear, causal relationship has been established between crime and punishment with no regard to the socio-cultural context in which crimes and punishments take place. It was not until the nineteenth century that the problems of this relationship were exposed most notably by Dostoyevsky in fiction and later by Nietzsche in his theoretical writings (the (...)
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  5. Contra legalist/formalist conceptions of sport.Yunus Tuncel - 2023 - In Miroslav Imbrisevic, Sport, Law and Philosophy: The Jurisprudence of Sport. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Nietzsche on human emotions.Yunus Tuncel - 2022 - Basel: Schwabe Verlag.
    Much has been said on particular feelings that appear in Nietzsche's works, such as pity, revenge, altruism, guilt, shame, and ressentiment. But there has not been a significant study on Nietzsche's overall teachings on feeling and emotion. What does Nietzsche mean by feeling and the related phenomena? Out of such disparate types of feelings and disparate reflections by Nietzsche on them, can one make sense or can one speak of a theory of feelings in Nietzsche? If so, how does this (...)
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    Emotion in Sports: Philosophical Perspectives.Yunus Tuncel - 2018 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Emotion is central to human character, infiltrating our physiological functions and our mental constitution. In sport, athletes feel emotion in specific ways, from joy to anger and despair. This is the first book to examine emotion in sport from a philosophical perspective, building on concepts developed by ancient Greek and modern philosophers. For instance, how is Aristotle's concept of catharsis applied to the sports field? How about power as advanced by Nietzsche, or existentialism as discussed by Kierkegaard? Emotion in Sports (...)
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    Nietzsche, Sport, and Contemporary Culture.Yunus Tuncel - 2016 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 10 (4):349-363.
    The word ‘sport’ next to Nietzsche’s name may raise eyebrows among many Nietzsche readers. ‘What an odd pairing?’ one may ask. We prefer Nietzsche and arts or something from the domain of the Geist. Sport is embedded in mass culture and Nietzsche detests anything that has to do with masses; fandom, an important part of sport culture, is nothing Nietzsche would look at favourably but call it a manifestation of the herd instinct. Besides, clubs and sports organizations control this sporting (...)
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  9. Value in Marx: A Reading of the Grundrisse.K. Tuncel - 2024 - Felsefe Arkivi 1 (61):64-72.
    Marx’s concept of value has been subject to significant criticism. Robinson argues that the concept is awkward and obscure, as it is meant to explain the prices of commodities and thus must be a kind of price, but it is not. Consequently, Robinson holds that the concept of value makes no sense. Furthermore, according to Harvey, Marx in the Grundrisse confuses value with price. It seems to me that both Robinson’s criticism and Harvey’s exegesis are based on serious misunderstandings. In (...)
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    The Philosophy of Nietzsche and Post-Nietzcheanism in the Light of Contemporary Problems.Yunus Tuncel - 2007 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 7:51-57.
    In this paper, I would like to explore Nietzsche's philosophy of value, its influence on contemporary thought and culture and what it means for us today, that is, what we can appropriate from it in order to shed light on some of the problems of our age and to overcome them. These problems are in the areas of conflict, globalization and chronic injustices. I will approach the question of value in three parts: 1) Nietzsche's explicit writings on value starting with (...)
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    Der Begriff der Person bei G. W. F. Hegel und Max Scheler.Evrim Kutlu - 2014 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2014 (1).
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    The Importance of Lalazari's al-Cawahir al-Kalamiyya among the Commentaries of Kasida al-Nuniyya.Hakan Kutlu - 2025 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 10 (2):1171-1172.
    Cawahiral-'Akaid of Hızır Bey, which is known as Kasidaal-Nuniyya, is paid special attention in Ottoman period by writing lots ofcommentaries. To study the commentaries of Nuniyya inclusively wouldhelp to understand Ottoman kalam thought. The commentaries written in OttomanTurkish and Arabic on Nuniyye, especially the commentary of Hayali andthe commentaries on Hayali's commentary, has an incomparable importance toinvestigate Ottoman kalam thought which has continued for five centuries. Oneof these commentaries is al-Cawahir al-Kalamiyya which has been wrote inArabic by Lalazari who is (...)
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    İki Dilli Öğretmen Adaylarının Görsel Okuma ve Yazılı İfade Becerilerinin Değerlendirilmesi.Hayrettin Tunçel - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 12):1321-1321.
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  14. Nietzsche, Natural Law and the Reshaping of Physis.Yunus Tuncel - 2010 - Vera Lex 11 (1/2):134-149.
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  15. The Principle of Agon in Nietzsche's Thought.Yunus Tuncel - 2000 - Dissertation, New School for Social Research
    This dissertation explores the notion of agon in the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche, which he develops by way of his interpretation of ancient Greek culture and thought. Notions akin to agon are strife, struggle, fight, and war, all of which are also studied, as they pertain to the thought of agon. The exploration is done in two parts: the first part studies Nietzsche's early works , the period in which he is primarily focused on ancient Greek civilization, and develops an (...)
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    Türkçenin Yabancı Dil Olarak Öğretilmesinde Yöntem Seçimine İlişkin Bir Durum Çalışması: Farklı Yönt.Hayrettin Tunçel - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 6):1023-1023.
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    Yabancı Dil Olarak Türkçeye Yönelik Kaygı ve Kaygının Yabancı Dil Başarısına Etkisi.Hayrettin Tunçel - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 5):1987-1987.
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    A Group Silver Plate of Metalworks.Gül Tunçel - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:575-588.
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    Ontologija zoon politikona.Ahu Tuncel - 2012 - Synthesis Philosophica 27 (2):245-255.
    Novovjekovni ideal demokracije temelji se na apstraktnog kategoriji humaniteta, koja svoje uporište nalazi u univerzalnim vrijednostima i jednakosti ljudi kao nositelja tih vrijednosti. Prepoznatljivo obilježje takve apstraktne osobe je vezana uz racionalnost. Međutim, razumijevanje demokracije u modernosti, koje izjednačava pojedince apstrahirajući od svakog funkcionalnog/ povijesnog obilježja, predalo je svoju ulogu diskursima »razlike« i »identiteta«, što je postalo očitim naročito nakon atmosfere neizvjesnosti u 80-im godinama prošloga stoljeća. Stoga je glavna os suvremenih rasprava u političkoj filozofiji određena bipolarnošću partikularnosti i univerzalnosti. (...)
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    Nietzsche on Conflict and Agon.Yunus Tuncel - 2023 - Nietzsche Studien 52 (1):381-390.
    Agonism permeates Nietzsche’s spirit and works from early on starting with his close engagement with ancient Greece. However, while many thinkers have made references to agon in Nietzsche in the twentieth century, this aspect of his philosophy did not come under close scrutiny until a few decades ago, and some of the research in this area saw its first monographs in Tuncel’s Agon in Nietzsche (2013) and Acampora’s Contesting Nietzsche (2013). In addition to these two works and prior to (...)
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    Defeat, Loss, Death, and Sacrifice in Sports.Yunus Tuncel - 2015 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 42 (3):409-423.
    In this article, I will examine a difficult subject in competitive sports: loss and defeat. Defeat is painful because we do not enter into competitive games to be defeated, although defeat is a strong possible outcome of the game, especially among more or less equal contestants. If losing a game is an existential condition that lies ahead of every athlete and team, even the best ones, why is defeat difficult to accept, especially in modern times in contrast to ancient times? (...)
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    Anadolu'dan Kürevî-Konik Kap Örnekleri.Gül Tunçel - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 10):1053-1053.
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    In Motion, At Rest: The Event of the Athletic Body.Yunus Tuncel - 2014 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 8 (2):212-216.
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    Agon in Nietzsche.Yunus Tuncel - 2013 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Marquette University Press.
    Provides a comprehensive study of Nietzsche's relationship to the agonistic culture of ancient Greece. The book examines not only the overt elements of Greek agonism in Nietzsche's early works, but also shows how his later works embody its spirit as it is manifest in such notions as the will to power, the overhuman and "active justice.".
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    Wert-Ausgleich-Bildung: Schelers Späte Europa-Idee Als Eine Bildungsaufgabe.Evrim Kutlu - 2023 - Phenomenology and Mind 25 (25):48.
    In confrontation with the current events of his time, Max Scheler develops his idea of a “new Europe”, which is to emerge from the ruins of the First World War in confrontation with “capitalist England” and through the awakening of a new religiosity. From the 1920s onwards, the idea of unity under Catholicism is overcome and raised to a higher level to a global and cosmopolitan level. Scheler speaks of a “cosmopolitanism” that needs to be learned and will ultimately entail (...)
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    The development of real-time spoken and written word recognition derives from changes in ability, not maturation.Ethan Kutlu, Jamie Klein-Packard, Charlotte Jeppsen, J. Bruce Tomblin & Bob McMurray - 2024 - Cognition 251 (C):105899.
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  27. Agnostic education and sports: a philosophical approach.Yunus Tuncel - 2014 - In Emanuele Isidori, López Frías, Francisco Javier, Arno Müller & Lev Kreft, Philosophy, sport and education: international perspectives. Viterbo: Sette città.
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  28. Peacocks and buffalos : Nietzsche and the problems of modern spectacle.Yunus Tuncel - 2018 - In Brian Pines & Douglas Burnham, Understanding Nietzsche, Understanding Modernism. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  29. The Impact of Religious Officials on Social Life: A Research on Scale Development, Validity and Reliability.Gökhan Tuncel, Hasan Yılmaz, Oğuzhan Göktolga & Bahadir Yüzbaşı - 2024 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 62:86-100.
    Tradition and religion are two important sources that affect the construction and continuity of social relations throughout history. Before the modern period, when the secular social structure was widely accepted, these two sources served as the primary determinant resource of social ties, sometimes alone and frequently together. This study aims to develop a scale to determine the effect of the level of clerics (imams and muezzins) working under the Presidency of Religious Affairs, the institution authorized to serve religious services in (...)
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  30. Evaluation of online education software under neutrosophic environment.Fatma Kutlu Gündoğdu & Serhat Aydın - 2020 - In Harish Garg, Decision-making with neutrosophic set: theory and applications in knowledge management. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
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    The computational nature of associative learning.N. A. Schmajuk & G. M. Kutlu - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (2):223-224.
    An attentional-associative model (Schmajuk et al. 1996), previously evaluated against multiple sets of classical conditioning data, is applied to causal learning. In agreement with Mitchell et al.'s suggestion, according to the model associative learning can be a conscious, controlled process. However, whereas our model correctly predicts blocking following or preceding subadditive training, the propositional approach cannot account for those results.
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    The Aesthetic Paths of Philosophy: Presentation in Kant, Heidegger, Lacoue-Labarthe, and Nancy—Alison Ross. [REVIEW]Yunus Tuncel - 2008 - International Philosophical Quarterly 48 (2):266-269.
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    Beliren Yetişkinlerde Din Aylayışı Ölçeğinin Geliştirilmesi.Abdullah İnce, İhsan Kutlu & Muhammed Furkan Koçak - 2022 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 24 (46):607-633.
    Beliren yetişkinlik, çocukluk, gençlik, yetişkinlik ve yaşlılık gibi yaşam dönemlerine eklenen yeni bir kategoridir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, beliren yetişkinlerin din anlayışlarını tespit edecek bir ölçek geliştirmektir. Çalışma kapsamında internet üzerinden, 18-27 yaş aralığındaki 637 kişiye kolayda ve kartopu örnekleme yoluyla ulaşılmıştır. Ölçek geliştirmede yapı geçerliliği için açımlayıcı ve doğrulayıcı faktör analizleri yapılmıştır. İlk olarak KMO değerinin,937; Bartlett Küresellik Testi sonucunun ise istatistiksel olarak anlamlı sonuç verdiği görülmüştür. Açımlayıcı faktör analizleri sonucunda 23 maddeli ve dört faktörlü bir yapıya ulaşılmıştır. Tüm ölçeğin (...)
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    Active Realization of Fractional-Order Integrators and Their Application in Multiscroll Chaotic Systems.Jesus M. Munoz-Pacheco, Luis Carlos Lujano-Hernández, Carlos Muñiz-Montero, Akif Akgül, Luis A. Sánchez-Gaspariano, Chun-Biao Li & Mustafa Çaǧri Kutlu - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-16.
    This paper presents the design, simulation, and experimental verification of the fractional-order multiscroll Lü chaotic system. We base them on op-amp-based approximations of fractional-order integrators and saturated series of nonlinear functions. The integrators are first-order active realizations tuned to reduce the inaccuracy of the frequency response. By an exponential curve fitting, we got a convenient design equation for realizing fractional-order integrators of orders from 0.1 to 0.95. The results include simulations in SPICE of the mathematical description and the electronic implementation (...)
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    Mustafa Kutlu'nun "Bu Böyledir" ve Yıldız Ramazanoğlu'nun "Mehtap" Adlı Hik'yeleri Üzerine Bir İncel.Adem Arslan - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 3):123-123.
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    Ayla Kutlu'nun Öykülerinde Mek'n.Ayşe Ertuş - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 3):695-695.
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    Mustafa Kutlu'nun Hik'yelerinde Yalnız Erkekler.Zeliha Okkesi̇m - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 10):443-443.
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    Yunus Tuncel , Agon in Nietzsche . Reviewed by.Rod Nicholls - 2014 - Philosophy in Review 34 (6):342-344.
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    Yunus Tuncel , "Nietzsche and Transhumanism. Precursor or Enemy?", Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Series: Nietzsche Now, 2017, 283 pp. [REVIEW]Mariano Rodríguez - 2018 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 51:409-411.
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  40. Yunus Tuncel , Toward a Genealogy of Spectacle: Understanding Contemporary Spectacular Experiences (Ålborg: EyeCorner Press, 2011), ISBN: 978-8792633071. [REVIEW]Apple Zefelius Igrek - 2013 - Foucault Studies 15:176-179.
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    Leyl' Erbil Ve Mustafa Kutlu'nun Hik'yelerinde Teknik.Sinan Bakir - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 16):249-249.
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    Review of Yunus Tuncel, Agon in NietzscheMilwaukee, WI: Marquette University Press, 2013, pp. 293. ISBN: 978-0-87462-823-4. [REVIEW]Vishwa Adluri - 2015 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 42 (1):153-156.
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    The Renewed Reading Of The Story Named “Eşik” Threshold Of Mustafa Kutlu.Hasan Akay - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:322-339.
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    Birey-Doğa İlişkisi Temelinde Kendisi Olma: Mustafa Kutlu Öykülerini Ekoeleştirel Okumak.Betül Bayraktar - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 12):137-137.
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    The Problem of Countryside and Urban Places as the Basic Topic in Mustafa Kutlu's Stories.Sezai Coşkun - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 5:363-409.
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    Emotion in sports: philosophical perspectives: by Yunus Tuncel, Oxon, Routledge/taylor & Francis Group, 2019, 148 pp., $29 (paperback), ISBN 9781315267029.Jeffrey P. Fry - 2020 - Tandf: Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 47 (2):322-325.
    Volume 47, Issue 2, July 2020, Page 322-325.
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    Inmortalidad como utopía y la relevancia del nihilismo.Stefan Sorgner, Natalia Andrea Bravo Jiménez & Nicolás Antonio Rojas Cortés - 2022 - Revista Ethika+ 5:255-272.
    Traducción del artículo originalmente publicado como Sorgner, S. L. (2017). Immortality as Utopia and the Relevance of Nihilism. En Y. Tuncel (ed), Nietzsche and transhumanism. Precursor or enemy? (pp. 248-261). Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Este texto ha sido Publicado con la autorización de Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Agradecemos a Stefan Lorenz Sorgner por autorizarnos a realizar la traducción de este texto.
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    The Influence of Niẓām al-Mulk: Potrait of An Authorizied Vizier.Nurullah Yazar - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (1):247-266.
    Türk ve İslam tarihinin kırılma noktalarından birisi 1040 yılında Selçuklular ile Gazneliler arasında cereyan eden Dandanakan Savaşı’dır. Savaşın ardından Selçuklular hızlı bir yükselişle özellikle Sünnî İslam coğrafyasında etkin ve belirleyici güç haline gelmiştir. Göçebe kültürden gelen ve bir oba hüviyetinde iken çok kısa bir sürede önlenemez bir şekilde hâkimiyet alanını Türkistan coğrafyasından Anadolu içlerine kadar genişleten Büyük Selçuklu Devleti, kurumsal olarak da olgunlaşmaya başlamıştır. Bu noktada hem merkezi yönetimde hem de vilayetlerde ortaya çıkan yetişmiş eleman ihtiyacını birçoğu daha önce Gazneli (...)
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    Conflict and Contest in Nietzsche’s Philosophy.Vanessa Lemm - 2024 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 55 (2):218-225.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Conflict and Contest in Nietzsche’s Philosophy ed. by Herman Siemens and James PearsonVanessa LemmHerman Siemens and James Pearson, eds., Conflict and Contest in Nietzsche’s Philosophy London: Bloomsbury, 2019. 302 pp. ISBN: 978-1-3500-6695-3 (cloth); 978-1-3501-6383-6 (paper). £23.30.Conflict and Contest in Nietzsche’s Philosophy is a collection inspired by the 2014 Friedrich Nietzsche Society conference on “Nietzsche, Love, and War.” However, the content of the book is broader than the conference, (...)
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    The Use of the Holy Word in Sezai Karakoç’s Works.İbrahim Saylan - 2023 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 27 (1):17-29.
    Sezai Karakoç, who is a one of the most important poets and thinkers of the last period, developed an ideal by adapting the concept of resurrection in the creed to the resurrection in the world. His ideal of Seeing it as reviving the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, Karakoç defined his cause as his cause. Prophet Muhammad, who has no direct relation to the knowledge of Hadith, but to the center of the world of thought. Karakoç, who put the Prophet (...)
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