Results for 'Tso-Llang Hsiao'

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    Power Relations within the Chinese Communist Movement, 1930-1934; A Study of Documents.E. H. S. & Tso-Llang Hsiao - 1962 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 82 (2):282.
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    (1 other version)Chinese Communism in 1927, City vs. Countryside.Ross Isaac & Hsiao Tso-Liang - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (2):360.
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    Power Relations within the Chinese Communist Movement, 1930-1934. Vol. II, The Chinese Documents.Immanuel C. Y. Hsü, Tso-Liang Hsiao & Immanuel C. Y. Hsu - 1971 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (1):149.
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  4. Ni-tsʻai ti che hsüeh.Tso-min Feng (ed.) - 1973
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  5. Wen i fu hsing shih tai ssu hsiang chia.Tso-min Feng (ed.) - 1974
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    新しい時代の社会像: 博愛主義の世紀.Hsiao-yen Chou - 1993 - Tōkyō: Keiō Tsūshin. Edited by Hsiao-yen Chou.
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  7. The development of a questionnaire to describe science teacher communication behavior in Taiwan and Australia.Hsiao‐Ching She & Darrell Fisher - 2000 - Science Education 84 (6):706-726.
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  8. Shih kʻung lun.Hsiao-Jung Tseng - 1972
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  9. Liang tien lun.Tso-hua Yang - 1980 - [s.n.,:
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    The Philosophical Foundations of Han Fei's Political Theory.Hsiao-po Wang & Leo S. Chang - 1986 - [Honolulu]: University of Hawaii Press. Edited by Chun Zhang.
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  11. The Contingency Argument in Plain Language.Timothy Hsiao & Gil Sanders - 2022 - Heythrop Journal 63 (2):223-231.
    The Heythrop Journal, Volume 63, Issue 2, Page 223-231, March 2022.
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  12. The significance of the concept of 'fa' in Han Fei's thought system.Wang Hsiao-po & L. S. Chang - 1977 - Philosophy East and West 27 (1):35-52.
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    Chu tzu kai shuo yü shu mu tʻi yao.Tʻien-Shih Hsiao - 1978 - Chung-Kuo Tzu Hsüeh Ming Chu Chi Ch Eng Pien Yin Chi Chin Hui.
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    Political pluralism.Kung-chʻüan Hsiao - 1927 - New York,: Harcourt, Brace & company.
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    Fred Clarke’s Ideals of Liberal Democracy: State and Community in Education.Hsiao-Yuh Ku - 2013 - British Journal of Educational Studies 61 (4):1-15.
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    The Impact of Partial Measurement Invariance on Testing Moderation for Single and Multi-Level Data.Yu-Yu Hsiao & Mark H. C. Lai - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  17. The Moral Case for Gun Ownership.Tim Hsiao - 2019 - In Bob Fischer, Ethics, Left and Right: The Moral Issues that Divide Us. New York: Oxford University Press.
    I’ll argue in this essay that individuals should be allowed to own firearms. In making the case for this position, I’ll defend the following two claims: -/- 1. The best research does not show that gun ownership results in more harms than benefits. This fact, in addition to the substantial self-defense benefits that guns offer and the value of personal liberty, supports a presumption in favor of gun ownership. 2. Even if the overall harms of gun ownership were to outweigh (...)
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  18. In defence of spanking.Timothy Hsiao - 2020 - Think 19 (54):49-54.
    Opponents of spanking rest their arguments on the implicit assumption that punishment can only be justified by its corrective or deterrent effects. But this is a questionable assumption. Punishment is fundamentally about retribution: it seeks to give a wrongdoer what he deserves. It is for this reason that corporal punishment is morally permissible, irrespective of whether it corrects or deters future misbehaviour.
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  19. Sense-of-beauty and beauty+ idealist aesthetics and marxism-leninism.P. Hsiao - 1975 - Chinese Studies in Philosophy 6 (3-4):137-170.
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    The Social Background of the Birth of the Nien Army.Hsiao Liu - 1980 - Chinese Studies in History 13 (3):5-25.
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    China, Transnational Visuality, Global Postmodernity.Hsiao-Peng Lu & Sheldon H. Lu - 2001 - Stanford University Press.
    By focusing on Chinese cultural formations and critical discourses of the last decade of the century, the author dissects the intellectual, economic, and political contradictions of a turbulent era. This wide-ranging, deeply interdisciplinary work demarcates the cultural terrain by examining diverse media: film, television, avant-garde art, and literature, as well as critical theory and intellectual history.
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  22. I shih lun.Hsiao-Jung Tseng - 1970
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    The Conflict between Vinaya and the Chinese Monastic Rule: The Dilemma of Disciplinarian Venerable Hung-i.Sze-Bong Tso - 1991 - In Charles Wei-Hsun Fu & Sandra Ann Wawrytko, Buddhist ethics and modern society: an international symposium. New York: Greenwood Press. pp. 69--80.
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  24. The giving of the Torah at Sinai and the ethics of the Qumran community.Marcus Tso - 2008 - In George John Brooke, Hindy Najman & Loren T. Stuckenbruck, The significance of Sinai: traditions about Sinai and divine revelation in Judaism and Christianity. Boston: Brill.
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    Female Cross-Dressing in Chinese Literature Classics and their English Versions.Anna Wing Bo Tso - 2014 - International Studies. Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal 16 (1):111-124.
    Cross-dressing, as a cultural practice, suggests gender ambiguity and allows freedom of self expression. Yet, it may also serve to reaffirm ideological stereotypes and the binary distinctions between male and female, masculine and feminine, homosexual and heterosexual. To explore the nature and function of cross-dressing in Chinese and Western cultures, this paper analyzes the portrayals of cross-dressing heroines in two Chinese stories: The Ballad of Mulan, and The Butterfly Lovers. Distorted representations in the English translated texts are also explored..
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    : The Age of Mammals: International Paleontology in the Long Nineteenth Century.Hsiao-pei Yen - 2024 - Isis 115 (3):669-670.
  27. How to Think About the Gun Control Debate.Timothy Hsiao - 2019 - Think 18 (52):21-29.
    Many on both sides of the gun control debate are under the impression that the best way to settle it is by weighing outcomes in the context of a utilitarian cost-benefit analysis. This article suggests that this way of thinking about the gun control debate is fundamentally mistaken. What matters is not therisk(or lack thereof) that guns pose to society, but simply whether guns are areasonable means of self-defencewhen used to resist crimes. What this means is that even if we (...)
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    Convergence of autonomic afferents at brain stem neurons: Stomach reflex and food intake.Sigmund Hsiao - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (2):305-306.
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    Can Students’ Computer Programming Learning Motivation and Effectiveness Be Enhanced by Learning Python Language? A Multi-Group Analysis.Hsiao-Chi Ling, Kuo-Lun Hsiao & Wen-Chiao Hsu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Python language has become the most popular computer language. Python is widely adopted in computer courses. However, Python language’s effects on the college and university students’ learning performance, motivations, computer programming self-efficacy, and maladaptive cognition have still not been widely examined. The main objective of this study is to explore the effects of learning Python on students’ programming learning. The junior students of two classes in a college are the research participants. One class was taught Java language and the other (...)
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    Processing relative clauses in Chinese.Franny Hsiao & Edward Gibson - 2003 - Cognition 90 (1):3-27.
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  31. In Defense of Eating Meat.Timothy Hsiao - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (2):277-291.
    Some arguments for moral vegetarianism proceed by appealing to widely held beliefs about the immorality of causing unjustified pain. Combined with the claim that meat is not needed for our nourishment and that killing animals for this reason causes them unjustified pain, they yield the conclusion that eating meat is immoral. However, what counts as a good enough reason for causing pain will depend largely on what we think about the moral status of animals. Implicit in these arguments is the (...)
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  32. Ching shen lun.Hsiao-Jung Tseng - 1970
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  33. Lun li lun.Hsiao-Jung Tseng - 1974
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  34. Wu chih lun.Hsiao-Jung Tseng - 1969
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  35. Yü chou lun.Hsiao-Jung Tseng - 1974
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  36. Ju Fa Ssu Hsiang Lun Chi.Hsiao-po Wang - 1986 - Shih Pao Ch U Pan Kung Ssu.
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  37. Industrial Farming is Not Cruel to Animals.Timothy Hsiao - 2017 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 30 (1):37-54.
    Critics of industrial animal agriculture have argued that its practices are cruel, inhumane, or otherwise degrading to animals. These arguments sometimes form the basis of a larger case for the complete abolition of animal agriculture, while others argue for more modest welfare-based reforms that allow for certain types of industrial farming. This paper defends industrial farming against the charge of cruelty. As upsetting as certain practices may seem, I argue that they need not be construed as cruel or inhumane. Any (...)
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  38. Content II-Searching the Video: An Efficient Indexing Method for Video Retrieval in Peer to Peer Network.Ming-Ho Hsiao, Wen-Jiin Tsai & Suh-Yin Lee - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf, Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 4352--175.
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    On Shang Yang.Liang Hsiao - 1976 - Chinese Studies in History 10 (1-2):180-195.
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    The belongingness of non-belonging impressions.H. H. Hsiao - 1935 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 18 (2):227.
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    The experiences of cultural globalizations in Asia-Pacific.Hsin Huang Michael Hsiao & Po-San Wan - 2007 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 8 (3):361-385.
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    Cost-effectiveness analysis of triple test in second-trimester maternal serum screening for Down’s syndrome: an experience from Taiwan with decreasing birth rate but increasing population of old pregnant women.Hsiao-Lin Hwa, Ming-Fang Yen, Chen-Li Lin, Tsang-Ming Ko, Fon-Jou Hsieh & Tony Hsiu-Hsi Chen - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (2):191-197.
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    Evolutionary Asiacentrism, Peking Man, and the Origins of␣Sinocentric Ethno-Nationalism.Hsiao-pei Yen - 2014 - Journal of the History of Biology 47 (4):585-625.
    This paper discusses how the theory of evolutionary Asiacentrism and the Peking Man findings at the Zhoukoudian site stimulated Chinese intellectuals to construct Sinocentric ethno-nationalism during the period from the late 1920s to the early 1940s. It shows that the theory was first popularized by foreign scientists in Beijing, and the Peking man discoveries further provided strong evidence for the idea that Central Asia, or to be more specific, Tibet, Xinjiang, and Mongolia, was the original cradle of humans. Chinese scholars (...)
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    Do portrait artists have enhanced face processing abilities? Evidence from hidden Markov modeling of eye movements.Janet H. Hsiao, Jeehye An, Yueyuan Zheng & Antoni B. Chan - 2021 - Cognition 211 (C):104616.
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  45. Against Moderate Gun Control.Timothy Hsiao & C'Zar Bernstein - 2016 - Libertarian Papers 8:293-310.
    Arguments for handgun ownership typically appeal to handguns’ value as an effective means of self-protection. Against this, critics argue that private ownership of handguns leads to more social harm than it prevents. Both sides make powerful arguments, and in the absence of a reasonable consensus regarding the merits of gun ownership, David DeGrazia proposes two gun control policies that ‘reasonable disputants on both sides of the issue have principled reasons to accept.’ These policies hinge on his claim that ‘an even-handed (...)
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    The Philosophical Foundations of Han Fei's Political Theory.Hsiao-po Wang & Leo S. Chang - 1989 - Philosophy East and West 39 (1):83-93.
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    Chinesische Philosophie. [REVIEW]K. C. Hsiao - 1929 - Philosophical Review 38 (3):262-265.
  48. Cerebral blood flow autoregulation is impaired in schizophrenia.Hsiao-Lun Ku, Timothy Lane & et al - 2017 - Schizophrenia Research:xx-yy.
    Patients with schizophrenia have a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases and higher mortality from them than does the general population; however, the underlying mechanism remains unclear. Impaired cerebral autoregulation is associated with cerebrovascular diseases and their mortality. Increased or decreased cerebral blood flow in different brain regions has been reported in patients with schizophrenia, which implies impaired cerebral autoregulation. This study investigated the cerebral autoregulation in 21 patients with schizophrenia and 23 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. None of the participants (...)
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  49. The Moral Right to Keep and Bear Firearms.C'Zar Bernstein, Timothy Hsiao & Matthew Palumbo - 2015 - Public Affairs Quarterly 29 (4).
    The moral right to keep and bear arms is entailed by the moral right of self-defense. We argue that the ownership and use of firearms is a reasonable means of exercising these rights. Given their defensive value, there is a strong presumption in favor of enacting civil rights to keep and bear arms ranging from handguns to ‘assault rifles.’ Thus, states are morally obliged as a matter of justice to recognize basic liberties for firearm ownership and usage. Throughout this paper (...)
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    Fossils and Sovereignty: Science Diplomacy and the Politics of Deep Time in the Sino-American Fossil Dispute of the 1920s.Hsiao-pei Yen - 2024 - Isis 115 (1):1-22.
    In the early twentieth century, with the development of Western scientific imperialism, Asia, South America, and Africa became sites for Western scientific exploration. Many paleontological specimens, including dinosaur bones, were discovered in China by foreign scientists and explorers and exported to museums in France, Sweden, and the United States. After the establishment of the Nationalist Government in Nanjing in 1927, anti-imperialist Chinese intellectuals attempted to prevent foreigners from exporting specimens unearthed on Chinese territory. In the summer of 1928, the fossils (...)
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