Results for 'Trauma Colectivo'

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  1.  22
    Estudios históricos y sociales sobre el trauma colectivo Revisitando los efectos de la violencia política en contextos latinoamericanos.Nicol A. Barria-Asenjo, David Pavón-Cuéllar, Hernán Scholten, José Cabrera Sánchez, Jairo Gallo Acosta, Jesús Wiliam Huanca-Arohuanca, Antonio Letelier, Rose Gurski, Gonzalo Salas, Tomás Caycho-Rodríguez, Alberto León & Jesús Ayala-Colqui - 2023 - Aisthesis 74:172-195.
    Este artículo explora el concepto de trauma colectivo y su aplicación en el contexto histórico y social de las sociedades latinoamericanas. La transferencia del término «trauma colectivo» desde el campo del conocimiento psicológico a la esfera social e histórica plantea preguntas sobre su legitimidad y marco conceptual. El estudio examina la fidelidad de esta transferencia conceptual y su relación con la comprensión psicoanalítica temprana de los fenómenos traumáticos. El contexto cultural europeo de finales del siglo xix (...)
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    Collective trauma and the role of reparation in Louise Erdrich.Aitor Ibarrola-Armendariz - 2023 - Alpha (Osorno) 56:57-81.
    Resumen: Tras ocurrir un accidente de caza en una reserva india de North Dakota, Louise Erdrich indaga en LaRose (2016) en temas tan espinosos como las injusticias históricas, el dolor colectivo, los traumas intergeneracionales, la venganza y los actos de reparación. La muerte de un niño nativo-americano despierta todo tipo de fantasmas y resentimiento en las dos familias implicadas, pero también en la comunidad india en su conjunto. Ni el sistema jurídico ni la religión parecen proporcionar respuestas adecuadas para (...)
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    La enseñanza del Holocausto en Hispanoamérica: una revisión sistemática de la literatura (2013-2022).César Barba-Alonso & Delfín Ortega-Sánchez - 2024 - Clío: History and History Teaching 50:259-280.
    La pregunta ¿por qué enseñar el Holocausto? ha recibido diversas respuestas, que incluyen la comprensión de su contexto, naturaleza, propósito y el fomento de la diversidad en sociedades plurales. A pesar de su reconocimiento curricular y valor educativo, la producción investigadora en la región hispanoamericana y en España parece limitada. Desde la pedagogía de los traumas colectivos, el presente estudio busca realizar una revisión sistemática de la literatura de las contribuciones más recientes a la enseñanza del Holocausto, procedentes de los (...)
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    Embodied memories and credibility in women victims of violence possibilities of resignification and reparation.Flor Emilce Cely Ávila - 2019 - Ideas Y Valores 68:20-38.
    RESUMEN Se analiza la relación entre las memorias inscritas en el cuerpo, el trauma y los recursos corporizados subjetivos y colectivos con los que cuentan las mujeres víctimas de violencia para reconstruir y resignificarse como personas dignas de credibilidad y agentes de cambio. Se refieren casos específicos de violencia sexual en Colombia y se expone la importancia de la creación de comunidades de confianza que propicien espaclos para la narración y escucha de los testimonlos de víctimas, la tramitación de (...)
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  5. Para matar a Franco (de risa): El periódico ácrata en el exilio y los usos del humor gráfico.Pedro García-Guirao - 2012 - In Beatriz Caballero Rodríguez, Laura López Fernández & Tim Bowron, Exilio e identidad en el mundo hispánico. Reflexiones y representaciones. Alicante: Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes. pp. 274-313.
    En 1944 el famoso sociólogo alemán Theodor W. Adorno publicó un libro en el que aparecía una de las frases que pasarán a la historia del imaginario colectivo; la frase decía: “. . . escribir un poema después de Auschwitz es un acto de barbarie y esto también corroe al conocimiento, el cual afirma por qué se ha vuelto imposible escribir poemas” (Adorno, Prismas 23). Aceptada como axioma por unos y ampliamente criticada por otros, lo cierto es que dicha (...)
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    Masculinidades, paz y posconflicto en Colombia. Primer conversatorio del ciclo ‘Masculinidades y emancipación en América Latina. Tiempos de crisis/tiempos de invención’.Fugas Y. Fisuras Colectivo Masculinidades en América Latina: Fricciones - 2021 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 12:371-390.
    El diálogo que a continuación presentamos a la comunidad de lectores y lectoras tuvo lugar el 20 de abril del 2021 en el contexto del primer ciclo de conversatorios “Masculinidades y emancipación en América Latina. Tiempos de crisis/tiempos de invención”, promovido por el colectivo de trabajo “Masculinidades en América Latina: Fricciones, Fugas y Fisuras”. Esta transcripción la editó y corrigió Daniel González Marín Grabación original del conversatorio en:
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  7. Definitions of trauma.Dissociated Trauma Model - 2002 - In Kelly Oliver & Steve Edwin, Between the psyche and the social: psychoanalytic social theory. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield.
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  8. Science, Culture and Psychiatry After the Kobe Earthquake.Globalizing Disaster Trauma - 2000 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 28 (2):174-197.
  9.  13
    Comodidades e incomodidades.Colectivo Filosofarconchicos - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 11:188-193.
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  10. The Alfred spinal clearance management protocol.Jamie Cooper, Trauma Intensive Care Head, Thomas Kossmann, Trauma Surgery Director & Mr Greg Malham - 2006 - Nexus 9:10.
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  11. Trauma and Human Existence: Autobiographical, Psychoanalytic, and Philosophical Reflections.Robert D. Stolorow - 2007 - Routledge.
    Trauma and Human Existence effectively interweaves two themes central to emotional trauma--the first pertains to the contextuality of emotional life in general, and of the experience of emotional trauma in particular, and the second pertains to the recognition that the possibility of emotional trauma is built into the basic constitution of human existence. This volume traces how both themes interconnect, largely as they crystallize in the author’s personal experience of traumatic loss. As discussed in the book's (...)
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    Trauma and Historical Witnessing: Hope for Malabou's New Wounded.Jennifer O. Gammage - 2016 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 30 (3):404-413.
    Catherine Malabou in The New Wounded develops a general theory of trauma by extending her account of destructive plasticity to the realm of post-traumatic stress disorder. “The new wounded,” she claims, “all come together around a single fact: the radical rupture that trauma introduces in the psyche”. This rupture is demonstrated by an affective fissure, which renders traumatized persons emotionally and socially mute, and a temporal fissure, which punctures subjects’ relationships to their pasts, thus tearing them from any (...)
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    Nietzsche trauma and overcoming: the psychology of the psychologist.Uri Wernik - 2018 - Wilmington, Delaware, United States: Vernon Press.
    "Nietzsche Trauma and Overcoming " shows that Nietzsche suffered from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and most probably was a victim of childhood sex abuse. I bring convincing evidence from his texts to support these claims, along with a discussion of corroborating psychological findings on these issues. I show that he teaches coping with pain and suffering, based on his life experience, with lessons from the school of war, the wisdom of reinterpretation, and artistic activity. His three themes of the Superman, (...)
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  14. Structural Trauma.Elena Ruíz - 2024 - Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism 23 (1):29-50.
    This paper addresses the phenomenological experience of precarity and vulnerability in racialized gender-based violence from a structural perspective. Informed by Indigenous social theory and anti-colonial approaches to intergenerational trauma that link settler colonial violence to the modalities of stress-inducing social, institutional, and cultural violences in marginalized women’s lives, I argue that philosophical failures to understand trauma as a functional, organizational tool of settler colonial violence amplify the impact of traumatic experience on specific populations. It is trauma by (...)
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    Comportamiento colectivo de animales “swarming” y patrones complejos.J. A. Cañizo, J. Rosado & J. A. Carrillo - 2010 - Arbor 186 (746):1035-1049.
    En esta nota repasamos algunos modelos basados en individuos para describir el movimiento colectivo de agentes, a lo que nos referimos usando la voz inglesa swarming. Estos modelos se basan en EDOs (ecuaciones diferenciales ordinarias) y muestran un comportamiento asintótico complejo y rico en patrones, que mostramos numéricamente. Además, comentamos cómo se conectan estos modelos de partículas con las ecuaciones en derivadas parciales para describir la evolución de densidades de individuos de forma continua. Las cuestiones matemáticas relacionadas con la (...)
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    The Trauma-Memory Argument.John F. Kihlstrom - 1995 - Consciousness and Cognition 4 (1):63-67.
    The trauma-memory argument proposes that memories of childhood trauma can affect adult behavior outside awareness and that such unconscious memories can return to awareness even after long delays. Unfortunately, this conclusion is based on case reports of unknown representativeness and on clinical studies which are methodologically flawed or do not consider alternative explanations. Of particular concern is the general lack of independent verification of the ostensibly forgotten memories. The trauma-memory argument is plausible, in at least some respects, (...)
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    Violación y trauma desde una perspectiva histórica.Joanna Bourke - 2010 - Arbor 186 (743):407-416.
    El trauma no constituye una forma universal de expresión de los efectos de un “suceso desagradable” sino que es construido socialmente. En el caso de la violación, el trauma psicológico es una forma relativamente reciente de conceptualizar las consecuencias de la agresión. En este artículo se examina el desarrollo de la noción de trauma en manuales psiquiátricos, legales y forenses, a propósito de las víctimas de violación, y se investigan las razones para su relativamente reciente puesta en (...)
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    Reading, Trauma and Literary Caregiving 1914-1918: Helen Mary Gaskell and the War Library.Sara Haslam - 2020 - Journal of Medical Humanities 41 (3):305-321.
    This article is about the relationship between reading, trauma and responsive literary caregiving in Britain during the First World War. Its analysis of two little-known documents describing the history of the War Library, begun by Helen Mary Gaskell in 1914, exposes a gap in the scholarship of war-time reading; generates a new narrative of "how," "when," and "why" books went to war; and foregrounds gender in its analysis of the historiography. The Library of Congress's T. W. Koch discovered Gaskell's (...)
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    Culture trauma, morality and solidarity: The social construction of 'Holocaust and other mass murders'.Jeffrey C. Alexander - 2016 - Thesis Eleven 132 (1):3-16.
    Cultural trauma occurs when members of a collectivity feel they have been subjected to a horrendous event that leaves indelible marks upon their group consciousness, marking their memories forever and changing their future identity in fundamental and irrevocable ways. While this new scientific concept clarifies causal relationships between previously unrelated events, structures, perceptions, and actions, it also illuminates a neglected domain of social responsibility and political action. By constructing cultural traumas, social groups, national societies, and sometimes even entire civilizations, (...)
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  20.  11
    Time, trauma, and the brain: How suicide came to have no significant precipitating event.Stephanie Lloyd & Alexandre Larivée - 2020 - Science in Context 33 (3):299-327.
    ArgumentIn this article, we trace shifting narratives of trauma within psychiatric, neuroscience, and environmental epigenetics research. We argue that two contemporary narratives of trauma – each of which concerns questions of time and psychopathology, of the past invading the present – had to be stabilized in order for environmental epigenetics models of suicide risk to be posited. Through an examination of these narratives, we consider how early trauma came to be understood as playing an etiologically significant role (...)
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  21. Trauma and Phenomenology.Natalie Depraz - 2018 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 2 (2):53-74.
    The phenomenology of trauma is a historical, epistemological, and methodic inquiry that wishes to test the validity of an already settled dynamic model of surprise as shock-rupture based on its correlated inner structures of attention and emotion. Thanks to an integrative approach, crossing phenomenological subjective experiences and empirical data, we hope to renew the understanding of the blank lived experience of trauma and the passive preconscious dynamics of traumatism, as well as to generate possible therapeutic effects.
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  22. Betrayal trauma: Traumatic amnesia as an adaptive response to childhood abuse.Jennifer J. Freyd - 1994 - Ethics and Behavior 4 (4):307 – 329.
    Betrayal trauma theory suggests that psychogenic amnesia is an adaptive response to childhood abuse. When a parent or other powerful figure violates a fundamental ethic of human relationships, victims may need to remain unaware of the trauma not to reduce suffering but rather to promote survival. Amnesia enables the child to maintain an attachment with a figure vital to survival, development, and thriving. Analysis of evolutionary pressures, mental modules, social cognitions, and developmental needs suggests that the degree to (...)
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  23.  58
    Trauma Informed Ethics Consultation.Elizabeth Lanphier & Uchenna E. Anani - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (5):45-57.
    We argue for the addition of trauma informed awareness, training, and skill in clinical ethics consultation by proposing a novel framework for Trauma Informed Ethics Consultation (TIEC). This approach expands on the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities (ASBH) framework for, and key insights from feminist approaches to, ethics consultation, and the literature on trauma informed care (TIC). TIEC keeps ethics consultation in line with the provision of TIC in other clinical settings. Most crucially, TIEC (like TIC) (...)
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  24.  65
    Sujetos colectivos en búsqueda de sustentabilidad pesquera. Relatos de los miembros de una comunidad de pescadores artesanales, V región, Chile.Violeta Glaría - 2010 - Polis 27.
    A nivel nacional e internacional los desembarques de pesca se han incrementado cuantiosamente en los últimos decenios generando el colapso de diversas pesquerías. Los testimonios de los miembros de la comunidad de pescadores artesanales de la V región son uno de los ejemplos concretos de este proceso. Se argumentó que estas crisis eran provocadas por la “Tragedia de los Comunes” y que era necesario establecer Cuotas Individuales Transferibles (CIT) para asegurar los derechos de propiedad. La versión nacional, con la ley (...)
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    Childhood Trauma and Cortisol Reactivity: An Investigation of the Role of Task Appraisals.Cory J. Counts, Annie T. Ginty, Jade M. Larsen, Taylor D. Kampf & Neha A. John-Henderson - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundChildhood adversity is linked to adverse health in adulthood. One posited mechanistic pathway is through physiological responses to acute stress. Childhood adversity has been previously related to both exaggerated and blunted physiological responses to acute stress, however, less is known about the psychological mechanisms which may contribute to patterns of physiological reactivity linked to childhood adversity.ObjectiveIn the current work, we investigated the role of challenge and threat stress appraisals in explaining relationships between childhood adversity and cortisol reactivity in response to (...)
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    Multiculturalidad y derechos colectivos en Joseph Raz.Juan Pablo Zambrano Tiznado - 2009 - Isegoría 41:287-292.
    En este trabajo me propongo mostrar las dificultades de sostener la argumentación de Raz para fundamentar los derechos colectivos en el caso de sociedades multiculturales. Para ello contrasto la argumentación de este autor con la de J. Griffin. Concluyo que si bien existen bienes comunales, en el caso de las sociedades multiculturales la imposibilidad de que estas actúen como unidad de agencia hace muy difícil un acuerdo sobre ellos y, en el caso de existir este acuerdo, el resultado no puede (...)
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    La ciudad como colectivo ético. Una propuesta post-humanista de análisis.Fernando Calonge - 2012 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 55:57-71.
    El artículo que aquí presento elabora una concepción del colectivo ético aplicable al espacio urbano. Dicha concepción, que se puede considerar post-humanista, es elaborada a partir de una lectura de autores como Alfred North Whitehead, Gilles Deleuze, Bruno Latour o James J. Gibson. Esta concepción se extrapola a los espacios de la ciudad, considerando algunas aportaciones de la Arquitectura y la Geografía Humana. El propósito último es contemplar el espacio urbano como la sede donde distintos actores (humanos y no (...)
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    The Trauma Controversy: Philosophical and Interdisciplinary Dialogues.Kristen Brown Golden & Bettina G. Bergo (eds.) - 2009 - State University of New York Press.
    Provides multiple and accessible perspectives on trauma both as a condition and as a cultural phenomenon.
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    Screen Trauma: Visual Media and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder.Amit Pinchevski - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (4):51-75.
    Recent studies in psychiatry reveal an acceptance of trauma through the media. Traditionally restricted to immediate experience, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is now expanding to include mediated experience. How did this development come about? How does mediated trauma manifest itself? What are its consequences? This essay addresses these questions through three cases: (1) ‘trauma film paradigm’, an early 1960s research program that employed films to simulate traumatic effects; (2) the psychiatric study into the clinical effects of watching (...)
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  30. Trauma: phenomenological causality and implication.Lillian Wilde - 2022 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 21 (3):689-705.
    The relationship between traumatic experiences and subsequent distress is not well understood, and little research focuses on the lived experience of psychological trauma. I draw on Louis Sass’s phenomenological taxonomy to address this lacuna. I present his differentiation between relations of phenomenological causality and implication and demonstrate that his taxonomy can be applied to experiences of trauma. Relations of phenomenological causality and implication can be identified in the genesis and constitution of post-traumatic distress. My adaptation of Sass’s taxonomy (...)
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    A Trauma Revisited: Fanon, Žižek, and Violence.Chyatat Supachalasai - 2014 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 8 (2).
    Although trauma is by nature a pathological experience found in the lives of some traumatised human beings, I argue that it does not necessarily referring to the past memory. This article aims to revisit trauma by shifting trauma from intermingled with a disturbed memory the individuals might have towards the past to the new hypothesis that trauma is a contemporaneity where the relationships among the pathological subjects, the mental disorders, and the structural violence are coexistent - (...)
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    Trauma and loss in the Adult Attachment Interview: Situating the unresolved state of mind classification in disciplinary and social context.Lianne Bakkum, Carlo Schuengel, Sarah L. Foster, R. M. Pasco Fearon & Robbie Duschinsky - 2023 - History of the Human Sciences 36 (3-4):133-157.
    This article examines how ‘trauma’ has been conceptualised in the unresolved state of mind classification in the Adult Attachment Interview, introduced by Main and Hesse in 1990. The unresolved state of mind construct has been influential for three decades of research in developmental psychology. However, not much is known about how this measure of unresolved trauma was developed, and how it relates to other conceptualisations of trauma. We draw on previously unavailable manuscripts from Main and Hesse's personal (...)
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  33.  11
    Political Trauma and Healing: Biblical Ethics for a Postcolonial World.Mark G. Brett - 2016 - Grand Rapids, Michighan: Eerdmans.
    How can Scripture address the crucial justice issues of our time? In this book Mark Brett offers a careful reading of biblical texts that speak to such pressing public issues as the legacies of colonialism, the demands of asylum seekers, the challenges of climate change, and the shaping of redemptive economies. Brett argues that the Hebrew Bible can be read as a series of reflections on political trauma and healing -- the long saga of successive ancient empires violently asserting (...)
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    El trauma de la violencia colonial en África.Victor Alonso Rocafort - 2004 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 4:119-152.
    La violencia actual en África posee un componente traumático cuyo origen se sitúa en el pasado colonial. Comprender esas heridas que aún se expanden por las sociedades africanas es el objetivo del presente texto. Para ello, y con especial atención en la dimensión mental de la violencia, se estudia la violencia colonial, las respuestas surgidas desde el ámbito colonizado y se mantiene una tesis particular acerca de la pugna por el mundo, en sentido arendtiano, y su relación con la política (...)
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    The trauma of Nineveh’s demise and downfall: Nahum 2:2–11.Wilhelm J. Wessels & Elizabeth Esterhuizen - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (4):6.
    Trauma is left, right and centre in the whole book of Nahum. The book reflects the oppression and hardship that Judah had experienced at the hands of the imperial power Assyria. For many a reader, the violent and derogative content of this book is in itself a traumatic experience. In this article, the focus is on Nahum 2:2–11 (Masoretic Text [MT]), which depicts the downfall of Nineveh and its traumatic effects on its citizens. Besides the analysis of the text, (...)
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    Structural Features Predict Sexual Trauma and Interpersonal Problems in Borderline Personality Disorder but Not in Controls: A Multi-Voxel Pattern Analysis.Harold Dadomo, Gerardo Salvato, Gaia Lapomarda, Zafer Ciftci, Irene Messina & Alessandro Grecucci - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Child trauma plays an important role in the etiology of Bordeline Personality Disorder. Of all traumas, sexual trauma is the most common, severe and most associated with receiving a BPD diagnosis when adult. Etiologic models posit sexual abuse as a prognostic factor in BPD. Here we apply machine learning using Multiple Kernel Regression to the Magnetic Resonance Structural Images of 20 BPD and 13 healthy control to see whether their brain predicts five sources of traumas: sex abuse, emotion (...)
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  37. Trauma Across Cultures: Cultural Dimensions of the Phenomenology of Post-Traumatic Experiences.Lillian Wilde - 2020 - Phenomenology and Mind 18:222-229.
    In this paper, I enquire into the nature of the influence culture has on the experience of trauma. I begin with a brief elaboration of the dominant conceptualisation of post-traumatic experiences: the diagnostic category of PTSD as it can be found in the DSM. Then, I scrutinise the nature and extent to which cultural factors may influence the phenomenology of the experience of certain events as traumatic and subsequent symptoms of post-traumatic stress. It seems that cultural circumstances alter the (...)
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  38. On the Dialectics of Trauma in Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire.Fred Ribkoff & Paul Tyndall - 2011 - Journal of Medical Humanities 32 (4):325-337.
    Blanche DuBois, the tragic heroine of Tennessee Williams’ A Streetcar Named Desire , has always been read as either “mad” from the start of the play or as a character who descends into “madness.” We argue that Streetcar adumbrates elements of trauma theory, specifically symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder such as involuntary reliving of traumatic events, dissociation, guilt, shame, denial, the shattering of the self, the compulsion to repeat the story of trauma, as well as the early stages (...)
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  39. Psychological Trauma and the Simulated Self.Mark Silcox - 2014 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 44 (3):349-364.
    In the 1980s, there was a significant upsurge in diagnoses of Dissociative Identity Disorder. Ian Hacking suggests that the roots of this tendency lie in the excessive willingness of psychologists past and present to engage in the “psychologization of trauma.” I argue that Hacking makes some philosophically problematic assumptions about the putative threat to human autonomy that is posed by the increasing availability, attractiveness, and plausibility of various forms of simulated experience. I also suggest how a different set of (...)
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  40. Trauma and human existence : the mutual enrichment of Heidegger's existential analytic and a psychoanalytic understanding of trauma.Robert D. Stolorow - 2009 - In Roger Frie & Donna M. Orange, Beyond Postmodernism: New Dimensions in Theory and Practice. Routledge. pp. 143-161.
    In this article I chronicle the emergence of two interrelated themes that crystallized in my investigations of emotional trauma during the more than 16 years that followed my own experience of traumatic loss. One pertains to the context-embeddedness of emotional trauma and the other to the claim that the possibility of emotional trauma is built into our existential constitution. I find a reconciliation and synthesis of these two themes—trauma’s contextuality and its existentiality—in the recognition of the (...)
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    The Trauma of Mothers: Motherhood, Violent Crime and the Christian Motif of Forgiveness.Esther Mcintosh - 2020 - In K. O'Donnell & K. Cross, Feminist Trauma Theologies: Body, Scripture & Church in Critical Perspective. SCM Press.
    In the face of violent crime, mothers are often the most vocal in fighting for justice. When those mothers are also active in a Christian Church, they are well versed in the motifs of sacrifice and forgiveness. From a feminist perspective, these motifs have been severely criticised for weighing more heavily on women than men, given Christianity’s long history of teaching the submission of women and the dominance of men, and, further, have been instrumental in keeping women in abusive relationships. (...)
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    Memory, Trauma, and History: Essays on Living with the Past.Michael S. Roth - 2011 - Columbia University Press.
    Remembering forgetting : Maladies de la Mémoire in nineteenth-century France -- Dying of the past : medical studies of nostalgia in nineteenth-century France -- Hysterical remembering -- Trauma, representation, and historical consciousness -- Trauma : a dystopia of the spirit -- Falling into history : Freud's case of 'Frau Emmy von N.' -- Why Freud haunts us -- Why Warburg now? -- Classic postmodernism : Keith Jenkins -- Ebb tide : Frank Ankersmit -- The art of losing oneself (...)
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    Global Trauma and Narrative Cinema.Neil Narine - 2010 - Theory, Culture and Society 27 (4):119-145.
    This article examines how the global traumas of resource-driven conflicts and acts of terrorism are mapped in 21st-century US and UK narrative cinema, and suggests that guilt, elicited in the implied Western viewer, is displaced in the films onto images of Western women. Revisiting Mulvey’s influential theory of ‘visual pleasure’ through the ‘male gaze’, this article analyses the films Traffic, a depiction of US complicity with global drug cartels, Babel, the story of a global media frenzy surrounding American tourists victimized (...)
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  44. Remembering trauma in epistemology.Matthew Frise - 2024 - Philosophy and the Mind Sciences.
    This paper explores some surprising effects of psychological trauma on memory and develops the puzzle of observer memory for trauma. Memory for trauma tends to have a third-person perspective, or observer perspective. But it appears observer memory, by having a novel visual point of view, tends to misrepresent the past. And many find it plausible that if a memory type tends to misrepresent, it cannot yield knowledge of, or justification for believing, details of past events. But it (...)
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    Los derechos del colectivo LGBTIQ+ en el sistema universal de protección de derechos humanos. Una revisión legal mediante el uso del enfoque basado en derechos.Santiago Martínez Ventoso - 2023 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 43:120-151.
    Partiendo de la constatación de que el colectivo LGBTIQ+ sufre un contexto de discriminación y opresión sistemáticas, este artículo busca dar respuesta a este contexto desde el sistema universal de protección de derechos. Para ello, se explican los principios de igualdad y no discriminación como punto de partida para justificar un enfoque basado en derechos como la metodología pertinente para realizar una revisión de las provisiones específicas aplicables al colectivo LGBTIQ+ y realizar una propuesta de mejora, que incluye (...)
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    From Psychoanalysis to Cultural Trauma: Narrating Legacies of Collective Suffering.Rafael Pérez Baquero - 2021 - Critical Horizons 22 (4):370-385.
    ABSTRACT This paper aims to offer both an interpretation and a critique of the epistemological foundations underlying one of the most recent approaches to trauma studies: cultural trauma theory. After the First World War, the founding father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, inquired into whether his diagnostic of “traumatic neurosis” could shed light on how collectives deal with unsettling experiences and memories. Throughout the intervening decades, Freud´s insights into collective trauma have attracted the interest of scholars from various (...)
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  47. Dissociation during trauma: the ownership-agency tradeoff model.Yochai Ataria - 2015 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 14 (4):1037-1053.
    Dissociation during trauma lacks an adequate definition. Using data obtained from interviews with 36 posttraumatic individuals conducted according to the phenomenological approach, this paper seeks to improve our understanding of this phenomenon. In particular, it suggesting a trade off model depicting the balance between the sense of agency and the sense of ownership : a reciprocal relationship appears to exist between these two, and in order to enable control of the body during trauma the sense of ownership must (...)
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    Whose Trauma? Who’s Trauma Informed?Uchenna E. Anani & Elizabeth Lanphier - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (1):98-100.
    This case raises questions of what “trauma-informed care” (TIC) means to the medical team caring for Maurice and how they embrace a TIC approach. There are established principles of trauma-informed...
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    Trauma and intersubjectivity: the phenomenology of empathy in PTSD.Lillian Wilde - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (1):141-145.
    With my research, I wish to contribute to the discussion of post-traumatic psychopathologies from a phenomenological perspective. The main question I pursue is to what extent PTSD can be understood as an intersubjective psychopathology and which implications this view might have. In this paper, I argue that the mode of perception allowing for intersubjective experience is vulnerable to disruptions through traumatic events. I begin with a short elaboration on what intersubjectivity entails before proceeding to illustrate how it can be impaired. (...)
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    Trauma und Kritik: zur Generationengeschichte der Kritischen Theorie.Christian Schneider - 2000
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