Results for 'Transnationalism. '

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  1.  11
    Introduction: transnationalism in the 1950s Europe, ideas, debates and politics.Ettore Costa & Mats Andrén - 2020 - History of European Ideas 46 (1):1-12.
    This special issue re-evaluates the 1950s as a period of transnationalism in ideas and political practices, offering innovative insights into political history and political ideas. Without setting the national and transnational spheres against each other, the issue argues that the dialectics between the two was a defining element of Europe in this period. The articles explore transnational cooperation and exchanges among intellectuals, politicians and trade unionists, showing how they were changing in their interaction. The editorial sets out from the research (...)
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    Conceptualising Transnationalism Through Life Histories.Dalia Báthory & Ștefan Bosomitu - 2023 - History of Communism in Europe 11:7-15.
    The term transnationalism has developed into a concept with a broad meaning, defining anything having to do with transgressing the national boundaries. There are limits to it: it has more to do with non-statal actors, it relates to trans-border cultural, political and economic spaces, and it follows identity-defining experiences of individuals who have lived a complex, international life. The current issue of History of Communism in Europe is entitled Transnational Biographies. Destinies at the Crossroads before and after the Cold War (...)
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    Transnationalism and its personal and social consequences for chinese transmigrants.Chan Kwok-Bun - 2008 - World Futures 64 (3):187 – 221.
    In this essay, I investigate the origins of Chinese migrant transnationalism and its personal and social consequences. I propose a theoretical perspective that turns on a synthesis that I shall call “cultural functionalism,” a synthesis that attempts to reconcile functionalism and postmodernism. My argument is that Chinese transmigrants overcome modern alienation through a two-way approach: first, a strong participation in and full commitment to community development and connectivity within the Chinese diaspora ; and, second, a religio-cultural renaissance—both being conceived of (...)
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    Transnationalism and Cosmopolitanism: Towards Global Citizenship?Christien van den Anker - 2010 - Journal of International Political Theory 6 (1):73-94.
    The concept of transnationalism, despite a variety of earlier uses, has recently been used to describe the sociological phenomenon of cross-border migrants considering more than one place ‘home’. This can be in terms of identity and belonging, cultural expression, family and other social ties, visits, financial flows, organising working life in more than one nation-state or transnational political projects. In this paper I discuss the theory and practice of transnationalism to assess the practical, explanatory and normative strength of the concept. (...)
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    Dimensions of Transnationalism.Alyosxa Tudor - 2017 - Feminist Review 117 (1):20-40.
    This article identifies and analyses links between conceptualisations of trans-gender and trans-national, and aims for a critical redefinition of political agency. Through an examination of theories on transing, passing and performativity in queer-, trans- and transnational feminist knowledge production—illustrated by discursive examples from transgender communities and Romanian migrant communities—I call for a conceptualisation of entangled power relations that does not rely on fixed, pre-established categories, but defines subjectivity through risk in political struggle. I suggest that ‘transing’ the nation and ‘transing’ (...)
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    Transnationalism, the State, and the Extraterritorial Citizen.Michael Peter Smith - 2003 - Politics and Society 31 (4):467-502.
    Offering a political optic on transnationalism, this article shows how the Partido Acción Nacional from Guanajuato, Mexico, seeks to reconstitute Guanajuatense transnational migrants as clients and funders of state policies, as political subjects with “dual loyalty” but limited political autonomy. To co-opt migrants into development projects designed bythe state but financed bythe migrants, partyelites reconfigure the meanings of “migrant,” “region,” and “citizen.” This is contested by migrant leaders whose views of extraterritorial citizenship, translocal community, and partyloy alty differ from views (...)
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  7. Migration, transnationalism, and modernity : thinking of Kerala's many cosmopolitanisms.J. Devika - 2015 - In Sharmani Patricia Gabriel & Fernando Rosa (eds.), Cosmopolitan Asia: Littoral Epistemologies of the Global South. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Transnationalism in Iranian Political Thought : The Life and Times of Ahmad Fardid.Ali Mirsepassi - 2017 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    During the Iranian Revolution of 1978/9, the influence of public intellectuals was widespread. Many espoused a vision of Iran freed from the influences of 'Westtoxification', inspired by Heideggerian concepts of anti-Western nativism. By following the intellectual journey of the Iranian philosopher Ahmad Fardid, Ali Mirsepassi offers in this book an account of the rise of political Islam in modern Iran. Through his controversial persona and numerous public and private appearances before, during and particularly after the Revolution, Fardid popularised an Islamist (...)
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  9. Banal transnationalism: on Makhmalbaf's "Borderless" filmmaking.Shahab Esfandiary - 2012 - In Saër Maty Bâ & Will Higbee (eds.), De-westernizing film studies. New York: Routledge.
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  10. Transnationalism Reversed: Women Organizing against Gendered Violence in Bangladesh.[author unknown] - 2011
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    Community, transnationalism, and the Left-Right metaphor.Jonathan White - 2012 - European Journal of Social Theory 15 (2):197-219.
    The imagery of Left and Right has been a common way to conceive democratic politics in modern Europe, and commentators have suggested it be extended to the European Union. This article examines the normative implications and plausibility of European politics being cast in these terms. It focuses on the challenges of rendering political division recognizable and acceptable at a transnational level, of evoking its continuities of structure, and of symbolizing the ties of political community. The article probes the Left–Right dichotomy’s (...)
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    Transnationalism and the New Religio-politics.Jeremy Stolow - 2004 - Theory, Culture and Society 21 (2):109-137.
    This article develops a theoretical framework for analysing the growing public prominence, and rising influence, of transnational religious movements on the contemporary world stage, with specific reference to the case of Agudat Israel, a prominent ‘ultra-Orthodox’ Jewish organization. It first considers the place of ‘religion’ within the context of the historical emergence of the world system of modern nation-states, addressing some of the conceptual ambiguities associated with the ideas of national vs transnational religious formations. The article then provides a historical (...)
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    Intersectional feminism in the age of transnationalism: voices from the margins.Olga Bezhanova, Amador Gómez-Quintero & Raysa Elena (eds.) - 2021 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    ... explores the limitations of the transnationalist approach to feminism and questions the neoliberal emphasis on individual freedom and consumer choice as the central goals of feminist activism.... All chapters proceed from the belief in the continued usefulness of intersectionality as a valuable category of critical analysis that is particularly necessary at the time when the effects of neoliberal globalization are undermining many familiar categories of critical inquiry.
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    Nationalism, transnationalism and European socialism in the 1950s: a comparison of the French and German cases.Brian Shaev - 2020 - History of European Ideas 46 (1):41-58.
    This article explores national dimensions of transnational interaction between the French Socialist Party (SFIO) and the German Social Democratic Party (SPD) in the 1940s–1950s within a comparative framework. Doing so allows us to uncover why the French and German parties retained intensive transnational contacts with one another despite their disappointments with postwar socialist internationalism. The SFIO and SPD were eager to put a socialist stamp on reconstruction, European integration, and French-German relations. The article shows why transnational engagement with their cross-Rhine (...)
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    Commentary: Nationalism and Transnationalism in Anthropological Research.Soraya de Chadarevian - 2022 - Perspectives on Science 30 (1):194-198.
    The history of physical anthropology has most often been situated and studied in the context of specific colonial powers and nation states. At the same time, the study of human variation had as its scope to study human evolution on a global scale. It thus necessarily included transnational border crossings and scholarly exchanges of specimen collections that allowed researchers to study migration and differentiation patterns on a large scale. In addition, scientists working in a national context often sought international approval (...)
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    Normative significance of transnationalism? The case of the Danish cartoons controversy.Sune Lægaard - 2010 - Ethics and Global Politics 3 (2):101-121.
    The paper concerns the specific transnational aspects of the ‘cartoons controversy’ over the publication of 12 drawings of the Prophet Muhammad in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten. Transnationalism denotes the relationships that are not international or domestic. The paper considers whether the specifically transnational aspects of the controversy are normatively significant, that is, whether transnationalism makes a difference for the applicability or strength of normative considerations concerning publications such as the Danish cartoons. It is argued that, although some of the usual (...)
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  17. Beyond antagonism : rethinking intersectionality, transnationalism, and the women's studies academic job market.Jennifer C. Nash - 2021 - In Ashwini Tambe & Millie Thayer (eds.), Transnational feminist itineraries: situating theory and activist practice. Durham: Duke University Press.
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    Global Capitalism: The New Transnationalism and the Folly of Conventional Thinking.William I. Robinson - 2005 - Science and Society 69 (3):316 - 328.
    The current moment must be seen from a stadial perspective on capitalist development. A new transnational stage is marked by the rise of transnational capital, a transnational capitalist class and state, and novel relations of power and inequality in global society. Recent events do not represent a new U. S. bid for hegemony amidst heightened inter-imperialist rivalry. Faced with increasingly dim prospects for a viable transnational hegemony, transnational elites have mustered up fragmented and incoherent responses involving heightened military coercion, the (...)
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    Gender and transnationalism.Helma Lutz & Umut Erel - 2012 - European Journal of Women's Studies 19 (4):409-412.
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    Nationalism and transnationalism in Cicero.Walter Nicgorski - 1993 - History of European Ideas 16 (4-6):785-791.
  21. Science, Morality, and Transnationalism.Kenneth Thompson - 1981 - Interpretation 9 (2/3):415-426.
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    11. Nationalism, Transnationalism and Postnationalism.Will Kymlicka - 2003 - In Ronald Dworkin (ed.), From Liberal Values to Democratic Transition: Essays in Honor of Janos Kis. Central European University Press. pp. 227-268.
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    The flows of transnationalism: Questioning identities and reimagining curriculum The flows of transnationalism: Questioning identities and reimagining curriculum, by Seungho Moon, Routledge, 2022, 266 pp., USD 52.95 (paperback), ISBN: 978-0-367-64322-5 (paperback). [REVIEW]Dugyum Kim - forthcoming - Educational Philosophy and Theory.
    Seungho Moon’s book, The flows of transnationalism: Questioning identities and reimagining curriculum, is a must-read for curriculum theorists and practitioners who pursue envisioning new curricula...
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    Reflections on Transnationalism.Eddy Souffrant - 2002 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 9 (2):19-29.
    This paper explores Charles Taylor’s conception of an inclusive liberal polity. It argues that contemporary immigration challenges even Taylor’s inclusive liberalism by revealing that liberalism is inherently exclusionary and that the exclusionary tendency reinforces liberalism’s peculiar ability to cultivate refugees at both the national and transnational levels.
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    Rethinking transnational studies: Transnational ties and the transnationalism of everyday life. [REVIEW]Paolo Boccagni - 2012 - European Journal of Social Theory 15 (1):117-132.
    Once an alternative approach to the mainstream, transnationalism has gained increasing currency and salience in migration studies. What is left of its theoretical import, however, after establishing that proper transnational activities, aside from remittances, are relatively infrequent; and that such practices are not incompatible with – and are even facilitated by – successful integration overseas? This article contends that the theoretical toolkit of transnationalism can still be helpful in studying migrant life trajectories, with particular respect to their everyday life sphere. (...)
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    From Greek to globalist: Seven valuational attitudes toward transnationalism.Eva H. Cadwallader - 1993 - History of European Ideas 16 (4-6):495-500.
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    Ryan Johnson. Transnationalism and Translation in Modern Chinese, English, French and Japanese Literatures. New York: Anthem Press, 2021. 216 pp. [REVIEW]Olga V. Solovieva - 2022 - Critical Inquiry 48 (3):625-627.
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  28. Architecture and the production of postcard images : Invocations of tradition vs. critical transnationalism in curitiba.Clara Irazabal - 2004 - In Nezar AlSayyad (ed.), The end of tradition? New York: Routledge.
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    Entangled histories of revolution in Europe: translation and transnationalism.Erica J. Mannucci, Rosa Mucignat & Sanja Perovic - forthcoming - History of European Ideas.
    This special issue is a collective effort to respond to a growing debate in many fields over the way in which the global and transnational approaches can change our study of the past. Over the last...
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    Re-Reading Kantian Cosmopolitanism Through Du Bois’ Transnationalism.K. Bailey Thomas - 2020 - Journal of World Philosophies 5 (2):206-208.
    Transnational Cosmopolitanism is a text that aims to build upon Kant’s account of cosmopolitanism through the post-WWI writings and political life of W.E.B. Du Bois. Through the work of these two figures, Valdez constructs the notion of “transnational cosmopolitanism” to describe situations of global injustice and to imagine worlds otherwise. By demonstrating the limits of Kantian cosmopolitanism through an anti-colonial reading of “Perpetual Peace,” Transnational Cosmopolitanism illustrates how these limits still emerge within neo-Kantian frameworks and writing. In order to overcome (...)
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    Postnational Palestine/Israel? Globalization, Diaspora, Transnationalism, and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.Dan Rabinowitz - 2000 - Critical Inquiry 26 (4):757-772.
  32. A Borderless World? From Colonialism to Transnationalism and the Decline of the Nation-State.Masao Miyoshi - 1993 - Critical Inquiry 19 (4):726-751.
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    How markets are made: Race, democracy and transnationalism in neoliberal thought.Lars Cornelissen - 2019 - European Journal of Political Theory 20 (4):793-803.
    As offshoots of and reactions to neoliberalism continue to dominate our political imaginary, the scholarly critique of neoliberal thought remains urgent and timely. This article engages with two re...
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    Tyler Stovall, Paris and the Spirit of 1919. Consumer Struggles, Transnationalism, and Revolution.Xavier Vigna - 2013 - Clio 38:322-324.
    L’ouvrage de Tyler Stovall, professeur à l’université de Californie-Berkeley, marque par son ambition. Investissant une période et un cadre géographique sur lesquels l’historiographie abonde, il parvient en effet à proposer une analyse qui fait bouger les lignes, en mobilisant et en faisant travailler les trois catégories du « triangle de fer » que sont la classe, le genre et la race (p. 112). T. Stovall se focalise sur l’année 1919 qu’il envisage non comme un point de bascule, mais comme un...
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    The Dynamics of Sunni‐Shia Relationships: Doctrine,Transnationalism Intellectuals and the Media. Edited by BrigitteMaréchal and SamiZemni. Pp. vi, 355, London, Hurst, 2013, £39.99. [REVIEW]Richard Penaskovic - 2019 - Heythrop Journal 60 (3):528-529.
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    The Dynamics of Sunni‐Shia Relationships: Doctrine, Transnationalism, Intellectuals and the Media. Edited by Brigitte Maréchal and Sami Zemni. Pp. vi, 355, London, Hurst & Company, 2013, £39.99. [REVIEW]Richard Penaskovic - 2018 - Heythrop Journal 59 (2):397-398.
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    The semiotics of undesirable bodies: Transnationalism, race culture, abjection.Robbie B. H. Goh - 2014 - Semiotica 2014 (200):203-227.
    Contemporary transnational migration has given rise to a new ideology and semiotics of the foreign body – one that draws on the cognitive field of the primitive, marked, and abjected body. This foreign body is carefully differentiated from both the sphere of the local/national, and the “expatriate” professional who by virtue of economic and cultural capital is desired and assimilated into the local sphere. An aspiring cosmopolitan and global city-state like Singapore shows this semiotic differentiation to quite a marked degree, (...)
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    Gender and Politics in Contemporary Haiti: The Duvalierist State, Transnationalism, and the Emergence of a New Feminism. [REVIEW]Carolle Charles - 1995 - Feminist Studies 21 (1):135.
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    Early Modern Catholics, Royalists, and Cosmopolitans, English Transnationalism and the Christian Commonwealth. By Brian C. Lockey. Pp. xi, 376, Farnham, Ashgate, 2015, £75.00. [REVIEW]Peter Milward - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (2):445-446.
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    Book Review: Women’s NGOs in Pakistan by Afshan Jafar and Transnationalism Reversed: Women Organizing against Gendered Violence in Bangladesh by Elora Halim Chowdhury. [REVIEW]Eve Spangler - 2013 - Gender and Society 27 (3):435-438.
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    The changing faces of African Independent Churches as development actors across borders.Babatunde A. Adedibu - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (1):9.
    The religious transnationalism evident in the 21st century has heralded a new paradigm of religion ‘made to travel’ as adherents of religions navigate various cultural frontiers within Africa, Europe and North America. The role of Africa in shaping the global religious landscape, particularly the Christian tradition, designates the continent as one of the major actors of the Christian faith in the 21st century. The inability of European Christianity to address most of the existential realities of Africans and the stigmatisation of (...)
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    The new transnational activism.Sidney Tarrow - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The New Transnational Activism shows how even the most prosaic activities can assume broader political meanings when they provide ordinary people with the experience of crossing transnational space. This means that we cannot be satisfied with defining transnational activists through the ways they think. The defining feature of transnationalism in this book is relational, and not cognitive. This emphasis on activism's relational structure means that even as they make transnational claims, transnational activists draw on the resources, the networks, and the (...)
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    Asian Transmigrant Teachers in Urban Bilingual Schools: Mobility, Flexible Citizenship, and Educational Trajectories.Yeji Kim - 2022 - British Journal of Educational Studies 70 (4):437-456.
    In this age of migration and transnationalism, it is imperative to take account of migratory experiences and lives of transmigrant teachers, who exhibit multiple ways of belonging and knowing. Informed by the theoretical framework of transnationalism and flexible citizenship, this study investigates two Asian transmigrant teachers who work in urban bilingual schools in the U.S. and examines how and why they are involved in their particular transnational mobility, professional choices, and educational activities. The findings show that transmigrant teachers’ border crossings (...)
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    The American Society for the Control of Cancer in the Portuguese Institute of Oncology's Bulletin : Rethinking nationalism.Beatriz Medori - 2021 - Centaurus 63 (4):779-803.
    The purpose of this paper is to trace the American Society for the Control of Cancer's (ASCC) influence on the Portuguese Institute of Oncology's (IPO) Bulletin. The time period featured is from 1934 to 1940, which spans the first two decades of the newly formed Portuguese dictatorship, known as the Estado Novo (1933–1974). The analysis of the ASCC's “imprint” on the IPO's Bulletin aims to shed new light on how American culture influenced Portugal, from its first appearance at the beginning (...)
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    Internationalisms: a twentieth-century history.Glenda Sluga & Patricia Clavin (eds.) - 2017 - New York, New York: Cambridge University Press.
    At the turn of the twenty-first century, historical studies of internationalism--above and beyond the call to the workers of the world to unite--have become the norm in a relatively short space of time. This shift has occurred in the context of a historical vogue for 'transnationalism,' that is, capturing experiences that traversed and transcended the borders of nation-states both within and beyond the European world. The work of the diplomatic historian Akira Iriye has been central to these developments, illuminating the (...)
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    Transnational Isolates: Portuguese Colonial Race Science and the Foreign World.Ricardo Roque - 2022 - Perspectives on Science 30 (1):108-136.
    This article examines scientific transnationalism as an art of engagement with, and avoidance of, the threats and promises of what was foreign to the nation. Portuguese racial anthropologists experienced a tension between remaining imperial-nationalistic in character, and internationalist in their activities simultaneously. They struggled to exclude foreigners from colonial field sites; they aimed at nativist authority based on total control of colonial data. Yet, they eagerly sought connections with foreign experts to capitalize provincial scientific authority within Portugal’s colonies. The essay (...)
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    Global Governance.Timothy Sinclair (ed.) - 2012 - Polity Press.
    Introduction -- Emergence -- Institutionalism -- Transnationalism -- Cosmopolitanism -- Hegemonism -- Feminism -- Rejectionism -- Conclusions.
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  48. Methodological Nationalism, Migration and Political Theory.Alex Sager - 2016 - Political Studies 64 (1):xx-yy.
    The political theory of migration has largely occurred within a paradigm of methodological nationalism and this has led to the neglect of morally salient agents and causes. This article draws on research from the social sciences on the transnationalism, globalization and migration systems theory to show how methodological nationalist assumptions have affected the views of political theorists on membership, culture and distributive justice. In particular, it is contended that methodological nationalism has prevented political theorists of migration from addressing the roles (...)
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    For a Sociological Marxism: The Complementary Convergence of Antonio Gramsci and Karl Polanyi.Michael Burawoy - 2003 - Politics and Society 31 (2):193-261.
    The postcommunist age calls for a Sociological Marxism that gives pride of place to society alongside but distinct from state and economy. This Sociological Marxism can be traced to the writings of Gramsci and Polanyi. Hailing from different social worlds and following different Marxist traditions, both converged on a similar critique and transcendence of Classical Marxism. For Gramsci advanced capitalism is marked by the expansion of civil society, which, with the state, acts to stabilize class relations and provide a terrain (...)
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    Globalizing Genomics: The Origins of the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration.Hallam Stevens - 2017 - Journal of the History of Biology 51 (4):657-691.
    Genomics is increasingly considered a global enterprise – the fact that biological information can flow rapidly around the planet is taken to be important to what genomics is and what it can achieve. However, the large-scale international circulation of nucleotide sequence information did not begin with the Human Genome Project. Efforts to formalize and institutionalize the circulation of sequence information emerged concurrently with the development of centralized facilities for collecting that information. That is, the very first databases build for collecting (...)
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