Results for 'Transnational Capitalism'

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  1.  56
    Transnational Capitalism and the Struggle over European Integration Bastiaan van Apeldoorn.Michael Keaney - 2005 - Historical Materialism 13 (3):263-284.
  2. Towards a Global Ruling Class? Globalization and the Transnational Capitalist Class.William I. Robinson & Jerry Harris - 2000 - Science and Society 64 (1):11-54.
    A transnational capitalist class has emerged as that segment of the world bourgeoisie that represents transnational capital, the owners of the leading worldwide means of production as embodied in the transnational corporations and private financial institutions. The spread of TNCs, the sharp increase in foreign direct investment, the proliferation of mergers and acquisitions across national borders, the rise of a global financial system, and the increased interlocking of positions within the global corporate structure, are some empirical indicators (...)
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  3.  90
    Political Corruption in the Age of Transnational Capitalism.Peter Bratsis - 2014 - Historical Materialism 22 (1):105-128.
    The emergence of the ever-growing anti-corruption movement from the early ’90s onwards has proven itself to be of considerable importance in how we understand and explain global inequalities as well as in redefining corruption as a lack of transparency. This paper examines the timing and content of this international anti-corruption movement. It argues that, following the collapse of the Soviet Union and the deepening of an increasingly transnational capitalism, anti-corruption discourse has arisen as a new version of the (...)
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    Corporate Social Responsibility in Transnational Spaces: Exploring Influences of Varieties of Capitalism on Expressions of Corporate Codes of Conduct in Nigeria.Kenneth Amaeshi & Olufemi O. Amao - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 86 (S2):225-239.
    Drawing from the varieties of capitalism theoretical framework, the study explores the home country influences of multinational corporations on their corporate social responsibility practices when they operate outside their national/regional institutional contexts. The study focusses on a particular CSR practice of seven MNCs from three varieties of capitalism – coordinated, mixed and liberal market economies – operating in the oil and gas sector of the Nigerian economy. The study concludes that the corporate codes of conduct of these MNCs (...)
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    A Theory of Global Capitalism: Production, Class, and State in a Transnational World. [REVIEW]Clifford L. Staples - 2005 - European Journal of Social Theory 8 (4):533-536.
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    Global Capitalism: The New Transnationalism and the Folly of Conventional Thinking.William I. Robinson - 2005 - Science and Society 69 (3):316 - 328.
    The current moment must be seen from a stadial perspective on capitalist development. A new transnational stage is marked by the rise of transnational capital, a transnational capitalist class and state, and novel relations of power and inequality in global society. Recent events do not represent a new U. S. bid for hegemony amidst heightened inter-imperialist rivalry. Faced with increasingly dim prospects for a viable transnational hegemony, transnational elites have mustered up fragmented and incoherent responses (...)
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    Institutional Transfer and Varieties of Capitalism in Transnational Societies.Carlos H. Waisman - 2011 - ProtoSociology 27:151-166.
    This paper discusses the varieties of capitalism in transitional societies in Latin America and Central / Eastern Europe. The intended purpose of these transitions from semi-closed import-substituting economies in the first case and state socialist ones in the second was to institutionalize open-market economies. Twenty or thirty years later, there is a variety of types of capitalism in these countries, which I classify into three: open-market, neo-mercantilist, and anemic. The question for sociology is whether these quite different variants (...)
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  8. Transnational labor regulation, reification and commodification: A critical review.George Tsogas - 2018 - Journal of Labor and Society 21 (4):517-532.
    Why does scholarship on transnational labor regulation (TLR) consistently fails to search for improvements in working conditions, and instead devotes itself to relentless efforts for identifying administrative processes, semantics, and amalgamations of stakeholders? This article critiques TLR from a pro-worker perspective, through the philosophical work of Georg Lukács, and the concepts of reification and commodification. A set of theoretically grounded criteria is developed and these are applied against selected contemporary cases of TLR. In the totality that is capitalism, (...)
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    The transnational agricultural care chains of migrant farmworkers: land, livelihoods, and social reproduction.Elizabeth Fitting - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-13.
    Drawing on interviews with seasonal agricultural workers employed in Canada from Jamaica and Mexico, this paper focuses in on the experiences of a Jamaican farmworker who remits funds to pay a neighbour to farm his land (or the land he leases) while in Canada, and who participates in regular long-distance discussions with family members and neighbours back home about the upkeep of the farm. The concept of a “transnational agricultural care chain” is proposed here to capture a series of (...)
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  10.  20
    L’heure d’un changement de paradigme : la montée du capital transnational et le débat sur la classe dominante mondialisée.William I. Robinson & Jean-Michel Buée - 2016 - Actuel Marx 60 (2):43.
    It is time for a paradigm shift in our study of world capitalism and the global ruling class. The statecentrism informing much theorization and analysis of world politics, political economy, and class structure is less and less congruent with 21st century world developments. Global capitalism represents a new stage in the ongoing and open-ended evolution of world capitalism, characterized by the rise of transnational capital and a globally integrated production and financial system commanded by a (...) capitalist class, or TCC, that attempts to exercise its class power through transnational state apparatuses. The TCC, as the new global ruling class, has been attempting, albeit with limited success, to construct a global hegemonic bloc in which one group, the TCC, exercises leadership and imposes its project through the consent of those drawn into the bloc, while those from the majority who are not drawn into this hegemonic project, either through material rewards or ideological mechanisms, are contained or repressed. Global capitalism is in crisis. A popular revolt is spreading worldwide, thus posing many challenges. Transformative struggles must be informed by an accurate analysis of global capitalism and its ruling class. (shrink)
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    “Obesity,” the Transnational Plate, and the Thin Contract.Abby Wilkerson - 2010 - Radical Philosophy Review 13 (1):43-67.
    This article explores how the notion of obesity as health problem (1) functions to obscure or justify global inequities related to food production and access and (2) indicates still deeper problems of injustice and the neglected role of embodiment in analyses of justice and injustice, and notions of political subjecthood. Food, the need to eat, and the food system shape social existence profoundly yet are underexplored in philosophy, especially political philosophy. Drawing on disability theory and food studies, this article uses (...)
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  12. Gramsci and Globalisation: From Nation‐State to Transnational Hegemony.William I. Robinson - 2005 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 8 (4):559-574.
    This essay explores the matter of hegemony in the global system from the standpoint of global capitalism theory, in contrast to extant approaches that analyse this phenomenon from the standpoint of the nation‐state and the inter‐state system. It advances a conception of global hegemony in transnational social terms, linking the process of globalisation to the construction of hegemonies and counter‐hegemonies in the twenty‐first century. An emergent global capitalist historical bloc, lead by a transnational capitalist class, rather than (...)
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  13.  32
    Global Workers’ Rights through Capitalist Institutions?Ashok Kumar - 2015 - Historical Materialism 23 (3):215-227.
    InWorkers, Unions, and Global Capitalism: Lessons from India, Rohini Hensman maintains that globalisation has afforded workers new opportunities for confronting capitalist exploitation. Using India as a point of departure, Hensman highlights globalisation as paradoxical, challenging anti-globalisers and the globalisation-as-imperialism thesis, to argue that capital’s toilers are now becoming its gravediggers. This analysis also explains why the World Trade Organization is so appealing to Hensman: a quintessence of capitalism’s contradictions. Hensman argues for both transnational solidarity and independent trade (...)
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  14.  41
    Theory of the Global State: Globality as an Unfinished Revolution A Theory of Global Capitalism: Production, Class, and the State in a Transnational World.Alexander Anievas - 2008 - Historical Materialism 16 (2):190-206.
  15.  24
    Capitalism and the Organization of Displacement: Selma James’s Internationalism of the Unwaged.Katrina Forrester - 2024 - Political Theory 52 (4):659-692.
    As political theorists explore work beyond traditional workplaces, how should we understand the vast class of insecure, informal, and unsalaried workers whose existence defies traditional categories of employment? In asking this question, I revisit the political theory of the Marxist feminist and cofounder of the International Wages for Housework movement, Selma James, to explore her “internationalism of the unwaged” and her writings on wagelessness. An example of political theory in service of struggle, James’s internationalism was widely circulated in anticolonial, Black (...)
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  16. Race and a Transnational Reproductive Caste System: Indian Transnational Surrogacy.Amrita Banerjee - 2014 - Hypatia 29 (1):113-128.
    When it comes to discourses around women's labor in global contexts, we need feminist philosophical frameworks that take the intersections of gender, race, and global capitalism seriously in order to arrive at a comprehensive understanding of women's lives within global processes. Women of color feminist philosophy can bring much to the table in such discussions. In this essay, I theorize about a concrete instance of global women's labor: transnational commercial gestational surrogacy. By introducing a “racialized gender” analysis into (...)
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  17.  30
    Enacting a parallel world: Political protest against the transnational constellation.Christian Volk - 2018 - Journal of International Political Theory 15 (1):100-118.
    Global capitalism is a transnational “operational space” which is produced by the practices of states, policy- and issue-specific government networks, and private organizations such as transnational corporations, global law firms, and standard-setting agencies. This “operational space,” which I call the transnational constellation, works through and beyond distinct spatial settings, endowing them with a global financial capitalistic logic and limiting the scope of democratic self-determination. In the second section, I analyze political protest against this transnational constellation (...)
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  18.  16
    The politics of speed: capitalism, the state and war in an accelerating world.Simon Glezos - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    Everyone agrees that the world is accelerating. With advances in communication, transportation and information processing technologies, it is clear that the pace of events in global politics is speeding up at an alarming rate. The implications of this new speed however, continue to be a significant source of debate. Will acceleration lead to a more interconnected, productive, peaceful, and humane world; or a nightmarish descent into ecological devastation, economic exploitation and increasingly violent warfare? The Politics of Speed attempts to map (...)
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  19.  22
    Capitalism or information society? The fundamental question of the present structure of society.Christian Fuchs - 2013 - European Journal of Social Theory 16 (4):413-434.
    Theodor W. Adorno asked in 1968: What is the fundamental question of the present structure of society? Do we live in late capitalism or an industrial society? In today’s society, we can reformulate this question: What is the fundamental question of the present structure of society? Do we live in capitalism or an information society? This article deals with these questions. A typology of information society theories is presented. Radical discontinuous information society theories, sceptical views and continuous information (...)
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  20.  56
    The Capitalist Conjuncture: Overaccumulation, Financial Crises, and the Retreat from Globalization.Walden Bello - 2007 - International Corporate Responsibility Series 3:1-24.
    This article argues that the key crisis that has overtaken today’s global economy is the classical capitalist crisis of over-accumulation. Reaganism and structural adjustment were efforts to overcome this crisis in the 1980s, with little success, followed by globalization in the 1990s. The Clinton administration embraced globalization as the “Grand Strategy” of the United States, its two key prongs being the accelerated integration of markets and production by transnational corporations and the creation of a multilateral system of global governance, (...)
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  21.  91
    The Pitfalls of Realist Analysis of Global Capitalism: A Critique of Ellen Meiksins Wood's Empire of Capital.William Robinson - 2007 - Historical Materialism 15 (3):71-93.
    The dynamics of the emerging transnational stage in world capitalism cannot be understood through the blinkers of nation-state-centric thinking. In her study Empire of Capital, Ellen Meiksins Wood exhibits the reification and outdated nation-state-centric thinking that plagues much recent work on world capitalism and US intervention, expressed in the confusing notion of a 'new imperialism'. The overarching problems in Wood's study – and, by extension, in much of the 'new-imperialism' literature – is a reified notion of imperialism, (...)
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  22.  25
    TINA Go Home! ALBA and Re-theorizing Resistance to Global Capitalism.Thomas Muhr - 2010 - Cosmos and History 6 (2):27-54.
    Centred around Antonio Gramsci’s concept of hegemony, this paper employs a critical globalization theory framework to argue that the 1990s notion of ‘changing the world from below’, understood as resistance to capitalist globalization through a ‘transnational civil society’, requires re-theorization in the light of the contemporary developments in Our America. I make a methodological case for a neo-Gramscian approach to argue that ‘counter-hegemony’, together with an adequate theorization of the state and power, should be the preferred concept over the (...)
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  23.  54
    Governance in the Global Agro-food System: Backlighting the Role of Transnational Supermarket Chains.Jason Konefal, Michael Mascarenhas & Maki Hatanaka - 2005 - Agriculture and Human Values 22 (3):291-302.
    With the proliferation of private standards many significant decisions regarding public health risks, food safety, and environmental impacts are increasingly taking place in the backstage of the global agro-food system. Using an analytical framework grounded in political economy, we explain the rise of private standards and specific actors – notably supermarkets – in the restructuring of agro-food networks. We argue that the global, political-economic, capitalist transformation – globalization – is a transition from a Fordist regime to a regime of flexible (...)
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  24.  74
    Multicultural education – good for business but not for the state? The ib curriculum and global capitalism.Julia Resnik - 2009 - British Journal of Educational Studies 57 (3):217-244.
    In the 1970s and the 1980s, multicultural education spread in many countries. However, in the mid-1980s the golden age of multiculturalism came to an end. Neo-conservative political forces attacked multicultural policies and progressively a neo-liberal discourse pervaded economic and social policies, also affecting national education systems. In contrast, multicultural approaches have emerged with tremendous vigour in the field of business management. Juxtaposing cognitive, emotional and socio-communicative multiculturalism found in organisational studies onto multiculturalism in the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum indicates whether (...)
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  25.  87
    Struggles Against Bilateral FTAs: Challenges for Transnational Global Justice Activism.Aziz Choudry - 2013 - Studies in Social Justice 7 (1):7-25.
    The past decade has seen major movements and mobilizations against the new crop of bilateral free trade and investment agreements being pursued by governments in the wake of the failure of global (World Trade Organization) and regional (e.g. Free Trade Area of the Americas) negotiations, and the defeat of an attempted Multilateral Agreement on Investment in the 1990s. However, in spite of much scholarly, non-governmental organization (NGO) and activist focus on transnational global justice activism, many of these movements, such (...)
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  26.  60
    Socialism and Empire: Labor Mobility, Racial Capitalism, and the Political Theory of Migration.Inés Valdez - 2021 - Political Theory 49 (6):902-933.
    This essay brings together political theories of empire and racial capitalism to clarify the entanglements between socialist and imperial discourse at the turn of the twentieth century. I show that white labor activists and intellectuals in the United States and the British settler colonies borrowed from imperial scripts to mark non-white workers as a threat. This discourse was thus both imperial and popular, because it absorbed the white working class into settler projects and enlisted its support in defense of (...)
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  27. Cosmolocalism: Understanding the Transitional Dynamics towards Post-Capitalism.Alexandros Schismenos, Vasilis Niaros & Lucas Lemos - 2020 - Triple-C 18 (2):670-684.
    Over the last decades, the proliferation of ICTs and capitalist markets has created a new social-historical reality for communication, production and societal organisation, while social inequality has deepened. In this context, alternative forms of organisation based on the commons have emerged, challenging the core values of capitalism. Within this new form of egalitarian and transnational collaborative networks, a new concept of social coexistence has been proposed: cosmolocalism. This article presents the genealogy of cosmolocalism and compares it to previous (...)
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  28.  56
    Iconic Architecture and the Culture-ideology of Consumerism.Leslie Sklair - 2010 - Theory, Culture and Society 27 (5):135-159.
    This article explores the theoretical and substantive connections between iconicity and consumerism in the field of contemporary iconic architecture within the framework of a critical theory of globalization. Iconicity in architecture is defined in terms of fame and special symbolic/aesthetic significance as applied to buildings, spaces and in some cases architects themselves. Iconic architecture is conceptualized as a hegemonic project of the transnational capitalist class. In the global era, I argue, iconic architecture strives to turn more or less all (...)
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  29.  14
    Business ethics and the spirit of global capitalism: Moral leadership in the context of global Hegemony1.Dr Ivan Manokha - 2006 - Journal of Global Ethics 2 (1):27-41.
    This article carries out a critical analysis of the discourse/practice of Business Ethics that has developed to an unprecedented extent in the last decade or so. It argues that in the late-modern global political economy (GPE) there develops a form of a Gramscian hegemony of transnational capital and the discourse/practice of Business Ethics can be seen as a form of moral leadership in the context of the emerging hegemonic order.
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    False friends: Leftist nationalism and the project of transnational solidarity.Felix Anderl - 2023 - Journal of International Political Theory 19 (1):2-20.
    A growing number of left-wing scholars criticize practices of transnational solidarity. Pointing to the cooptation of “globalism” by neoliberal capitalism, these scholars utilize this critique to advance leftwing nationalism. In this article, I reconstruct symptomatic texts of this genre and identify the critique of (liberal) cosmopolitanism as the common denominator in their calls for nationalizing the Left. As a consequence of their opposition to cosmopolitanism, these authors reject freedom of movement or global justice activism. In order to examine (...)
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  31.  43
    Business ethics and the spirit of global capitalism: Moral leadership in the context of global hegemony.Ivan Manokha - 2006 - Journal of Global Ethics 2 (1):27 – 41.
    This article carries out a critical analysis of the discourse/practice of Business Ethics that has developed to an unprecedented extent in the last decade or so. It argues that in the late-modern global political economy (GPE) there develops a form of a Gramscian hegemony of transnational capital and the discourse/practice of Business Ethics can be seen as a form of moral leadership in the context of the emerging hegemonic order.
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  32.  12
    ‘Neither Pure Love nor Imitating Capitalism’: Euro WILD and the Invention of Women's Music Distribution in Europe, 1980–1982.D.-M. Withers - 2018 - Feminist Review 120 (1):85-100.
    Euro Women's Independent Label Distribution (WILD) was a pan-European network of feminist music distributors active in the early 1980s. They were affiliated to WILD, the US-based Women's Music distribution network founded in 1979 to disseminate the growing corpus of Women's Music emerging from the US Women's Liberation Movement (WLM). This article presents an interpretation of archive materials that document Euro WILD's activities from the Women's Revolutions Per Minute archive, housed at the Women's Art Library, London. Constrained and enabled by the (...)
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  33.  16
    Neither Here Nor There: The Reproductive Sphere in Transnational Feminist Cinema.Lindsay Palmer - 2011 - Feminist Review 99 (1):113-130.
    This article examines representations of motherhood in three transnational feminist films: Anayansi Prado's Maid in America (2004), Sabiha Sumar's Silent Waters (2002) and Marjane Satrapi's Persepolis (2007). While these films differ at the levels of genre and style as well as in terms of their production contexts, they each feature several scenes that engage the tension between distance and proximity, separation and unity – an always unresolved tension integral to the reproductive sphere. Each film also provides at least one (...)
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  34.  28
    Structural Power, Hegemony, and State Capitalism: Limits to China’s Global Economic Power.Kellee S. Tsai & Mingtang Liu - 2021 - Politics and Society 49 (2):235-267.
    A comparative historical perspective shows how globalization and the specificities of China’s rapid growth era limit its hegemonic potential in the twenty-first century global economy. Although state capitalism and openness to foreign capital facilitated China’s economic transformation, interactions among three forms of capital—state, private, and foreign—have produced developmental dynamics that constrain China’s capacity to assume the position of the world’s economic hegemon. These include the compromised competitiveness of China’s corporate sector due to the domination of state-owned enterprises, limits on (...)
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  35. Modern sovereignty in question: Theology, democracy and capitalism.Adrian Pabst - 2010 - Modern Theology 26 (4):570-602.
    This essay argues that modern sovereignty is not simply a legal or political concept that is coterminous with the modern nation-state. Rather, at the theoretical level modern sovereign power is inscribed into a wider theological dialectic between “the one” and “the many”. Modernity fuses juridical-constitutional models of supreme state authority with a new, “biopolitical” account of power whereby natural life and the living body of the individual are the object of politics and are subject to state control (section 1). The (...)
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  36.  10
    Women and Capitalism: The Case of the Vaccine against the Human Papilloma Virus.Teresa Forcades I. Vila - 2015 - Feminist Theology 23 (3):269-283.
    The article analyses the public policy of vaccination against the human papilloma virus according to the three classical criteria of need, efficacy and safety as an exemplary case of how the big transnational corporations operate and how the governments serve their interests. It discusses the changes in policy in Japan and the recent developments in France and the grass-roots movements in Spain that are organizing to change this policy. The four Lacanian discourses are applied to the analysis of the (...)
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  37.  40
    The invention of theory: A transnational case study of the changing status of Max Weber’s Protestant ethic thesis.Stefan Bargheer - 2017 - Theory and Society 46 (6):497-541.
    This article investigates the status assigned to Max Weber’s The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism as a case study on the development of the concept of theory in twentieth century sociology. I trace this development in the interplay between scholars in the United States and Germany and distinguish three waves of meaning given to the text. The transitions between these phases were brought about by an initial process of mystification of the text in the 1930s and a (...)
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    The origins of neoliberalism between Soviet socialism and Western capitalism: “A galaxy without borders”. [REVIEW]Johanna Bockman - 2007 - Theory and Society 36 (4):343-371.
    Scholars have argued that transnational networks of right-wing economists and activists caused the worldwide embrace of neoliberalism. Using the case of an Italian think tank, CESES, associated with these networks, the author shows that the origins of neoliberalism were not in hegemony but in liminality. At CESES, the Italian and American right sought to convert Italians to free market values by showing them how Soviet socialism worked. However, CESES was created in liminal spaces that opened up within and between (...)
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  39. The globalization of human rights.Leslie Sklair - 2009 - Journal of Global Ethics 5 (2):81-96.
    The argument of this article is that what I term generic globalization has created unprecedented opportunities for advances in human rights universally, but that the dominant actually existing historical form of globalization ? capitalist globalization ? undermines these opportunities. Substantively, I argue that taking the globalization of human rights seriously means eliminating the ideological distinction that exists between civil and political rights on the one hand, and economic and social rights on the other. Doing this systematically undermines the three central (...)
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    Mohsin Hamid's The Reluctant Fundamentalist: Mimetic Desire in a Geopolitical Context.Michael S. Koppisch - 2018 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 25 (1):119-136.
    Critical readings of the novels and essays by the Pakistani writer Mohsin Hamid tend to emphasize the social and political aspects of his work. In his discussion of Hamid's best known novel, Peter Morey, for example, affirms that "in both its form … and its content, The Reluctant Fundamentalist addresses contemporary questions about national vs globalized structures of power."1 He then goes on to cite Matthew Hart and Jim Hansen, for whom the novel "is concerned with subjects like cross-cultural romance, (...)
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  41. Global Political Legitimacy and the Structural Power of Capital.Ugur Aytac - 2023 - Journal of Social Philosophy 54 (4):490-509.
    In contemporary democracies, global capitalism exerts a significant influence over how state power is exercised, raising questions about where political power resides in global politics. This question is important, since our specific considerations about justifiability of political power, i.e. political legitimacy, depend on how we characterize political power at the global level. As a partial answer to this question, I argue that our notion of global political legitimacy should be reoriented to include the structural power of the Transnational (...)
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  42.  52
    Migration, Mobility, and Spatial Segregation.Michael Ball-Blakely - 2021 - Essays in Philosophy 22 (1):66-84.
    Many supporters of open borders argue that restrictions on immigration are unjust in part because they undermine equal opportunity. Borders prevent the globally least-advantaged from pursuing desirable opportunities abroad, cementing arbitrary facts about birth and citizenship. In this paper I advance an argument from equal opportunity to global freedom of movement. In addition to preventing people from pursuing desirable opportunities, borders also create a prone, segregated population that can be dominated and exploited. Restrictions on mobility do not just trap people (...)
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  43. Globalization, Terrorism, and Democracy: 9/11 and its Aftermath.Douglas Kellner - unknown
    Globalization has been one of the most hotly contested phenomena of the past two decades. It has been a primary attractor of books, articles, and heated debate, just as postmodernism was the most fashionable and debated topic of the 1980s. A wide and diverse range of social theorists have argued that today's world is organized by accelerating globalization, which is strengthening the dominance of a world capitalist economic system, supplanting the primacy of the nation-state by transnational corporations and organizations, (...)
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    On the Precipice with Naomi Klein, Karl Marx and the Pope.Patricia S. Mann - 2016 - Radical Philosophy Review 19 (3):621-652.
    Why hasn’t the Marx-inspired Left seized upon catastrophic climate change as the basis for reconceiving historical materialism and the contradictions fueling anticapitalist struggle in the twenty-first century? Defining core participants as energy users and abusers, anchored in the opposition to fossil-fueled profit and growth rather than in traditional class conflicts, the struggle to create a postcapitalist energy commons can become the leading edge of a more broadly conceived global struggle for a sustainable and just postcapitalist society. The new global movement (...)
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    Thinking Gender in the Age of the Beijing Consensus.Petrus Liu - 2021 - Feminist Studies 47 (2):341-371.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 47, no. 2. © 2021 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 341 Petrus Liu Thinking Gender in the Age of the Beijing Consensus Originally formulated to dispute biologically deterministic explanations of women’s subordination, the analytical distinction between sex and gender has developed in unexpected ways in transitions from one language to another. Drawing on a wide range of sources, from John Money’s sexological writings to Simone de Beauvoir’s dictum, (...)
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    Pat Cadigan's Synners: Refiguring Nature, Science and Technology.Laura Chernaik - 1997 - Feminist Review 56 (1):61-84.
    This article analyses an anti-essentialist SF novel, focusing on the extent to which anti-foundationalism enables a more accurate as well as a more productive representation of postmodernity. My argument stresses the ways in which Pat Cadigan's novel Synners, mostly because of its remarkable narrative form, challenges some of the most dangerous norms and normativity of American thought and culture. I argue, that, in order to understand this complex novel correctly, we must approach technoscience and transnational capitalism as separate, (...)
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  47. Introduction: Intersectional Feminist Interventions in the 'Refugee Crisis'.Anna Carastathis, Natalie Kouri-Towe, Gada Mahrouse & Leila Whitley - 2018 - Refuge: Canada's Journal on Refugees/Revue Canadienne Sur les Réfugiés 34 (1):3-15.
    While the declared global “refugee crisis” has received considerable scholarly attention, little of it has focused on the intersecting dynamics of oppression, discrimination, violence, and subjugation. Introducing the special issue, this article defines feminist “intersectionality” as a research framework and a no-borders activist orientation in transnational and anti-national solidarity with people displaced by war, capitalism, and reproductive heteronormativity, encountering militarized nation-state borders. Our introduction surveys work in migration studies that engages with intersectionality as an analytic and offers a (...)
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  48. Women, Management and Globalization in the Middle East.Beverly Dawn Metcalfe - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 83 (1):85-100.
    This paper provides new theoretical insights into the interconnections and relationships between women, management and globalization in the Middle East (ME). The discussion is positioned within broader globalization debates about women’s social status in ME economies. Based on case study evidence and the UN datasets, the article critiques social, cultural and economic reasons for women’s limited advancement in the public sphere. These include the prevalence of the patriarchal work contract within public and private institutions, as well as cultural and ethical (...)
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    Otras miradas: mujeres artistas, nuevas tecnologías y capitalismo transnacional.Patricia Mayayo - 2007 - Polis 17.
    A principios de los años noventa, muchas pensadoras y artistas feministas vieron en las nuevas tecnologías de la comunicación una especie de territorio virgen plagado de promesas para las mujeres, una euforia tecnofílica que se ha ido diluyendo en gran medida con los años. En este artículo presentamos una lectura menos triunfalista de la revolución digital: como han puesto de manifiesto algunas creadoras feministas contemporáneas, lejos de llevar aparejada esa alianza subversiva entre mujeres y máquinas que auguraban algunas teóricas, la (...)
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    Reproduction and Scale: A Response to Skeggs and Wilson. [REVIEW]Ruth Fletcher - 2010 - Feminist Legal Studies 18 (1):77-84.
    This paper draws on the concepts of reproduction and scale to suggest that Skeggs and Wilson, in their contributions to this issue of Feminist Legal Studies, both identify a future-oriented reworking of historically accumulated value. The spectacular emotional labour of British reality television and the parody of mechanistic labour in Bangkok’s sex shows may be seen as instances in the affective search for future security in transnational markets. Capitalist subjectivities are still being produced through these gendered and sexual activities, (...)
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