Results for 'Tonči Valentić'

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  1.  15
    Recenzije I prikazi.Zvonimir Komar, Mile Marinčić, Stjepan Špoljarić, Milan Pelc, Tonči Valentić, Marko Tokić, Lino Veljak, Danijela Majić, Željko Senković & Duška Dobrosavljev - 2008 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 28 (1):223-248.
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    Recenzije I prikazi.Marita Brčić, Ankica Čakardić, Dražen Zetić, Marko Tokić, Drago Šimundža, Srećko Pulig, Mladen Planinc, Snježan Hasnaš, Tonči Valentić, Darija Zrilić, Maja Profaca & Krunoslav Nikodem - 2006 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 26 (1):199-229.
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    Filozofski život.Iris Vidmar, Marijana Filipeti, Emil Kušan, Gabrijela Bašić, Tonči Valentić, Luka Boršić, Marko Tokić, Iva Rinčić, Hrvoje Jurić, Ivan Majić & Bruno Ćurko - 2009 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 29 (2):407-431.
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  4. Working Retirees? A Liberal Case for Retirement as Free Time.Manuel Sá Valente - 2024 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 27 (4):523-537.
    Retirement is often viewed as a reward for a working life. While many have reason to want a work-free retirement, not everyone does. Should working retirees have to give up their retirement pension and, consequently, their status as retirees? The answer, I argue, boils down to whether we conceive of retirement as free time (need-free) or as leisure (work-free). In this article, I put forward a liberal case in favour of free time, despite whether our liberalism leans towards perfectionism or (...)
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  5. Get Old or Die Trying: Longevity Justice in Social Insurance.Manuel Sá Valente - forthcoming - Politics, Philosophy and Economics.
    Of all the risks we face in life, ranging from unemployment to old age, early death is among the most tragic and yet most neglected by modern states. Liberal egalitarians might find it easy to dismiss social insurance against early death, but I argue they should not. Early in this paper, I explain why social insurance should include the risk of premature death by replying to four common criticisms. What follows is a case for a novel form of insurance that (...)
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    Two Types of Age-Sensitive Taxation.Manuel Sá Valente - 2023 - In Greg Bognar & Axel Gosseries (eds.), Ageing Without Ageism: Conceptual Puzzles and Policy Proposals. Oxford University Press.
    This chapter discusses what maximin egalitarians should think about two types of age-sensitive taxation. One is a form of cumulative income taxation, which taxes yearly incomes taking into account all earlier income years instead of only the last one. The second is age-differentiated taxation, which taxes yearly incomes adjusting the rate to the taxpayer’s age. The chapter first presents the main reasons supporting cumulative income taxation and then proceeds to look at how it affects fiscal obligations across life. Then it (...)
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    Researching the Roots of Mediterranean Bioethics. The Ethics of Virtue and Happiness as conditio sine qua non.Tonči Matulić - 2007 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 27 (3):529-550.
    Autor u ovom doprinosu podastire rezultate istraživanja ideje i korijena mediteranske bioetike. Postoji li uopće jedna regionalna, upravo mediteranska bioetika? Ako postoji, nameće se pitanje o njezinim teorijskim korijenima. Ako njezini teorijski korijeni uistinu počivaju na sveobuhvatnome kulturnom tlu mediteranskoga kompleksa, onda nije beznačajno pitanje o njezinu odnosu prema drugim regionalnim bioetikama. Međutim, odgovor na pitanje o teorijskim korijenima mediteranske bioetike podrazumijeva također odgovor na pitanje o njezinim praktičkim – upravo etičkim – korijenima. Drugim riječima, koja etika može stajati i (...)
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    Philosophical Critique of the Critique of a Critical Analysis of Eugenic Heritage in Biotechnological Age.Tonči Matulić - 2006 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 26 (4):997-1017.
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    Teologija: teološka analiza Einsteinova pojma Boga s implikacijama za njegovu sliku svijeta.Tonči Matulić - 2006 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 26 (3):531-557.
    istovremeno otkriva Božje tragove. Štoviše, po njemu je upravo pomoću prirodnih znanosti moguće uhvatiti i shvatiti Božju za-misao. Ovakvo gledanje na prirodu u XVIII. stoljeću je sačinjavalo sukus »prirodne teologije«. No, Einsteinov život i djelo se smještaju cijela dva stoljeća kasnije. Stoga je sasvim na mjestu istraživanje nekih teoloških implikacija Einsteinove fizikalne slike svijeta. Jer upravo je Einstein svojim najvažnijim prirodoznanstvenim otkrićima, točnije specijalnom teorijom relativnosti i općom teorijom relativnosti istovremeno »pokopao« dva i pol stoljeća dugu vladavinu newtonovske slike svemira, (...)
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    On the layered development of pure geometry.Mario Bacelar Valente - manuscript
    As we will show in the present work, the historical development of pure geometry did not arise as a direct “transition” from practical geometry into pure geometry, at least as these are usually understood. We can discern four phases related to this evolution. Initially, we have practical geometry as applied in ancient Greece and other ancient civilizations. This surveyors’ practical geometry was somewhat transformed in “didactic” contexts when applied to problem-solving. This not-so-practical geometry is the direct antecedent of the first (...)
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  11. Is the Gender Pension Gap Fair?Manuel Sá Valente - forthcoming - Journal of Applied Philosophy.
    The income gap between women and men expands with age, culminating in a gender pension gap in old age that is much larger than pay gaps earlier in life. In this article, I question two attempts to justify gender pension gaps. One insists that lower financial contribution justifies women's lower overall pensions. The second states that women must receive less monthly because they live longer. I argue that neither of these reasons is fair in a gender‐unjust world. Rather than justifying (...)
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  12. Ancient Greek Mathematical Proofs and Metareasoning.Mario Bacelar Valente - 2024 - In Maria Zack (ed.), Research in History and Philosophy of Mathematics. Annals of the Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Mathematics. pp. 15-33.
    We present an approach in which ancient Greek mathematical proofs by Hippocrates of Chios and Euclid are addressed as a form of (guided) intentional reasoning. Schematically, in a proof, we start with a sentence that works as a premise; this sentence is followed by another, the conclusion of what we might take to be an inferential step. That goes on until the last conclusion is reached. Guided by the text, we go through small inferential steps; in each one, we go (...)
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    Michael Ruse (ur.), Philosophy after Darwin: Classic and Contemporary Readings.Tonći Kokić - 2010 - Prolegomena 9 (1):164-170.
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    Pojam biološkog napretka te informacija kao pokazatelj i mjera ontičkog (pri)rasta.Tonci Kokic & Josip Balabanic - 2004 - Prolegomena 3 (2):119-134.
    The history of the idea of biological progress shows that it is not a selfexplanatory category, so a clear definition is required. Biological progress exists if: “more progressive” is defined as “more complex” – in that case evolution is synonymous with progress, i.e. development from simple to complex, from homogeneous to heterogeneous; we perceive the expression “more progressive” as more successful in relation to the environment, in these terms some groups in the history of life were more progressive because/so that (...)
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    A ética estóica em Cícero.Mílton Valente - 1984 - Porto Alegre, RS: Escola Superior de Teologia São Lourenço de Brindes.
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    Can Entanglement Be Destroyed by Any Local Operation in Relativistic Quantum Field Theory?Giovanni Valente - 2010 - Philosophy of Science 77 (5):1029-1041.
    This article investigates the nature of entangled correlations in algebraic quantum field theory (AQFT). We define a notion of local disentanglement, expressing the possibility of destroying entanglement by means of local operations. Contrary to the case of ordinary quantum mechanics, local disentanglement cannot be achieved in general in relativistic quantum field theory. However, we show that if the split property holds, there exists a local operation that can destroy entanglement between spacelike-separated quantum field systems.
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  17. Perverted Space-Time Geodesy in Einstein’s Views on Geometry.Mario Bacelar Valente - 2018 - Philosophia Scientiae 22:137-162.
    A perverted space-time geodesy results from the notions of variable rods and clocks, which are taken to have their length and rates affected by the gravitational field. On the other hand, what we might call a concrete geodesy relies on the notions of invariable unit-measuring rods and clocks. In fact, this is a basic assumption of general relativity. Variable rods and clocks lead to a perverted geodesy in the sense that a curved space-time might be seen as arising from the (...)
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  18.  36
    THE DIRAC EQUATION AND ITS INTERPRETATIONS.Mario Bacelar Valente - manuscript
    In this paper, it is presented a historical account of the formulation of the quantum relativistic wave equation of an electron – the Dirac equation, issues regarding its interpretation that arose from the very beginning, and the later formulation of this equation in relation to a quantized electron-positron field, which implies a new interpretation. The way in which solutions obtained under each interpretation of the equation relate to one another is also considered for the simple case of hydrogen-like problems.
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    Basic Income and Unequal Longevity.Manuel Sá Valente - 2022 - Basic Income Studies 17 (1):1-14.
    Universal basic income proposes providing instalments of constant magnitude to all. One problem with a stable basic income across life is that it seems unfair to shorter-lived persons, who are worst-off due to premature death and receive less over their whole lives. Basic capital solves this problem by providing a one-off grant to the young, but I argue that it mistreats long-lived persons, as it does not guarantee their real freedom across life. There is a dilemma between these proposals regarding (...)
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  20.  60
    A note on the notion of now and time flow in special relativity.Mario Bacelar Valente - manuscript
    With special relativity, we seem to be facing a conundrum. It is a very well-tested theory; in this way, the Minkowski spacetime must be “capturing” essential features of space and time. However, its geometry seems to be incompatible with any sort of global notion of time. We might only have local notions of now (present moment) and time flow, at best. In this note, we will explore the possibility that a pretty much global notion of now (and time flow) might (...)
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  21. A Case for an Empirically Demonstrable Notion of the Vacuum in Quantum Electrodynamics Independent of Dynamical Fluctuations.Mario Bacelar Valente - 2011 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 42 (2):241-261.
    A re-evaluation of the notion of vacuum in quantum electrodynamics is presented, focusing on the vacuum of the quantized electromagnetic field. In contrast to the ‘nothingness’ associated to the idea of classical vacuum, subtle aspects are found in relation to the vacuum of the quantized electromagnetic field both at theoretical and experimental levels. These are not the usually called vacuum effects. The view defended here is that the so-called vacuum effects are not due to the ground state of the quantized (...)
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  22.  12
    Industrijalizacija sveučilišta i dehumanizacija.Tonći Kokić - 2013 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 33 (3):425-432.
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  23.  26
    O podrijetlu prvog života.Tonci Kokic - 2011 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 31 (4):843-859.
    Znanstveno proučavanje postanka prvog života unutar zasebnog područja teorijske biologije počinje pedesetih godina 20. stoljeća. To područje do danas nema stabilan oblik niti vladajuću teoriju, nego je predstavljeno brojnim teorijama koje proučavaju zasebne dijelove velike slagalice koja objašnjava podrijetlo prvog života. Ovaj rad: 1) daje kratak pregled i problematiku područja; 2) predstavlja najvažnije teorije postanka prvog života; 3) izdvaja odgovore na pitanje kada je nastao prvi život; 4) pita se kakvog je bio oblika; te 5) tumači empirijske podatke iz filozofske (...)
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  24.  28
    Samostalnost znanosti o živome.Tonći Kokić - 2010 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 30 (1-2):211-229.
    Proturječnost stavova o položaju biologije unutar ili izvan područja znanosti može se podijeliti na nekoliko osnovnih pristupa. Prvi pristup smješta biologiju izvan znanstvenog područja zbog nedostatka univerzalnosti, nedostatka strogih generalizacija i nedostatka stroge kvantitativne strukture. Drugi pristup smatra biologiju znanošću koju treba svesti na fiziku. Treći pristup vidi značajne razlike između biologije s jedne, i fizike i kemije s druge strane, ali ipak tvrdi da je biologija prava znanost, no samostalna i s vlastitim pojmovnikom i metodologijom. Poredba načela prirodne znanosti (...)
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  25.  43
    Is there a stability problem for Bayesian noncommutative probabilities?Giovanni Valente - 2007 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 38 (4):832-843.
  26. Systems Biology: Philosophical Foundations. [REVIEW]Tonči Kokić - 2007 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 27 (4):995-998.
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  27. From practical to pure geometry and back.Mario Bacelar Valente - 2020 - Revista Brasileira de História da Matemática 20 (39):13-33.
    The purpose of this work is to address the relation existing between ancient Greek practical geometry and ancient Greek pure geometry. In the first part of the work, we will consider practical and pure geometry and how pure geometry can be seen, in some respects, as arising from an idealization of practical geometry. From an analysis of relevant extant texts, we will make explicit the idealizations at play in pure geometry in relation to practical geometry, some of which are basically (...)
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  28. (1 other version)On the correctness of problem solving in ancient mathematical procedure texts.Mario Bacelar Valente - 2020 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 16:169-189.
    It has been argued in relation to Old Babylonian mathematical procedure texts that their validity or correctness is self-evident. One “sees” that the procedure is correct without it having, or being accompanied by, any explicit arguments for the correctness of the procedure. Even when agreeing with this view, one might still ask about how is the correctness of a procedure articulated? In this work, we present an articulation of the correctness of ancient Egyptian and Old Babylonian mathematical procedure texts – (...)
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  29. Geometry of motion: some elements of its historical development.Mario Bacelar Valente - 2019 - ArtefaCToS. Revista de Estudios de la Ciencia y la Tecnología 8 (2):4-26.
    in this paper we return to Marshall Clagett’s view about the existence of an ancient Greek geometry of motion. It can be read in two ways. As a basic presentation of ancient Greek geometry of motion, followed by some aspects of its further development in landmark works by Galileo and Newton. Conversely, it can be read as a basic presentation of aspects of Galileo’s and Newton’s mathematics that can be considered as developments of a geometry of motion that was first (...)
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  30. Marginal notes on the idea of progress in american social philosophy and sociology.T. Valent - 1995 - Filozofia 50 (1):37-40.
  31. A hub-and-spoke model of geometric concepts.Mario Bacelar Valente - 2023 - Theoria : An International Journal for Theory, History and Fundations of Science 38 (1):25-44.
    The cognitive basis of geometry is still poorly understood, even the ‘simpler’ issue of what kind of representation of geometric objects we have. In this work, we set forward a tentative model of the neural representation of geometric objects for the case of the pure geometry of Euclid. To arrive at a coherent model, we found it necessary to consider earlier forms of geometry. We start by developing models of the neural representation of the geometric figures of ancient Greek practical (...)
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    The conventionality of simultaneity in Einstein’s practical chrono-geometry.Mario Bacelar Valente - 2017 - Theoria : An International Journal for Theory, History and Fundations of Science 32 (2):177-190.
    While Einstein considered that sub specie astern the correct philosophical position regarding geometry was that of the conventionality of geometry, he felt that provisionally it was necessary to adopt a non-conventional stance that he called practical geometry. here we will make the case that even when adopting Einstein’s views we must conclude that practical geometry is conventional after all. Einstein missed the fact that the conventionality of simultaneity leads to a conventional element in the chrono-geometry, since it corresponds to the (...)
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  33. The universal declaration on the human genome and human rights-Some theological comments on it in the light of interdisciplinary bioethical dialogue.Tonci Matulic - 2005 - Synthesis Philosophica 20 (1):165-180.
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  34. Against Robust Relativism.Jp Valente - 1986 - Philosophical Forum 17 (4):296-321.
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    On Archimedes’ statics.Mario Bacelar Valente - 2020 - Theoria. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science 35 (2):235-242.
    Archimedes’ statics is considered as an example of ancient Greek applied mathematics; it is even seen as the beginning of mechanics. Wilbur Knorr made the case regarding this work, as other works by him or other mathematicians from ancient Greece, that it lacks references to the physical phenomena it is supposed to address. According to Knorr, this is understandable if we consider the propositions of the treatise in terms of purely mathematical elaborations suggested by quantitative aspects of the phenomena. In (...)
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    Arhipelag suvremene filozofije: kritički vodič.Tonči Valentić - 2018 - Zagreb: Durieux.
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    Lacan's Marxism, Marxism's Lacan.Joseph Valente - 2003 - In Jean-Michel Rabaté (ed.), The Cambridge companion to Lacan. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 153--72.
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  38. //lutto s' addice ad Elettra» di EG O'Neill e la tragedia greca-in.Pier Luigi Valente - forthcoming - Convivium: revista de filosofía.
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  39. Severino et la poésie du néant.I. Valent & M. Raiola - 1994 - Archives de Philosophie 57 (1):91-102.
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  40. The paradox of infinite limits : a realist response.Patricia Palacios & Giovanni Valente - 2021 - In Timothy D. Lyons & Peter Vickers (eds.), Contemporary Scientific Realism: The Challenge From the History of Science. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    Monističko-pluralistički spor oko vrsnosti živog svijeta.Tonći Kokić - 2009 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 29 (2):365-380.
    Brojne definicije vrste živog svijeta tvore suprotstavljene filozofske stavove oko pitanja postoji li samo jedna kategorija vrste ili više njih . Monisti vjeruju u načelnu mogućnost jedne kategorije vrste koja zrcali zbiljnost istovrsnog živog svijeta. Suprotno tome, pluralisti vjeruju da postoje različite kategorije vrste jer je ljudska spoznaja ograničena ili jer je vrstu moguće definirati na mnogo različitih načina. Proučavanje primjera poznatijih monističkih i pluralističkih definicija vrste upućuje na značajno udaljavanje u određivanju kategorije vrste i u prepoznavanju taksonomijskih vrsta. Divergentnost (...)
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  42. Non-random Nature of Genetic Mutation.Tonći Kokić - forthcoming - Philosophy of Science.
  43.  17
    Predsokratski pojam vremena: moguće tumačenje.Tonći Kokić - 2016 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 36 (1):65-73.
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    The Oparin Hypothesis is a Falling Star.Tonći Kokić - 2023 - Athens Journal of Philosophy 2 (1):39-52.
    The Oparin hypothesis from 1936 was a milestone in the origin of life research, making a model that was at least in part empirically testable, and changing the course of life studies from a long tradition of metaphysics to a scientific domain of investigation. His hypothesis is based on the idea of the prebiotic synthesis of macromolecules as a fundamental step on the road to first life. Although the Oparin hypothesis brought fresh ideas and concepts, in its description of the (...)
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    Weakness of the Scientific Hypotheses about the Origin of Life.Tonći Kokić - 2018 - Filozofia Nauki 26 (1):9-21.
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  46. Ageing as Equals: Distributive Justice in Retirement Pensions.Manuel Sá Valente - 2022 - Dissertation, Université Catholique de Louvain
    Despite being increasingly available to us all, retirement pensions remain unequally distributed: between rich and poor, young and old, men and women, and possibly different generations. As this topic receives little attention in moral and political philosophy, the articles in this thesis aim to deliver an original account of justice in retirement pensions along liberal egalitarian lines. The first part defends retirement pensions as a distribution of free time. It shows that including free time in the list of goods that (...)
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    Escritores invisibles: la creación literaria en jóvenes de 20-24 años.Álvarez Valente & Diana Patricia - 2017 - León, Gto., México: Promoción de la Cutlura y de la Educación Superior del Bajío, A.C., Universidad Iberoamericana León. Edited by Robles Becerra & Valeria Andrea.
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  48. Trago o Fado nos sentidos: canção, memória portuguesa na rádio paulista.Heloísa de Araujo Duarte Valente & Mônica Rebecca Ferrari Nunes - 2012 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 18 (2).
    Normal 0 21 false false false PT-BR X-NONE X-NONE Este texto apresenta partes de um projeto de longa duração, desenvolvido pelas autoras, que trata da cultura e identidade, memória e nomadismo através da música e, em particular do fado. Este gênero fixou-se no Brasil, através dos imigrantes portugueses e luso-descendentes, a transmissão sendo feita pelo rádio. Após um período de esmaecimento, o fado reaparece na paisagem sonora do final do século XX, com importantes mudanças no processo de assimilação e transmissão (...)
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  49. The Faithfulness Problem.Mario Bacelar Valente - 2022 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 26 (3):429-447.
    When adopting a sound logical system, reasonings made within this system are correct. The situation with reasonings expressed, at least in part, with natural language is much more ambiguous. One way to be certain of the correctness of these reasonings is to provide a logical model of them. To conclude that a reasoning process is correct we need the logical model to be faithful to the reasoning. In this case, the reasoning inherits, so to speak, the correctness of the logical (...)
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  50. Evolution: The First Four Billion Years. [REVIEW]Tonči Kokić - 2009 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 29 (3):631-635.
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