Results for 'Tomr Tyler'

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  1.  4
    Ii4 I.Margaret Levi, Tomr Tyler & Audrey Sacks - 2012 - In Ryan Goodman, Derek Jinks & Andrew K. Woods, Understanding Social Action, Promoting Human Rights. Oup Usa. pp. 70.
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  2. A dialog with Ralph Tyler.Ralph W. Tyler, W. Schubert & Ann Lynn Lopez Schubert - 1986 - Journal of Thought 21 (1):91-118.
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  3. Origins of Objectivity.Tyler Burge - 2010 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Tyler Burge presents an original study of the most primitive ways in which individuals represent the physical world. By reflecting on the science of perception and related psychological and biological sciences, he gives an account of constitutive conditions for perceiving the physical world, and thus aims to locate origins of representational mind.
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    God and Creation in the Theology of Thomas Aquinas and Karl Barth.Tyler Wittman - 2018 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    The legacies of Thomas Aquinas and Karl Barth remain influential for contemporary theologians, who have increasingly put them into conversation on debated questions over analogy and the knowledge of God. However, little explicit dialogue has occurred between their theologies of God. This book offers one of the first extended analyzes of this fundamental issue, asking how each theologian seeks to confess in fact and in thought God's qualitative distinctiveness in relation to creation. Wittman first examines how they understand the correspondence (...)
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    Tyler Tate replies.Tyler Tate - 2023 - Hastings Center Report 53 (4):46-47.
    The author responds to a letter by D. Brendan Johnson in the July‐August 2023 issue of the Hastings Center Report concerning his and Joseph Clair's article “Love Your Patient as Yourself: On Reviving the Broken Heart of American Medical Ethics.”.
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  6. Replies from Tyler Burge.Tyler Burge - 2002 - In María José Frápolli & Esther Romero, Meaning, Basic Self-Knowledge, and Mind: Essays on Tyler Burge. University of Chicago Press.
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    Paul M. Gould, Beyond the Control of God? Six Views on the Problem of God and Abstract Objects , Bloomsbury, 2014.Tyler Dalton McNabb - 2016 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 8 (4):234-238.
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  8. Ethical Aspects of Computational Neuroscience.Tyler D. Bancroft - 2012 - Neuroethics 6 (2):415-418.
    Recent research in computational neuroscience has demonstrated that we now possess the ability to simulate neural systems in significant detail and on a large scale. Simulations on the scale of a human brain have recently been reported. The ability to simulate entire brains (or significant portions thereof) would be a revolutionary scientific advance, with substantial benefits for brain science. However, the prospect of whole-brain simulation comes with a set of new and unique ethical questions. In the present paper, we briefly (...)
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    In the Shadows of the Cosmos.Tyler Correia - 2023 - Angelaki 28 (2):68-78.
    Clarice Lispector’s texts are a peculiar combination of socio-political analysis and cosmological excess. Commentators on her works have explored either of these two dimensions but have not yet brought them into a singular dialogue. I argue that Lispector insists upon an ethical responsibility in her refusal to disregard the microcosm of a “marginal” life even within a cosmos of her own creation. For this reason, her critique is inextricable from these excesses. The displacement of narrative authority in a method of (...)
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  10. The public goods rationale for government and the circularity problem.Tyler Cowen & Gregory Kavka - 2003 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 2 (2):265-277.
    George Mason University, USA It has been suggested that the production of public goods through a government involves a circularity problem. Since government itself is a public good, how can we use government to produce other public goods? Several solutions to this supposed circularity are offered. Government is a unique kind of public good with some potentially self-generating and self-supporting features. The public goods theory of government remains intact, and this enterprise helps shed some light on the special features of (...)
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    Why Liberal Cosmopolitans Should Worry About Supply Chains.Tyler Cowen - 2023 - Social Philosophy and Policy 40 (2):351-371.
    The complexity of supply chains means that it is difficult to tell where national security arguments begin and end. That may weaken some of the traditional arguments for free trade for the same reasons that we accept the difficulty of rational economic calculation in a socialist society. National security arguments for protectionism may not remain restricted to very small and manageable segments of the economy. Liberals and cosmopolitans will need to pay greater heed to these problems. This essay also considers (...)
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    The Problem of Wealth: A Christian Response to a Culture of Affluence. By Elizabeth L. Hinson-Hasty.Tyler Davis - 2019 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 39 (1):193-194.
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    Mobilizing Gendered Piety in Sri Lanka’s Contemporary Bhikkhun? Ordination Dispute.Tyler A. Lehrer - 2019 - Buddhist Studies Review 36 (1):99-121.
    Since the late 1980s, in defiance of Sri Lanka’s major monastic fraternities and the government, Buddhist women and men have begun to organize across distinctions of national boundary and Buddhist tradition to reinstate a defunct bhikkhun? ordination lineage for renunciant women. Drawing on fieldwork from the winter of 2015–16, this article considers some of the strategies by which Sri Lanka’s bhikkhun?s and their supporters constitute the burgeoning lineage as both legitimate and necessary for the continued health and vitality of an (...)
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    Limits on the duration of copyright: Theories and practice.Tyler T. Ochoa - 2010 - In Jo Alyson Parker, Paul Harris & Christian Steineck, Time: Limits and Constraints. Brill. pp. 13--149.
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  15. Perceiving Parmenides: A Reading of Parmenides of Elea's Philosophy by way of the Poem.Tyler Young - 2006 - Dionysius 24:21-44.
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    Perception: first form of mind.Tyler Burge - 2022 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    In Perception: First Form of Mind, Tyler Burge develops an understanding of the most primitive type of representational mind: perception. Focusing on its form, function, and underlying capacities, as indicated in the sciences of perception, Burge provides an account of the representational content and formal representational structure of perceptual states, and develops a formal semantics for them. The account is elaborated by an explanation of how the representational form is embedded in an iconic format. These structures are then situated (...)
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  17. (2 other versions)Individualism and the mental.Tyler Burge - 1979 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 4 (1):73-122.
  18.  66
    Bridging Diverging Perspectives and Repairing Damaged Relationships in the Aftermath of Workplace Transgressions.Tyler G. Okimoto & Michael Wenzel - 2014 - Business Ethics Quarterly 24 (3):443-473.
    ABSTRACT:Workplace transgressions elicit a variety of opinions about their meaning and what is required to address them. This diversity in views makes it difficult for managers to identify a mutually satisfactory response and to enable repair of the relationships between the affected parties. We develop a conceptual model for understanding how to bridge these diverging perspectives and foster relationship repair. Specifically, we argue that effective relationship repair is dependent on the parties’ reciprocal concern for others’ viewpoints and collective engagement in (...)
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    St. Augustine's Novelistic Conversion.Tyler Graham - 1998 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 5 (1):135-154.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:ST. AUGUSTINE'S NOVELISTIC CONVERSION Tyler Graham Syracuse University In his famous biography of St. Augustine, Peter Brown attempts to explainwhat set the Confessions "apart from the intellectual tradition to which Augustine belonged" (Augustine ofHippo 169). While he concedes that "the Confessions are a masterpiece ofstrictly intellectual autobiography" (167), he concludes that it is more important to realize that they "are, quite succinctly, the story of Augustine's 'heart,' or (...)
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  20.  24
    Contesting Spirit: Nietzsche, Affirmation, Religion.Tyler T. Roberts - 1998 - Princeton University Press.
    Challenging the dominant scholarly consensus that Nietzsche is simply an enemy of religion, Tyler Roberts examines the place of religion in Nietzsche's thought and Nietzsche's thought as a site of religion. Roberts argues that Nietzsche's conceptualization and cultivation of an affirmative self require that we interrogate the ambiguities that mark his criticisms of asceticism and mysticism. What emerges is a vision of Nietzsche's philosophy as the enactment of a spiritual quest informed by transfigured versions of religious tropes and practices. (...)
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    Karl Barth's ontology of divine grace: God's decision is God's being.Tyler J. Frick - 2021 - Tubingen, Germany: Mohr Siebeck.
    In this study, Tyler Frick aims to display and commend the theological ontology that arises from a careful analysis of Karl Barth's understanding of divine action.
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    Conceptual and empirical challenges of ascribing functions to transposable elements.Tyler A. Elliott, Stefan Linquist & T. Ryan Gregory - unknown
    The media attention and subsequent scientific backlash engendered by the claim, announced by spokespeople for the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements project, that 80% of the human genome has a “biochemical function” highlights the need for a clearer understanding of function concepts in biology. This article provides an overview of two major function concepts that have been developed in the philosophy of science – the “causal role” concept and the “selected effects” concept – and their relevance to ENCODE. Unlike some previous (...)
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  23. Content preservation.Tyler Burge - 1993 - Philosophical Review 102 (4):457-488.
  24. Truth, thought, reason: essays on Frege.Tyler Burge - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Tyler Burge presents a collection of his seminal essays on Gottlob Frege (1848-1925), who has a strong claim to be seen as the founder of modern analytic philosophy, and whose work remains at the centre of philosophical debate today. Truth, Thought, Reason gathers some of Burge's most influential work from the last twenty-five years, and also features important new material, including a substantial introduction and postscripts to four of the ten papers. It will be an essential resource for any (...)
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    What We Mean When We Talk About Suffering—and Why Eric Cassell Should Not Have the Last Word.Tyler Tate & Robert Pearlman - 2019 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 62 (1):95-110.
    Marie was 15 when her abdominal pain began. After two years of negative work-ups, countless visits to gastroenterologists, and over 70 days of high school missed, she found herself readmitted to the hospital. “Refractory abdominal pain” was her ostensible diagnosis; “troubled teen” who was “going to be difficult” was embedded in the emergency department’s sign-out. When the medical team arrived to meet Marie, she was huddled in the corner of her hospital bed, silent and withdrawn. Her intern noted the numerous (...)
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  26. Foundations of mind.Tyler Burge - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Foundations of Mind collects the essays which established Tyler Burge as a leading philosopher of mind.
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    Personal philosophy and personnel achievement: belief in free will predicts better job performance.Tyler F. Stillman, Roy F. Baumeister, Kathleen D. Vohs, Nathaniel M. Lambert, Frank D. Fincham & Lauren E. Brewer - 2010 - .
    Do philosophic views affect job performance? The authors found that possessing a belief in free will predicted better career attitudes and actual job performance. The effect of free will beliefs on job performance indicators were over and above well-established predictors such as conscientiousness, locus of control, and Protestant work ethic. In Study 1, stronger belief in free will corresponded to more positive attitudes about expected career success. In Study 2, job performance was evaluated objectively and independently by a supervisor. Results (...)
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  28.  35
    Emotional awareness, gender, and suspiciousness.M. Tyler Boden & Howard Berenbaum - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (2):268-280.
  29. “Is globalization changing the way the world eats?”.Tyler Cowen - unknown
    Thank you all, and good morning. Let’s start with slide one. That’s me, the obsessive, and obsessive is the key word here. I’m food obsessive. I have several obsessions actually, but today we talk about food. When I get home, my wife will ask me, “how did it go?”, and my answer will be, “the breakfast was excellent!” So I travel a great deal, I cook a great deal, and I write an on-line dining guide. I’m one of those people (...)
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    Exchanging the ubject: does materiality matter?: Klaus Hoeyer: Exchanging human bodily material: rethinking bodies and markets. Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer, 2013, 191pp, $209 HB.Tyler Hnatuk - 2015 - Metascience 24 (3):445-448.
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    Belonging to Another: Christ, Moral Nature, and the Shape of Humility.Tyler R. Wittman - 2020 - Studies in Christian Ethics 33 (3):392-410.
    This article reflects on Paul’s Christology in the Epistle to the Philippians and the operative notion of humility that is both implicit and explicit in his paraenesis. Through a theological exegesis of the famous Christ-hymn in particular, three consequential aspects of humility come to the fore: its grounding in Christ’s love, as well as its definition by and distinction from Christ’s own humility. Humility thus has a Christological foundation in a twofold sense because Christ not only exemplifies this virtue but (...)
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    Scotist Hylomorphism in Support of Total Brain Death.Tyler Wittenmyer - 2019 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 19 (4):559-565.
    Empirical evidence has led some philosophers to question total brain death, because a brain-dead patient’s body remains integrated; it can still grow and age. Catholic philosophers have based arguments for and against TBD on Thomist principles of hylomorphism. Given such principles, the arguments against TBD appear stronger. Blessed John Duns Scotus provides an alternative set of principles. Specifically, Scotus is a pluralist regarding substantial form. However, his pluralism is distinct in that he denies a substantial form to the body as (...)
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    Why People Obey the Law.Tom R. Tyler - 2006 - Princeton University Press.
    Tyler conducted a longitudinal study of 1,575 Chicago inhabitants to determine why people obey the law. His findings show that the law is obeyed primarily because people believe in respecting legitimate authority, not because they fear punishment. The author concludes that lawmakers and law enforcers would do much better to make legal systems worthy of respect than to try to instill fear of punishment.
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    Classical Theism and Buddhism: Connecting Metaphysical and Ethical Systems.Tyler Dalton McNabb & Erik Baldwin - 2022 - London, UK: Bloomsbury Press.
    As an atheistic religious tradition, Buddhism conventionally stands in opposition to Christianity, and any bridge between them is considered to be riddled with contradictory beliefs on God the creator, salvific power and the afterlife. But what if a Buddhist could also be a Classical Theist? Showing how the various contradictions are not as fundamental as commonly thought, Tyler Dalton McNabb and Erik Baldwin challenge existing assumptions and argue that Classical Theism is, in fact, compatible with Buddhism. They draw parallels (...)
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    The Shentong Tradition and Classical Theism: A Synthesis.Tyler Dalton McNabb - forthcoming - Philosophy East and West.
    McNabb and Baldwin have recently argued that Classical Theism and Buddhism can be rendered in a logically consistent way. That is, one could theoretically endorse the theses of Classical Theism and the metaphysical theses of what they call mere Buddhism. One criticism of their project goes like this: McNabb and Baldwin’s project, typical to analytic philosophy, is ahistorical. While McNabb and Baldwin’s argument might go through with respect to some very generalized form of Buddhism, McNabb and Baldwin don’t show that (...)
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  36. A century of deflation and a moment about self-knowledge.Tyler Burge - 1999 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 73 (2):25-46.
  37. Individualism and psychology.Tyler Burge - 1986 - Philosophical Review 95 (January):3-45.
  38.  18
    Encountering Religion: Responsibility and Criticism After Secularism.Tyler T. Roberts - 2013 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Tyler Roberts encourages scholars to abandon the conceptual opposition between "secular" and "religious" to better understand how human beings actively and thoughtfully engage with their worlds and make meaning. The artificial distinction between a self-conscious and critical "academic study of religion" and an ideological and authoritarian "religion," he argues, only obscures the phenomenon. Instead, Roberts calls on intellectuals to approach the field as a site of "encounter" and "response," illuminating the agency, creativity, and critical awareness of religious actors. To (...)
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    (2 other versions)A challenge to the study of individual differences in uncanny valley sensitivity.Tyler J. Burleigh - 2015 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 16 (2):186-192.
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  40. Individualismus a sebepoznání.Tyler Burge - 2002 - Filosoficky Casopis 50:513-527.
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    Lecture III.Tyler Burge - 2011 - Journal of Philosophy 108 (6-7):339-383.
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  42. The indexical strategy: Reply to Owens.Tyler Burge - 2003 - In Martin Hahn & Björn T. Ramberg, Reflections and Replies: Essays on the Philosophy of Tyler Burge. MIT Press.
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    Ms. St. John Senior Workshop 4 June 2009 Argument Paper Final Draft.Tyler Scott - forthcoming - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal.
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    On the Use of “Illusion”.Tyler Volk - 2021 - Biosemiotics 14 (1):127-129.
    In this commentary on Denis Noble’s paper, I focus on his use of the term “illusion,” and juxtapose it with other potential terms, in particular several others he has used for similar points in his book, Dance to the Tune of Life. His use of “illusion,” if more fully explicated, might be of even broader applicability than in his paper. I ask about potential classes of errors in science and remark about his “principle of biological relativity.”.
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    Evolution, Development, and Human Social Cognition.Tyler J. Wereha & Timothy P. Racine - 2012 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 3 (4):559-579.
    Explaining the causal origins of what are taken to be uniquely human capacities for understanding the mind in the first years of life is a primary goal of social cognitive development research, which concerns so called “theory of mind” or “mindreading” skills. We review and discuss particular examples of this research in the context of its underlying evolutionary conceptual framework known as the neo-Darwinian modern synthesis. It is increasingly recognized that the modern synthesis is limited in its neglect of developmental (...)
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    Religious Epistemology.Tyler Dalton McNabb - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    If epistemology is roughly the study of knowledge, justification, warrant, and rationality, then religious epistemology is the study of how these epistemic concepts relate to religious belief and practice. This Element, while surveying various religious epistemologies, argues specifically for Plantingian religious epistemology. It makes the case for proper functionalism and Plantinga's AC models, while it also responds to debunking arguments informed by cognitive science of religion. It serves as a bridge between religious epistemology and natural theology.
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  47. Perceptual entitlement.Tyler Burge - 2003 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 67 (3):503-48.
    The paper develops a conception of epistemic warrant as applied to perceptual belief, called "entitlement", that does not require the warranted individual to be capable of understanding the warrant. The conception is situated within an account of animal perception and unsophisticated perceptual belief. It characterizes entitlement as fulfillment of an epistemic norm that is apriori associated with a certain representational function that can be known apriori to be a function of perception. The paper connects anti-individualism, a thesis about the nature (...)
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  48. (3 other versions)Individualism and self-knowledge.Tyler Burge - 1988 - Journal of Philosophy 85 (November):649-63.
  49. Disjunctivism again.Tyler Burge - 2011 - Philosophical Explorations 14 (1):43-80.
    In Burge [Disjunctivism and perceptual psychology. Philosophical Topics 33: 1–78, 2005], I criticized several versions of disjunctivism. McDowell defends his version against my criticisms in McDowell [Tyler Burge on disjunctivism. Philosophical Explorations 13: 243–55, 2010]. He claims that my general characterization fails to apply to his view. I show that this claim fails because it overlooks two elements in my characterization. I elaborate and extend my criticisms of his disjunctivism. I criticize his positions on infallibility and indefeasibility, and reinforce (...)
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    Three Difficulties in Phenomenological Discourse: Husserlian Problems and a Heideggerian Solution.Tyler Klaskow - 2018 - Human Studies 41 (1):79-101.
    Phenomenological descriptions are supposed to be revelatory and coincide with the self-showing of the things themselves. These features of phenomenological descriptions lead to the peculiar character of their expression, which has the effect of making them difficult to communicate. That is, the problem with communicating the findings of phenomenological researches is a consequence of the descriptive nature of the endeavor and the disclosive character of phenomenological descriptions. In the Logical Investigations Edmund Husserl recognized that the problem has three facets: how (...)
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