Results for 'Tomas Melendo Granados'

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  1.  13
    La unidad de la Metafísica de Aristóteles: una propuesta especulativa.Tomás Melendo Granados - 2016 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 2.
    RESUMENEl autor resume la situación del os estudios relativos a la unidad de la Metafísica aristotélica, desde Jaeger a Düring; expone los motivos por los que le parece superada la fragmentación del pensamiento del filósofo griego defendida durante decenios, y propone una solución especulativa al problema, con base en la consideración de la metafísica como una realidad viva y dinámica.PALABRAS CLAVEARISTÓTELES-METAFÍSICAABSTRACTThe author offers a summary of the studies on the unity of Aristotle's Methaphysics from Jaegger to Düring; he defends the (...)
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  2. Oposición y contradicción en Aristóteles y Tomás de Aquino.Tomás Lorenzo Melendo Granados - 1981 - Anuario Filosófico 14 (1):63-100.
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  3. Metafísica de la dignidad humana.Tomás Lorenzo Melendo Granados - 1994 - Anuario Filosófico 27 (1):15-34.
    El análisis fenomenológico caracteriza a la dignidad humana mediante tres notas: elevación, intimidad y autonomía. La filosofía la describe como la su-perior bondad de lo absoluto. Y la ontología hace residir esa nobleza en la peculiar subsistencia del sujeto humano, que recibe en el alma espiritual, in-mortal y necesaria, el propio actus essendi.
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  4. La libertad: crecimiento y plenitud.Tomás Lorenzo Melendo Granados - 2009 - Anuario Filosófico 42 (95):357-389.
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  5. Arché y enantíosis: su nexo en el pensamiento preparmenideo.Tomás Lorenzo Melendo Granados - 1987 - Anuario Filosófico 20 (1):131-166.
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  6. Nada y ontología en el pensamiento griego.Tomás Lorenzo Melendo Granados - 1985 - Anuario Filosófico 18 (1):77-102.
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  7. Las dimensiones de la libertad.Tomás Lorenzo Melendo Granados - 1994 - Anuario Filosófico 27 (2):583-602.
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  8. La unidad de la metafisica de aristoteles: Una propuesta especulativa.T. Melendo Granados - 1997 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 2:193-211.
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  9. La expansion perfectiva del ente en el trascendental pulchrum.T. Melendo Granados - 1986 - Estudios Filosóficos 35 (98):103-128.
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  10. La polivalencia semántica del ser y el anhelo ascensional de la Metafísica.T. Melendo Granados - 1990 - Estudios Filosóficos 39 (110):117-143.
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    Invitación al conocimiento de hombre.Tomás Melendo - 2009 - Madrid: Ediciones Internacionales Universitarias. Edited by Gabriel Martí Andrés.
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    Todos educamos mal--: pero unos peor que otros.Tomás Melendo - 2008 - Madrid: Ediciones Internacionales Universitarias.
  13.  27
    La libertad: crecimiento y plenitud.Tomás Melendo - 2009 - Anuario Filosófico 42 (95):357-389.
    Este ensayo plantea el estudio de la libertad desde una perspectiva metafísica; más en concreto, a la luz del acto personal de ser. Se subraya la elección concreta del Fin Último como momento constitutivo de la libertad humana y, desde semejante punto de vista, como su fundamento. La libertad no es estática, sino un poder susceptible de desarrollarse constantemente hasta desembocar en la plena adhesión, fácil y gozosa, a lo que es bueno y en la proporción en que lo es; (...)
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    Ontología de los opuestos.Tomás Melendo - 1982 - Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra.
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    El ser humano: desarrollo y plenitud.Tomás Melendo - 2013 - Madrid: Ediciones Internacionales Universitarias.
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    Carlos Cardona. In memoriam 1930-1993.Tomás Melendo - 1994 - Anuario Filosófico 27 (3):1071-1080.
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    Metafísica de la dignidad humana.Tomás Melendo - 1994 - Anuario Filosófico 27 (1):15-34.
    Phenomenological analysis yields three characteristics of human dignity: elevation, intimacy and autonomy. Philosophy describes human dignity as the superior good of the absolute. And ontology locates such nobility in the peculiar subsistence of the human subject that receives its own actus essendi in the spiritual soul, both immortal and necessary.
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    Tomás Alvira, Luis Clavell et Tomás Melendo, Metafisica. Prefazione di Adriano Bausola.Hervé Pasqua - 1989 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 87 (73):97-99.
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    Melendo, Tomás: Introducción a la filosofía, Colección Iniciación filosófica, Eunsa, Pamplona, 2001, 207 págs.Nicolas Grimaldi - 2001 - Anuario Filosófico 34 (3):843-845.
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    MELENDO, Tomás: Las dimensiones de la persona, Palabra, Madrid, 1999.Maite Nicuesa Guelbenzu - 2005 - Anuario Filosófico:679-681.
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    MELENDO, TOMÁS, Dignidad humana y bioética, EUNSA, Pamplona, 1999, 186 págs.Ana Marta González - 2000 - Anuario Filosófico:308-309.
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    ¿Qué es una ‘religión’? Tres teorías recientes.José Tomás Alvarado Marambio - 2016 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 21:31-49.
    In this work three recent proposal of analysis of the concept of ‘religion’ are discussed. There is a strong convergence between these three proposals in several points: all of them maintain that a religion should be the belief of something –a set of propositions, the object of a propositional attitude like a belief–, all of them maintain that the object of the belief should be a theory about the good, and all of them maintain that a religion should have important (...)
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  23. Some Reluctant Skepticism about Rational Insight.Tomas Bogardus & Michael Burton - 2023 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 13 (4):280-296.
    There is much to admire in John Pittard’s recent book on the epistemology of disagreement. But here we develop one concern about the role that rational insight plays in his project. Pittard develops and defends a view on which a party to peer disagreement can show substantial partiality to his own view, so long as he enjoys even moderate rational insight into the truth of his view or the cogency of his reasoning for his view. Pittard argues that this may (...)
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    Deduction, Abduction, and Creativity.Tomáš Hanzal - 2024 - Acta Analytica 39 (1):163-182.
    In a discussion of Sherlock Holmes’ “science of deduction” and the related “method of exclusion,” I show that Holmes’ claim that his inferences are deductive makes sense, if we consider his theoretical presuppositions. So, it is more accurate to say that he tries to reduce abduction to deduction than that he confuses them. His theoretical framework, albeit inadequate as a theory of empirical reasoning, can be seen as a basic model of classical (symbolic) AI. The main problems of this approach (...)
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  25. A Defense of Explanationism against Recent Objections.Tomas Bogardus & Will Perrin - forthcoming - Episteme:1-12.
    In the recent literature on the nature of knowledge, a rivalry has emerged between modalism and explanationism. According to modalism, knowledge requires that our beliefs track the truth across some appropriate set of possible worlds. Modalists tend to focus on two modal conditions: sensitivity and safety. According to explanationism, knowledge requires only that beliefs bear the right sort of explanatory relation to the truth. In slogan form: knowledge is believing something because it’s true. In this paper, we aim to vindicate (...)
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    Analysis of the contract cheating market in Czechia.Veronika Králíková & Tomáš Foltýnek - 2018 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 14 (1).
    Contract cheating is currently one of the most serious academic integrity issues around the globe. Numerous studies have been conducted, mostly in English speaking countries. So far, no such research has been conducted in Czechia, and consequently there have been no specific data available on Czech students’ fraudulent behaviour. For this study, we created a questionnaire to obtain primary data on student usage of essay mills and their self-reported exposure to contract cheating. The questionnaire focused on students and graduates of (...)
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    Transcranial magnetic stimulation of the human frontal eye field facilitates visual awareness.Marie-Hélène Grosbras & Tomáš Paus - 2003 - European Journal of Neuroscience 18 (11):3121-3126.
  28. Vybrané problémy argumentačných schém v pragma-dialektickom prístupe k argumentácii.Tomáš Kollárik - 2024 - Filosofie Dnes 14 (2):50-90.
    V práci sa zaoberám kritickou expozíciou argumentačných schém v kontexte pragma-dialektického prístupu k argumentácii. Nadväzujem pritom na prácu Hitchcocka a Wagemansa (2011), ktorí sa sústredili najmä na problémy súvisiace s typológiou argumentačných schém v pragma-dialektike. Pozorovania Hitchcocka a Wagemansa sú v priebehu výkladu kriticky hodnotené, prípadne upravené. Časť kritiky, ktorú v práci uvádzam, súvisí s tým, že niektoré dôležité aspekty argumentačných schém sú v rôznych pragma-dialektických publikáciách prezentované odlišne bez toho, aby sa odlišnosť akokoľvek komentovala, alebo zdôvodnila. Existencia takýchto zdôvodnení (...)
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    Vår misnøyes vinter.Tomas Stølen - 2019 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 37 (1):175-178.
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    El ente y la esencia.Tomás de Aquino, Saint Thomas & Eudaldo tr Forment - 2002 - Pamplona: EUNSA Ediciones Universidad de Navarra. Edited by Eudaldo Forment Giralt.
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  31. Do We Really Not Know What Toulmin’s Analytic Arguments Are?Tomáš Kollárik - 2023 - Informal Logic 43 (3):417-446.
    The aim of this paper is to challenge the idea that Toulmin’s main focus in The Uses of Argument is to critique formal deductive logic. I first try to challenge the argument that, on the basis of what Toulmin says about analytic arguments, it is impossible to determine exactly what they are. I will then attempt to determine the basic contours of analytic arguments. Finally, I will conclude that the concept of an analytic argument involves epistemological assumptions to which formal (...)
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  32. Is Argument From Cause to Effect Really Defeasible?Tomáš Kollárik - 2023 - Filosofie Dnes 15 (1):23-51.
    According to informal logic, the possibilities of deductive logic as a tool for analysing and evaluating ordinary arguments are very limited. While I agree with this claim in general, I question it in the case of the argument from cause to effect. In this paper I first show, on the basis of carefully chosen examples, that we usually react differently to falsification of the conclusion of the argument from cause to effect than we do to the falsification of the conclusion (...)
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  33. Los monstruos kaplanianos y la lógica de los demostrativos.Tomas Barrero - 2023 - Ideas y Valores. Revista Colombiana de Filosofía 72 (181):221-244.
    ¿Cómo puede la lógica representar expresiones indéxicas como “yo”, “aquí” y “ahora”? ¿Cómo no debe representarlas? Examino estas dos preguntas a partir de la Lógica de los Demostrativos (LD) de Kaplan y su impopular prohibición de operadores monstruosos. A pesar de algunos defectos de formulación, sostengo que dicha prohibición está guiada por una poderosa visión de las relaciones lógicas de validez entre oraciones con indéxicos que desafía la concepción tradicional de consecuencia lógica como preservación de la verdad y resalta el (...)
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    Los segundos analíticos de aristóteles sin causalidad. Sobre Una interpretación de r. McKirahan.José Tomás Alvarado Marambio - 1999 - Méthexis 12 (1):125-132.
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  35. Tratado "De veritate" Question IV (dividida en 8 artículos). De la palabra (tradyho: Enrique Le-Beuffe Poblete.Santo Tomás de Aquino - 2016 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 18 (1):107-108.
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    May an Artist’s Moral Ill Repute Affect the Meaning of Their Work? An Analysis from the Perspective of Speech Act Theory.Tomas Koblizek - forthcoming - The Journal of Ethics:1-19.
    The ethical criticism of art has recently begun to address the subject of immoral artists, with two questions seeming to dominate discussion. How does moral misconduct on the part of artists affect their work’s aesthetic value? How should the art world respond to cases of artists who have been accused of morally outrageous behaviour? Such value and policy debates are important, but they leave aside a pressing question towards which this article proposes a reorientation: What is the possible impact of (...)
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    An Interview with Robin Celikates.Robin Celikates, Tomás Guerrero-Jaramillo & Polina Whitehouse - 2021 - The Harvard Review of Philosophy 28:157-170.
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    (1 other version)Neurohermenéutica.Tomás Domingo Moratalla - 2017 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 73 (276):563.
    Con esta comunicación pretendemos evaluar el alcance de lo que podemos denominar «neurohermenéutica». ¿Qué es? ¿Cómo puede caracterizarse? Se trata de aplicar el desarrollo de las cuestiones de neurociencia y ciencias cognitivas al desarrollo de la hermenéutica contemporánea. Dos son las estrategias posibles: 1) «hermenéutica de la neurociencia», y mostrar sus presupuestos, su estrategia conceptual y analizar sus implicaciones sociales y culturales, y 2) «neurociencia de la hermenéutica», e intentar analizar el sustrato mental de nuestras interpretaciones del mundo; así se (...)
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  39. Neuropeptides: The Evergreen Jack‐of‐All‐Trades in Neuronal Circuit Development and Regulation.Zsofia Hevesi, Tomas Hökfelt & Tibor Harkany - forthcoming - Bioessays:e202400238.
    Neuropeptides are key modulators of adult neurocircuits, balancing their sensitivity to both excitation and inhibition, and fine‐tuning fast neurotransmitter action under physiological conditions. Here, we reason that transient increases in neuropeptide availability and action exist during brain development for synapse maturation, selection, and maintenance. We discuss fundamental concepts of neuropeptide signaling at G protein‐coupled receptors (GPCRs), with a particular focus on how signaling at neuropeptide GPCRs could underpin neuronal morphogenesis. We use galanin, a 29/30 amino acid‐long neuropeptide, as an example (...)
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    Corrigendum: Validation of the Czech Version of the Relational Needs Satisfaction Scale.Martina Pourová, Tomáš Riháček & Gregor Žvelc - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    Kritický teológ a filozof Karol Nandrásky.Tomáš Jahelka - 2024 - Filozofia 79 (1):81-89.
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    “They Don't Understand Us, but We Have to Understand Them”: Interrogating the Making of Interdisciplinary Research in Chilean Climate Science.Tomas Undurraga, Sasha Mudd, Dusan Cotoras, Gonzalo Aguirre & Tamara Orellana - 2023 - Minerva 61 (4):581-606.
    In this article, we examine the ways in which the notion of interdisciplinarity was understood, implemented and experienced by researchers at a government-funded Chilean climate research centre. Our multi-site ethnography, consisting of interviews, participant observations, and document analysis, was motivated by three key aims. First, to generate an inductive, multi-faceted picture of the lived meaning of “interdisciplina” at the Centre; second, to explore whether and to what extent the “peripheral” features of the research context would exacerbate the challenges associated with (...)
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    Mito y violencia: una aproximación a la novela ecuatoriana Siete lunas y siete serpientes.Tomás Estrada Hevia - 2023 - Valenciana 32 (32):173-202.
    El propósito de este trabajo será el de analizar el sustrato mítico presente en una novela nacida de este contexto, Siete lunas y siete serpientes (1970), del escritor ecuatoriano Demetrio Aguilera-Malta. La importancia que el mito adquiere dentro de esta novela es la que suscita el presente estudio. Los diferentes mitos y creencias populares insertados en la narrativa maltiana no responden a una mera sucesión cumulativa de los mismos sino que son parte fundamental en la significación de toda la obra (...)
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    Bolzanova revize Kantova pojetí Betrachtung ve sváru o předmět soudu vkusu.Tomáš Hlobil - 2023 - Reflexe: Filosoficky Casopis 2023 (64):5-30.
    In German pre-critical aesthetics, the term Betrachtung (contemplation) was coined to describe the reception of beauty and art. It was also used by Immanuel Kant in his Critique of Judgment (1790), and by Bernard Bolzano in his treatise On the Concept of Beauty (1843). Both Bolzano and Kant tied the judgment of taste (beauty) to the mere contemplation of the initial object. However, each of them meant something different by this act, and each accorded it a different importance. The study (...)
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    Nepolitická politika v díle Ladislava Hejdánka.Tomáš Hejduk - 2021 - Praha: Filosofia.
    Život -- Nepolitická politika -- Charta 77 -- Intelektual a politika -- Filosof a politika -- Politický realismus: pravda, reflexe a bída -- Morálka, slušnost a etika štědrosti -- Pravá politika -- Dodatek: Filosofie, víra a teologie.
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  46. Lessons From Kafka.Petr Kotátko & Tomas Koblízek (eds.) - 2021 - Praha: Filosofia.
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    Mravní názory.Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk - 1923 - V Praze: Státní nakl.. Edited by Zdeněk Franta.
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    Presentación.Tomás Domingo Moratalla & José Alfredo Peris Cancio - 2017 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 13:19-24.
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    Roko maršai fotografijoje: roko subkultūra ir simbolinė politinių permainų reprezentacija.Tomas Pabedinskas - 2023 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 114.
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  50. Zur Medienkonkurrenz in der Philosophie : Wort vs. Bild.Tomas Sodeika - 2015 - In Hanno Depner (ed.), Visuelle Philosophie. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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