Results for 'Toan Do'

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  1.  30
    A Plea for the Novum Instrumentum.Toan Do - 2016 - Philosophy and Theology 28 (1):141-163.
    In the wake of the humanism in the early sixteenth century, Erasmus of Rotterdam was often taxed with the “sin of journalism” as having little to contribute to the then--current obsolete Latinism. Despite much of the false accusation against his scholarship and erudition, one of Erasmus’s inaugural works, whose impact reverberates to this day, was the Novum Instrumentum (1516). Many of Erasmus’s contemporaries misunderstood this “new” Latin edition to be just “another” Greek edition of the New Testament. This article seeks (...)
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  2. Cyberbullying Among School Adolescents in an Urban Setting of a Developing Country: Experience, Coping Strategies, and Mediating Effects of Different Support on Psychological Well-Being.Anh Toan Ngo, Anh Quynh Tran, Bach Xuan Tran, Long Hoang Nguyen, Men Thi Hoang, Trang Huyen Thi Nguyen, Linh Phuong Doan, Giang Thu Vu, Tu Huu Nguyen, Hoa Thi Do, Carl A. Latkin, Roger C. M. Ho & Cyrus S. H. Ho - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:661919.
    Background: This study examined the cyberbullying experience and coping manners of adolescents in urban Vietnam and explored the mediating effect of different support to the associations between cyberbullying and mental health issues.Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed on 484 students at four secondary schools. Cyberbullying experience, coping strategies, psychological problems, and family, peer, and teacher support were obtained. Structural equation modeling was utilized to determine the mediating effects of different support on associations between cyberbullying and psychological problems.Results: There were 11.6 (...)
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  3. An open database of productivity in Vietnam's social sciences and humanities for public use.Quan-Hoang Vuong, Viet-Phuong La, Thu-Trang Vuong, Manh-Toan Ho, Hong K. T. Nguyen, Viet-Ha T. Nguyen, Hiep-Hung Pham & Manh-Tung Ho - 2018 - Scientific Data (Nature) 5 (180188):1-15.
    This study presents a description of an open database on scientific output of Vietnamese researchers in social sciences and humanities, one that corrects for the shortcomings in current research publication databases such as data duplication, slow update, and a substantial cost of doing science. Here, using scientists’ self-reports, open online sources and cross-checking with Scopus database, we introduce a manual system and its semi-automated version of the database on the profiles of 657 Vietnamese researchers in social sciences and humanities who (...)
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    President Ho Chi Minh’s philosophical thought on diplomacy.Vu Toan - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (3):201-210.
    O pensamento filosófico de Ho Chi Minh sobre a diplomacia entre o Vietnã e outros países constitui o fio condutor que guia as atividades de relações exteriores do Partido Comunista do Vietnã e do Estado do Vietnã na sua política interna de renovação. Pode se constatar, como resultado, que o Vietnã tem alcançado um significativo nível de desenvolvimento socioeconômico. Durante o período de renovação, o Pensamento de Ho Chi Minh serviu de inspiração profunda ao Partido Comunista; é de se notar (...)
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  5. The need for economics education in Vietnam high school curriculum: A preliminary observation.Quan-Hoang Vuong & Manh-Toan Ho - 2021 - Academia Letters 1 (1):1053.
    Vietnam is a fast-growing economy with a population of more than 100 million people. Along with the stable development of the country’s economy, a mindset focusing on making money is also growing in Vietnam. Nonetheless, there has been a noticeable lack of formal education in economics for young people, especially in high school curriculum. Thus, this paper provides a quick look at the issue from the perspective of influential journal articles and books on Vietnam economy. Currently, as the high school (...)
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  6. Kinh tế Việt Nam 2009 và một vài suy nghĩ về nhận thức luận chuyển đổi.Vương Quân Hoàng - 2010 - Tạp Chí Cộng Sản 81 (1):49-55.
    TCCS - Việt Nam đang đứng trước ngưỡng cửa thập niên thứ hai, thế kỷ XXI. Tuy vậy, mốc thời gian không quan trọng bằng những đổi thay chóng mặt của quá trình quốc tế hóa đời sống kinh tế, và những biến đổi sâu sắc nó sẽ mang lại. Quá trình ấy, ngay bây giờ, lại được phóng đại qua lăng kính của những biến động toàn cầu do khủng hoảng kinh tế - tài chính 2007 - 2009, điều (...)
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    Impact of e-government on citizen engagement: the role of government reputation and digital divide.Toan Khanh Tran Pham & Quyen Le Hoang Thuy To Nguyen - 2024 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 22 (4):419-433.
    Purpose Citizen engagement (CE) in public policy is increasingly considered to be an important feature of governance worldwide. The aim of this study is to explore the impact of e-government usage (EGU) on citizens’ engagement. In addition, the study investigates the mediating effect of government reputation (GR) and the moderating role of digital divide (DD) in EGU and citizens' engagement relationship. Design/methodology/approach Data were collected from 938 respondents in Vietnam with a random method. This study used the partial least squares (...)
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  8. Tejima Toan zenshū.Toan Tejima - 1973
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    Encoding Motion Events During Language Production: Effects of Audience Design and Conceptual Salience.Monica Lynn Do, Anna Papafragou & John Trueswell - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (1):e13077.
    Cognitive Science, Volume 46, Issue 1, January 2022.
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  10. The Ordinary Concept of True Love.Brian Earp, Daniel Do & Joshua Knobe - 2024 - In Christopher Grau & Aaron Smuts, "Introduction" for the Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Love. NYC: Oxford University Press.
    When we say that what two people feel for each other is 'true love,' we seem to be doing more than simply clarifying that it is in fact love they feel, as opposed to something else. That is, an experience or relationship might be a genuine or actual instance of love without necessarily being an instance of true love. But what criteria do people use to determine whether something counts as true love? This chapter explores three hypotheses. The first holds (...)
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    Um prólogo histórico-crítico depois de vinte anos: concepções pedagógicas e epistemológicas de movimento negro educador.Pedro Vinícius Castro Magalhães do Amparo & Hélio da Silva Messeder Neto - 2024 - Odeere 9 (3):203-222.
    O objetivo desta pesquisa teórica é problematizar as concepções de educação, conhecimento e produção de conhecimento que compartilhamos no movimento negro a partir da descrição que encontramos delas na obra “O movimento negro educador”, de Nilma Lino Gomes. A obra foi escolhida como objeto de estudo pela penetração no campo e pelo objetivo de pensar o papel do movimento negro no desenvolvimento da compreensão sobre raça e racismo no Brasil, seja no âmbito mais geral, seja na educação escolar. Este trabalho (...)
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    O conceito de função na ecologia contempor'nea.Nei Freitas Nunes-Neto, Ricardo Santos do Carmo & Charbel Niño El-Hani - 2013 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 25 (36):43.
    O discurso funcional é tanto ubíquo quanto central na ecologia contemporânea, principalmente no contexto das pesquisas sobre biodiversidade e funcionamento ecossistêmico, que emergiram nos anos 1990 em meio à crise da biodiversidade. Entretanto, a despeito dessa forte presença na ecologia, o discurso funcional ainda não tem sido investigado de maneira adequada nesta ciência, na medida em que muitos problemas fundamentais a respeito do tema ainda permanecem sem respostas claras. Por um lado, os ecólogos que lançam mão de explicações funcionais parecem (...)
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  13.  25
    How does the email matter to the civic honesty? A comment on Cohn et al. (2019).Toan Luu Duc Huynh, Mei Wang & Marc Oliver Rieger - 2020 - Business and Society Review 125 (4):387-391.
    Cohn et al. (2019) designed the field experiment about the lost wallets across 40 countries to examine whether people attempt to contact the owners to return the 17,000 wallets. We discussed the design flaw in their experimental settings by reanalyzing the relationship between the rates of wallet return, in the Cohn et al. (2019)’s data, and the percentage of the Internet penetration (over population) as an upper bound of proportion email users. We found that countries with limited access to email (...)
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    Facial Expression Processing Is Not Affected by Parkinson’s Disease, but by Age-Related Factors.Dilara Derya, June Kang, Do-Young Kwon & Christian Wallraven - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:470209.
    The question whether facial expression processing may be impaired in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients so far has yielded equivocal results – existing studies, however, have focused on testing expression processing in recognition tasks with static images of six standard, emotional facial expressions. Given that non-verbal communication contains both emotional and non-emotional, conversational expressions and that input to the brain is usually dynamic, here we address the question of potential facial expression processing differences in a novel format: we test a range (...)
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    Injury of the Mammillothalamic Tract in Patients with Thalamic Hemorrhage.Hyeok Gyu Kwon, Han Do Lee & Sung Ho Jang - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  16.  32
    Inovações Metodológicas No Ensino de Filosofia Na Universidade.Rita Helena Sousa Ferreira Gomes, Deni Elliot Noronha Lopes, Elias Sá de Lima, Eliandro Antonio do Nascimento, Yorrana Ferreira Tomaz de Lima & Alexandre Willians Nascimento - 2023 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 14 (27):282-304.
    O artigo pretende contribuir com as discussões sobre o ensino de filosofia, partilhando achados de uma pesquisa realizada com duas turmas de estudantes universitários na disciplina de Estética (Curso de Música -Licenciatura). As inovações metodológicas aplicadas nas turmas buscaram valorizar o ensino de filosofia em diálogo permanente com as vivências cotidianas e artísticas dos estudantes através de atividades em sala sistematicamente vinculadas aos temas previstos no programa da disciplina. Os resultados dos dados apontaram que as estratégias metodológicas de ensino utilizadas (...)
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  17. São Paulo como personagem literária: Experiência urbana E modernismo.Literatura E. Política-O. Surrealismo, Uma Poética Do Ódio, Ferrovia E. Ferroviário, A. Politização Do Processo, Industria Manufatureira & A. Politica de Humanização Dos Presídios - 1990 - História 9.
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    Credit rating agencies and the state: an inter-field regulated relationship.Romário Rocha do Nascimento & Mário Sacomano Neto - 2024 - Theory and Society 53 (4):795-828.
    The history of Credit Rating Agencies [CRAs], commonly called Rating Agencies, has a long and distinguished trajectory marked by influence, reputation and power. Due to the ability of this field to instigate significant changes in market regulations and actions of economic actors, this subject is extensively debated within the literature. In economic sociology, while some studies have focused on perceptions of performativity and market devices to understand how the calculability of its methods influences the economy, others, along relational lines of (...)
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    Contrasting views on the role of AMPK in autophagy.Do-Hyung Kim - 2024 - Bioessays 46 (3):2300211.
    Efficient management of low energy states is vital for cells to maintain basic functions and metabolism and avoid cell death. While autophagy has long been considered a critical mechanism for ensuring survival during energy depletion, recent research has presented conflicting evidence, challenging the long‐standing concept. This recent development suggests that cells prioritize preserving essential cellular components while restraining autophagy induction when cellular energy is limited. This essay explores the conceptual discourse on autophagy regulation during energy stress, navigating through the studies (...)
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    Richard Rorty’s Critique of the Self in Term of Interaction Between the Self and Others.Trung Kien Do - 2021 - Contemporary Pragmatism 18 (2):134-153.
    The experiential self in interaction with an object is not, as Richard Rorty emphasizes, an inherent attribute that exists before real interactions, nor is it an entity with fixed characteristics. What Rorty constantly highlights is that the interaction in forming the self must achieve self-awareness as an entity impacted, acknowledged, and evaluated by others. This line of interpretation leads to two important concepts regarding the self’s formation that need to be clarified: First, when an individual expands his/her ability to manage (...)
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    Racionalidade Comunicativa Habermasiana.Virgílio Andrade Neto, Darlan do Nascimento Lourenço & Anderson de Alencar Menezes - 2023 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 9:72-86.
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    Phenomenon of Aging in the Contemporary World.Crisóstomo Lima do Nascimento & Flavio Da Silva Chaves - 2022 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 10 (2):87-117.
    This research deals with the records and memories of aging that are presented as modes of existence excluded under the tutelage of a society massified by technology and language as a constructor of social reality. In this way, we observe the legacies and experiences lived by the elderly, inferring the phenomenologicalhermeneutic thinking as another paradigm of experience of rooting the relationship between man, world and technique. From the qualitative and descriptive bibliographic methodology, we discuss, at first, some of the possible (...)
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  23.  13
    Construção e Análise de Um Folheto Educativo Para Crianças Fenilcetonúricas e Seus Cuidadores.Mariana Castelo Pinheiro & Marjorie Rafaela Lima do Vale - 2018 - Simbio-Logias Revista Eletrônica de Educação Filosofia e Nutrição 10 (14):79-92.
    Given the scarcity of educational materials (EM) to guide nutrition education strategies for phenilketonuric (PKU) patients, the goal of the present study was to develop and analyse the appearance and content validity of a EM directed to phenylketonuric children and their caregivers. The EM was evaluated by five professionals with expertise in the management of PKU. The material comprised 20 pages. All categories presented a satisfactory Index of Content Adequacy, meaning that the material was coherent, relevant and well structured. The (...)
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  24.  18
    Articulatory features of phonemes pattern to iconic meanings: evidence from cross-linguistic ideophones.Youngah Do, Thomas Van Hoey & Arthur Lewis Thompson - 2021 - Cognitive Linguistics 32 (4):563-608.
    Iconic words are supposed to exhibit imitative relationships between their linguistic forms and their referents. Many studies have worked to pinpoint sound-to-meaning correspondences for ideophones from different languages. The correspondence patterns show similarities across languages, but what makes such language-specific correspondences universal, as iconicity claims to be, remains unclear. This could be due to a lack of consensus on how to describe and test the perceptuo-motor affordances that make an iconic word feel imitative to speakers. We created and analysed a (...)
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  25.  10
    On the Priority of the Right to the Good.Aysel Do&Gbrevean - 2011 - Kant Studien 102 (3):316-334.
    Rawls's view that the right is prior to the good has been criticized by various scholars from divergent points of view. Some contend that Rawls's teleological/deontological distinction based on the priority of the right is misleading while others claim that no plausible ethical theory can determine what is right prior to the good. There is no consensus on how to interpret the priority of right to the good; nor is there an agreement on the criteria of teleological/deontological distinction. In this (...)
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    Social Identity Complexity, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Brand Love of Multiple Leagues in Professional Sport.Chanwook Do, Natasha T. Brison, Juho Park & Hyun-Woo Lee - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    How can corporate social responsibility initiatives influence brand love? Based on the theory of social identity complexity, we examined whether greater complexity of a sport fan’s multiple identifications with sport leagues led to higher multicultural tolerance and more positive perceptions of leagues’ corporate social responsibility activities. Further, brand authenticity was tested as a variable intervening between perceived corporate social responsibility and brand love. We analyzed this serial mediation effect impacting sport fans’ brand love for their multiple, favored and less favored, (...)
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  27.  9
    Der Platonismus in der Antike: Grundlagen, System, Entwicklung.Heinrich Dörrie - 1987 - Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog. Edited by Matthias Baltes & Friedhelm Mann.
    Bd. 1. Die geschichtlichen Wurzeln des Platonismus (Bausteine 1-35) -- Bd. 2. Der hellenistische Rahmen des kaiserzeitlichen Platonismus (Bausteine 36-72) -- Bd. 3. Der Platonismus im 2. und 3. Jahrhundert nach Christus (Bausteine 73-100) -- Bd. 4. Die philosophische Lehre des Platonismus (Bausteine 101-124) -- Bd. 5. Die philosophische Lehre des Platonismus (Bausteine 125-150) -- Bd. 6. Die philosophische Lehre des Platonismus (2 v.; Bausteine 151-181) -- Index zu den Bänden 1-4.
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  28. Kant's philosophy of religion : a provocation to the historical religions.Bernd Dörflinger - 2022 - In Giovanni Pietro Basile & Ansgar Lyssy, System and freedom in Kant and Fichte. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Ciência da Informação à luz da epistemologia da complexidade.Laís Lupim Santos Gomes, Gleice Pereira & Lucileide Andrade de Lima do Nascimento - 2023 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 10 (1):165-180.
    Para o profissional da informação, é necessário compreender como seus objetos de estudo se interligam, pois esta interligação é parte essencial na construção diária do saber científico. Além disso, é também a base para que estes conhecimentos possam ser aplicados na prática profissional. A interdisciplinaridade é a essência dessa questão, pois permite a união de diversas áreas do saber para que se consiga entender os fatos ocorridos. A Teoria da Complexidade também vem de encontro a essa necessidade de inter-relação entre (...)
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  30.  21
    As consequências do niilismo sobre Kiríllov, Stavróguin e o Adivinho | The Consequences of Nihilism over Kirillov, Stavroguinand the Soothsayer.Wigson Rafael Silva da Costa, Anamar Moncavo Oliveira & Matheus Colares Do Nascimento - 2021 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 3 (2):225-249.
    O objetivo deste trabalho é comparar as consequências que o fenômeno do niilismo tem sobre algumas personagens das obras de Nietzsche e Dostoiévski. Tentaremos mostrar que Kiríllov e Stavróguin, personagens de Os Demônios, e o Adivinho, deAssim falou Zaratustra,padecem de um certo distúrbio paradoxal de personalidade. Qual seja, para Nietzsche, a desagregação dos instintos ou, em termos dostoiévskianos, a consciência cindida.Palavras-chave: Niilismo; Kiríllov e Stavróguin; Adivinho; Dostoiévski; Nietzsche. AbstractThis paper’s goal is to compare the consequences that the phenomenon of nihilism (...)
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    Seize the Day or Save the World? The Importance of Ethical Claims and Product Nature Congruity.Vera Herédia-Colaço & Rita Coelho do Vale - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 152 (3):783-801.
    Consumers have shown increasing interest in products that reflect social and environmental concerns—so-called “sustainable products.” Although consumers typically view sustainability positively, the ethical attributes of products do not always drive their preferences, which implies a trade-off between ethical attributes and other valued attributes. In the current research, we examine how consumers implicitly judge products and services that are more or less congruent with social and environmental concerns and how incongruity between ethical claims and a product’s nature may influence consumers to (...)
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    Viet Nam Where East and West Meet.R. L. Backus & Do van Minh - 1969 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 89 (4):832.
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    Alerta vermelho.Thiago Silva & Marcos Aparecido Rodrigues do Prado - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 11 (1):e-7177.
    Termos como desinformação, fake news e pós-verdade tornaram-se cada vez mais frequentes no dia a dia da sociedade. A Ciência da Informação, que investiga a produção, disseminação e outros fluxos de informação, passou a dar maior atenção a esses tópicos, especialmente após as eleições presidenciais no Brasil. Este estudo teve como objetivo mapear as publicações na Base de Dados Referencial de Artigos de Periódicos em Ciência da Informação (Bracip), utilizando os termos fake news, desinformação e Ciência da Informação no período (...)
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    Lei de cotas – reserva de vagas e ações afirmativas no médio integrado do IFTO – Campus Dianópolis.Roselaine Gusson Mendes & Maria do Carmo Meirelles Toledo Cruz - 2022 - Odeere 7 (2):155-173.
    Neste trabalho, apresenta-se a análise das matrículas e da implementação da Lei Federal n. 12.711/2012, conhecida como Lei de Cotas e Ações Afirmativas, para ingresso nos Cursos Técnicos de Agropecuária e Informática na forma Integrada ao Ensino Médio, no Instituto Federal do Tocantins (IFTO) – Campus Dianópolis, no período de 2014 a 2018. A partir do estudo dessa Lei, do Decreto n. 7.824/2012, da Portaria Normativa do Ministério da Educação (MEC) n. 18/2012 e dos editais publicados pelo Instituto, foi realizado (...)
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    Iconicity in Ideophones: Guessing, Memorizing, and Reassessing.Thomas Van Hoey, Arthur L. Thompson, Youngah Do & Mark Dingemanse - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (4):e13268.
    Iconicity, or the resemblance between form and meaning, is often ascribed to a special status and contrasted with default assumptions of arbitrariness in spoken language. But does iconicity in spoken language have a special status when it comes to learnability? A simple way to gauge learnability is to see how well something is retrieved from memory. We can further contrast this with guessability, to see (1) whether the ease of guessing the meanings of ideophones outperforms the rate at which they (...)
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  36. Parent–Child Relationship Quality and Internet Use in a Developing Country: Adolescents’ Perspectives.Thao Thi Phuong Nguyen, Tham Thi Nguyen, Ha Ngoc Do, Thao Bich Thi Vu, Khanh Long Vu, Hoang Minh Do, Nga Thu Thi Nguyen, Linh Phuong Doan, Giang Thu Vu, Hoa Thi Do, Son Hoang Nguyen, Carl A. Latkin, Cyrus S. H. Ho & Roger C. M. Ho - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:847278.
    ObjectiveThe goal of the study was to explore the relationship between parent–children relationships related to using the internet among kids and potentially associated factors.Materials and MethodsA sample of 1.216 Vietnamese students between the ages of 12 and 18 agreed to participate in the cross-sectional online survey. Data collected included socioeconomic characteristics and internet use status of participants, their perceived changes in relationship and communication between parents and children since using the internet, and parental control toward the child’s internet use. An (...)
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  37. (1 other version)Tinh-thần trọng nghĩa phương đông.Toan Ánh - 1969 - [Saigon]: Ánh-Sáng.
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    Les Trois Royaumes, San Kuo-chih Yen-I.M. B., Nghiem Toan & Louis Ricaud - 1963 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 83 (3):414.
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    La mort et le problème de Dieu dans la pensée de Ludwig Feuerbach. Trân-vàn-Toàn - 1975 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 73 (18):304-361.
    Les problèmes de la mort, de l'immortalité et de Dieu ont entre eux une connexion étroite. Ils constituent, après la mort de Hegel, le centre des débats entre ses disciples. Les réflexions de Feuerbach sur ces problèmes, principalement dans les Pensées sur la mort et l'immortalité (1830) et La question de l'immortalité du point de vue de l'anthropologie (1846), ont pour but de dissiper les entités imaginaires de l'au-delà et de poser la vérité et la consistance de ce monde. La (...)
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    ‘Feminist theory is proper knowledge, but …’: The status of feminist scholarship in the academy.Maria do Mar Pereira - 2012 - Feminist Theory 13 (3):283-303.
    This article explores some of the most significant questions in feminist epistemology: how do academics demarcate what constitutes ‘proper’ academic knowledge? And to what extent is feminist theory and research recognised as such? I draw on material from an ethnographic study of academia in Portugal to examine the claims that non-feminist scholars make in classrooms and conferences about the epistemic status of feminist scholarship. I observed that feminist work was very commonly described as capable of generating credible and valuable knowledge, (...)
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    Da Filosofia da Natureza À Filosofia Moral: Análise de Uma Ética Animal Em Hans Jonas.Anor Sganzerla & Bruno Henrique do Rosario Xavier - 2021 - Dissertatio 52:185-212.
    As últimas décadas têm testemunhado uma profusão de teorias filosóficas que buscam reconhecer a moralidade de uma categoria tradicionalmente compreendida como neutra: os animais. Destituída de qualquer valor, a existência não-humana senciente foi deixada de lado por grandes nomes da ética ocidental (de Aristóteles a Kant), cujas teorias colocava-os, muitas vezes, sob o mesmo status de mera matéria destituída de vida. Contudo, desde o século XVIII, sobretudo na Inglaterra, os animais passaram a fazer parte do escopo compreendido por um sem-número (...)
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    Strategic Human Resource Management as Ethical Stewardship.Cam Caldwell, Do X. Truong, Pham T. Linh & Anh Tuan - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 98 (1):171-182.
    The research about strategic human resource management (SHRM) has suggested that human resource professionals (HRPs) have the opportunity to play a greater role in contributing to organizational success if they are effective in developing systems and policies aligned with the organization's values, goals, and mission. We suggest that HRPs need to raise the standard of their performance and that the competitive demands of the modern economic environment create implicit ethical duties that HRPs owe to their organizations. We define ethical stewardship (...)
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  43. Dōni-ō no dōwa: Sekimon shingaku e no jokyoku: Dōni-ō no shingaku dōwa to sono rinri.Dōni Nakazawa - 1989 - [Tokyo?]: Hasegawa Kōhei. Edited by Kōhei Hasegawa.
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    Apresentação.Alexandre De Oliveira Fernandes, Emanoel Luís Roque Soares & Wanderson Flor Do Nascimento - 2018 - Odeere 3 (6):01.
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  45. The BDNF Val66Met Polymorphism Affects the Vulnerability of the Brain Structural Network.Chang-Hyun Park, Jungyoon Kim, Eun Namgung, Do-Wan Lee, Geon Ha Kim, Myeongju Kim, Nayeon Kim, Tammy D. Kim, Seunghee Kim, In Kyoon Lyoo & Sujung Yoon - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Two questions on the geometry of gauge fields.N. C. A. da Costa, F. A. Doria, A. F. Furtado-do-Amaral & J. A. de Barros - 1994 - Foundations of Physics 24 (5):783-800.
    We first show that a theorem by Cartan that generalizes the Frobenius integrability theorem allows us (given certain conditions) to obtain noncurvature solutions for the differential Bianchi conditions and for higher-degree similar relations. We then prove that there is no algorithmic procedure to determine, for a reasonable restricted algebra of functions on spacetime, whether a given connection form satisfies the preceding conditions. A parallel result gives a version of Gödel's first incompleteness theorem within an (axiomatized) theory of gauge fields.
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    Comenius és a magyar művelődés.Csaba Csorba, Ferenc Földy & József Ködöböcz (eds.) - 1994 - Sárospatak: Magyar Comenius Társaság.
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    RETRACTED: Mental Health Problems Among Front-Line Healthcare Workers Caring for COVID-19 Patients in Vietnam: A Mixed Methods Study.Thu Kim Nguyen, Ngoc Kim Tran, Thuy Thanh Bui, Len Thi Tran, Nhi Tho Tran, Mai Tuyet Do, Tam Thanh Nguyen & Huong Thi Thanh Tran - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:858677.
    AimHealthcare workers have directly provided care for COVID-19 patients, and have faced many additional sources leading to poor mental health. The study aimed to investigate the mental health problems and related factors among healthcare staff in Vietnam.MethodsA descriptive cross-sectional mixed methods study, combining quantitative and qualitative research methods, was performed among 400 healthcare workers working at the National Hospital for Tropical Diseases and Ninh Binh General Hospital from the first day of treatment for COVID-19 patients to May 01, 2020.ResultsThe results (...)
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  49. Roberto Grotesseteste:física e matemática. Comentário de Roberto Grosseteste à Física.Carlos Ribeiro do Nascimento - 2009 - Educação E Filosofia 23 (45).
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    Bibliografia e estudos críticos.Miguel Reale & Centro de Documentação do Pensamento Brasileiro - 1999 - Centro de Documentac~ao Do Pensamento Brasileiro.
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