Results for 'Louis Ricaud'

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  1.  40
    Les Trois Royaumes, San Kuo-chih Yen-I.M. B., Nghiem Toan & Louis Ricaud - 1963 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 83 (3):414.
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  2. Schizophrenia, consciousness, and the self.Louis A. Sass & Josef Parnas - 2003 - Schizophrenia Bulletin 29 (3):427-444.
    In recent years, there has been much focus on the apparent heterogeneity of schizophrenic symptoms. By contrast, this article proposes a unifying account emphasizing basic abnormalities of consciousness that underlie and also antecede a disparate assortment of signs and symptoms. Schizophrenia, we argue, is fundamentally a self-disorder or ipseity disturbance that is characterized by complementary distortions of the act of awareness: hyperreflexivity and diminished self-affection. Hyperreflexivity refers to forms of exaggerated self-consciousness in which aspects of oneself are experienced as akin (...)
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  3.  46
    Politics and history: Montesquieu, Rousseau, Hegel and Marx.Louis Althusser - 1972 - London,: NLB.
  4.  17
    Pour Marx.Louis Althusser - 1965 - Paris,: F. Maspero.
    Ce recueil d'articles, publié pour la première fois en 1965 aux Editions François Maspero, a connu un succès exceptionnel pour un ouvrage théorique : quinze tirages (soit 45 000 exemplaires) et de très nombreuses traductions. Comme le notait Elisabeth Badinter dans Combat du 25 avril 1974 : "Les étudiants et les intellectuels marxistes découvrirent Althusser et à travers lui, sinon un nouveau Marx, du moins une nouvelle façon de le lire. Depuis la Critique de la raison dialectique de Sartre, Althusser (...)
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    Reinventing the meal: a genealogy of plant-based alternative proteins.Elan Louis Abrell - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (2):509-523.
    Industrial animal agriculture is a significant driver of climate change, habitat loss, and the ongoing extinction crisis, all of which will continue to accelerate as global demand for animal products grows. Plant-based alternatives to animal products, which have existed for over a thousand years, offer a potential solution to this problem, as the intersection of recent technological innovation and shifting capital investment trends have ushered in a new era of alternative proteins that are redefining food categories like meat, eggs, and (...)
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  6. The Philosophy of Language.Louis Lachance - 1942 - The Thomist 4 (4):547.
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  7. Logica (traducção de Godofredo Rangel).Louis Laird - 1933 - S. Paulo,: Companhia editora nacional. Edited by Rangel, Godofredo & [From Old Catalog].
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    What is Agency? A View from Autonomy Theory.Louis Virenque & Matteo Mossio - 2024 - Biological Theory 19 (1):11-15.
    The theory of biological autonomy provides a naturalized characterization of agency, understood as a general biological phenomenon that extends beyond the domain of intentionality and causation by mental states. Agency refers to the capacity of autonomous living beings (roughly speaking: organisms) to purposively and functionally control the interactions with the environment, and to adaptively modulate their own self-determining organization and behavior so as to maintain their own existence, construed as their intrinsic telos. We mention some crucial strengths of the autonomist (...)
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  9. Reconciling cognitive and perceptual theories of emotion: A representational proposal.Louis C. Charland - 1997 - Philosophy of Science 64 (4):555-579.
    The distinction between cognitive and perceptual theories of emotion is entrenched in the literature on emotion and is openly used by individual emotion theorists when classifying their own theories and those of others. In this paper, I argue that the distinction between cognitive and perceptual theories of emotion is more pernicious than it is helpful, while at the same time insisting that there are nonetheless important perceptual and cognitive factors in emotion that need to be distinguished. A general representational metatheoretical (...)
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  10. Feeling and representing: Computational theory and the modularity of affect.Louis C. Charland - 1995 - Synthese 105 (3):273-301.
    In this paper I review some leading developments in the empirical theory of affect. I argue that (1) affect is a distinct perceptual representation governed system, and (2) that there are significant modular factors in affect. The paper concludes with the observation thatfeeler (affective perceptual system) may be a natural kind within cognitive science. The main purpose of the paper is to explore some hitherto unappreciated connections between the theory of affect and the computational theory of mind.
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  11. Hollow Truth.Louis deRosset - 2021 - Philosophical Review 130 (4):533-581.
    A raft of new philosophical problems concerning truth have recently been discovered by several theorists. These problems concern the question of how ascriptions of truth are to be grounded. Most previous commentators have taken the problems to shed light on the theory of ground. In this paper, I argue that they also shed light on the theory of truth. In particular, I argue that the notion of ground can be deployed to clearly articulate one strand of deflationary thinking about truth, (...)
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    Stimulus generalization of the conditioned eyelid response to structurally similar nonsense syllables.David W. Abbott & Louis E. Price - 1964 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 68 (4):368.
  13.  47
    Terrorism, Human Rights, and the Case for World Government.Louis P. Pojman - 2006 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    One of the nation's leading military ethicists, Louis P. Pojman argues that globalism and cosmopolitanism motivate the need for greater international cooperation based on enforceable international law. The best way to realize the promises of globalism and cogent moral arguments for cosmopolitanism, Pojman contends, is through the establishment of a World Government.
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  14. A resolution of Bertrand's paradox.Louis Marinoff - 1994 - Philosophy of Science 61 (1):1-24.
    Bertrand's random-chord paradox purports to illustrate the inconsistency of the principle of indifference when applied to problems in which the number of possible cases is infinite. This paper shows that Bertrand's original problem is vaguely posed, but demonstrates that clearly stated variations lead to different, but theoretically and empirically self-consistent solutions. The resolution of the paradox lies in appreciating how different geometric entities, represented by uniformly distributed random variables, give rise to respectively different nonuniform distributions of random chords, and hence (...)
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    Measurement without archimedean axioms.Louis Narens - 1974 - Philosophy of Science 41 (4):374-393.
    Axiomatizations of measurement systems usually require an axiom--called an Archimedean axiom--that allows quantities to be compared. This type of axiom has a different form from the other measurement axioms, and cannot--except in the most trivial cases--be empirically verified. In this paper, representation theorems for extensive measurement structures without Archimedean axioms are given. Such structures are represented in measurement spaces that are generalizations of the real number system. Furthermore, a precise description of "Archimedean axioms" is given and it is shown that (...)
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  16. The Ecology of Money: a Critical Assessment.Louis Larue - 2020 - Ecological Economics 178.
    This paper assesses the proposal to transform the monetary system into an Ecology of money, that is, into a system made of a large diversity of complementary currencies. Its central aim is to examine whether this proposal could provide a systemic solution to both the ecological and financial crises, as several authors, most notably Lietaer and Douthwaite, have argued. To this end, it analyses the two main arguments in favour of this proposal. First, it focuses on the claim that an (...)
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  17. Are human rights based on equal human worth?Louis P. Pojman - 1981 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 52 (3):605-622.
  18.  95
    Affectivity in schizophrenia: A phenomenological view.Louis A. Sass - 2004 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 11 (10-11):127-147.
    Schizophrenia involves profound but enigmatic disturbances of affective or emotional life. The affective responses as well as expression of many patients in the schizophrenia spectrum can seem odd, incongruent, inadequate, or otherwise off-the-mark. Such patients are, in fact, often described in rather contradictory terms: as being prone both to exaggerated and to diminished levels of emotional or affective response. According to Ernst Kretschmer, they actually tend to have both kinds of experience at the same time. This paper attempts to explain (...)
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  19. Making sense of alternative currencies.Louis Larue - 2019 - Dissertation, Université Catholique de Louvain
    The main goal of this thesis is to provide a clear basis for the analysis of alternative currencies, such as Bitcoin, LETS, Local currencies, the WIR or Carbon currencies. It attempts to determine whether alternative currencies might constitute just and workable alternatives, either in the form of small-scale experiments or in the form of more radical reforms. The first chapter proposes a new way to classify currencies. The second examines the case in favour of monetary plurality. The third analyses the (...)
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  20. The Promises and Perils of Central Bank Digital Currencies.Louis Larue, Clément Fontan & Joakim Sandberg - 2020 - Revue de la Régulation 28.
    This paper analyzes the proposal that central banks should issue digital currencies (CBDC) to provide a public alternative to private digital accounts and cryptocurrencies. We build on some The promises and perils of central bank digital currencies recent themes in political economy research to give a broader and more balanced perspective than the existing literature, highlighting both the promises and perils of CBDC. We argue that, on the one hand, the present state of the private financial sector is problematic and (...)
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    Signifiance du monde: analytique grammaticale et pensée de l'être.Jean-Louis Tristani - 2019 - Paris: Geuthner.
    Signifiance du monde propose une "harmonisation intégrale" entre la linguistique saussuro-guillaumienne des langues naturelles et la pensée phénoménologique heideggérienne de la vérité de l'être en tant qu'alètheia, dans son sens grec de "ce qui sort de la latence" et que Jean-Louis Tristani nomme illatence. En d'autres termes, cet essai donne accès à une compréhension des "relations grammaticales évidentes qui articulent l'être, dans sa vérité, et la pensée, telles qu'elles sont a priori données dans le système linguistique de n'importe quelle (...)
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    Religious Mystery and Rational Reflection: Excursions in the Phenomemology and Philosophy of Religion.Louis K. Dupré - 1998 - William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
    How should philosophy approach religious experience? Can philosophy do more than describe religious experience without discussing its object? Can religion make genuine truth claims? These are some of the questions raised in these essays.
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    Montesquieu, la politique et l'histoire.Louis Althusser - 1974 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    • " Qu'on ne se méprenne pourtant pas : ce n'est pas la curiosité de son objet, mais son intelligence, qui est tout Montesquieu. Il ne voulait que comprendre. Nous avons de lui quelques images qui trahissent cet effort et sa fierté. Il ne pénétrait dans la masse infinie des documents et des textes, dans l'immense héritage des histoires, chroniques, recueils et compilations, que pour en saisir la logique, en dégager la raison. Il voulait tenir le "fil" de cet écheveau (...)
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  24.  12
    Histoire des animaux. Aristotle & Pierre Louis - 1964 - Les Belles Lettres.
    V.1. livres I-IV V.2. livres V-VII. V.3 livres VIII-X.
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  25.  43
    Some Questions Concerning the Crisis of Marxist Theory and of the International Communist Movement.Louis Althusser - 2015 - Historical Materialism 23 (1):152-178.
  26.  8
    La philosophie française entre les deux guerres.Louis Lavelle - 1942 - Paris,: Aubier.
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    Supplément au Voyage de Bougainville.Denis Diderot, Louis-Antoine de Bougainville & Gilbert Chinard - 1935 - E. Droz the Johns Hopkins Press.
    - La bibliographie de l'auteur - Les protagonistes du dialogue de Diderot, A et B, discutent du Voyage autour du monde du navigateur français Louis Antoine de Bougainville récemment paru (en 1771). B propose de parcourir un prétendu Supplément qui en remet en question certaines soi-disant évidences énoncées par Bougainville. Deux passages de ce supplément sont enchâssés dans la discussion: Les adieux du vieillard, et le long Entretien de l'aumônier et d'Orou.
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    Everywhere and Nowhere: Reflections on Phenomenology as Impossible and Indispensable (in Psychology and Psychiatry).Louis Sass - 2021 - Critical Inquiry 47 (3):544-564.
    This essay argues for the necessity of a phenomenological perspective on mind and mental disorder while also emphasizing the inherent difficulty of adopting such an orientation. Here I adopt a via negativa approach—by considering three forms of error that the phenomenologists Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger, and Maurice Merleau-Ponty recognize as needing to be guarded against, lest they subvert the project of attaining an adequate understanding of consciousness or subjectivity: namely (1) prejudices deriving from theory and common sense, (2) distorting effects (...)
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  29.  13
    Reflections on Coase, Cost, and Efficiency.Louis De Alessi - 1998 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 8 (1):5-26.
  30.  37
    Espace, temps, objet et causalité : thèmes et variations.Louis Allix - 2011 - Philosophia Scientiae 15:35-46.
    Les principes fondamentaux régissant les rapports entre l’espace, le temps, l’objet et la causalité sont présentés et examinés. Il est découvert, par des expériences de pensée successives, que l’abandon de l’un ou l’autre de ces principes permettrait peut-être de résoudre de façon neuve des difficultés classiques de la philosophie comme la flèche de Zénon, Achille et la tortue ou le bateau de Thésée. Sont révélés à cette occasion plusieurs asymétries importantes existant entre l’espace et le temps, dans leurs rôles respectifs (...)
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    Correspondance (1949-1987).Louis Althusser, Lucien Sève & Roger Martelli (eds.) - 2018 - Paris: Les éditions sociales.
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    Lessons on Rousseau.Louis Althusser - 2019 - London: Verso. Edited by Yves Vargas & G. M. Goshgarian.
    Althusser delivered these lectures on Rousseau's Discourse on the Origins of Inequality at the École normale supérieure in Paris in 1972. They are fascinating for two reasons. First, they gave rise to a new generation of Rousseau scholars, attentive not just to Rousseau's ideas, but also to those of his concepts that were buried beneath metaphors or fictional situations and characters. Second, we are now discovering that the "late Althusser's" theses about aleatory materialism and the need to break with the (...)
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    Philosophy and Social Science: Introducing Bourdieu and Passeron.Louis Althusser - 2019 - Theory, Culture and Society 36 (7-8):5-21.
    This text derives from a recording, and transcripts, of the introduction which Althusser gave on 6 December 1963, to a seminar for students in the École Normale Supérieure, Paris, offered at his invitation by Pierre Bourdieu and Jean-Claude Passeron. Althusser takes the opportunity to raise questions about the status of social science and suggests that Bourdieu and Passeron represent slightly different strands of contemporary research practice, partly as a result of their different formation and practice since themselves leaving the École. (...)
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    Problèmes. Aristotle & Pierre Louis (eds.) - 1991 - Paris: Belles Lettres.
    t. 1. Sections I à X -- t. 2. Sections XI à XXVII -- t. 3. Sections XXVIII à XXXVIII et index.
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  35. The Word of Christ and the World of Culture.Paul Louis Metzger - 2004 - Ars Disputandi 4.
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  36. L'Esthétique pour toutes: cours d'esthétique théorique.Louis Landry - 1973 - Paris: la Pensée universelle.
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    Marché.Louis Larue - 2019 - L'Encyclopédie Philosophique.
    Qu’est-ce que le marché ? A quelles conditions peut-il être juste ? Quelle place doit-il prendre dans notre société ? Cet article passe en revue les réponses principales qui ont été apportées à ces questions. En premier lieu, il insiste sur les éléments qui le définissent et le distinguent d’autres systèmes économiques. Ensuite, il étudie les principaux arguments éthiques émis en sa faveur et en sa défaveur. -/- Les arguments en faveur du marché font appel à l’efficacité, à l’égalité, au (...)
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  38. Carnets de guerre.Louis Lavelle - 1987 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 177 (4):564-565.
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    Conduite à l'égard d'autrui.Louis Lavelle - 1957 - A. Michel.
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  40. Conduite à l'égard d'Autrui.Louis Lavelle - 1963 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 17 (4):718-722.
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  41. Chroniques philosophiques : Science, esthétique, métaphysique.Louis Lavelle - 1975 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 165 (4):465-466.
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    De l'être.Louis Lavelle - 1932 - Aubier.
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  43. « De l'Ame humaine ».Louis Lavelle - 1952 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 7 (1):155-157.
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    De l'acte.Louis Lavelle - 1992 - Editions Aubier.
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  45. (1 other version)De l'Être.Louis Lavelle - 1930 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 37 (1):6-7.
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  46. De l'insertion du Moi dans l'être Par la distinction de l'opération et de la donnée.Louis Lavelle - 1941 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 3 (4):713-736.
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  47. (1 other version)De l'être.Louis Lavelle - 1928 - Paris,: F. Alcan.
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  48. De l'existence (II).Louis Lavelle - 1981 - Filosofia Oggi 4 (3):263-289.
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  49. De l'intimité spirituelle, collection « Philosophie de l'Esprit ».Louis Lavelle - 1956 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 11 (1):124-125.
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  50. De l'Intimité spirituelle.Louis Lavelle - 1958 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 12 (2):285-290.
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