Results for 'Tina Gupta'

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  1.  32
    When Does Stress Help or Harm? The Effects of Stress Controllability and Subjective Stress Response on Stroop Performance.Roselinde K. Henderson, Hannah R. Snyder, Tina Gupta & Marie T. Banich - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Parent-Child Diagnostic Agreement on Anxiety Symptoms with a Structured Diagnostic Interview for Mental Disorders in Children.Lukka Popp, Murielle Neuschwander, Sandra Mannstadt, Tina In-Albon & Silvia Schneider - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Fear expression and return of fear following threat instruction with or without direct contingency experience.Gaëtan Mertens, Manuel Kuhn, An K. Raes, Raffael Kalisch, Jan De Houwer & Tina B. Lonsdorf - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (5).
  4.  69
    Crime detection and criminal identification in India using data mining techniques.Devendra Kumar Tayal, Arti Jain, Surbhi Arora, Surbhi Agarwal, Tushar Gupta & Nikhil Tyagi - 2015 - AI and Society 30 (1):117-127.
  5.  45
    The Influence of Background Music on Learning in the Light of Different Theoretical Perspectives and the Role of Working Memory Capacity.Janina A. M. Lehmann & Tina Seufert - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:297754.
    This study investigates how background music influences learning with respect to three different theoretical approaches. Both the Mozart effect as well as the arousal-mood-hypothesis indicate that background music can potentially benefit learning outcomes. While the Mozart effect assumes a direct influence of background music on cognitive abilities, the arousal-mood-hypothesis assumes a mediation effect over arousal and mood. However, the seductive detail effect indicates that seductive details such as background music worsen learning. Moreover, as working memory capacity has a crucial influence (...)
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    Infants aren't biased toward fearful faces.Andrew M. Herbert, Kirsten Condry & Tina M. Sutton - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e65.
    Grossmann's argument for the “fearful ape hypothesis” rests on an incomplete review of infant responses to emotional faces. An alternate interpretation of the literature argues the opposite, that an early preference for happy faces predicts cooperative learning. Questions remain as to whether infants can interpret affect from faces, limiting the conclusion that any “fear bias” means the infant is fearful.
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  7. Encyclopaedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory.Michael Peters, Paulo Ghiraldelli, Berislav Žarnić, Andrew Gibbons & Tina Besley (eds.) - 2016 - Singapore: Springer.
    Living Reference Work. Continuously updated edition.
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    The Impact of Gender Perceptions on Attitudes towards Violence and Equality.Hemal Thakker, Deepak Bhanot, S. Dr Varalakshmi, Shivangi Gupta, Amita Garg, Romil Jain & Dr Raj Kumari Ghosh - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:982-991.
    Film production is the process of creating a film, involving stages such as progress, pre-production, invention, post-production, and sharing. It encompasses planning, scripting, shooting, editing, and finalizing the film for public viewing. The process of imagination drives innovation in scripting, directing, and cinematography, resulting in unique, engaging experiences that captivate audiences with their emotive stories. The principle of this investigation is to assess how psychological factors add to enhancing imagination in film production, focusing on their impact on creative processes and (...)
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    Metabolic mayhem caused by 2‐ketoacid imbalances.Robert A. LaRossa & Tina K. Van Dyk - 1987 - Bioessays 7 (3):125-130.
    A variety of herbicides act by inhibiting the branched chain amino‐acid biosynthetic enzyme, acetolactate synthase (EC The initial consequences of this event are 2‐ketoacid accumulation and amino‐acid starvation. Recent studies demonstrate that 2‐ketoacid imbalances play a significant role in the action of these herbicides; such imbalances may also be important in certain inborn errors of human metabolism.
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    Implementing Public Health Regulations in Developing Countries: Lessons from the OECD Countries.Emily A. Mok, Lawrence O. Gostin, Monica Das Gupta & Max Levin - 2010 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 38 (3):508-519.
    Public health agencies undertake a broad range of health promotion and injury and disease prevention activities in collaboration with an array of actors, such as the community, businesses, and non-profit organizations. These activities are “multisectoral” in nature and centered on public health agencies that oversee and engage with the other actors. Public health agencies can influence the hazardous activities in the private sector in a variety of ways, “ranging from prohibition and regulation to volunteerism, and from cooperation to cooption.” Hence, (...)
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  11. The Whole Child / Tina Bruce ; Family, Community and the Wider World / Tina Bruce ; The Changing of the Seasons in the Child Garden / Stella Brown ; Adventurous and Challenging Play Outdoors / Helen Tovey ; Offering Children First Hand Experiences through Forest School: Relating to and Learning about Nature / Lynn McNair ; The Time-Honoured Froebelian Tradition of Learning out of Doors / Jane Read ; Family Songs in the Froebelian Tradition / Maureen Baker ; The Importance of Hand and Finger Rhymes: A Froebelian Approach to Early Literacy / Jenny Spratt ; Froebel's Mother Songs Today / Marjorie Ouvry ; Gifts and Occupations: Froebel's Gifts (Wooden Block Play) and Occupations (Construction and Workshop Experiences) Today / Jane Whinnett ; Froebelian Methods in the Modern World: A Case of Cooking / Chris McCormick ; Bringing together Froebelian Principles and Practices.Tina Bruce - 2012 - In Early childhood practice: Froebel today. London: SAGE.
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    Counseling youth: Foucault, power, and the ethics of subjectivity.Tina Besley - 2002 - Westport, CT: Praeger.
    The book is concerned with the shifting notions of self and identity and develops a Foucauldian analysis that examines these inherently philosophical notions in ...
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  13.  19
    Educating young children: a lifetime journey into a Froebelian approach: the selected works of Tina Bruce.Tina Bruce - 2020 - New York: Routledge.
    Gathering thoughts -- Teachers who inspired me -- What am I? : Montessori? Steiner? eclectic? : Is it important? -- Which comes first? : a philosophical framework, theory and research evidence : what do teachers and other practitioners need to bring out their best work -- Working with principles which are interpreted and embedded in articulated practice -- The importance of parent partnership and the development of moral values and self-discipline -- Play : a very complex thing -- Finding how (...)
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  14. Froebelian influences on early childhood education and care government policy documents in England.Tina Bruce, Contributions by Lesley Abbott & Ann Langston - 2018 - In Tina Bruce, Peter Elfer, Sacha Powell & Louie Werth, The Routledge international handbook of Froebel and early childhood practice: re-articulating research and policy. New York, NY: Routledge.
  15.  13
    Correlation effects and energetics of point defects in uranium dioxide: a first principle investigation.F. Gupta, G. Brillant & A. Pasturel - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (17):2561-2569.
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    Yoga and yogic powers.Yogi Gupta - 1961 - N.Y.,: Yogi Gupta New York Center.
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  17.  36
    Regulation by transcription attenuation in bacteria: how RNA provides instructions for transcription termination/antitermination decisions.Tina M. Henkin & Charles Yanofsky - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (8):700-707.
    Regulation of gene expression by premature termination of transcription, or transcription attenuation, is a common regulatory strategy in bacteria. Various mechanisms of regulating transcription termination have been uncovered, each can be placed in either of two broad categories of termination events. Many mechanisms involve choosing between two alternative hairpin structures in an RNA transcript, with the decision dependent on interactions between ribosome and transcript, tRNA and transcript, or protein and transcript. In other examples, modification of the transcription elongation complex is (...)
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    L'estetica religiosa in s. Agostino.Tina Manferdini - 1969 - Bologna,: Zanichelli.
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  19. (1 other version)Rescuing the Duty to Rescue.Tina Rulli & Joseph Millum - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics:1-5.
    Clinicians and health researchers frequently encounter opportunities to rescue people. Rescue cases can generate a moral duty to aid those in peril. As such, bioethicists have leveraged a duty to rescue for a variety of purposes. Yet, despite its broad application, the duty to rescue is under-analyzed. In this paper, we assess the state of theorizing about the duty to rescue. There are large gaps in bioethicists’ understanding of the force, scope, and justification of the two most cited duties to (...)
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  20. What is the State of Blacks in Philosophy?Tina F. Botts, Liam K. Bright, Guntur Mallarangeng, Quayshawn Spencer & Myisha Cherry - 2014 - Critical Philosophy of Race 2 (2):224-242.
    This research note is meant to introduce into philosophical discussion the preliminary results of an empirical study on the state of blacks in philosophy, which is a joint effort of the American Philosophical Association’s Committee on the Status of Black Philosophers (APA CSBP) and the Society of Young Black Philosophers (SYBP). The study is intended to settle factual issues in furtherance of contributing to dialogues surrounding at least two philosophical questions: What, if anything, is the philosophical value of demographic diversity (...)
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    Ethics of Eros: Irigaray's Re-Writing of the Philosophers.Tina Chanter - 1994 - New York: Routledge.
    ____Ethics of Eros__ sheds light on contemporary feminist discourse by questioning the basic distinctions and categories in feminist theory. Tina Chanter uses the work of Luce Irigaray as the focus for a critique of French and Anglo-American feminism as it is articulated in the debate over essentialism. While these two branches of feminism represent opposing views, Chanter advocates a productive exchange between the two.
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    Rudolf Lüthe in Zusammenarbeit mit Tina Massing (Hg.): Eine sanfte Form von Liebe? Texte zum Begriff der Freundschaft.Rudolf Lüthe, Tina Massing & Loriana Metzger - 2016 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 69 (2):181-186.
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    A Developmental Perspective on Moral Emotions.Tina Malti & Sebastian P. Dys - 2015 - Topoi 34 (2):453-459.
    This article outlines a developmental approach to the study of moral emotions. Specifically, we describe our developmental model on moral emotions, one in which emotions and cognitions about morality get increasingly integrated and coordinated with development, while acknowledging inter-individual variation in developmental trajectories across the lifespan. We begin with a conceptual clarification of the concept of moral emotions. After a brief review of our own developmental approach to the study of moral emotions, we provide a selective summary of the developmental (...)
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  24. Happiness becomes you: a guide to changing your life for good.Tina Turner, Taro Gold & Regula Curti - 2020 - New York: Atria Books.
    Tina is a global icon of hope. And now, with Happiness Becomes You, she shows how anyone can overcome obstacles in life--even transform the impossible to possible--and fulfill our dreams. She shows how we, too, can improve our lives, empowering us with spiritual tools and sage advice to enrich our unique paths. For decades, Tina has shined brightly as an example of someone who can generate hope from nothing, break through all limitations, and achieve success that endures. Drawing (...)
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  25.  90
    Time, Death, and the Feminine: Levinas with Heidegger.Tina Chanter - 2001 - Stanford: Stanford University Press.
    Examining Levinas’s critique of the Heideggerian conception of temporality, this book shows how the notion of the feminine both enables and prohibits the most fertile territory of Levinas’s thought. According to Heidegger, the traditional notion of time, which stretches from Aristotle to Bergson, is incoherent because it rests on an inability to think together two assumptions: that the present is the most real aspect of time, and that the scientific model of time is infinite, continuous, and constituted by a series (...)
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  26.  16
    The Mobile Viewer at the Medieval Church Entrance.Tina Bawden - 2019 - Convivium 6 (1):108-125.
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  27.  13
    The New Catholic Feminism: Theology, Gender Theory and Dialogue.Tina Beattie - 2004 - Routledge.
    It is hard to over-estimate the challenge that feminism poses to Roman Catholicism. Pope John Paul II's call for a 'new feminism' has led to the development of a Catholic theological response to the so-called 'old feminism'. _The New Catholic Feminism _sets up a dramatic encounter between the orthodox Catholic establishment and contemporary critical theory, including feminist theology and philosophy, queer theory, and French psycholinguistics, in order to explore fundamental questions about human identity, personhood and gender. From the naked bodies (...)
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  28. The International Froebel Society.Tina Bruce - 2018 - In Tina Bruce, Peter Elfer, Sacha Powell & Louie Werth, The Routledge international handbook of Froebel and early childhood practice: re-articulating research and policy. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  29.  70
    Botanical Smuts and Hermaphrodites: Lydia Becker, Darwin's Botany, and Education Reform.Tina Gianquitto - 2013 - Isis 104 (2):250-277.
    ABSTRACT In 1868, Lydia Becker (1827–1890), the renowned Manchester suffragist, announced in a talk before the British Association for the Advancement of Science that the mind had no sex. A year later, she presented original botanical research at the BAAS, contending that a parasitic fungus forced normally single-sex female flowers of Lychnis diurna to develop stamens and become hermaphroditic. This essay uncovers the complex relationship between Lydia Becker's botanical research and her stance on women's rights by investigating how her interest (...)
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    Extortion japanese style.Tina Haida - 1998 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 7 (1):2–6.
    The emerging influence wielded on Japanese businesses by the sokaiya, or extortioners, raises issues not just of bribery but more fundamentally of corporate governance and transparency in the conduct of business. “If it were true that the Japanese companies in question were otherwise conducting their businesses in perfectly ethical ways, then sokaiya would not have any leverage”. The author has completed the first year of her MBA at London Business School after previously working with the Japanese Delegation to the OECD.
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    Kritik als demokratische Praxis: Kritik und Politik in Kritischer Theorie und feministischer Theorie.Tina Jung - 2015 - Münster: Westfälisches Dampfboot.
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    Why Film History Should Not Repeat Itself.Tina M. Kelleher - 1999 - Film-Philosophy 3 (1).
    _Celebrating 1895: The Centenary of Cinema_ Edited by John Fullerton Sydney: John Libbey, 1998 ISBN 1-86462-015-3 288 pp.
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    The radiant sameness: Satpurusa Mahārājśrī Maṅgatrāmji's Samatāvilāsa. Maṅgatarāma & Som Raj Gupta - 2010 - Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers. Edited by Som Raj Gupta.
    Samatavilasa, The Radiant Sameness, shows the way of finding our fallen condition itself as redemptive. We are not merely to accept our pain and our mortal condition but to live these and become these. In becoming that pain lies our bliss, in living our mortality immortality. That alone is the highest bliss and absolute, that alone is salvation the final, this our becoming one with our mortal and absolutely tragic lot. That is what the state of samata, sameness, is. Only (...)
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    Negative school factors and their influence on math and science achievement in TIMSS 2003.Tina Vršnik Perše, Ana Kozina & Tina Rutar Leban - 2011 - Educational Studies 37 (3):265-276.
    The aim of the present study was to conduct an analysis of TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) 2003 database and to determine how negative school factors, such as aggression, are associated to the mathematical and science achievement of students. The analyses were conducted separately for national and international data. National analyses for Slovenia show significant associations between math and science achievement and the experience of aggressive behaviour. Students who experienced aggressive behaviour scored lower in math and science, (...)
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  35.  9
    The wisdom of Vasiṣṭha: a study on "Laghu Yoga Vāsiṣṭha" from a seeker's point of view.Som Raj Gupta - 2018 - Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private.
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  36.  7
    Essays on Sāmkhya and other systems of Indian philosophy.Anima Sen Gupta - 1977 - Allahabad: M. R. Sen.
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  37.  49
    A Pragmatist Critique of Derridian Politics.Tina Sikka - 2009 - Contemporary Pragmatism 6 (1):87-129.
    I draw on Security Council Resolution 1674 to demonstrate that the political assumptions Jacques Derrida holds in his politically-oriented texts are inconsistent with the assumptions of his linguistic texts, and that Jürgen Habermas's political theory is consistent with the political implications of his approach to language. Habermasian pragmatism offers a critical theory of society and discourse of modernity that touches on the same themes of politics and meaning as Derrida and other deconstructionists, but is more coherent, consistent, and explanatorily persuasive.
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    Practising what we preach: justice and ethical instruction in management education.Tina L. Robbins & Ben C. Jeffords - 2009 - Ethics and Education 4 (1):93-102.
    Building on organizational justice research, we extended the study of classroom justice to management education. In the first study, we identified the criteria that business students use to define distributive, procedural, and interactional fairness. In a second study, we found that management students? perceptions of both procedural and interactional fairness were significant and unique predictors of their evaluations of instructional effectiveness. However, procedural justice was the only significant predictor of overall evaluations of the course. Results of this study will aid (...)
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    Learning causality in a complex world: understandings of consequence.Tina Grotzer - 2012 - Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Education.
    Introduction -- Simple linear causality : one thing makes another happen -- The cognitive science of simple causality : why do we get stuck? -- Domino causality : effects that become causes -- Cyclic causality : loops and feedback -- Spiraling causality : escalation and de-escalation -- Mutual causality : symbiosis and bi-directionality -- Relational causality : balances and differentials -- Across time and distance : detecting delayed and distant effects -- "What happened?" vs. "what's going on?" : thinking about (...)
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    (1 other version)Preferring a Genetically-Related Child.Tina Rulli - 2016 - New Content is Available for Journal of Moral Philosophy 13 (6):669-698.
    Millions of children worldwide could benefit from adoption. One could argue that prospective parents have a pro tanto duty to adopt rather than create children. For the sake of argument, I assume there is such a duty and focus on a pressing objection to it. Prospective parents may prefer that their children are genetically related to them. I examine eight reasons prospective parents have for preferring genetic children: for parent-child physical resemblance, for family resemblance, for psychological similarity, for the sake (...)
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  41.  11
    Looking beyond Popper: how philosophy can be relevant to ecology.Tina Heger, Alkistis Elliott-Graves, Marie I. Kaiser, Katie H. Morrow, William Bausman, Gregory P. Dietl, Carsten F. Dormann, David J. Gibson, James Griesemer, Yuval Itescu, Kurt Jax, Andrew M. Latimer, Chunlong Liu, Jostein Starrfelt, Philip A. Stephens & Jonathan M. Jeschke - 2025 - Oikos 2025 (2):e10994.
    Current workflows in academic ecology rarely allow an engagement of ecologists with philosophers, or with contemporary philosophical work. We argue that this is a missed opportunity for enriching ecological reasoning and practice, because many questions in ecology overlap with philosophical questions and with current topics in contemporary philosophy of science. One obstacle to a closer connection and collaboration between the fields is the limited awareness of scientists, including ecologists, of current philosophical questions, developments and ideas. In this article, we aim (...)
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    Tina Beattie reviews Pamela Sue Anderson's A Feminist Philosophy of Religion & debates with the author. [REVIEW]Tina Beattie & Pamela Sue Anderson - 1999 - Women’s Philosophy Review 21:103-110.
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  43. Discussion of Anil Gupta's “Outline of an Account of Experience”.Alex Byrne, Charles Goldhaber, Anil Gupta, Adam Pautz & T. Raja Rosenhagen - 2018 - Analytic Philosophy 59 (1):75-88.
  44. Abjection and ambiguity: Simone de beauvoir's legacy.Tina Chanter - 2000 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 14 (2):138-155.
  45.  57
    Decoupling from Moral Responsibility for CSR: Employees' Visionary Procrastination at a SME.Tina Sendlhofer - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (2):361-378.
    Most studies of corporate social responsibility have focused on the organisational level, while the individual level of analysis has been treated as a ‘black box’ when researching antecedents of CSR engagement or disengagement. This article offers insights into a small and medium-sized enterprise that is recognised as a pioneer in CSR. Although the extant literature suggests that the owner-manager is crucial in the implementation of CSR, this study reveals that employees drive CSR. The employees in the focal firm voluntarily joined (...)
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  46. The Unique Value of Adoption.Tina Rulli - 2014 - In Carolyn McLeod & Francoise Baylis, Family Making: Contemporary Ethical Challenges. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Most people would agree that adoption is a good thing for children in need of a family. Yet adoption is often considered a second best or even last resort for parents in making their families. Against this assumption, I explore the unique value of adoption for prospective parents. I begin with a criticism of the selective focus on the value of adoption for only those people using assisted reproductive technologies. I focus on the value of adoption for all prospective parents, (...)
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  47. IIA, rationality, and the individuation of options.Tina Rulli & Alex Worsnip - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (1):205-221.
    The independence of irrelevant alternatives is a popular and important axiom of decision theory. It states, roughly, that one’s choice from a set of options should not be influenced by the addition or removal of further, unchosen options. In recent debates, a number of authors have given putative counterexamples to it, involving intuitively rational agents who violate IIA. Generally speaking, however, these counterexamples do not tend to move IIA’s proponents. Their strategy tends to be to individuate the options that the (...)
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  48. Reproductive CRISPR does not cure disease.Tina Rulli - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (9):1072-1082.
    Given recent advancements in CRISPR‐Cas9 powered genetic modification of gametes and embryos, both popular media and scientific articles are hailing CRISPR’s life‐saving, curative potential for people with serious monogenic diseases. But claims that CRISPR modification of gametes or embryos, a form of germline engineering, has therapeutic value are deeply mistaken. This article explains why reproductive uses of CRISPR, and germline engineering more generally, do not treat or save lives that would otherwise have a genetic disease. Reproductive uses of CRISPR create (...)
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  49. Conditional Obligations.Tina Rulli - 2020 - Social Theory and Practice 46 (2):365-390.
    Some obligations are conditional such that act A is morally optional, but if one chooses A, one is required to do act B rather than some other less valuable act C. Such conditional obligations arise frequently in research ethics, in the philosophical literature, and in real life. They are controversial: how does a morally optional act give rise to demanding requirements to do the best? Some think that the fact that a putative obligation has a conditional structure, so defined, is (...)
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    The Ups and Downs of Black and White: Do Sensorimotor Metaphors Reflect an Evolved Perceptual Interface?Tina O. Zhu, Peiyao Chen & Frank H. Durgin - 2024 - Metaphor and Symbol 39 (3):169-182.
    The Implicit Association Test (IAT) was used to measure population levels of conceptual alignment among two polar sensory metaphors and clusters of concepts to which they are commonly applied. A total of 873 participants were tested online, to compare within- and between-cluster alignments of concepts associated with two different polar sensory metaphors (up/down and black/white). IAT results were sensitive to semantic alignments that were also picked up by Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) using a large-scale corpus of English. However, even with (...)
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