Results for 'Timothy Dean'

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  1. Aristotle on the Good for Man.Timothy Dean Roche - 1984 - Dissertation, University of California, Davis
    It is commonly believed that Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics argues for a "dominant end" intellectualist theory of the human good. This theory specifies contemplative activity as the sole element in the best life for man, and it implies that all other goods, including moral and political activities, have value only as means to contemplative activity. It is conceded that Aristotle sometimes appears to regard the highest good as an "inclusive end," an end composed of several independently valued things, but this is (...)
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  2. Spindel Conference 1988 Aristotle's Ethics.Timothy Dean Roche - 1989 - Dept. Of Philosophy, Memphis State University.
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  3. Ergon and Eudaimonia in Nicomachean Ethics I: Reconsidering the Intellectualist Interpretation.Timothy Dean Roche - 1988 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 26 (2):175-194.
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    Mid-level Managers, Organizational Context, and ethical Encounters.Kathy Lund Dean, Jeri Mullins Beggs & Timothy P. Keane - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 97 (1):51-69.
    This article details day-to-day ethics issues facing MBAs who occupy entry-level and mid-level management positions and offers defined examples of the stressors these managers face. The study includes lower-level managers, essentially excluded from extant literature, and focuses on workplace behaviors both undertaken and observed. Results indicate that pressures from internal organization sources, and ambiguity in letter versus spirit of rules, account for over a third of the most frequent unethical situations encountered, and that most managers did not expect to face (...)
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  5. Evolution and Moral Diversity.Timothy Dean - 2012 - The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication 7:1-16.
    If humans have an evolved moral psychology, then we should not expect it to function in an identical way between individuals. Instead, we should expect a diversity in the function of our moral psychology between individuals that varies along genetic lines, and a corresponding diversity of moral attitudes and moral judgements that emerge from it. This is because there was no one psychological type that would reliably produce adaptive social behaviour in the highly heterogeneous environments in which our minds evolved. (...)
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    An unthinkable cinema: Deleuze’s mutant politics of film.Timothy Deane-Freeman - 2023 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 49 (8):930-949.
    In this paper, I defend a conception of Deleuze’s two volumes dedicated to film – Cinema I: The Movement-Image, and Cinema II: The Time-Image – as protracted expressions of his political philosophy. In this context, I will elaborate the difficult and entwined political claims Deleuze makes on behalf of cinema: that it is capable of engendering a tentative ‘belief in the world’, such as is the necessary correlate of political action; that it captures the contemporary political fact that ‘the people (...)
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    Pheromone traps to suppress populations of the smaller European elm bark beetle.Martin C. Birch, Richard W. Bushing, Timothy D. Paine, Stephen L. Clement, P. Dean Smith, Albert O. Paulus, Jerry Nelson, Otis Harvey, F. Shibuya & Y. Paul Puri - 1977 - In Vincent Stuart, Order. [New York]: Random House.
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    Mitchell Dean, Governing Societies: Political Perspectives on Domestic and International Rule.Timothy Rayner - 2008 - Critical Horizons 9 (2):249-253.
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    Editorial: Brain-Computer Interfaces and Augmented/Virtual Reality.Felix Putze, Athanasios Vourvopoulos, Anatole Lécuyer, Dean Krusienski, Sergi Bermúdez I. Badia, Timothy Mullen & Christian Herff - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Scholastic Hylomorphism and Dean Zimmerman.Timothy Pawl - 2022 - TheoLogica: An International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology 8 (2).
    I present Dean Zimmerman’s conceptualization of the varieties of substance dualism. I then focus attention on a form of dualism that he has discussed briefly in a few places, Thomistic dualism as he calls it, or hylomorphic dualism, as I call it. After explicating hylomorphic dualism, I consider the two places where Zimmerman says the most about it, finding, in one case, a way to alleviate a worry he raises using the resources internal to hylomorphism, and, in the other (...)
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    Oxford Studies in Metaphysics Volume 2.Dean Zimmerman (ed.) - 2006 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Oxford Studies in Metaphysics is the forum for the best new work in this flourishing field. Much of the most interesting work in philosophy today is metaphysical in character: this new series is a much-needed focus for it. OSM offers a broad view of the subject, featuring not only the traditionally central topics such as existence, identity, modality, time, and causation, but also the rich clusters of metaphysical questions in neighbouring fields, such as philosophy of mind and philosophy of science. (...)
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    Ethics Education in U.S. Allopathic Medical Schools: A National Survey of Medical School Deans and Ethics Course Directors.Chad M. Teven, Michael A. Howard, Timothy J. Ingall, Elisabeth S. Lim, Yu-Hui H. Chang, Lyndsay A. Kandi, Jon C. Tilburt, Ellen C. Meltzer & Nicholas R. Jarvis - 2023 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 34 (4):328-341.
    Purpose: to characterize ethics course content, structure, resources, pedagogic methods, and opinions among academic administrators and course directors at U.S. medical schools. Method: An online questionnaire addressed to academic deans and ethics course directors identified by medical school websites was emailed to 157 Association of American Medical Colleges member medical schools in two successive waves in early 2022. Descriptive statistics were utilized to summarize responses. Results: Representatives from 61 (39%) schools responded. Thirty-two (52%) respondents were course directors; 26 (43%) were (...)
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  13. Raziel Abelson and Marie-Louise Friquegnon, Ethics for Modern Life. Boston: Bedford./St. Martin's, 2003, 560 pp.(indexed). ISBN 0-312-15761-4 (pb). Deane-Peter Baker and Patrick Maxwell, eds., Explorations in Contemporary Continental Philosophy of Religion. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2003, 219 pp. [REVIEW]Georges B. J. Dreyfus, Stephen J. Grabill, Timothy M. Shaughnessy & Kevin E. Schmiesing - 2004 - Journal of Value Inquiry 38:125-126.
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    Downward Causation and the Neurobiology of Free Will.Nancey Murphy, George Ellis & Timothy O'Connor (eds.) - 2009 - Springer Verlag.
    The book includes contributions by Sarah-Jayne Blakemore, George F. R. Ellis, Christopher D. Frith, Mark Hallett, David Hodgson, Owen D. Jones, Alicia Juarrero, J. A. Scott Kelso, Christof Koch, Hans Küng, Hakwan C. Lau, Dean Mobbs,...
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  15. Emergent individuals and the resurrection.Jonathan D. Jacobs & Timothy O'Connor - 2010 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 2 (2):69 - 88.
    We present an original emergent individuals view of human persons, on which persons are substantial biological unities that exemplify metaphysically emergent mental states. We argue that this view allows for a coherent model of identity-preserving resurrection from the dead consistent with orthodox Christian doctrine, one that improves upon alternatives accounts recently proposed by a number of authors. Our model is a variant of the “falling elevator” model advanced by Dean Zimmerman that, unlike Zimmerman’s, does not require a closest continuer (...)
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    Encountering earth: thinking theologically with a more-than-human world.Trevor George Hunsberger Bechtel, Matthew Eaton & Timothy Harvie (eds.) - 2018 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books.
    One day, Matthew Eaton was walking through an impromptu animal shelter display at his local pet store when suddenly an eight-month-old kitten dug his claws into Eaton’s flesh. Eaton recognized that the “eyes of this cat and the curve of his claw” compelled a response analogous to those found in the writings of Buber, Levinas, and Derrida. And not just Eaton but a whole community of theologians have found themselves in an encounter with particular places and animals that demands rich (...)
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  17. Materialism and the Resurrection: Are the Prospects Improving?William Hasker - 2011 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 3 (1):83 - 103.
    In 1999 Dean Zimmerman proposed a "falling elevator model" for a bodily resurrection consistent with materialism. Recently, he has defended the model against objections, and a slightly different version has been defended by Timothy O’Connor and Jonathan Jacobs. This article considers both sets of responses, and finds them at best partially successful; a new objection, not previously discussed, is also introduced. It is concluded that the prospects for the falling-elevator model, in either version, are not bright.
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  18. A multicultural examination of business ethics perceptions.Dean E. Allmon, Henry C. K. Chen, Thomas K. Pritchett & Pj Forrest - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (2):183-188.
    This study provides an evaluation of ethical business perception of busIness students from three countries: Australia, Taiwan and the United States. Although statistically significant differences do exist there is significant agreement with the way students perceive ethical/unethical practices in business. The findings of this paper indicate a universality of business ethical perceptions.
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    Brain evolution in Homo: The “radiator” theory.Dean Falk - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (2):333-344.
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    Books of the Century.Timothy Radcliffe & Anthony Lejeune - 2000 - The Chesterton Review 26 (3):393-394.
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    What Should We Treat as an End in Itself?Richard Dean - 2017 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 77 (4):268-288.
    One formulation of the Categorical Imperative tells us to treat humanity as an end in itself. It has become common to think that ‘humanity’ (die Menschheit) here refers to some minimal power of rationality that is necessarily possessed by any rational agent, but I argue that this common reading is misguided. Instead, ‘humanity’ refers to a good will, the will of a being who is committed to moral principles. This good will reading of ‘humanity’ is not only suggested by passages (...)
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    The Taming of ChanceIan Hacking.Timothy L. Alborn - 1992 - Isis 83 (2):366-367.
  23. Notes (to the First Edition).Timothy Williamson - 1990 - In Identity and Discrimination. Cambridge, Mass., USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 158–164.
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  24. Prelinguistic evolution in early hominins: Whence motherese?Dean Falk - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (4):491-503.
    In order to formulate hypotheses about the evolutionary underpinnings that preceded the first glimmerings of language, mother-infant gestural and vocal interactions are compared in chimpanzees and humans and used to model those of early hominins. These data, along with paleoanthropological evidence, suggest that prelinguistic vocal substrates for protolanguage that had prosodic features similar to contemporary motherese evolved as the trend for enlarging brains in late australopithecines/early Homo progressively increased the difficulty of parturition, thus causing a selective shift toward females that (...)
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    Bibliography.Timothy L. Fort - 2001 - The Ruffin Series in Business Ethics:279-295.
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  26. Book and media reviews.Timothy Krahn - 2009 - Journal of Ethics in Mental Health 4 (1):4-6.
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    Faith and reason: the Notre Dame symposium 1999.Timothy Lee Smith (ed.) - 2001 - South Bend, Ind.: St. Augustine's Press.
    A series of important papers over the topics raised by Pope John Paul II in Fides et Ratio.
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    John Wesley and the Wholeness of Scripture.Timothy L. Smith - 1985 - Interpretation 39 (3):246-262.
    In an age of enlightenment, Wesley made the plain teachings of the Bible the foundation of the Christian faith and judged insufficient any Christian experience whose content was not founded in Scripture.
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    Response to "May a Woman Clone Herself" by Jean Chambers.Timothy F. Murphy - 2002 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 11 (1):83-86.
    For many commentators in bioethics and the law, safety is the fulcrum for evaluating the ethics of human reproductive cloning. Carson Strong has argued that if cloning were effective and safe it should be available to married couples who have tried to have children through various assisted reproductive technologies but been unable to do so. On his view, cloning should be available only as reproductive last resort. I challenged that limited use by trying to show that the arguments Strong adduces (...)
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    Telling Stories Toward the Beloved Community.Timothy B. Tyson - 2006 - Journal for Peace and Justice Studies 16 (1):89-98.
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    The etymology of kami.Timothy J. Vance - 1983 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 10 (4):277-288.
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  32. Translating Orients: Between Ideology and Utopia.Timothy Weiss - 2006 - Utopian Studies 17 (1):224-227.
  33.  14
    Gendered Perceptions of Odd and Even Numbers: An Implicit Association Study From Arabic Culture.Timothy R. Jordan, Hajar Aman Key Yekani & Mercedes Sheen - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Previous studies conducted in the United States indicate that people associate numbers with gender, such that odd numbers are more likely to be considered male and even numbers considered female. It has been argued that this number gendering phenomenon is acquired through social learning and conditioning, and that male-odd/female-even associations reflect a general, cross-cultural human consensus on gender roles relating to agency and communion. However, the incidence and pattern of number gendering in cultures outside the United States remains to be (...)
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    Firmin DeBrabander, Do Guns Make Us Free?: New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2015, ISBN 978-0-300-20893-1, $30, Hbk.Timothy Hsiao - 2016 - Journal of Value Inquiry 50 (3):659-665.
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    Virtue blindness and hegemony: Qualitative evidence of negotiated ethical frameworks in the social language of university research administration.Timothy N. Atkinson & Diane S. Gilleland - 2007 - Science and Engineering Ethics 13 (2):195-220.
    The study used critical discourse analysis (CDA) to elucidate normative structures of ethical behavior in university research administration which may be useful for knowledge transference to future studies of research integrity. Research administration appears to support integrity in the research environment through four very strong normative domains: (1) respect for authority structures; (2) respect for institutional boundaries; (3) professionalism; and (4) a strong sense of virtue. The strong norm structure of research administration, however, appears to be threatened by the fifth (...)
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    Toward a Process Philosophy for Digital Aesthetics.Timothy Barker - 2012 - Process Studies 41 (1):188-189.
    Digital media seem to be marked by process. The digital image itself is produced by software processes and the constant flux of code. Further this, interaction with digital systems involves a constant process by which a so-called 'user' comes into contact with various machinic occasions. It seems that in light of these processes it is impossible to maintain an aesthetic or media theory that pictures a self-contained and psychologised subject interacting with a static and inert object. How then can we (...)
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  37. A Genius for Friendship.Timothy Healy - forthcoming - Arion.
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    The Surge: Turning Away from Affect.Timothy Bewes - 2018 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 12 (3):313-335.
    This essay offers a critique of the philosophical ‘turn to affect’, a formation represented here by the work of Brian Massumi and Mark Hansen. In such discourses, affect is celebrated as an entity that is inimical to conceptualisation, subjective intention and linguistic transcription. However, insofar as it boasts such qualities, affect cannot, I argue, be celebrated or made the object of a critical ‘turn’. In drawing on Deleuze's work, contemporary scholarly discourses on affect dispense with Deleuze's most profound proposition: of (...)
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  39. Appendix 2: Counterfactual Donkeys.Timothy Williamson - 2007 - In The Philosophy of Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 307–310.
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  40. Andjelkovice on Bivalence: What difference does a peanut make?Timothy Williamson - 1999 - Acta Analytica 14 (1):35-38.
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    Amplifying sociobiology's hollow ring.Timothy D. Johnston - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (1):78-79.
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    Then and Now—A Thomistic Account of History in advance.Timothy Kearns - forthcoming - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association.
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    Frontiers in Applied General Equilibrium Modeling: In Honor of Herbert Scarf.Timothy J. Kehoe, T. N. Srinivasan & John Whalley (eds.) - 2005 - Cambridge University Press.
    This 2005 volume brings together twelve papers by many of the most prominent applied general equilibrium modelers honoring Herbert Scarf, the father of equilibrium computation in economics. It deals with developments in applied general equilibrium, a field which has broadened greatly since the 1980s. The contributors discuss some traditional as well as some modern topics in the field, including non-convexities in economy-wide models, tax policy, developmental modeling and energy modeling. The book also covers a range of distinct approaches, conceptual issues (...)
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    Hospice Ethics: Policy and Practice in Palliative Care.Timothy W. Kirk & Bruce Jennings (eds.) - 2014 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This book identifies and explores ethical themes in the structure and delivery of hospice care in the United States. As the fastest growing sector in the US healthcare system, in which over forty percent of patients who die each year receive care in their final weeks of life, hospice care presents complex ethical opportunities and challenges for patients, families, clinicians, and administrators. Thirteen original chapters, written by seventeen hospice experts, offer guidance and analysis that promotes best ethical practice for hospice (...)
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  45. Human innovation: two Darwinian analyses.Dean Keith Simonton - 2003 - In Simon M. Reader & Kevin N. Laland, Animal Innovation. Oxford University Press.
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    Nicias in Thucydides and Aristophanes Part I: Nicias and Divine Justice in Thucydides.Timothy W. Burns - 2012 - Polis 29 (2):217-233.
    Thucydides and Aristophanes, austere historian and ribald comic playwright, lived in an Athens that had, since Themistocles, been moving from a regime of ancestral piety towards a secular empire. Thucydides suggests an agreement between his understanding and that of the pious Nicias — over and against this move. Aristophanes too is a vigorous proponent of peace, and the conclusions of many of his plays appear to suggest or encourage a conservative disposition towards ancestral piety or the rule of ancestral, divine (...)
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  47. C (ha) osmopolis: Qohelet's Last Words.Timothy K. Beal - 1998 - In T. Linafelt & T. K. Beal, God in the Fray. Fortress Press. pp. 290--304.
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    Paternalism and Land Use Planning.Timothy Beatley - 1985 - Bowling Green Studies in Applied Philosophy 7:53-70.
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    Reading Bibles, Writing Bodies: Identity and the Book.Timothy Kandler Beal & David M. Gunn - 1997 - Psychology Press.
    The Bible, a religious text, is also often said to be one of the foundation texts of Western culture. The present volume explores how religious, political and cultural identities, including ethnicity and gender, are embodied, often problematically, in biblical discourse. Following the authors, we read the Bible with new eyes: as a critic of gender, ideology, politics, and culture. We ask ourselves new questions: about God's body, about women's roles, about racial prejudices and about the politics of the written word.
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    Classical groups, derangements, and primes.Timothy C. Burness - 2016 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Michael Giudici.
    A graduate-level introduction to finite classical groups featuring a comprehensive account of the conjugacy and geometry of elements of prime order.
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