Results for 'Tim Shopen'

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    Ellipsis as grammatical indeterminacy.Tim Shopen - 1973 - Foundations of Language 10 (1):65-77.
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  2. Tim Shopen.Ellipsis as Grammatical Indeterminacy - 1973 - Foundations of Language 10:65.
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    Beauty: Synthesis of Intellect and Senses Commentary on the Biosemiotic Fundamentals of Aesthetics: Beauty is the Perfect Semiotic Fitting by Kalevi Kull.Tim Ireland - forthcoming - Biosemiotics:1-9.
    In The Biosemiotic Fundamentals of Aesthetics: Beauty is the Perfect Semiotic Fitting Kull makes a foray into the concept of Beauty. His target article is a welcome contribution not only for providing a biosemiotic notion of beauty but also as a trigger for further enquiry into the matter. Additionally, Kull delivers a new concept: Semiotic Fitting, shining new light on the Umwelt theory. My commentary embraces the challenge Kull presents. Offering an alternate view on beauty, as a matter, and product, (...)
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    Person sein und Geschichten erzählen - Eine Studie über personale Autonomie und narrative Gründe.Tim Henning - 2009 - DeGruyter.
    This monograph develops an argument for the following view: In leading an autonomous life, persons make choices and adopt attitudes of a distinctive kind. To justify these choices and attitudes, they need to draw on knowledge about their biographies. More specifically, their biographies are a source of a distinctive type of practical reasons. These reasons are typically such that their adequate articulation will have a narrative structure. Along the way, the book develops what has been called "the best analysis of (...)
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  5. What is wrong with typological thinking?Tim Lewens - 2009 - Philosophy of Science 76 (3):355-371.
    What, if anything, is wrong with typological thinking? The question is important, for some evolutionary developmental biologists appear to espouse a form of typology. I isolate four allegations that have been brought against it. They include the claim that typological thinking is mystical; the claim that typological thinking is at odds with the fact of evolution; the claim that typological thinking is committed to an objectionable metaphysical view, which Elliott Sober calls the ‘natural state model’; and finally the view (endorsed (...)
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  6. Intencionalidad.Tim Crane - 2006 - Laguna 19:9-28.
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    U čemu je problem opažanja?Tim Crane - 2006 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 26 (2):257-282.
    Što je distinktivno filozofski problem opažanja? Ovdje se tvrdi da je to konflikt između prirode opažajnog iskustva kakva nam se intuitivno čini, te stanovitih mogućnosti koje su implicitne upravo u ideji iskustva: mogućnosti iluzije i halucinacije. Opažajno iskustvo čini nam se kao odnos prema svojim objektima, vrsta »otvorenosti prema svijetu« koja uključuje izravnu svijest postojećih objekata i njihovih svojstava. Ali ako netko može imati iskustvo iste vrste a da objekt nije tamo – halucinaciju objekta – onda izgleda da opažajno iskustvo (...)
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  8. Species, essence and explanation.Tim Lewens - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (4):751-757.
    Michael and has argued that species have intrinsic essences. This paper rebuts Devitt’s arguments, but in so doing it shores up the anti-essentialist consensus in two ways that have more general interest. First, species membership can be explanatory even when species have no essences; that is, Tamsin’s membership of the tiger species can explain her stripyness, without this committing us to any further claim about essential properties of tigers. Second, even the views of species that appear most congenial to essentialism—namely (...)
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  9.  20
    Social Spencerism.Tim Delaney - 2009 - Philosophy Now 71:20-21.
  10.  34
    Direction in a community of ethical inquiry.Tim Sprod - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 7 (2).
    In response to Hand’s paper, I undertake three tasks. Firstly, I believe that his characterisation of the theory and practice of Community of Inquiry facilitation does not take account of approaches to indoctrination and the idea of philosophical self-effacement that can lessen his worries. Secondly, I will argue that Hand makes some sharp cuts—particularly between justified, controversial and unjustified moral standards—that do not stand up to scrutiny, and that he unnecessarily narrows the scope of moral inquiry. Finally, I will explore (...)
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  11. What We Can Learn from the Skeptical Puzzle.Tim Black - 2009 - Iris. European Journal of Philosophy and Public Debate 1 (2):439-447.
    There is reason to think that a familiar and frequently used epistemic closure principle is false. Given this, the relevant instance of that principle should be removed from a familiar skeptical argument, and replaced with an instance of a more plausible epistemic closure principle. Once this has been done, however, we see that even if the resulting skeptical argument is unsound, we need deny neither closure nor the claim that we know the things we ordinarily take ourselves to know. Nothing (...)
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    Nietzsche in Turin: An Intimate Biography.Tim Madigan - 2000 - Philosophy Now 29:43-44.
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    The Ancient Cynics: The First Environmentalists.Tim Madigan - 2008 - Philosophy Now 65:16-16.
  14. A Rate of Passage.Tim Maudlin - 2017 - Manuscrito 40 (1):75-79.
    ABSTRACT In “Temporal Passage and the ‘No Alternate Possibilities Argument’”, Jonathan Tallant takes up one objection based on the observation that if time passes at the rate of one second per second there is no other possible rate at which it could pass. The argument rests on the premise that if time passes at some rate then it could have passed at some other rate. Since no alternative rate seems to be coherent, one concludes that time cannot pass at all. (...)
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  15. The Darwinian view of culture: Alex Mesoudi: Cultural evolution: how Darwinian theory can explain human culture and synthesize the social sciences. University of Chicago Press, 2011.Tim Lewens - 2012 - Biology and Philosophy 27 (5):745-753.
    Alex Mesoudi’s book shows cultural evolution to be a mature field, which has already illuminated many instances of cultural change. Mesoudi’s presentation of the discipline nonetheless invites three objections. First, the culture concept it makes use of is not clearly defined; second, Mesoudi’s historical argument which looks back to the modern synthesis in order to predict an analogous synthesis in the social sciences is flawed; third, Mesoudi’s understanding of the positions held by leading figures within social science is shaky.
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    NASD Rule 2110 and the VA Linux IPO.Tim Loughran - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 62 (2):141-146.
    On December 9, 1999, VA Linux issued shares to the public and left over $900 million on the table for investors. In the prospectus, the investment banker Credit Suisse First Boston (CSFB) stated it would receive a 7% gross spread as its compensation for underwriting the shares. Yet the SEC alleges some investors paid enormous commissions to CSFB in the form of a kick-back immediately after obtaining the IPO shares. Hence, CSFB had an economic interest in the IPO and there (...)
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    A Metaphysics of Artifacts: Essence and Mind-Dependence.Tim Juvshik - 2022 - Dissertation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
    My dissertation explores the nature of artifacts – things like chairs, tables, and pinball machines – and addresses the question of whether there is anything essential to being an artifact and a member of a particular artifact kind. My dissertation offers new arguments against both the anti-essentialist and current essentialist proposals. Roughly put, the view is that artifacts are successful products of an intention to make something with certain features constitutive of an artifact kind. The constitutive features are often functional (...)
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  18. Enhancing expertise in informal reasoning.Tim van Gelder - 2004 - Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology 58:142--152.
    People generally develop some degree of competence in general informal reasoning and argument skills, but how do they go beyond this to attain higher expertise? Ericsson has proposed that high-level expertise in a variety of domains is cultivated through a specific type of practice, referred to as ‘deliberate practice’. Applying this framework yields the empirical hypothesis that high-level expertise in informal reasoning is the outcome of extensive deliberate practice. This paper reports results from two studies evaluating the hypothesis. University student (...)
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    (1 other version)Accumulation Crisis.Tim Luke - 1986 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1986 (69):163-169.
    Reading James O'apos;Connor's Accumulation Crisis is very confusing. At certain junctures, it reads like the “sequel” to The Fiscal Crisis of the State, elaborating the expanding of his 1973 critique of modem macroeconomic management as a spoils system of special interests. At odier turns, it comes across as a “prequel” to the earlier work, oudining a tortuous logic for the underproduction and accumulation crises that set off the “fiscal crises” he described over a decade earlier. Although not all that new, (...)
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    (1 other version)Televisual democracy and the politics of charisma.Tim Luke - 1986 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1986 (70):59-79.
  21.  28
    Conceptual Issues and Existential Functions.Constantine Sedikides, Tim Wildschut & Denise Baden - 2004 - In Jeff Greenberg, Sander Leon Koole & Thomas A. Pyszczynski (eds.), Handbook of Experimental Existential Psychology. Guilford Press. pp. 205.
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    Prospects for evolutionary policy.Tim Lewens - 2003 - Philosophy 78 (4):495-514.
    A small minority of biologists, psychologists and philosophers have recently tried to show, in various ways, that evolutionary psychology is of relevance to politics and to policy makers. Two widely accepted arguments still suffice (with only a little tweaking) to dismiss such attempts to forge a link between evolution and policy. The first denies the link between adaptation and fixity, the second denies that ‘adaptive thinking’ is of strong heuristic benefit. Finally, the silence of many evolutionary explanations with respect to (...)
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  23. God's creation of morality.Tim Mawson - 2002 - Religious Studies 38 (1):1-25.
    In this paper, I argue that classical theists should think of God as having created morality. In form, my position largely resembles that defended by Richard Swinburne. However, it differs from his position in content in that it evacuates the category of necessary moral truth of all substance and, having effected this tactical withdrawal, Swinburne's battle lines need to be redrawn. In the first section, I introduce the Euthyphro dilemma. In the second, I argue that if necessary moral truths are (...)
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    The Progress of Moral Evolution.Tim Lewens - 2019 - Analyse & Kritik 41 (2):259-270.
    Buchanan and Powell’s book is a valuable contribution to our understanding of the evolution of morality. I suggest that they exaggerate the degree to which their view of the evolution of moral progress is committed to a form of moral realism. I also suggest that Darwin’s own approach to the evolution of the moral sense shares more with their view than they may realise. Finally I point to some tensions in their invocation of the concept of the Environment of Evolutionary (...)
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    A Future for Critique?: Positioning, Belonging and Reflexivity.Tim May - 2000 - European Journal of Social Theory 3 (2):157-173.
    The principal aim of this article is to examine the relations between positioning and belonging in terms of the potential for critique of existing social conditions. The underlying purpose is to inform social scientific engagement with social life in order to illuminate the potential for social transformation via reflexivity. These discussions will be informed by the division of reflexivity into two dimensions: endogenous and referential. It is argued that this enables the social scientist to highlight the pre-reflexive world and render (...)
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  26. Reducing revenge to discomfort.Tim Maudlin - 2007 - In J. C. Beall (ed.), The Revenge of the Liar: New Essays on the Paradox. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press UK.
  27. Enhancing and augmenting human reasoning.Tim van Gelder - 2005 - In António Zilhão (ed.), Evolution, Rationality and Cognition: A Cognitive Science for the Twenty-First Century. New York: Routledge.
    Paper presented at Cognition, Evolution and Rationality: Cognitive Science for the 21st Century. Oporto, September 2002. To appear in a volume based on that conference edited by Antonio Jose Teiga Zilhao.
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    Gremlins in the Germline.Tim Lewens - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (8):21-23.
    Volume 20, Issue 8, August 2020, Page 21-23.
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    (1 other version)The commercial exploitation of ethics.Tim Lewens - 2004 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 35 (1):145-153.
    In the first part of this paper I consider whether an academic bioethicist is likely to change the arguments she is prepared to voice if she is in receipt of payment from a corporation. I argue that she is not, so long as a number of conditions are met regarding the size of payment, the values of the academic bioethics community, the degree to which she participates in that community, and the transparency of corporate involvements. In the second half I (...)
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    Technological Innovation as an Evolutionary Process Darwinnovation!Tim Lewens - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 33 (1):195-203.
  31.  64
    A unified three-dimensional framework of theory construction and development in sociology.Tim Futing Liao - 1990 - Sociological Theory 8 (1):85-98.
    Popper's logic of scientific discovery and Kuhn's paradigm switches in science have been considered competing schools of thought in the philosophy of science and the sociology of knowledge. In the present paper the author establishes a unified three-dimensional framework that synthesizes the quintessential ideas of these schools. Theories are tested for confirmation or falsification in the first dimension; their scope conditions are defined and redefined in the second dimension; and they replace their predecessors to become a dominant theory or possibly (...)
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  32. ‘Byrne’s’ religious pluralism.Tim Mawson - 2005 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 58 (1):37-54.
    " All major religious traditions are equal in respect of making common reference to a single transcendent sacred reality. All major traditions are likewise equal in respect of offering some means or other to human salvation. All traditions are to be seen as containing revisable, limited, accounts of the nature of the sacred: none is certain enough in its particular dogmatic formulations to provide the norm for interpreting the others." P. Byrne, Prolegomena to Religious Pluralism, p. 12. In this paper, (...)
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    Eternal truths and cartesian circularity.Tim Mawson - 2001 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 9 (2):197 – 220.
    Bennett has said that 'Voluntarism casts no useful light on those aspects of the Meditations that have received the most attention: the truth rule, divine veracity, the relation between those, the Cartesian Circle'. In this paper, I shall draw together various strands from recent Descartes scholarship to argue that this is entirely false. When Descartes's voluntarism is understood as central to his epistemological project, not only does it allow us to make more sense of what he says on all these (...)
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  34. The problem of evil and moral indifference.Tim Mawson - 1999 - Religious Studies 35 (3):323-345.
    In this paper, I argue that if the libertarian free will defence were seen to fail because determinism were seen to be true, then another solution to the problem of evil would present itself. I start by arguing that one cannot, by consideration of agents' choices between morally indifferent options, reach any conclusion as to these agents' moral qualities. If certain forms of consequentialism were false, determinism true, and if there were a God who chose to create this universe, then (...)
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  35. The possibility of a free-will defence for the problem of natural evil.Tim Mawson - 2004 - Religious Studies 40 (1):23-42.
    In this paper, I consider various arguments to the effect that natural evils are necessary for there to be created agents with free will of the sort that the traditional free-will defence for the problem of moral evil suggests we enjoy – arguments based on the idea that evil-doing requires the doer to use natural means in their agency. I conclude that, despite prima facie plausibility, these arguments do not, in fact, work. I provide my own argument for there being (...)
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    New Discoveries and Deeper Insights: The View from 2010.Tim Maudlin - 2002 - In Quantum non-locality and relativity: metaphysical intimations of modern physics. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 224–259.
    This chapter contains sections titled: The GRW Theory Local Beables for GRW The Flash Ontology Relativistic Flashy GRW The Role of Local Beables The Logical Situation The Methodological Situation.
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    The irrelevance of incommensurability: Reflections on Torretti's creative understanding.Tim Maudlin - 1994 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 25 (6):1005-1012.
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    The Structure of Skepticism.Tim Maudlin - 1986 - Ancient Philosophy 6:177-193.
  39.  40
    Aristippus.Tim O’Keefe - 2001 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Brief article on this hedonist, follower of Socrates, and founder of the Cyrenaic school.
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    Figure/Text.Tim Mathews - 1985 - Paragraph 6 (1):28-42.
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    Jeffrey Nicholas (ed.) (2011), Dune and Philosophy: Weirding Way of the Mentat, Illinois: Open Court. 288 pp.Tim Matts - 2015 - Film-Philosophy 19 (1).
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    Obscure Objects: The Experience of Perception and Expression in Surrealist Painting.Tim Mathews - 1984 - Paragraph 3 (1):25-47.
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    How a single personal revelation might not be a source of knowledge.Tim Mawson - 2003 - Religious Studies 39 (3):347-357.
    Many of those who come to a belief in the God of classical theism do so solely as a result of having had an experience which they believe it is reasonable for them to interpret as a revelation of His existence directly and graciously given to them by God Himself. I shall argue that – at least in the first instance – such people should probably not think of themselves as knowing that there is a God if they are also (...)
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    How can I know I’ve perceived God?Tim Mawson - 2005 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 57 (2):105-121.
    In this paper I argue that a necessary condition of one’s perceiving God is that an experience of the right phenomenological sort be caused in one ‘directly enough’ by God and - bypassing the issue of what is necessary for an experience to be of the right phenomenological sort - discuss some difficulties in finding reasons for thinking that God has or has not ‘directly enough’ caused any such experience.
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    Praying for known outcomes.Tim Mawson - 2007 - Religious Studies 43 (1):71-87.
    In this paper, I consider what difference knowledge of outcomes – both past and future – might make to the rationality of praying for them on a traditional theistic model. More specifically, I address four questions: (1)‘Could it be rational to pray for outcomes one knows will obtain?’; (2)‘Could it be rational to pray for outcomes one knows will not obtain?’; (3)‘Could it be rational to pray for outcomes one knows have obtained?’; (4)‘Could it be rational to pray for outcomes (...)
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    Universities: Space, governance and transformation.Tim May - 2006 - Social Epistemology 20 (3 & 4):333 – 345.
    This paper takes up the themes in the articles and examines not only the environmental changes that are taking place in relation to universities, but also the dynamics of their organizational implications. It argues that there are parallels between managerially and academic professionalism in that both deny context. Arguing for a context-sensitivity that is not dependant, issues of space and governance become important in order to understand forms of knowledge and the relationship between the contexts of production and the contents (...)
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    The How and Why of Consciousness?Tim S. Meese - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Frameworks, Artworks, Place: The Space of Perception in the Modern World.Tim Mehigan - 2008 - Rodopi.
    How space – mental, emotional, visual – is implicated in our constructions of reality and our art is the focus of this set of innovative essays. For the first time art theorists and historians, visual artists, literary critics and philosophers have come together to assay the problem of space both within conventional discipline boundaries and across them. What emerges is a stimulating discussion of the problem of embodied space and situated consciousness that will be of interest to the general reader (...)
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    Trials as Messages of Justice: What Should Be Expected of International Criminal Courts?Tim Meijers & Marlies Glasius - 2016 - Ethics and International Affairs 30 (4):429-447.
    This article addresses the question what—if anything—we can and should expect from the practice of international criminal justice. It argues that neither retributive nor purely consequentialist, deterrence-based justifications give sufficient guidance as to what international criminal courts should aim to achieve. Instead, the legal theory of expressivism provides a more viable guide. Contrary to other expressivist views, this article argues for the importance of the trial, not just the punishment, as a form of expressivist messaging. Specifically, we emphasize the communicative (...)
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    Freebies and moonlighting in local tv news: Perceptions of news directors.K. Tim Wulfemeyer - 1989 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 4 (2):232 – 248.
    Television news directors were questioned about their interpretations and implementation of new Radio?Television News Directors Association (RTNDA) guidelines covering potential conflicts of interest such as moonlighting and acceptance of freebies. Nearly half responded that accepting gifts of value is prohibited, but that moonlighting is more acceptable, under certain conditions. Freebies appear most acceptable when they make possible coverage of otherwise inaccessible areas.
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