Results for 'Tim Gelder'

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  1. What Might Cognition Be, If Not Computation?Tim Van Gelder - 1995 - Journal of Philosophy 92 (7):345 - 381.
  2. Being There: Putting Brain, Body and World Together Again.Tim van Gelder & Andy Clark - 1998 - Philosophical Review 107 (4):647.
    A great deal of philosophy of mind in the modern era has been driven by an intense aversion to Cartesian dualism. In the 1950s, materialists claimed to have succeeded once and for all in exorcising the Cartesian ghost by identifying the mind with the brain. In subsequent decades, cognitive science put scientific meat on this metaphysical skeleton by explicating mental processes as digital computation implemented in the brain's hardware.
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    Mind As Motion: Explorations in the Dynamics of Cognition.Tim van Gelder & Robert Port (eds.) - 1995 - MIT Press.
    The first comprehensive presentation of the dynamical approach to cognition. It contains a representative sampling of original, current research on topics such as perception, motor control, speech and language, decision making, and development.
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    Compositionality: A Connectionist Variation on a Classical Theme.Tim Gelder - 1990 - Cognitive Science 14 (3):355-384.
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  5. The dynamical hypothesis in cognitive science.Tim van Gelder - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (5):615-28.
    According to the dominant computational approach in cognitive science, cognitive agents are digital computers; according to the alternative approach, they are dynamical systems. This target article attempts to articulate and support the dynamical hypothesis. The dynamical hypothesis has two major components: the nature hypothesis (cognitive agents are dynamical systems) and the knowledge hypothesis (cognitive agents can be understood dynamically). A wide range of objections to this hypothesis can be rebutted. The conclusion is that cognitive systems may well be dynamical systems, (...)
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  6. Compositionality: A connectionist variation on a classical theme.Tim van Gelder - 1990 - Cognitive Science 14 (3):355-384.
  7. Classical questions, radical answers.Tim van Gelder - 1991 - In Terence E. Horgan & John L. Tienson, Connectionism and the Philosophy of Mind. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  8. Wooden iron? Husserlian phenomenology meets cognitive science.Tim van Gelder - 1999 - In Jean Petitot, Francisco J. Varela, Bernard Pachoud & Jean-Michel Roy, Naturalizing Phenomenology: Issues in Contemporary Phenomenology and Cognitive Science. Stanford University Press.
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    What is the'D'in'PDP': a survey of the concept of distribution.Tim Van Gelder - 1991 - In William Ramsey, Stephen P. Stich & D. M. Rumelhart, Philosophy and Connectionist Theory. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.
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  10. On being systematically connectionist.Lars F. Niklasson & Tim van Gelder - 1994 - Mind and Language 9 (3):288-30.
    In 1988 Fodor and Pylyshyn issued a challenge to the newly-popular connectionism: explain the systematicity of cognition without merely implementing a so-called classical architecture. Since that time quite a number of connectionist models have been put forward, either by their designers or by others, as in some measure demonstrating that the challenge can be met (e.g., Pollack, 1988, 1990; Smolensky, 1990; Chalmers, 1990; Niklasson and Sharkey, 1992; Brousse, 1993). Unfortu- nately, it has generally been unclear whether these models actually do (...)
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  11. How to improve critical thinking using educational technology.Tim van Gelder - unknown
    b> Critical thinking is highly valued but difficult to teach effectively. The Reason! project at the University of Melbourne has developed the Reason!Able software as part of a general method aimed at enhancing critical thinking skills. Students using Reason!Able appear to make dramatic gains. This paper describes the challenge involved, the theoretical basis of the Reason! project, the Reason!Able software, and results of intensive evaluation of the Reason! approach.
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  12. What is the D in PDP?Tim van Gelder - 1991 - In William Ramsey, Stephen P. Stich & D. M. Rumelhart, Philosophy and Connectionist Theory. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.
  13. Classicalism and cognitive architecture.Tim van Gelder & Lars Niclasson - 1994 - In Ashwin Ram & Kurt Eiselt, Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society: August 13 to 16, 1994, Georgia Institute of Technology. Erlbaum.
    systematicity is. Until systematicity is adequately systematicity. Most contributors to these debates have clarified, we cannot know whether classical paid little or no attention to the alleged empirical.
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  14. The roles of philosophy in cognitive science.Tim Van Gelder - 1998 - Philosophical Psychology 11 (2):117-36.
    When the various disciplines participating in cognitive science are listed, philosophy almost always gets a guernsey. Yet, a couple of years ago at the conference of the Cognitive Science Society in Boulder (USA), there was no philosophy or philosopher with any prominence on the program. When queried on this point, the organizer (one of the "superstars" of the field) claimed it was partly an accident, but partly also due to an impression among members of the committee that philosophy is basically (...)
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  15. Reason!: Improving informal reasoning skills.Tim van Gelder - unknown
    The goal of the Reason! project is to develop an effective and affordable method for improving informal reasoning. In this paper we sketch the background to the project, briefly describe the Reason! software, and report positive results from a detailed study of the first full-scale trial.
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  16. Enhancing expertise in informal reasoning.Tim van Gelder - 2004 - Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology 58:142--152.
    People generally develop some degree of competence in general informal reasoning and argument skills, but how do they go beyond this to attain higher expertise? Ericsson has proposed that high-level expertise in a variety of domains is cultivated through a specific type of practice, referred to as ‘deliberate practice’. Applying this framework yields the empirical hypothesis that high-level expertise in informal reasoning is the outcome of extensive deliberate practice. This paper reports results from two studies evaluating the hypothesis. University student (...)
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  17. Can connectionist models exhibit non-classical structure sensitivity?Tim van Gelder - 1994
    Department of Computer Science Philosophy Program, Research School of Social Sciences University of Skövde, S-54128, SWEDEN Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200.
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  18. Distributed vs. local representation.Tim van Gelder - 1999 - In Robert Andrew Wilson & Frank C. Keil, MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences. Cambridge, USA: MIT Press.
    been to define various notions of distribution in terms of represented by one and the same distributed pattern (Mur- structures of correspondence between the represented items dock 1979). For example, it is standard in feedforward and the representational resources (e.g., van Gelder 1992). connectionist networks for one and the same set of synap- This approach may be misguided; the essence of this alter- tic weights to represent many associations between input native category of representation might be some other prop- (...)
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  19. Monism, dualism, pluralism.Tim Van Gelder - 1998 - Mind and Language 13 (1):76-97.
    1. Consider the basic outlines of the mind-body debate as it is found in contemporary Anglo-American analytic philosophy. The central question is “whether mental phenomena are physical phenomena, and if not, how they relate to physical phenomena.”1 Over the centuries, a wide range of possible solutions to this problem have emerged. These are the various “isms” familiar to any student of the debate: Cartesian dualism, idealism, epiphenomenalism, central state materialism, non- reductive physicalism, anomalous monism, and so forth. Each purports to (...)
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  20. A reason!Able approach to critical thinking.Tim van Gelder - unknown
    A couple of years ago I set a mundane homework assignment for my class of about 50 mid-level Arts students. They were to take one of the course readings - a chapter from How the Mind Works by Steven Pinker - and return in a week with a one page essay, in which they had identified and evaluated the author's main argument.
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    Defending the dynamic hypothesis.Tim van Gelder - 1999 - In Wolfgang Tschacher & J-P Dauwalder, Dynamics, Synergetics, Autonomous Agents: Nonlinear Systems Approaches to Cognitive Psychology and Cognitive Science. Singapore: World Scientific.
    Cognitive science has always been dominated by the idea that cognition is _computational _in a rather strong and clear sense. Within the mainstream approach, cognitive agents are taken to be what are variously known as _physical symbol_ _systems, digital computers_, _syntactic engines_, or_ symbol manipulators_. Cognitive operations are taken to consist in the shuffling of symbol tokens according to strict rules (programs). Models of cognition are themselves digital computers, implemented on general purpose electronic machines. The basic mathematical framework for understanding (...)
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  22. Enhancing and augmenting human reasoning.Tim van Gelder - 2005 - In António Zilhão, Evolution, Rationality and Cognition: A Cognitive Science for the Twenty-First Century. New York: Routledge.
    Paper presented at Cognition, Evolution and Rationality: Cognitive Science for the 21st Century. Oporto, September 2002. To appear in a volume based on that conference edited by Antonio Jose Teiga Zilhao.
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  23. Revisiting the dynamic hypothesis.Tim van Gelder - 1999 - Preprint 2.
    “There is a familiar trio of reactions by scientists to a purportedly radical hypothesis: (a) “You must be our of your mind!”, (b) “What else is new? Everybody knows _that_!”, and, later—if the hypothesis is still standing—(c) “Hmm. You _might _be on to something!” ((Dennett, 1995) p. 283).
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    Why distributed representation is inherently non-symbolic.Tim van Gelder - 1990 - In G. Dorffner, Konnektionismus in Artificial Intelligence Und Kognitionsforschung. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
    There are many conflicting views concerning the nature of distributed representation, its compatibility or otherwise with symbolic representation, and its importance in characterizing the nature of connectionist models and their relationship to more traditional symbolic approaches to understanding cognition. Many have simply assumed that distribution is merely an implementation issue, and that symbolic mechanisms can be designed to take advantage of the virtues of distribution if so desired. Others, meanwhile, see the use of distributed representation as marking a fundamental difference (...)
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    Response to Lachman.Tim van Gelder - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (2):295-295.
    Lachman claims that the Dynamical Hypothesis (DH) is “untenable.” His own position is a version of the “The DH is epistemological, not ontological,” objection to the target article, which is dealt with in section R2.3 of my original response (van Gelder 1998r). Additional objections are that the coverage of the hypothesis is “vast” and that the DH presupposes we have reached the end point of scientific theorizing. Indeed, the DH is very broad, but it does not presuppose that science (...)
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  26. Disentangling dynamics, computation, and cognition.Tim van Gelder - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (5):654-661.
    The nature of the dynamical hypothesis in cognitive science (the DH) is further clarified in responding to various criticisms and objections raised in commentaries. Major topics addressed include the definitions of “dynamical system” and “digital computer;” the DH as Law of Qualitative Structure; the DH as an ontological claim; the multiple-realizability of dynamical models; the level at which the DH is pitched; the nature of dynamics; the role of representations in dynamical cognitive science; the falsifiability of the DH; the extent (...)
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  27. Connectionism, dynamics, and the philosophy of mind.Tim van Gelder - 1997 - In Martin Carrier & Peter Machamer, Mindscapes: Philosophy, Science, and the Mind. University of Pittsburgh Press. pp. 17-41.
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    Playing Flourens to Fodor's Gall.Tim van Gelder - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (1):84-84.
  29. The distinction between mind and cognition.Tim van Gelder - 1993 - In Yu-Houng H. Houng & J. Ho, Mind and Cognition: 1993 International Symposium. Academica Sinica.
  30. Bait and switch? Real time, ersatz time, and dynamical models.Tim van Gelder - unknown
    A defense of the Dynamical Hypothesis against the charge that one of its major supports, the argument from time, is rotten.
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  31. Brave neurocomputational world.Tim van Gelder - unknown
    A Neurocomputational Perspective , it comes of age as philosophy of mind as well. This book demands to be read by connectionists who wish to understand the philosophical context and ramifications of their work, and by philosophers who wish to understand connectionism and the nature of mind more generally.
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  32. Computers and computation in cognitive science.Tim van Gelder - 1998 - In T.M. Michalewicz, Advances in Computational Life Sciences Vol.2: Humans to Proteins. Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing.
    Digital computers play a special role in cognitive science—they may actually be instances of the phenomenon they are being used to model. This paper surveys some of the main issues involved in understanding the relationship between digital computers and cognition. It sketches the role of digital computers within orthodox computational cognitive science, in the light of a recently emerging alternative approach based around dynamical systems.
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  33. Connectionism and the mind-body problem: Exposing the distinction between mind and cognition.Tim van Gelder - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence Review 7:355-369.
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    Critical Thinking On the Web.Tim van Gelder - 2000 - Informal Logic 20 (3).
  35. Critical thinking: Some lessons learned.Tim van Gelder - unknown
    Critical thinking (CT) is one of education's most valued graduated, guided, scaffolded, and there should be lots of outcomes, but it is also very difficult to achieve. A recent..
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  36. Enhancing and augmenting human reasoning.Tim van Gelder - 2005 - In António Zilhão, Evolution, Rationality and Cognition: A Cognitive Science for the Twenty-First Century. New York: Routledge.
    Paper presented at Cognition, Evolution and Rationality: Cognitive Science for the 21st Century. Oporto, September 2002. To appear in a volume based on that conference edited by Antonio Jose Teiga Zilhao.
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  37. "Heads I win, tails you lose": A foray into the psychology of philosophy.Tim van Gelder - unknown
    One of the classic papers of Australian feminist philosophy is G. Lloyd's "The Man of Reason" (Lloyd, 1979). The main concern of this paper is the alleged maleness of the Man of Reason, i.e., the thesis that our philosophical tradition in some deep way associates the concepts rational and male. Lloyd claims that her main goal is to bring this "undoubted" thesis "into clearer focus" (p.18), and indeed she makes no strenuous effort to demonstrate that the to-be-clarified thesis is actually (...)
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  38. Into the deep blue yonder.Tim van Gelder - 1998 - Quadrant 42:33-39.
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    On Being Systematically Connectionist.Lars F. Niklasson & Tim Gelder - 1994 - Mind and Language 9 (3):288-302.
  40. Systematicity and connectionist language learning.L. Niklasson & Tim van Gelder - 1994 - Mind and Language 9 (3):28-302.
  41. Using Computer-Assisted Argument Mapping to Teach Reasoning to Students.Martin Davies, Ashley Barnett & Tim van Gelder - 2021 - In J. Anthony Blair, The Critical Thinking Anthology. pp. 115-152.
    Argument mapping is a way of diagramming the logical structure of an argument to explicitly and concisely represent reasoning. The use of argument mapping in critical thinking instruction has increased dramatically in recent decades. This paper overviews the innovation and provides a procedural approach for new teaches wanting to use argument mapping in the classroom. A brief history of argument mapping is provided at the end of this paper.
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    In time and over time.Tim Smithers - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (5):651-652.
    Van Gelder's clear distinction between the quantitative nature of dynamical systems and the nonquantitative nature of computational processes provides a firm basis for distinguishing between processes that happen in time and processes that happen over time. Symbolic reasoning, the presumed basis of intelligent behavior in robots, happens over time. However, the movements and actions that robots must make to behave intelligently, happen in time. Attempting to connect the two, as classical artificial intelligence and robotics have presumed to be necessary, (...)
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    Towards a new science of the mind: Wide content and the metaphysics of organizational properties in nonlinear dynamic models.Cliff A. Hooker & Wayne D. Christensen - 1998 - Mind and Language 13 (1):98-109.
    Tim van Gelder, following Brandom, Collins and others, uses the so‐called wide content of capacities which support social, norm governed activities, such as language, to argue for their anti‐natural, abstract, but socially instituted nature and thence for the failure of the entire traditional mind‐body discussion as ill‐posed. We argue that his former conclusion is wrong, that such properties are naturalisable, complicated organisational properties of the complexly organised, non‐linearly interactive systems that human beings are. This analysis also provides principled support, (...)
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    Towards a New Science of the Mind: Wide Content and the Metaphysics of Organizational Properties in Non‐Linear Dynamical Models.W. Christensen C. Hooker - 1998 - Mind and Language 13 (1):98-109.
    Tim van Gelder, following Brandom, Collins and others, uses the so‐called wide content of capacities which support social, norm governed activities, such as language, to argue for their anti‐natural, abstract, but socially instituted nature and thence for the failure of the entire traditional mind‐body discussion as ill‐posed. We argue that his former conclusion is wrong, that such properties are naturalisable, complicated organisational properties of the complexly organised, non‐linearly interactive systems that human beings are. This analysis also provides principled support, (...)
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  45. The Unity of Consciousness.Tim Bayne - 2010 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Tim Bayne draws on philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience in defence of the claim that consciousness is unified. He develops an account of what it means to say that consciousness is unified, and then applies this account to a variety of cases - drawn from both normal and pathological forms of experience - in which the unity of consciousness is said to break down. He goes on to explore the implications of the unity of consciousness for theories of consciousness, for the (...)
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  46. Philosophy of Physics: Space and Time.Tim Maudlin - 2012 - Princeton University Press.
    This concise book introduces nonphysicists to the core philosophical issues surrounding the nature and structure of space and time, and is also an ideal resource for physicists interested in the conceptual foundations of space-time theory. Tim Maudlin's broad historical overview examines Aristotelian and Newtonian accounts of space and time, and traces how Galileo's conceptions of relativity and space-time led to Einstein's special and general theories of relativity. Maudlin explains special relativity using a geometrical approach, emphasizing intrinsic space-time structure rather than (...)
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  47. The Limits of Realism.Tim Button - 2013 - Oxford: Oxford University Press UK.
    Tim Button explores the relationship between words and world; between semantics and scepticism. -/- A certain kind of philosopher – the external realist – worries that appearances might be radically deceptive. For example, she allows that we might all be brains in vats, stimulated by an infernal machine. But anyone who entertains the possibility of radical deception must also entertain a further worry: that all of our thoughts are totally contentless. That worry is just incoherent. -/- We cannot, then, be (...)
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  48. From A Rational Point Of View.Tim Henning - 2018 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    When we discuss normative reasons, oughts, requirements of rationality, hypothetical imperatives (or “anankastic conditionals”), motivating reasons and so on, we often use verbs like “believe” and “want” to capture a relevant subject’s perspective. According to the received view about sentences involving these verbs, what they do is describe the subject’s mental states. Many puzzles concerning normative discourse have to do with the role that mental states consequently appear to play in this discourse. This book uses tools from formal semantics and (...)
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    Philosophy of Mind: An Introduction.Tim Bayne - 2021 - New York: Routledge.
    Developments in the philosophy of mind over the last 20 years have dramatically changed the nature of the subject. In this major new introduction, Tim Bayne presents an outstanding overview of many of the key topics, problems, and debates, taking account not only of changes in philosophy of mind itself but also of important developments in the scientific study of the mind. -/- The following topics are discussed in depth: -/- What distinguishes a physicalist conception of the mind? -/- Behaviourism, (...)
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    The dynamical hypothesis: One battle behind.Robert M. French & Elizabeth Thomas - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (5):640-641.
    What new implications does the dynamical hypothesis have for cognitive science? The short answer is: None. The _Behavior and Brain Sciences _target article, “The dynamical hypothesis in cognitive science” by Tim Van Gelder is basically an attack on traditional symbolic AI and differs very little from prior connectionist criticisms of it. For the past ten years, the connectionist community has been well aware of the necessity of using (and understanding) dynamically evolving, recurrent network models of cognition.
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