Results for 'Thomas Ficino'

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  1. Ficino's 'Symposium'.Thomas M. Robinson - 2007 - In Aleš Havlíček & Martin Cajthaml, Plato's Symposium: proceedings of the fifth Symposium Platonicum Pragense. Prague: Oikoymenh. pp. 312--325.
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    Cusanus, Ficino, Patrizi - Formen platonischen Denkens in der Renaissance.Thomas Leinkauf - 2014 - Berlin: Trafo.
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  3. Der Seelenwagen als quadriga rationalis bei Marsilio Ficino.Thomas Leinkauf - 2018 - In Verena Olejniczak Lobsien, Bernd Roling, Lutz Bergemann & Bettina Bohle, Vom Seelengefährt zum Glorienleib: Formen aitherischer Leiblichkeit. Berlin: Edition Topoi.
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    Ficino’s Pythagoras.Thomas M. Robinson - 2013 - In Gabriele Cornelli, Richard D. McKirahan & Constantinos Macris, On Pythagoreanism. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 423-434.
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    The influence of Marsilio Ficino (1433-1494) on Elizabethan literature: Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare.Thomas O. Jones - 2013 - Lewiston, New York: Edwin Mellen Press.
    These two volumes are the first extensive study of the influence of Marsilio Ficino on major English poets. Ficino lived in Florence, Italy from 1433 to 1499. He introduced Plato to the Renaissance by his translations of the philosopher's complete works with detailed commentary. He wrote important works on astrology, a multi-volume work on Platonic Theology, and hundreds of brilliant public letters on a variety of subjects.
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  6. O conceito de religião no início da filosofia moderna, três exemplos: Maquiavel, Cardano e Bruno // The concept of religion in early modern philosophy, three examples: Machiavelli, Cardano and Bruno.Thomas Leinkauf - 2014 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 19 (3):14-35.
    Este artigo discute o significado e desenvolvimento do conceito de religião no cenário histórico e teórico do início da filosofia moderna. Considerando especialmente as contribuições dos mais importantes filósofos do Renascimento, dentre os quais Nicolau de Cusa, Marsílio Ficino, Maquiavel, Cardano e Bruno, discute as bases metafísicas e antropológicas da religião, bem como sua função política no alvorecer do pensamento filosófico moderno.
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    Thomas Taylor as an Interpreter of Plato: An Epigone of Marsilio Ficino?Leo Catana - 2011 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 5 (2):303-312.
    This article is currently available as a free download on ingentaconnect.
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  8. Bibel, Platon, Aristoteles : die Formierung des abendländischen Gottesverständnisses. "Gott ist im Himmel, und du bist auf der Erde" (Qohelet 5,1) / Martine Arneth ; Plato noster : zur Bedeutung des Platonismus für das christliche Gottesverständnis : Origines, Nikolaus von Kues, Marsilio Ficino / Jörg Lauster ; Rationale und suprarationale Gotteslehre in der Summa contra gentiles des Thomas von Aquin. [REVIEW]Gunther Wenz - 2009 - In Jörg Lauster & Bernd Oberdorfer, Der Gott der Vernunft: Protestantismus und vernünftiger Gottesgedanke. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
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    The secular is sacred: Platonism and Thomism in Marsilio Ficino's Platonic theology.Ardis B. Collins - 1974 - The Hague: M. Nijhoff. Edited by Marsilio Ficino & Thomas.
    CHAPTER ONE THE SEARCH FOR GOD He who separates the study of philosophy from holy religion errs no less than the man who would separate the pursuit of ...
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    Ten Arguments in Search of a Philosopher: Averroes and Aquinas in Ficino's Platonic Theology.Brian Copenhaver - 2009 - Vivarium 47 (4):444-479.
    In book 15 of his Platonic Theology on the Immortality of the Soul , Marsilio Ficino names Averroes and the Averroists as his opponents, though he does not say which particular Averroists he has in mind. The key position that Ficino attributes to Averroes—that the Intellect is not the substantial form of the body—is not one that Averroes holds explicitly, though he does claim explicitly that the Intellect is not a body or a power in a body. (...)'s account of what Averroes said about the soul's immortality comes not from texts written by Averroes but from arguments made against Averroes by Thomas Aquinas in the Summa contra gentiles. (shrink)
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    Ideen und Transzendentalien bei Francsico Suárez im Kontext der Renaissancephilosophie.Paul Richard Blum - 2010 - In Darge Rolf, Bauer Emmanuel J. & Frank Günter, Rolf Darge et al. (eds.), Der Aristotelismus an den europäischen Universitäten der frühen Neuzeit. Kohlhammer.
    Transcententals such as 'being', 'one', 'good', and 'something' are part and parcel of the medieval heritage in Aristotelian philosophy. Since transcendentals must be predicated of every particular thing, they are essential both to argumentation and to metaphysics, specifically to the theory of Platonic Forms. Lorenzo Valla (1407-1457) hence concluded that 'thing' (res) is the only transcendental, distinct from metaphysical universality that applies to God exclusively. Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499) in drawing upon Platonism as entailed in the metaphysics of universals and (...)
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    Darwinismus, Materialismus und die Revolution von 1848 in Deutschland. Zur Interaktion von Politik und Wissenschaft.Thomas Junker - 1995 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 17 (2):271 - 302.
    In recent years, the question of national styles in science has received increasing attention. The different forms of Darwinism that emerged in the nineteenth century provide an impressive example of the role of non-scientific factors in the development of scientific ideas. Although the reception of Darwinian theory has been acknowledged to differ according to distinct national traditions even in Darwin's time, there have been few systematic efforts to understand the underlying causal factors. Usually these explanations have conceived of the relationship (...)
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    Contemporary art & the metaphysics of the art expression.Thomas Eddington - 1978 - [Albuquerque, N.M.]: Gloucester Art Press.
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  14. Carnap and Kuhn: On the Relation between the Logic of Science and the History of Science. [REVIEW]Thomas Uebel - 2011 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 42 (1):129 - 140.
    This paper offers a refutation of J. C. Pinto de Oliveira's recent critique of revisionist Carnap scholarship as giving undue weight to two brief letters to Kuhn expressing his interest in the latter's work. First an argument is provided to show that Carnap and Kuhn are by no means divided by a radical mismatch of their conceptions of the rationality of science as supposedly evidenced by their stance towards the distinction of the contexts of discovery and justification. This is followed (...)
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    The Global Economic Ethic Manifesto: Implementing a Moral Values Foundation in the Multinational Enterprise. [REVIEW]Thomas A. Hemphill & Waheeda Lillevik - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 101 (2):213 - 230.
    The Global Economic Ethic Manifesto (" Manifesto") is a moral framework/code of conduct which is both interactive and interdependent with the economic function of the main institutions of the economic system: markets, governments, civil society, and supranational organizations, which lays out a common fundamental vision of what is legitimate, just, and fair in economic activities. The Manifesto includes five universally accepted principles and values: the principle of humanity; the basic values of non-violence and respect for life; the basic values of (...)
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    Le thomisme et la penssée italienne de la renaissance.Paul J. W. Miller - 1970 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 8 (4):477-478.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 477 (p. 32), although some might consider him to have been an important historian of logic. I am not certain that citing Carnap and Heideggar (p. 75) can do much to clarify Vires. When one reads 'Henrique Estienne' and "Hipotiposes pirronicas" (p. 266) in an Italian book he is a bit taken aback and wonders whether the author has done his homework. The writer missed a golden (...)
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    Vices and virtues (review).R. E. Houser - 2010 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 48 (4):523-524.
    The development of virtue ethics in the contemporary philosophical world, as a reaction to various forms of consequentialism, deontology, and moral skepticism, has now brought forth translators determined to offer the wisdom of pre-moderns to contemporary readers. Here is a “small work” of Denis , the “last of the scholastics” and a contemporary of humanists like Ficino and Erasmus, who opened the modern age that is now rapidly closing. Educated in “the way of Thomas Aquinas” at the University (...)
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    Two Aristotelians of the Italian Renaissance: Nicoletto Vernia and Agostino Nifo.Edward P. Mahoney - 2000 - Routledge.
    This volume deals with the psychological, metaphysical and scientific ideas of two major and influential Aristotelian philosophers of the Italian Renaissance - Nicoletto Vernia (d. 1499) and Agostino Nifo (ca 1470-1538) - whose careers must be seen as inter-related. Both began by holding Averroes to be the true interpreter of Aristotle's thought, but were influenced by the work of humanists, such as Ermolao Barbaro, though to a different degree. Translations of the Greek commentators on Aristotle (Alexander of Aphrodisias, Themistius and (...)
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    Bibliography on Plato's "Laws," 1920-1970: With Additional Citations through May, 1975 (review).V. Tejera - 1977 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 15 (4):463-463.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Book Reviews Bibliography on Plato's "'Laws, "" 1920-1970: With Additional Citations through May, 1975. By Trevor J. Saunders. (New York: Arno Press, 1976. Pp. i + 60. $15.00) The Penguin Classics translator of the non-Socratic Laws, as Leo Strauss called them, has here compiled in a most usable way a thorough bibliography of books and articles about the Laws or parts of them. The section "Texts, Translations, and Commentaries" (...)
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    The anatomy of leviathan.P. J. Johnson - 1970 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 8 (4):478-482.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:,178 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY in accord with Thomas on certain important points, but his own theology is more in the spirit of Plato and Augustine. Professor Kristeller's vast learning is at the service of admirably balanced conclusions. Not everyone will agree with all his interpretations; Ficino perhaps did not imagine himself to be "constructing a system of philosophy" (p. 96) since the very title of his work, (...)
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  21.  38
    Renaissance Thought on the Celestial Hierarchy: The Decline of a Tradition?Feisal G. Mohamed - 2004 - Journal of the History of Ideas 65 (4):559-582.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Renaissance Thought on the Celestial Hierarchy:The Decline of a Tradition?Feisal G. MohamedThe Dionysian arrangement of the angels was dismantled on the one hand because its author was increasingly regarded as a "counterfait," and on the other hand because Protestants upheld the Bible's supremacy over all the "vain babblings of idle men." In consequence, those who like Spenser celebrated the "trinall triplicities," look back upon a great past that had (...)
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    Robust normative systems and a logic of norm compliance.Thomas Agotnes, Wiebe van der Hoek & Michael Wooldridge - 2010 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 18 (1):4-30.
    Although normative systems, or social laws, have proved to be a highly influential approach to coordination in multi-agent systems, the issue of compliance to such normative systems remains problematic. In all real systems, it is possible that some members of an agent population will not comply with the rules of a normative system, even if it is in their interests to do so. It is therefore important to consider the extent to which a normative system is robust, i.e., the extent (...)
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  23.  12
    Artisanat et révolution.Thomas Golsenne - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Nous remercions chaleureusement Thomas Golsenne de nous avoir autorisé à reproduire le texte ci-dessous PM – Cette conférence a été présentée au Centre d'art contemporain du Parc Saint-Léger à Pougues-les-eaux le 4 avril 2017, en marge de l'exposition de Florentine Lamarche et Alexandre Ovize, Les motifs sauvages. Que sa directrice, Catherine Pavlovic, soit chaleureusement remerciée de son invitation. Florentine Lamarche et Alexandre Ovize, L'Artichaut, 2015 Dans leurs gros vases - Esthétique – Nouvel article.
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  24. The agrarian roots of pragmatism / edited by Paul B. Thompson and Thomas C. Hilde.Paul B. Thompson & Thomas C. Hilde (eds.) - 2000 - Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press.
    The essays in this volume critically analyze and revitalize agrarian philosophy by tracing its evolution in the classical American philosophy of key figures such as Franklin, Jefferson, Emerson, Thoreau, Dewey, and Royce.
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    Unintended Effects, Iatrogenic Harms, and the Challenge of Population-Wide Vaccination Compliance.Thomas May - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (9):60-62.
    Volume 20, Issue 9, September 2020, Page 60-62.
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    Simmel.Thomas Kemple - 2018 - Medford, MA: Polity Press.
    Georg Simmel, as well as being a major philosopher, is one of the founding figures of sociology whose work is comparable in importance to that of Marx, Weber, and Durkheim. His writings on money, metropolises, and modernity have inspired generations of thinkers for over a century. In this book, leading expert Thomas Kemple clearly and accessibly introduces Simmel’s sociological and philosophical work, ranging from his masterpiece The Philosophy of Money to his famous essays ‘The Metropolis and Mental Life’ and (...)
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    The Present Time.Thomas Carlyle - 2013 - Cambridge University Press.
    Originally published in 1921 as part of the Cambridge Plain Texts series, this volume contains the first of the Latter-Day Pamphlets, a sequence of essays by radical thinker Thomas Carlyle which appeared in 1850. A short editorial introduction is also included. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in Carlyle and his works.
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  28. Le statut ontologique de l'accident selon Thomas de Sutton.Serge-Thomas Bonino - 2012 - Revue Thomiste 112 (1):121-156.
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  29. La théorie des limbes et le mystère du surnaturel chez saint Thomas d'Aquin.Serge-Thomas Bonino - 2001 - Revue Thomiste 101 (1-2):131-166.
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  30. Logica Modernorum in Prague About 1400 the Sophistria Disputation 'Quoniam Quatuor' : With a Partial Reconstruction of Thomas of Cleve's Logica : Edition with an Introduction and Appendices.Egbert P. Bos & Thomas - 2004
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    Science and Philosophy in Aristotle's Biological Works (review).D. M. Balme - 1977 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 15 (4):463-466.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Book Reviews Bibliography on Plato's "'Laws, "" 1920-1970: With Additional Citations through May, 1975. By Trevor J. Saunders. (New York: Arno Press, 1976. Pp. i + 60. $15.00) The Penguin Classics translator of the non-Socratic Laws, as Leo Strauss called them, has here compiled in a most usable way a thorough bibliography of books and articles about the Laws or parts of them. The section "Texts, Translations, and Commentaries" (...)
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  32.  12
    Bonn: "Philosophical Debates at the University of Paris in the First Quarter of the Fourteenth Century".Thomas Dewender - 2004 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 46:210-221.
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    Wolgast on Innocence.E. Vaughan Thomas - 1994 - Philosophy 69 (268):234 - 239.
  34. Exploring power-law behavior in human gaze shifts across tasks and populations.Thomas Fabian - 2025 - Cognition 257 (C):106079.
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    Out of the Rubble, a Christian State?Thomas Fleming - 1994 - The Chesterton Review 20 (2/3):353-361.
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    Oksfordskoe rukovodstvo po filosofskoĭ teologii =.Thomas P. Flint, Michael C. Rea, V. V. Vasilʹev & M. O. Kedrova (eds.) - 2013 - Moskva: I︠A︡zyki slavi︠a︡nskoĭ kulʹtury.
    The Oxford Handbook of Philosophical Theology attempts both to familiarize readers with the directions in which the scholarship of this discipline has gone and to pursue the discussion into hitherto under-examined areas. Philosophical theology is aimed primarily at theoretical understanding of the nature and attributes of God and of God's relationship to the world and its inhabitants. During the twentieth century, much of the philosophical community (both in the Anglo-American analytic tradition and in Continental circles) had grave doubts about our (...)
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    Philologische Dichtung: Friedrich Nietzsches Lied eines theokritischen Ziegenhirten.Thomas Forrer - 2017 - In Sebastian Kaufmann & Katharina Grätz, Nietzsche Als Dichter: Lyrik - Poetologie - Rezeption. De Gruyter. pp. 153-178.
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  38. Growth and Globalization of Zubiri Studies.Thomas Fowler - 2007 - The Xavier Zubiri Review 9:3-4.
  39. Die Hyle oder die Nochnichtgestalt und die Nichtmehrgestalt von Gestaltung.Thomas Friedrich - 2013 - In Clemens Bellut, Unbestimmt: ein gestalterischer und philosophischer Reflexionsbegriff. Zürich: Lars Müller Publishers.
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    Hermann Schweppenhäuser: Sprache, Literatur Und Kunst: Gesammelte Schriften, Band 1.Thomas Friedrich, Sven Kramer & Gerhard Schweppenhäuser (eds.) - 2019 - J.B. Metzler.
    Der erste Band der Gesammelten Schriften von Hermann Schweppenhäuser enthält Studien und Abhandlungen über Sprache, Literatur und Kunst, die zuerst im Zeitraum zwischen 1957 und 2007 publiziert wurden. Dazu gehören Schweppenhäusers Frankfurter Dissertation über Heideggers Theorie der Sprache; ein berühmter, lange nicht mehr erhältlicher Lexikonartikel zur Sprachphilosophie; kürzere Abhandlungen zum Sprachbegriff bei Benjamin, Adorno und Horkheimer; Aufsätze zu ästhetischen Themen sowie Essays über Johann Gottfried Seume, Friedrich Maximilian Klinger, Hermann Hesse, Stefan George und Botho Strauß. Außerdem wird hier erstmals eine (...)
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    Galileo still goes to jail: Conflict model persistence within introductory anthropology materials.Thomas Aechtner - 2015 - Zygon 50 (1):209-226.
    Historians have long since rejected the dubious assertions of the conflict model, with its narratives of perennial religion versus science combat. Nonetheless, this theory persists in various academic disciplines, and it is still presented to university students as the authoritative historical account of religion–science interactions. Cases of this can be identified within modern anthropology textbooks and reference materials, which often recapitulate claims once made by John W. Draper and Andrew D. White. This article examines 21st-century introductory anthropology publications, demonstrating how (...)
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  42. 370n, 371n Barney, R. 180n, 185n, 188n, 192n.Thomas Aquinas - 2007 - In Dominic Scott, Maieusis: Essays in Ancient Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 407.
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  43. The teacher.Thomas Aquinas - 1960 - In Malcolm Theodore Carron, Readings in the philosophy of education. [Detroit]: University of Detroit Press.
  44. Unus Mundus: Die Eine Welt.Thomas Arzt - 1994 - Philosophia Naturalis 31 (2):250-262.
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  45. Introduction.Thomas Bustamante & Oche Onazi - 2012 - In Thomas da Rosa de Bustamante & Oche Onazi, Global harmony and the rule of law: proceedings of the 24th World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Beijing, 2009. Sinzheim: Nomos.
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  46. Cathédrales d'autrefois et usines d'aujourd'hui, Passé et Présent.Thomas Carlyle, Camille Bos & Jean Izoulet - 1901 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 9 (4):6-6.
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  47. Physical Realism.Thomas Case - 1889 - Mind 14 (54):267-271.
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    A Gift Text of Hispano-Neapolitan Diplomacy: Giovan Battista Manso's Erocallia.Thomas Denman - 2016 - History of European Ideas 42 (5):683-693.
    SUMMARYThis essay considers a book that Giovan Battista Manso intended as a public gift to Philip IV of Spain. The book is Manso's Erocallia, published in Venice in 1628 with a dedication written by the author and addressed to the Spanish king. While the book ostensibly contains twelve dialogues on love and beauty, these subjects are treated as universal principles encompassing encyclopaedic spectra of knowledge. I wish to argue that the two prefatory letters, alongside the structure or ‘arrangement’ of the (...)
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    L’autre expérience.Thomas Detcheverry - 2024 - Archives de Philosophie 1:121-128.
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    Dieu, la contre-enquête: comment se faire un avis raisonnable?Thomas C. Durand - 2022 - Paris: HumenSciences.
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