Results for 'Thomas Cazentre'

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  1.  14
    Introduction to semantics: an essential guide to the composition of meaning.Thomas Ede Zimmermann - 2013 - Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.
    This textbook introduces undergraduate students of language and linguistics to the basic ideas, insights, and techniques of contemporary semantic theory. The book starts with everyday observations about word meaning and use and then gradually zooms in on the question of how speakers manage to meaningfully communicate with phrases, sentences, and texts they have never come across before. Extensive English examples provide ample illustration.
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  2. Basic needs in normative contexts.Thomas Pölzler - 2021 - Philosophy Compass 16 (5):e12732.
    In answering normative questions, researchers sometimes appeal to the concept of basic needs. Their guiding idea is that our first priority should be to ensure that everybody is able to meet these needs—to have enough in terms of food, water, shelter, and so on. This article provides an opinionated overview of basic needs in normative contexts. Any basic needs theory must answer three questions: (1) What are basic needs? (2) To what extent do basic needs generate reasons for action and (...)
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    Heraclitus.Thomas M. Robinson - 2021 - The Philosophers' Magazine 92:64-71.
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  4. Political Legitimacy as a Problem of Judgment.Thomas Fossen - 2022 - Social Theory and Practice 48 (1):89-113.
    This paper examines the differences between moralist, realist, and pragmatist approaches to political legitimacy by articulating their largely implicit views of judgment. Three claims are advanced. First, the salient opposition among approaches to legitimacy is not between “moralism” and “realism.” Recent realist proposals for rethinking legitimacy share with moralist views a distinctive form, called “normativism”: a quest for knowledge of principles that solve the question of legitimacy. This assumes that judging legitimacy is a matter of applying such principles to a (...)
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  5. (1 other version)Deflationary theories of properties and their ontology.Thomas Schindler - 2021 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy:1-16.
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  6. Experiments on causal exclusion.Thomas Blanchard, Dylan Murray & Tania Lombrozo - 2022 - Mind and Language 37 (5):1067-1089.
    Intuitions play an important role in the debate on the causal status of high‐level properties. For instance, Kim has claimed that his “exclusion argument” relies on “a perfectly intuitive … understanding of the causal relation.” We report the results of three experiments examining whether laypeople really have the relevant intuitions. We find little support for Kim's view and the principles on which it relies. Instead, we find that laypeople are willing to count both a multiply realized property and its realizers (...)
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    On universal modules with pure embeddings.Thomas G. Kucera & Marcos Mazari-Armida - 2020 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 66 (4):395-408.
    We show that certain classes of modules have universal models with respect to pure embeddings: Let R be a ring, T a first‐order theory with an infinite model extending the theory of R‐modules and (where ⩽pp stands for “pure submodule”). Assume has the joint embedding and amalgamation properties. If or, then has a universal model of cardinality λ. As a special case, we get a recent result of Shelah [28, 1.2] concerning the existence of universal reduced torsion‐free abelian groups with (...)
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  8. Two Kindred Neo-Kantian Philosophies of Science: Pap’s The A Priori in Physical Theory and Cassirer’s Determinism and Indeterminism in Modern Physics.Thomas Mormann - 2021 - Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 1 (1).
    The main thesis of this paper is that Pap’s The Functional A Priori of Physical Theory (Pap 1946, henceforth FAP) and Cassirer’s Determinism and Indeterminism in Modern Physics (Cassirer 1937, henceforth DI) may be conceived as two kindred accounts of a late Neo-Kantian philosophy of science. They elucidate and clarify each other mutually by elaborating conceptual possibilities and pointing out affinities of neo-Kantian ideas with other currents of 20th century’s philosophy of science, namely, pragmatism, conventionalism, and logical empiricism. Taking into (...)
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  9. A New Anti-Expertise Dilemma.Thomas Raleigh - 2021 - Synthese (3-4):1-19.
    Instability occurs when the very fact of choosing one particular possible option rather than another affects the expected values of those possible options. In decision theory: An act is stable iff given that it is actually performed, its expected utility is maximal. When there is no stable choice available, the resulting instability can seem to pose a dilemma of practical rationality. A structurally very similar kind of instability, which occurs in cases of anti-expertise, can likewise seem to create dilemmas of (...)
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    Disability at the Limits of Phenomenology.Thomas Abrams - 2020 - Puncta 3 (2):15-18.
    Musing for Puncta special issue on "Critically Sick: New Phenomenologies Of Illness, Madness, And Disability.".
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    Kränkung, Rache, Vernichtung.Thomas Fuchs - 2021 - Psyche 75 (4):318-350.
    Hass wird in der Arbeit als eine anhaltende affektive Gesinnung verstanden, die auf eine erlebte Kränkung oder Ungerechtigkeit zurückgeht und auf Rache an ihrem Urheber, in extre­men Fällen auf die Vernichtung des Feindes gerichtet ist. Die Dynamik und Radikalität insbesondere des malignen Hasses resultiert, so die These des Autors, aus einer Affektretention, die durch die selbst empfundene Schwäche oder Ohnmacht des Hassenden bedingt ist. Durch diesen Rückstau wird der Hass demnach in der Latenzphase immer weiter genährt, bis er schließlich in (...)
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  12.  12
    In societatem filii eius: Predestination in/as Friendship with God in Thomas Aquinas.Thomas Kenneth Graff - 2021 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 63 (1):66-85.
    SummaryThis paper proposes a reading of Thomas Aquinas’ doctrine of predestination as fundamentally oriented towards and realized in friendship with God. On this reading, the seemingly disparate questions, “What does it mean to be predestined?” and “What does it mean to grow in friendship with God?” are not only mutually illuminating but ultimately coterminous. In the first part of the paper, I contextualize this theological rapprochement by foregrounding Aquinas’ treatment in the Summa Theologiae of predestination as a Christocentric, communal (...)
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    Analogical Reasoning and Easy Rescue Cases.Thomas Young - 1993 - Journal of Philosophical Research 18:327-339.
    The purpose of this article is to determine whether analogical reasoning can supply a basis for believing that we have a moral obligation to rescue strangers. The paper will focus on donating cadaver organs. I construct a moral analogical argument involving an easy rescue case and organ donation. Various alleged relevant differences between the cases are examined and rejected. Finally, what I cal l “the ownership dilemma” is introduced and I conclude that this dilemma is inescapable. Thus, analogical reasoning, however (...)
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    Using Social Psychology to Explain Stakeholder Reactions to an Organization's Social Performance.Thomas J. Zagenczyk - 2004 - Business and Society Review 109 (1):97-101.
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    A potentially testable mechanism to account for altruistic behavior.Thomas R. Zentall - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (2):282-282.
    It is assumed that self-control always has a higher value. What if it does not? Furthermore, although there are clearly intrinsic reinforcers, their measurement is problematic, especially for a behavioral analyst. Finally, is it more parsimonious to postulate that these behaviors are acquired rather than genetically based?
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    What to do about peer review: Is the cure worse than the disease?Thomas R. Zentall - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (1):166-167.
  17.  22
    Tim Gollasch, Der Mythos von der Wirklichkeit. Eine Konfrontation des neurowissenschaftlichen Konstruktivismus mit Platons Philosophie.Thomas Zimmer - 2018 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 21 (1):211-215.
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  18. Qualiaphobia: Paul Churchland's Critique of the Knowledge Argument.Thomas Zoglauer - 1999 - In Julian Nida-Rümelin, Rationality, Realism and Revision. pp. 536--542.
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    Building UNESCO science from the “dark zone”: Joseph Needham, Empire, and the wartime reorganization of international science from China, 1942–6.Thomas Mougey - 2021 - History of Science 59 (4):461-491.
    In recent years historians have revisited the creation of the United Nations (UN) system by highlighting the enduring influence of Empire and recognizing the substantial role of cultural and scientific actors in wartime international diplomacy. The British biochemist Joseph Needham, who participated in the creation of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), was one of them. Yet, if historians have recognized his role as the leading architect of the sciences at UNESCO, they still fall short of engaging (...)
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  20.  24
    The Global Diffusion of Supply Chain Codes of Conduct: Market, Nonmarket, and Time-Dependent Effects.Thomas G. Altura, Anne T. Lawrence & Ronald M. Roman - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (4):909-942.
    Why and how have supply chain codes of conduct diffused among lead firms around the globe? Prior research has drawn on both institutional and stakeholder theories to explain the adoption of codes, but no study has modeled adoption as a temporally dynamic process of diffusion. We propose that the drivers of adoption shift over time, from exclusively nonmarket to eventually market-based mechanisms as well. In an analysis of an original data set of more than 1,800 firms between the years 2006 (...)
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  21. Beyond the Senses: How Self-Directed Speech and Word Meaning Structure Impact Executive Functioning and Theory of Mind in Individuals With Hearing and Language Problems.Thomas F. Camminga, Daan Hermans, Eliane Segers & Constance T. W. M. Vissers - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:646181.
    Many individuals with developmental language disorder (DLD) and individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing (D/HH) have social–emotional problems, such as social difficulties, and show signs of aggression, depression, and anxiety. These problems can be partly associated with their executive functions (EFs) and theory of mind (ToM). The difficulties of both groups in EF and ToM may in turn be related to self-directed speech (i.e., overt or covert speech that is directed at the self). Self-directed speech is thought to (...)
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    On Friederich’s New Fine-Tuning Argument.Thomas Metcalf - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (2):1-15.
    The most common objection to the Fine-Tuning Argument for the Multiverse is that the argument commits the Inverse Gambler’s Fallacy. Simon Friederich has recently composed an interesting version of this fine-tuning argument that avoids this fallacy and better-matches important scientific instances of anthropic reasoning. My thesis in this paper is that this new argument, while it may avoid the fallacy, contains a disputable premise concerning the prior probabilities of the hypotheses at issue. I consider various ways to modify the argument (...)
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    The Decolonial Reduction and the Transcendental-Phenomenological Reduction.Thomas Meagher - 2021 - Philosophy and Global Affairs 1 (1):72-96.
    This paper offers a philosophical exploration of Nelson Maldonado-Torres’s formulation of the “decolonial reduction” as an instrument of phenomenology and ideological critique. Comparing the decolonial reduction to Edmund Husserl’s notion of the transcendental-phenomenological reduction or epoché, I argue that working through the demands of rigor for either mode of reduction points to areas of overlap: the work of transcendental phenomenology is incomplete without the performance of the decolonial reduction and vice versa. I then assess Maldonado-Torres’s anchoring of the decolonial reduction (...)
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  24.  22
    Harming patients by provision of intensive care treatment: is it right to provide time-limited trials of intensive care to patients with a low chance of survival?Thomas M. Donaldson - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (2):227-233.
    Time-limited trials of intensive care have arisen in response to the increasing demand for intensive care treatment for patients with a low chance of surviving their critical illness, and the clinical uncertainty inherent in intensive care decision-making. Intensive care treatment is reported by most patients to be a significantly unpleasant experience. Therefore, patients who do not survive intensive care treatment are exposed to a negative dying experience. Time-limited trials of intensive care treatment in patients with a low chance of surviving (...)
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    Wittgenstein and Dilthey on Scientism and Method.Thomas J. Spiegel - 2021 - Wittgenstein-Studien 12 (1):165-194.
    While Wittgenstein’s work has been extensively investigated in relation to many other important and influential philosophers, there is very little scholarly work that positively investigates the relationship between the work of Wittgenstein and Wilhelm Dilthey. To the contrary, some commentators like Hacker (2001a) suggest that Dilthey’s work (and that of other hermeneuticists) simply pales or is obsolete in comparison to Wittgenstein’s own insights. Against such assessments, this article posits that Wittgenstein’s and Dilthey’s thought most crucially intersects at the related topics (...)
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    Why Are Acquired Search-Guiding Context Memories Resistant to Updating?Thomas Geyer, Werner Seitz, Artyom Zinchenko, Hermann J. Müller & Markus Conci - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Looking for goal-relevant objects in our various environments is one of the most ubiquitous tasks the human visual system has to accomplish. Visual search is guided by a number of separable selective-attention mechanisms that can be categorized as bottom-up driven – guidance by salient physical properties of the current stimuli – or top-down controlled – guidance by observers' “online” knowledge of search-critical object properties. In addition, observers' expectations based on past experience also play also a significant role in goal-directed visual (...)
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  27. Equal Pay for All: An Idea Whose Time Has Not, and Will Not, Come.Thomas Mulligan - 2021 - In Anders Örtenblad, Debating Equal Pay for All: Economy, Practicability and Ethics. Palgrave macmillan. pp. 21-35.
    The proposal on offer is a radical form of egalitarianism. Under it, each citizen receives the same income, regardless of profession or indeed whether he or she works or not. This proposal is bad for two reasons. First, it is inefficient. It would eliminate nearly all incentive to work, thereby shrinking national income and leaving all citizens poorly off (albeit equally poorly off). I illustrate this inefficiency via an indifference curve analysis. Second, the proposal would be regarded as unjust by (...)
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  28. Is Moral Status Good for You?Thomas Douglas - forthcoming - In Stephen Clarke, Hazem Zohny & Julian Savulescu, Rethinking Moral Status.
    Should we cognitively alter animals in ways that might change their moral status? There has been some discussion of this question. For example, Chan (2009) and Chan and Harris (2001) consider whether we should radically enhance the cognitive capacities of animals, while Thompson (2008) and Shriver (2009) argue that we should in fact substantially disenhance some animals to protect them from suffering. More controversially, some have countenanced radical and possibly moral status-altering transformations of human persons. ... One question relevant to (...)
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    Vérité. Réalité. Universalité.Isabelle Thomas-Fogiel - 2020 - Philosophiques 47 (2):457.
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    Entropy, Free Energy, and Symbolization: Free Association at the Intersection of Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience.Thomas Rabeyron & Claudie Massicotte - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:507186.
    Both a method of therapy and an exploration of psychic reality, free association is a fundamental element of psychoanalytical practices that refers to the way a patient is asked to describe what comes spontaneously to mind in the therapeutic setting. This paper examines the role of free association from the point of view of psychoanalysis and neuroscience in order to improve our understanding of therapeutic effects induced by psychoanalytic therapies and psychoanalysis. In this regard, we first propose a global overview (...)
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  31. Defining Art.Thomas Adajian - 2015 - In Anna Christina Ribeiro, The Bloomsbury Companion to Aesthetics. Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 39-54.
    Overview of the definition of art and its relationship to definitions of the individual art forms, with an eye to clarifying the issues separating dominant institutionalist and skeptical positions from non-skeptical, non-institutional ones. Section 2 indicates some of the key philosophical issues which intersect in discussions of the definition of art, and singles out some important areas of broad agreement and disagreement. Section 3 critically reviews some influential standard versions of institutionalism, and some more recent variations on them. Section 4 (...)
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  32. Propositions are not representational.Thomas D. Brown - 2021 - Synthese (1-2):1-16.
    It is often presumed by those who use propositions in their theories that propositions are representational; that is, that propositions represent the world as being some way. This paper makes two claims against this presumption. First, it argues that it does not follow from the fact that propositions play the theoretical roles usually attributed to them that they are representational. This conclusion is reached by rebutting three arguments that can be made in support of the claim that propositions are representational. (...)
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    The Digital Stressors Scale: Development and Validation of a New Survey Instrument to Measure Digital Stress Perceptions in the Workplace Context.Thomas Fischer, Martin Reuter & René Riedl - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:607598.
    This article reports on the development of an instrument to measure the perceived stress that results from the use and ubiquity of digital technology in the workplace. Based upon a contemporary understanding of stress and a set of stressors that is a substantial update to existing scales, the Digital Stressors Scale (DSS) advances the measurement of digital stress. Initially, 138 items were constructed for the instrument and grouped into a set of 15 digital stressors. Based on a sample ofN= 1,998 (...)
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  34.  12
    The philosopher and the acrobat (Epictetus, /Discourses/ 3.12).Thomas Bénatouïl - 2021 - Methodos 21.
    Cet article est une explication suivie et presque complète du chapitre III, 12 des Entretiens d’Épictète intitulé « Sur l’exercice » et en particulier de l’opposition qu’il propose entre les exercices des acrobates et ceux du philosophe. On analyse la discussion sous-jacente avec Diogène de Sinope et la critique de la dimension spectaculaire des exercices cyniques, à laquelle Epictète oppose un entraînement philosophique essentiellement privé et même invisible.
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    The Role of Race in Pandemic Vaccine Allocation.Thomas May - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (3):89-91.
    The Target Article by Sabatello et al. should prove significant in advancing recognition of, and discussion concerning how, race is embedded in allocation strategies adopted in pandemic resp...
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    Proper understanding of grounded procedures of separation needs a dual inheritance approach.Thomas W. Schubert & David J. Grüning - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44.
    Grounded procedures of separation are conceptualized as a learned concept. The simultaneous cultural universality of the general idea and immense diversity of its implementations might be better understood through the lens of dual inheritance theories. By drawing on examples from developmental psychology and emotion theorizing, we argue that an innate blueprint might underlie learned implementations of cleansing that vary widely.
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    The Dredd-Ful Day of Judgement: Judicial Models and the Twilight of the West.Mark Thomas - 2021 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (5):2107-2142.
    I am the LawIt is hard to imagine two more disparate characters than Judge Joseph Dredd and Hercules J—the one an over-muscular, faceless and heavily armed street judge astride a Lawmaster motorcycle who overidentifies with his role ; the other devoid of any physical presence or image, and structurally decoupled from the execution of law by a fierce determination to maintain the separation of powers and accountability which Dredd so effortlessly ignores. Hercules J is the embodiment of an intellectualised, yet (...)
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  38.  14
    Strangers and Fellow Citizens: Perspectives on Immigration and Society.Thomas Wabel - 2021 - Studies in Christian Ethics 34 (1):56-75.
    The article sets out a critical assessment of recent public reactions in Germany upon taking in large numbers of refugees since 2015, which have been swaying between moralisation and resentment. In this situation, public theology should ask how hospitality is linked to the perceived identity of a society and to its perception of who belongs, and what role Christianity might play in these debates. Drawing on a phenomenological perspective within contemporary German philosophy (Bernhard Waldenfels), and contrasting this perspective with historical (...)
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    ‘Learning’ and Learning at Euthydemus 275d–278d.Christine J. Thomas - 2019 - Australasian Philosophical Review 3 (2):191-197.
    ABSTRACT Early in Plato’s Euthydemus, sophistical arguments threaten the intelligibility of the process of learning. According to M. M. McCabe, Socrates resists the sophists’ arguments by resisting their problematic replacement model of change. The replacement model proposes that one item (e.g., an unlearned one) is simply replaced with a nonidentical item (e.g., a learned one). Socrates is said to endorse a rival metaphysics of temporally extended, teleologically structured activities. The rival model allows an enduring subject to survive ‘aspect changes’ by (...)
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  40. Belief Modalities Defined by Nuclei.Thomas Mormann - manuscript
    Abstract. The aim of this paper is to show that the topological interpretation of knowledge as an interior kernel operator K of a topological space (X, OX) comes along with a partially ordered family of belief modalities B that fit K in the sense that the pairs (K, B) satisfy all axioms of Stalnaker’s KB logic of knowledge and belief with the exception of the contentious axiom of negative introspection (NI). The new belief modalities B introduced in this paper are (...)
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  41. Saving Diotima’s Account of Erotic Love in Plato’s Symposium.Thomas M. Tuozzo - 2021 - Ancient Philosophy 41 (1):83-104.
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    Telos and Apeiron in Aristotle’s Science of Nature.Thomas Marré - 2021 - Ancient Philosophy 41 (1):105-122.
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    Non-medical egg freezing and individualisation arguments: reply to Moen, Segers and Campo-Engelstein.Thomas Søbirk Petersen - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (4):265-266.
    An argument against the use of non-medical egg freezing is that women should not use NMEF as it is an individualistic and morally problematic answer to the social problems that women face, for instance, in the labour market. Instead of allowing or expecting women to deal with these problems individually, we should address them by challenging the patriarchal structure of the labour market—for example, by securing equal pay and affordable childcare. In a recent article in Journal of Medical Ethics, I (...)
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    Sport, Neuro-Doping and Ethics.Thomas Søbirk Petersen - 2021 - Neuroethics 14 (2):137-140.
    Apart from a short clarification of what neuro-doping is, the aim of this article is twofold. First to give a few reasons in favour of having a special issue on neuro-doping. Second to present an overview of the articles in this issue. One reason for having this special issue, is that it needs to be established whether methods such as transcranial direct-current stimulation should be added to World Anti-Doping Agency’s prohibited list or not, as it is currently under discussion by (...)
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    Goodness and motivation.Thomas Pink - 2021 - Philosophical Explorations 24 (1):5-20.
    1. To be moral is to be moved to act by reason; and to be moved to act by reason is to be moved by the good. This venerable platitude raises many questions. Some are about the nature of goodness it...
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    Perceptions of Medical Providers on Morality and Decision-Making Capacity in Withholding and Withdrawing Life-Sustaining Treatment and Suicide.Thomas D. Harter, Erin L. Sterenson, Andrew Borgert & Cary Rasmussen - 2021 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 12 (4):227-238.
    Background: This study attempts to understand if medical providers beliefs about the moral permissibility of honoring patient-directed refusals of life-sustaining treatment (LST) are tied to their beliefs about the patient’s decision-making capacity. The study aims to answer: 1) does concern about a patient’s treatment decision-making capacity relate to beliefs about whether it is morally acceptable to honor a refusal of LST, 2) are there differences between provider types in assessments of decision-making capacity and the moral permissibility to refuse LST, and (...)
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    Warum gibt es psychische Krankheit?: Grundlagen der psychiatrischen Anthropologie.Thomas Fuchs - 2020 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 29 (2):99-113.
    Im Mittelpunkt dieses Beitrags zu Grundlagen der psychiatrischen Anthropologie steht die spezifische Vulnerabilität der psychischen Organisation des Menschen. Diese wird anhand von zwei Leitfragen untersucht, die sich auf die Entgleisungsmöglichkeiten der psychischen Struktur und auf problematische und überfordernde Bedingungen der menschlichen Existenz beziehen. Als wichtige Komponenten dieser Vulnerabilität werden die besondere Offenheit, Ungesichertheit und inhärente Widersprüchlichkeit der Organisations- und Daseinsform des Menschen identifiziert. Demnach sind die höheren Freiheitsgrade, die die psychophysische Organisation des Menschen mit sich bringt, zugleich auch wesentliche Gründe (...)
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    Persistence of Mental Fatigue on Motor Control.Thomas Jacquet, Bénédicte Poulin-Charronnat, Patrick Bard & Romuald Lepers - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The effects of mental fatigue on both cognitive and physical performance are well described in the literature, but the recovery aspects of mental fatigue have been less investigated. The present study aimed to fill this gap by examining the persistence of mental fatigue on behavior and electrophysiological mechanisms. Fifteen participants performed an arm-pointing task consisting of reaching a target as fast as possible, before carrying out a 32-min cognitively demanding task [Time Load Dual Back task], and immediately, 10 and 20 (...)
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    Personal business ethics in global business: a cross-cultural study between France and the US.Thomas Tanner, Loan N. T. Pham, Wai Kwan Lau, Jet Mboga & Lam D. Nguyen - 2021 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 1 (1):1.
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    Philosophy as transformative practice: a proposal for a new concept of philosophy that better suits philosophy education.Phillipp Thomas - 2019 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 9 (2):185-199.
    The source of the following considerations is the observation that academic philosophy at universities does not fit well with philosophy education processes, e.g., those at school. Both sides seem to be separate from each other. I assume that the two areas rely on two very different concepts of philosophy. To work out a concept of philosophy more appropriate to the educational context, I methodically apply the practical turn to our philosophising in very different contexts. Moreover, I elaborate that it is (...)
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