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Theresa Weynand Tobin [10]Theresa W. Tobin [7]Theresa Tobin [5]Theresa Waynand Tobin [1]
  1. Situating Moral Justification: Rethinking the Mission of Moral Epistemology.Alison Jaggar & Theresa Weynand Tobin - 2013 - Metaphilosophy 44 (4):383-408.
    This is the first of two companion articles drawn from a larger project, provisionally entitled Undisciplining Moral Epistemology. The overall goal is to understand how moral claims may be rationally justified in a world characterized by cultural diversity and social inequality. To show why a new approach to moral justification is needed, it is argued that several currently influential philosophical accounts of moral justification lend themselves to rationalizing the moral claims of those with more social power. The present article explains (...)
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    Sunsets and Solidarity: Overcoming Sacramental Shame in Conservative Christian Churches to Forge a Queer Vision of Love and Justice.Dawne Moon & Theresa Weynand Tobin - 2018 - Hypatia 33 (3):451-468.
    Drawing from our interdisciplinary qualitative study of LGBTI conservative Christians and their allies, we name an especially toxic form of shame—what we call sacramental shame—that affects the lives of LGBTI and other conservative Christians. Sacramental shame results from conservative Christianity's allegiance to the doctrine of gender complementarity, which elevates heteronormativity to the level of the sacred and renders those who violate it as not persons, but monsters. In dispensing shame as a sacrament, nonaffirming Christians require constant displays of shame as (...)
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  3. Naturalizing Moral Justification: Rethinking the Method of Moral Epistemology.Theresa Weynand Tobin & Alison Jaggar - 2013 - Metaphilosophy 44 (4):409-439.
    The companion piece to this article, “Situating Moral Justification,” challenges the idea that moral epistemology's mission is to establish a single, all-purpose reasoning strategy for moral justification because no reasoning practice can be expected to deliver authoritative moral conclusions in all social contexts. The present article argues that rethinking the mission of moral epistemology requires rethinking its method as well. Philosophers cannot learn which reasoning practices are suitable to use in particular contexts exclusively by exploring logical relations among concepts. Instead, (...)
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  4.  25
    Sacramental Shame in Black Churches: How Racism and Respectability Politics Shape the Experiences of Black LGBTQ and Same-Gender-Loving Christians.Theresa Weynand Tobin & Dawne Moon - 2020 - In Michael C. Rea & Michelle Panchuk, Voices from the Edge: Centering Marginalized Voices in Analytic Theology. Oxford University Press.
  5.  72
    Globalizing Feminist Methodology: Building on Schwartzman's Challenging Liberalism.Theresa W. Tobin - 2009 - Hypatia 24 (4):145-164.
    A literary criticism is presented of the book "Challenging Liberalism: Feminism As Political Critique," by Lisa Schwartzman, in response to a symposium devoted to her book. The author comments on feminist theory's criticism of liberalism and the potential for feminist methodology to address the oppression of women globally. Topics include the argument for women's rights as human rights and criticism of the women's rights movement by African scholars, as well as a discussion of the Massai tribe.
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    Coloniality and Analytic Moral Epistemology in the Twentieth Century.Alison M. Jaggar & Theresa W. Tobin - forthcoming - Journal of Social Philosophy.
    Journal of Social Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    Alpha, Omega, and the Letters in Between: LGBTQI Conservative Christians Undoing Gender.J. E. Sumerau, Theresa W. Tobin & Dawne Moon - 2019 - Gender and Society 33 (4):583-606.
    Sociologists studying gender have debated West and Zimmerman’s premise that “doing gender is unavoidable,” seeking to ascertain whether people can “undo” or only “redo” gender. While sociologists have been correct to focus on the interactional accomplishment of gender, they have neglected one of Garfinkel’s key insights about interaction: that people hold each other accountable to particular narratives. Neglecting the narrative aspect of doing—and undoing—gender impedes our ability to recognize processes of social change. Based on a qualitative study, we show how (...)
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  8.  35
    Religious F aith in the Unjust Meantime: The Spiritual Violence of Clergy Sexual Abuse.Theresa Weynand Tobin - 2019 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 5 (2).
    Clergy sexual abuse is both sexual and psychological violence, but it is also a paradigmatic case of spiritual violence that rises to the level of religious trauma. In this paper I argue that the spiritual violence of clergy sexual abuse diminishes, and in some cases may even destroy, a survivor’s capacities for religious faith or other forms of spiritual engagement. I use and illustrate the value of feminist methodology, as developed and advanced by Alison Jaggar, for generating and pursuing philosophical (...)
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    The Relevance of Trust for Moral Justification.Theresa Weynand Tobin - 2011 - Social Theory and Practice 37 (4):599-628.
    In this paper, I argue that relationships of trust are often necessary for moral justification. Even if a moral claim is likely to be true, it may not be adequately justified, and thus may not have normative force, unless those who are to accept the claim have good reason to believe that the one entering the claim is a trustworthy moral interlocutor. The complexity of moral knowledge coupled with differences among people in moral experience, capacities for moral perception, and reasoning (...)
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  10.  26
    ¿Pueden las intuiciones justificar las afirmaciones morales?Alison M. Jaggar & Theresa W. Tobin - 2024 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 24:105-123.
    En las tres últimas décadas del siglo XX, muchos filósofos analíticos han abordado cuestiones de ética práctica, ampliando radicalmente el campo de la filosofía moral más allá de los temas metaéticos que habían sido su foco principal durante la mayor parte del siglo. Sin embargo, abordar este tipo de controversias prácticas rápidamente hizo surgir la cuestión de cómo justificar las afirmaciones morales normativas. Muchos filósofos analíticos se basaron en el intuicionismo, que tiene un linaje muy antiguo dentro de la filosofía (...)
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  11. Toward an Epistemology of Mysticism.Theresa Weynand Tobin - 2010 - International Philosophical Quarterly 50 (2):221-241.
    While some philosophers suggest that mystical experience may provide evidence for belief in God, skeptics doubt that there is adequate warrant for even accepting the claim of a mystical experience as evidence for anything, except perhaps for some kind of mental instability. Drawing from the work of Gabriel Marcel, I argue that the pervasive philosophical skepticism about the evidential status of mystical experiences is misguided because it rests on too narrow a view about ways of knowing and about what can (...)
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    Using Rights to Counter “Gender-Specific” Wrongs.Theresa W. Tobin - 2008 - Human Rights Review 10 (4):521-530.
    One popular strategy of opposition to practices of female genital cutting (FCG) is rooted in the global feminist movement. Arguing that women’s rights are human rights, global feminists contend that practices of FGC are a culturally specific manifestation of gender-based oppression that violates a number of rights. Many African feminists resist a women’s rights approach. They argue that by focusing on gender as the primary axis of oppression affecting the African communities where FGC occurs, a women’s rights approach has misrepresented (...)
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    Spiritual Violence, Gender, and Sexuality: Implications for Seeking and Dwelling Among Some Catholic Women and LGBT Catholics.Theresa Tobin - unknown
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  14. On Their Own Ground: Strategies of Resistance for Sunni Muslim Women.Theresa Weynand Tobin - 2007 - Hypatia 22 (3):152-174.
    Drawing from work in feminist moral philosophy, Tobin argues that the most common methodology used in practical ethics is a questionable methodology for addressing practical problems across diverse cultural contexts because the kind of impartiality it requires is neither feasible nor desirable. She then defends an alternative methodology for practical ethics in a global context and uses her proposed methodology to evaluate a problem that confronts many Sunni Muslim women around the world.
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    The Non-Modularity of Moral Knowledge.Theresa Waynand Tobin - 2005 - Social Philosophy Today 21:33-50.
    Many contemporary human rights theorists argue that we can establish the normative universality of human rights despite extensive cultural and moral diversity by appealing to the notion of overlapping consensus. In this paper I argue that proposals to ground the universality of human rights in overlapping consensus on the list of rights are unsuccessful. I consider an example from Islamic comprehensive doctrine in order to demonstrate that apparent consensus on the list of rights may not in fact constitute meaningful agreement (...)
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  16. Taming Augustine’s Monstrosity.Theresa Weynand Tobin - 2009 - Journal of Philosophical Research 34:345-363.
    In Book VI of his Confessions, Saint Augustine offers a detailed description of one of the most famous cases of weakness of will in the history of philosophy. Augustine characterizes his experience as a monstrous situation in which he both wills and does not will moral growth, but he is at odds to explain this phenomenon. In this paper, I argue that Aquinas’s action theory offers important resources for explaining Augustine’s monstrosity. On Aquinas’s schema, human acts are composed of various (...)
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    Race and the Religious Possibilities for Sexuality in Conservative Protestantism.Kelsy Burke, Dawne Moon & Theresa W. Tobin - 2020 - In Grace Yukich & Penny Edgell, Religion is Raced. pp. 114-133.
  18.  32
    The Motivation to Love: Overcoming Spiritual Violence and Sacramental Shame in Christian Churches.Dawne Moon & Theresa Tobin - unknown
    This presentation was delivered at the Self, Motivation & Virtue Project's 2015 Interdisciplinary Moral Forum, held at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
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    Assessing Moral Theories: Lessons from Feminist Philosophy of Science.Theresa Tobin - 2005 - In Lisa Nicole Gurley, Claudia Leeb & Anna Aloisia Moser, Feminists Contest Politics and Philosophy: Selected Papers of the 3rd Interdisciplinary Conference Celebrating International Women's Day. PIE - Peter Lang.
  20.  20
    Cultural Imperialism [Encyclopedia Entry].Theresa Tobin - unknown
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  21.  55
    Global Feminist Ethics. Edited by Rebecca Whisnant and Peggy Desautels. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield, 2009. - Feminist Ethics and Social and Political Philosophy: Theorizing the Non‐Ideal. Edited by Lisa Tessman. Dordrecht: Springer, 2009.Theresa W. Tobin - 2011 - Hypatia 26 (4):857-864.
  22.  25
    Review of "Genital Cutting and Transnational Sisterhood: Disputing US Polemic". [REVIEW]Theresa Tobin - unknown
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    Review of Feminists Doing Ethics edited by Peggy DesAutels and Joanne Waugh. [REVIEW]Theresa Weynand Tobin - unknown