Results for 'Tetsuo Kawama'

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    An analysis of the decoding process of international signs.Tetsuo Kawama - 1985 - Semiotica 57 (1-2):101-116.
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    Tokugawa Political Writings.Tetsuo Najita (ed.) - 1998 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    The modern political consciousness of Japan cannot be understood without reference to the history of the Tokugawa period, the era between 1600 and 1868 that preceded Japan's modern transformation. Tetsuo Najita introduces the ideas of the leading political thinker of the period, Ogyu Sorai, a pivotal figure in laying the conceptual foundations of Japan's modernization. His basic thoughts about history and the ethical purposes of politics are presented, revealing the richness of the philosophical legacy of eighteenth-century Japan, a legacy (...)
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    How and When? Metacognition and Solution Timing Characterize an “Aha” Experience of Object Recognition in Hidden Figures.Tetsuo Ishikawa, Mayumi Toshima & Ken Mogi - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  4. Makiaberi no sekai.Tetsuo Anzai - 1973
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    Maruyama Masao no shisō shigaku.Tetsuo Itagaki - 2003 - Tōkyō: Yoshikawa Kōbunkan.
    戦後の進歩的知識人の代表、思想史学のリーダーであった丸山真男。超国家主義、「原型」・「古層」を追究し、山崎闇斎学派、荻生徂徠、福沢諭吉らの思想構造を解明する丸山思想史学を再構成。丸山に対する論評を詳述 。.
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  6. Kongenteki shii.Tetsuo Kiyosawa - 1971
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    New Trends in Japanese Popular Culture.Tetsuo Kogawa - 1985 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1985 (64):147-152.
    ‘Popular culture’ has two Japanese translations: taishu bunka and minshu bunka. Bunka embraces the entire concept of ‘culture,’ but ‘popular’ isn't so easily translated. Taishu means a large number (tai) of population or groups (shu), while minshu means groups (shu) of ordinary people (min). Thus, minshu bunka is a more faithful translation of 'popular culture’ than taishu bunka. Yet, the expression minshu bunka does not occur as frequently as taishu bunka. This means that, in thejapanese context, ‘popular culture’ is generally (...)
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  8. Teikoku no keijijōgaku: Miki Kiyoshi no rekishi tetsugaku.Tetsuo Machiguchi - 2004 - Tōkyō: Sakuhinsha.
  9. Fusseru no genshōgaku.Tetsuo Satake - 1949
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  10. Genshōgaku gairon.Tetsuo Satake - 1954
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  11. "Ikitaru mono" no shisō: Nihon no biron to sono kichō.Tetsuo Shinkawa - 1985 - Tōkyō: Perikansha.
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    Logical Structure of Sciences.Tetsuo Shimizu - 1982 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 6 (2):91-102.
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  13. Yamagata Bantō no kenkyū.Tetsuo Suenaka - 1971 - Edited by Bantō Yamagata & Tetsuo Suenaka.
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    Electrical conductivity and thermoelectric power of concentrated lithium-methylamine solutions.Tetsuo Toma, Yoshio Nakamura & Mitsuo Shimoji - 1976 - Philosophical Magazine 33 (1):181-187.
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    Nihon no kagaku shisō.Tetsuo Tsuji - 1973 - Tōkyō: Kobushi Shobō. Edited by Naohiko Hiromasa.
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  16. Bunseki hōgaku no chōryū: hō no gainen o chūshin to shite.Tetsuo Yagi - 1962 - Kyōto-shi: Yūhikaku.
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    Nihon shisō.Tetsuo Yamaori (ed.) - 1989 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
  18.  6
    Shūkyō shisōshi no kokoromi.Tetsuo Yamaori - 1990 - Tōkyō: Kōbundō.
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    Multi-Dimensional Dynamics of Human Electromagnetic Brain Activity.Tetsuo Kida, Emi Tanaka & Ryusuke Kakigi - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:174053.
    Magnetoencephalography (MEG) and electroencephalography (EEG) are invaluable neuroscientific tools for unveiling human neural dynamics in three dimensions (space, time, and frequency), which are associated with a wide variety of perceptions, cognition, and actions. MEG/EEG also provides different categories of neuronal indices including activity magnitude, connectivity, and network properties along the three dimensions. In the last 20 years, interest has increased in inter-regional connectivity and complex network properties assessed by various sophisticated scientific analyses. We herein review the definition, computation, short history, (...)
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  20. Rinrigaku no gendaiteki kadai: kindai Seiō bunmei o sasaeta shogenri ni taisuru hansei.Tetsuo Asakura - 1983 - Tōkyō: Nansōsha.
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    Japan as a Manipulated Society.Tetsuo Kogowa - 1981 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1981 (49):138-140.
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    Bound states of the nucleon-monopole system.Tetsuo Sawada - 1993 - Foundations of Physics 23 (2):291-311.
    The energy spectrum of the bound states of the nucleon-monopole system is determined, the monopole harmonics Yq,l,m are related to Wigner's functions D m,m′ (L) of the rotation matrix, and the scattering wave functions of the proton in the dyon source field are calculated.
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    Du phénomène de perversion dans la pathologie transcendantale de Marc Richir.Tetsuo Sawada - 2015 - Revue Internationale Michel Henry 6:161-175.
    Le phénomène de « perversion » occupe une position bien particulière dans les domaines psychopathologique et psychanalytique. Selon la théorie de Freud, le rêve a pour effet de libérer les désirs refoulés pendant la journée. Au lieu d’être refoulés au tréfonds de l’inconscient, la plupart des vécus du pervers se manifestent dans sa vie en prenant des formes anormales ou immorales telles que le voyeurisme ou l’exhibitionnisme. La perversion est donc un phénomène foncièrement conscient et corporel. Or, si la phénoménologie (...)
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    Set Theoretical Structures of Physical Concepts.Tetsuo Shimizu - 1985 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 6 (5):239-251.
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  25. Butsurigakushi kenkyū.Tetsuo Tsuji (ed.) - 1976
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    Bunseki hōgaku to gendai.Tetsuo Yagi - 1989 - Tōkyō: Seibundō.
  27. Hōtetsugakushi: yōsetsu to nenpyō.Tetsuo Yagi - 1968 - Tōkyō: Sekai Shisōsha.
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    Nihonjin no "shi" wa doko ni itta no ka.Tetsuo Yamaori - 2008 - Tōkyō: Asahi Shinbun Shuppan. Edited by Hiromi Shimada.
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    Seishin no saikō.Tetsuo Yamaori - 1989 - Tokyo: Kōsei Shuppansha.
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    Simon of Faversham's Sophisma: "Universale est intentio".Tetsuo Yokoyama - 1969 - Mediaeval Studies 31 (1):1-14.
  31. Blind and Visually Impaired People: Mobility and Orientation-CyARM: Interactive Device for Environment Recognition and Joint Haptic Attention Using Non-visual Modality.Tetsuo Ono, Takanori Komatsu, Jun-Ichi Akita, Kiyohide Ito & Makoto Okamoto - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf, Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 1251-1258.
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    Gendai no hōshisō: Amano Kazuo, Yasaki Mitsukuni, Yagi Tetsuo Sensei kanreki kinen.Kazuo Amano, Mitsukuni Yasaki, Tetsuo Yagi, Tomonosuke Ōhashi, Shigeaki Tanaka & Mitsunori Fukada (eds.) - 1985 - Tōkyō: Yūhikaku.
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    Modelling of a displacive transformation in two-dimensional system within a single-site approximation of continuous displacement cluster variation method.Naoya Kiyokane & Tetsuo Mohri - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (18):2316-2328.
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    Nitchū jitsugakushi kenkyū.Ryōen Minamoto & Tetsuo Suenaka (eds.) - 1991 - Kyōto-shi: Shibunkaku Shuppan.
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  35. Jitsuzon jikan seisei.Tetsuo ŌKubo - 1977
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    セマンティック Web サービスマッチメーカーの公開実験に基づく評価.Hasegawa Tetsuo Kawamura Takahiro - 2005 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 20:426-436.
    Experiment with public deployment of the semantic service matchmaker to a UDDI registry for a year is described in this paper. UDDI is a standard registry for Web Services, but, its search functionality has been limited to a keyword search. Therefore, we propose an enhancement of UDDI, called Matchmaker, that supports semantic service capability discovery. Since September 2003, we have deployed the Matchmaker in one of four official UDDI registries operated by NTT-Communications. In this paper, we first introduce the Matchmaker, (...)
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    Demonology, Possession and the Question of Historical Transition. [REVIEW]Tetsuo Nishiyama - 2003 - Body and Society 9 (2):115-120.
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  38. Layered Voices of Teaching : The Uncannily Correct and the Elusively True.T. Tetsuo Aoki - 2016 - In William F. Pinar & William M. Reynolds, Understanding curriculum as phenomenological and deconstructed text. Kingston, NY: Educators International Press.
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    Jitsuzon to chōetsu.Tetsuo Ōkubo - 1982 - Tokyo: Geirin Shobō.
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  40. Sekai kyōiku hōten, Nihon kyōiku hen.Tōju Nakae & Tetsuo Koide (eds.) - 1966 - [n.p.: V..
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  41. Masui ni kakerareta jidai: 1930-nendai no shisōshiteki kenkyū.Tetsuo Ōta - 1995 - Tōkyō: Dōjidaisha.
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    A Basic Vocabulary of the Bedouin Arabic Dialect of the Jbāli Tribe (Southern Sinai)A Basic Vocabulary of the Bedouin Arabic Dialect of the Jbali Tribe.Alan S. Kaye & Tetsuo Nishio - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (3):471.
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    The Arabic Dialect of Qifṭ : Grammar and Classified VocabularyThe Arabic Dialect of Qift : Grammar and Classified Vocabulary.Alan S. Kaye & Tetsuo Nishio - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (2):331.
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    Ethical concerns on sharing genomic data including patients’ family members.Kyoko Takashima, Yuichi Maru, Seiichi Mori, Hiroyuki Mano, Tetsuo Noda & Kaori Muto - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):61.
    Platforms for sharing genomic and phenotype data have been developed to promote genomic research, while maximizing the utility of existing datasets and minimizing the burden on participants. The value of genomic analysis of trios or family members has increased, especially in rare diseases and cancers. This article aims to argue the necessity of protection when sharing data from both patients and family members. Sharing patients’ and family members’ data collectively raises an ethical tension between the value of datasets and the (...)
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    A region-based two-step P300-BMI in patients with spinocerebellar ataxia.Takano Kouji, Ikegami Shiro, Kawase Toshihiro, Nagao Masahiro, Komori Tetsuo & Kansaku Kenji - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Development of agent system based on decision model for creating an ambient space.Takashi Nishiyama, Shinpei Hibiya & Tetsuo Sawaragi - 2011 - AI and Society 26 (3):247-259.
    This paper describes a decision model for an autonomous agent that provides an inhabitant with comfort based on information network technologies that connect home electric appliances with household equipment. The inhabitant enjoys the benefit of comfort, while he pays the cost for keeping that comfort. The autonomous agent should decide and control household equipment considering that cost from the inhabitant’s viewpoint. Thus, we utilized a representation scheme called an “influence diagram” that enabled us to model the decision-making process of the (...)
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  47. Uchūron.Kōkan Sasaki, Noboru Miyata & Tetsuo Yamaori (eds.) - 1982 - Tōkyō: Shunjūsha.
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    Politics and poetics of the body in early modern japan.T. J. Harootunian, Michael Kammen, Victor Koschmann, Tetsuo Najita, Richard Reitan, Aaron Sachs, Timon Screech & William Sewell Anthony La Vopa - 2011 - Modern Intellectual History 8 (3):499-530.
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  49. (1 other version)Watsuji Tetsuo. Yuasa, Yasuo & [From Old Catalog] - 1973
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  50. Review of Tetsuo Najita: Visions of Virtue in Tokugawa Japan: The Kaitokudō Merchant Academy of Osaka. [REVIEW]Alasdair MacIntyre - 1988 - Ethics 98 (3):587-588.
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